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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 10, 2024 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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people have pretended like thisu is about justice, this is aboutb you know, nobody is above the law or something like that. but as this has become more andt more absurd and the reality starts thes too become clear ths is notno going to work, they jut have shirked off any pretense that they care about justice. this isn't about justice. this is all about destroying donald trump, hurting donald trump, keeping hi, m offf the campaign trail.>> >> laura: vengeance, vengeance and control bureau they want to control us and wreak vengeance upon him pure charlie, it is ale show with you with your fantastc analysis. that is it for us tonight and remember to follow me onde social media. you will see what my garden is growing. it is really cool.ts send me your pictures of your pets watching "the angle," dogs, cats, lizards, whatever, jesse is next. ♪ ♪ >> carley: we showed you
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exclusive video of hundreds of migrant storming the texas border and rushing the national guard and this morning, we are learning all the charges against them have been dropped! wait until you hear why. >> todd: plus growing national trend that might impact your kid is the number of u.s. school districts switching to four day weeks despite due to teacher shortages. but a lot of parents giving a failing grade. we will show you the numbers. speed two big numbers for president biden and president trump to square off on the debate stage. [applause] >> let's set it up right now, i'm ready to go anywhere you are coming a anytime, anywhere, anyplace, let's go, joe, list debate. speed to win can we see them go head-to-head? joe concha will join us with his book thoughts. you are watching "fox & friends first" i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro elicited up on a friday but
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first benjamin netanyahu failing to defeat hamas with or without help from the united states after president biden's arms ultimatum. >> carley: doing this as a win for the anti-israel campus protesters as hundreds take to the streets overnight in two major universities. live in washington with the latest, hey. the israeli military pushing on with operation with rafah despite president biden's warning the u.s. will withhold weapons if launch is a major offense and the city. prime minister benjamin netanyahu singh's robo stand alone if it needs to and fight on. that is despite turning up -- that is despite president biden turning up the pressure saying that israel would freeze delivery of 1,802,000-pound bombs and 1705 pounds bombs over fears it would cause widespread civilian deaths in rafah. listen here. >> i made it clear that if they
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go into rafah, they haven't gone into rafah yet, but if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons used historically to deal with rafah. we will continue to make sure israel is secure in terms of fire and warm and respond to attacks. we will not supply the attacks were military shows used. >> consistent with what he's been signaling for weeks. they maintain the u.s. will continue to provide israel with defensive weapons it means. the present as been on x on my watch when we make promises, we keep them and we leave no one behind buddy he is getting bipartisan backlash. house speaker mike johnson calling it a complete turn from what he and the president discussed negotiating for $95 billion foreign aid package that included money for israel. the shipment the president is causing from earlier legislation. now some progressive lawmakers are praising the president's actions say income of the
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protest at college campuses nationwide are moving the ne needle. congressman jamel bowman said organizing is working and protesting is working, keep fighting for #cease-firenow. the first year congressman cory mills is prepping impeachment articles comparing this to former president trump's first impeachment in 2019. house democrats accused trump of withholding weapons to ukraine in exchange for investigation into the biden family ahead of the 2020 election. speech of the president getting bipartisan backlash, federman said deeply disappointing when it comes to the possibility of withholding weapons to israel. live, in washington thank you. the former white house aide at the stand after the judge denied to another request by the defense for mistrial. >> todd: brooke singman has more. >> good morning former president trump's defense team
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will cross-examine a former white house aide this morning. she testified about setting up oval office meeting between trump and michael cohen where she says the payment to stormy daniels was discussed. she also testified that she thinks the former president has been treated unfairly. stormy daniels concluded her testimony yesterday. while on the stand, she said she never directly asked trump for money, but she did ask publications for many to so her story and "get the truth out." she entered the nda for safety but the money was in at a bonus. she also admitted to hitting trump. the defense requested another mistrial but judge merchan denied it and also denied a request to the gag order so trump could defend himself against stormy daniels but the judge denied that also so. he needs to protect the integrity of the proceedings. >> this judge, what he did, it was a disgrace. everybody saw what happened today.
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he is a corrupt judge, and he's totally conflicted. and i have to get back on the campaign trail. i'm not supposed to be here. we are so innocent here there's never been a day like this. >> trump after court told reporters he is so innocent and ready to get back to the campaign trail. the trial resumes this morning 9:30, guys. >> todd: brooke singman, thank you for bringing criminal defense attorney, lexi, great to see you as always pair the latest piece of information coming out has nothing to do with stormy daniels necessarily. it is the fact that cameron duell will no longer be a prosecutor commission. mcdougall said such a disaster that the prosecution doesn't want to make the same mistake twice? >> stormy's relevance was questionable to begin with. and i think mcdougall less. so it was the right to not testify because she has nothing to do with this. i understand she was paid by ami and she got a sweet gig and got
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paid $150,000. there is nothing to do with the issues at our ear here that is sort of highlights what you said about stormy's testimony, which was at times extremely irrelevant my presidential and u have to wonder if people on the jury who liberal as they may be which is what everybody is assuming based on the jury pool, there has got to be one or two with a shred of humanity and feel for donald trump having to sit there and have allocations of his personal life laid bare before the world. >> carley: trumps lawyers filed a section the mic second motion for mistrial but the judge denied up but yelled at trumps lawyers and said, you she objected to the things that stormy daniels was saying. what do you think about all of that? i was actually shocked when i read that because this is obviously, donald trump is a client very engaged in the litigation. some clients are more engaged than others. he is probably furious at his lawyers for even the judge saying, where were you guys?
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why didn't you object more? one of the specific questions whether for 15 used protection during alleged encounter was not objected to by the defense. the judge actually said, for the life of me, i can't understand why this was not objected to. although i don't agree with many things that judge merchan does come i have to agree with him there. by the same token, the judge would have had the authority to say kemal wright right, counsel lets come to sidebar and talk about this kind of put the kibosh on that type of testimon. but i just think it underscores that this kind of went off the rails during her testimony and kind of ventured into a dark territory where she was insinuating she was in a room with trump and didn't really want to be there or to engage in the opportunity but engaged anyway. i don't blame them for making a motion for mistrial. it is incredibly prejudicial and definitely would be an issue for appeal if convicted. >> todd: i will cut them a little slack on the trump they
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did a blanket objection. they didn't have to object to every single thing. i felt like the judge denied that but going on the attorneys cases for not objecting. to your point, lexi's commit is a mess. i want to get your thoughts, missouri attorney general with probe communication between the doj and the prosecutor's targeting former president trump here and here is andrew bailey explaining this investigation, listen. >> we have every reason to believe this is a coordinated, political attacks emanating from biden department of justice. winner of the cases themselves were illicit, with prosecutions but the prosecutors themselves arm motivated as well. we want records from jack smith, the department of justice, alvin bragg, fani willis and we need to lay on the table so the public can have the illicit motivations of the prosecutors themselves. >> todd: lexi come if there is a people trail confirming what many of us suspected for a very long time that there is something happening here in
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concert, what happens next wes moore quarter of the consequences to the prosecutors in the cases? >> it depends on where they are in the pipeline. of course, the fani willis issue, that case halted by means of interlocking tory appeal. so, any documents they are able to get may come into lay there and it can be an issue. trumps issues are good at finding legal issues unsuccessful in a lot of ways. the appeal is just not granted as a matter of course but actually a reason to stop and put a pause on litigation. his lawyers are good and a lot of talented lawyers and whatever they find come i have no doubt they will try to use that to their legal advantage. >> carley: we know a top official at the department of justice is now leading alvin bragg's prosecution, which raise the tenants of some people. >> todd: he went
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number 3 justice to local d.a.'s office. >> carley: something else we learned yesterday when it comes to the new york trial is stormy daniels speaks to dead people as well. she says she is a medium. >> todd: who amongst us doesn't, lexi? >> carley: thank you so much. >> thanks, guys. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> todd: free mishaps this week alone. >> carley: we are sitting down with a boeing whistle-blower and he will tell us what he knows. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease...
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>> todd: we are back with a fox weather alert. severe storms dumping massive hail in parts of texas. ale ranging in size from quarters to baseballs in some areas. speech all the way up in montana on a cloud's cloud spotted yesterday as storms move across the country. senior meteorologist is here with the forecast, janice dean. >> what a week. this has got to be one of the busiest weeks, you know, that i have covered in severe weather. let's take a look at it we are the most active severe weather days pure tomatoes topping out these months leading up to it. may 8th and 477 reports of
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severe storms including tornadoes, we had for tornado emergencies and four different states so large tornadoes on the ground. incredible damage in oklahoma, michigan, tennessee, alabama. that is a big deal. the storm prediction center did an excellent job making sure people knew where the severe weather outbreak was going to be here look at this, tornado warning right now for the florida panhandle just north and west of panama city you're a bunch of severe thunderstorm warnings and it looks like flash flood emergency for parts of southeastern alabama. so that is a big deal meaning heavy rain is happening right now we could be dealing with catastrophic flooding in the area. severe thunderstorm watch in effect so where the tornado warning, we have severe warning and watches, meaning conditions are favorable for severe storms. it looks like we have rotation, which we will keep you up-to-date on pure power outage tracker distilled 65,000 people without power in minutes it be
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mississippi, 15 in georgia and close to 100,000 people and alabama. this is going to have widespread impacts as the storm progresses eastward. we can see the potential for strong storms for parts of florida and up towards the mid-atlantic. things will start to calm down as we get to the weekend which is great news because we are dealing with the cleanup for many states over a dozen states duly with severe storms this week. there was the forecast today. the front moves eastward across the southeast. we could see potential storms. we also have more snow in the rockies, central rockies there. you could see the potential for rain and thunderstorms southwest and we have a chilly rain here and the northeast to wrap up the work week. happy friday. >> carley: all right, little chilly rain, but the pistol friday. so the look at the net positive. >> happy mother's day. >> todd: happy mother's day to both of you. >> carley: what a gift you are
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to your mom being born close to mother's day. >> love you. >> todd: janet, thank you. remember of the migrants who stormed the southern border and assaulted texas troops on their way" marcus watched, they have their riot charges thrown out because of a legal technicality. >> carley: not me over with a feather, or with the details. >> todd and carley, el paso county george dismissed 211 cases against migrants charged with writing at the border on march 21st as seen in this "new york post" video attempting to push their way into the united states by ripping down razor wire fences and assaulting national guard troops. the texas judge said he lacked jurisdiction due to the d.a. failing to provide the required inferring transfer orders to move the misdemeanor cases from district court to the county court saying if i don't have jurisdiction, there was nothing i can do on these cases except
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dismiss them. but the district attorney bill hicks disagrees and plans to appeal. beco it does not matter a person's immigration status. it does not matter if they are from this country or not. if you break the laws of the state of texas and in particular in these riot cases come if you destroy property and endanger lives, you will be held accountable. we will do our job, which is you will file those charges and take you to court and hold you accountable. it is not about immigration. it is not about politics. it is about law and order. speak with her migrants had faced misdemeanor riot for participation charges that carried a maximum penalty of 180 days in jail and up to $2,000 fine. as for what happens to the migrants, d.a. hicks said they are released back to border patrol, but in the case of any
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venezuelan migrants as many of these were, they can't be sent back so many will likely be at an asylum hearing, todd and carley. >> todd: thank you. let's do a broad brush on the law in general. if a judge wants to accomplish some goal, there is oftentimes a technicality that he or she can seize upon in almost any case to accomplish their goal. most judges, most good, reputable judges actually give an opportunity to both sides to correct if there is a technicality that is somewhat preventing the court case from going forward. the judge in this case, a democrat-elected judge decided not to do so and one has to think the reason that he did this is simply to accomplish the goal of what he wanted to accomplish, which is letting these individuals go free, which is not right. >> carley: they enter the country illegally and started a riot. they knocked over border patrol, and despite all of that, they
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will not get charged, even with the misdemeanor. they are in this country despite acting like this, and you have to wonder what message that sends to family and friends who i'm sure they are texting, i was one of the people in the group and i'm free. they are still in the country. >> todd: they are not necessarily, to your point, carley, breaking down legal technicalities why the judge did what he did. they are just saying, hake my did x and there was no consequences to x appeared to your solid point, it will incentivize more people doing this and what does it do at the end of the day? it puts those individuals on the screen, border patrol, cpc, texas sheriff out of safety. >> carley: a technical paperwork issue and despite 211 migrants, they are a misdemeanor charge that has been dismissed. president biden for another round of fund-raisers. and president trump headed to new jersey where 40,000 people
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expected at his rally this weekend. the voter panelist here to tell us if the deep blue garden state can actually turn red. >> todd: speaking of biden, he made a huge slip up talking about the migrants urge. watch. >> it is a bigger problem now. they went joe concha reacts to that slipup next. ♪ ♪ type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular
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turn out. that is in sharp contrast for 100 people showing up for biden in wisconsin on wednesday. a deeper dive into the past six events shows f of biden's campaign stops were fund-raisers and 5 of 6 of trump's public campaign stops. joining me three new jersey voters, jeannie isaacson and roy. thanks to all three of you for being here. william come i will begin with you. what does it mean that trump can get 40,000 people to attend a rally at the shore two weeks before memorial day when we all know in new jersey nobody heads to the shore two weeks before memorial day? >> well, it means there is momentum in new jersey. it mean trump is paying attention to the numbers. and i would just like to give a shout out because they are doing an amazing ground game at registering new party voters. and in new jersey over the past
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few months, we have had double the republican registrations than democrat registrations. so for a blue state, it really puts an emphasis on what can happen in november. i would like to look at two polls from washington from another blue state that have trump up by one and 5% in november general election. >> todd: that is a wild. >> seeing numbers like those in the party registration and new jersey and how many people standing in line to hear from president trump on saturday, there is no question why he would be coming to new jersey. >> todd: we will delve into those numbers in a moment. i want to stick the focus on what trump on the trail means. when i go to you, roy, does this new york trial have an impact what you, your neighbors, family and friends are saying about whether or not they will vote for donald in 2024? >> it is not having a negative impact. if anything, it is going to upset because they cannot
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believe this is happening to a civilized nation would what is happening with the trial is what you would think would happen in communism or third world country. so this can i say is definitely helping. when he has free time, of course, he has to stay local and he went to harlem but he is doing things in new york. 100%, this will help him, i feel, multiple states, and additional wing already. new jersey, you agree, will turn red this time around. as long as they come follow up on voter integrity, check voter ids come i feel new jersey will be switching like many of the other states are out there. >> todd: wow, that is quite a statement. when you look at the numbers that william alluded to, jeannie, they are fascinating because g.o.p. double democrats with registered new voters. here is the actual breakdown of those numbers. last year new jersey republicans registered 3,000 new voters, democrats 1,000 in the month of march new jersey republicans had about the same while
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democrats actually lost 300 voters. so, jeannie, do you think this is random i'm a new voters deciding, hey, i've never voted before, and i will join the g.o.p.? or is this the g.o.p. establishment in new jersey switching democrat voters who are tired with the way things are going in the garden state? >> oh, it is definitely a lot of switching going on. i know for sure, i know quite a few democrats that have now definitely switched here they will not be voting for biden, that is for sure. how could you? you have so many illegals coming through the border committing these crimes. here we are up at scandal trials with trump come i mean, when in history have you ever had a president go through them things this man has gone through? he does not need to put themselves through these things. he has more than enough money and time to go live a happy life somewhere then to deal with the things he's putting himself through for the american people. he is doing it because he loves
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the american people. they can try to silence him, but they will never silence the american people. >> todd: understood. before we let you all go, yes, this is a jersey event by people in pennsylvania go to the shore in wildwood. this is a dual win for trump. gets a huge crowd potentially and flip new jersey but also a way to solidify status with a swing state in pennsylvania. that needs to be noted as well, roy, jeannie emma william come enjoy the state where all of your people are talking on tv or from, carley and joe, carley. the two bye eyes. president biden and former president trump just gave their strongest indication yet that he wants to former president trump trump responded. >> let's set it up right now, i'm ready to go anywhere you are, anytime, anywhere, anyplace, let's go, joe, let's
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debate. >> todd: let's go, joe, joe concha, fox news contributor who joins us now. it described the panic and the overall administration when joe biden writes a check like that that his body and mind cannot cash. >> top gun reference, top gun 1 i believe spirit will come of the debate season in the general election, usually begins at the end of september, but to mr. biden's point, let's debate right now. he said set it up, let's set up your donald trump will meet him today to debate if it came to that. obviously, team biden's handlers will not allow this any way, shape or form until early voting begins. as the great mills lane used to say, "let's get it on." we know who the nominees are endless start debating now because these two men deserve to be in the same ring together. >> todd: ding ding.
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>> carley: marc thiessen made this comment. he said if it is even a question that president biden might not debate, he should not run for office. it is politics level 101. you bring up a good point, it is ohis it even his final decision? he has said many things and people cleaned up, no, he did not mean that. >> that is a great question. i looked at katie hobbs in arizona where she would not debate before the gubernatorial race in 2022. you look at john fetterman who is still suffering from obviously the effects of his stroke at the time. he waited until a couple of days before the election after thousands of votes were cast. so why say in the end, joe biden will debate, but it will not be the traditional three debates. he may do it once and say come i can't normalize this opponent that i have right now. the insurrectionist, racist, xenophobic or whatever you want to call donald trump will be the excuse. >> todd: four years ago 2020, let's watch.
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>> i think you owe an explanation to the american people. >> i have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life. we are about to go into a dark winter, a dark winter. he has no clear plan. >> we can't walk ourselves up in a basement like joe does. >> my party is me. i'm the democratic party right now. >> let people know who is the senator. listen. >> todd: . >> todd: okay come if somehow, somehow there is a debate how do you think it will go down? will joe biden be 2020 joe biden? will he mental decline that we talked about for years now to be on display? and if so does a debate basically guarantee a victory for trump? >> 80 million people watch the presidential debates when you go back in history. joe biden has shown if you take him outside of a teleprompter like the state of the union address emma for example and speak it does not go well
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cleanups i was 5, 18, 24. at this point, joe biden is the incumbent and has to defend his record when it comes to inflation, when it comes to crime, when it comes to immigration and the border, when it comes to foreign policy and basically throwing israel under the bus. i can go on for the things vastly, vastly underwater when it comes to polling. i think it will not go well because donald trump is on the right side of those issues in the minds of the voters and joe biden is not. even if he can spin out of it for me does not have that ability at this point. this is a very different man than we sold 2012 paul ryan m202020 against donald trump. >> carley: speaking of communication, joe biden was on spanish-speaking and called the people crossing the southern border hispanic voters. it is a bigger influx now in terms of hispanic voters or hispanic citizens who want to become citizens. so critics are calling this a
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flip of the tongue aspirational joe. >> aspirational and incorrect. when you look at the people coming over the border, it is not just hispanics from central america but the middle east, from places that you know, obviously do not like us very much. look, 10 million people, 10 million people entered the country since joe biden came into office. what is 10 million people? that is more than the total populations of 40 u.s. states. we see in places like california, vermont, maryland, where illegals are allowed to vote and vocal elections, it appears the goal is to allow the vote in the federal election. if when you have presidential elections with a few thousand votes in swing states, that make all the difference. if it looks intentional and feels intentional, it is because it is intentional, guys. >> todd: that is most honest thing you have said all week. not you, biden. >> carley: you said everything that comes out of your mouth is
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honest. if you look at polling, democrats this influx because the voting bloc keeps getting redder and redder. joe, thank you so much. >> gnomic there is a growing cash that might already be impacting your children. >> todd: the number of u.s. school districts switching to four day weeks has spiked things to teacher shortages. taking a close look at & f taking a close look at & f cheryl casone. and ultra-conforming intellicoils®, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. every single night. during our memorial day sale, bring home incredible comfort with savings up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets. stearns & foster® what comfort should be learn more at
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whoa, what's that, grandpa? look at us knuckleheads. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. you look good. you as well. one, two three. grandpa! what's this, ellie? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooooo! whoa! on your wing, grandpa!
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♪ ♪ >> carley: house republicans are pushing legislation to stop president biden from withholding weapons shipments from israel. texas congresswoman beth and i'd introduce legislation to require weapons be sent to israel 30 days of procurement after president biden said this. >> i made it clear that if they go into rafah, they haven't gone into rafah yet, but if they go into rafah, i'm not applying the weapons used historically to deal with rafah. it is wrong. we will not supply the weapons and artillery shells used and that have been used. >> artillery shells as well. >> artillery shells. >> retired air force air force officer zachman joins me, congressman, good morning to you. this legislation, help make of a deal as it and where is it going?
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clearly, this is huge. israel has been under siege in every day we withhold weapons to prosecute this war means more people will be in danger. this includes israeli, palestinians and ultimately the united states itself is under siege. we have to eliminate hamas directly funded by iran and do it diligently. the american people have spoken and we passes through the house and senate and the president himself signed this so holding hostages a way to basically try to pressure our strongest ally in the middle east, israel and not only dilatory but clear he is being pressured by folks inside the white house versus actually listening to what the american people want. >> carley: president biden made this ult ultimatum. both republicans and democrats and members of the squad jamaal bowman, protesting is working and keep fighting for #cease-firenow. this move by president biden threatening to withhold the weapons is fueling these
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radicals on college campuses that are causing chaos. >> carley, let's not forget we still have american hostages on the ground inside gaza held by hamas. hamas is not just taking americans but nations, the palestinian people used as human shields. the idea we have college campuses supporting a terrorist group, they are taking people, u.s. citizens and using them as human shields should be frightening for all of us. >> carley: tapping into your military background if president biden withholds the shipments, what does that mean for the war? these weapons are 2,500-pound bombs. they are specific and target smart weapons to eliminate terrorist cells. the threat is if we don't have the smart weapons, we will go back to the mass casualty dumb weapons. the real threat is if the united states can't support israel as israel said itself, will fight this war alone. that means not only do we get cut out of the opportunity to
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bring americans home, but more casualties. >> carley: and separate weapons depot essentially devoted to hezbollah and tapping into to fight this war. apparently right now they have enough weapons to go into gaza. if they get into a two front were what happens? never forget israel is in a pretty rough neighborhood has below to the north, iran i rgc with intentions to send real threats to israel. not only to defend themselves but the sooner we are able to prosecute this means eliminating the direct threat appeared to let it go down the road ends and situations we have seen biden do before as a veteran of afghanistan, this is not a guy long term strategic thinking but a guy to answer the mail with twentysomething staff and kids on college campuses that he's given in to. >> carley: you were right to bring up the hostages because they were not mention when president biden did a sitdown interview with cnn. he doesn't bring them up enough. >> we have american citizens waiting for kids to come home.
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as a parent, what we do do to protect your kid question marks pleased who that is where the focus should be. >> appreciated and happy birthday, my daughter turned 17. speed don't ask me to what is her birthday. >> happy birthday, madison, you have a great dad. >> todd: the u.s. forced into a four-day school week because of teacher shortages and teachers are the one suffering. >> carley: fox business is here with moore, cheryl. >> good morning, thanks to a nationwide shortage, shifting to four day weeks and their effects on students is being felt. in 26 days, 26 school districts and a stark difference what we saw in 2020. that year, 650 school district changed from five days to four days. that was near covid. last year that number nearly 900. the teacher shortage in major
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struggle with 86% of public schools reporting they are having a tough time filling for the job ahead of the class but offering a shorter week in many schools hoping it and then send them to keep the current teachers in their jobs here or there is a downside, however. 2021 study in oregon finds a shorter school week found 11th grade students that we went to school four days a week performed worse on standardized math test then here is on five day week schedules. still supporters say it is only way to attract new teachers and does appeal to students, guys, but the teacher shortage during covid, we had that mass x there exit wear retirement. and a tow time backfilling those jobs. >> carley: that appeals to the students but that does not mean it is good for them. what about child care? the parents work five days and kids go for four and what do they do friday? thank you so much, a wild trend. this is fun. a brand-new -- out just in time for mother's day weekend.
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it is called love mom. it is based on the inspiring stories in nicole saphier's book. i was happy to be a part of it along with other incredible moms at fox news. take a look. >> my son is one years old. everything feels like a blessing. >> as a mother, the best choice i make was bringing my kids into the classes. >> i don't think we have control over everything pure the more we realize that we are not in contt joy out of life. speak to the five episode series is available right now i'm fox nation. i was afraid, todd to come i would not have much to say because i'm such a new mom, boy, i did make came pouring out on a lot of fun. >> todd: happy mother's day. >> carley: happy mother's day as well. talented mother's day. >> todd: best friends here. >> carley: boy come april breaks out on spirit airlines
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flight we have the video. >> todd: a series of mishaps and boeing whistle-blower joins us live after this to tell us what he knows. you don't want to miss that but will cain with a look at what is coming up on fox & friends. >> this morning on "on "fox & friends" can make megadonors with seattle fund-raisers today while trump d corp. but tomorrow a massive rally in new jersey where he is expected to draw thousands of supporters. house majority leader steve scalise will be live in the studio with reaction. cease-fire talks stalling israel's mission ends before. this comes after biden threatened to block weapons to the greatest deli in the middle east. the white house making clear he did not misspeak. we will get general jack keane's take and you remember this cornwell who said the attack was exhilarating? he made an appearance at the anti-israel protest.
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we are talking to a jewish student about the outrage. you were talking about a four day school week sweeping the nation and we will tell you why so popular and debate the pros and cons. don't miss a live performance from scotty mcqueary this morning. all of that and more coming up at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. after 30 years of research, brain scientists have discovered the key factors that can cause mental decline in memory issues and a breakthrough solution. i'm trying to get a thought across and i can't find the right way to say it. i noticed as i've got into my 50s i started feeling . .
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♪ >> todd: a spirit airlines flight from south carolina to boston ending with two passengers throwing down. you can see the two men throwing punches right in front of a family shortly after that plane
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landed. you can see the flight attendant trying to shield herself. no charges were filed. >> carley: three mishaps boeing planes over the course two of days this week. >> todd: in senegal 747 catching fire forcing passengers to evacuate and injuring 10 people on board. same day a tire exploding as a plane lands at southern turkey airport. >> carley: on wednesday, also in turkey, a plane experienced a nose gear failure leaving the nose dragging across the runway causing all that smoke and those sparks as well. santiago spent a decade doing inspections. one of boeing's largest suppliers. he is now a boeing whistleblower and joins us now. santiago, good morning to you. you have a story to tell when it comes do boeing safety on their planes. what would you like to a? >> first of all, thank you for
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allowing me to speak. yeah, i spent 12 -- over 12 years working spirit area systems. and, yeah, through my time there i saw a lot of defects that were being skipped boeing. >> todd: did you feel pressure to move the planes along and not point out the problems with it. >> yeah. there was a lot of pressure from upper management. i was -- like i said before, it was like a constant battle to go in and just try to do my job, which was to identify and document defects. and it was a constant baments for me just to do that. >> carley: you say in february of 2022, your boss asked you to do inspections faster and become less specific about the default which you described as unethical. it sounds like your boss was telling you not to do your job well. and we're talking about airplanes that people fly on every single day. where that d. that leave the passengers. -- yeah, go ahead.
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>> yeah. they asked me to document defects in a different way. basically falsify the information on how the documents were logged. just to. [lost audio] having a little trouble with his audio. to be clear, his overall take away is yes, his job was to find defects and they wanted him to move along faster. when you do that, problems ensue. >> carley: he worked for spirit arrow systems which is where the 737 max is built. that's the model of plane that had that door blow out. if you could talk to that we talked about how you worked for spirit air systems where the max 737 were built. when you saw the door plug blowout were you spried. >> i was not surprised. before that, i was a former employee on investors lawsuit
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filed december 19th. and updated later on march. on december 19th. i had a statement that was recorded even before that, month before the alaskan airlines where i said it was just a matter of time before something significant was -- could happen. before something escaped and something would happen. >> carley: we're running out of time before we toss over to "fox & friends." before we let you go, knowing what you know now, would you fly on a boeing plane? >> it makes me very nervous and yeah, it makes me nervous when i fly on plane on a boeing plane. >> todd: santiago peredes we appreciate your time and bravery. >> carley: not easy to speak out. >> todd: spirit airlines and spirit aerosystems are two different entities but they share a name. we wanted to clear on that. >> carley: todd, happy friday to you and happy friday to everyone out there. >> todd: happy mother's day to you. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east
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