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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 10, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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on december 19th. i had a statement that was recorded even before that, month before the alaskan airlines where i said it was just a matter of time before something significant was -- could happen. before something escaped and something would happen. >> carley: we're running out of time before we toss over to "fox & friends." before we let you go, knowing what you know now, would you fly on a boeing plane? >> it makes me very nervous and yeah, it makes me nervous when i fly on plane on a boeing plane. >> todd: santiago peredes we appreciate your time and bravery. >> carley: not easy to speak out. >> todd: spirit airlines and spirit aerosystems are two different entities but they share a name. we wanted to clear on that. >> carley: todd, happy friday to you and happy friday to everyone out there. >> todd: happy mother's day to you. >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, may 10th.
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this is "fox & friends." paranormal activity. what did we learn yesterday from the new york vs. donald trump trial day 14th? storm daniels has been seeing a ghost and talks to dead people. we have other highlights that won't effect the case. >> ainsley: why was that brought into the case? >> brian: just free-lancing. >> plus, president biden finally says he will debate trump. >> mr. president when will you debate president trump? >> ainsley: and nearly 900 school districts being forced not four day school week situation because of teacher shortages. is it a good idea? the kids might think so. >> buehrle? buehrle? >> brian: in the movie there is audio. >> ainsley: "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, especially on fridays,
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mornings are better with friends and with will filling in. good morning. >> brian: okay. in lieu of animation i will begin. ♪ oh, oh baby ♪ i'm going to love you differently ♪ i will give you electricity ♪ give it to you ♪ and even if i could i will depend on you. >> brian: was that sepia? we added a little halloween to the city. >> carley: sun glow. >> brian: it says i should start. you are here. nice suit is that a new suit you are debuting with us? >> will: no. >> brian: pretty amazing. you look at a swatch small little square this could be a suit. >> will: comes in with the thing. >> brian: you said i believe in that. >> will: i did. >> brian: i believe in that little square. >> ainsley: it looks nice. >> will: i think the audience doesn't know how controversial that is. why are you backing up, dave? i was coming in to you didn't have to back up.
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>> ainsley: you on the other hand looked at the swatches. i am going to go will work. >> brian: blue. >> ainsley: traditional. morning headlines for you. on and near college campuses all across the country in the southwest, police firing tear gas and wooden bullets to break up the big demonstrations. at the university of arizona and tucson. and on the east coast, in massachusetts, police arresting at least 11 pro-palestinian protesters at mit after clearing that encampment early this morning. that action comes after a day of confrontation in and around mit's campus. and in our nation's capitol down in d.c. protesters facing off with law enforcement near gw university. officials arresting more than 30 people and most of them are not george washington students. meanwhile, in new york, a teenager, a teenage suspect, accused of vandalizing a world war i memorial earlier this week now behind bars. the words gaza and free palestine were sprawled on the base of that statue. sources say the 16-year-old's
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dad is the one who turned him over to police. the teenager faces multiple charges and the nypd's deputy commissioner says he will be brought to justice. the main suspect accused of murdering three surfers in mexico reportedly confessed to his girlfriend telling her he killed, quote, three gringos, the bodies of one american and two australian surfers were found in 50-foot well earlier this month. prosecutors believe the victim was killed during a carjacking. they wanted their tires and the thieves were looking. they saw the truck. they just needed the tires, so they allegedly killed all three of those guys involved. this mob of migrants who stormed the el paso border and assaulted texas troops on their way in just had their riot charges thrown out all because of a legal technicality. the texas judge says the d.a. did not provide the required transfer order to move the case from district court to county
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court. because of that, he had to dismiss the charges for all 211 migrants. the el paso district attorney says he will appeal the decision. and check out this wild video. a thief in omaha was in the middle of robbing a jewelry store on saturday night when his plans were foiled by the store's owner, a u.s. army veteran. after seeing the thief on surveillance, he stormed out from the back pointing a gun at the suspect and then scared him off. it happened just before the thief held a tool above his most precious gems, ready to break the case. he says he always carries a firearm. a horse in brazil was rescued after being stuck on roof top for two days. as the country faces deadly floods. the 770-pound horse named carmelo, was stranded on the roof of a farmhouse before he was sedated and then loaded on to an inflatable boat. the operation needed four inflatable boats and four support vessels along with
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firefighters, soldiers, and volunteers. good for them. 7-year-old carmelo is currently recovering at a veterinary hospital. those are your headlines. oh, they are heavy animals, needed a lot of help. >> brian: yeah. horses are heavy. >> ainsley: able to sit on the barn roof without breaking it. >> brian: it's amazing how rafts they had four rafts. >> ainsley: for one horse. >> will: the hope for the teen who painted on the war memorial the dad turned him in. >> brian: in the country how many people around there watched it and thought it was a good thing. >> ainsley: if you see these kid on any of these videos, get down there and rip them out of this school. >> brian: it would be great. i fear too many parents support it. 6 minutes after the top of the hour. the new york vs. donald trump trial resumed this morning as we learn that priewrst will no longer call former playboy model karen macdougall as a witness. they have been scared away,
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perhaps. and stormy daniels wrapped up her testimony yesterday after two days on the stand. >> will: eric shawn is at the new york state supreme court now. eric, good morning. >> good morning, brian, good morning, everybody. back on the stand this morning. new witness who says that the president was a great president. she was executive assistant to the former president back in the white house. and also she said to the jury yesterday, that former president trump is being treated unfairly. this as judge juan merchan denied two motions from the defense, shooting them down yesterday. yesterday, of course, the controversy was over stormy daniels and her salacious and graphic testimony about sex. trump's lawyers moved for a mistrial because of that. but judge merchan said no. he put the blame on trump lawyer todd blanche for denying the affair in his opening statement. and also said trump lawyer susan necheles could have objected
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more and stopped her. the former president blames the judge. >> this judge, what he did, what his ruling was is a disgrace. everybody saw what happened today. he is a corrupt judge and is he totally conflicted. >> merchan also denied lifting his gag order on trump when it documents stormy daniels telling trump lawyer todd blanche, quote: my concern is not just protecting daniels. my concern is protecting the integrity of these proceedings as a whole. your client's track record, he says, speaks for itself. this witness, the returning witness this morning is madeleine westerhout, she was trump's white house executive assistant. and yesterday on the stand in front of the jury, sheila visually praised the former president. calling her old boss a great president. she cried on the stand giving tearful testimony as she recalled her experience at the white house, her desk right outside the oval office. she said, quote: i thought it was really important to share with the american people the man
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i got to know. i don't think he's treated fairly, she said. he's amazing. just found him really enjoyable to work for. and there is still controversy over some of stormy daniels' testimony. she, for example, indicated to the jury under the cross-examination that she is a medium. she says she does speak with dead people, including her dead relatives this as the defense all trying to show she makes money off not just former president trump but also being a medium, selling stories, and this sort of thing although she insisted that this whole thing that she told the truth. and on the x, formerly twitter, she is basically mocking the former president saying he should take the stand in his own defense. meanwhile, mr. westerhout back on the stand this morning when the trial resumes. back to you in the studio. >> will: thank you, eric. >> brian: eric, quick question, what is the point for the prosecution of having madeleine westerhout on the stand? because it seems to just make the president look good.
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>> yeah. chain of custody trying to show that the checks went from trump tower, the trump organization to the oval office and that she handled these checks that the checks to michael cohen. allegedly reimbursing him for paying off stormy daniels. that she was able to handle all that. she set up the heating with michael cohen in february. one month after the president took office. what's really interesting though, brian, we heard a lot in the media reports that she allegedly or supposedly was in the meeting with michael cohen and there were lots of stuff say she was going to testify about what they talked about. that they talked about the deal. they talked about the alleged cover-up. we didn't hear any of that. so apparently those media reports were incorrect. >> brian: i wonder how surprised the prosecution was by that? we will see, but especially the way she seems to really love the trump family and made a mistake, she said.
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>> will: thank you, eric. the point of stormy daniels being a medium, talking to ghosts, all of it designed, the conversation, to impugn the credibility of stormy daniels which should be impound. her motivation is money or hatred of donald trump. both of which were established, how much money she has tried to make off of donald trump in this entire exercise. but, it is all irrelevant. even her credibility is pretty much irrelevant because it was nothing to do with the bookkeeping of the trump organization. and that's the criminal charge. i mean, if this is about justice. if this is about a criminal charge. it's designed to make a pool of jurors hate donald trump. that's it. >> ainsley: they are trying to destroy her reputation by saying. >> will: his. >> ainsley: yes, the prosecution is the defense is trying to say here is stormy daniels, she a porn star, she talks to ghosts, she claims when she lived in new orleans one of the ghosts tried to hold her or some sort of a spirit held her boyfriend under the water and trying to say although cared about was the money.
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she is saying no, i signed that nda for safety reasons. the money was an added bonus. but then they play this juicy conversation between her attorney and then donald trump's attorney, which was michael cohen, his fixer, and saying that stormy bee rated him and wanted money more than anything, quote. that stormy, quote, wanted this money more than you can ever imagine. she wanted it settled because she was worried donald trump was going to lose the election and she would lose her leverage. >> brian: right. what i also thought was interesting. trump look better and another motive. keep in mind three stories. karen macdougall, stormy daniels and door man. the door man story is fictitious. about the president having a kid out of wedlock. guess what? and the other two the president says didn't happen. whatever you believe, it's plausible that all three aren't true. because they got paid the same. so you could make up a story, it's going to hurt the president. something could have happened in his past, you can hurt the president, the candidate. and then something else. but what happens is he says
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listen, these stories got to go away. the so the stories go away, nda sign an nda just likes a if it was business or a partnership that went awry. i don't need this coming out. i'm looking for the presidency. all that stuff is allowed. >> will: that's the point of the irrelevance. this is campaign through trial. in part, it's in part designed to make the jury hate donald trump and make their decision emotionally. that happens -- i mean, that's probably how the majority of decisions are made. not according to the law but how the jurors emotionally feel about somebody. but secondarily, to be campaigning through this trial. to make -- the idea that you can once again make america hate donald trump because of these details. >> ainsley: something that startling to me, here is this billionaire, she is claiming to have an affair. if they really did have an affair. maybe they did, maybe they didn't. she is saying yes and is he saying no.
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she got $130,000. if you have a juicy story on a president that is billionaire, wouldn't you ask for millions and millions to keep your mouth shut? >> brian: that's great point. she was able to tour on it. >> ainsley: she had that website the catholic prayer candles, she had one, a picture of herself featured on the candle. she sold it for $40. it was the saints of indictment candle, devotional candle featuring her as jesus. >> will: puts in context 130,000 isn't that donald trump is a billionaire it's that he is running for president. we forget that whole world thought he was going to lose in that call between the lawyers. she is telling me is he going to lose and i have to sell this before the election. because, if he loses, i don't have any leverage. >> ainsley: right. >> will: she is extorting in her mind against the presidential election. >> ainsley: good point, lawyer. and he won't be able to talk -- he wants to be able to talk to the press and say and respond to what she said on the stand. but he is not able. to say the judge yesterday, as
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eric was saying, again denied that gag order be lifted. >> brian: talk about the actual campaigning itself. joe biden sought doing private events again. in san francisco, in wisconsin. made a speech and did an interview. the interview was an outright disaster. the "new york post" did something -- in 17 minutes he was caught in 15 lies. how many other times are they going to let him talk to the press if that was -- that literally was like falling downstairs for him. and the carnage is extreme. here's a little of joe biden -- this is a little of joe biden talking off the cuff. >> my theology professor at the catholic school i went to was a guy named riley, last name. [chanting u.s.a.] >> i'm going to go order -- going to order a milkshake.
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>> yeah. we will be right there. >> i thought you could get it right there. >> i don't care what the media tells you, mr. trump, we support you. 4:00 p.m. >> let me give you a hug. >> please do. >> you can see the difference of the two men on the campaign trail. by the way, different types of campaign events they are having right now. based upon the past six events. joe biden's events have been 50% fundraiser, 50% smaller campaign events. >> ainsley: look at donald trump. >> will: donald trump's are 83% rallies, 16.7% fundraisers. >> ainsley: he clearly loves these rallies. and while he is in new york for these court cases is he taking advantage of that going to wildwood new jersey. tomorrow a big event, thousands of people are expected. a guy on the apprentice brian mcdowell and he opened up this trump merchandise store out there. and he said i was on the apprentice with donald trump. donald trump coming to the wild woods. coming to wild woods the first time in 2020.
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amazing. then coming back again another four years later. the gift that keeps on giving. fired from donald trump. mayor says a lot of security. security is very tight. it's very tight. >> brian: going to be interesting. donald trump said yesterday he plans on flipping minnesota and virginia. i know that joe biden thinks he has a shot at florida. we know pretty much it's going to come down to they think seven states. they saw what happened with governor youngkin in virginia and now that abortion is off the docket, they have already made their decision, who knows if it's going to continue to switch because he has been so effective. in terms of fundraising. trump does have a lot of catching up to do. in march alone the dnc raised 90 million. trump and the rnc raised 66 million. is he looking to close the gap there because they say right now they got to sacrifice either election integrity or the ground game not both unless they can get billiona billionaire. -think about how much money he
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has got to do just in his legal fees and then the money that people donate for legal fees that normally would have been going to a campaign. >> will: a sense coming out of joe biden's interview with howard stern which donald trump called the ratings challenged howard stern that joe biden committed to debating trump. he seems to have doubled down on that. he said, when asked, are you going to debate trump? he said, basically book it. watch. >> mr. president, when will you debate president trump? >> set it up. >> will: set it up. >> ainsley: trump wrote on truth social set it up now. we saw trump's record with the rallies and what he is doing this weekend. joe biden likes these smaller fundraiser events. is he going out to california today. tonight is going to be that ritzy fundraiser we have been talking about it's a small campaign event. it's $1,$175,000 a ticket. >> brian: he made up as i
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mentioned 15 lies in 17 minutes. one of which the economy was cratering when he came in. he said inflation watt 9%. he said we're not going to stop the weapons we're stopping from israel are just going to be defensive weapons. there are so many different things he did. the former president has got to be ready for that so, when he comes out and says things like he did 51 intel agents have said that the laptop does not belong to hunter biden this is classic russian disinformation. the president has to have something to say so that. when he says when i took over inflation 9% when it was really 1.5%. just talking over him is not going to do it. you can keep your calm. wait for your moment and say i just pointed out six things he said were totally inaccurate. let alone the green bay story of a teacher that he had in high school that was drafted by the packers and decided to become a priest. okay. totally not true. no one found anyone that went to his high school that was drafted by the packers. so, we should be ready when you
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go against biden that almost half the stuff he says and he says it so strongly is not true. >> will: meanwhile we have this story, where nearly 900 u.s. school districts have been forced into a four day school week. this is apparently due to or attributed to teacher shortages. 86% of public schools struggle to hire teachers this school year. and this should come as no surprise. students are in on it. they like the four day school week. i would have, too. ask me back then. i would have said yeah. four days is better than five. >> brian: so what has happened is the applications are up significantly in almost every school district that they say it's 4%. they are not getting applications, let alone teachers to hire. so they have open positions. now when they say it's a four day workweek, you get paid the same, a lot more people are applying. you have to think it's working. is this going to force the whole country going that way. >> ainsley: nearly 900 school districts in the u.s. doing this four day experiment. they are trying to see if it
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works for the kids. you would have monday off. did you go school tuesday through friday. some school districts are giving parents $30 for that monday to cover their child care, which is really not enough to cover a full day child care for most families. but, it would help. that's the problem though. parents are saying but i still have to work five days, what do i do with my kids on that monday. and, also, here's the biggest issue for me, at least, if you look at performances. the kids have already gone through covid. we saw performance drop through that period and after that period. and now with the four day workweek if you compare students in school for five days versus four days. the performance levels are lower with the kids only going to school for four days. they are tacking on about 30 minutes to those extra days of school that they are in because you have to go to school x amount of hours to get money from the federal government. you are getting a little bit more time in school those four days, but the standardized testing the nuns are dropping. >> brian: do you know what they say this one professor at columbia, it's a university
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teacher's college which as crazy as columbia has been one of the most prestigious teacher's college. you want more teachers, pay them more. even though they get three months off in many cases they do not get paid for the impact they make and how their positions are so valuable. and that's just it. the districts that pay, the cities that pay, you have plenty of teachers, the ones that don't, don't. i would be very curious to see everybody's budget. how much is on management? how much is on superintendence and how little is on the actual performance of the teachers. also people want to be a teacher when people are looking over your shoulder, telling you to do things you are not comfortable with. >> will: columbia might be responsible for putting out the most left over last half a century. i wouldn't count on them much. >> brian: i do. i don't think they get paid enough. >> ainsley: teachers do not get paid enough. my sister was a teacher and my mom was a dad covered all the
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bills it wasn't enough. >> will: educational problems are much deeper than four or five days or how much the teachers get paid. reinvent the entire enterprise. sticking on the same concept for over a century. that's why it's not working anymore. that's why everybody is going to private schools and charter schools. homeschooling. the whole model is just broken. >> brian: very very least you need teachers you have a lot of kids there can't teach them service. >> will: thought out of columbia. >> brian: teturmoil at cornell. do you think better four day or five day week? >> ainsley: >> brian: fourth ivy league with their president leaving this year. >> will: remember this comment from one of their professors? >> it was exhilarating and energizing. if they weren't exhilarated by this shift guilty of the balance of power, then they would not be human.
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>> ainsley: he's back. he has been spotted on the campus again.
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appear to be heating up this morning. police in riot gear have been seen arresting some anti-israel protesters. we're going to be keeping an eye on the scene and we will update you throughout this morning. this just began two bubble up. but we have seen like scenes like this across college campuses, across the country. this one now happening at the university of pennsylvania, another ivy league school. we were told that a protester was just put in the back of a police vehicle, leading us to believe that she was arrested. you see that palestinian flag right there. like we said we are going to be keeping an eye on this. and if things continue to heat up, we will bring you the news. as the news dictates. all right. now to a fox weather alert. severe storms are dumping massive hail in parts of texas, the hail ranging in size from quarters to baseballs in some area. that powerful storm system is moving across the south, threatening severe winds and more hail. and check out this funnel cloud spotted all the way up in montana.
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thankfully, no reports of damage there. outrage in oregon after a transgender high school runner competed against girls in several events at the portland interscholastic league finals. securing a spot in the varsity finals. former collegiate swimmer and outkick contributor riley gaines will join us next hour to discuss. those are your headlines, over to you. another ivy league president is out. cornell's martha pollock announcing her retirement after seven years and addressing speculation about the timing saying this decision is mine and mine alone. but acknowledging that the school is struggling with, quote: a number of critical issues, dot dot dot from anti-semitism, islamophobia, really, and other forms of bigotry it. comes as cornell professor ruffle rick ford was spotted on campus despite being put on leave for praising the hamas attacks. >> it was exhilarating, it was
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if they were not excited about this balance of power they would not be human. >> brian: amanda, your reaction to the president resigning? what do you think is behind it? >> yeah. thank you for having me. it's difficult to say despite the decision is hers and hers at lone is not related to the term oil and brazen expression of anti-semitism we have seen on campus. it's definitely difficult to decision to resign is not related to her evading responsibility for the encampments and for the controlling the situation that we are seeing on campus. >> brian: you have encampments right now. you told me in the break teachers are showing up at the nampts teaching, holding class
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among the tent dwellers which shows you they are in cahoots with them. in the big picture, i was thinking about jamaal bowman last week said anti-semitism is not a big deal on campuses. it's been overblown by the media. why don't you tell us the reality for you. >> yeah. on a day-to-day basis, seeing professors who lend credence to such barbarism and to legitimize terrorist ideologies, be able to continue to do so in the classroom and at these protests to students indoctrinated by these ideologies and are told to respect the words of their professors and when they see people in these positions of power, and positions of influence, legitimizing such vehement anti-semitism it's hard for them to not agree. >> brian: look at this. rides of anti-semitism. 1574 anti-semitic incidents since the october 7th. attacks, 700 percent increase in those attacks over the past year to year.
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and when you look around at cornell, as a prestigious as that university has been in the past, are you questioning whether to go back for your junior year? >> it's a difficult -- it's a difficult question that i have grappled with for the past few months. of course, you know, the vehement anti-semitism that we have seen pervading campus is a product of the university's inaction has definitely made me question my decision but ultimately i think that the way that we show that we're stronger and that we per investor veer and overcome all of this hatred and bring light to the darkness is by remaining on campus and, you know, standing strong in what we believe in. >> brian: i hear you, amanda. other thing to keep in mind as we know a lot of these people are outsiders. no one is going to look at your resume and say that you are part of that mess and that embarrassment. they will look at you as somebody who persevered through it. amanda, thanks so much for telling your story and bringing
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reality to politicians that want to soft-peddle it. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: take you over to the university of pennsylvania. we showed you moments ago a standoff was ensuing. very similar to what is happening at ucla. take a pictures of what is happening at the university of pennsylvania. cops and their backs and beginning to take away, it looks like, some of the encampment members that refused to leave. some look quite old to be on college campus. and you know they show great courage in wearing masks as you know are totally unnecessary outdoors. and there you see going through the drills this is exactly what they're supposed to do. they are supposed to smile. they are supposed to resist as much as possible. and they will probably be booked and just let free. because that's the way philadelphia would like to do it if you know about their criminal justice system. so, again, they are trying to protect it looks like the william penn statue that looks like it's dressed with the palestinian flag.
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cops are surrounding it. i don't know why they are not taking that down. and it looks like we have another arrest here. it's going to be brought over. and they are going to be taken away. think about all the resources and all the money that has to be done as they finish out this semester at the university of pennsylvania. and when the president of the united states comes out and says i will halt weapons shipments to israel, have you people like aoc and jamaal bowman says this shows the protests are working. keep it up. and that is possibly why we are watching more arrests at the university of pennsylvania. we're watching tumult at the university of arizona. the same thing that we are seeing, you just saw the encampments exist and continue to grow at cornell. and you see another arrest with someone wearing something from the yasser arafat gift collection as they are brought over to the what i imagine is one of those prison buses and think about all those cops in riot gear. they don't know if this thing is going to get out of control. how many of these men and women are on overtime?
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if you have seen what is going on in pennsylvania, in the pennsylvania police force, they are overstretched. they are undermanned. most of these people have to do overtime because of this. and then you see these students, many of which aren't students, being taken away. we will keep you up to date on what is happening there as one more encampment seems to be torn up. let's see if they will keep it torn up. all right. we move ahead. president biden facing backlash over his comments yesterday about withholding weapons to israel i just referenced. now changing his tune from 2019. remember? >> the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally our only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. it's just beyond my comprehension anyone would do that. >> brian: why would someone do that? pete hegseth will answer that question, next. ♪
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i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer,
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(♪) [shaking] itchy pet? (♪) with chewy, save 20% on your first pharmacy order so you can put an end to the itch. get flea and tick medication delivered right to your door. [panting] let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? no mask? no hose? just sleep. learn more, and view important safety information at ♪ >> ainsley: no easy way out for biden as he faces backlash from
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both sides of the aisle over his handling of the israel hamas war. calling for the president cease-fire as house republicans draft articles of impeachment against biden for cutting off aid to israel. this comes after biden repeatedly promised to back our ally the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region is absolutely preposterous. beyond my anyone would do that. >> ainsley: joining us is "fox & friends" co-host pete hegseth. >> pete: good morning. >> ainsley: that was a very close interview. this is no win for president biden. what does he do? how does he tackle this? >> you know, what came to mind as i was looking at this topic this morning is a verse from
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revelations where it is said because you are lukewarm, neither hot or cold i will spit you out of my mouth. that's exactly what is happening to joe biden on his policy here. he has tried to have it both ways therefore he has it neither way. as a result, both sides are coming at him. republicans and the traditional base of the democrat party who believe in the state of israel and radical base covering these upenn protests, do you know why they are having? because they believe they are working. they believe the pressure is mounting on joe to pull out all support from israel now he is doing what he said was inconceivable in 2019. you heard him he was breathless in talking about how you would never remove the ability for arms and weapons and support for the state of israel. well, he has done it. after the biggest terrorist attack that israel has faced on october the 7th. they are trying to finish the fight against a vicious terrorist organization that seeks their destruction and he
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has said no, stop. do you know what else they are trying to do ainsley, trying to do regime change. this organization is working with benny gantz one of bibi netanyahus political rivals to try to topple the bibi netanyahu government real time. they think arms shipment is leverage. joe biden got in bed with the islamic and leftists at the beginning of his administration. former obama people and people like the socialists from vermont, bernie sanders and now he has got his vietnam as bernie said. that's those are his. he can't pick a side strong enough lukewarm and therefore politically everyone saying we are done with you and his numbers continue to crater. >> ainsley: cory mills and house republicans drafting articles of impeachment and corey says the house has no choice but to impeach president quid pro-joe biden as vice president. biden was caught threatening to withhold funding and aid to ukraine unless they fired the
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attorney general investigating burisma this is just another case if you don't do think will withhold. withholding money from ukraine and now withholding weapons from israel. your response? >> absolutely new report coming from the state department very soon that will determine whether the state department officially thinks israel, israel is committing war crimes and as a result formally can take even more efforts against them. house republicans should have impeached joe biden a long time ago for a lot of other things he has done. stark example how they are manipulating the foreign stage for his own benefit. it's all happening right now. why, ainsley? because there is a pesky date coming in november that he is afraid of and is he looking at the polls. same thing down at the border where now we are talking about new rules to prevent illegal crossings, that's a reflection of political pressure not doing the right thing and a sign of a leader is someone who says i stand behind my allies even when it's tough. that's not what joe is doing. so everyone is rejecting him and
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good riddance. >> ainsley: pete our hard worker up at 6:45 and 7:00 tonight watch -- and for the audience they love you. it's called a war on warriors a live show with pete hegseth. live tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern on fox nation. we will be watching. thank you, pete, have a great weekend. we will be watching you on saturday and sunday mornings, too. >> ainsley: thank you. our men and women in blue who vow to protect us attacked in the line of duty. one organization is doing their part and unveiling a new home for a wounded officer.
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♪ >> good morning, everyone. we have an active situation right now with tornado warn storms right now for the florida panhandle. these are confirmed tornadoes right now, confirmed tornado for the county of gadsden and leon around the tallahassee area just south and east of quincy. and then we have tornado warnings here with doppler radar indicating, you know, some rotation here. so this is a dire situation. we are seeing confirmed tornadoes either by doppler radar or trained weather spotters on the ground. that is happening right now so people are being urged to seek shelter immediately. have a way to get watches and warnings. this has been an incredibly
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volatile week. not only for the state of florida but really across the south and the southeast. so, again, tornado warned storms for the florida panhandle. severe thunderstorm watch in effect i have a feeling a tornado watch. severe therm florida southeast and mid-atlantic. right now eminently tornado warn storms. tornadoes on the ground in florida. we will keep you up to date. all right, will, over to you. >> thank you, janice. so law enforcement officers attacked in the line of duty. one organization called the wounded blue is helping these american heroes recover by any means necessary. lt. randy sutton is the founder of the wounded blue and he joins us now along with former texas police officer mike doreen jarman and his wife doreen. thank you all for being with us this morning. i want to get to you, randy, and wounded blue and what you guys do. i think we should probably start with mike and his story in texas really quickly. mike, could you tell us your
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experience? i know you were a new officer, i think 10 months on the job within your first year in bay city and what happened? >> >> i was struck by a semi-truck going 60 miles per hour when i was working an extra job stop sign directing traffic. >> will: i know you lost your leg. you have a prosthetic leg and the fact that you were only less than a year on the job has made it a difficult situation for you to receive help from texas and in now steps randy wounded blue. can you talk about what you guys have done for and with mike and other officers? >> sure. the wounded blue, will, is a national assistance and support organization for injured and disabled law enforcement officers. a nationwide charity that's helped more than 13,000 american law enforcement officers. and when we heard about mike's
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plight, basically his prosthetic leg was completely worn-out and because of the situation down in texas where he was literally thrown away by his police department after being severely injured. we stepped in and we gave him a brand new prosthetic leg which was quite a journey for both him and us then we found the family which -- i mean, this family is so full of love, will, they adopted to special needs children and their home their kitchen was a little small, let's say. and their dream was to renovate that and make their home a little bit larger. well, the wounded blue, along with the gary sinise foundation, and some amazing volunteers stepped in and this weekend is going to be a big weekend for mo
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and doe when they get the keys to their brand new remodeled home. and it is going to be -- i'm flying up to salt lake tomorrow. >> will: incredible work you are doing at wounded blue i can see it on the faces of more reason and mike. we are excited for you. i have breaking news that i have to get to in just a moment. we are excited for you in your new home. thank you for your service, mike, thanks for being with us this morning. look at that is correct thank you, randy >> fox news alert. it looks like the police are about to move in on an anti-israel encampment as upenn police in riot gear have been seen arresting protesters they are moving in any moment now moving into the university of pennsylvania you can see
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officers. several protesters have been arrested. you can see the officers gathering there either before or after. tents in the background other parts of this begun to come down signs in the foreground there, much like we saw at ucla certain level of has inspired. now see the officers moving throughout the encampment. earlier this morning, there are reports some students have been arrested they have moved out. can you see, you can see the signs there from the treetops and building there at upenn and tents on the ground. officers beginning to make their way through the encampment no sirch of students. they probably have already been removed. some arrested. officers seemingly all throughout the encampment. officers under the tents no real
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resistance in these pictures no. real students left as we are watching officers break up the encampment. going tent to tent. and beginning to take down the tent encampments. can you see an officer right there beginning to take down the tent encampment. dozens of officers there at upenn, no students inside those tents. >> brian: they got the go sign. cops move. in they have a method of doing. this we watched it in ucla. they don't seem to be the huge numbers we watched last week in los angeles. but they know what they have been doing. they have been surveilling this and waiting for the go ahead from the university. now they can do it. some people have moved out. i think it's just go time. you know, it's interesting. because, at george washington university, i think it was yesterday or the day before. they moved in at like 5:00 in the morning, because they want
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the kids to be caught by surprise. here they are moving in a little bit later. but, they knew they probably weren't going to get much resistance. they also don't want people surrounding them from the school day. >> ainsley: looks like they are going tent to tent to see if there is anyone inside these tents there interest a lot of officers there look on the right-hand side of your screen. what we were seeing a few moments ago was them arresting individuals one person at a time. some looked older than students. >> will: no students and these images we are seeing now. we saw at gw there is a search for weapons as you are going through some of these tents. i saw the reports gw no firearms but there were -- there was plywood and rocks and things that had already been used on other campuses as weapons against the officer. >> right. you know what they found out, too. when they do these arrests, about two thirds are not students for the most part. the rest they just go in there.
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they are activists a lot of times they will train the students. also, a lot of these people are not for the challenge. these students start falling apart. you see the speeches i need food. i'm calling uber eats one girl was in tears hunger strike and complaining because she is hungry. so, one of these universities, i also think it's important to point out that when the cops got to be careful because they found a lot of stuff in these compartments at ucla, for example, they find bear spray. they find hammers. they -- looked at though they were going to try take a building over that was part of the plotting and planning, that's why a lot of times these guys move in. it doesn't seem at this time -- number one it's raining, at this time there is much resistance. >> ainsley: protesters were refusing to leave and the governor stepped. in governor shapiro said we disband this encampment, so he said this is unacceptable. and it is past time to take these down. there were six penn students
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previously saying that they were sent emails from the university informing them that they were officially on leave from the ivy league institution for their part in the recent pro-israel protest on campus. >> you know, i think the interesting note, brian, which you just shared with us a moment ago is that once these students -- correction, once these protesters have been arrested, the revelation is more than two thirds of them are not students on campus. and when you see these type of encampments, you see the signs, you see the tents and you see ultimately the lack of or the expiration of tolerance from the law enforcement go in getting rid of people that don't belong on the campus in the first place. two thirds not students. >> ainsley: commencement may 20th. they said you can expect to see airport style security screenings and identification check force all the graduates. signs and posters and flags and noise makers are prohibited more rules have been broken. laws have been violated.


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