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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 10, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> bill: president biden racking up millions apparently in campaign cash. it could go a long way come november. attending receptions hosted by ultra wealthy donors while the former president spends another day confined to a courtroom in new york city. new hour begins now. dana is back on monday. i'm bill hemmer. good morning to you at home and good morning to you. >> martha: great to be here, martha maccallum. president biden is shaking the money tree attending campaign frond raisers with west coast billionaires today while former president trump is in new york city fighting one of his many legal battles. >> biden and dnc added $90 million to the war chest in march compared to 66 million for the trump campaign. going to come down to dollars in some ways, right? edward lawrence, fox business, live at the white house with more on this now. edward, good morning to you. >> president joe biden waking up in san francisco right now.
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you mentioned a slough of found raisers. two in san francisco and one in seattle. former president trump is stuck in a courtroom in new york city. the biden campaign is admitting while president trump is truck in the courtroom in new york they'll send president biden out to do campaign stops as well as visiting all the battleground states which the campaign believes is very important. as part of the coordinated effort to tilt the way to go forward the numbers, so close, in president biden's favor. the biden campaign told us he plans to spend $14 million in campaign ad buys over the next 22 days in all of those battleground states. so last night a reporter asked the president when he would directly debate former president trump. listen. >> when will you debate former president trump? >> biden campaign has not officially said yes to a september debate. the former president said he
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would debate any time, anywhere. president biden trying to remessage the economy as people feel this. since january of 2021 we're paying 21% more for food, 37% more or energy and rent is up 21%. financial experts say this administration is shooting themselves in the foot over the economy. >> if the biden administration we've had this incredible burst and unhealthy burst of federal spending. that has been met by supply constraints in the form of overregulation. so that is why we keep getting these bursts of inflation. >> he says it will keep happening because president biden wants to keep spending. this is part of the reason americans are frustrated and fed up and the polls are so close. >> bill: edward business from fox business. there he is. thanks, man. >> martha: the judge has denied
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a defense request to call a certain new witness. let's bring in jonathan turley and kerri urbahn. welcome back to both of you on this friday as court is underway. jonathan, let's start there with the denial of the witness that the defense wanted to bring forward, mark pomerantz. what are your thoughts on that? >> well, this was a predictable move by the defense and predictable denial by the court. the reason why they want to bring pomerantz forward, he is the personification of the political aspects of this prosecution. when bragg threw the flag on this case as did his predecessor he did something i've never seen before, which is to take an active investigation, to leave that investigation and to write a book about what they had discovered and why they should prosecute the subject. it was part of a pressure campaign on bragg that worked. it was also viewed by many of us as being unethical and his own
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colleagues denounced him and said why are you doing this? this is an active investigation. this target has rights. we have needs as your former colleagues and that didn't stop him. but ultimately bragg yielded. so what they want to do is put him on stand to get that out. the judge will have nothing of it. and said i don't consider that to be particularly relevant. >> bill: one thing we haven't really talked a lot about because we don't know them, we only know about their gender and maybe their jobs, that's the jury. kerri, there are 12 of them, all from manhattan. there are six alternates. to date i don't think a single alternate has had to replace a juror and they are seven men, five women, and two are lawyers. how much do you think about that, kerri? >> i especially think about the lawyers. i would think that as they
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listen to this case presented before them and they hear all these salacious details, any intellectually honest reasonable lawyer is thinking to themselves what does this have to do with any crime? they are describing a lot of tabloid stuff but i'm not hearing anything about the crime or the elements that need to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. i thought it was interesting the lawyers -- they had lawyers on the jury in the first place. that's one thing i've been thinking about. again, at the end of all this during closing arguments, you will hear from the defense about this being a court of law, there needs to be a crime established, elements proven and reasonable doubt. the defense is going to rely on reasonable doubt. the burden is on the prosecution to prove the case. i would think that would play with the jurors fairly well. >> martha: we'll see. it's impossible to know, jonathan. this is the way the court system works but maybe they are sympathetic to stormy daniels.
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there is a lot that goes into the mix as they are listening to all of this and one of the things that will be interesting come monday, of course, is michael cohen and he was taking to tiktok the other night. i know this is something that we've been hearing from the former president, that it aggravates him to no end that michael cohen can say whatever he wants during this process. let's watch what he had to say on tiktok. >> michael cohen here with out michael cohen reacts. donald trump has shown acts of generosity but he is not a generous person. >> martha: floating the idea of running for office himself. your reaction. >> you would think of all the people on earth cohen would be the most oath adverse. he has violated oaths and committed perjury repeatedly. he is a convicted person with perjury, the reveresal of the usual pattern.
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you go to congress before you get convicted of crimes. but he is using this moment of fame to try to make a case for not only run for congress but trolling for dollars. i've been a critic of cohen since when he represented trump. so i criticized him during that period as well. he was a legal thug before he was disbarred. and he is going to be called into that courtroom and the amazing thing i come away with is that for months we said that bragg didn't have a case here and people said well, you don't know what evidence he has. turns out he didn't have anything. it is coming down to michael cohen. and who would base a case on michael cohen? it's a good thing they don't put their hands physically on the bible anymore. it would burst into flames. this is someone who just recently was denounced by a judge as a serial perjureer. that was a few weeks ago.
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>> bill: this is interesting, kerri. you have said many times you think a lot of the witnesses have backfired on the state. westerhout just said that she was the one who brought the checks into the oval office to get signature. she says he would sign a tremendous amount of items. proclamations, signing documents would take hours of his day. he didn't have a signature preprinted. he would sign anything. he would see him sign checks without reviewing them on the phone, meeting with people. sometimes he was meeting with top foreign leaders and other times meeting with westerhout. he wasn't signing the checks in meetings with top world leaders and sign checks while meeting with staff and discussing scheduling. he is a person who multi-tasks. wow. what does that tell you real quick? kerri kupec-urbahn the reason the cross is drowning that out the prosecution has been
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presenting excerpts from donald trump's books being a micro manager, how he knew everything he was paying for, how he was frugal. liked to get deals and knew what checks he was signing. otherwise he would be screwed is his language in one of the books. so what the defense is trying to do now is sure, that could be true but he became a very busy -- much more busy man once he entered the white house and he was constantly signing things. they are trying to put some reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors that perhaps he wasn't paying that close attention to the checks he was signing off to michael cohen because, of course, that goes to the heart of the case. >> bill: we'll see if it plays at all. thank you kerri and jonathan. there are several students detained today as police clear out an anti-israeli encampment at the university of arizona, george washington university in d.c. and now u penn in philly. molly line is at harvard where protestors are apparently refusing to leave. good morning. >> good morning, bill.
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you are right. the tents remain at harvard in harvard yard. nearby m.i.t. in the early morning hours officers in riot gear arrived to clear that pro-palestinian encampment where students remain despite deadlines sent and warning from institute leaders that student face suspensions. ten arrests were made. they called the police action our last resort. the student group vowed on social media today you cannot suspend the movement. we'll be back. >> it is shameful that m.i.t. turned in the cover of darkness against the students with a very militarized police force completely disproportionate to the action and number of students that are here and it's baffling that they keep on turning against their students. >> philadelphia police moved in
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on the encampment at the university of pennsylvania this morning. some of the pro-palestinian protestors there defying orders, some locking arms, some taken into custody. u penn has announced increase security measures. guests can expert airport style security screening. at the university of arizona law enforcement used a tear gas like element to disburse protestors on campus. demonstrators were urged to leave before chemical munitions were deployed. in harvard they choose to stay in the tents despite the clearly communicated consequences that those who remain face involuntary leave. >> bill: molly line in cambridge, massachusetts. thanks. >> joe biden right now wants to have his cake and eat it, too. you can't split the baby on this. you have to support our only ally in that region. >> bill: president biden has done the about face on israel at
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first promising his support for the jewish state was iron clad and pulling it back in its hour of need. how badly can this hurt israeli in its war to eliminate hamas? >> martha: a boeing plane nearly nose dives adding to a series of safety issues plaguing the company in recent days and months. can the company turn this around? >> bill: case dismissed in el paso. hundreds of migrants in the clear after this. notorious riot at the border. will it just fuel the chaos there yet again? we're about to find out. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day.
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>> martha: three terrifying boeing malfunctions in 48 hours. senegal passengers attempted to
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escape a burning boeing 737. these poor people screaming as it caught fire and swerved off the runway. multiple people were injured including the pilot in that boeing incident. let's go to turkey. the front tire of a 737 blown out on the runway. it burst during landing. luckily nobody hurt in that incident. it gets worse. wednesday a cargo plane's front landing gear failed. the nose of the plane skidded across the runway. >> bill: here at home you have the s.e.c. said to be investigating boeing safety standards after a panel flew off a 737 max nine in january. grady trimble is live on capitol hill. >> bill, good morning to you. the reason the securities and exchange commission is now involved is because they are looking into whether the company or its executives might have
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misled investors in violation of s.e.c. rules. bloomburg news is reporting citing unnamed sources that the s.e.c. probe is focused on statements just before and after that door plug flew off that alaska airlines flight in january. investigation like this from the wall street regulator could lead to fines for boeing or its executives. s.e.c. isn't confirming the investigation is happening at all. boeing didn't respond to our requests for comment. as you know, bill, a number of boeing whistleblowers have recently come forward. two of them have died in the past several months. lawmakers here on the hill have heard from some of them who claim the airplane maker tried to silence their safety concerns. the latest person to speak out is a former employee of spirit aero systems. a boeing supplier and says his bosses tried to sweep his concerns under the rug. >> there was a lot of pressure from upper management.
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i was like i said before, it was like a constant battle to go in there and just try to do my job, which was to identify defects. it was a constant battle for me just to do that. >> boeing has taken a massive hit to its bottom line. the company's stock has lost almost a third of its value since the beginning of this year. this reported s.e.c. investigation is just the latest. remember, boeing is still facing other probes from the f.a.a., department of justice and others. bill. >> bill: grady, thanks. grady trimble live on capitol hill. thank you. >> we are determined and we are united to defeat our enemy and those who seek to destroy us. if we need to, we'll fight with our fingernails but we have much more than fingernails. >> martha: defiant netanyahu, the israeli prime minister, standing his ground after president biden's promise to withhold vital weapons if israel moves forward with ground
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offensive into rafah, the final hamas stronghold. today secretary of state antony blinken expected to submit a report to congress saying that israel is complying with rules on using u.s. weapons. however, it is considered to be critical short of that. joining me now michael allen who served on the national security council under president bush. good to see you. thank you very much for being here. one of the things that i want to 0 in on here is the question is, stopping the threat of hamas and how to accomplish that goal. but i'm not sure that president biden is as focused on that right now as he is on other things. let me start, just with this sound bite from doug burgum. >> always had a rule which is don't negotiate with terrorists. joe biden has gone way beyond that and actually negotiating for the terrorists. he has put a red line for israel, for our ally.
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how about joe biden saying we are going to keep providing weapons until you release the hostages, hamas? he should be negotiating alongside of israel. he is on the opposite side of the table. >> martha: is that fair? >> i think so. i think president biden is intentionally or unintentionally being counterproductive towards the israeli position. the israelis are trying to go into rafah to increase that your leverage over hamas in the hostage negotiations. in addition to trying to degrade hamas. and the more sinwar, the evil hamas terrorist buried out there in one of the tunnels or at least masterminding things from one of the tunnels, sees that israel is on the hot seat globally. especially from its best friend and ally the united states. sinwar says why should i do a hostage deal? i will get a better deal later. i should hold out and maybe biden and others will make israel go into a cease-fire that could last for many, many
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months. >> martha: specifically the weapons, 3500 of them that would be targeted and the kits that go with them apparently really are what make them very precise in their targeting. are the specific weapons that are being withheld, are they bombs that would destroy large civilian populations or are they bombs that would allow targeting hamas to the greatest degree? >> so, if they have the sort of governors on there to make sure that they have less of a battlefield impact, it will help what i think biden is trying to do, which is to insure that there is less battlefield damage against civilians. it doesn't really make sense some of the equipment, the kits as you mentioned, doesn't make sense for them to be holding that back because that's what biden wants, fewer casualties. biden is trying to appeal to his
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base here in a political year who think they want to see biden be tough against our ally, israel. instead what that is doing is undermining israel's position, making it harder for them to go and uproot the hamas brigades that are still there in rafah and making it much harder for them to get leverage over sinwar and hamas who need to compromise and release some of these hostages. some of whom, by the way, are americans. so i hope president biden will begin to en say it is the united states lost people there and eight are still under hostage. we really need to start putting the heat on the biden administration about this. >> martha: one last question for you. the suggestion that hezbollah might be emboldened if they thing israel needs to fight with one arm behind its back. do you think it provokes more
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aggression from hamas, hezbollah, iran, given the arraignment from the u.s.? >> i think so because basically what biden has tried to do is clip the wings of israel across the board. the enemies, especially in iran, see this and say we have more latitude to do things we ordinarily wouldn't do because not only is -- are they tied down in gaza, they are in a huge fight with their ally the united states. i think over time it degrades the israeli position because hezbollah, houthi, hamas and others feel bold to move against israel as long as biden and others are beating them up every day about the way they conduct the war. you have a right to self-defense. please defend yourself but we send you all the weapons you need to do that. it doesn't make any sense. i think they are over their skis
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and need to start over and rethink their policy not just with hamas but iran more generally. >> martha: thank you so much. good to have you. >> bill: we have a new witness here. i find this interesting. westerhout the witness who left the stand met are prosecutors for hours at a time recently wednesday morning. trump's lawyer did a zoom chat with her for one hour. is that the implication because you don't know who you are going to call next? the witness is daniel dickson working for at&t. we'll tell you why it is significant when we continue our coverage from lower manhattan. chaos on the border showing no signs of slowing down. hundreds of gotaways getting into the country every single day. about what the future looks like.
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>> bill: the trial continues and daniel dickson is on the stand working for at&t and a read-out what they are discussing and what he adds to this case now, okay? with that want to bring in former deputy assistant general and -- john, let's start in california with you as you watch this from afar. we ask the question about the jurors about 30 minutes ago. seven women, five men, two attorneys. i don't know, they look at law much different from the way we would look at law. we're going to head into a weekend where all the headlines will be about michael cohen on monday. what would be your expectation? >> out of people's republic of california, i'm in texas for a few days. unfortunately i have to go back to the insane asylum. this is what i think will be a big difference between the
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lawyers on the jury and the non-lawyers on the jury. the lawyers are going to say putting aside this lurid -- right, reality tv show that the prosecution is putting on now with stormy daniels, and all this description which i think was highly prejudicial and should have triggered a mistrial. have the prosecution actually proved the legal elements of the case? the legal elements are far away from what we've been seeing this week so far. did trump intentionally try to defraud by hiding money in his bookkeeping as a way for the d.a. to try to prosecute a federal elections charge which he is not allowed to prosecute? hopefully the lawyers will sit there and demand i want to see proof beyond a reasonable doubt that donald trump intended to defraud people in new york as an effort to corrupt the campaign and the election in 2016. >> bill: at the moment have they proven the case or come close to
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it or a point of discussion in the jury room? >> right now based on everything we've seen so far, i don't think the prosecution has actually proved any element of that crime yet. why michael cohen is the critical witness. he is really the one who talked with trump. who allegedly moved money around for trump. who would have any insight into trump's state of mind. the biggest witness would be donald trump himself. i think that would be a disaster if trump were to testify. the prosecution is trying to goad him to wave his fifth amendment right and show up on the stand. >> bill: he worked with cohen 12 years. he hoped to get to the white house and it fell apart in the end. kimberly extras el rights this. trump and the law fare implosion of 2024. will his prosecution end up
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putting him back in the white house? you and i had talked about this two days ago. i don't know if we know the answer to that until november or until this jury comes back with its verdict, will we? >> we really won't know. but something is happening in this courtroom that i think john was commenting and appreciate his insights in this. what is happening is something i haven't seen in this type of a case. a very complex case in terms of presentation because they have tried to manipulate facts and law to fit a narrative that doesn't quite work with their statutes. so what i'm shocked to hear is the lack of this judge referencing what we call rule 403 and 404 of the rules of evidence. and that is in essence these are rules to prevent confusion, to prevent waste of time, and to
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prevent evidence coming in that's not relevant. what we have so far is actually evidence that is completely confusing. it is a waste of time and it is entirely irrelevant. so it tells me what is happening in this courtroom is not necessary a concerted effort by a judge to make sure that certain facts are admitted to this jury and certain are not. in fact, the judge seems to be participating in this charade and show of a trial. what you have on the jury then are two lawyers that will know those rules and they will be asking themselves -- remember, lawyers are technical. so if i'm the prosecution i'm very worried those lawyers will take over that jury and will promote donald trump during this time as opposed to the prosecution's case. >> bill: very interesting. gentlemen, thank you to both of you. short on time but appreciate your time. thank you brett and john, enjoy your freedom. you will be back in lockup very soon and we'll speak to you both
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next week, okay? thank you, fellows. ♪ >> bill: now what you expected on a friday morning. american fans are following taylor swift overseas, we have done t. swifty in a while. the story. fans are flocking to europe in hopes of snagging cheaper seats in the big stadium shows. on average the ticket for the remaining u.s. shows will run you $2 thousand 600. tickets for the shows in paris, stockholm and lisbon are just under $350. five times cheaper. >> martha: i can tell you that i would spend the money on the next knicks game personally. but yeah, she is cleaning house.
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>> bill: the tour that would not end. >> martha: my daughter is going to canada to see her. >> bill: is that right? >> martha: that was what she could get. it is a fortune, ridiculous. exactly. >> bill: i thought elizabeth was finding a good seat to make mom and dad happy. >> martha: won the lottery i think. >> immigration status, if you break the laws of the state of texas, in particular in these riot cases, if you destroy property and you endanger lives, you will be held accountable. >> martha: seems logical. el paso d.a. vowing to appeal after a judge dismissed more than 200 cases in connection with the push at the border that you see knocking over border officials, crazy scene.
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[shouting] >> martha: the shocking scene in march when migrants stampeded a border fence in el paso. authorities then went on to charge more than 200 people in connection with the melee. on wednesday, a county judge dismissed all of those cases on a technicality. the el paso d.a. is vowing to appeal. >> these cases are very clearly about law and order. if someone breaks the laws in
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our community, we will file charges and make sure that that person faces justice in our courtrooms. >> martha: let's bring in fox news contributor jason chaffetz. welcome, good to have you here. technicality? it seems bizarre in this case. do you think this d.a. will get what he wants? >> i wish he would. and, you know, look. they broke the law by coming into this country illegally and allegedly breaking the law again by rioting and attacking and pushing these national guardsmen that they are trying to protect. one of the other big questions is where is the biden administration? why are they? why aren't they taking these people on the federal level and deporting them? it is illegal to come into the country between the ports of entry. if you do so you are supposed to be detained and deported. instead they started -- they gave them parole and letting
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them back into the homeland. they didn't have to do that. they could have worked with the state of texas and that county but they chose not to. >> martha: i'm thinking back looking at the video to the reaction at the white house, the press secretary, kamala harris and the border agent on horse back accused of whipping people. they certainly paid a ton of attention to that. which turned out not to be turned. >> and that was a falsity, a total completely. secretary mayorkas knew as much. one of the reasons they were trying to impeach him. again, why did they continue to prioritize non-americans over these americans? a national guardsman working another job, come in and giving service to their country and trying to help and they get attacked and they get run over by these migrants and the biden administration is dead silent
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and do nothing? then the local judge says oh, well, there is a technicality in the paperwork? they are here illegally, folks. you can detain them and deport them. that's what the current law says you are supposed to do. >> martha: your thoughts on this, taxpayer funded i.d. program for illegal immigrants expected to begin this summer. what is the purpose behind that and what do you think it leads to? >> you know, they've made claims in the past oh, these people if they will be here illegally we should allow them to get insurance in case they are driving and they have to pay social security. why do we continue to aid and abet their illegal behavior? i have never understood this. it makes absolutely no sense to me. they have efforts in minnesota, california, new york to get -- allow people here illegally to vote. and to hold public office, on skol boards. in minnesota there was a report
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they were going to allow somebody to be a law enforcement officer. it is so anti-american it is hard to believe. giving them actual documentation is fundamentally wrong. if you are going to get that much information, deport them. come in through the front door, through the port of entry and do it the right way. >> martha: there is some suggestion they do want to find a way through that program to reject some of these asylum claims and at least they are being documented and perhaps help them track down they are on terror watch lists and all this since they dump their passports on the border. no upside there? >> no, because the current law says if you come in through a port -- if you come in other than through the port of entry, you are to be detained and deported. so if that's the case, you can't even claim asylum. you are not eligible to claim asylum. the biden administration is not
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adhering to the law but allowing them to do that. yeah, we're going to east lie deport them. they can already deport them. they choose not to. that's the problem with the biden/harris administration. they aren't enforcing the current law. >> martha: jason, thank you very much. always good to see you. >> thank you. >> bill: inside the courtroom we go. d.a. alvin bragg just walked in and sat down in the front row, all right? that witness i mentioned from at&t is done. the next witness is jenny tomlin and worked at verizon. we'll see what that adds. >> martha: they are trying to appease the jury. >> bill: we'll see how they fill the afternoon. back in a moment as we continue. of dry age-related macular degeneration, can irreversibly damage your vision. it can progress faster than you think.
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recovery after a deadly streak of severe weather. a tornado in alabama destroyed at least 20 homes in one community. in mississippi, thousands still in the dark this morning after winds of more than 70 miles-an-hour knocked out their power lines last night. a live look at the radar shows a line of thunderstorms is moving across the florida panhandle right now and southern georgia. we'll keep an eye on those. >> bill: president biden, former president trump both indicating they'll face off on the debate stage. the when and where yet to be determined. mary kathryn is back with us. if we get interrupted for court proceedings i know you'll understand. will it happen? yes or no. >> i lean no actually. first of all, let's pour one out for the english language. if the debate were to occur
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would be under siege. relentless attack. i do think biden has more to fear in this situation. i watched the entire interview 16 minutes with him the other night and he is not quick on his feet. i think trump is much more quick both literally and figuratively in this case. now this does feel a bit like two campaigns or two candidates who are dudes in a bar late at night let me at him but their bros are holding them back. they don't actually want to do the thing. that's not actually what is happening. i think for both of them, look, biden is not quick. i don't think he would perform well. trump didn't have his greatest performance against biden last time around. he would do better this time but does he have to? he didn't debate in the primary. why take that chance if you don't have to? he is also not a fan of the
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presidential debate commission, who he keeps sort of like turning his nose up at. that might have something to do with it as well. >> bill: this is at the white house the other day and this is what trump's message was about that debate. >> let's set it up right now. i'm ready to go anywhere that you are. any time, anywhere, any place, let's go, joe, let's debate. >> bill: the three words set it up. to your point about the moderators. trump said two weeks agony time, anywhere, name your own moderators and you name the place and we'll go there. that's pretty interesting considering what they went through in 2020 when a lot of the word leaked out about the moderators there. one last thing about debate number one that was so unruly in cleveland, ohio. i think trump had covid during that debate. just a few days ago he was testing positive. go ahead.
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>> i think it's brave of him to say with any moderator, right? it's tricky. the truth is these things require a lot of haggling between the campaigns. if both campaigns are not motivated to make it happen, it won't happen. i'm not sure how motivated they are. they can both get by without doing it. trump showed it during the primary and biden showed it by running a basement campaign last time. they hope to run the basement campaign again. the american people deserve to watch them debate. i think they should morally. that's the correct thing to do. but i'm not sure they will. this presidential debate commission has been losing steam partly because in 2020 debate number two was canceled because of a covid diagnosis for president trump and they ended up having fewer debates than they have had since 1996. i think they have less clout than before. i wouldn't mind if biden took trump up on the offer to just do any time, anywhere under any
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conditions just because it would be fun. >> bill: that's what two bros is a bar do. >> hold me back, man. >> bill: have a good weekend. happy mother's day to you. before we go, martha, this is something i watched yesterday in greenwich village. everybody taking pictures of this guy on a horse with his trump flag and i don't know if he came here for the trial. he might have been downtown but making his way up sixth avenue and took horns along the way. share that with you from new york. >> martha: car horns. great to be with you. i'll see everybody at 3:00 and "the faulkner focus" is up next. bill melugin in for harris. >> bill: great show, guys, good to see you. fo


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