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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 10, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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conditions just because it would be fun. >> bill: that's what two bros is a bar do. >> hold me back, man. >> bill: have a good weekend. happy mother's day to you. before we go, martha, this is something i watched yesterday in greenwich village. everybody taking pictures of this guy on a horse with his trump flag and i don't know if he came here for the trial. he might have been downtown but making his way up sixth avenue and took horns along the way. share that with you from new york. >> martha: car horns. great to be with you. i'll see everybody at 3:00 and "the faulkner focus" is up next. bill melugin in for harris. >> bill: great show, guys, good to see you. fox news alert this morning.
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another week of testimony in former president donald trump's criminal trial coming to a close today. right now in the morning break which lasts about 15 minutes or so. during the last witness we're told that manhattan d.a. alvin bragg himself actually walked into the courtroom and took a seat in the front row. adult film actress stormy dane yells wrapped up her testimony yesterday. it may have backfired on the prosecution given the trial is all about the former president's business records. the prosecution says its star witness former trump lawyer and fixer michael cohen is set to testify on monday. good morning and welcome to the "the faulkner focus." i'm bill melugin in for harris today. the judge denied another motion for a mistrial yesterday. the judge also denying a trump team request to modify his gag order. it would have allowed him to talk about stormy daniels' testimony now that it's over. >> they think they will get away
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with this. if this country allows them to get away with this gag order and the way the case is being handled, like what they are doing. yesterday was incredible. it was incredible. what they did, this trial is so horrible. it is no longer justice. it is a tremendous abuse of the new york judicial system. >> bill: it has to be frustrating for him. trump can't talk about the witnesses in this case but they are certainly talking about him. look at this. after her testimony yesterday stormy daniels posted, quote, real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court. oh, wait, never mind. michael cohen has posted hours of content online as he waits to testify himself on monday. he has talked about the case on tiktok while livestreaming himself and fundraising from users wearing a shirt that shows donald trump in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. senior correspondent eric shawn
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is joining us live outside the new york state supreme court with more. >> he has always defended donald trump passionately and strongly. on monday michael cohen will be sitting at the defense -- witness seat actually testifying against his former boss. prosecutors, i have learned, set to call cohen for testimony on monday. he, of course, trump's long-time lawyer will appear on the stand to lay out the case against his former boss. cohen is expected to explain his conversations with trump and how they hatched their plans to buy stormy daniels' silence and bury her story during the presidential election. cohen said he laid out $130,000 to pay her from his home equity line of credit and the former president was in on the whole thing. he claims. paying him back with checks falsely disguised as legal fees. the basis of the 34 counts against trump of filing false
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business records. the recent witnesses over the past few days have been called to explain the process of about trump wrote the checks while he was in the white house. former assistant westerhout testified trump would sign hundreds of documents a day and sign checks doing other things like being on the phone or in meetings. the defense using westerhout's testimony to try to infer that trump really wasn't paying attention to what he was signing like the checks to michael cohen so may not have known exactly what they were and they want to subpoena mark pomerantz to testify. the judge rejected that. he have is a prominent lawyer who spent a year investigating trump before quitting the manhattan d.a.'s office in frustration and wrote a book about it blasting manhattan district attorney alvin bragg who walked into the courtroom a few minutes ago. he accused bragg of dragging his feet and refusing at first to bring the charges against trump.
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among the witnesses we heard the one who spoke the most highly of the former president was westerhout now off the stand. she said that she feels the former president was in her words a great president and that he has been treated unfairly. we'll, of course, likely hear a quite different tune on monday when michael cohen takes the stand. bill, back to you. >> bill: that's for sure. thank you. we have a great team inside the courthouse giving us minute by minute updates. as soon as they're done with break we'll check in with them. gregg jarrett out with a new opinion piece. look. he writes in part how stormy daniels self-destructed under a devastating cross examination. stunned prosecutors must have been muttering to themselves why did we call her as a witness? they are object ifb was to humiliate and smear trump. it backfired spectacularly. her story seemed to change dramatically depending on the audience and her motives for
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personal gain. that's the problem with lying witnesses, the taint rubs off on the prosecution who called her. let's get into it more with our legal panel. leo terrell, fox news contributor, andrew stolteman and lee zeldin, attorney and former new york congressman. leo, start with you. look, stormy daniels wrapped up her testimony, extremely salacious stuff. a lot having nothing to do with the case. she said she could talk to dead people yesterday. michael cohen has been livestreaming on tiktok trying to raise money wearing shirts showing trump behind bars in jail. this is the prosecution's star witnesses? >> yeah. and they have not produced any evidence against president trump. i want the fox viewers to understand one thing. there will be some jury instructions. that jury instruction will say if you do not believe a witness's testimony on one
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element you can disbelieve everything. stormy daniels had no evidence whatsoever against president trump. her credibility is shot. was she in for the money or was she not in for the money? the question is what was her motivation? the fact is that stormy daniels provided nothing but to do harm to president trump. her testimony was solely for that purpose. michael cohen, the attorney for trump, is going to try to throw trump under the bus based on testimony and advice that he gave. i would submit to you, bill, that there has been no evidence whatsoever from stormy daniels or michael cohen next week and this trial is for one purpose only. to hurt trump's chances in november 2024. it is not going to work. look at the polling. it's a complete failure on the part of the democrat party and the judge. >> bill: andrew, to you. it seemed like stormy daniels was trying to bait trump with her social media post yesterday essentially saying get on the
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stand and get under testimony and tell your side of the story. do you think trump should testify or is there too much risk in that? >> at this point i don't think he needs to testify. i'm reminded of the old wendy's commercial where the old lady says where is the beef? we've had 120 exhibits, ten witnesses and so far they haven't proved the elements of the crime. this is a trial by character assassination. so does trump need to testify? no, i don't think so unless there is more devastating testimony to come out from somebody. when you predicate your case on porn owe stars and convicted liars like michael cohen it means you don't have enough detail. you don't have enough fab -- you have witnesses fabricating testimony and it is not good enough for a criminal trial like this. >> bill: the missouri attorney general is actually going on a little bit of a fishing expedition to see if there is some ties between d.o.j. and manhattan d.a. alvin bragg's office.
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pull this up right here. he is sending a letter to d.o.j. demanding any records between d.o.j. and manhattan d.a. alvin bragg's office. he is pointing to the fact that is filed a freedom of information request for any records of communication between the trump -- the d.o.j. office and the manhattan d.a.'s office. what he is looking at is the fact that former d.o.j. official matthew colangelo was hired to alvin bragg's office and now involved in the prosecution. so lee, i will turn to you here. is there smoke here? >> yeah, it's great the missouri attorney general is looking into this. obviously there is a connection between the biden department of justice and bragg's office with the colangelo example. the third ranking person at the department of justice leaving that position to become an assistant district attorney in one of america's counties to try this case. clearly there is a connection
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there. bragg campaigned on taking down trump. he didn't say what the charges would be. same thing with james and willis in georgia. they got elected based off the pledge to take down trump but didn't know how they were going to do it. in this case there hasn't been a lot of coverage on this. merchan was also the judge on a trump organization case on the weisel berg case and steve bannon case, the same exact judge. there is a lot to look into to understand exactly the participants, the why of how we got here and as was so eloquently covered here just now by leo and andrew, when you get into the weeds here we are at the end of the third week of hearing testimony and they still haven't proved any of the elements of the charged crimes. >> bill: it's almost four weeks now of donald trump not able to get out on the campaign trail which he says is really the basis for this trial. he accuses the democrats trying to interfere in this election by
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not letting him get out there. we saw donald trump walk in a few moments ago. he made some comments earlier this morning complaining about the gag order. you can sense his frustration against stormy daniels calling him out an twitter saying you should step up and testimony and michael cohen selling merchandise showing trump in jail. a lot of frustration from the former president. court is set to resume within the next five to ten minutes or so. as the new york trial rolls on. trump's three other criminal trials are really all in limbo right now. one of them, his federal election interference case, hinges on the supreme court's impending decision on presidential immunity. justices heard arguments late last month and supposed to deliver their decision by the end of their term in late june. former secretary of state hillary clinton had this knock on the high court yesterday. take a listen. >> the supreme court is doing our country a grave disservice
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in not deciding the case about immunity. what we heard when this case was tried before the supreme court, to my ear at least, were efforts to try to find loopholes to try to create an opportunity for trump to have attempted to overturn an election, to have carried out hundreds and hundreds of pages of very highly classified material for his own amusement, interest, trading. >> bill: hillary clinton knows a thing or two about mishandling classified information. what do you make of her comments? >> i've been waiting all day for this. hillary clinton is still the denial. news flash. she lost the 2016 election. the supreme court did a marvelous job and hillary is watching let me make it clear. there is a distinction between official conduct in the office of the presidency that is
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required to receive immunity and personal conduct. the supreme court did an excellent analysis, unlike the court of appeals and they are making a factual finding as to sending this case probably back to the district court for analysis is to what is covered by immunity and what is not based on official versus personal acts. hillary clinton is just simply sour grapes. this is a woman if i'm correct, wiped out a server, bleach washed evidence and got away with it without facing any federal prosecution. so this is a person who is just still angry about losing the election because the voters rejected her. >> bill: we all remember the press conference with james comey who laid out the evidence and said we won't charge her. stay with us this morning and we'll come back to you and follow the trial moment by moment. we have people in the courtroom
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giving us minute by minute updates. border patrol arresting hundreds of migrants after storming across the border in el paso. the frightening scene in march. total chaos there. what a judge decided about their fate now that is sparking all sorts of outrage. plus jewish hate on campuses not letting up. >> this is a radical movement that's happening in our country and thank god for law enforcement. they cleared out those encampments. i stand with law enforcement as republicans do. joe biden is standing with these pro-hamas demonstrators. >> bill: what republicans are doing now to try to hold students accountable for their deplorable and illegal actions all across the country. house judiciary chairman jim jordan on all of that coming up right after the break. stay with us.
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>> bill: we're just hearing from our team outside the courthouse in new york. court is set to wrap at 1:00 eastern and resume on monday. that is going to be a big day because the prosecution's star witness, convicted liar, self-admitted liar michael cohen will be taking the stand on monday. we'll continue to have minute by minute updates. keep an eye on the right side of your screen for the updates as our team is still inside the courtroom. the chaos at the southern border is cranking up pressure of democrats ahead of the election. timing may not be a coincidence. president biden may finely be ready to take some action. he plans a new rule to speed up decisions on migrant asylum claims. they could now be rejected within just days of illegally crossing the border. but some republicans say that only backs up what they've been saying all along. >> it just proves that president
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biden has the authority to close the border if he wants to. we are looking for an enforcement mechanism to force president biden to follow any agreement but to use the authority he has to close the border. he simply doesn't want to. we'll deal with the consequences of the democrat and president biden's open border for decades to come. >> texas governor greg abbott is not impressed with the idea and writes president biden's fickless proposals that he could have done years ago do nothing to slow the record breaking immigration. most notably president biden side steps actually enforcing the laws already enacted by congress. house republicans say the biden administration has let nearly half a million migrants by pass the southern border entirely by quietly flying them into our country via a controversial parole program. senior correspondent william la jeunesse is joining us on set with more. here we are year number four of this crisis and only now is
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biden taking a little action. he said he couldn't do anything about before. >> right. many would argue that americans do continue to pay a price for this inaction or no consequences approach to the border. border security. this illegal alien from guatemala guatemala released into the u.s. with a court date three years from now. was arrested saturday for allegedly kidnapping an 11-year-old florida girl from in front of her home and pulling her into a van and raping her. >> the federal government is victimizing the people who live in this country by letting these people in here. >> biden administration could have deported lopez but chose not to, which is one reason why the border patrol still sees 140,000 apprehensions every month. many in texas where yesterday someone in mexico fired shots at border agents who returned fire. the second incident in two weeks near el paso where yesterday a
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county judge dismissed riot charges against 211 migrants who illegally forced their way into the us, ripping down razor wire. county judge morales dismissed the charges saying the case wasn't properly transferred to him. he blamed the d.a. who criticized the judge who previously dismissed 140 similar rioting cases. to some extent this case, however, is already dead. of the 211 migrant charged, fewer than 40 remain in custody. some were deported but the biden administration paroled most into the u.s. border agents say the breakdown is disappointing. >> this is truly a slap in the face to all law enforcement across the country and sends, unfortunately, the message to individuals that continue to do crimes is you can continue to do crimes because you are not going to face consequences. >> the d.a. will appeal. if the charges are reinstated he
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will get new arrest warrants which, of course, most of theme people have disappeared and will never serve any type of justice. >> bill: a lot of them will be gotaways going into the wind. gotaways averaging 800 a day slipping into the country without any apprehension. the house judiciary committee is set to hold a field hearing in arizona on the border crisis. that will happen less than an hour from now. for more on this ohio congressman jim jordan chairing that committee and joining us live right now. congressman, great to see you and this thank you for your time this morning. the border has been out of the headlines for the last several weeks because of the college campuses and war in the middle east. we're averaging illegal crossings every day. you are in arizona. what are you seeing? >> everything you and william went through is exactly what happens when you make a decision as the biden administration did on day one, to change the
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policies that were working. they decided day one, no more building the wall. no more remain in mexico while we evaluate your claim. when you get here you won't be detained but released and might take three years before he ever make a decision or you ever have to show up in court. then you get this influx. we're on pace, bill, to get to 12 million migrants coming in the country in the four years of the biden administration. the magnitude of that number, that's equivalent to the entire population of the state of ohio. we're the seventh largest state. that is how bad this is. now suddenly joe biden, because he is close to the election and this is front and center on american peoples's minds he is thinking about maybe we need to change the asylum ruling and how we handle asylum. proofing that he could have done this all along. we'll see what happens. we are here to hear from ranchers and border patrol agents and hear from a mom who lost two children because of this fentanyl issue. just to underscore how bad it
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has gotten under joe biden. >> bill: congressman, real quick republican voters gave you guys the majority in the house back in 2022 hoping something would be done on the border because they have had all sorts of press conferences at the border. field tours, border visits. i've been there for a lot of them. at the end of the day the house approved 95 billion in foreign aid and nothing for the border. why should republican voters trust you guys to get something done on the border at this point? >> two things. we passed good legislation last year sitting in the united states senate and they won't take it up. it would have solved the problem and went back to the policies under president trump. i didn't vote for the package. i thought we should have tried to leverage that foreign aid to get something on the border. what i advocated is simple. use the power of the purse. no money can be used to process or release into the country any new migrants is what we should have done. we didn't get the votes for
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that. we need president trump in the white house. we need republicans in control of the congress so we can enact house bill two that we passed last year that would solve the problem. >> bill: you have been highlighting the issues at the border. you were last year. thank you for that. we keep an eye on the field hearing and check in with you guys accordingly. thank you for your time. two more witnesses today in the new york criminal trial of trump. we're following the latest from inside the courtroom. minute by minute updates and look to trump fixer michael cohen's testimony set for monday. be right back. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals.
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muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at >> bill: welcome back. back once again with the legal panel as we look at another week of testimony in former president trump's new york criminal trial that comes to a close today. monday we're set to see former trump lawyer and fixer michael cohen on the stand. expect some fireworks then. leo terrell, andrew and lee zeldin, attorney and former new york congressman joining us once again. andrew, start with you. monday will be the big day. this is the prosecution's star witness. donald trump and michael cohen will be sitting face the face in the courtroom able to look at each other. what are you expecting to happen with this testimony? >> i expect a lot of fireworks but i also expect the most important part to come on the cross examination. i think prosecutors realize that
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they have a real problem centering their entire case on michael cohen, a convicted liar. this case will come down to the credibility of the witnesses and proving donald trump's criminal intent. how prosecutors hope to rewhat bill date michael cohen as a credible witness is beyond my comprehension. i think the case sinks on tuesday on the cross examination of mr. cohen. >> bill: hard not to know who michael cohen is. convicted of giving misleading statements to congress. do you think the jury will find credibility in anything he is saying as livestreaming on tiktok with anti-trump clothing apparel? >> i think to his credibility is going to obviously be under attack and you don't have to convince every single one of the jurors. you really only need to convince one. and it's likely that there is going to be many who will be
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understanding that we're dealing with someone who is a convicted perjury and lost a law license and sent to prison. so much of the case is around michael cohen. a decision by the prosecution. others who maybe they could try to call to testify, but they won't because they know that some of these other people will undercut their case. so they've gone all in on michael cohen. this is not an easy case to try to prove. the elements here of proving intent. the one thing that is so important to understand is that these are misdemeanor that a two year statute of limitations expired many years ago. they are charging it as a felony in order to charge it as a felony, the prosecution has to prove the misdemeanor were being pursued in trying to commit another crime. we're now four weeks into being inside of the courtroom and the district attorney's office still
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hasn't indicated what that underlying crime is. that is something that should have been identified before the trial even started. good luck at this point trying to raise it and there is no indication that it is going to be brought up today. how can the defense provide their ability to represent their client if that piece is missing? to go all in on michael cohen is a big mistake. the prosecution had nothing else to go on. it's why bringing this case was a big mistake. >> bill: leo, stormy daniels said yesterday she always told the truth. she signed two statements saying an affair with trump never happened. she said the statements weren't through and said it was all about getting her story out. if that's the case why didn't she have a press conference or go to the media instead of wanting $130,000 payment? are you telling me there is not a media outlet out there that would have jumped at the opportunity to write a negative story about donald trump? >> you did a closing argument.
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not to believe her. great job, bill, you are a lawyer. she has no credibility. she has 0 -- this case is a joke. it's to hurt trump. stormy daniels has no credibility. more importantly going back to this so-called trial. what did she do to push the needle towards evidence against trump? 0, nothing, she said. i'll challenge any of these pundits on the other networks, show me the witness that has linked trump to a criminal charge or fact, criminal element. not one of these witnesses. michael cohen can't do that. he has a credibility problem. basically this is to hurt trump's election chances. i can't say it any clearer. one last point. expect michael cohen to be on the witness stand for days, for days because the defense is going to have several videos to play to the jury. >> bill: one of those cases
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where you wish there were cameras in the courtroom. the cross examination probably be some fireworks. it looks like first son hunter biden is heading back to court himself soon. back-to-back rulings that handed his team a setback denying their attempts to get the federal gun charges thrown out. lying on forms to get a gun. one related to unlawful possession. this decision clears the way for hunter to face a jury trial starting june 3rd in delaware. we have come a long way from the sweetheart plea deal he once had that completely fell apart. he is looking at serious issues here. it seems like a strong case when it comes to the guns. >> thank god for that federal court judge who said absolutely not to this sweetheart plea deal. look, hunter biden faces real, real problems. isn't it the ultimate that he has the audacity or lawyers have a audacity to claim that this case was politically motivated
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when you have donald trump on trial with multiple federal criminal charges and multiple state criminal charges all in effect defact owe orchestrated by joe biden, merrick garland and the department of justice. hunter biden is in some real trouble. i think he will be convicted and i think he will spend a long time in prison, as well he should. >> bill: ten seconds round table quick answer. do you believe donald trump should testify in his trial, yes or no? leo, start with you? >> very quickly. no. no and no. >> bill: andrew. >> i will say no, no, no, no need to. it's too risky. >> bill: lee? >> he doesn't have to, no. >> bill: got it. guys, thank you for your time this morning. great panel. great insight and we'll keep an eye on the trial as it pans out this morning. thank you for your time. the backlash is growing against what many are calling president biden arms embargo on israel.
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house republicans are drafting impeachment articles with a quid pro quo for military aid. one senator calling out the president and pointing to a remedy. >> this is heartbreaking. this is a nightmare for israel to be abandoned by their best friend in the world. the only way you'll change this is at the ballot box in november. >> bill: also problems for the president within his own party as he tries to please both sides on the issue. it ain't working and could spell bad news for him this november. we'll be right back. but who passed them to her? ancestrydna can show her who and where her genes came from. best of all, it's on sale for mother's day. get it now, before she has to remind you.
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>> bill: all right. welcome back. house republicans are drafting impeachment articles against president biden over his threat to block weapons to israel if
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they go further into rafah. cory mills accuses the president of forcing our ally in a quid pro quo as it tries to battle hamas. the white house yesterday trying to clean up president biden's threat to israel. take a listen. >> for him this is very straight forward. he is going to continue to provide israel with the capabilities that it needs. all of them. but he does not want certain categories of american weapons used in a particular type of operation in a particular place. israel has not yet launched such an operation so he is talking about what would happen in the future if they did. >> bill: new opinion piece out with a very direct headline here take a look. biden's israel arms embargo will go down as one of the worst american betrayals. republican senators tearing into biden's decision. >> the problem with what's happening with the biden
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administration today is not only does it force people to question our reliability as an ally. it puts israel's national security interests at risk. this is insane. >> hamas is using him and he is allowing it. he is turning his back on israel. >> mr. president, if you do not change this policy you will have destroyed the last best chance to deliver lasting stability in the mideast for generations. >> bill: chad pergram is joining us with more on this. the president taking a lot of heat on this threat, isn't he? >> bill, good morning. political observers impeachment by president biden is dead but it's fueling impeachment talk. conditioning aid to israel is what he is accused of. >> i seem to remember from the
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impeachment trial the democrats saying when the president with holds aid that's an impeachable offense. that was their line. then i hope they will rush to do something about this, whatever the legality of it is it is morally wrong. >> mr. biden vowed to deny weapons to israel if it invades rafah. gop florida representative cory mills is preparing the impeachment articles. some democrats who side with israel oppose the president's move. >> i was disappointed. that doesn't change my support for the president. the situation. i don't think we should have any kind of conditions. and i haven't seen anything with israel's conduct that would ever justify conditions. >> no house gop leaders are calling for impeachment but israel's allies plan to capitalize on this. politically and legislatively. >> i want to reverse it and ultimately deliver those weapons to israel. there is a pro-hamas wing of the
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democratic party that has taken over. you see joe biden catering to that far left element and turning away from israel. >> democrats impeached former president trump in 2019 what they interpreted for restrictions on aid to ukraine. >> israel says they'll take the fight to hamas alone if they have to as a result of that. chad pergram live on capitol hill this morning. biden's arm threat is deepening congressional democrats' divide on israel. fetterman said he is disappointed in the president. progressives like bowman are prigsing the president's move. protesting is working. keep fighting for a cease-fire now. meanwhile alexandria ocasio-cortez calls it is most responsible, secure and just thing to do. the uncommitted campaign got thousands of anti-biden votes in multiple democratic primaries.
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spokesman saying withholding arms, quote, marks a step forward propelled by our growing anti-war movement. now on the flip side of all this some of biden's pro-israel donors are very angry with him. the "wall street journal," the war and protests have sharply divided democrats and the president's slow response has inflamed both sides. many democrats privately worry the college encampments have enhanced political weakness east and pose a grave danger to his re-election hosts. tammy bruce and kevin walling, thank you both for joining us this morning. tammy, start with you. the threat to withhold weapons to israel. what kind of a message do you think that potentially sends to our allies? essentially hey, if the political trouble gets too heavy, we'll pull out the rug from you? >> in has been the problem. not just this instance but the
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history what what fide en administration has done starting with the afghanistan withdrawal debacking and president biden's remarks about russia as it was mobileizing at ukraine's border saying maybe a limited incursion would be okay, right? there was messages that were shocking to our allies when it ca im to the nature of how to handle war and what was acceptable. overall what our allies and enemies have seen is an indecisive, back and forth kind of feckless foreign policy noting as an example in this regard. withholding weapons from israel is going to prolong the situation. it is also going to send more messages and i add this element when you think about the enemies to iran and others and hezbollah that this is the time to continue and even bowman noted in the tweet the protests are working. let's keep on.
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it will never end. you can't appease blackmailers and terrorists around the country to do the right thing. >> bill: president biden says he is making this threat to lower the risk of civilian casualties in gaza and wants a precision campaign against hamas. if that's the case why take away israel's precision weapons? >> listen, as admiral kirby just said has indicated, this is one particular ammunition in one particular space. there is growing concerns about civilian casualties in gaza and certainly the president is responding to that. it is something for example ronald reagan did in 1982 and 1983 with israel and lebanon war restricting the use of f-16s being shipped to israel out of concern for civilian casualties on the ground. this president is lock step with the israelis, with the state of israel. you saw the speech that he gave on tuesday honoring holocaust memorial day from the capitol where he laid into and continues to lay into hamas as the single
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party responsible for what we're seeing play out on the ground in gaza. >> bill: we'll talk about the economy for a second. president biden sat down for a rare interview spoke to cnn this week. critics are roasting hem for these comments on the economy. >> president biden: we've turned it around. polling data has been wrong all along. let me say it this way. when i started this administration, people were saying there would be a collapse in the economy. we have the strongest economy in the world. >> bill: tammy, is the polling on the economy wrong? >> this has been the problem with their interpretation and stance. you have the inflationary numbers and the lives that americans are living and what they are experiencing day-to-day. their life is not dictated by a poll, right? their lives are dictated by the price of food and energy. gas, etc. the price of rent, the inability to buy a home. the nature of what's going on on
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the campuses and what money you are spending for that education. ultimately about the day-to-day experience. every time he speaks about the polls and the polls are wrong or right, there is no real connection or empathy. this is what's remarkable. he ran as like the empathetic president and there has been a complete disconnect with what the lives of americans, what those lives are, even like eggs. something on a daily basis that i'm sure, look, the very rich aren't going to the supermarket having to pick out the dozen eggs that cost $9 when a few years ago they cost $3. that kind of money matters especially when your rent has risen, you have got interest rates that make everything else impossible. it is tough. >> bill: kevin, during that same cnn interview he said when he came into office inflation was at 9%. that's not true. inflation was 1.4% when he came in. where is he getting 9%
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>> it peaked at 9% coming out of covid. >> bill: why he was saying at 9% when he came into office? >> shortly after he came into office it was that high because of all the spending under the previous administration with covid relief. what you are seeing is the president talking and trumpeting the incredible growth we've seen from a gdp and job growth perspective. i wish you play the part he talks about feeling the inflation pain to tammy's point that americans are experiencing and talked about the fact that he is tackling things like junk fees and tackling the cost of healthcare, bringing down the cost of insulin in particular. all these things that this administration is doing to feel the pain of americans we need to get a better job getting out the word obviously. >> bill: thank you for your time this morning. we're out of time. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" is coming up right after the break. you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday
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