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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 10, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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blades. it cuts for over an hour on a single charge. ego - exclusively at lowe's, ace and ego authorized dealers. the one the clock is ticking down informal president trump's criminal trial and we are officially on michael cohen watch. i am don roberts in washington good to be with you. >> aishah: good but to be with you as well happy friday i am aishah hasnie in for sandra smith we are at "america reports" our two. court wrapped up in it prosecutors say it's possible they will rest their case as early as next week. with only two more witnesses left to call we expect trump's former attorney michael cohen at the center of this to take the stand as early as monday. >> john: former president trump has a big campaign rally in the jersey shore tomorrow but he said this while leaving court moments ago. >> there is no gag order to michael cohen. the judge did it was amazing.
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everybody can say whatever they want. they can say whatever they want but i am not allowed to say anything about anybody. it is a disgrace. >> aishah: frustrated former president trump let's get to nathan foy live outside the new york state supreme court. what happened today hi, nate. >> hi, aishah. you've just heard former president trump speak on this. the judge declined to impose a gag order on michael cohen in this case as he continues discussing a nonsocial made about another key issue that was discussed at the end of court today is the lack of testimony so far at least from former trump organization cfo ellen weisel berg who is in jail on perjury charges right now. prosecutors say the separation agreement with the trump organization prevents him from speaking to prosecutors whereas trump's team came back and said chef mcconnell has a similar agreement he testified in this case it end with the judge saying he wants to see some effort to compel weisel berg to
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testify so we will see what happens of that possibly next week. also as you just heard from president trump speaking about the lack of a gag order on: he also said how he believes this is politically motivated. >> this all comes out of washington. it's too damaged kirk and joe biden's political opponent which happens to be me. we are leading big and the poles of the american people get that it's a scam. >> so when cohen takes the stand on monday the prosecution will attempt to connect trump directly to the scheme to reimburse cohen from paying adult film actress stormy daniels $130,000. trump's executive assistant at the white house madeleine westerhout finished today saying that he saying to signed with approval and she saw him do that while multitasking talking on the phone or discussing scheduling with his staff.
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trump's lawyers attempted to prove he cannot operate with the same attention to detail with his finances after becoming president. wester hout said trump was upset when they stormy daniels her went public but not because of politics rather his family. she told the court "she knew it would be hurtful to his family" of michael cohen one of the key witnesses in this case set to start testifying on monday as you mentioned aishah the prosecution says he is 1 of 2 witnesses they have left so they anticipate possibly resting their case at some point next week send it back to you. >> nate foy with that live report outside the courthouse thank you. >> let's bring in will sharp. well, let's look ahead to next week since everything is done for this week. michael cohen this is what jonathan turley said about michael cohen in a recent call he said michael cohen goes on tiktok when trump announced the campaign for congress who would've thought district
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attorney alvin bragg calling a pornstar to the standard be the moral high ground next to be a convicted perjurer still conceiving to make money off the case. how much credibility, well, do you think cohen will have as we see donald trump arriving back to trump tower here when he takes the stand on monday? >> look, i'm somewhat limited in what i can say because of this outrageous unconstitutional unilateral gag order, and we are still dealing with this here but i will still say is we have said repeatedly in court pleadings since long before this case was on trial that michael cohen is a man who has been found liable for perjury by numerous courts previously which is obviously going to be something that will weigh very heavily in terms of assessing his credibility going forward. >> aishah: will, michael cohen gave a interview to politico next to mike last month the headline said michael cohen on the trump trial prepare to be surprise and we could pull of the quote here he said the
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campaign finance the business record fraud is a crime and if it was you or anybody else they would already have been indicted. but he says prepare to be surprised, well, what could he possibly say on monday that would surprise you? >> i have no earthly idea but look over this case should've never been brought in the first place. we are talking about the most novel, unprecedented legal theory perhaps ever presented in an american courtroom. vessel for the the prosecution has not yet presented any evidence whatsoever. that president trump actually did anything illegal. i don't think anything could emerge in court next week that would change that fundamental deficiency with all of these proceedings, really. as i alluded to before, we are under this unilateral gag order where president trump and our team are restricted from talking about michael cohen and yet michael cohen has made numerous extrajudicial statements about this case as it is preceded and it goes to show how outrageous these proceedings have been particularly with respect to the
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gag order and the limits on our ability to speak publicly about the miscarriage of justice going on in new york right now. >> john: we should point out you are in need trump case and that will determine whether or not the charges on january 6th will go forward and likely have an effect on some of the other pending litigation as well. but when you take a look at some of the other action that has happened, judge aileen cannon in florida saying i can't make the trial date for may i will postpone. i'm not going to set a new trial date so that is been postponed indefinitely in an appeals court in georgia allowing to hear the trump appeal on fani willis' disqualification from the georgia election case. it has led to some people including kimberley strassel to observe this wall of l'affaire that has been launched against donald trump where she wrote "democrats face a critical choice last year trying to
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confront the real problem of a weakened old president residing under far left policies or try to rig an outcome by bracing a stratagem. they chose the latter perhaps the court will still convict mr. trump of something although that could play either way with the electric, l'affaire is politics and a very risky business" as we had and of the closing days of this trial, what do you think of what kimberly said? >> i think that's exactly right paired what we are dealing with here is banana republic type stuff. i think president biden and his political allies wanted to keep president trump on trial basically every day from this past january through until election day. unfortunately as these cases have moved through the courts in florida and washington, d.c., and georgia, this serious deficiencies with each of these indictments both legally and factually have come to light. we have seen the deacs ck stay while we litigate these very
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weighty constitutional issues and presidential immunity, the florida case is now delayed while we review serious allegations of prosecutorial misconduct of issues with the custody with which evidence was kept from the time of the mar-a-lago rate in the indictment each of these cases which appear in some legal commentator's minds right strong on the day they were indicted they are falling apart under their own weight as we litigate them in court. i think that is a dynamic that will continue playing out between now and election day. >> aishah: well i have to ask you because you do represent trump and you do talk to him frequently, a couple of weeks ago down in mar-a-lago he told reporters that he would testify in this trial and he didn't just say i testify if it was important or if they asked me to, we think about it he said yeah, i would testify absolutely. i am testifying, i tell the truth. all i can do is tell the truth. is not something you would
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advise him at this point after seeing how everything is gone? you know people like stormy daniels are trying to egg him on to do that. >> look i think that will ultimately be a decision for president trump and for his trial team. after the prosecution closes his case. i will say as i said repeatedly that i believe president trump would be a highly compelling witness on the stand because he knows the truth and the truth is he did absolutely nothing wrong and certainly absolutely nothing illegal with respect to this case. >> john: will scharf really appreciated. will see you again soon. thank you so much. >> great to be with you as always, thank you. >> john: you were there. do we have that piece of sound? >> i would like to play at. >> john: let's. >> aishah: let's play it real quick. >> yeah, i would testify absolutely. i am testifying i tell the truth, all i can do is tell the truth. >> john: so it makes sense he would testify almost every day when he shows up to court there
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is a female reporter who asks him that very question are you going to testify. >> aishah: i wanted to play it because when i say it out loud you can't hear the to my tone in his voice he is saying it with conviction he has decided he will testify so that is a big question as we head into week three now, day 16 of this huge trial whether or not he gets on the stand and how it goes from there. >> john: here is the caveat in that. trial had not started when the was asked. after seeing how this has gone forward on the evidence this judge has allowed in and the president to prejudicial nature of the testimony of stormy daniels, i think trump's attorney will probably be very prudent in saying i know you said you wanted to testify, but i can suggest you don't. >> aishah: i think they will wait to see how michael cohen goes in the next couple of days. still to come a deadly tornado ripped through a town in tennessee. we will show you how folks are trying to pick up the pieces.
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>> plus outrage is growing over president biden's decision to withhold weapons from israel. house republicans a saying they've got. bill mcgurn joins us on that coming up next. >> this is the time the rubber meets the road that israel needs to rely on its most important ally, the united states. this is where joe biden given that opportunity has completely fallen down on the job. ng inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others. i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> aishah: house republicans are threatening impeachment in the denial of weapons to israel if it invades before they say it's an abuse of power. team covered with analysis from bill mcgurn but first let's go live to jacqui heinrich who is live at the white house with the
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latest from the administration. jackie, an article of impeachment has now officially been filed. >> that's right cory mills filed one article of impeachment against president biden and he writes "president biden abuse the power of his office by soliciting a quid pro quo with israel while leveraging vital and military aid for policy changes. this egregious action not only compromise the credibility of the united states was also undermined the interest of our long stand in ally, israel. making the move drawing comparisons to house democrats and paging for president trump over allegedly withholding military aid to ukraine in an attempt to get dirt on biden's then political opponent. biden's action is not without precedent, ronald reagan delayed to israel in violence in the middle east and george w. bush held in loan guarantees to stop israeli settlements in territories but what biden failed to do here was notify congress. >> they did not inform the
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appropriations committee. they did not inform the formulations committee. they did not inform the armed services committee. it was a unilateral decision. >> even democrats are blessed and biden. >> i did not agree with that. when you have the kind of enemy that has no conditions or morals or decency or any kind of a bottom and i don't think we should have any kind of conditions. i haven't seen anything with israel's conduct that would justify conditions. >> that sentiment was echoed by 26 house democrats who wrote to biden today expressing dismay and urging a reversal. how white house defended the president's choice writing our actions have been with the law and not to delay in spending
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funds appropriated by congress we have been clear that every last cent of those funds will be spent consistent with legal obligations including the respect -- including with respect to the recently passed supplemental. israel has said it will follow through with its plans to eliminate hamas with or without the backing of the united states, aishah. >> and congressman mills will be on life with mark the mccallum in the next hour so we will find out if he is bringing that forward, jackie live at the white house. >> john: let's bring columnist for "the wall street journal." bill, every once in a while we like to get into the wayback machine when it comes to president biden and showed he said them versus what he is saying now. listen to this 2019 interview he did with pbs as judy woodruff about the dangers of withholding aid from israel. >> that would be a tragic mistake. i strongly oppose israel's settlement policy on the west bank, i have made that
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clear to bb when i was vice president and i made it crystal clear to the israelis. but the idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. it is beyond my comprehension that anyone would do that. >> john: clearly it is within his comprehension now. >> yes, it is. i mean, unfortunately with president biden we see he has an "alice in wonderland" approach towards. they mean whatever he wants them to mean at the moment and they are not meant to last beyond that moment. he can change them. like ironclad. his ironclad commitment to israel, and unfortunately he is not usually called on it. >> aishah: bill you know this issue has really divided democrats across the board, especially on capitol hill, we heard from john fetterman and i
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want to play a different bite from him because i want you to pay close attention to the first lens what he said here, listen. >> i did not agree with that. he knows i'm disappointed but that does not change my support for the president in the situation but i do believe given in that situation when you do have the enemy that has no conditions or morals or decency or any kind of a bottom and i think we shouldn't have any kind of conditions and day haven't seen anything with israel's conduct. >> john fetterman saying he is obviously condemning with the president is doing but doesn't change my support for the president. shouldn't change his support for the president, how do you take these democrats seriously question what their criticism if they continue to stand by these policies.
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>> yeah. i think what we are seeing with concerns about the election where there are a lot of muslim voters and joe biden is afraid of alienating them. as a result he has alienated both sides. the idea of the people carrying "genocide joe" signs will be persuaded to vote for him is ridiculous. all he is doing is alienating both sides of this. so he has been a very uncertain trumpet, but i think the background to all of this there is a tectonic shift in american politics. but the republicans becoming the allies of israel and the democrats becoming hostile. remember back when obama was running for president again at the convention they [boos] booed israel perry can you imagine that? republicans until my boss
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george w. bush were largely therapists. they were not hostile to israel but they were considered more friendly to arab regimes. that is all switching now. and the politics is all jumbled because it. there'll be a lot of protests on the dnc so let me ask you this question. like me you've been around long enough to remember the reagan administration. how is what biden is threatening to do now different in any way then what reagan did a couple of times in the 1980s? >> first of all i think joe biden's action comes after the greatest attack that israel has endured since world war ii, since the holocaust. this outrageous attack on october 7th which senator fetterman was alluded to. you know when you attack your
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grandmas like you go out looking for them and slit throats and stuff there is no more bottom. so a serious attack and they are right there. they are right inside israel. and i don't think anyone would leave them involved so i think the seriousness of the threat coming on top of joe biden's ironclad agreement he goes over and makes a speech and too often this is joe biden, words that turn out not to mean anything. i think it's a really dangerous position. >> john: let me follow up with this question. reagan did call in when they were selling the palestinians and said he cut out and they d did. this is really hypothetical. what do you think reagan would do in this particular instance? >> i think reagan would back them. this comes as they said terrorist attacks that are unparalleled in its barbarity.
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so i think the fact that another president 40 years ago threatened some weapons, israel has had a lot of disagreements with american presidents. all of them pretty much over the last 40 years. it is a sovereign nation out of itself. i think if america ever had an ally that undermined us at a similar point, people would rightly be outraged after 9/11 they said don't go after al qaeda or stop or we won't help you i think american people would be outraged. i think with the situation is that come off has to be defeated. i don't think there is a middle ground. they are either defeated or they are gathered and it will have another attack. may be it's not now maybe it's ten years from now i don't know who else would go after that.
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>> aishah: and two weeks ago when they sent to those drones that israel everything changed. thank you for joining us live. >> john: look at the left-hand side of your screen at the jersey shore town of wildwood. the less i'm trump campaign there in 2020 right before covert shutdowns. this team is expected thousands of people to come for a big rally tomorrow. kayleigh mcenany joins us next as trumpets out of court and hits the trail. >> plus talking this morning i was destruction in the south fox weather's max gordon levin tennessee. speak of the clinic continues in middle tennessee after deadly storms swept across the southeast we will of the latest up after the break.
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the ground. fox weather's max is live on the ground in columbia, tennessee, with what he is seeing all around i can see all of the limbs and trees snapped up behind you. >> absolutely. if emergency officials say the search and rescue portion of this disaster is now wrapped up. it's all about the recovery after an ef3 tornado ripped through this community. you can see trees snapped in half, pieces of sheet metal wrapped around and if you look up the hill you can see a home with the roof ripped off, a barn destroyed, lots of destruction in this community. officials can do my confirming one person is dead, with winds up to 100 miles an hour at its widest it was half a mile wide. it racked for all of 11 miles wreaking havoc through this community here, columbia,
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tennessee, four tornadoes and total touchdown here in tennessee and that was not the only hazard. associated with these storms we had strong straight-line winds and flooding in one case a 10-year-old little boy was swept into a storm drain. he suffered major injuries though he is still alive. two people were killed by fallen trees, one in tennessee and one other person in north carolina. meanwhile the recovery process here is ongoing, power is slowly being restored and a lot of work left to be done, guys, back to. >> max gordon thank you for sharing that very important report. >> on saturday we have a tremendous rally, i hope you will be there. it will be a big crowd. will be saying a lot at the campaign on saturday. >> john: former president donald trump out of the courtroom for the weekend will be heading to new jersey to hold a campaign rally in the southern shore town of wildwood drawing a
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massive crowd in january of 2020. expecting a repeat of that tomorrow. guess who was there at that rally back in 2020? outnumbered's kayla mcinerney the former press secretary to donald trump of the time she joins us now. kaylee, that was one for the record as we recall a huge rally so a lot would say wait a second trumpet lost new jersey by 16 and 2020 there is an emerson poll showing him within five but why would you spend time in new jersey as opposed to north carolina? >> as we heard today from former president trump he thinks he is hoping to put new states in play which is a great and admirable goal but what strikes me are turgor reasons you would do this here number one you hit the philadelphia media markets of pennsylvania of course is a swing state that president trump won and 2016 to pull it back into his column but number two
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the energy and wildwood new jersey is really interesting. are member being at that rally showing up around midnight the night before and there were hundreds of people camped out. i would say one of the most energetic rallies i have been to. way to draw a contrast between energy at the rally, a man of the people, and the court cases where you see president donald trump sequestered in a court room. i it has the effect having that energizing rally and the contrast is pretty evident. >> aishah: he is trying, kaylee, to take advantage of all of the coverage of this trial that has been going on for 15 days. every time he comes out before and after he will talk about the trial as much as he can with his gag order and go to the issue of the day which has been very smart for him because he can respond to with the president is doing whether it's about israel or whatever else protesters, but how much cannot really fill in for the actual face-to-face
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campaign time he is missing out on every single day where he could have been flying state to state to state and he would? >> this is where i think it advantages him and can disadvantage. i heard you earlier, aishah, i think you are right we see the pivot in his messaging outside the courtroom. used to be more on the defensive side from the case is now on the offensive side we have seen him talk about inflation today perry we've heard him talk about israel he is using these moments to drive the issues home but here is where he has an advantage in this instance he is driving the narrative where other networks would not cover his rallies very many of them are covering his remarks outside the courtroom. if he cannot drive the message on the campaign trail up far and wide he can do so outside the courtroom and he has changed the way he is messaging i completely agree to great effect over the last two weeks. >> john: this whole campaign against the president has been cast by many observers biden
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can't beat him at the polls in the polls show he is losing in most swing states. the only way to get trumpets to keep him off the trail by keeping them tied up in court and throw his rear end in the whose gal as well but it looks like that strategy is crumbling quickly from that order from judge eileen cannon in florida where she says i can't make the trial date for the end of may so i will postpone indefinitely. the court saying we will hear donald trump's appeal of fani willis from the lower court in the l law fair thing does not seem to be working. is there a chance that biden may have to face donald trump of the polls november 5th? >> yes it appears so. john, if you scripted this out no one wants to be indicted i'm sure they didn't want any of these cases but if not are the cards you are dealt and you want to scripted out the best of your
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ability, you could not have scripted it any better. in the alvin bragg's case for us which every analyst would tell you is toothless, though if the prosecution has brought witness after witness hope hicks and madeleine westerhout speaking glowingly it seems like when this is for the defense, this is the way you would want to do it. i predict he at least gets a hung jury here. should be an acquittal but i think he at least gets a hung jury and what a tailwind that would be behind him. you are not staring down and the other cases but the one you did stare down got a tailwind behind you because you got a hung jury. i think that will be the effect of this trial. i think it will badly backfire on the democrats. >> aishah: i think that's great point. really i want to play this sound bite from janitor to senator joe manchin, brian kilmeade is having him on his show and he said do you think president biden or i'm sorry president trump and win in november and here's his answer.
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speak i most most certainly do. all pragmatic hardworking people don't want the government to jump up on your back believing freedoms and democracy and all of that and a helping hand. they believe you should get off your butt and do something sometimes. >> that doesn't surprise me because i know he likes to show himself as the last standing moderate democrat wasn't surprising to what he said? >> not at all. to your point he is one of the few moderates we have left in congress. really one of the centrists, so many of the other have been forced out. it is interesting to hear him say that he is listening to people in his district. i spoke to a mom this week who said my daughter is married. both her and her husband have great jobs. they ended up getting an $80,000 windfall and thought they could afford a house but even with $80,000 it was not enough for a down payment.
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and then of course you are standing at huge interest rates on top of that. that's the reality people are looking at. some of my joe manchin talks to people in his district and i'm sure he's hearing a lot of that. >> john: thank you so much for hanging around we will talk to you on "outnumbered." it's hard to forget this chaotic scene at the border where migrants broke through the razor wire and trampled national guardsmen in el paso. now a judge has made it a decision is leaving people there outraged. former border patrol chief ron standing by coming up next. this is better. this is better. that's better. and that. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma. it works with your asthma medicine to help improve lung function. that's pretty good! dupixent is not for sudden breathing problems. it's proven to help prevent asthma attacks.
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(vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort. >> john: remember this scene from el paso back in march? the stampede of migrants stamp
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blowing dominic stampeding now a judge is dismissing charges against the migrants involved. senior national correspondent william la jeunesse's live in los angeles. he has the story and why in the world that the judge dropped the charges? >> because, john, the judge claims the right paperwork is not filed with this court. he blamed the d.a. for the error he refutes that but the bottom line is 211 migrants appear to have gotten off scot-free after illegally forcing their way of ripping down the razor wire and overwhelming police so was a negligence politics or was it a mistake? they could've gotten up to 180 days in jail. marella's dismissed the charges saying paperwork transferring the case from one was not properly filed. d.a. says it was designated to hear the charges and promised to appeal. >> we feel that very strongly
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and we feel that it was done appropriately and it was an improper order. >> appeal or not to a great extent this case is already dead of the 211 migrants charged fewer than 40 remain. for agents charged with securing the border, -- >> this is truly a slap in the face to all law enforcement across the country and it unfortunately sends a message to those doing crime and you can continue to do crimes because you will not face consequences. >> that's the problem. even if the d.a. succeeds and files the charges most of these migrants are long gone and the misdemeanor is meaningless unless you are arrested for something else. >> john: william la jeunesse for us in los angeles. >> aishah: let's bring in ron botelho former border patrol chief and former acting ice director ron i would get your
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take but i will put it in the words of william and his report he says was it negligence, politics, or just a big mistake? >> like a lot of things i think it depends on where we are sitting in the situation. but we all agreed on is this is very frustrating. the border has been out-of-control for the for the last three years and these individuals with their sense of entitlement broke through this barrier and national guard soldiers and because of the politics and the rife between the state of texas and washington, d.c., there are people playing games on both sides. i think it's probably depending a lot on where the paperwork was filed. it is shared all americans. we all know this should not happen on the u.s./mexico border in 2024 and it's only happening because this administration refuses to take their responsibility to secure the border. >> john: so the el paso
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district attorney didn't seem too happy with all of this his name is bill hicks here is what said about it. >> it does not matter if a person's immigration status. it does not matter if they are from this country are not. if you break the laws of the state of texas, in particular in these riot cases if you destroy property and you endanger lives you will be held accountable. >> john: a district attorney want these people held accountable but the judicial system somehow is kicking this case out. >> yes. that's why we have three branches of government that was supposed to balance each other. obviously he is committed to seeing justice hill but of the judiciary branch won't cooperate or is playing games that will be a lot harder to do. bottom line here is most people don't deserve to be in the united states. they don't deserve to walk free without justice after what they have done. i wish him luck in pursuing the appeal.
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>> ronnie biden administration wants to announce tougher asylum standards as we watch so many people come across the border. there are also reporting this week there may be some executive actions coming down the pipeline as well. here is senator ron johnson on what all of this really proves. >> it just proves president biden has the authority to close the border if he wants to. we are looking for an enforcement mechanism to force president biden to file any agreement but use the authority he has to close the border. he simply does not want to. we are dealing with the consequences of the democrat and president biden's open border for decades to come. >> rom-com is that the answer to just close the border and what do you think executive actions will entail? >> where is the baseline your? the baseline is this administration has absolutely no credibility on this issue as it relates to the border. when joe biden took office we had 45 year low inactivity in
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the southwest border. senator johnson is someone who knows this problem intricately having been the chairman of the homeland security and government affairs for many years including when i was in government so he knows the issue and he knows the biden administration in this case is doing too little too late into his point if the president wanted to fix this problem at least make it smaller. he can't solve all the problems on the border but if he wants to make this easier for the men and women if he wants to give them the tools they need to help secure that border, make this problem smaller, he can do it he just refuses to do it because he prefers the chaos over control. >> john: last time they checked 19 10,190,000 people crs the border. it's down from december, but we are about to enter the very, very busy season. thank you for joining us appreciate it. >> thank you for inviting me. speak all right. we are learning more from a
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senate probe of the biden envoy who is accused of storing classified documents. that's coming up next. aps bold t and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪
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>> gop lawmakers demanding to know if president biden's suspended i ron envoy kept classified government documents not in his garage next to his desk nor at the biden penn centre but on his personal cell phone. lucas tomlinson here with more. >> probably not a good time to do the without your iran envoy for over a year. and fortune vacancy given all that's going on in the world. israel's war in hamas, iran's other proxies attacking ships in the red sea launching attacks from lebanon. the security clearance suspended in april of last year. the state department never said why. top republicans in congress have written secretary of state antony blinken demanding answers, ranking memories and chairman mccall said they have been doing digging of their own and say the quote allegedly transferred classified documents to personal e-mail account and downloaded the documents to his personal cell phone cat and a hostile cyber actor was able to
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gain access to his e-mail and/or phone. state department reacting to the letter this week. >> we will take it seriously as we do all congressional correspondence and will respond to it. there are other things that relate to secure the clearances that's just been long-standing position of the executive branch and department that we cannot brief congress on and that remains the case. >> reporter: texas senator terry crews. >> just how bad does this conduct have to be to have his security clearances pulled by this ideological and radical white house. but we now know also that among other things three of rob malley's top advisors, his inner circle, that he relied on were iranian operatives. they were recruited by the government of iran. >> the justice department is not charged with any crime he's currently teaching princeton and yale sphere classified documents on his cell phone and he hasn't,
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has he been investigated at least? >> that's correct. there's an investigation ongoing but he hasn't been charged. seems like handling classified material big problem in administration. >> at least his cell phone is slightly more secure than a pair of socks. we'll be right back.(bel stay with us. ♪ liberty, libert♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ the tempur-pedic breeze makes sleep feel cool. so, no more sweating all night or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets.
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