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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  May 10, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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noem's house. they are underrated as a pet and a farm animal and a petting zoo and zoo inhabitant. >> my girlfriend linda has two rescue goats. sophie and olivia. >> they are the greatest of all time. >> they really are. >> there were three zebras who escaped a truck in western washington state and one of them went on the lam for days. people were terrified for their safety. they are bloodthirsty killers. the animal was corralled and they are safe and sound. >> do you know what is black-and-white and red all o over? >> a newspaper. >> i was going to say a zebra. that is it for us. have a good night. >> you have seen the words of
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harold ford jr. thanks for having me on. >> bret: house republicans work on articles of impeachment against president biden over his threat to stop sending weapons to israel. protest organizers may have ulterior motives with some students. we will bring you to that investigation, border patrol agents under fire from mexico. we will take you there. first, attorneys in the criminal trial of donald trump will have the weekend to prepare for the most crucial witness in the c case, former trump lawyer and self-described fixer, michael cohen. today wrapped up the third week of testimony in that case. this is covered outside the new york supreme court tonight. good evening. >> michael cohen is one of two witnesses remaining before
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prosecutors rested their case. he paid stormy daniels $130,000 to suppress her story about an alleged affair with donal donald trump, leading up to the 2016 presidential election. on monday, he will answer questions about what trump knew during that time. >> there is no gag order to michael cohen. i am not allowed to say anything about anybody. it is a disgrace. >> donald trump's one time lawyer is attacking his client on social media. >> another michael cohen reacts. >> they asked him to stop discussing the case immediately, saying that comes from the be bench. allen weisselberg is not on the witness list. judge requested an effort to compel him to testify.
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he called trump's request a fishing expedition, saying it was brought and calls for information protected. he investigated trump and rode a book because the d.a. would not bring the case. prosecutors indicate they could rest their case next week. trump maintains his innocence. >> someone paid a lawyer and in paying the lawyer, it was a legal expense. that somebody happened to be me. i didn't do the bookkeeping. i didn't know about it. >> michael cohen takes the stand at 9:30. they say he is an unreliable witness. prosecutors say: light in the past to protect trump. they anticipate resting the case as early as next week.
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>> bret: tonight, the biden administration says israel's use of weapons in gaza likely violated international humanitarian law. jackie has these details live from the north lawn. >> the state department released its report on alleged violations by israel and the question of whether u.s. weapons played a role. it does question israel's efforts to mitigate harm to civilian lives. it does not conclude israel violated human rights, saying credible allegations were reviewed but hamas' use of civilian infrastructure for military operation and human shields prevented them from
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drawing conclusions and it does not give direction anywhere to prevent israel from continuing to receive u.s. weapons. all of that despite the president's recent decision. >> president biden will return from fund-raisers to face new impeachment efforts against him. he used language to impeach trump over ukraine in 2019. >> withholding aid for a return of a political gain is a quid pro quo. he wants to win michigan and pander to the left. >> trump held up aid to ukraine to coerce an investigation. biden withheld arms over the civilian toll. something reagan did in 1982.
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george h.w. bush held up loan guarantees because of israeli settlements in the west bank. biden failed to inform congress. 26 democrats writing we cannot undermine our ally, especially in her greatest hour of need. >> if you are hamas and you see what is going on and you are seeing the message of the united states start to change, there is less pressure to release hostages. the only pressure is pressure on israel. let's not forget there are more jewish voters who care about israel than muslim voters that care about hamas. even hillary clinton challenging the judgment. >> i have had many conversations over the last many months now. you are right. they don't know much about the history of the middle east. >> the white house insists the u.s. supports israel's plan to
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finish off the remaining battalions, but it wants to see israel target hamas leaders, prevent smuggling of weapons into gaza and also a place for palestinian civilians to go safely. >> bret: jackie, thanks. israel is proceeding with its military activity in roscoe despite the threat of repercussions from president biden. greg has the latest tonight. >> israel fending off those on all sides, battling with hamas in northern gaza. they engage in more back-and-forth strikes with hezbollah and with greater intensity piling in an routing out the last main hamas stronghold, the southern
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gaza city. israel calls it limited and the locals because it helped. >> there is artillery shelling and rockets. >> u.n. officials called the crisis in the area historic. >> this attrition has reached a more unprecedented emergency. >> israel continues to respond to the threat to cut off military aid if the invasion expands. >> we have disagreements and have been able to overcome them. we will do what we have to do to protect our country. >> israel got some help at the u.n. the general assembly voting to back a palestinian bid to become a full u.n. member. the u.s. voted with israel against the moves and is expected to veto the measure. >> so many of you are hating,
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you don't care that palestinians are not peace-loving. >> the white house and hamas confirming today is increasingly apparent to pause the fighting and release the hostages. for now it has been concluded. hamas blaming israel for the breakdown. john kirby saying we still think a deal is
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of military aid to ukraine. haiti's health ministry says the country is facing the highest number of malnourished children ever. the non-government organization saved the children, reports some 82,000 children are suffering acute malnourishment in the capital city alone. gang violence that now affects more than 80% of port au prince has forced thousands of families to flee their homes, leading to unemployment soaring and inflation. two environmental activists attack a glass case containing an original copy of the magna carta at the british library in london. there was minor damage to the reinforced box, but the historic document was unscathed and this is a live look at toronto from earth cam. one of the big stories there tonight, the cbc reports toronto is awarded a wnba franchise that is the first city outside the us to join the women's professional basketball
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league. the team will begin play in 2026. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. let it grow. let it grow. so let it blossom. let it flow. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boosting protein. complete nutrition. you need complete nutrition. you need without the stuff you don't. so here's to now boost
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>> bret: authorities have dismantled an anti-israel encampment at the university of pennsylvania. 33 were arrested at its campus. the president of massachusetts institute of east says ten people were taken into custody during the removal of a demonstrator settlement there. officials at the university of arizona say police were forced to use and deploy teargas or another agent to disperse protests on that campus. they were detained wednesday during a clearing operation. "the new york times" reports a prominent donor to colombia university is causing giving over the anti-semitism allegations. the foundation donated about
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$86 million to columbia so far. we are learning how some organizers are trying to recruit students to radical political causes. william shows us from los angeles what authorities have found following clearing operations at those demonstrator encampments. >> this guys shoved me with no warning. >> after police broke up this campus, they found buckets of rocks and bricks. they had stacks of documents and the elimination of -- with multiple rocket attacks. we must liberate the land from
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the river to the sea. experts say the documents lured students in using their sympathy to show more extreme views. that is about as extreme as it gets. >> the state department designates the group as a foreign terrorist organization that conducts suicide bombings and assassinations in israel. monday, police detained at 40 protesters masks, carrying metal pipes, padlocks, and documents, encouraging vandalism. they showed how to break into buildings. another says organizers should
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not concern themselves with remaining peaceful. most universities are not waiting to find out. they are clearing the encampments before protesters take root. >> thank you. >> there is a major senate primary being contested in maryland. hogan is expected to win the election there. the democratic primary figures to be closer. the winners will battle in november and what could be a determination of the power structure and the balance of power in the u.s. senate. >> larry hogan surprised people from both parties when he announced his senate bid. >> this is a fight for america's future.
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republicans say they will help him flip the traditionally blue senate seat. >> hogan, an outspoken critic is still an underdog. maryland has not elected a republican to the senate in -- years. >> we need a lot of resources and outreach on these principles, which are not partisan issues. >> i have the resources to beat larry hogan and the personal, to win across the state. >> he has spent more than $60 million of his own money on the race and claims trauma's
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wealth is a liability. >> he has given hundreds of thousands of dollars. experts say whoever wins tuesday's primary needs cash to compete. >> one big x factor, the presidential race. president biden won by more than 30 points and larry hogan is not expected to ask for help. hogan is not even going to vote for trump. >> bret: mark lives in annapolis. the dow gained 125 for its eighth consecutive winning session. the s&p 500 finished ahead nine. for the week, the dow was up. the s&p 500 gained 1.85. the nasdaq finished ahead 1.54. up next, the bipartisan approach
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to rebuild the francis scott key bridge in baltimore. later, why the head of the npr was a no-show at a congressional hearing about alleged bias at her network. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> we are going to send all the federal resources they need. the federal government will pay for the cost of reconstructing that bridge. i expect congress to support my effort. it is going to take time. the people of baltimore can count on us to stick with them. >> bret: it is time for our common ground segment. cooperation on rebuilding the francis scott key bridge following its collapse, joining
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us tonight, maryland democratic governor and republican congressmen. thank you for being here. you have worked together across the aisle after this tragedy and where are things now? how long is this going to take? >> in this moment, we have shown bipartisanship is real. i am thankful i was able to stand with the delegation, democrats and republicans, to include representative harris, to say we have four objectives and for directives i laid out. we were going to bring closure and comfort to the impacted families. we lost six marylanders and we will never forget that. we are going to reopen the federal channel. we had to create supports for everyone impacted by this cr crisis. the fourth was that we are going
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to rebuild the bridge. we are grateful we have been able to make progress but we know there is more work that needs to be done. >> you cowrote this opinion piece saying we have a long road ahead, but the collapse is not a republican or democrat tragedy. the two of us agree taxpayers should not be held responsible for costs that any negligent third-party should pay. you heard what the president said. how much taxpayers are going to pay for this and how much third-party is going to pay for it. >> we have to start rebuilding the bridge. we have to make plans for that. if the federal government needs to come up with some money up front, we are going to do that, but liability is present from the ship owners the charter companies, we should pursue that.
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but we have to keep going with getting the bridge rebuilt. >> you mention the cost of jobs in that area and that is a big issue. >> it is a big issue. we talk about the people impacted, many include tens of thousands of workers who woke up that morning and realized there place of work, their livelihood was now gone. that we had a ship the size of three football fields sitting in the middle of the river with the key bridge, an iconic bridge sitting on top of it. the point is important. we know the people who need to be held responsible for this will be held responsible. we know there is insurance that is going to support the rebuilding effort and we feel confident that this is going to be the most expensive maritime disaster in our nation's
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history. the american people are going to be made whole but harris is right. the reason for the caution is it is about speed and efficiency. we are going to get this built on time and on budget. >> $1.9 billion cost estimate to rebuild. you have 21.5 billion freight transport in 2023, 28 million monthly report closure losses. 140,000 indirect jobs. i don't think people understand the complexity and the massive numbers attached to this. >> it is a huge disaster, and have large impacts throughout the mid-atlantic and the country in terms of the foreclosure. we have to get that port reopened and we have to rebuild that bridge as soon as we can. >> on capitol hill, or your colleagues on board with this?
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supporting it 100%? >> we are going to work out the details and hopefully we will work it out in a bipartisan basis. if we have to move forward, have the federal government be a partner in this rebuilding effort. >> you work across the aisle with the congressmen and other republicans when it comes to the economy. >> i just came from western maryland. i was at the opening of a distribution factory. going back to the point, one of the biggest reasons they truax's western maryland, 2.1 million square feet, the largest distribution center in our state, one of the reasons they chose there was the port of baltimore. we have to get our economy going. we are aggressively moving to
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adjust perm renting and making sure it is a more hospitable environment. >> you will have the demolition of the remaining part of the bridge tomorrow. i know you guys have come to ground on, the orioles are playing well. they are top of the league. >> best young team in baseball. >> go, orioles. >> thank you for the time. >> bret: you can see all the common ground segments on my podcast. more if you download podcast, you can see the discussion on the fox news youtube page. radio silence on capitol hill. the head of npr skips a congressional hearing on alleged bias at the network and the panel with the friday lightning
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round. ♪ ♪ (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. here's to getting better with age.
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>> bret: severe weather alert. at least four tornadoes swept through tallahassee, florida as a powerful squall line moved
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through. severe storms were also expected in the carolinas with the biggest threat at the coast. at least 90 tornadoes have touched down across the u.s. since monday. additional survey teams are looking for damage across the region today. a school board voted today to restore the names of confederate military leaders to a high school and elementary school. this comes four years after the names had been removed. shenandoah county's school board voted 5-1 to rename mountain view high school as stonewall jackson high school and honey run elementary as ashby lee elementary. the head of national public radio did not attend a congressional hearing this week on alleged bias at npr following a scathing article from the former editor on the organization's management. here is chad.
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>> all things considered, not everyone accounted for. the new npr's ceo conduct a hearing about the perceived left-wing tilt. >> normally refusing to meet with her funders would have her fired. >> she was hired because of these crazy tweets. they didn't disqualify her. >> they gave her one week notice, you want to have her in here so you can rake her over the coals for your partisan issues. shame on this committee. >> republicans say you only get certain viewpoints when you tune in. >> i don't hear a whole lot on the national news of folks with accents like mine. >> a scathing essay sparked the probe.
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an npr advocate accused republicans of working the rest. >> it will likely make the leadership more timid. i imagine that is the point. >> republicans have attempted to kill public broadcasting for decades. >> anybody who wants to take the muppets off public television will have a lot of explaining to do. >> not all want to eliminate public broadcasting. >> it is important. zeroing them out because we have had ten years of going the wrong direction is an extreme step i would not support. >> npr received some support from washington but stations recycle federal dollars, paying the network to buy their programs. >> thanks. up next, the friday lightning round.
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president biden's divided constituencies, plus winners and losers. we will see if we can fit that in. first, let's hear from some of our fox affiliates. the santa clara district attorney charges to parents was stashing a backpack full of 55,000 fentanyl pills under their baby's crib. fox 13 in salt lake city, two skiers are found dead and one is rescued after an avalanche near the little cottonwood canyon. the bodies of the deceased were brought down the mountain via helicopter hoist. they had been fully buried under several feet of snow. this is a live look at st. st. louis. residents in parts of the midwest and the rest of the country may get a chance to see the northern lights. the weather prediction center
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says a rare storm could enable people to see the aurora borealis tonight and tomorrow night. already tonight, the lights are in few volts a night. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy!
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it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. >> the israelis are put in an
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untenable position. they say they are not that great at public relations. it is overwhelmingly regrettable. what it should do, it should generate outrage to go at the root cause of this and unite with us, with israel. >> that is senator joe biden from 2006, standing next to bob menendez, whose trial starts monday on bribery. on the israel issue, biden is struggling to hold democrats together amid criticism from voters over the war. there is a divide. listen.
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>> i haven't seen anything with israel's conduct that would justify these conditions. >> the shipment was going to include 2,000-pound bombs. i support what the president is doing. >> i have said openly that i think it is wrong. >> republicans and democrats united support israel and don't agree with joe biden. >> let's bring in our panel, trey gowdy. francesca chambers. charles hurt. it is not getting a ton of coverage other places. what about this in this moment, what happen this week? >> it is extraordinary when you look at the calypso joe biden talking 15 years ago versus
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today. the time for debating about whether or not american taxpayers should be paying for aid to israel is done. congress voted on this. the idea of the president is trying to hold up weapons and hold up what congress allocated for israel because he claims his concern is that israel is obstructing aid from getting to civilians in gaza is extraordinary, especially when you consider the one thing that no one disputes is that hamas has been blocking aid from getting to civilians in gaza. what we are looking at right now is this weird situation where the protesters have taken over the white house and are basically dictating foreign policy for joe biden in the white house. >> we are trying to get a sense
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of the political impact of this. a poll came out asking the question, how much does the issue determine your vote coming up. significant is 34% but it will determine your vote at 18%. it is 52% in this poll. >> it is a major issue for young progressives and progressives in particular. joe biden notched a victory when he said he would pause the shipment of bombs and submunitions to israel, but with the state department report that was dropped in the last two hours, he is getting criticism from some on the left because they don't feel the state department went far enough chastising israel saying they believe there is a possible misuse of weapons but did not go
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so far as to say israel violated the law or u.s. policy. he is in a can't win situation with his party on this issue. >> hamas has bombed this one crossing. that is the place where aid was supposed to be coming into gaza and roscoe. >> and good luck if your message is we were tougher on israel than iran or hamas. if you were smart about it, he would realize these progressives or anarchists are not going to vote for donald trump. people who don't like lawlessness, who are watching these images, listening to the squad beat up on the police and with criminality, he is going to
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lose their vote. i delight in the fact it is not the republican party being drugged by their base. it is now the democrats. >> the trump trial. michael cohen getting ready to testify. he will testify monday. cohen is expected to be the star witness for his role in arranging the payment in 2016 to stormy daniels to keep her story that she had a sexual encounter with trump. michael cohen is all over tick-tock. what do you think? >> it is so hard to take this seriously but we have to because it is going on. that said, the prosecution is failing to meet even the most minimum standard of prosecuting
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their case and michael cohen's testimony, a disbarred serial perjurer on the stand who used to be trump's lawyer testifying against him will be entertaining to watch. i will be tuned in and will enjoy every minute of it. >> let's talk about possible vps. we >> the most important thing is always going to be, will they be a good president? it is such an important position. number two is helping to get elected, getting some votes. you know this better than i do, vps have never helped in the election process. >> that brings us to a place we call candidate casino. you have $100 in chips. francesca, you are first.
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>> i've built on last week and i said anyone with christie and now i am rolling out anyone with marco rubio. he was talking last week and noted that trump has a lot of choices in front of him, and folks that may end up in the cabinet. >> the reverse event. >> i am going to rule people out every week. >> $50 on tim scott, $20 on stuff sonic, ten on mike pompeo and i am keeping ten -- i don't even know if that adds up to 100. i am keeping ten so i can move to costa rica if he picks radcliffe. >> he has the inside game going.
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>> i am putting 20 on desantis, 20 on sarah huckabee sanders and $10 on tim scott, salazar, j.d. vance, mike pompeo. i think that adds up. >> spreading the money fan. >> i would have said the progressive left had a big win over biden, but we will see how they feel with this report, and the losers i said mpg over the vote. >> winner and loser? >> kim jong il them. people are actually lying about meeting him. loser, south dakota. >> iou winners and losers. i've got to run.
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♪ ♪ it is friday. time for notable quotable's. >> the key lesson is you have to protect the people, the civilians in the battle space, otherwise you create more terrorists. >> give israel what they need to fight the war they cannot lose. which you have been outspoken. >> i'm not sure what they are protesting about. >> tantrums don't actually work and not every body has the memo. >> the country needs functioning congress. >> it should make everybody at risk politically. >> donald trump promised to win
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the wall. he is going to win in 2024. >> justice delayed is justice denied. >> he lies. he can have 100 yards. >> they are both welcome here on "special report" to debate. monday, the testimony from trump's lawyer and self-proclaimed fixer, michael cohen. join michael hall with guests rick scott, adam smith, and the mother of a hamas hostage. thanks for inviting us into your home. that is it for us. fair, balanced. >> laura: this is the ingraham