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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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he is going to win in 2024. >> justice delayed is justice denied. >> he lies. he can have 100 yards. >> they are both welcome here on "special report" to debate. monday, the testimony from trump's lawyer and self-proclaimed fixer, michael cohen. join michael hall with guests rick scott, adam smith, and the mother of a hamas hostage. thanks for inviting us into your home. that is it for us. fair, balanced. >> laura: this is the ingraham angle.
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thank you so much for joining us. for biden's boosters, buyers remorse. in 2020, we were told biden would save us from the chaos of the trump presidency. >> people need to feel safe and secure and joe biden represents stability. >> there was a sense of returning to normalcy. >> people have said we need stability and joe biden represents that. >> four years later, we are seeing what they meant by stability, safety, biden style. >> it is a flood of three plus years for migrants. >> consumer sentiment plummeted by the most in three years.
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jobs, interest rates, and inflation. >> the democrats promised us that biden was reasonable and experienced. >> he is more of a centrist than left-wing part of the democratic party. i am confident it was time for us to have somebody with washington experience to get things done. president-elect biden is the right man at the right time, in the right place. >> laura: that was before he stabbed israel in the back because the far left, running his party, demanded he do so. >> civilians have been killed in gaza as a consequence of those bombs.
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it is just wrong. we are not going to supply the weapons and the artillery shells used. the mega-donors are sorry. he wrote beyond israel, this sends a terrible message to our allies. we can flip from doing the right thing to bending to political pressure. there are more jewish voters that care about voters than care about hamas. this is all unfolding exactly as we predicted. you are here with us, cradling the economy, open border catastrophe, the radical left running the show. do you want to know what four more years of biden will look like? just ask aoc. >> americans can apply to join
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the america climate and core. >> they will get paid to fight the impact of climate change. >> we are counting on you. >> laura: this is what it has come to. if you want to keep your gas-powered car, if you think america should have a strong automobile industry, if you want to restrict who comes into the country, if you want any kind of border, you want the state of israel to exist, then mr. stability was never your answer. democrats are not placating the left. they are replicating the hard left and they are intent on undoing america from top to bottom. this was not hard to predict. all you had to do was watch how the democrats celebrated and reveled in the passion and
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activism after george floyd. they were passing condemnations of the violence as the democrats exploited the anger and tried to pin it on trump. we can never forget how the never trumper types were willing to risk the country because trump did not think like they did, because he was more rough and tumble, a pragmatist? >> a second term of trump would be a nightmare for america. it has been easy to support the democrats. the center did hold in the democratic party. they could restore some civility and add some sensible governments to the country and that is a good thing.
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>> has he read the books behind him or are they there for decoration? >> will that guy ever get it wrong? the only reason people paid attention to him is because of his father. the g.o.p. was so hot on burying trump that they did not worry about burying america. >> we have been concerned about the path we have been following. it has led to division, dysfunction, irresponsibility and vitriol between our citizens, continuing to follow that path will have terrible consequences for america's soul. >> how is the soul now? he was the governor of ohio and would not come to the convention and it was held in his state. or is our soul okay being run by anti-oil and gas, pro-pot,
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pro-abortion zealots? is that good for the soul? will he do an about-face? will he go down with the titanic? i am betting on the latter. no one in the beltway ever saw biden as anything but an empty vessel with a cheesy smile, a man who thought a stream of made up anecdotes were enough to hide the fact he believed in nothing at all, except building his own brand to help his family become rich and they have become really rich. the working people that he claimed to identify with, he may back slap them at the union hall events, but he doesn't care about what his inflation has done to them. >> if you look at what the people have, they have the money to spend. >> the buyers remorse trickling
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out from the never trumpers and democrats is real. even if their pride won't let them admit they are wrong, we know the truth. they convinced themselves that joe could control the radicals but now the radicals control h him. joe biden puts the first, last, and always. he has decided his future depends on support from the hard left. he has seen what it looks like when the college campuses explode. he is terrified the radicals will come after him. nothing they say is going to matter. he is going to follow aoc and the rest of the hard left because they run the democratic party these days and they will keep running it until they are beaten. we have a choice in november. a return to trump, peace and
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prosperity, or four more years of the radical, anti-semitic left. those are the only options. joining me now, congressman donald. do any of these people who said what they said -- we could have played a whole clips about how bad trump was and how centrist biden is. do you think they realized the mistake they made and they will come home to this working-class party or are they going down with the ship? >> they have realized the mistakes. i have had conversations with a lot of people from the donor class starting to see what has happened, realize the full impact and i think they will join us. they do care, they want the country to move forward but there is a weird space in
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politics that what you said and how you said it mattered more than what was actually done and the impacts of that policy. now that the reality of the policy has come home for america to see, a lot of those donors and voters are coming back home and they will vote donald trump. >> the only future is a multiethnic working-class fu future. the idea we are going back to the glory days of 2000s, that is gone. that party is subsumed in the democrat party. this party is working-class. the hard left are going to describe a second trump term this way. >> here is what it would look like. more bands, more suffering, less freedom.
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do we believe in the promise of america? are we ready to fight for it? when we fight? we win! ask your response for them. >> i hope we finish off kamala harris. she should not be giving rally speeches. what they want is this crazy vision of america, which raises prices on everybody, which limits our ability to be energy independent, which has drug cartels taking over our cities and trafficking people into our country which empowers our enemies. the only thing you get is
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despotism. working families cannot even get ahead. the thing you get with a trump presidency is a reinvigorated america and a safer world. that is better for americans who are up all middle class. people trying to build something out of themselves. >> the country needs a border, a vibrant small business sector, we need to make stuff here and we need to kick china on its hills. these guys want to spend and print money and borrow until we are servants of the state. i saw you over the weekend. it was good to see you and my daughter got to meet you and she enjoyed that. great to see you. does stormy daniels have a sixth sense? we found some interesting video.
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it's friday night. that is next.
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i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart, and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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( ♪ ) my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. i heard about relief factor from my wife. i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95.
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to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. >> alvin bragg's star witness, not just a talented porn star.
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she sees dead people. >> she was focused on the fact that stormy daniels claims she is a medium and that she communicates with dead people. she explores things, including the fact that one point, an ex-boyfriend of hers was inhabited by spirits. >> she is a woman of many talents. apparently we have context for you, some video. >> i am stormy daniels. i get asked a lot of what got me into the paranormal and i was making a joke that it got into me. >> let's find out more. >> i heard knocking. i heard scratching. blood ran down the walls. that led me to want to prove
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things i was experiencing and seeing and feeling were real. we had an idea to do a ghost hunting show called spooky ba babes. >> it is a very serious show. >> there is a feeling i get and a weird taste in my mouth. >> feelings of a woman and a bathroom. >> it is a really ugly bathroom. the color yellow, i have no idea what that means. >> that ghost was rude. this show is about helping others, about sacrifice. >> i have come online, it basically means i see dead people. i want to normalize these things for people. i want to help people in the moment, teach them how to protect themselves. once these spirits, ghosts,
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whatever find you, they will keep finding you. >> how to protect yourself from paranormal activity, call a priest, not stormy. coming out of court, who is scheduled to take the stand on monday. admitted liar, convicted perjurer, michael cohen. he has to take some time off to do it. >> i will be taking a couple of days off. there are not too many names left in the can. let's just expect that i will have a lot on my plate sometime beginning next week. >> does he always sound stuffed up? how will we get more brilliant content like this?
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>> that shirt is perfect for you and i wish you could wear it to court. >> he is trashing trump and talking about the trial. they asked him to put him under a gag order so he stops doing this, potentially tainting the jury. >> there is no gag order term michael: but what the judge did was amazing. everybody can say what they want but i am not allowed to say anything about anybody. joining me now, the fox news contributor. gag orders are not the common path taken in trials.
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certainly not against a criminal defendant. what about the fact that michael cohen can go on and on, make money trash talking the president, defaming him and the judge is saying try to stop it, please. >> i was thinking about the same thing today. judges have the power to issue gag orders as long as they are constitutional. as long as they have inherent power over the defendant, parties, and witnesses. stormy daniels is doing the same thing. why the judge doesn't subject them to a gag order, it is shocking. if he doesn't think he has the power to do that, the judge has the power to say if you don't
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control your witnesses, i am going to strike their testimony. this judge cannot conceal his prejudice against former president trump. >> michael cohen hit the trump supporter's out there on his tick-tock last -- on his tiktok last night. >> do that so we can show them. i enjoy it we bother them as much as we do. they know that come november, there is going to be a [bleep] loping. >> it is pathetic. i had a chance to meet
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michael cohen a few times. again, it demonstrates the unfairness of this proceeding and he is the poster boy of why you don't put a former president of the united states on trial in an election year. >> i don't see how this case, assuming that trump is convicted, i don't see how it will stand up on appeal, given the prejudice displayed by the judge. michael cohen is a uniquely -- but here, with michael cohen, he is vulnerable in so many things. he is bound by a court of law to be a person who is not credible
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and this is after his cooperation agreement with the government. not just that he pled guilty, he faced criminal exposure. he is going to do very vulnerable. >> great to see you. have a wonderful weekend. but this won't surprise you. we will talk about it next. tely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! i want a massage, in amalfi, from someone named giancarlo. and i didn't live in that shoebox for years. not just— with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry.
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i guess i'll get the caviar... just kidding. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next.
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raising you was no bed of roses. are you getting me anything for mother's day? go to oh my gosh! wow! gorgeous! i feel like royalty. thank you. happy mother's day. happy mother's day!
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>> this is like clockwork.
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the democrats wouldn't pretend to care about the border invasion. until it started to hurt them politically. and it is. that is exactly what is happening right now. 15 house democrats who are supposedly urging biden to take action on the border. everything they say about the border now is phony. most of those 15 are in tough races and they know as we know, immigration is the top of the list of voter concerns. plus, we know who biden listens to. >> we have to make sure president biden does everything he can to provide long-term relief for long-term undocumented residents. >> we must act now to cut through the red tape. >> we reject failed policies
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that banning asylum and moving us backwards. we know what is in your heart. >> joining me now, stephen miller. i love this phony border pivot they keep dangling. he may change the laws. they may do this. is there anything to this? >> we are in our fourth year of the border invasion. the only thing they are doing is keeping the conveyor belt running, bringing illegal immigrants into the country. if they can't do it, they send airplanes, fill them up and fly them into swing states. the invasion is not going to stop until joe biden is voted out of office and donald trump
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is voted in. two days ago, everyone voted to give illegal aliens representation and allotting congressional seats and electoral colleges. >> that is the goal here. they want to change the country from top to bottom. that is why they want to bring in this new population. they are upset west virginia is not bringing in all these foreign workers and illegal laborers. that is a crime not to let them in. >> it is enraging to democrats who thought any would be illegal alien could be kept out of a part of the united states of america and that is not enough for them. now they are trying to bring
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refugees to america. they want to turn the midwest into the middle east. it is find the migrants around the world and bring them into america in limited numbers. >> it is always great to see y you. >> happy mother's day to you. blue cities keep cutting speed limits. is it really about safety? what could it be about? it's almost passover here in israel and across the former soviet union but we're fnding thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor.
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she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. ramzia saw this matzah that the fellowship brought her for passover. ramzia was so excited... it brings up memories of faith and family from her childhood. i strongly believe that supporting israel is one of the most meaningful things that a believer can do. it's why i personally approve of and support
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>> planet earth is getting
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rocked by the biggest solar storm in decades. kevin has the details. what is the doppler radar sa saying? >> you are hilarious. this is an interesting story. there is a storm, electromagnetic and americans may be able to see the aurora borealis or northern lights tonight. those lights will be the sign of charged particles ejected from storms on the surface of the sun as they collide with the magnetic field of the earth. with the earth becoming electrified, the storms could be disruptive to radio and the grid. while the storm is unlikely to cause problems, it is a warning of more serious risks in the
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future. >> this is a huge explosion that can be associated with the flare but part of the sun lifts off the surface. the charged particles that make up the sun, part of that lifts off the sun and streams away into space. >> then there is lists, a coronal mass ejection is an eruption of solar material. when they arrive at earth, a geomagnetic storm can happen. scientists are comparing it to a tornado alert, which means managers should go about their business but remain aware and alert. >> people can't doom scroll all night long? we could use a break from
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social media. myself included. thanks. ♪ ♪ that was great. there was a time when americans were encouraged to get out of the cities and cruise the open roads. that america does not exist anymore. under the guise of public safety, cities are lowering speed limits. kathy hogle is celebrating a new law dropping the speed limit to 20 miles per hour and in some areas as low as 10 miles per hour. other cities are getting ready to do the same.
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it doesn't end there. the biden administration instituted a new rule that will require automatic braking systems on all cars by 2029. the car will be able to stop on its own whether you wanted to or not. the attempts to control americans, whether it is lockdowns, slowdowns, is an assault on our most basic freedom, the freedom of mov movement. joining me, mike duffy. she and her crew claim this is all for our safety, it is all reasonable. given the history here, what should we think? >> these are the same people that let violent criminals out on the streets the same day they
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were arrested to commit more crime. this is not about safety or climate change. it is about fear for more power and control. they want to make driving so painful and expensive that you give up your car. you will take the bus or the subway. if you do that, what they really want, they want to keep you in a 2-mile radius. so they have you voluntarily controlling your space and movement, which is contrary to the american dream. >> as a kid, it used to be, let's hit the road. we are going to drive to wherever. it was a big deal and it was fun and you did it as a family. why is it a threat to them? >> i am not sure. one reason they want to slow the speed limit is because so many
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people are leaving new york. they are trying to slow down the exodus because they are moving so fast they cannot keep up with the exit of people getting out of new york to go someplace where they can live free. >> one is the last time you drove 10 miles per hour? you are physically fit. there is no way you drove 10 miles an hour unless you were in gridlock traffic. >> unless i am in a parking lot and waiting on a parking place two cars up for me and i am going slow to beat the guy who was going to turn left to drive in front of me. in new york city, we have all been there. the cab's, i don't think they are capable as going as slow as 2 miles per hour. >> the bike lanes are faster.
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every time we step into fox bureau, the pedal will take your kneecap off. >> i drive over the speed bumps. you mentioned automatic braking. the new cars have the automatic shut off. i hit the gas. leave me alone. i will decide when i stopped. let me have the freedom to choose how i drive my car and how it operates. >> if joe biden and kamala harris get another four years, we can conclude that is the end of the u.s. automobile industry. it is over. >> i think it is more than that. i think it is the end of the u.s. if they have four years to continue destroying this
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country, i don't know how we survive in the speed limit will have to be increased because we will want to drive as fast as we can to get away from anything the government touches. these are crazy people. they have crazy ideas and they are going to turn the country into a crazy country if they don't get voted out. >> people want illegals deported. they want the borders shut down, government to be reasonable and not in their lives at every t turn. they don't like ev's. most people think conservatives are the only one, saying 40% of new car buyers are republican. there is one thing holding the nation back, political polarization.
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it is your family's fault that people hate electric cars. >> even in liberal states they are not buying electric cars. look at chicago. you could not charge your electric vehicle. these are not ready for prime time. all of these issues joe biden loses on. the problem is they are still tied in the polls and abortion is still an issue. donald trump has to get over that and talk about these issues affecting everyone's lives. >> joined the democratic party. it is so wonderful. thank you. the pathetic play for the youth vote.
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>> the bottom line is that there
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have been great experiments in the states on legalization of marijuana, "crime has not gone up drug addiction has not gone up. people have more freedoms. >> laura: freedom? is this the freedom chuck wants for us? >> when he first started using khaki told me that they all wanted to try to get high at the party and he did not know what to do. he very quickly became addicted. five years later khaki died by suicide, saying that the mop was after him. we do not have a mob. >> laura: first, let's be clear. the supposedly great experiment in weed that schumer was talking about is just a pathetic play for the youth about. because, guess what? young voters are running away from biden. that is how little they think of our young people by the way, keep them dumb, keep them numb. second, this great experiment has already burnt itself out. or is the octogenarian with an attitude unaware of what his own governor has said on the
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subject? that implementation has been, quote, a disaster. and as for his claim that we'd use does not mean more crime, he is either lying or stone or both. >> this proliferation of illegal shops has been a source of enormous frustration. frustrated local leaders have been powerless as these unlicensed shops operate right under their noses, sowing chaos, destabilizing neighbourhoods and attracting other types of crime. >> laura: those are just illegal shops. joining me now, dr mark siegel, are fox news medical contributor. and alex marlowe, editor-in-chief of breitbart. dr siegel, is schumer firing up his own bong at this point? or just lying or what is it? >> i cannot tell because i'm not in the room so i cannot smell. i don't know if it passes the smell test but i will tell you, more than 300 studies have shown
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a correlation between frequent cannabis use pack marijuana use and violent crime. and traffic accidents are up 475% in canada where it has been legal since 2018 over the past decade. and all of the states where it is legal, california, colorado, new york to name three, i've seen enormous increases in emergency room visits from cannabis induced psychosis. not to mention anxiety, not to mention depression or behavioural issues. as you said, this test has already been happening and it has failed. marijuana when it is legal -- and by the wind colorado, at this. the number of dispensaries of legal marijuana correlates directly with how many er visits there are from psychosis. >> it has been a disaster in california as well. my question here is, is this really -- forget how bad thc
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marijuana is, psychosis, schizophrenia, we know what all. but is this really a plan to get the youth about? it really is one of the most cynical and condescending -- i think, really insulting approaches to young voters i have ever heard. >> laura, i think you are astute there. you will pick up a little bit of the youth about here but i think this is pandering to other groups. we're talking big pot, big marijuana, that banks want this to happen because if he reclassifies marijuana as a lesser offence, then this opens up the entire industry. i bet a lot of his donors are heavily invested in pot, which i'm out here in california, the flatline is not a huge industry, at the pain in the butt and completes with illegal pot pot. it is a real pain to have that industry. if we allow those donors want to cash in, they have not cashed in yet, they follow the money and that's all you got to do. >> laura: that is an excellent point. and we know big banks have been
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pushing for decriminalization. legalization across the board, big weed, which is billions of dollars as an industry, also has huge lobbying power. but there is another angle here. come all harris apparently thinks prosecuting drug crimes is racist. >> no one should have to go to jail for smoking weed. black americans and latinos are four times more likely. four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. and the disparity is even larger when you talk about the subset of black men and latino men. >> laura: dr, you are a medical doctor and not a political pungent but honestly, now that is racist? a law is racist. how about getting people addicted to something for lots and lots of campaign donations. how about that is just disgusting. forget racism. >> i think it is terrible to be pulling the race card on that, i agree with you. and california where alex's from
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and where kamala harris is from, at this. twice as many women are smoking pot when pregnant and smoking cigarettes. and pot leads to all kinds of trouble in infants once they are born in terms of behavioural delay and preterm infants. and wise and she worried about that? you want to know about this in genuine, if you are worried about the medical part of this and not the political -- as he said, going for the big-money vote because the marijuana industry is not doing that well right now. so let's ignore the fact that pregnant women are smoking pot where it is legal. it is a huge disgrace to ignore that. >> laura: thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you laura. >> could see you. >> laura: and finally, are first and best president said this of mary ball washington. my mother was the most beautiful woman i ever saw. ally mio to my mother. i attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education i received from her. i feel exactly the same way about my own mother and caroline
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ingram who dined many years ago. my work ethic, my patriotism, i hope my sense of humour. i got it all from her. i appreciate her a lot more now that i'm a mother myself of three teens. it is my daughter's 19th birthday today, happy birthday maria, love you. to all of them on an expectant mothers and mother mother stand ins, a lot of those out there, i hope your children, your friends, your grandchildren honour you and love you this sunday and every day. because you make it all happen. that is it for us tonight. i will be in new york next week. jughead is testifying so i have to go. thank you for watching all week long, great legal analysis, i have enjoyed it a lot, remember it is american now and forever. we have gotten a lot of submissions, your pets watching the angle, keep them coming, jesse watters takes it from here >> jesse: welcome to "jesse


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