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tv   Hannity  FOX News  May 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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agents can find the missing 20 billion in california. and they do have guns. can from somerville new jersey. >> i was fired for coming $18 short for pumping gas. these kids lose 20 million and nobody gets fire. >> jesse: listen it was a technical difficulty it happens. from chico california. jimmy carter was attacked by a swimming rabbit they do swim. >> jesse: can rabbits doggy paddle. then from hazleton, when are you going on the view. kathleen says year old is talking with your hands are you italian. i like a spicy -- i'm not doing it i am waters and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪
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>> sean: welcome to hannity and tonight springtime across the country and that means 2 things, the weather is warm and the countries lunatics are out and about. some live-action role-playing as terrorists and a rioting for because they know little to nothing about others on airplanes for no apparent reason take a look. [ bleeps ] >> sean: a lot to more of insanity in the air but we even have more bad behavior this week in a new york city courtroom where porn star stormy daniels horrified jurors with immaterial and graphic details and we're jokes in a story seeing dead people. another witness who is yet to testify is on his worst behavior
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soliciting gifts on tiktok wearing a shirt depicting donald trump behind bars you can't make it up take a look. >> smash those hearts, the blue hearts, the like button do it so we can show them i say this every single night because it's generally the same. [ bleeps ] trolls. >> sean: judge jeanine was in the courtroom memo join us with more from biden donor of the kangaroo court room straight ahead tonight but first week knees at the dnc. the democratic party filled with radical so terrified of their own members according to a report that joe biden's top advisers are worried the democratic convention could eruption protests so now they are pushing to move it semi online. and online convention in 2024
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it's kind of pathetic think of the slogan. the democratic party where our court core voters are so hostile in person meetings are too risky of course top democrats are worried about protests and disruptions from the wannabe communists, the radical basin the party also worried about the optics of police clashing with their own extreme voters outside the convention. in a desperate ploy to appease the pro- hamas wing of the party joe biden completely abandoned israel surrendered in the war on terrorism and abandoned all of the american and israeli hostages in gaza blocking weapon shipments and planning to further penalize israel if they finish the job against hamas terrorists. joe biden withholding aid passed by congress unless israel does what he wants. that sounds like quid pro quo.
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republicans are talking about impeachment with 80 retired u.s. military leaders issuing an open letter reminding the president about israel's a vital role in america's national security all but begging him to rethink the horrific decision. it's also incalculable in terms of consequences for allies and enemies has joe by doesn't care. is a lifelong government worker with no time the military, joe biden is often wrong about foreign policy, wrong his whole career but never in doubt as a few years ago democrats impeached a donald trump after accusations he temporarily withheld military aid from ukraine because he wanted to make sure they wouldn't squander or misappropriate the money like past leaders they said that was
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of quid pro quo is this a quid pro quo with joe and now he is doing explicitly the same thing bragging about it no impeachment charge from congressional democrats with republicans moving forward. other than hating donald trump the mainstream democratic party has no values whatsoever compromising on any principles they stood for in the past so it is fitting the commander-in-chief is nothing but a spineless coward who lies about everything and is emboldening radical islam and terrorists worldwide as the new york post pointed out biden lied once every single minute during his recent and rare sitdown interview on fake news cnn. he lied about inflation, jobs, taxes, israel, iraq and more but according to joe he is ready and willing to debate donald trump. i hope and pray take a look. >> ♪ ♪
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>> sean: given his rampant dishonesty and cognitive decline i will believe it when i see it. 's vise president is shouting out words describing women's bodies and then laughing and giggling hysterically here's your giggling vice president once again take a look. >> i say once again loudly, ovaries. [ laughter ] >> fallopian tubes, uterus, thyroid's. >> thank you. >> it was the funniest thing for me at least. >> sean: giggling vice president and now they face a challenge from the hard left, robert kennedy junior so-called running as an independent but donald trump thinks rfk might be a democratic plant.
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>> rfk junior is a democrat plantar radical left a liberal put in place in order to help crooked joe biden the worst president in the history of the united states get reelected a lot of people think junior is a conservative he isn't, he is more liberal than anybody running on the democrat side of it for junior would be a wasted protest vote that could swing either way but only swing against a democrat if republicans knew the true story about him. he is anti- gun, extreme environmentalists that makes the green new deal scammers look conservative by a pair this comparison he wants to tax you a lot as well. >> sean: it's important to remember his policies align with the bernie sanders wing of the democratic party and is a big supporter of the green new deal wanting to legalize abortion we played you that tape last night up until the very moment of
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birth. he also wants to slash the u.s. military budget and grade a single-payer socialized healthcare system in 2018 he mocked conservatives bragging about being the biggest fan of npr that says a lot about what he said about the nra in a minute. >> 80% of republicans are just democrats and don't know what's going on. i think people aren't paying attention and public radio is not liberal just neutral it's just true freight. >> sean: if you are a republican or conservative what's you know kennedy's record you won't be voting for him just know a vote for him in this particular case is a vote for a
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slightly younger bernie sanders. unlike bernie sanders and he has a lot of nice things to say but the world's worst communist. >> castro is charming we spent a day with him and my kids it was about twice what years before he died and he was very kind to me and my family. >> sean: a murdering dictator fog charming and kind to me. if you want another biden term voting for a wealthy socialist he's probably your guy near free action is weakened coast and nick couple others. pam let's start with i think what intrigues me the most tonight is watching the
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democratic party be so fearful of their own radical base they want to have a semi virtual convention out of chicago really they are that afraid of their own voters? >> they are also afraid of the city of chicago the new mayor in chicago is just as bad as lori lightfoot saying very publicly he values protest these are rioters we are seeing now not protesters so no they wouldn't even be safe inside there convention and frankly as you like to call him jacked up joe as they had him at the state of the union could even give a decent speech i think it helps them all the way around to go online and their solution is when the protesters came on they are going to have people on
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enchant from from more years and cover with banners that would've wrapped into violence so they have no plan or safety and they don't support law enforcement where they can't have law enforcement there during the convention. >> sean: and i wouldn't be surprised if they send the radical base to milwaukee where the convention will take place in july that wouldn't shock me auto however i don't think republicans would ever consider semi online convention but it's obvious the radicals and their party shaken joe biden to the core causing him to abandon america and their commitment to liberty and freedom causing joe biden to surrender and the war on terrorism these are consequential times with allies watching and enemies watching. >> the hamas caucus is in charge bernie sanders is right this is
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his vietnam moment because in revelations there is a verse that says if you are lukewarm and neither hot or cold i will spit you out of my mouth and joe biden's lukewarm front and center nobody supports what he's doing because he doesn't support anything. he only believes in getting himself reelected. looking at chicago in 1968. your member president hubert humphrey i don't either because he lost because the convention was part and parcel a disaster for democrats they can't cover up the disaster that is joe sug going virtual and hiding the guy everybody know is incapable they don't have any good options and the bad part is we are bearing the consequences of this from the economy to the border to embarrassing foreign-policy we look bad but joe is trying to salvage himself out of the dustbin won't work because there will be a lot of chaos in between. >> sean: what's your take charlie?
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>> a convention is supposed to be an opportunity for a party to come together and have a good time we've all been to conventions where people have a great time if you are a party of truly miserable people who hate their country and hate their fellow countrymen as much as democrats due today and the hamas caucus is in charge of the democrat party the convention is the most miserable thing you could get putting everybody in the same room as a recipe for absolute disaster and they will absolutely do this because we saw what they did in 2020 they would've canceled the whole election if they could have gotten away with it they made it all male in and joe biden's entire campaign and then even then they only got like 8 cars to park in a parking lot and honked their horns. my concern is whatever democrats
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do the mainstream media is going to cover for them as much as they can and pretend like whatever they do that a remote convention is normal even though it's really weird and exposes how dishonest they are. >> sean: if there is three-person race is rfk more likely to peel away votes from donald trump or joe biden. once they know the record of rfk they won't vote for them. he wants abortion up to the ninth month a guy praising fidel castro guy who wants a 0 oil drilling at all know if fracking at all attacks on carbon emissions this is a guy who
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called the nra a terrorist group this is a gay wants to transform the police and transition prisons from a punishment paradigm once a $15 minimum wage free childcare he supported al goure and obama and hillary clinton every democrat that's ever run he blamed america for osama bin laden and the attack of 9/11. he made the statement we play last night he once praised china and their organ harvesting and threats to climate change. and he loves bernie sanders on top of it all.
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>> wolf in sheep's clothing. you just laid it out beautifully not only that he has been praising cuba's socialist healthcare. can you imagine if that came to our country bragging about us children being pin pet -- penpals with fidel castro when he was alive he wants to cut the military you even more he would be horrific as president and people need to hear what you're saying. >> sean: once every republican and conservative knows that list that we were scrolling and i reading my own list there's no way a conservative or republican would choose him over donald trump not going to happen. >> it's a smart move as there are conservatives and republicans who looked to him and say some of the covid-19 stuff for foreign-policy we could agree with him he sounds different than democrats maybe
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he is an independent model and he would spin out things that sounded reasonable but when you look underneath the curtain i vote for him if you happen to be right of center is a vote for joe biden because you take a vote away from donald trump you need to define and for what he is he's a far left us which means may be folks on the left dissatisfied with joe biden they go home to rfk if you are going to vote for biden otherwise save your vote for donald trump. >> sean: we gave him a town hall we did in new york personally nice guy however i gave him a lot of time to talk and now that a lot of his record is come to light he's avoiding the show like the plague i guess i can't blame him because he would have to answer some tough questions and explain bizarre positions he has it's interesting how is gone silent on coming on this program wants
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your reaction? >> i find interesting and 1 of the reasons conservatives or republicans were initially interested in him because he is a disruptor and they like that also conservative media is the only open-minded media. >> sean: i think his position on the vaccine was the most appealing thing to conservatives >> absolutely and a disruptor especially when it comes to medicine. but i loathe that you played the clip talking about how much he loves npr because i can assure you people really in the bag for rfk all the exact same people listen to their radio and you would never see a subaru going down the road with an rfk sent her sticker that doesn't also have an npr sicker -- sticker so naturallyspeaking all of his voters are going to come from joe biden's base in the end not
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donald trump's. >> sean: abortion up to the last minute back nra as a terrorist organization and that guy fidel castro very charming. guys thank you appreciate you being with us when we come back the alvin bragg case against trump is turned to a complete circus and by the way it's about to get worse next week we give you the highlights with judge janine in the courtroom we will get her perspective as we continue.
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>> this is a fox news update as dozens of pro- palestinian protesters locking biden's motorcade in california happening at a private fundraiser event and moved on to
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seattle where he is expected to attend a campaign event tomorrow with the pro- palestinian protests that gained traction nationally have now spread across the country since the 18th of april nearly 3000 people were arrested on college campuses with a violent so -- storm system threatening millions across the u.s. turned deadly once again with tornadoes in tallahassee florida damaging homes 1 woman in the city died after a tree fell on her home and earlier this week severe storms killed 2 people in tennessee and 1 in north carolina. now back to handed to you. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: a rough few days for alvin bragg at this week who's just shown how do ridiculous the case against donald trump is 1 of the star witnesses stormy daniels admitting on the stand she hates donald trump before of
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course informing the court of hoshi posed as a medium who talked to dead people also openly mocking trump on twitter after the judge of the case refused to modify his gag order and next week isn't going to get better a bunch of this case and just on convicted villain and serial liar michael cohen expected to take the stand monday previously pleading guilty to lying before congress just this week was referred to the department of justice for prosecution over multiple instances of alleged ally in to congress. they've also been live streaming about trump and the trial as it takes place on tiktok while soliciting financial gifts from his viewers with videos like this prophetic 1 take a look. >> smash of the hearts, the blue hearts and the like button and all of that crap do it so we show maga as it's funny because
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generally the same trolls every night coming on out and seeing if they can process off but do any of us care what they have to say the answer is no. >> sean: he was seen recently with a shirt depicting donald trump in trail we are supposed to take his testimony seriously things so out of control that today the judge in the case actually rebuked cohen in court saying i would direct people to communicate to him that the judge is asking him to refrain from making any more statements about the case. why not a gag order he stopped short of a full gag order like he put on donald trump just like stormy history -- tweeting out after a testimony yesterday attacking donald trump. with reaction to cohost of the 5 and a friend of this program judge jeanine pirro soap harvard
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law professor said that trump's trial will go down in the history books as a stupendous legal catastrophe. wanted to ask you about this and ask you this question. is it normal for the prosecution to have mock trials or mock testimony with the witnesses in a case. >> mock trials of the prosecution prepped their witness absolutely that's what happened was stormy daniels and i know that because she was excellent under examination not skipping a beat couldn't stop talking and cross-examination totally different person nation and witness. she is prepped for the prosecution not defense and i was in there and the overflow room when she testified. she talks to dead people and in some kind of séance and believe she lived in a haunted house. there is a screw loose in there somewhere but more than that you had a woman who at the end of
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days of testimony couldn't put a finger on donald trump because they asked did you have any communication with him about the nda or any communication with respect to how much money would be paid. now this is all smoke and mirrors the fact she alleges she had some kind of encounter with him in 2006 and a decade later in 2017 he is paying for her to stay silent is absurd and the whole idea this woman capable of even telling the truth is stunning given who she is and what she does for a living. she hates donald trump sold merchandise making millions of dollars since her alleged encounter with donald trump. so say to yourself what did she do 800,000 for the book, 130 for the nondisclosure another 120 for something else then there is a make america horny to her
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then's say her name in a religious rope she's exactly what you know she is but i want to comment about 1 more thing about the fact that i was a county judge just a delight -- just like this guy is and he didn't have the balls to tell michael cohen you keep your mouth shut -- at. i've gag donald trump i will get you. but he tells the prosecution can you please tell your witness the court is telling them that he shouldn't be talking in the prosecution says you know what judge we've been telling them that we tell all are witnesses to refrain from talking about the case it's nonsense in the sickest thing i've ever heard for that man to gag donald trump a former president and somebody running for president and a keg michael cohen someone the judge called a serial liar is
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indicative where the judges coming from. 's doing that because he wants a conviction he doesn't want michael cohen gagged because he believes in destroying donald trump as another 1 of the players came in and alvin bragg there next his bodyguard and i'm saying to myself you know what they have the brass to come into the courtroom overseeing this case which is an expired misdemeanor for which for this you know how many hundreds of defendants are in jail because they can't make a bail when there violent cases murders and rapes in violent felonies are pending because of the covid-19 deley is coming in to make sure he convicts donald trump. he's making sure that's the judge they want that he shuts trump up and doesn't shut up michael cohen. it's bizarre and i was a da just like bragg i did that for 32 years it's a charade and the
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idea you have the courtroom where i sat on that bench with the flag of the united states and new york state and the seal of new york with a bunch of players in theatre of the absurd is stunning. >> sean: you sat in the courtroom and you've been on both sides of this year all the salacious testimony is that not all are relevant is it not all immaterial. >> it's irrelevant. >> sean: which he not caught in a lie when she said main motivation was safety and then the tape was played in the courtroom and here's what i like to understand an important question so analyse this is best as you can what is the other charge we've a bookkeeping error which is a misdemeanor under new york law statute of limitations ran out okay what is the other charge because not 1 lawyer i've interviewed can tell me.
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>> i don't know either this is why i'm telling you it's a theatre of the absurd let's assume took a federal charge to bootstrap it into a felony he doesn't have jurisdiction as a federal prosecutor. the judge does not press it -- jurisdiction nor does alvin bragg it's so political i just can't believe it. i kept saying they have to believe in something there is nothing. there is nothing here in the jury is sitting there and all they did was listen to testimony none of it put a finger on donald trump but they got enough 8 and a woman who lies for a living to convince them donald trump is a bad man. shame on all of them. >> sean: judge great analysis, thank you. coming up next anti- israel hate on the left shows no signs of seizing we explain why as we continue straight ahead.
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(vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space... (man) gotta sell the house. (vo) houses. or, skip the hassles and sell directly to opendoor.
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(man) wow. (vo) when life's doors open, we'll handle the house.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: earlier this week michael morris said it was okay for anti- israel protesters to take over buildings. now he says his fellow boomers to cut protesters some slack instead of saying they are dumb and don't understand history because what they do understand is right and wrong. he seems to think these campus radicals have the moral high ground let's give him a quick reminder of what's been happening recently is according to the los angeles times, jewish students at ucla are now saying and at this is the los angeles times they were blocked from getting to class by protesters and encampment occupiers and asked are you a zionist.
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at other campuses protesters allegedly told jewish students to go back to poland and just today man arrested for defacing world war i memorial these people are anti- israel many are anti- american and in many cases anti-semitic and michael morris says they know the difference between right and wrong pretty unbelievable. reaction we have the founder of lest people forget with us as well so it start here trying to understand its harvard and yale columbia usc it's all over the country except giving exceptions to most self schools it's not happening midstate schools it's not happening you have these elite institutions and ucla is asking are you a zionist these
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radicals who put up these encampments what part of that is ever acceptable in this country every going to put yellow stars on people who are jewish is that next. >> unacceptable and for those who don't recall my dentist remind me of this growing up our first president george washington in 1790 wrote a letter to the hebrew congregation of rhode island that in this country bigotry has no sanction so that years later we are relitigate and having this conversation anti-semitism being on display as it is just as disgraceful disgraceful we haven't just failed a founder we failed the next generation who reliant us to teach them right from wrong and teaching the fundamental values of the country and clearly her academic institutions have failed us. >> sean: jason what's your
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reaction as you think back in the summer of 2020574 riots, 2 dozen dead americans and thousands of injured cops millions in property damage and liberals either silent or lied and said it's mostly peaceful. nobody investigated the insurrections taking place in 2020 so now fast forwarding to where we are now the only riot they wanted to talk about was what happened january 6 in 2021 but now it's okay for the likes of michael moore to be egging on these agitators and supporting them and saying it's okay to take over buildings on college campuses and building can't mince without consequences and it's okay -- okay to confront people on campus and ask if you are a zionist. >> it's their own form of
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terrorism it's american as a gets to go protect your government and express first amendment rights you don't have a right to frighten people you don't the right to take over property or make somebody feel unsafe and use hate speech. you had the secretary in garland telling congress that white supremacy was the number 1 threat to the united states of america. why don't they wake up and see what's going on for the college campuses they need to get to fund let's understand who are the people who hate america enough they are funding them because they are not just pro- hamas a terrorist organization that are going after a whole lot of other things when you make people feel unsafe and put a human chain together that prohibits somebody because of her religious belief or heritage and they can get the campus you see is kind of fighting and violence that they need to prosecute these people and expel
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them from university is that they need to be consequences and the young people doing this not all students but they need to consequences and until you do that you're going to stop it with joe biden all about appeasement not consequences and distant about protecting those americans who are just trying to do the right thing and be a lawful citizen. >> so afraid of radicals he's capitulated to that joe biden has surrendered in the war on terror. emboldened terrorists around the world and finally he has abandoned our allies in the world is watching. damages incalculable. >> all about appeasement didn't know how to gather troops out of afghanistan never standing up to iran just keeps putting our troops in harm's way and here at home don't want to stand up to
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somebody don't want to actually say i will fight for the principal i will let them spew their hate and perform a form of terrorism to scare the living daylights out of good honest people just wanting to be good americans. >> sean: and elizabeth it might result in having such a fear of their own base of the voters and they are courting and capitulating to that maybe they won't have a regular convention maybe we will do most of it online that way we don't show the entire country who really supports. what's your reaction to that? >> at this point do you blame them they are trying to tell us that these are anti- israel protests which is bad enough as it is but they aren't they are anti-semitic protests and anti- american with jets of death to america on college campuses
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that's a serious problem for democrats and republicans will lead this to happen we have a duty to the country to make sure this doesn't happen especially for the younger generations and this administration flip-flops between saying they support israel unconditionally and withholding weapons from our ally fighting for their own survival against a terrorist group slaughtering 1200 people in the single worst day for jews since the holocaust a group that wants to do the same thing to americans as they did in israel october 7th and joe biden doesn't know where he stands it's inexcusable. >> sean: and the whole ukrainian impeachment was over donald trump requesting they not waste for our money down the drain and not of corruption will the day is happened in the past that was deemed a pretty quote -- a quid pro quo is joe biden with pulling funding from israel
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in exchange for them not going into where they don't want them to not up quid pro quo because articles of impeachment are being drawn up as we speak. >> if you listen to senator cotten or holly's democrats are set that standard why aren't they rushing to do this. why is it that senator schumer so quiet on all of this. you set the standard democrats lived by the principal but they won't. >> sean: thank you both. and straight ahead another embarrassing biden blender and why new york is looking to ban individually rapt slices of cheese like kraft singles. more next. >> ♪ ♪ to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. it's kubota orange days,
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shop the year's biggest selection of kubota equipment and get 0% apr for 84 months or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. find your nearest dealer at israel is under attack. israel has been attacked like never before. our skies are filled with rockets and drones. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently needs your help to send out emergency teams across the holy land. the international fellowship of christians and jews needs your $45 gift to rush emergency aid to the people of israel who are still devastated from the massacres of october 7. we are bringing food. we are bringing emergency resources to save lives. but we can't do it alone. we need you to stand with israel now. with terrorist attacks across every part of israel,
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tens of thousands of families desperately need emergency life-saving aid today. please don't wait. now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now.
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>> ♪ ♪ >> sean: biden had an embarrassing blunder yesterday while hosting the wnba champions las vegas aces at the white house with star player candace parker announcing her retirement at the end of the season and it didn't it to the white house yesterday but biden still gave her a shout out or at least he tried. >> sean: while she couldn't be here i want to acknowledge somebody considered 1 of the greatest all-time coaches, candace parker. she played 16 seasons i believe. >> sean: she's not a coach joe, she's never been a coach joe. here with reaction the host of the hit show. just seeing your face makes me laugh i don't know why. fox news saturday night host. we've got the giggling vice president and a president who
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can't talk surrendering in the war on terror stabbing your israel -- greatest alley israel in the back doesn't even know what the player even does. >> you make a good point, confusing a player for a coach not as bad as confusing hamas for an ally at least. a really sloppy week for this guy but the bar is low. technically speaking this represents progress because at least he was talking to a living person but what an embarrassment the only thing i would add is this isn't as bad as golf mistake meant when he confused our border policy for the u.s. open that was bad. >> sean: my favorite is his uncle being eaten by a cannibals that might be my all-time favorite.
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the poor uncle although none of it happened just like every tall tale. >> sean 1.1. the part about it not happening. the white house tried to clarify when the press release comes out the accident leak also player a coach they walk it back is what he meant she traveled on a coach bus or had a coach bag so ridiculous. >> sean: and liberal lunacy getting bad as in new york your state where she -- you used to be a cabdriver that assembly is but advancing a bill aimed at reducing plastic packaging. so they put out this bill and apparently that means individually rapt cheese slices for example you buy kraft you get the cheese slices you take the plastic off and it's fresh you put on your sandwich or
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whatever they want to get rid of all that and ban it and it will cost of these companies a fortune to comply with this regulation which means more biden inflation if you want to buy cheese. >> imagine that it's there to keep the food fresh and safe so the food will be less safe but you want to know what won't improve the environment. nobody can explain getting rid of plastic wrappers on cheese slices will do anything for the weather. if you want to help new york maybe stop throwing people in front of the subway put criminals to jail. i mean just seems a misappropriation of resources here. >> sean: it does and these to give away free government cheese they would be generous back in the day now you don't even get that. now you have to pay more for your kraft singles if you like kraft cheese like i do just like
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i like kraft macaroni and cheese like the deluxe brand i like the gooey orange, i don't like the powder that's way too many details. to crazy plain incidents this week first abroad that broke out between 2 men on a spirit flight as soon as the plane landed take a look. [ bleeps ] then it gets worse is on a southwest flight this video posted on tiktok you will love this is a woman lounging in an overhead bin allegedly taking a nap. what's going on up in the air these days. [ laughter ] >> i love the woman in the overhead bin that hits home for me i'm not a big star in this channel. flocks flies me stowaway. i would be happy to have a been.
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but the spirit airlines thing i will tell you why this happens everybody is a bad mood on spirit because they charge you for everything on discount airlines when you fly spirit during the preflight announcements they like in the event of a thing to swipe your mastercard or visa and pulled in on the oxygen mask they are mad because they nickel and dime you to death. >> thank you is what we will be watching this weekend you're the only guy who got me to work on a saturday night. thank you. and when we come back a sneak peek brand-new fox station special outlaws and lawmen helping -- hoping you can watch on fox nation straight ahead.
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i'm franklin graham. the world seems to be engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses, and we see it across the borders. jesus christ understands hate. the world, at that time, hated him, and they still hate him today, but, you see, he came on a rescue mission to save us from our sin. he died and shed his blood on a cross for our sins. he was buried, but god raised him to life. and if we're willing to put our faith and trust in jesus christ, god will forgive us of our sins, and he will heal our hearts. and the problem we have today is a heart problem. only god can change the human heart,
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and take that hate and fill it with his love. if you've never invited christ into your heart, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him right now as my savior. and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. we have someone who'd like to speak with you, and pray with you. god bless you!
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[♪♪] >> sean: before we go, a quick programming note, the first episode of my new special outlaws and lawmen, it is out right now. you can get it on fox
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nation. hopefully you can watch this weekend. take a look. >> we ain't going anywhere. we will wait all night if we have to. >> when their food runs out, billy and his friends realize any chance of survival means surrender. >> all right fellas, it's over. >> after years of corruption and ineptitude in the lincoln county sheriff's office, he's cut from better material. >> sean: hope you can watch it this weekend. new episodes will drop every wednesday. i think you will like it. that's all the time we have left this evening, please let your dvr so you never ever miss an episode. as always, thank you for being with us. in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face, have a great weekend. [♪♪] [♪♪