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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 10, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> tom's house. are they adorable? goats are amazing. they're underrated food as a pet and just a farm animal and a petting zoo inhabitant that they have anything to. my girlfriend linda haosfriend two rescue groups got goats. sophie and olivia. olivi i hope she rescued them from it. that the greatest of all tim >>e i really are. >> well, speaking of wildlife,e on the loose in a stinky liberal enclave, there were three zebras who escaped a truck in western washingtozebn state. and one of them, shug, went and on the lam. onefour days. >> people were terrified forer their safety because zebras are bloodthirsty killers. >> the animal was corralled and is safe and sound. >> zebras are what kind of cause blood, bloodthirsty, you know what's black and white and red all over the newspapertm ? >> i was going to say, zebra, that's it for us. have a great night, everybod co welcome to jesse waters. primetime tonight.s
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>> he lies about everything, including his golf gamtonight.e he can add up to 100 yards. biden's presidency not up to par. >> it has been a rough few days for jack smith and fani willis>d . >> the days of magical legal thinking are over and the cavalry is notof m are ove comi. >> the left waving the white - flag on the trump trials is a>> joke. >> it's a disgraceis jok. imagine, imagine that. >> why are liberals so sad? >> plus that says say made the ball. >> it's friday that meansca trump can finally escape the ice box and do some campaigning. cape
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he's in wildwood, new jersey, tomorrow holding a rally at the beach. on saturday, we have a tremendous rally and how we're all going to be there. it's in wildwood, new jersey, where there's going to be e a bg crowd and we're going to be saying a lot. >> johnny will be there askingas questions and you'll see that on monday. somehow the guy who's locked upn cour in court for days, weeks, talking to more voters thas nhi biden. trump warmed up for his rally outside of court today. ralle of couhe lies about everyo including his golf game, because he can't hitut a ball. he can't hit a ball 100 yards. >> lies about everything. bide timhe liee in 2020, biden p by four nationally. today, he's down by a pointy 1. and a half. i don't make predictions i doe, but it's not lookingr. good for biden in november. cnn sees it, too. they're already planting the seeds to blame russi a if trump wins. >> the fbi says that it is monitoring whether u.s. support for ukraine would lead russia to take t more risks in potentially interfering
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in the 2024e poss presidential election. >> you have the possibility of russianibility of the russian being incentivized to actually interven e in a way that would w help republicans who would averdverseho wou to additional ukraine aid if elected and to hinder the prospects of democrats. >> that was ozempic mccabe. good to see him looking great. >> russia isn't helping trump. biden is.tely s >> he's completely splintered. democrats once rock solipld base young people, blacks, muslims used to be loyal to thee democrats. >> now they're angry. college kids and muslims wi the called biden. joe biden tried winning them back by threatenindeg to cut off aid to israel. but that wasn't enough. they want to seeisrael t israeld off the map by caving to the campus caliphate. he slapped his jewish mega-donors in the face. one billionaire backer wrote a letter to biden saying this, quot be, bad, bad, bad decisiond on all levels.
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>> let's not forget that there are more jewish voters who care about israel tha than muslim vou that care about hamas. t the only thing israel and hamy have in common is that they don't likdon't e biden. >> now house republicans are cooking up an impeachment because just like democrats accused trump of doing. biden withheldng aid to an allyp to help himself politically. this'm going to go ahead and preface this by saying 98% of the language that it 98s in y impeachment articles was actually drafted by representativarticlese jerry, who i hope will support this, given the fact that theyt this,t the precedents with their own words. but the reality is, is that whenrds. you're trying to withhd comanitarian or any type of congressional appropriated aid for the purpose of political gaiopriatede pun, e he does look at political gangs, he wants to win michigan. he wants to to pander to the radical left. >> and after all that, israel'sh prime minister says he'll do whatever he wants. >> wo er he will do what we havo do to protect our country. and that means
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protectr our future if israel has to stand alone. >> iwe'll stand alone. >> biden loses votes every timeo israel drops a bomteb on hamas.s joe is supposed to give the commencement addressed the to historically black college morehouse just a couple of weeks. >> but now the students are warning him, don'tth come. >> about 50 people gathered here on the edge of morehouse college's campus to protest president joe biden, who is set to speakprotes during the commencement later this month. >> the general feeling on the ground is that we don'ta. want him here. not we already did not liken biden because of his policiesmas when it comes to policing and mass incarceration and frankly, the issue on capacity and the in palestine are just the strawa that broke the camel's back. >> everyone's focuseatd on the mideast and protests, but the border is still a huge issute. a a group of house democratsse are begging biden to do something about it. >> we have breaking news now. 15 house democrats are calling for president biden to do something about the situationo d
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at the us-mexico border. in aer letter first obtained by cbs news, the group urges biden to, quote, immediately take further action to restore order at the southern border and fix our immigration system. >> it's not just democrats. the media is also tellingde tel biden to be moreling like trumpn the border. >> the whole system is broken, and biden needs to confront that and say, you knowden need,h are going to have to reform the whole system. i would i would wish he'd do somethin woulg much more extreme, like, say, the old asylum system is dead. asno one is coming in through that process. you have to apply from your home countr.y, which was a trump policy. and it's also the right policy because the old asylum systemcyc is being gamed by millions of peoplaue. e is >> if everyone's telling biden to fix the border, he knowsg bide fix it will helpe in the polls. why doesn't he close it? wellot, he doesn't want to keep out any new voters. >> whoops. i mean, sinc keee ins, there's n a bigger influx in terms
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of hispanic, hispanic, hispanico citizens who want to become citizens. >> that was biden on spanish a radio. little slip of the tongue. he just can't win.he jus today, biden retreated to a t safe space, catching a flight to the west coast to ask big tech execs forest coast cas. >> no cameras allowed. just silicon valley humanoids in their checkbooks. >> joe can't hide forever. he's running for president,s on and it is an election year. >> he needs to show his face. >> but biden's team is trying theyinimize the damage. they can't let him get heckled at the biggest political event of the year, the dnc. they're trying to make tryin the event virtual like in 2020 d when they had prerecorded speeches. >> they sapeeches.y joe will spe and they're planning on having more peopl e on zoom instead of in person, which means a smaller chance he gets heckled. >> this will smother whatever sliver of excitementf x
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was left for the convention. >> democrats were all focite ler the summer of love in 2020 when it was hurting trump. wad now that the mob turne on them, they're hiding in theer bomb shelter. >> out kickoff founder clay travis joins me now. this is going to be a amazing dnc protests outside and zoomd in the middle. biden's done. i know we're sitting lit a little bit around six months bin. the electio but, jesse, they're try a and weekend at bernie's, too. dore you remember that movie? te >> i've been making the analogy w, dead man.someho somehow they made a lot of money. and weekend at bernie'a los, one that was the 2020 campaign when they hit biden. ampaigy hathey can't do that ag. and that's why i still find itnd unbelievable that they're goings to actually run this guy. they're no gt able to let him hm walk to a helicopter by himself. walkhe can't figure out how to manage the israel arab conflictu
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. as you mentioned in your open, turned off tons of israelitioneo voters, tons of jewish voter. i don't understand if you support israel's right to au exist as a country and yount are an american citizen and you are jewish. i don't understand how in the worl ud you could possibly be voting for joe biden. and i think trump is going jewis to get the largest cadre of jewish voters that we've vo hav seen. and i don't think biden's adding arab voters n at all. this is going to be i think,in the way things are going right now, such a mess by memorial day that a lot of people, as the official summe start of summer arrives in the democrat party. i thins in thek they're desperay hoping that they can shoot enough drugs in joe to gett enoa out on the road to be ables an to do a few events and that he can cut into this lead by memorial day. but i don't think it's going to happen. jesse. but hink it isand i'm curious, in that you feel like there's a bait and switch coming? >> i just can't believe can that they're reallnoy goingt
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to trot biden out the vet and let him go head to head with trump, let him debate. it makes no sense. vic said it last night. he still is no sait convinced tn biden is the nominee. >> he still thinks there could be a switcheroome coulo at the convention in chicago. and if you look at the poll chou ls, he hasn't bounced back. he's still underwater in every battleground is st. starting >> and the media is starting to turn a little bit. i can smell it. i have a great sense of smell. c i d i can i can see and i can smell and i can hear the entire redia industrial complex realizing they're going to run a losee goinr and so they're vey powerful. >> how would that look if pow they pulleerful.k ifd that, tho? >> i think the only way it works, jesse, and i've madee this argument for a while. >> they can't elevatrgument e ka harris because joe biden's has worse., but she' but if they don't elevate her, e then it's racist and sexist a because how does the black woman not be the nex womant pern up? the only way i think they can pull thiay is is they get barack
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obama on the phone and they saym it's time to pull in. michelle obama. she's a black woman. guesobamshe iss what that blacko actually do like? they bring her outn actu in chi, her hometown. they get a lot of enthusiasm and excitement and they pull the bait and switch. tch.i just really the more i thi about it, yeah, democrats aren't crazyut. trum they're not going to let trump win all the battleground states. mayben all oe batte minnesota, e virginia. they're going to panic. i think around memorial day. the fix is going to start to bei in come august. i think they go michelle obama. yeah, i really do. >>herwise people are talking about a huge win. people are talking about it and you can't havere talki trumn the table in the battlegrounds because that means trump has e. andat the exactly. that means the dictator on day one as a mandatendat. they could never allow that to happen. but there's got to be an event that happens got. >> either think it's going to be a fall or yeah, something
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with hunter that he says, listenr, i need to get my famil. together. something. something. there has to b there has e a catalyst for the switcheroo or else vacatio you know, people all of a sudden people are on vacation and they just then he's just the nominee and it's just tooem late. remember, hunter is going to get convicted probably, i believhu i e the trial on the gun charge starts june 3rd. >> is that a felonon jy? he's got that west coast trial. is that a felony? felonies? i think, yep. i think he's going to get hit east coast felonies. fethink he's going to get hit ct west coast felonies. it's like old school rap back in the day. he's bringing east and west rahe i. hunter biden. right. and i think what's going to happen is there'sk wh ito got to be so much pressure thene qus on biden to answer the questiotn ,are you going to pardon not your son or not? and i think the answer is certainlyin he is. to he's not going to let hunter go to prison and he's going to say, i've andis restored nory to the country. it's time to pass the bato n to someone else. my son doesn't deserve to pay. the price is because e of mys.
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political decisions. that's going to be his out. the hi be right.also we saw what happened at air force when he tripped over the sandbaair forc theg chair. he's going to fall. he almost fell on the short stairs that he's using. on air air force one going around on the campaign trail. he's going to fall o, and it's going to be impossible to argue that he has the mentaeb and physical ability to do the job right. >> as we know it's going to be hot this summer. >> and you know how people get when it's hot and there's going to be lots of travelin ring thegld h and it could happen at any moment. the hunter thing is interestin g ,though, because he could pardon them in the lame duck situation, but he's alsoon facig other charges. r chargesng othe regarding taxation. >> and it's a mess.ew there could be a few catalysts and we'll see how it shakes out. l see hohave a great weekend, cy travis. >> i will. i'm in the mountains here,p jesse. and you know, your show is very popular up here, but they toldis me that i dress better than you. i just left denver to come hereo ,and they wanted to make that clear to you. i'm going to go back to my bottle of wineear. t and i'm goi
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to toast trump being incredibly in the lead and me looking hatter a in this jacket than you do in your jacket. i don't know. fabulous weekend. i hope everybodyulous we : heard of wine that he's going back to his bottle of wine. >> that right. >> right. that had already been wine glass in. okay. >> oone glass and feeling good. >> appreciate it. than k you. >> fox news alert. a terror loving teen who spray painted gaza on a central parkos world war one memorial has been arrested. >> the 16 year old who'sregular a regular at hamas rallies will have to sit wil the next fw hours while he's handcuffed to a police badge. he ihe's facing multiple charge. >> porn star, ghostbusters, italian vacations and the transgender usain bolt ahead on prime time. >> let's look on the bright side. south dakota state open for business during the pandemic. >> now we've got more jobs than
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get a faster motor or five miles of steps per hour,
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the step counter, the smart mat and wireless remote all now daym 15 of the trump trial. what we still haven't learned what the crimeile we is, but wee learning more about stormy daniels. not only does she talk to dead people and thinks her house houseis haunted, she's also a , hunter says. >> i know firsthand that once these energies, spirits, ghosts, whatever it is, find you, they'll keep finding, as i do spell work for people,ea protection for people. if you get people. so my idea behind spooky babesky was so that nobody ever feltt. the way that i felt. >> there's a feeling that i get and a weird tast there ie iw mouth and it sounds really strange. >> hmm. spooky babesrang. the porn the pornstar ghostbuster can trash talk trump all she wants, but trump har contras a zip is r he goes to the clink. same thing with michael cohe n. ay he's testifying monday and he won't stop selling t-shirts and bad mouthing the defendant. but the judge won't gag him. gg
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>> there is no gag order. to michael cohen. what the judge did was amazing, actually. it was amazing. everybody can say whatever they want. they can say whatever they want . but i'm not allowed to saysa anything about anybody. the veryy things mentionedg is against certain people and, you knowtioned, they are shootic people, anything's even mentioned. it ey wan wants to put me in jail because that could happen one day and i'd be very proud to go to jail fore what our constitution because what he's doing is so >> jnstitutionale is i. >> even cnn admits michael cohen's a catastrophe is what makes michael cohen so unusual e ,so unique. i've never seen a witness with bigger credibility problemstnes than michael cohen. i've never seen a witness who's lied to congress, who's lied in court, who's lied to the irs, who's lied to the southern district of new york, who lied to his banker. you know, the entire prosecution witness team has been lieeeaed to by michael coh. >> the media is starting to realize biden's goingisir
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to have to beat trump fair sqhas been without the lawfare . >> it has been a rough few days for jackie smith, do you and fani willis. mark, do you think we are? we are going to see any progress here before the election and afters hethinkh the election. >> do you think these trials are ever going to happen? well, i don't knowese triappen. >> but i mean, the key question is anything going to happen before the election? i think the answer is noper thea >> the days of magical legal thinking are over and the cavalry's not comingking are. >> caroline levitz, the national press secretary for the trumnationalressp campa >> all right, caroline, so you've been in court for most, unfortunately, tears, unfortunately for everybody, especially your boss.. e insi >> what is it like insidet that room? the courtroom itself is just as dirty and disgusting as the democrats who arnde bringing tha witch hunt forward. it really is a sad sightll to watch, especially as youabou think about the fact that it's being used to prosecute the formertht its be president f the united states. >> i wouldn't let my worst enemy use the bathroomwould noss place, never mind president trump.
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and when you're inu ca the courtroom, you can really see the disdain that this highly partisa seen and politicl judge has for president trump. de has no patience for the defense. he goes againsfence,t every emoc and objection that our team proposes. but he hastit ou all the patiend and gratitude in the world for thn and it really is a stark contrast to watch this judge's political use.confi partisan he's conflicted and the whole case is a sham. and it's shockinctne caseg to wo in person. >> you know who else was there? judge jeanine, did you catch a glimpsu kne is e of my co-host on the five? >> we sure did. she behaving herself. and there we were worrie?e behae was going to jump across and strangle judge merchan. >> well, it was a pleasant surprise to see someone like judge judge jeanine. the courtroom with the rest of the pews are filled with the fake new ps ars that are typingr on their keyboards every time that the details of this case now everyone's gagged. apparently, we're looking into g this gag order. >> it's even more extensive than we realized. order if you are the press secretary,e
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national spokesperson, the trump campaign, are you also not allowed to says an a >>at you want to say as an american? >> yes, that's exactly yes, th r you're gagged. i am gagged by this partisan democrat judge.sefull and he purposefully made the language in this gag order veryy vague. not only does it, of course, cover president trump, but it also covers iturses anyoneone wh who president trump can direct orders to which by natur e is, of course, our campaign, those that work for the president. thosr you have people involved in this case right now who are talkle, to go on every talk now talk show in america. they're allowed to go on. tiktok slammed, are president l lie about him, talk about the case the president can't defendu himself and our campaign can't defend him from those salacious and wrongful canno ats either. that is why this is election interferences . iddl we're in the middle of an election six months away and we can't defend our bosth away s. >> so you're saying if you sayou something against the gag ordern on jesse watters, primetime donaldtters trump could go to
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prison? >> yes, that's exactly right. >>. ! commercial thankfully, i think i'm a disciplined spokespersony, i th. >> you're very disciplined. very disciplined. who's not disciplined is mu knoy co and selling merch. he's going to testify on mondays . >> even cnn knows the guy's a joke. t? t should we expec more lies, i suppose. are you allowed to say that? well, i just did. >> oh, but no more. more lies and more days where dy the prosecution doesn't prove a crime e. n and every single day we go in that courtroom and the is no c prosecution, there's no crime. president trump never committed when he's completely innocenide they have a very hard time proving their case because meri have nor case legal basis on the merits of the law. and it's a complete waste of time law. ie. o it's a tremendous wasteer of taxpayer resources. i feel bad for the people in this city resou, who live here who are paying for this. and i feel bad for the law enforcement who arthis ad foe fd to protect that courthouse every single day. this place should be used thourthousday. real violentg up criminals like the migrants
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who are beating up police and are releasedolicd are re ane they are every single day. >> alvin bragg, i think, squeezed into a pe w earlier, and no one knows what he's up to. no one can figure it out. carolyn, thank you so much. thank you,much jesse. >> march, california. explain how they lost $20 billion. next , imagine a future where plastic is not wasted, but instead remade over and over into the things that keep our food fresher. get theas tic our family safer. and our planet cleaner to help us get there. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen. >> my melasma made me feel really ugly. >> i didn't recognize myself in the mirror. i just hated taking photos.
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the international fellowshipw th of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jewsel living in horrible povery around the world. >> we urgently need your giftth of $25 now to helpdi provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet. for one month, seven people.nlyh ite breaks my heart to know ite breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. >> it's not only the painful memories of lost loved oneoores but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live. in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. >> but i believe in god. but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story and i would find a match soelay. i would understand i would understand you deliberately >> i face hunger again. or go online now to help rush
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one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering and in desperate need. need. >> this is wha us. just feed the hungry. ow in i'm asking you to act now. >> do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. fox news alert. you're looking at a high speed chase near the border in texas. >> a smuggler broka ce into our country, then spotted the cops. first instinct was to turn around t fir and flirt back to e . >> one problem the rio grantxit smuggler doesn't care. boom! drives the trucknot right into the river. >> that was on purpose. texas dps calls it a splashdown. >> happens all the time. criminals plunge their carthe ri to the river and then swim swi back to mexico to evade police . once they're on the other side, they're safe and they can do it all agai e ann the next day.times >> sometimes the smugglers are on the phone with the cartelthe
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thhile running from cops. the cartel waits for them on the river with a raft and then paddles them back across the borderpaddle. >> think about what it's like to lose $100. yeah. five toes in your pocket. all of a sudden, you can't find them. you look arounl ofd. can't fight. it sticks. can't find it anywhere. . >> now imagine losing 20 billion dollars when you lose a hondo. no one notices when you loseone 20, bill. they do. nos.'s what's happenin gcalifo in california this week, where under gavin newsom's watch, the statere spent $20 billion over the last five years to combat homelessness and the number of homeless people increased. >> so when auditors asked to see wherepeditors a money wan no one had anyt, idea. the >> it turns out the state's homeless council just threw monetatey at homeless non-profi, but didn't track how much or how the nonprofits spent it.
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so lawmakers demanded a hearin g and it was a hot mess. >> watch. what's what's the money beentch. on? l.a. siege is working on finalizing its happy annual report and hopon? they're e to haveished that published in short order. why hainrt the taken three years to get data? >> the way the system was implemente hasn'd in 2021? >> so hhs began in 2021. it wasn't fully implemented until 2022, and that's still yoo years ago. so why is it taking so.e i mean, you're the one that said you're urgent. wh i i don't know. i maybe my sense of urgency is different from your sense of urgency. fr you c us atan all how many people we've helped know they can't take a car accident. you don'e t to look, but you can't stop. but how did it come to thi s? lking >>ab and you're talking about what happened in those two years. n thost is grantees using a data system they'd never used before, getting used to it, getting substantial technical assistance, us getting back bad datatantial , needing to goe fut have further conversations
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and then needing to go worrk on cleaning up that data p and getting into a place where where it was it was more sensible. >> so they lost $20 billion because of technical difficulties. >> all right. well, let's just put that aside for a second. when will theysecond finally shs where the money went? >> and we're going to get hopefully some user friendly dat report with all the data of round ones one through four. correct. in whe>> when in a few short we, in a few short weeks. udget? >> so before we vote on the budget, i can't sayt with with a definite date voteapology, how canwith you ext us to vote on something if we don't have any data? >> don't well, you got to do what you o have. >> you should walk to the supermarket with one of us on a sunday. f usd then can rllythen you canv supervisor horvath, like, come over here, let's hitor let's the farmer's market together. >> you want to you want to hear urgency. that's how you hear urgency.ou >> california needs to get it together. emily wilson, hostia needs of ey saves america, joins me now.
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emily, if you findamer anyic oft 20 billion, will you at least let me know, pleasu ate? oh, yes. the old technical difficulties when losing $20 million, billion dollar s. democrats are very good at two things gaslighting everyonve around them and funneling money back into their own pockets. i've looked intoli back many ofe complexes they're building, by the way. b must be nice to be homeless in california. you get top real estatne all tha way to santa monica. you know how much they're spending on these units frommonicaow m are 837,000 a uno to $1,000,000 a unit to house one person. wait pe a second. >> a million dollars to house one homeless guy. what does it have? likee onguy? five bedrooms? >> yeah, i mean, it's funnyt evn because these people won't even touch on the fact that. oh o , what about crime? how about the two womenme in venice canals who had vewhd heads, their heads bashe in and one is on? i think critical is in critical condition still. they won't eve?n touch it.
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they can never answer anything. that's the one thing they can never answere ony ca. i question but i think it's time to audit and i think it's time o to, you know, let's be like, okay, where is this money? let'e s show us $1,000,000 a unit. >> this has to be addressed just to put it intthis h ao conu everybody. the democrats shut down the governmentst to puo becauset they didn't want to give trump 20 billion for the wall. >> now, the 20 billion would have built the wall. we woulde $20 have had no open border. case closed. how about another example? 0 bil 20 billion is what we just gavie israel for weapons. >> okay. 20 billion dollars went.ho to homelesmelesss and there's tr this amount of homeless. t ar are they?oi what are they doing? are they having the homelessng have sex and have homeless babies ? >> you know what's even crazier? there was one woman who's the i believe she's like the head of thee wa homeless department. >> i looked it up. you know how much her salary was? it was ary was? between three and bet $600,000. >> are you kidding men te?
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>> and for what? you're very bad at your job. it's never been worse. you know what? , it worse. bil20 billionli coun it could build jails and mental hospitals, which is what we>> js need in california. all right, emily, good luck out theremily, ge. >> and if you find it, if you find $1,000,000 empty housing unit near santa monica ,maybe squat, becauseuse that could be a nice padthat. thank you. g i was going to say, i'lloi be tk first squatter there. >> thanks, jesse. all right. e told >> last night, we toldabou you about the portland bogh school trans student born a boy claiming he's a girl. and now he beat out teen girls in varsity track. well, just last night, he completed the portland interscholastic league championship and, again, destroyed lloyd. >> all the females in the 402. hundred meters and their
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and again, our top four athletes, we had to bleep the name that wasn't parents cursing but could have been. and now he's headed to the oregon state championships oregon state championships, taking the spot of, taking the spot of a biological female. the same day that happened, joe biden hosted the wnba champions at the white house, gave a speech on women's sports, watch. >> it matters with women finally seeing themselves represented. it matters to all of america. that is why as a nation we need to support women's sports. >> jesse: the guy who says we need to support women's sports is allowing men to destroy it. ahead, why are liberals so angry? >> i have depression, anxiety disorder and i'm confused about what gender i am. but you should definitely listen to me about how to ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there,
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[ ♪ ] >> jesse: have you ever noticed that liberals seem really angry? like all the time?
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>> donald trump is now president of the united states. [ shouting ] >> imagine that! i hate this! >> we do not debate fascists! [ bleep ] fascist! >> jesse: present trump sees it. >> has anyone ever noticed that there is just no happiness on the left? they are not happy. they are not happy people. >> jesse: it turns out there science to back that up. for more than 50 years, studies have shown conservatives to be much happier than liberals. and the media is finally ready to acknowledge it. the new york times publishing this. quote, those on the right are less likely to be angered or upset by social and economic inequities. leaving that the system rewards those who work hard. those on the left stand in opposition to each of these
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assessments of the social order, propping frustration and discontent with the world around them. unfortunately for you, it appears the liberals are only getting angrier. and the times suggested may have something to do with identity politics. citing one study that says this. argue that recent events suggest that identity politics may correlate to a decrease in well-being. particularly among young conservatives. -- excuse me, progressives. in terms of getting upset about things you cannot control is bad for your mental health. instead of getting angry, try laughing instead. maybe go out on a date r although it is kind of tough out there. >> dating in 2024, have you always been a christian? no, i used to be a kristyna. >> liberal on a date. >> separate checks, please.
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>> jesse: the founder of the right stuff joins me now. i'm having you on because my daughter is 12, she loves you. i don't know whether that is a good thing or a bad thing but we will roll the dice. >> it is a great thing. >> tell me why you believe liberals are just so unhappy all the time. >> i think most liberals are insecure people and they find meaning in adopting some made up identity instead of just being themselves. they replace faith in god with faith in the state and instead of family being there focus, they focus on things like racial and social justice. but ultimately, that leads to a less fulfilling life and probably why they are so stressed out. >> jesse: and they cannot handle the stress. i mean even the slightest bit of resistance to anything they want
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makes them feel unsafe. most people consider that feeling to be just a little uncomfortable. but they consider feeling uncomfortable with unsafe. to internalize all of its problems and then projected on to everyone her e. there are, you know, i don't know what's going on. they've tried to remove truth from comedy, from television, from academia.n yo and ultimately, when you have a movement that's not basehaved in truth, it just ends in disarray. and that's that's probably what we're seeing. >> jes well, people are getting it together. that's not a book plug. it's trur, thae we have someoneh know personally, savannah, from the lbi book swap. she wasn't very successfulvery on the dating scene.e took a >> she met me. wit she took a photo with me. she pu, sht her photo with me on your dating app. >> all right? and now she's engaged to be married. we are all right. we're very happy for if
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for tant to find a date, jus post a picture with jesse waters, and you will get a ring. >> ladie u wills. >> it's true, though, john. thmean, people do tend to follow who they like. >> jes tell us about the website,see wt jesse. jesse watters is a cheat code if you're on the right stuff. chea app.. that's right.s it's you know, it's a dating app for conservatives. ifpp you're looking for a normar traditional dating experience and you're havin g no luckthe ot on the other apps, try ours. it's all good. people looking to go out, have fun, build strong familie,s ,build strong communities,d ulti and ultimately a stronger countrma y. all right, john, thank you sowe much. we're just looking for norma'rea that shouldn't be that hard. >> that's it[ laug. k or >> time for sink or swim, sponsored by trevathan. tonight, it's lisa boothes li versus joe concha, who claims he's almost undefeated. it keeps him up at night,
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but that one lost because of a technicality. >> that's correct. but we only lost a couple of years sleep category is schooled, which senator on fox news said there are onlyy two kinds of gaza protesters, terrorist sympathizers and dumbs . was it fetterman oayr lindsey graham both going with. >> but i was first. i don't have boba fett hair. does it matter? does it matter? lisa fett okay. sses o >> i was trying to when there's he he isses of people, questioners, terrorist sympathizers was a little bit of a trick question. yeah, well, either of youay? is there have you watched the show on tuesday? >> it's fine. >> you even sleep over that. i was just going to watch the dvr from ove i'm goir the wn that's the right answer. thank you. all right. high times is the high former cnn starr said that he prefers eating mushrooms instead of edibles. was it chris cuomo or don lemon ? >> okay. i don't really discuss.>> i'm it
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>> i'm going to. lemon for some reason, i can't because i can, but i prefer not mushrooms. >> yess, i. >> it never goes well for me, man. don lemon on mushrooms. all right. [ ay awan oms,y. i always thought he was on mushrooms. yeah, that's that's the shocke r . okay, weav have a one point game has got to go, which well knownn democrat senator describe these campus protesters as biden'st vietnam. >> was it bernie sanders or liz liz warren feeling the burn?h of the both of you. let's see this one, larry. bidn >> david, biden's vietnam, nots a complete loser. . all right. the last question. yes. and this is a trica tricky one,. dumb question. every week on sink or swim, one person sinks and the other swims. but which famoush famous water ? one tier two wondered if t rabbits could swim. was was it maxine or was it jesse? >> yeah, it go going with maxine. t
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>> no relation. you got to put that in. i think the rabbit would floate. . >> oh, i don't know. can you let's find out in the break. and they swi let's find out m? >> i don't i don't know. d find out. >> i could go. weally best for all it. >> all right. well, we did find out that joe concha still is on a hot streak. >> one whole answer, right? you'll take it is deeply disagree. concha and this is my county, okay. conchay county, get out of herei all right. you're doing so well. i know. sorry. i'm going to subtract the poinlb now. yeah, but congrats on the book, by the way. it'sbe number one now. he's back. now he's back. and he won fair and square and squ. >> here's your hat. thank you. i have seven of them. oh thank y, yeah, you could hav. >> it's okay. i don't want a consolation, prs good os get on it. >> it's a participation. participation lesson. >> thank you, joe. thank you. what are you going to do? anothe what wi r primetime victory. we found a politicianforeig on another foreign junket with your monen eyy.
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bailey waters there we are sometimes it might not seem like it and sometimes it might not seem like you love
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me but everybody loves you, you are a great mom and a great wife integrate everything. happy mother's day. now some texts. rich from orange part florida forget the debates let them play 18 for the presidency. >> jesse: that's not fair. and do you honestly think michelone bottle would give up her low stress lifestyle to return to the white house come on. >> jesse: small chance. sarah from north carolina did cool travis say he was up in the hills don't tell maxime she was right. >> i think he's plotting over a bottle of wine rather than an insurrection. next asked uncle posey what happened in new guinea here there.
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mary maybe those 87,000 irs agents can find the missing 20 billion in california. and they do have guns. can from somerville new jersey. >> i was fired for coming $18 short for pumping gas. these kids lose 20 million and nobody gets fire. >> jesse: listen it was a technical difficulty it happens. from chico california. jimmy carter was attacked by a swimming rabbit they do swim. >> jesse: can rabbits doggy paddle. then from hazleton, when are you going on the view. kathleen says year old is talking with your hands are you i like a spicy -- i'm not doing it i am waters and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪


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