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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 11, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> we are out of time.
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empty vessel with a cheesy smile. a man who thought an endless stream of made up, folksy anecdotes were enough to hide the fact that he believed in nothing. nothing at all except building his own brand to help his family get rich. and they've become really rich. hunter jim, valerie, the whole lot. but the working people that scranton joe claimed to identify with, well, he may backslap them at all the union hall events, but we know he doesn't give a rip about what his inflation has done to them. the fact is that if you take a look at what the people have, they have the money to spend. so the buyer's remorse that is trickling out from the never-trumpers and even from
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some old line democrats, it's real. even if their pride won't let them admit that they were wrong. we know the truth. they convinced themselves that old joe could control the radicals. but now the radicals control him. but here, at the angle we've always known, joe biden puts the bidens first, last and always. and joe biden has decided that his future depends on support from the hard left. he's seen what it looks like when the college campuses explode and he's terrified. not that that's going to continue, but that the radicals will come after him. nothing any of the never-trump ers say is going to matter. he's going to follow aoc and ilhan omar and the rest of the hard left because they run the democrat party these days, and they will keep running it until they're beaten. now we all have a choice in november. it's a return to president trump, which means peace and prosperity or four more years of the radical anti-american,
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anti-semitic left. those are the only options. and that's the angle. joining me now, florida congressman byron donalds. congressman, it's wonderful to see you on this friday night. do any of these people who said what they said? we could have played a whole series of clips that lasted the whole hour about how bad trump was and how centrist biden is. do you think they actually realized the mistake they made and that they'll come home to this new working class party? are they going to go down with the ship? laura, good to be with you. i'll tell you, i think they've realized the mistakes. i've had conversations with a lot of people you probably say are from the donor class, are starting to see what's actually happened to the country, realize the full impacts. and i think they're going to join us this november first, second and third. i think they really do care about the country. they want the country to move forward. but i think we entered this weird space in politics the last decade or so that what
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you said and how you said it mattered significantly more than what was actually done and the impacts of that policy. and now that the reality of the terrible democrat policy has come home for america to see, i think a lot of those those donors, a lot of those voters are going to be coming back home and they're going to vote donald trump this november. yeah. the only future for the republican party, the only future is a multiethnic, working class future. that's it. so this idea that we're going to go back to the glory days of the early 2000, that's gone. okay. that party is now become subsumed in the democrat party. this party is working class. the people that you represent, congressman. but look, the hard left with kamala harris, they are they're going to describe a second trump term this way. watch. here's what a second trump term would look like. more bands, more suffering and less freedom. do we believe in the promise of america and are we ready to
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fight for it? and when we fight, we win. like my windows just cracked, congressman, your response to that freedom for them is part and abortion. oh, sorry. anti-semitism i guess that's freedom too. well look, the first thing is that i hope that we we're going to head and finish off kamala harris, get her out of the vice presidency. she should not be giving rally speeches. that was awful. that's number one. number two, you're absolutely correct, laura. what they want is this crazy vision of america which raises prices on everybody, which limits our ability to be energy independent, which has the drug cartels taking over our cities and trafficking people into our country, which empowers our enemies across the globe. there's no freedom in that. there's no real choices in that. the only thing that you get is despotism, and that despotism comes at an incredibly high price, where working families can't even get
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ahead. that's a terrible vision for america. so the thing that you actually get with a trump presidency is you get a reinvigorated america, you get a significantly safer world that's better for working americans, americans, frankly, who were rich americans, who were upper middle class and people who are common sense in our country, really trying to build something out of themselves. it's common sense. sense. that's what you get. yeah, that's just common sense. the country needs a border. we need a vibrant, small business sector. we need to make stuff here, and we need to kick china on its heels. and we got to support our democracy in the middle east. i mean, this is not a rocket science here, but these guys want to spend and print money and borrow until until we're all just, you know, serfs of the state. congressman, i saw you over the weekend at mar-a-lago. oh, that was fun. it was good to see you. and my daughter got to meet you. and she enjoyed that very much. congressman, great to see you. thanks so much. all right. does alvin bragg, star witness stormy daniels have a sixth sense? we found some very interesting video. it's friday night. that's next. you better
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start being real
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and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. grandpa! what's this? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly.
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. >> alvin bragg's star witness, not just a talented porn star.
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she sees dead people. >> she was focused on the fact that stormy daniels claims she is a medium and that she communicates with dead people. she explores things, including the fact that one point, an ex-boyfriend of hers was inhabited by spirits. >> she is a woman of many talents. apparently we have context for you, some video. >> i am stormy daniels. i get asked a lot of what got me into the paranormal and i was making a joke that it got into me. >> let's find out more. >> i heard knocking. i heard scratching. blood ran down the walls. that led me to want to prove
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things i was experiencing and seeing and feeling were real. we had an idea to do a ghost hunting show called spooky bab babes. >> it is a very serious show. >> there is a feeling i get and a weird taste in my mouth. >> feelings of a woman and a bathroom. >> it is a really ugly bathroom. the color yellow, i have no idea what that mean a ,but this show is all about helping others.. >> of course. i've come online. i guess that's their lingo. it basically just means i feed people. i want to normaliz bae thesei wa things for people. i have a plan to not just helple people in the moment, but to the teach them how to protect themselves moving forward. theme i know firsthand that once s, , ghosrgies, spiritlv
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ghosts, whatever it is, find what keep finding. >> okay, i'm going to give you a tip. how to protect yourself from paranormal activity. call a priest exorcist, not stormingt . >> and the big news today coming out of courthedule is scheduled to take the stand on monday. yeah, admittedlyd e stand on convicted perjurer michael cohen, a.k.a. the jughea.d. but he's got to take some time s off of his busy tiktok schedulo . >> do it. t take it a couple of days off. there's not too many names left in the, let's say, in the can. let's just expect that i will have a lot on my plate begitime beginning next week. >> is it just me or does he always sound stuffed up? uffd >> well, what are we going to do? well, how will we get more brilliant conten t like this? >> that shirt is perfect for you. and thii only wish you could wr
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to court year when he's trying on different filters or flirting with the fans, he's trash. and trum p and talking about the trial. the former president's lawyers today asked judge to put cohen under a gag order so he stops doing this t perhaps, you know, potentially tainting the jury. but that order that request for an order was denied. and cohen was just told to, you know behave, stop insulting his old boss. >> there's no order to michael cohen. what the judge did was amazing ,was amazing. >> everybody can say whatever they want. they can say whatever they want that i'm not allowed to say anything about anybody. >> and it's a disgrace. joining me now, sara isenberg, former deputy independent counsel, news contributor. >> so, you know, gag orders aren't you know, aren't they the common that is taken in trials? certainly not against a criminal defendant, someone
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like donald trump. >> but what about that fact that, of course cohen ca fn go e and on, make money, trash talking. the presidenn t obviously defaming him and. the judge is basically saying to test try to stop it, placjupe you know, i was thinking about the thing today, laura. judges do have the powere th to issue gag orders as long l. they're constitutiona a court has an inherent power over the defendant the parties, the attorneys and i don'tnd understand why stormy daniels is doing the same thing. she's commenting on social medi.a, why the judge doesn't subject them to a gag order. >> it really is. it really is shocking. and if for some reason he doesn't think he has the power to do that, because stormyhe has t in a state outsie his jurisdiction, the judge certainly has the power to say
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to the government, if you don't control your witnesses, i'm going to strike their testimony. >> the the judge, in my opinion, just cannot conceal his prejudice against the client, agains t the former president trump here. >> now, the disparate treatment prk and so obvious. michael cohen hit the trump supporters out there on his tiktok last night. >> watch. >> smash those hard, smash the blue hearts and the like button all that. do that just so that we ca>> dn show maga. i kind of enjoy the factbother t that we bother them as much as we do because they know. they know that come novembere ne there is going to be a whopping . >> so i mean, again, thisc. it's also pathetic. i mean, it's you know, i had a chance to meet cohen a few
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times and now i didn't think much of him, but it just it just again, i think demonstrates the the just the unfairness of this entire proceeding the and he is just the poster boy of why you don't put a president of the united states, former president of the united states on trial in an election year period. end of story the uni trial in a >> i don't see how laura, this case, assuming that former president trump is convicted, i don't see how it's goingd, i d to stand up on appeaonl given ap the prejudice displayed here by this judge, eveean in york state. >> and michael cohen is a uniquely vulnerable witness. >> we're all used to government witnesses who can impeached by their own past conduct and by their own criminality. >> but here with michael cohen, he's and so, so many ways he's been found by court of law to be a person who is not credible.
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and this is even after his cooperation agreement with the governmenn who ist alss is it's not just that he pled guilty for some alleged election related fraud. >> the reason that he pled guilty was because he faced massive criminal exposure based on conduct in new york state, new york state crimes that have nothing to do with former president trum exposp. >> they relate to his medallion business. so he is going to be very vulnerable. >> they should be able to do a very good cross of. oh, i can't wait. so great to see you. have a wonderful weekend. all right. up next, democrats fake a lot of things but this next fake won't surprise you in its desperation. >> we'll talk about it next. everyone's a cat and a mouse. let your heart the firefighter who is mad meyer, be your compass. you'll be working with your partner as a team going down.
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the democrats wouldn't pretend to care about the border invasion. until it started to hurt them politically. and it is. that is exactly what is happening right now. 15 house democrats who are supposedly urging biden to take action on the border. everything they say about the border now is phony. most of those 15 are in tough races and they know as we know, immigration is the top of the list of voter concerns. plus, we know who biden listens to. >> we have to make sure president biden does everything he can to provide long-term relief for long-term undocumented residents. >> we must act now to cut through the red tape. >> we reject failed policies
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that banning asylum and moving us backwards. we know what is in your heart. >> joining me now, stephen miller. i love this phony border pivot they keep dangling. he may change the laws. they may do this. is there anything to this? >> we are in our fourth year of the border invasion. the only thing they are doing is keeping the conveyor belt running, bringing illegal immigrants into the country. if they can't do it, they send airplanes, fill them up and fly them into swing states. the invasion is not going to stop until joe biden is voted out of office and donald trump
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is voted in. two days ago, everyone voted to give illegal aliens representation and allotting congressional seats and electoral colleges. >> that is the goal here. they want to change the country from top to bottom. that is why they want to bring in this new population. they are upset west virginia is not bringing in all these foreign workers and illegal laborers. that is a crime not to let them in. >> it is enraging to democrats who thought any would be illegal alien could be kept out of a part of the united states of america and that is not enough for them. now they are trying to bring
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refugees to america. they want to turn the midwest into the middle east. it is find the migrants around the world and bring them into america in limited numbers. >> it is always great to see y you. >> happy mother's day to you. blue cities keep cutting speed limits. is it really about safety? what could it be about? i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget.
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there are certain errors in american history that define us where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen. howdy, bob. your business is done here. some are heroes, some were villains. and that's where the fun begins. best start praying. u.s. marshal bass reeves. this is how outlaws and lawmen, now streaming on fox nation. planet earth is getting rocked by the biggest solar storm in decades. fox news senior national correspondent kevin corke, who is also a meteorologist, has
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the details. hi, kevin. what's the doppler radar saying? that doesn't work with the sun. you are hilarious. now i'm going to tell you about this. this is actually an interesting story. you'll appreciate this, laura. there is a storm. it's electromagnetic. and americans as far south as illinois, or maybe even alabama may be able to see. wait for it. the aurora borealis or northern lights tonight. now, those dancing lights will be the sign of charged particles ejected from storms on the surface of the sun. as, of course, they collide with the earth's magnetic field. however, and this is important, with the earth increasingly becoming electrified, these storms also could be potentially disruptive to both radio and the grid. and while the storm is unlikely to cause serious problems, it is nevertheless a warning of more serious risks in the future. this is sort of a huge explosion that can be associated with the flare, but
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basically what happens is part of the sun actually lifts off the surface, right? so this plasma, the charged particles, the magnetic field that makes up the sun part of it actually lifts off the sun and streams away into space. i didn't think you'd learn all that tonight. now, did you? and then there's this from the space weather prediction center. quote, a coronal mass ejection cme is an eruption of solar material. when they arrive at earth, a geo magnetic storm can result. watches at this level are very rare. noaa scientists, by the way, are comparing the ongoing watch alert to a tornado alert, which means grid managers should just go about their business but remain vigilant and aware and alert. laura. kevin. you mean people can't scroll on doom scroll on instagram all night long, and amazon prime say that? i mean, we could use a break from social media. myself, myself included. all right, kevin, i'll text you after the show.
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all right. kevin. thanks. thanks see, the usa in your chevrolet. america is asking you to call. drive your chevrolet through the usa. america's the greatest land of all. oh, god, that was great. believe it or not, there was a time when americans were encouraged to get out of the cities and cruise the open roads. but that america, the one most of us grew up in and least remember or, you know, completely revere doesn't exist anymore. under the guise of public safety, cities are now lowering their speed limits to a snail's pace. today, new york city governor kathy hochul is celebrating a new law, dropping new york's speed limit to 20mph. and in some areas, as low as ten miles per hour, it can walk faster and other blue cities are getting ready to do the same. but it does not end. there for the biden administration just instituted a new rule that will require all automatic braking systems
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on all cars by 2029, meaning the car will be able to stop on its own whether you want it to or not. well, the totalitarian left's attempts to just control americans, whether it's lockdowns, slow downs, is an assault on our most basic freedom, the freedom of movement. joining me now, former arkansas governor mike huckabee and sean duffy, co-host of fbn's the bottom line and a fox news contributor, sean now, hochul and her crew claim as they always do, that this is all for our safety. it's all reasonable. just like in covid, it was all for our safety. but given the history here, what should we think? well so. right, we want to lower the speed limits for our public safety. but laura, these are the same people that let violent criminals out on the streets the same day they're arrested to commit more violent crimes. so this is not about safety. this is not about climate change. this is about using fear to give them more
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power and control. so what do they want here? they want to make driving so painful, so expensive that you give up your car that you'll just. i'm going to take the bus or i'll ride the filthy, dirty, violent subway. so if you do that, they're going to again, reduce emissions. but what they really want is they want to keep you in a two mile radius. they want you to live, eat and work within two miles. so they have you voluntarily controlling your space and your movement, which is everything contrary to what you'd say is the american dream. yeah. now, governor, i mean, just as a kid, it's like, let's hit the road. that's so exciting, right? we're going to drive to wherever new hampshire i grew up in connecticut, driving to new hampshire, driving to massachusetts. it was a big deal and it was fun. and you did it as a family. why is that a threat to them? i'm not sure what it is, but i'll tell you, one of the reasons they want to slow the speed limit is because so many people are leaving new york, almost 900,000 people have left new york since 2020. they're trying to slow down the exodus because
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they're moving so fast that they can't keep up with the exit of people getting the heck out of new york to go someplace where they can live free. or the last hampshire governor. when is the last time you drove ten miles an hour? i mean, you're very physically fit. you bike, you bike, what, 18, 19 miles an hour average. there's no way you ever drove ten miles an hour unless you were in gridlock traffic, right? never. unless there i'm in a parking lot and i'm waiting on a parking place. two cars up for me, and i'm going real slow to beat the guy who's going to turn left in front of me. i mean, let's face it, nobody drives for ten miles an hour. nobody and in new york city, i mean, we've all been there, you know, the cabs. i don't think they're cabs capable of going as slow as. i hate the bike lanes. yeah the bike lanes are faster, right? they take your they practically take your kneecap off every time we step into the fox bureau, and governor sean, it's like the pedals, like, take your kneecap off. didn't they do that to
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david stockman once? as i recall, i'm really dating myself, but that's. i'll take your head off. listen, i drive over the speed bumps for more than ten miles an hour. i jump those things. i don't, you know, you mentioned that automatic braking. i don't really care about that. but i don't know if you've had a new car recently. they have that automatic shut off. you pull up to a stoplight and your car shuts off like that. i despise them, so do i. i'm like, cause then i hit the gas and the car revs. i mean, leave me alone. let me. i'll decide when i stop. i'll turn my car off. if i want to turn it off, let me have the freedom to choose how i drive my car and how my car operates. well, governor, isn't it the case that if joe biden, heaven forbid, and kamala harris get another four years, we can safely conclude tonight that is the end of the us automobile industry, period. end of story. it's over. oh, i think it's more than that. i think it's the end of the us. i mean, my gosh, if they had four more years to continue to destroy this country economically, socially, morally and every other way, i don't know how we survive. and so then the speed limit will have to be increased, because we're all going to be wanting to
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drive as fast as we can to get away from anything that the government touches. these are crazy people. we just have to accept these are crazy people. they have crazy ideas and they're going to turn the country into a crazy country if we don't vote them out, well, but they don't care, sean, what the people want. people want illegals deported. they want the border shut down. they want government to be reasonable and not in their lives at every at every turn. and they don't like evs. most people don't like evs. at least the washington post, though, thinks that conservatives are the only ones that are responsible for delaying the ev goals of biden, saying about 40% of new car buyers are republicans without them, the country won't be able to shift fully to electric vehicles. there's one thing holding the nation back from the dream of the all electric future political polarization. so sean, it's your family's fault. huckabee's fault? my fault that people just hate electric cars. they don't like them. period. talk to any car
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dealer, even liberal states. people aren't buying electric vehicles because they don't want them. look at chicago over the winter, a liberal city where it got cold and you couldn't charge your your electric vehicle. so again, we're not these aren't ready for prime time. americans don't want to. but you mentioned the polling, all these issues joe biden loses on whether it's the economy, the border. the problem is that they're still tied in the polls and abortion is still an issue for so many female independent voters. donald trump has to figure out a way to get over that and talk about these really real issues that are affecting everyone's everyday lives. yeah, pot and abortion and anti-semitism. join the democrat party. it's so wonderful. governor, governor. and sean, thank you. all right. the left's pathetic play. yeah. for the youth vote. hiding your fungus damaged toenails. get clear, healthy looking toenails with non-x nail. clarifying gel. in a clinical study, 90% of nails improved for fungus damaged
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toenails by neonics at walgreens, walmart, rite aid and cvs. there are certain eras in american history that define us where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends they were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawmen. howdy, bob. your business is done here. some were heroes, some were villains. and that's where the fun begins. best start praying. u.s. marshal bass reeves. this is outlaws and too ho fox nation. wet to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform your outdoor living space into a shaded retreat your family will love! when you call, we'll rush you a special $200
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have been great experiments in the states on legalization of marijuana, "crime has not gone up drug addiction has not gone up. people have more freedoms. >> laura: freedom? is this the freedom chuck wants for us? >> when he first started using khaki told me that they all wanted to try to get high at the party and he did not know what to do. he very quickly became addicted. five years later khaki died by suicide, saying that the mop was after him. we do not have a mob. >> laura: first, let's be clear. the supposedly great experiment in weed that schumer was talking about is just a pathetic play for the youth about. because, guess what? young voters are running away from biden. that is how little they think of our young people by the way, keep them dumb, keep them numb. second, this great experiment has already burnt itself out. or is the octogenarian with an attitude unaware of what his own governor has said on the
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subject? that implementation has been, quote, a disaster. and as for his claim that we'd use does not mean more crime, he is either lying or stone or both. >> this proliferation of illegal shops has been a source of enormous frustration. frustrated local leaders have been powerless as these unlicensed shops operate right under their noses, sowing chaos, destabilizing neighbourhoods and attracting other types of crime. >> laura: those are just illegal shops. joining me now, dr mark siegel, are fox news medical contributor. and alex marlowe, editor-in-chief of breitbart. dr siegel, is schumer firing up his own bong at this point? or just lying or what is it? >> i cannot tell because i'm not in the room so i cannot smell. i don't know if it passes the smell test but i will tell you, more than 300 studies have shown
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a correlation between frequent cannabis use pack marijuana use and violent crime. and traffic accidents are up 475% in canada where it has been legal since 2018 over the past decade. and all of the states where it is legal, california, colorado, new york to name three, i've seen enormous increases in emergency room visits from cannabis induced psychosis. not to mention anxiety, not to mention depression or behavioural issues. as you said, this test has already been happening and it has failed. marijuana when it is legal -- and by the wind colorado, at this. the number of dispensaries of legal marijuana correlates directly with how many er visits there are from psychosis. >> it has been a disaster in california as well. my question here is, is this really -- forget how bad thc marijuana is, psychosis,
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schizophrenia, we know what all. but is this really a plan to get the youth about? it really is one of the most cynical and condescending -- i think, really insulting approaches to young voters i have ever heard. >> laura, i think you are astute there. you will pick up a little bit of the youth about here but i think this is pandering to other groups. we're talking big pot, big marijuana, that banks want this to happen because if he reclassifies marijuana as a lesser offence, then this opens up the entire industry. i bet a lot of his donors are heavily invested in pot, which i'm out here in california, the flatline is not a huge industry, at the pain in the butt and completes with illegal pot pot. it is a real pain to have that industry. if we allow those donors want to cash in, they have not cashed in yet, they follow the money and that's all you got to do. >> laura: that is an excellent point. and we know big banks have been
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pushing for decriminalization. legalization across the board, big weed, which is billions of dollars as an industry, also has huge lobbying power. but there is another angle here. come all harris apparently thinks prosecuting drug crimes is racist. >> no one should have to go to jail for smoking weed. black americans and latinos are four times more likely. four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. and the disparity is even larger when you talk about the subset of black men and latino men. >> laura: dr, you are a medical doctor and not a political pungent but honestly, now that is racist? a law is racist. how about getting people addicted to something for lots and lots of campaign donations. how about that is just disgusting. forget racism. >> i think it is terrible to be pulling the race card on that, i agree with you. and california where alex's from
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and where kamala harris is from, at this. twice as many women are smoking pot when pregnant and smoking cigarettes. and pot leads to all kinds of trouble in infants once they are born in terms of behavioural delay and preterm infants. and wise and she worried about that? you want to know about this in genuine, if you are worried about the medical part of this and not the political -- as he said, going for the big-money vote because the marijuana industry is not doing that well right now. so let's ignore the fact that pregnant women are smoking pot where it is legal. it is a huge disgrace to ignore that. >> laura: thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you laura. >> could see you. >> laura: and finally, are first and best president said this of mary ball washington. my mother was the most beautiful woman i ever saw. ally mio to my mother. i attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education i received from her. i feel exactly the same way about my own mother and caroline
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ingram who dined many years ago. my work ethic, my patriotism, i hope my sense of humour. i got it all from her. i appreciate her a lot more now that i'm a mother myself of three teens. it is my daughter's 19th birthday today, happy birthday maria, love you. to all of them on an expectant mothers and mother mother stand ins, a lot of those out there, i hope your children, your friends, your grandchildren honour you and love you this sunday and every day. because you make it all happen. that is it for us tonight. i will be in new york next week. jughead is testifying so i have to go. thank you for watching all week long, great legal analysis, i have enjoyed it a lot, remember it is american now and forever. meanwhile, "the five" right now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i'


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