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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  May 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now.
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jot democratic national convention could go virtual and party looks for a backup plan. the third hour starts right now.
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pete: the skyline is flat in the background and green. will: omaha. omaha. pete: what do we got? lirk you weren't here and took a really long vacation for two weeks. pete: it's hard work being a weekend host. will: i launched a similar complaint to pete.
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rachel: we'll move on. biden's team pushing for a virtual dnc with prerecorded speeching from the president. will: perhaps scenes like this is why. biden greeted with a big group of pro palestinian protesters outside of his fundraiser. pete: madeleine rivera with more.
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the decision to pause and some offensive weapons to israel and fears of widespread civilian deatdeaths in rafah and democras are anxious of the unrest and shadows in summer. >> i'm going to go ahead and preface this by saying 98% of language and impeachment articles was actually drafted by representative jerry nadlers who i hope will support this given the fact that they set the precedence with their own words.
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the president at the time called for former president trump to be impeached over allegations that he withheld aid to ukraine in exchange for investigation into the biden family. a white house official responds in part to that, trump failed to spend dollars appropriated by congress that he was legally required to spend. this is about a purchase made by a foreign government using its own funds, not funds appropriated by congress adding that they have been signaling their position on rafah for some time now. l pete and rachel. rachel: the dnc convention altering how they do it and
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doing prerecorded speeches and i'm thinking they're using the protesters to make an excuse of prerecorded speeches and per happens from joe biden is maybe they can juice them up and record it so it goes well. they don't have to worry about maybe him buffering in the middle and losing stamina. stam. pete: we're so used to things being up ended and traditions going to trash and shouldn't let this go lightly and the point these conventions run by the parties and doing whatever they want and don't have to do anything and traditionally parties opening public live to be seen and their rules and candidates and agreements and disagreements are. we all decided that they're base chips act forecasting previewing
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whole thing is a tv show and not reality. the media will go along with it and they're complicit. will: it's much deeper and sharing with you guys this morning. it's openly much deeper and the students at columbia taking over hamilton hall and manifesto and lay out who they are and what they're for. so you get insight for what what they want and who they are, this is profound and people of heinz
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hall. >> the peep's republic of heinz hall. pete: we took hamilton hall because it belongs to us and refuse to remain compliant in the face of the american led genocide of the palestinian people. no less than the fight to liberate harlem and columbia. you're both taken back by the liberated columbia and not out of left field, that is a call back again why this is a rerun to the 1960s and motivation of taking it over in the 60s was in part a gentrification fight. here's columbia in harlem and this is a black neighborhood and problem these spaces are being invaded and also to do with
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vietnam. similar reigns leading with a mixed ideology and it's fascinating and they're community members and none of the distinctions matter and guarantee these don't matter and tear down the artificial border between student and nonstudent imposed with classes and races and sorting mechanism and it's locked outside the gates. pete: students and nonstudents are the same for the purpose of columbia. will: that's the fact we see like at penn, only nine of the 33 arrested were students. rachel: i saw footage of tenured professor at university of
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chicago confronting protesters and the leader at u chicago encampment, was by the way will interfere with the ability of the school to do their graduation because they're encamped in the space they need to have the ceremony so there's concern about that . she is not a member of the campus. and dr. brown kept asking her tearing down the west. the way you can confirm that is these agitators and especially the ones that aren't students because the students are just cost playing and they're lost and trying to find some meaningful thing to do.
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the leadsers are the same people that were funding blm occupy and these are the same people and what our fbi and doj should be doing is looking at those people. pete: there's a lot of cultural appropriations going on because of the scarfs. someone should do something. they lost their mind, the woke mind virus is giving an excuse to close the dnc. some are kids and some are grown and they've decided they're
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markist and hate the country and hate americans. then the marines that are graduating high school and they took it upon themselves to go to summer school to leave school early and going to boot cam and coming back for graduation and part of the reason was this high school in colorado has four medal of honor recipients that graduated and a proud history of service and said we wanted to walk and we're proud to serve the country and our identity and we're marines now. the marines being told they can't wear their dress blues to graduation and a couple talking to local media about that. we have to put them over the dress blues and don't agree with
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that. >> i will not walk with my graduating class because i've earned the title of this marine and i have a right to wear my dress blues. rachel: what is the reason? pete: uniformity. everyone wears a cap and gown. will: these students honored during the portion of the graduation ceremony dedicated to military service and the students participate in full uniform for this segment of the commencement exercise and in addition we're going to receive high school diploma in full economic regalia. pete: ceremony on the side and wear your gown. rachel: i'm going to say, pete, we don't normally disagree on these issues. i think that is not unfair. listen, first of all, these boys
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are wearing for the side ceremony. rachel: it's not the big ceremony. pete: it's a special one and it's the gown they're putting on. it's a small thing. rachel: i thought it was they all walk in uniform and their graduation thing and at this part of the sore mony and before this is over, they get the special award in their uniform. if that's the case, i'm okay with that. pete: i love the word portion. will: fox is where you
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can get it out. pete had a live special last night. focused on the war on warriors and you talked to several retired service members. tim kennedy on the program a lot and mike posed a navy seal and >> those that never servinged and want to implement these initiatives, need to be hands off.
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our culture is one of conformity and we want people to maintain their authentic nature u but there has to be loyalty. you have to have the ability to put we before me. we call that communal sacrifice. i've not experience that had anywhere else to the degree i did in the military. to society, it has a different set of cultures and what prioritized us in individual alty and amongst them. >> that's part of fascinating show and one clip that popped into my head. i'm watching the sell vision show and it's called show gun and based upon the very, very, very successful series show gun about japan and first -- among the first westerners interacting with culture in japan and talking about conformity, loyalty, feelty to duty -- for
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all the people going back to the students in western culture and up in the western culture in pursuit of what? do they feel the same way about east asian culture? like -- pete: they don't know. if you're fighting loyalty conformity, duty, if that is your revolution in service of what? what's on the other side for me? rachel: i can tell you the answer. will: chaos. pete: anarchy. what's on the other side is paganism. it's power and chaos and that's what john daniel davidson's book is about. paypaganism in america and thats
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on the other side. will: it's one thing to lose duty and conformity and loyalty in society. >> i deferent want to make people listen to me sign. the book showed up at my office. the real one. it's available june 4 and preorder right now and you'll get this one right here. it's fun when a new book shows up. smells like a new book. get your copy. >> i got a signed copy. we need those. rachel: you're right.
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pete: that's why i want to celebrate him. look at these guys. do what they did. not the antifa garbage and they'll come form in the best years of their life. rachel: they did not let him be in the graduation with the uniform because they're concerned with uniformity. there's people with rings and other things going on. it's because they're woke and think this might offend somebody. pete: you're right. rachel: good point. pete: check out shocking video of two masked thieves walking into a connecticut jewelry store carrying sledge hammers. smashed up display cases and grabbed a bunch of jewelry and ran off. employees retreated to the back of the store. these crooks are still on the loose.
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tiepins star novak djokovic falling to the ground after getting hit in the head with a water bottle. happened after second round win at italian open last night. he was signing autographs from a metal water battle and accident. hope it was. and the ufl and season heating up with what could be the matchup of the year. undefeated birmingham stallions host the 5-1 battle hawks and some college football fans may recognize this quarterback for st. louis. former crimson tide star aj mccarren returning to the field in alabama for the first time
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since sec days. kickoff today at 4:00 p.m. on fox. those are your headlines. will: classified documents could hold the key to what happened in 2020. rachel: congressman brad is pushing for release and he's next. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary.
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rachel: one law may recollect calling on the state department to declassify congressman for light fauci was lying and i want to play this clip and get you on the other side to respond to it.
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jot chinese were explicit and not tolerating misinformation going out and it was really clear no one was believing them and i think they're very sensitive to that right now. rachel: why would he be covering it up for the ccp? congressman? is he frozen? urn fortunately we lost the congressman. we're going to go to commercial and try to get him back on the other side. stay with us, okay.
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what's been the response and about covid. >> we're waiting for a response and i will say we've got the statements to be declassified and i served on intelligence committee and chairman of oversight and we hopefully will be at least be able to see the documents fully in that setting. you mentioned what dr. fauci saying ccp will not tolerate any misinformation and they won't
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tolerate any information except for their very much misinformation. pla is contractor building the institute of virology and pla present when it was built and cyber evidence showing the pla had shadow labs inside the wuhan institute of virology and engineering university. it's all adding up. we need the documents.
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>> i don't have anything to do with the grants but sign them is what fauci said. an advisory board does it. ecohealth alliance doesn't comply with the terms of the grant, what happens? he said that's over in compliance. i don't have anything to do with this. they're passing the buck pretty much throughout and i will tell you, there's a lot of changes to make in any kind of grant process, and that includes things for the intelligence municipality before decisions are made. rachel: ecohealth alliance got
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yet another grant. it's just unbelievable. i really hope that you get these documents and the american people deserve to know what happened. funding the entire economy and way of life. people died too. thank you, congressman. thank you so much. all right, we're going to toss now to will and pete. pete: a carpenter before acting warns more skilled workers are needed to keep society from collapsing. >> my generation, we all d. i'm trying to save civilization and civilization was built by
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people. will: joining us to react is the former construction worker and author of blue collar cash, ken rust. what's your reaction to saving civilization according to john? >> good morning, guys. thanks for having me. how about our favorite mailman delivering once again. he's spot on because when we grew up, i mean, a typical saturday morning, you'd see kids on our street in it's an actual blue collar crisis at this point. pete: ken, for parents and grandparents watching and saying maybe i've fallen into this and my kid is in the other room
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gaming and how can they change that around and give them the skills? >> get them outside. you have to understand that at some point, these kids have to live on their own. and you don't want them calling you when they're 23 years old saying hey, how do i fill this car with gas? how do i change a tire in how do do some of these things and you'll be doing them a favor by giving them the ability to be independent. think of how much they can save if they do some of these on their own. it's just -- it's such a simple thing for you to do and it's a simple thing. pete: derid of the offensive said we could have over a million jobs unfulfilled in manufacturing. >> 77 million of the people do something with their hands today. if we try to send every one of those kids to college, which is what we're trying to do now, we're going to continue this problem till you're going to be wait ago year for an electrical
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outlet and costing you $1500 to get one and we have to do something now. a lot of people trying to change that and bring the pendulum back down to the middle for more balanced economy and see where that goes. book is blue collar cash. from israel to the border, joe, seemingly goes just wherever the wind blows. will: pete and i go off the wall breaking down the biggest bidena flip-flopsst, next. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask an asthma specialist if nucala is right for you.
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will: for president biden, major policy positions seemingly change as the wind blows. pete: from israel to the border, let's go off the wall with the biggest biden flip-flops. a theme you'll notice is a lot of flash backs back to 2019. what was he doing then? securing the democrat nomination and there's a lot of changes he made around that time period that are conflicting with the statement now.
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>> the idea that we'd cut off aid to a ally, a true allie in the middle east is incomprehensible. why would anyone do that? pete: preposterous. i can't say it. will: preposterous. backed up by a tweet he put out in 2019 and president trump withheld aid to ukraine unless they granted him a political favor. definition of quid pro quo. trump put political interest ahead of the national interest. he must be impeached. same rational. what is ukraine is now israel. pete: difficult to find the differences between those two and cory mills introduced articles of impeachment and there isn't a difference. just what's changed is joe biden's stance on whether or not
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we can hold those very weapons and saying about aid to ukraine. to israel. >> make it clear, if they go into rafah, they haven't gone into rafah yet, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah. pete: okay, do what we say you're going to do or we take away your money. by the way, israel has gone into rafah. not full scale but they're on their way. they're not listening to joe at this point. joe is listening to the hamas caucus angry with him and hence a total acc about face and it'sa total reversal. will: the bright line going into rafah. in 2006 when there was an issue of israel going into lebanon, he said who. ato tell them not no go into lebanon and act of retribution and punishing them and slay have a right to go after hezbollah in remember anne donovan unless you're doing -- lebanon and doing by retribution
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and applies to rafah in israel. pete: joe caved in the direction of his basis. he's a different guy. another issue that joe proved to be a different -- we know who joe was or said he was based on trump's border wall. >> this is the first president and anybody seeking asylum has to do it in another country and never happened before in america. pete: trump's remain in mexico policy. famously said, i'm going to tear down the wall that trump built.
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they started talking a little more hawkish. pete: see if the voters buy it and it's joe january 2023. not all in the last month. >> they'll be returned back to mexico if they attempt to cross unlawfully. don't just show up at the border. stay where you are and apply legally from there. pete: that specifically -- look, that was return to mexico. that was return to mexico. pete: they're talking right now in the white house executive orders changing the definition of asylum and walking into the border, claim asylum and that initial claim could be rejected and it's effectively the trump policy. because what's coming up, everybody? there's a pesky little election coming up and immigration is a huge topic and he's been on the wrong side the entire time.
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>> china is going to eat our lunch? come on, man. they can't figure out how to deal with the corruption in the system. they're not bad folks, folks. will: not not bad folks, folks. pete: this is 2019 joe. remember, the biden family was making a lot of deal withs china in ukraine around the globe.
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splits from 2020 democrats on abortion measure. >> height appointments and i had to look it up too. just to emphasize it, federal funding of abortion except in a few small cases.
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this is primary time. the democratic process. june 5, 2019. pete: june 6, 2019. the tune changed. watch. >> if i believe healthcare is a right as i dorks i can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone's zip code. picker i'm now running for president of the democratic party and i must drop the position i held for 40 years. it's what it cops down to. will: yeah, joe biden's fidelity to principle is similar to fidelity to truth. with no real mourning and flowed with the winds or tides, whichever way is necessary to get elected. pete: add that to the business dealings that his family was willing to dorks you have a poll cigs not putting the country first or america first but
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putting his own electoral prospects and enrichment first and that's why we're in such a bad spot right now. will: there you go. this season, yard work is upon us and how can you get a great deal on top of the line tractors? save yourself a little back ache this summer and hop on a kansas city chiefs bo data committee like this, coming up. ♪ i have active psoriatic arthritis. but with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, count me in. along with clearer skin, skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement. and that means everything! ask your doctor about skyrizi today. learn how abbvie could help you save. we are people living with afib. ♪ and over 400,000 of us have left
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picker summer is almost here when it cops to home maintenance. kubota tractors at the top of their game. rick: they're rally drivers and what a rally car driver. tell us what this is. >> a rally car driver is people that travel down a road and they have us in the passenger seat telling them the information, the pace notes and reading the maps and all that. rick: wow, okay, interesting. pete: kubota, what are we out here talking about today? i need a tractor, i'm in the market. rick: they have 70 some acres in tennessee. >> kubota has a huge range of products and tractor and construction equipment and utility equipment and lawn equipment so there's a huge range of products and we've got
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three of our favorites here for you to try. rick: start with the riding mower. >> sense of alohaer turn mo -- zero turn mower and cut the time around two-thirds and rugged, reliable, and easy to use. rick: safe for kids? pete: i'll be driving this in a moment too, but they make sense. they feel functional and don't have to be an expert to jump on it. rick: this is zero turn and turn on a dime. that's pretty perfect. pete: then the side by side. >> rtv side kick with a thousand pound capacity on the bed and 2,000-pound towing capacity and has several attachments to use on the front and i actually use it to go get the mail, my mailbox is two miles from my house. pete: two miles from your house? and you can dump too? joe why. pete: open the gate?
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>> yep. >> 40 miles per hour. pete: mine does not go 40 miles per hour. mixer shopping for that and it's a beautiful truck. rick: talk about the tractors that kubota has. >> this is in the south compact range of tractors and the great thing about the bx series, is this tractor will fit in your barrage. if you need this tractor, it's great in the winter months drive it straight out of your garage, plow your driveway and things like that. it's a perfect little tractor. pete: can we try it? >> yeah. pete: can you change the attachments? >> yeah, this comes with backhoe attachment and change them out. there's over 50 different attachments that come for the tractors. pete: that's really surprising.
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see how perfect it is. rick: i was driving this earlier and turns really easily and on a dime. >> doesn't need a codriver. rick: stop by the local kubota dealer right now, check out wide range of machines that sell up with the equipment property and also right now, kansas city kubg best prices of the year and their orange event days going on right now. you can also shop at kub pete: now i don't have to boar re-my neighbor's tractor. rick: he made that turn really nicely. pete: that turns so nice. rick: pete is doing some shopping right now. thank you guys so much. pete: appreciate it. big show ahead still. don't go anywhere. your best days of the year start here, at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles,
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including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair. it penetrates deep into the tooth to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair. with new pronamel repair mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they work great together. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter and we get instant protection from harmful uv rays and sun glare. for pricing starting at less than $1,000, transform your outdoor living space
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