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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  May 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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>> all right welcome back everybody as we start our second
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hour of cavuto live and started this show that it is getting to be busier on the weekends right now how you live for these moments and you live to try to explain moments that sometimes are like other moments we've seen. you've seen these college protest a lot more than 30 just arrested at a upenn demonstration late yesterday more protest are expected here at around the world quite a few going on simultaneously for example, in london i believe there's one in paris as well. but again, not as in your face as the ones we've been seeing here. let's get the latest right now from natalie in washington. what can you tell us? >> good morning neil you're right there are more protest expected today including one of and another round of ceremonies bracing for demonstrations as well. many of the protests trying to clear out encampments take george washington university and
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d.c. for instance, the universities president met with representatives from arab mum and palestinian student organizations friday. but she made it clear that university is not considering changes to its endowment investment strategy academic partnership or establish srr processes some protesters say that position doesn't meet their demands suggesting that protest might continue. listen here. >> we don't care how long it takes we will get material change around these policyings and we will make sure that it is enacted and will not rest until it does so that is what we mean when we say we will not leave. >> police cleared out dozens of protesters m. m.i.t. and university of arizona friday and unrest could overshadow national convention in chicago this summer. politico is reporting some people in the president's orbit are pushing to make the event a hybrid production to minimize the possibilities of
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disruptions. now would in part meaning business such as rule and platform votes off the floor and denying would be demonstrators a chance to cease on contentious debates. more than 70 groups are planning to participate in the march on the dnc which organizers predict will be the largest protest for palestinian rights and chicago's history. neil. neil: incredible madeleine rivera thank you. m.a.d.d. lean in washington, d.c. on that. well the school year is over exams are done for most all of this will go away. i'm not talking about now but i'm talking what about they used to say in 1968 and the middle of the schooling ending for colleges and universities and they thought a lot of the antiwar protest at the time would also ease up. actually they doubled down. and it extended all the way to the democratic convention that year and we all know how that went out. ray kelly former nypd commissioner guardian group ceo is history repeating itself? >> it is starting to look that way and not ending any time
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soon. some of these events are well funded we know the students injustice for palestinian is doing just that. they are the coalescing factor organization been in existence for 30 years and injected from certain college campuses. i know govan desantis just ejected them from florida schools but they are a presence. they are a force and i think they should be investigated. certainly by federal agency. neil: what would you do to handle it, ray and you applied right history shows 1968 is most dramatic example but had protest start they spread they don't go away. protest breed more protest but this would have to keep going for another couple of months. to bring it to the democratic convention -- but now we're hearing talk of a hybrid type convention for democrats i don't know if that's taking things to the next leap year but what do you make of all
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of it? >> i think to a certain extent funding an issue and money is coming in as i said sjp other organizations well funded they're getting money from overseas and from source type organizations. and i think it is a conspiracy. i think it raises the level of criminal conspiracy because they're committing crimes as a result of -- of this conspiracy. so i don't see it ending. certainly not before the conventions, they have been sort of administrations have gone along with them. so it looks to them like they're -- they're winning. it's effective tool in their minds, and i think it is going to go on. of course that adds -- impact on policing, policing throughout the country. this is taking resources away from the police they're not doing their normal jobs. they're standing around college campuses in new york city, columbia has asked new york city police department to remain on
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campus. so yeah. there has a sort of rippling effect that -- i think we're all going to feel in some way. >> i would just put on the record ray and you might agree or disagree with this politico report that traces this to funding has been disputed. washington post others have check into this and soros say they're not funding this and issue of indirect money that could be out there and we have to look at outside sources but the bigger issue now is how police respond you talk in some cases where they do. and other casings where they hold back. and i've talked to many i think last time we chatted who say well the school year is about over. and then exams are about done. so this will all go away. but they tend to move, right? and to bigger locals i think it is '68 after the new york area schools like columbia all of those had shut down they went to central park, for example. how would you advise authorities and in terms of keeping a unified approach to this?
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>> well, i mean, the police are going to be involved. ideally you would have some communication with the demonstrators, it has some intelligence information as to what's going on. you check the internet you may even have undercover officers that are involved in some of these demonstration. obviously, not to impact on free speech, but to identify criminal behavior. so i think this is going to be a long haul for police departments and varying throughout the country some campuses are more active cities are more active than others. but policing concern is going to be a major investment of resources. that it is going to go on for quite a while in my opinion. neil: commissioner let's watch closely thank you to your service for the fine city and elsewhere ray kelly former nypd commissioner and washington reporter but daniel, the bigger issue here is whether the president is out in front of this.
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or just getting overwhelmed by this. i mention to a prior guest dan whether he needs a sisters soldier moment like with bill clinton had to take on very, very dominant part of that advocating protest and song lyrics and it didn't hurt him but i know this is very different. but what do you make of that where that might be president biden threading the needle too much. nothing to be here, this is strong in the response pmg >> this is indicative of the messaging issues he has in terms of being an older gentlemen where he can't be as clear as he was 30 years ago. and even hillary clinton talking about the election choice you can see how someone who is a few years younger is much smoother and so, i feel like with joe biden, getting jells of genocide joe all of the time by protesters, makes someone like
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him entrench themselves and not want to give in. also he has to weave in a line because he doesn't want to say, hey all of these protest should end. he says peaceful protest is good. violent protest is out of bounds and anti-semitism has no place in america. neil: apparently it is resonating and right now worrying top democratic officials who are talking increasingly about hybrid type convention i don't know how that would work. but they are talking about it. that would be very akin to what we saw four years in the middle of covid. >> that would be a good move to get the democratic base excited about joe biden because republicans are going to have a rollicking convention and not worry about protest. so this is -- not good news for democrats and especially they've had to scale down some of biden's events publicly because he was getting hecklers. the saving grace that democrats feel like is that, only 2% of
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young people believe that israel, palestinian is their top issue. they face much more pressing personal issues like, getting, affording home, paying for college tuition, dealing with gun violence. and so if you look at the polls, they -- democrats think that this is a small moornght small but vocal moornght on ivy league type campuses. >> they were saying so much the same on 1968 that what is on the tv does not represent the american people. richard nixon later is running mate later vice president and i have to say they were going to speak to the silent americans who don't believe this. but it plays out on that tv. and i wonder it is dumpght different because they're playing out but just the same so i wanted to pick your brain dan like on the last hour those images -- contrasted with let's say donald trump in and out of the courthouse i think it would appear that more americans are
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concerned about the potential of something like this. other than not than a conviction for donald trump and any of these hush money charges. what do you think? >> yeah it makes it harder to paint the chaos charge that donald trump it is ironic that trump is now -- propolice because he's saying, hey these protest should be stopped. yet while he's being, you know, in a courtroom all of the time. and i think you know with vietnam that comparison it's, you know, you see 1968 convention, chicago, democrats and chaos, but we have to remember that thousands of young americans were being shipped off to vietnam at every single year and dying. here we don't have that same issue here. neil: you know while i have you there's a report that trump is trying to make amends with nikki haley saying she might be in the mix as a running mate that seems
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a little incredible. but what do you think? >> i don't think that's -- going to happen. someone like jd vance's more more of a likely candidate. and she's telling her own donors to keep their powder dry. and not to donate to the trump campaign yet. but you saw how indiana and pennsylvania 20% of people voting in the republican primary were voting for nikki haley and having a campaign last time i checked. so it is not a -- would not be a dumb political move for trump to make call to haley and try to settle things for the good of his campaign. neil: i was talking to one trump money donor said you know, we don't have to do stuff like that. to get the jest of his point we don't need her or any of that. people would see right through it. it is not worth it. what do you think? >> well, that's easy for a donor to say. but at the end of the day
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politics is a game of addition not subtraction and so if we can, you know, it is never a good idea to be display sang the and not vote for a vote that is a potential vote an the republican party has to be a party of the big tent not of just the maga base because there are still some undecided voters out there. i know the name of the game now is -- turnout from your base. but i think that there are still some haley voters who are making up their minds in swing states that would be useful to drump donald trump so he can stay core to his maga base and do outreach like he did with ron desantis. neil: thank you daniel lipman a lot coming out but if you think the tension and campus violence and all of the rest is agitating investors, you wouldn't know it.
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looking at what wall street just pulled off in the latest week after this. ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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>> i think this is really showing that the u.s. capital markets are the envy of the world we approve that the u.s. is greatest economy in the world. the most resilient the economy that leads the way for the rest of the world. however, we still have to get to a landing. that's because of inflation the fact that things do cost more money and there is a general frustration in the market around inflation. neil: all right. the new york stocks exchange chairman with fox business network yesterday should demand the big board head chief feeling the same way trying is a say markets are continuing doing their own thing is inflation is real an could be a viable
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variable that changes a lot of things and for now stocks are known to climb a wall of worry and ted back with us. ted she's essentially saying, you know, there's no way that we can connect what's going on globally with protest, obviously, the donald trump court hearing and the rest, and you can step back say all right we should see stocks going crazy. they're not. in fact, they're doing what they should be doing. explain. >> well i mean i think that's right neil we've talked about this in the past climbing that wall of worry. at the end of the day neil it is about corporate profits and we're just now exiting the corporate profits from the first quarter of 2024 and on balance they've been pretty good. maybe 9 or 10% better than the estimates. april was a problem mat call month first quarter was very good. so you know, all in, you know within if it is, in fact, corporate profits which it really is at the end of the day
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that's what is driving stock prices that's why we've had these reasonably robust markets now. arising tides not floating all ships and seen shifts in terms of sectors. but on balance, market breath has been spreading out. it's been good, and we're seeing some groups of stocks doing much better than the tradition of tech stocks basically drove the train for so many months. neil: ted, you know donald trump says that a lot of this owes to him. i don't know whether he's talking specifically about the dow jones industrials hitting eighth straight advance or best week this year but in anticipation of him coming back to the white house he said if he doesn't markets are going to crash. what do you make of that? [laughter] >> well, you know that -- i mean he can say whatever he leaks it is an election year and you know, on the trading floor when we have a good day depending on who was running for office and who the favorite would be the market says trump, market says biden whatever it happens to be.
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you know you have to pick your favorites. but in the election year, generally speaking, markets do tend to do a little better. the incumbent tends to throw a lot of candy at the economy. which certainly reflects in the stock market, and the challenger, of course, is not going to agree with anything that the incumbents are doing and say that they have the ingredients, you know, for at least in terms of stock market for a better stock market. , though, the markets -- neil: what you're saying i want to cut to the chase you're saying this market rally whatever you want to call it owes nothing to donald trump. that by extension owes nothing to joe biden. >> well, i think all we can say is that election year, and that usually good for the markets because those in power basically are going to throw as much candy as they can at the economy. and even including -- neil: the federal reserve, does that include the federal reserve? >> yeah federal reserve we don't know if it is political not supposed to be but a issue of fed going to lower rates and now
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they're talking lower it twice. but miraculously those rate cuts if they come could come around the time of the election. neil: what impact would it have? let's say we get a rate cut before the election. stocks have had a good run this year. i don't know where we'll be at that point. what do you think the impact will be? >> i think, i think any rate cuts clearly are priced into the market. i can't imagine that the markets react dramatically positive for extended period of time if, in fact, the fed cuts once or twice. you know the risk is -- the risk is neil, that we live in this world of it's like perverse kind of scenario of people sort of rooting for bad news to encourage the fed to lower rates i'm not sure we should be rooting for a weak economy i think we should all be rooting for strong economy. but -- you know, so therefore any negative economic news tends to reenforce that fed might cut
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rates but the fact is u.s. economy is doing quite well. you know is the fed political? is the fed going hurt the current administration your guess is a good as mine. it is not supposed to be political but l reality might be a lot different than what we perceive it to be. neil: well tick off both trump and biden supporters as well as those that support the fed i think that's a hat trick. but ted, always good to see you. [laughter] >> thank you, neil. neil: well he's iconic figure, pressing on a lot of market developments. i like checking in with him to get a very -- unpolitical view of the world of money. in the meantime we want to bring you back to wild, wood new jersey we told you about joe biden raising money and donald trump is not due there for another five years a minimum and crowds already there secure is already in place a lot of you are bemoaning my love of wild wood they have the best sausage
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and pepper grinders some are saying you care for my health an say it would be better if i sought out salad stations there. there are no salad stations and wild wood i want you to know and i've heard from my heart surgeon some years back i had a triple bypass he made me write a lot of people are angry that he did. i don't to quote him but respect his privacy he minded me i can have a grinder but message was don't overdo it. he's watching. after this. [farm animal sounds] ♪ meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you know what you'll get.
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neil: you know you normally have to be in the northern local to see the northern lights as they're known but because of these massive solar storms going on, in fact, some of them with
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flares that are eight times diameter of the earth itself takes while to reach here but when they do they cause this. they show this, always causing disruptions to our satellites and our gps systems here, cell phones, power grid. but the flipside is they're beautiful to watch and the fallout for so many parts and european spots latin america points south in the united states that never goat to see something like that that are. so it is sort of a retreat from our day-to-day concerns. as long as it's the good stuff that remains, that it's not so many issues we're following on the political front here. do i want to go to rebecca rose what's at stake for donald trump's hush money trial that prosecution says could wrap up at least for its part this week. when michael cohen comes to testify by the way, speaking of the form or president on his truth social site he said that nikki haley is not under consideration for vp but i wish
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her well. you might recall we were talking about number of folks this story that's out there. i believe on axios they're talking reproachment between nikki haley an donald trump part of that might be a discussion that she might be a running mate and donald trump saying that is not under consideration. rebecca, a lot going on there. a lot to unpack there but i want to get your thoughts on real expertise they are this michael cohen testimony this week. what are you expecting? >> neil we're expected to see michael cohen as early as monday morning. and what we have to think about is who is this man? is he a credible witness for the prosecution? he's a convicted felon, he has a tremendous acts to grind with donald trump he's not going to be credible. will he say things that are exaggerations? will he sea things to put the prosecution in the best light that may not be the full story? and you know, i'm going to say
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here, the judge on friday, neil did not put a gag order on michael cohen. but yet a gag order remains on donald trump. president trump legal team asked that the gag order be lifted because michael cohen is posting terrible aggressive commentary that is incredibly hateful towards former president trump. so president trump says, why can't i not respond why can i not exercise? my first amendment constitutional right -- and if i can't well neither can he. but -- as we saw before, this judge is not apt to create a legal field and even legal playing field. he's not doing it. he did not put a gag order on michael cohen. >> he did i think you're talking about judge and he did urge prosecutor to stop needling donald trump to try to pass along that stop needling trump.
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but you're right didn't put out any order and urged to keep cohen on a tighter leash. so, he has a double standard here and i'm wondering i don't know how this trial works out and wisdom of the stormy daniels testimony. i know that americans think that it is a loaded for maybe nothing. but having said that, regardless how the case works out and if it doesn't go to former president's advantage or convicted and one or two areas of the 30 some odd charlgs against him. there are ample grounds for appeal here are there not? including gag order an how the judge just let the prosecution roll, with the stormy daniels stuff i apologize. so they could have ample grounds to see this appeal. what do you think? >> absolutely neil i totally agree with you. i think -- if we find a guilty verdict and i'm hoping we don't i'm hoping that we have one holdout who sees the light here. and sees that this is a circus
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and a kangaroo court if we don't if we have a guilty verdict, we go to the appellate division, then court of appeals in new york if they uphold the verdict, the supreme court can take this case on constitutional grounds and i believe the former president's constitutional rights have been violated in the areas you say in the areas of the gag order where he's not being allowed to exercise his first amendment right to free speech. and in the area of a fair trial of a constitutional right to a fair trial. but in this trial court, we're seeing an uneven playing ground. we are seeing stormy daniels testify way beyond the scope of what was necessary for her testimony to prove the points the prosecution was trying to make. we didn't need any details any salacious details but they were made and judge allowed them. >> i was mixing names from the trial of fani willis, of course, is the prosecution who they want
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to get off the case. you know, the thrapght one that's going on it looks like they might get their way still early to tell and at the least could be delayed government documents but you could argue donald trump has that going for him this might be only kate adjudicated before the election. >> it is looking that way but this case is taking away his time from his right to campaign. he is the -- forerunner for the republican party, he has a right to campaign. and we're not seeing that because the judge is requiring him to be in court every day. neil: real we cannily i want to get your thoughts own when he comes out before and after government hearing, or trial -- he has a lot to say. now i know that jurors are not sequestered and don't follow this in papers but they can't help but not and i'm wondering people criticized donald trump
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for doing this but a clever strategy because juror or two or three and all you need is one might hear him out because he's not testifying in that room. and he might not -- and this is getting through that. what do you think of that? >> i'm not look usually jurors listen to a judge and listen to the -- the admonition to not look at social yeetd or news reports. the reality is i think what the former president is doing is trying to get his message out to the entire country. a message in response to what he can not properly respond. on social media -- neil: all right i've got it we'll see if it is working certainly there and holding up very well in the polls maybe with a juror or two catch it, he'll hold up well with them. rebecca thank you for that. in the meantime the tension right now between the president of the united states and israel benjamin netanyahu, are they way past the point of reproachment. after this.
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>> all right here's how bad it's getting in israel right now particularly with benjamin netanyahu when it comes to alienation over weapon systems and how much president biden will provide. he's told israeli people we'll stand alone in the war if we have to lucas tomlinson with that. lucas. >> neil you would have guessed critical of president bide than top democrat adam smith on the
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house arm committee. >> i've spoken with number officials at the white house and their claim is that they are only slowing down the delivery of 2,000 found dumb bombs. all right why isn't that message clear? and i don't think the president made is clear during his interview on cnn. >> other democrats say it doesn't matter what type of weapons are being blocked. it is the principle. >> i'm not as focused on the particular weapon as i am the message. right, again, because the objective here to try to get hostages out and exchange for a cease-fire and so if you're providings daylight whether it is this missile or that missile, it is not the particular missile it is the overall message that hamas is receiving. where's the pressure on them? reporter: many republicans say by withholding these weapons the white house is attempting to placate voters on far left expensive close ally after 1200 israelis were slaughtered on october 7th and 133 remain in
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captivity in gaza including americans here's house speaker mike johnson. >> he's defying will of congress and what his top officials in the white house assured me in writing and verbally before that was passed even in the day since this idea of withholding weapons to israel as a condition of somehow, you know, joe biden wanted to micromanage their war effort over there and defensive effort is catastrophic policy. reporter: experts say the one to one hamas civilian kill ratio is one of the lowest in the history of warfare, neil. neil: lucas thank you for all of that at the white house and jack keane with us always good to see you. the benjamin netanyahu comments that israel will stand alone in this war if we have to. what did you make of that? >> well certainly. he's very frustrated they're infuriated my sources are telling me by biden's decision that's pushback to the
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administration. they know full well the united states is going to continue to support them. but this decision is shocked me. even though there were hints at it and the reason is neil both houses of congress reflected will of the american people which is overwhelmingly support israel and provide means for them to succeed weapons and ammunition. and both houses supported that with no restrictions. there was plengts of opportunity for attempts to be registered for them to impose restrictions but no. no restrictions and here comes white house on heels of that congressional decision to impose these restrictions and when you look at the 2,000 pound bomb under microscope neil i think there's pettiness involved in this. they were trying to get israel to change their tactics in the rafa operation. they don't want them to conduct a clearing operation similar to what they did in gaza city.
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and they wanted them to focus just targeted attacks, quote, unquote just focus on the leaders. but anybody that understands that tactical situation in israel knows full well that they will not succeed and i would suggest we were doing that for three years from 2003 to 2006 and losing war while we were succeeding that killing leaders by a special operation forces. but because we were not destroying the entire infrastructure, we were losing the war. israel knows that. they have got to take hamas's infrastructure down. and at 2,000 found bombs well certainly we should not be using that around civilians and that's the concern of the administration. there's plenty of opportunity to use them still look at -- what's happening here? hamas in northern gaza israel is conducting its third clearing operation in attempt to defeat hamas and northern gaza. 17 attacks against israel in the
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last week. there's no people there. there's plenty of opportunity to use the 2,000 pound bombs to destroy the tunnels. we are going to have the same situation in rafa going to be -- a huge struggle to defeat hamas inside of rafah so we understand as we speak, right now, israel is -- sending messages to the population in central rafah to evacuate to two zones they are set aside to doubting this operation is going to proceed and the biden administration knew that but i think they just wanted to punish them. the kind of get their attention. and it seems petty to me because i agree with the congressman that you've had on here whose hand is this strengthening? it is certainly not helping israel but strengthening hamas's leader he's going to be even tougher in these negotiations and steadfast as he has been
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since november of last year. neil: well he's already indicated that with 150,000 fleeing this area and occasion that outright and all expansionive attack on regardless of what the president has done in this weaponry i want to follow-up on that decision -- and the part of the biden folks to do something like this they say it is not us precedented eisenhower and presidents in between have done that and to my memory general what to do out to bigger point about perceived pettiness of this was just done in real time. we found out in the other instances way after the fact. this we almost seem to brag about. and i don't -- know if that is a good message to send. >> no. i totally agree with you, neil you're right on target here, and look what makes this so
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different and stark contrast to those other decisions -- since 1948 we have never had this existential challenge to israel very existence by hamas and operationallized all of the proxies and ring of fire around israel. they are -- they are determined to drive the israelis out of israel because it is not a secure and safe place to live anymore. that is -- that is the objective here and eisenhower were not dealing with this existential threat that makes the difference in the world that's why it is shocking to hold on ammunitions that israel uses for their own purposes here. neil: general, very good catching up with you thank you for that and thank you for your service to this country. thank you for being a fox news contributor we get a lot out of the relationship jack keane and
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>> trying to reframe this case as one about content of the speech on their plat formal opposed to the reality which is this is about tiktok's conduct it is about misrepresenting data they're obtaining and providing abscess to the data back to ccp and they said the reason why they don't think they can divest that ccp won't let them. >> well fcc commissioner that agrees with the move afoot of the united states right now to ban tiktok on most of devices no matter who owns those devices now tiktok suing u.s. government over this saying it violates free speech principles nevermind the fact this is a chinese
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concern saying that free speech is not exactly well -- warmly embraced. let's get the latest on all of this. from lisa garber cybersecurity attorney. where do you think this is going? >> it seems like bizarre scenario and building for some time and it is a perfect storm right now we have the first amendment versus national security in an election year. and if we look at the context, this divest or ban law was passed with support bipartisan support, both sides of the aisle. and we have polls that have suggested over an over again that most americans are concerned about the data privacy and the national security issues in using tiktok despite the fact that it was most downloaded social media app last year. neil: yeah and disproportionately popular with young people a lot of young people including my sons have this nasty habit of saying maybe they're cynical they get that from their mother but they
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figure if it is a chinese company but it will be american company spying on us leave it alone. what do you say to them that it is a slippery slope here and you know, what you do in -- you know, to present people's privacy you should be consistent. >> i appreciate that argument, and deep down i am a -- privacy lover and i've been a privacy lawyer and security lawyer for a long time and university students argued with me on this as well yes the united states does need stronger personally identifiable identification laws that protect retail. protect consumers in the internet environment. but right now we're looking at a national securities concern as we see this come into the courts, we have to understand that this app in its entirety parent company is owned by china. right, we have the communist chinese party that is operating here and they are saying, even if this up a does sell and divest we will not grant them
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the opportunity to sell the algorithm anyway which really puts into perspective the issues with all of these national security arguments anyway. so the u.n. united states right now doj has to show there are serious national concerns which they've shown through the past few years. the first amendment concern is not there right now because it is not necessarily a ban. right, it is divest or ban, so really the question is there a first amendment concern with the parent with selling to two different parent company no. >> i understand that i appreciate that. leeza so you have that legal storm coming and real aftermath from lots of storms in this country particularly all of the tornadoes down south. we've got an update for you after this. because you know the right way to save. stop! save with drivewise and get a rate based on you.
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neil: all right. a violent week of tornadoes that have ripped through the south and midwest and leaving devastating path of destruction -- i'm sorry brandy campbell i apologize brandy of tallahassee, florida with the latest stuff. brandy. reporter: hey, neil, well there's been at least 109 confirmed tornadoes across the u.s. this week alone. and now florida reeling with damage after four potential tornadoes and, of course, wind damage. we're seeing a lot of that behind us and one of the residential areas this is actually myers park in there's see four radar confirm tornadoes that happened on friday morning. 55% tree coverage is what this city boasts, the tree canopy, very proud of it, well it took a real beating. one woman was actually killed in her home after a tree fell on top of it. it's the only confirmed death as
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a result of these storms so far. take a look at this video. we're also seeing as an impact to powerlines across this town, it is on fire. you can see the line on the street. nearly 90,000 residents without power and those in leon county and city of tallahassee said severe damage to their electric grid lineman from 28 counties now working to restore power now i did speak to a resident here, he said he was thankful to have a built-in generator and looking at the damage he talked about how extensive the tree damage is. take listen. [silence] reporter: all right we don't have that soundbite but he was comparing this to hurricane andrew he's from the miami area saying this took down such a
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large amount of trees, and this is a historic area. and so surprised to see that thankfully what we're not seeing are homes that are leveled or majorly destroyed. but we are just seeing the tree canopy really just collapsing and so many of these residential areas. neil. neil: brandy thank you for all of that. brandy campbell fox weather in tallahassee, florida, this hit a dozen states over the period of the last week. now a lot of people tell me that is not unusual. it is just the frequency of them and the power of some of these that is that they expected many more casualties than what we've already seen they argue there's more of this to come. we're just waiting. and wondering -- and fearing and the meantime we've got griff jenkins and jackie heinrich big events including later on donald trump, in new jersey. >> we're talking abouts ta practicing, prablghting good financial strategy
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