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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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8 out of 10 home generators are generac, and have thousands of satisfied customers. how many times have you heard people say, i never want to go through that again? well, the next time you go through it, don't make it so hard on yourself. have a generac home standby generator. call or go online now to request your free quote with one of generac's nationwide dealers. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now, you will also receive a free 5 year warranty valued at over $500. the call is free, the quote is free, and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now, so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. arthel: we are about an hour away from former president trump
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taking the stage and wildwood, new jersey a huge crowd is gathering as we speak as many legal troubles do not soon be shaking off his supporters nearly 40000 of them are expected at the rally tonight. welcome to a brand-new hour of fox news lifetime arthel neville, hate bill. super quick to see again i am trying to infer eric shawn today's out on the same as you just read from arthel trump was hoping to build momentum in the garden state and try to flip it read is he is balancing his campaign with this type in the new york court room, his beachfront rally is just over 150 miles from new york city where his historic criminal trial has been unfolding as we have seen all week former drop attorney michael cohen is set to take the stand on a monday but you can expect fireworks then. the prosecution has been setting him up as a star witness. some legal experts say his testimony could backfire. >> if michael cohen goes in there and if he cannot articulate what the underlying crime is or if you cannot
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produce evidence of what the underlying crime is, they will still fail and in charge would direct this verdict and say i'm not letting this go to the jury because one, the facts do not seem to be sufficient but you have not clearly identified what the underlying crime is that gets this from a misdemeanor to a felony. brian is alive in wildwood, new jersey with the latest on trump's campaign brian, a lot of people there is c. >> yes this has got to be the largest rally i think i have ever been to perform her president trump we have been covering him for obviously a long time now. give you a quick idea where we are at this is wildwood beach you can see this a ton of people here in front of the ferris wheel it is completely gorgeous out here. trump plane just flew over the crowd the crowd went wild you can see over here they are thinking 20 or 30,000 people is what they are thinking could be here today to see former president trump with what would be his third campaign rally that
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he has held since his trial started in new york city about a month ago. he had to stop in michigan and wisconsin on that same day and wednesday at may 1. he is here in new jersey. new jersey is deep blue this particular area, wildwood is eight republican stronghold and folks, have come from ever we spoke to someone from south dakota who waited in line since wednesday. the enthusiasm is incredibly real we are very close to the battleground states of pennsylvania we can continue to show you over here this enthusiastic crowd and put a big thing will be watching today is how it was the former president going to address, if at all the stormy daniels testimony from this past week and particularly if he is going to address michael cohen his former personal attorney was set to testify on monday. remember he has already spoken about how he feels like the gag order should have been applied
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to all of the witnesses, not just him as he taken a step further today? does he put himself in potential jeopardy of violating that gag order? that is something we will watch we have seen he's talked about consistently immigration and the border and israel. those are certainly topics we can expect for him to speak about today. i want to put up a truth of sthesocial pos post the former t posted this morning a part different subject that is about the vice presidential by former president trump posting untrue social today quote nikki haley is not under consideration for the vp slot but i wish her well but this comes after an axial's reports came out saying haley was under active consideration by the trump campaign to be his vp he put the kibosh on that this morning. we will see if he says anything about that today. it's about to start in less than an hour in this crowd is ready to go. arthel: thank you for the update that crowd they heard you were
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going to be there so they all showed up. [laughter] >> jon's ear from jesse watters show it is insane they love him here very kind to us here. [laughter] >> definitely. arthel: they are there for trump for sure thank you. [laughter] >> take care. people united will be never be defeated. [inaudible] sewer scuffles and wild scenes anti- israel protests continue on college campuses all across the country as well as major cities. today protesters are planning what they call a day of action and brooklyn, new york that is were refined cb cotton is joining us live at that rally but what do you seeing out there so far? >> hi bill, the crowd swelled to about 300 pro- palestinian demonstrators and then they rallied there for about an hour
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and a half they've been on the move ever since we've been trying to keep up with them. as you know live tv things change at a moments notice the crowd has gotten considerable way ahead of us. it seems that the group that's now coming onto the block may begin chanting going to let us listen and really quickly. free, free palestine. free, free, free palestine but you have the chance they are to give you some context this is a street hollywood a powerhouse american film director spike lee lives on these protesters are really on the move we are at least a couple of miles away from barkley center. i want to paint the picture for help coordinated organize somebody's rallies are. pamphlets are being held at with chance for people to yell during the protest i would say there are about 200 nypd officers out here many are in riot gear they
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have a zip tie handcuffs it appears they're trying to be ready for anything that may pop up you can see the officers right here in front of us. we deposit one more time to let us use some of the chance we are listening to out here. >> is free, free, free palestine. >> and bill, today's in protest one of several dozen plan for across the country. this may be the beginning of what could become a weekly protest here in new york city many demonstrators calling for a permanent cease-fire in the israel/hamas or some of the chance we are hearing from these protesters make it really, really clear there is a widening division a partisan division among the democrat party about presidpresident joe biden suppor israel. we are going to be out here continuing to monitor to see what happens. back to you. bill: will be getting your steps it if you keep all of those protesters all around the city are doing a great job out there will check in with you again.
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arthel: she really is. cb is doing a great job republican congressman is pushing to have president biden impeached over the u.s. withholding weapons to israel. let's go to lucas tomlinson life at the white house and he picks up the story from there. lucas? >> that congressman is cory mills republican from florida. he explained earlier why he has drafted that impeachment resolution. >> it's really no different if you go back to what president biden had tweeted out previously. he said withholding congressionally appropriated aid for a return of a political gain is in some way a quid pro quo quote he wants to win michigan he was to pander to the radical left. >> part of mills impeachment resolution quote using the powers of his high office president biden solicited a quid pro quo with the foreign government of israel by withholding precision guided weapons shipment in order to try
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to extract military policy changes. the top democrat on the house armed services committee said these are not guided weapons being held up this is adam smith earlier. >> have spoken with the number of different officials at the white house. their claim is there only slowing down the delivery of 2000-pound dumb bombs. wise in that message clear i don't think the president made it clear on cnn. >> the white house defendant withholding the bombs and sing our actions have been done consistent with the law we have been clear every last cent of those funds will be spent consistent with legal obligations including the respect of the recently passed supplemental one republican who represents a district that joe biden one and 2020 said impeachment is not the answer. >> i think what president biden is doing at this moment of war is unconscionable. and as cory mills pointed out he is putting electoral politics
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ahead of the safety and security of one of our closest allies in the world. but we are less than six months away from it election i trust the judgment of the american people. >> some military experts say it one to one hit hamas to civilian kill ratio is a larger estimate lucas tomlinson life at the white house thank you. >> we've destroyed about 28 20 battalions of hamas 24 terrorists battalions. we would've that for to go there in a rafah that's why we want to go into rafah because we cannot leave them there. basically they are trying to do is extort, blackmail us to leave gaza leave them in place, these battalions and leave their leadership in place and then they go in and to cover gaza get into it again if israel has to stand alone, we will stand alone. bill: , scum from israeli prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu and response to president biden's threat to withhold sending certain weapons to her longtime mideast ally. growing tensions have drawn comparisons to president ronald reagan delaying delivery of fighter jets to israel during its a beirut bombardment back in 1981 for more analysis let's bring retired army colonel joe is a former centcom spokesperson. colonel, great to see you starting off with the threat president biden is making the pull these weapons what kind of a message is that sending to our allies around the world essentially if the political pressure gets to be a little too much for going to pull the rug out from under you? >> that is one message. another message a message i'm more concerned with is the message it sends hamas and that message is just need to wait this thing out but you just need to stay at his fights. the longer hamas stays in this fight what it is saying international scrutiny is going to grow at israel. israel is going to grow isolated
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not just in the region, not just across europe but from its main ally is m made partner in the united states. that's not a good message we have not had a cease-fire since november a cease-fire talks just broke down. and now this message coming out of the white house is really going to increase scrutiny on israel and decrease the pressure on hamas to come together for a cease-fire. bill: sometimes they are forgetting israel's dealing with people who have no problem mass slaughtering civilians. going into the home scum machine gunning the elderly killing it when they self like a pulp this video from eastern rafah idf went in and found a stash of weapons, vests, other hamas items showing this is what that got stashed in this area. the part of the precise operation they are running but colonel how does it make any sense when hamas is dealing with people like this to take away
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any offensive capability from them? >> it d is not make any sense. i am not really sure why the administration is doing this now. what is the inflection point? is not going to change anything on the ground. their 8000 hamas fighters remaining and they are all in rafah. less they come out of the tunnels like this and they've got him with them the idf has got to go into rafah they've got to do this there's just no other way to do this. it's not going to change anything tactically, strategically or operationally on the ground. bill: biden is on right now it's an election year's got the far left to have obviously taken the side of the palestinians. sometimes a side of hamas and then he has got moderates, republicans, pro-israel factions that he also has to take into account.
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do you think israel is still going to go into rafah and if they do do you think president biden will follow through on his threat to withhold the weapons? >> israel is still going to go into rafah there's no doubt about that if you talk to idf leadership the senior leadership at the planning levels, they are ready. this is going to happen. it has to there is no other way to eliminate hamas and frankly at this moment there is no other way to get the hostages back. this threat about the 2000-pound bombs in the 500-pound bombs if they are withheld it's not going to matter. israel has enough musicians to level rafah right now. if you look at a little cynically or skeptically this is more of a political messaging that anything that's actually going up impacts on the ground. bill: still a handful of american hostages somewhere in there and gaza but we do not know if they are alive or not.
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there's been no proof of life. colonel thank you so much for your time you want to add it's great to see you after all these years you and i go way back my first tv job in el paso, texas as a new bait report out of college you comments at fort bliss for the arm ain't so great to see you again my friend big rex great seeing you, bill i had such a great impact that you and my life my mentorship. [laughter] you certainly have been good to see you, thank you for your time. sorry take care. >> walking back right here there are trees and peoples houses you got trees on top of houses. this is some of the worst storm i've seen since i've been in tallahassee because you hate to see widespread damage after deadly storms pummeled the florida panhandle yesterday spotting at least four confirmed tornadoes hardest hit was a estates capitol city tallahassee. officials say the wind gust reach 80 -- 100 miles per hour. destroying homes and businesses. one woman was killed but uprooted tree fell through her
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house she is the fifth death caused by severe weather across the country this week. coming up, every republican senacenter is calling on presidt biden to reject an agreement that would give it more authority to the world health organization during the next global pandemic. our next guest supports that call claiming the deal would also empower china. that story and much more coming up next here on fox news live. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. (vo) in two seconds, eric will realize they're gonna need more space...
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arthel: larger crowd is growing at wildwood, new jersey from her formerprefrom herpresident trumk at a rally next hour. it is one of his first major campaign event since the start of his criminal trial in new york. it comes just days before his former lawyer and fixer michael cole is set to take the stage. now trump is barred by a court gag order from publicly commenting on witnesses and the trial will hear what he has to say it when he takes the stage around 5:00 p.m. eastern. bill: in that meantime at maryland voters are going to be heading to the polls on tuesday for a senate primary the states a popular former governor larry hogan widely expected to win the republican nomination they are part of the democratic side, two candidates are caught in it pretty much a toss up. tossup. mark merritt is starting to live
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in baltimore with more on this race. >> bill, good afternoon to you we are at a senior center here in baltimore right behind me angela is reaching out to voters trying to boost turnout in what has become a very bitter primary the democratic party it will likely turn into one of the most consequential senate races this fall. there are 10 democrats vying to replace senator he's eight years old not running for reelection. of those 10 there are two that have become top contenders congressman david of maryland as well as county executive angela. we caught up while on the trail today at sheet says while she has been outspent by her opponent she feels things are turning in her favorite things to some last-minute endorsements, high-profile democrats in the state also people now starting to pay attention to this race. >> after spending $62 million tried to buy the race we know i have now a slight lead ahead of him we are on course to win this
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race. that is because of not only might record and positive vision i've been able to communicate but this coalition we have built. >> larry hogan the former republican governor is dominating in the gop primary but he is not even holding campaign events this weekend political expert site hogan certainly seems to have a key advantage between now and november that's arty having statewide recognition he served two terms as governor democrats will have to spend some time and money trying to catch up. >> once hogan entered and became a much more expensive race than it otherwise would have been. and i think at the margins that can matter. i think given what is at stake the the monies going to be ther. >> there is going to be a lot of money likely to pour into the state for the senate contest.the presidential race because if we rewind the clock for years ago o
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maryland voted for president biden by 30 points it was not even a close contest at all so for hogan whether or not he's going to build up and the trend where there may be some cross tickets will have to wait and see. support will see is it's only p left there one of many races we will be keeping an eye on mark merritt at the live in baltimore force thanks. arthel: all republican senators are now calling on president biden to reject the deal that expands the world health organization authority in the case of another pandemic. in a letter sent to biden the group of lawmakers argue quote moving forward with the new pandemic preparedness and response and entreaty ignores e fact we are still unsure of covid-19's origins because of beijing continues to block legitimate independent investigation. let's bring in gordon chang senior fellow at the gates don't institute. he's the author of china is going to war.
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and in the coming collapse of china. gordon always happy to have you here what do you think? do we need answers from beijing first and is that an impossible effort? >> we certainly do. 1.1 million americans according to johns hopkins were killed by this disease beijing still has been stalling it has been preventing the world from finding out the origins of this disease. that is largely because most people or a lot of people think it came from the wuhan institute of virology and sgt kobe to the pathogen was actually engineered. >> i'm going to root for newsweek wednesday it says do we need a world government the international slow response left much to be desired with the world health organization directoradirector general cannoe problems. on the contrary, who was responsible for helping china turn a one country epidemic into
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almost every country pandemic? could you expound on this force? >> yes. the world health organization it and generate ninth statement and generate 14 tweets told the world covid-19 was not readily transmissible human to human. w.h.o. knew it was highly contagious. knew it was highly contagious because taiwan on december 31 of 2019 informed the w.h.o. in writing that it was highly contagious and also w.h.o. senior doctors especially maria a virologist actually knew this was like mers and that is her specialty the respiratory syndrome and it was highly transmissible. and yet the w.h.o. took china's position and put it up to the world. that little old a lot of health officials including american ones into not taking precautions they could have.
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arthel: why would that organization do that? >> it is a great question and we don't really know the answer. but we know china was largely responsible for the election of the direc director general of te w.h.o. and he actually, throughout covid-19 pandemic helped china propagate its narratives plus also vouch for the reliability of chinese statistics. he also supported china's pandemic measures. especially those related to travel restrictions in quarantine. cross the border w.h.o. supported china we can only assume it was because of the close relationship that china had before the pandemic. arthel: gordon if not who the what will prevent the next pandemic or guide us through it should there be another one? >> well, we don't know the answer to that question. clearly the w.h.o. could not bee
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part of the solution. it is unaccountable and largely unaccountable because of its structure. the directorate general of the w.h.o. reports to 194 members which means he is responsible to everybody which means he is responsible to nobody. that is the weight way w.h.o. sr leadership has reacted. not only with regard to covid-19 but also to other things they have botched responses. they have been i think largely responsible for a number of healthcare disasters and yet they continue just because of the nature of the w.h.o. and its unaccountability. arthel: is not who we've got to find out who that will be. we'll have you back to discuss that. thank you so much. >> thank you, arthel. bill: bred a new study finds and being angry or even just a few minutes can have a major impact on your heart. what you need to know especially
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if you are at risk for a hearts attack oslr stroke. we will be right back. sweatit or blasting the air conditioning. because the tempur-breeze feels up to 10° cooler, all night long. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. at three in the morning. any time of the day. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it!
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are showing no sign of slowing down for the evening. this is one small crowd over here that from the larger crowd. what we know this is eventually the two crowds will come back together. aunt will continue chanting and marching through the city streets. this has been an afternoon headache for people traveling through this area. we watched some tense arguments between drivers and protesters. drivers just wanted to move and get out of the intersection but could not because protesters were blocking their way. we will be out here monitoring it back to you for. >> i'm sure those residents are not happy with the commotion ann the neighborhood thank you. bill: at los angeles judge has placed a beach boy star what brian wilson under a conservatorship report to the 81 year old has struggled with dementia and grief since his wife's death back in january. wilson's family asked the court to appoint his business manager and publicist to be his legal
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guardian. they will oversee any personal and medical affairs "rolling stone" reports wilson seven children will be consulted on all of his healthcare decisions. arthel: who wish mr. wilson well that sean diddy combs is asking a judge to dismiss a lawsuit claiming he raped a teenage girl in 2003. they hip-hop mobile has been hit with multiple lawsuits in recent months is also facing a federal trafficking investigation claudia is live in los angeles with details. sex trafficking investigation continues. but in the meantime comps is fighting the latest lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault he calls it a quote false and hideous claim that he says was filed too late under the law. his motion to dismiss was filed yesterday in newark federal courts in response to a lawsuit filed in december by a woman whose name is not been disclosed but she claims back in 2003 when she was 17 years old and a high school student in detroit she
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was flown on a private jet to a recording studio in new york. she said once she got there was given drugs and alcohol until she was too inebriated to give consent was then and gang raped by combs as well as the president of his record label and a third man she did not know. the lawsuit contains a picture of the woman sitting on his lap on the night she claims she was assaulted. in response combs legal team says the lawsuit has severely damaged the three men's reputation at" to the plaintiff cannot allege what day or time of year the alleged incident occurred but miraculously remembers other salacious details despite her alleged incapacitated condition. they also say the lawsuit was filed after the states statute of limitations ran out. lawyers for the alleged victim fired right back saying the motion to dismiss the lawsuit is just a desperate attempt to avoid accountability.
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the 54 54 old hip-hop mogul has settled out of court with at least one of his many accusers. he has never been formally charged with eight sex crime and has denied any wrongdoing it is unclear when the federal judge there in new york will rule on his motion to get this lawsuit dismissed. arthel: claudia thank you. >> when i started here i was promised advancement opportunities. breaking that promise, to me is unacceptable. you see he should bring me some time. so for adam son of the pretty good example of what not to do if you get angry. his studies finding just eight minutes of anger can significantly raise the risk of having a heart attack. the findings suggest intense emotions can lead to cardiac events. especially in people who are already at risk for more on this spring of fox's medical contributor dr. kagan thank you
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so much for coming on today. if the study is right, i am in trouble i'm a sports fan. most of my teams suck to be honest i'm raging what i'm watching game fo but what's the biggest take away for for you from the study? looks like you said eight minutes this poison to your body. that anger, that rage, that frustration causes damage to your blood vessels and over time that's lethal to your health and corrodes her o your overall phyl and mental well-being. with the hate and hostility we see throughout the world we are seeing what is important to remember that number one cause of death and this country for both men and women is heart disease we have 600,000 deaths every single year. the good news is the majority of that is preventable. this new study, what they did was they took 300 volunteers divided them into groups. one group was the anger group one was the anxious group and
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one group was the sad group. what they found was the anger group had a hard time relaxing their blood vessels for they had a hard time dilating their blood vessels but why is this important? it is important because that is an indicator for heart disease. and specifically what we call sclerosis which is a fancy word for thickening and stiffening of your blood vessels. that is what can lead to heart disease, strokes, kidney problems and that sort of thing, a court of vascular events. she mentioned how the anger compares to other human emotions of a good pull up this. the american heart association. you could see what the orange in the chart right there. help us decipher what we are looking at. anger out of all of the emotions over the longest period of time is going to have the worst impact on your overall health. >> yes, that is right. this is what happens you see in that line when you get angry,
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you get mad your body enters a fight or flight response that releases adrenaline and cortisol it increases your blood pressure your heart rate your breathing becomes erratic and it causes inflammation in your body. and again those are all of the things that ha happened whenever you get angry when you are in a rage that causes the symptoms to occur. not only for eight minutes but once you cool off another additional 38 -- 40 minutes does harm to your body. if somewhat upset you, it hurtss your you feel frustrated pause and take a deep breath. that's the best thing you can do hold and pause for five seconds. calm yourself down, and communie calmly, make sure you have coping strategies in place whether it's in music, prayer, meditation, gardening or walking. make sure you have the coping strategies in place and then of course forgiveness.
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sometimes it's better to let it go. do not carry within you because then you will develop resentment that's not good if your blood pressure and your circulation for some people may be speak to a therapist or a counselor or psychiatrist to help them deal their anger management because in the long run but that will do is help reduce the frequency of rage and anger outbursts. and also reduce the intensity as well. support doctor plan to take your advice w and watch my fantasy football team play an egg like they always feel take a deep breath and let out for five seconds super shut your time, thank you so much for coming on. arthel: good, good, good. canines are often police officers at first light of defense. and tragically many are killed in the line of duty ever your senior national correspondent william has more on how those brave dogs are being honored across the nation.
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>> july 13 entered its final call. >> hudson, rudy, kenzo, champ, sysir among the 25 police canins killed last year in the line of duty. >> writing on that l life her hd up after eight years on the force gary indiana police honored falco shot while apprehending a suspect who fired and officers. >> went to have the memories of those last moments progress south carolina sent rico into subdue a suspect who died protecting his partner. >> it came time to go in that house whom shall i send who will go for us? in his big old head rico said here and i sent mavis departments nationwide police use dogs to patrol narcotics, missing children even sniffing out flash drives of child
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pornography. quick student good. you are a good boy. >> in las vegas survived a stabbing. in florida topcoat poun pounceda suspect saving his partner. >> 's dog saved by life. >> in tucson police sent kenzo and to stop to robbery suspects who stabbed the dog to death leaving behind a broken family progress he fought for us that night so we could go home safely. i'm honored to have been his handler. a wrong way driver plowed into a police cruiser killing eight young shepherd for quick skate i'd erie has answered his final call rest in peace theory. >> that is a part police dogs play. eyes and ears of the public service on multi- shear partners do not. >> fox news.
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arthel: bill, dogs are the best. just the best. bill: awash a story beforehand so i'd not get emotional right now i'm such a big dog guy. the final calls for the doctors like the officers but they are officers. we have seen a lot in our careers. anything with animals and gets me every time. it's really sad. arthel: me too, me too, we wille be right' back. complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪operatic music♪
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(avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease.
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pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪ bill: welcome back we are moments with former president trump's remarks in wildwood, new jersey. it's a major campaign event for the president with around 40000 people expected at today's rally. correspondent bryan llenas said he thanks is one of the biggest crowds is everything for donald trump. it's traditionally a blue state this event as you can see is drawing a lot of people from a neighboring battleground state that includes a pennsylvania but
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this is trump's second visit to the jersey shore he last held a rally there in january 2020 for the former president set the changed take the stage at the top of the ark a little over 10 minutes away will bring his remarks live as soon as they begin. arthel: major credit card companies are under federal investigation over alleged bait and switch schemes the consumer financial protection bureau says it has heard hundreds of complaints over credit card reward and travel programs for the agency pinpoints for recurring issues having trouble redeeming points, facing unexpected conditions in five ffind print having pointed devalued and not receiving promised rewards the agency says it has already taken action against american express and bank of america fox news has reached out to those companies for comment. we have not yet heard back. bill: a show in the sky this weekend as rare and extreme and
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geomagnetic storm is supercharging the northern lights. you might've seen pictures on social media they are remarkable. the dazzling aurora borealis is visible as far south as alabama and florida. but it can also disrupt electrical grids, satellites and gps devices. madison is joining us alive with the latest. >> note major disruption so far. no power outages and neighborhoods are anything like that. there have been some issues with some big power grids across the country. i think that is not under control. if you did not get the chance to see the shades of orange, purple, pink, or green in the skies last night, this major solar storm is still an action but here are some tips for getting the best view. >> you don't see it with your eye, use your electronic camera use your cell phone. take a picture. a lot of times the electronic technology can capture an image of something your eye cannot see. >> here is some of the stunning
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video of the aurora, like you said has been seen as far south as georgia, alabama and florida. seeing in the northern lights is a bucket list thing for a lot of people. millions of americans at the check that off the list last night. space weather expert say we have not seen the strong of a solar storm since 2003. noaa's space weather prediction center classified yesterday solar storm to the highest level, g5. >> you know, just how we categorize hurricanes of category one through five hurricanes we have category one through five magnetic storms. >> there is currently seven astronauts aboard the international space station. nasa said the solar storms thankfully did not cause any issues to them as well. bill: one of the most incredible nash natural phenomena after the images are remarkable. madison thank you so much. arthel: told incredible the crowd is counting down for
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president trump will take the stage in wildwood, new jersey, there they are. we will bring you in his remarks it lied when they begin, stay right here. i was born with wings. but psoriasis clipped them. until i got clearer skin with bimzelx. most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them, liver problems, and inflammatory bowel disease, have occurred. tell your doctor if these happen or worsen,
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bill: any minute now former president donald trump will be taking the stage in wildwood, new jersey. that's where he is holding a major campaign rally with around 40000 supporters expected to be there today. earlier trump denied a report he is considering formal rival nikki haley as a running mate as his vp purity post on "truth social" haley is not under consideration for vp. also" but i wish her well. today's rally comes less than six months before election day just days before trump's former lawyer, michael cohen is slated
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to testify in his new york criminal trial be sure to stay with fox news were going to bring you trump's remarks alive as soon as they begin. he surely has a lot to say after week in the courtroom. arthel: thank you for being with us today, eric and i will be back tomorrow for fox news live at noon eastern for right now though, jon scott with a two hour special fox report.
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>> usa! usa! usa!


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