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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  May 11, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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picture she okay. i am lucky to have a family like that and she is a fantastic mom and i'm sure you feel the same about your mom wherever she is. meanwhile, coming up this weekend on "fox & friends", sunday edition, carolyn levitt, they will break down the trump campaign from here on in, five and a half months to get done. list of my radio show nine to noon, fastest growing of the country on the whole problem we have with israel getting weapons the paperwork. michael goodman, great insight in new york. now it's time for fox news saturday night with jimmy failla right beyond that door. i'm going this way. ♪ >> i am jimmy failla and this is
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fox news saturday night copper in. ♪ this one is going to get nuts. welcome to another episode of the cake party where everybody is allowing. republicans, democrats rfk junior's brain, quit okay first from tonight's panel because it is so hot, democrats are blaming it on climate change. a phenomenal irish comedian who want a yellow jacket last time he was on which makes him a typical migrant showing up in new york getting free stuff. [applause] will like media sensation at fox columnist daily mail and chris signal dark trail. [laughter] another show out. >> a joke about kennedy, i
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wouldn't want people to think you're stepping out in your dog training. [laughter] behavior in the green room. i just want to welcome you to new york. one thing you need to know, this is a very politically correct state you are in and the languages not texts. in new york you can't call someone a moron, you have to call them governor hochul. [laughter] >> no idea. [laughter] the people at home, governor hochul said the following about computers and black children. take it away. >> right now we have young black kids growing up at the bronx don't know what the word computer is, they don't know these things. >> she's either calling you work, on a short film.
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[laughter] >> or all of the above, either way. [laughter] >> all three races in a roundabout way if you're casting the movie and needed a bouncer in high-class gave far -- [laughter] that was for you, firing donald. [laughter] for what it's worth, hochul has apologized and hoping someone can read the apology soon. anyway. [laughter] another bizarre we can politics rfk junior claims doctors found it in his head, a part of his brain and assuming osa parker told him he can win the ele election. [laughter] it sounds crazy to think words are unique brains or with not
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explain half? at least 85% of the brokers n n95%. that's why you're supposed to swalwell but. [laughter] comes out of the bottle in the frame. i would quickly come to you because you handle the law of guys in your day. [laughter] >> i was at the josé cuervo fauci. [laughter] >> you are at the josé canseco. [laughter] >> i juiced them up. [laughter] >> she thought you were one of the bash brothers. [laughter] >> you question the judgment of rfk junior? >> nothing is going to hurt him. even a spokesperson someone asked if he was confident enough to run, his brain was eaten by
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parasitic worms and she's like really? look at these two. [laughter] this one was dipped in formaldehyde and breast out. [laughter] this one is having tales told about his boxers to a courtroom under oath. >> you say that slower? [laughter] >> i never thought i'd say this but i feel safer with ted kennedy during the country. [laughter] >> way to keep up with the gr group. hugs. [laughter] >> this guy is sharp. [laughter] we do have a lot of young viewers watching some ted kennedy was massachusetts senator comey five/in politics. [laughter] metric to anomalies, former president trump a good weekend in court after the disastrous she's not used to paying people paying attention i was going out
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of her mouth but just going and. as cnn said prosecutors finally found the one position she couldn't handle. >> her responses were disastrous. you hate follow trump? yes, of course she does. that's a big deal. when the witness hates the person whose liberty is at stake, that's a big deal and she's putting out weeds fantasizing pimping at jail and that undermines credibility. >> you are researching extensively in the green room are you surprised to learn a porn star can't act? >> i'm trying to be neutral to be fair, i've made it past the first 15 minutes of any of her movies. [laughter] >> well. i didn't realize -- [laughter] >> you will be dehydrated. [laughter] >> he shouldn't be shaking ha hands. [laughter] it would appear the l'affaire is failing.
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it will set our clocks back to january 6. [laughter] >> they are trying to and you look at the timing, it's ridiculous. it is convenient we are doing this five months out from election last couple weeks it's literally fallen on its head trump is only getting stronger. he's a political force of nature and we are watching the democrats try to go after man-to-man independence countries like this is not going to fly and i think they will move on. >> is at wild how republicans are almost over endorsing? [laughter] >> i've got a shot. [laughter] eight terms. eight terms. [laughter] >> hairdryer and mar-a-lago. [laughter] >> president biden not accused of shaking a porn star.
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only screwing the country. the president was interviewed by aaron burnett this week attempting to brush off high inflation blaming corporate greed saying it is not a big deal because people are rolling and don't. >> people are spending more on food and groceries and anytime in the past 30 years. that's update today pain -- >> it really is and it's real practice you look at what people have, they have the money to spend. >> inflation hitting, 30% smaller than they expected. you've got to commend aaron burnett, is not easy to commend biden. you've got to slide it around to get an answer but is there a more tone deaf response been shut up, you have the money? [laughter] >> he's acting like butyl haven't seen, steep turn to right now, you cannot act like
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this is not happening you can't about to the american couple struggling everyday to put gas in the cars and buy groceries. it's obvious. >> we are living in the golden age of people selling ducky on only fans. [laughter] go to if anyone is interested. i kid. that doesn't happen in a good economy but you think the media is blindly questioning biden they are hitting back now, do you think they are trying to save him from four more years of elder abuse joke will subject him to? >> the have to because they can't be complicit because they know this is a losing prospect if he is reelected and back at the new york times like biden has a massive bull's-eye on his back because he won't sit down and do an interview and they are a bunch of knobs but because they are not attacking them, gives every other mainstream
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media outlets a license to do the exact same. >> jon stewart, if you remember made jokes about him in the first episode apologized because they pistol whipped him into how do you treat this equally. he came out this week i was like he's too old, i'm sorry. two years. >> joe biden want your money, hunter watcher drugs. >> the videos on hunter's laptop i haven't made it past the first 15 minutes. [laughter] >> leave it to the mail stuff. [laughter] >> one thing we do know, 2024 elections will be no boy scout, they announced plans to change the name to scouting america and before inclusive record lows. change will take effective in 2025 which is when we are expected to finish counting the votes in the presidential election.
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boy scouts in a tough but because kids want to learn how to camp, they go to an ivy league college but there are other reasons such as public relations class action lawsuit. >> i don't know why i came here. i was hoping you would be happy but you have someone. >> i'm single. i love being single. i haven't had this much sex since i was a boy scout leader. i mean time i was dating a lot. [laughter] >> i'm going to attempt to ask a semi serious. boy scouts and girl scouts merged or is it bad for the girl scouts? >> gluten-free cookies now. emerging is -- they make 75 billing dollars year -- i just made up the number but they are
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like let us be girl scouts. girl scouts are the tough ones and they are like we will craft aluminum foil. [laughter] >> there's no way you are making that right if you call the breathing person cookies. [laughter] >> they scouts. [laughter] >> band from accounts but for real. are they pandering too much trying to abandon this? >> i don't what it is like here but in ireland i had an incident you can look up with the scout leader and it was intense. >> there it is. [laughter] >> i remember him being disappointed and wanting to go back again and get better at it.
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>> i wasn't cute enough for the priests. [laughter] can you admit weekly that scouting america sounds like an amateur model hunt? three dudes in a van -- [laughter] yay or nay, that's all i need from you. yields his time. [laughter] there is. a debut on the show and dog the bounty hunter is here. my mom and all, flamboyant clothes and the other is dog the bounty hunter. [laughter] just getting started. [laughter] ♪
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with absorbine pro, pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. here's what you might miss, a commencement speaker took the audience on a wild ride after admittedly taking hallucinogenic drug report writing his speech. check out. ♪
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♪ [laughter] >> the video shocks students at columbia university who are like you have an in person commencement ceremony? [laughter] anti-semitic protests sweeping the country because of safety concerns. the power to make college president grow a pair, i have the ability to stage my own ceremony for the class of 2024 and i will do so with not one, not two but three speakers of taken the panel returns to get their own addresses, you are irish. only time you protest is one of run out of it but if you are addressing graduates, hold your best advice be asked. >> me, the host of the show. [laughter] i would definitely address start off with ladies and gentlemen. [laughter]
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dance like nobody is watching, i think you should continue to speak like nobody is listening. keep using the bathrooms like nobody has put signs on the door for you. and speak about dying your hair like nobody can see us because those of the colors of poisonous creatures and i hope protests on the highways are so good it will make us decide i do know there's a speed bump. [laughter] >> , to be clear, i was kidding when i said they were on how lost. [laughter] >> protesters have happened at your alma mater and ucla -- >> that's like saying go navy. [laughter] >> i will give california one thing in their defense, whose protesting and whose living in
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one but your words of wisdom to the crowd? >> clear all the encampments. clear them all. as you know posture the party who both attended, i told government gavin newsom to cut taxes and spending and he left me. right. [laughter] that's exactly what should do if you want quality of life in your junk move out of california and moved to the midwest or south -- do what you've got to the neck with got a lot of people moving to texas. [laughter] >> overtake, wear sunscreen, always get plenty of sleep and hydration is your find. [laughter] sounds like never go feel a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. [laughter] bringing his own table. >> pretty much.
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>> otitis to the next generation, you got to work, put pants on. [laughter] don't wear sweatpants, be professional. we have social media, just be careful. being in politics, post about puppies, vacations and really good food. [laughter] that's what i tell them. >> food and puppies. >> and wear pants. >> i don't appreciate the eye contact when you say that. [laughter] my advice, i get this a lot, if you are smart, live your life in a series of handoffs, live your life for the older version of you, pass the baton to next. i only figured this out when windy -- you want to know what honestly happened? and the department talk to 30-year-old me with an 84 hour -- i was like you gave me the business that is true for people
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say how do you become a cabdriver? not your wife without health insurance and book you 30,000 just like that. >> once you experience the baton pass off, 30-year-old meet at a better job in 40-year-old me. don't spend more time fighting on social media. >> don't post pictures of your but because they will find them. [laughter] background check present big companies, they will know you were protesting at columbia and if they have seen it, they are not getting the job. [laughter] >> someone said to me, you know half the guys here are trying to get laid. no, they are not. nobody is making a dating app called plenty of leg care. [laughter] we got valedictorian from the school of hard knocks up next. dog the bounty hunter and i'm not on it. stay right there. [laughter]
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>> there you are, so secret streets are for the earth and kennedy's search history.
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i decided to bring in my own crime-fighting force to get this place under control. take a look. >> i'm standing here with the legendary dog the bounty hunter who is brave enough to go after any you to death. i myself brave enough to drive and walk at the scene and wait in the car. this is going to get rowdy. ready to rumble? >> this would help. he actually is ready to rumble. [laughter] >> for you above average as a kid? >> i am 33 and a half% so i used a slingshot. [laughter] dog the bounty hunter rooney children's the parties to the age of five. i love that. it's almost like you have a license plate reader in your brain.
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you got to stay on guard at all times. you never get to go home. never off. >> so in theory you can be as you said earlier, off the clock but the license plate reader is ogden. >> let me ask you this -- you have a lovely new wife but when you meet women, how to set working your head? to the course of time as you have this filter in a happy marriage before this, are you able to assess character in noncriminal areas? >> yes because your dog the bounty hunter, you become so handsome to them and they are like i am in fantasy. [laughter] >> you might have missed your calling fault doctor houthis
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hunter. [applause] but different thing going on there. [laughter] that was dna. >> i am amazed because you said you are a good assessor of character yet you still allowed me to drive. >> yes. they don't like driving in a situation like this because essentially you are a big game player. you are playing at the level of competition so if you do 90 and somebody is shooting, you are safe in the environment but in this environment you are like the whale at cmc world isn't too small the task. >> my mind is concentrated on this. you say what robbed this train, i'm ready to go.
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>> when you're closing in on a guy i do know it's a guy, there's got to be something, i know you talk about the cigarettes and tattoos, was there a familiar feeling like a 4-cent? >> your adrenaline as out the max. you see the guy go in and they will see the license plate numbers they come to see it. me, i see the guy intertec. straight and they know who i am and they will take i knew someday. did you dream about a? yes, i drink. something while you after me? it's only first degree burglary and assault to my mom. [laughter]
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anything can happen. as soon as you spot them, get them. i'll run out and get them. you train your mind. they hurt your children, they hurt your wife forget you train your mind to hate them and as soon as you get them, the adrenaline is gone and you go, i was in your shoes one day. i try to give them that speech because you never know when it's going to be something. >> and erie the world a safer and better if you do offer them a path to greatness because i was offered and i took it. >> samuel jackson talks about being a shepherd and in a
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roundabout way you are trying to be a shepherd. >> feed my sheep. it doesn't say -- remark you don't want to know what they are doing with the sheep there. >> going to go now. >> we were on our way to his house. i'm just kidding. [laughter] >> has he changed? >> he's been famous in his own like. [laughter] >> first words will freeze off
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mark. >> i'm trying to figure out if there's a common threat if someone shoplifted your lemonade stand. [laughter] >> they don't like girls, it's all good. [laughter] >> from rotary. >> the streets are officially safe. >> thank you. god bless you. >> dog the bounty hunter. you guys are great. let's have this talk for the quick that tenant intends dude right there. got in my taxi, my bronco which is oj quite if you notice. [laughter] my wife has never behaved be better. [laughter] there are no arguments.
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pizza is great. i'll have pizza. [laughter] >> gps keep telling me to take the 405. [laughter] should i put on the ac? stick with me. i told him i was a cabdriver and he lit up because he said misys and we went to real world. are you impressed by dog the bounty hunter? >> my favorite story was impressed. i think just had a very severe stroke. having thought any word from the hospital. dog walked up he was fine.
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>> there's no stopping. he has 13 kids that he knows of he keeps telling me. that's a number. should he quit and just go on quarters? >> he definitely should. he should go on the show called vasectomy. [laughter] i'd watch that every week snap. >> he did not seem to be in the market for that. fun fact we didn't make it into the package and you might appreciate this, in the movie of his life, he says is crazy you asked me that question. [laughter] >> i wouldn't get past the first 15 minutes. [laughter] >> good luck. [laughter] >> put that in the museum.
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>> boys on my hood he said in the movie as his life, they might be a movie about him dying justin bieber. could you see the birth the bounty hunter? that's kind of flat. i'd watch it. [laughter] you are really hoping for that role. samuel jackson role. [laughter] >> i'll never tell. stick around, mother's day weekend so my mom is here to tell embarrassing stories. stay right here. ♪ to actively repair acid weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair.
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welcome back, welcome back. my next guest were kicked off elvis presley's claim grayson after triggering an alarm by sitting on the king said, a true story about most his or her biggest fans bring me into the world talking about my mom marvelous marianne's smile at the camera for this there is. [laughter] 's you had one job like giving. looking right at me. one job. congrats on your tv debut. it's crazy because the way you drive, people would assume you are on cops. would you have. >> very exciting. what you there? >> you have to share. it out here.
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[laughter] >> were like dogs that i tho thought. my dogs 14th trial. meatball like kat i have not seen before. thirty-four years ago. they stop animals and they took away. it is a big deal. it is amazing. >> meatball went a lot of places. >> 's face appears. >> we have the same face but he came everywhere. child protective services. [laughter] let's have this talk since you are bringing up my youth. reporter: multiple kids, they do
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think i'm the favorite in the most historians would argue i should be but that said, i was a problematic little kid. what you want to know what has concerned you the most my behavior in casinos or fashion choices i make on tv? >> oh my goodness, the casino. it was so much fun. [laughter] >> is a true story. [applause] she could be in charge of the treasury, true story. we once made it to a tollbooth boxwoods week -- around the world, a 35 central drink too
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much money after losing the casino she can't even clash a reference to give a dollar? >> i become concerned. [laughter] human make it biden's economy that accident. vegas got are you wearing wing and patting your adam's apple? [laughter] give us the story because a lot of people have heard this, they don't know that it's real. we went to graceland and my aunt fran go up so when we got to graceland, they have phallic locations the people who respect them. okay? , everybody does and you did what. >> oh my goodness, i couldn't wait. we actually walked by his bed
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and i looked and said this his bed? somebody suggests and i went -- [laughter] >> making snow angels and the pillows. >> we went to the bathroom and crushed some powder in our life don't use the toilet, don't use the toilet. [laughter] to celebrate ron's i think about my mom is sticking around we are playing our new game. marijuana i can't? my along with the panel. [laughter] [applause] ♪ who grew
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with absorbine pro,
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pain won't hold you back from your passions. it's the only solution with two max-strength anesthetics to deliver the strongest numbing pain relief available. so, do your thing like a pro, pain-free. absorbine pro. welcome back to fox news saturday night for all you dirtbags and we got last minute ideas depending in your mom she might enjoy a lovely candle or flowers of the marijuana variety. the character because it's hundred tell the difference between the two so to help you on this holiday, we are playing our new game, queen or week?
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product name and the panel will tell me if it's a scented candle activist let us also known as marijuana the winner gets to tickets to fish. the loser gets tickets to a fish concert. my mom is playing along with the panel and i will start with you, mom magical frosted forest. it is not a candle or something he would hundred my drawers? >> probably your drawers. >> you say weed. offer one. get us a candle. [laughter] is an elected official, you probably need to play dumb a give a fair shake. [laughter] 's here it is. lemon cherry gelato, weed or week? >> weed. >> i will cut you off. [laughter] >> hunt with one. here we go. wedding cake she said it so
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quick, the drug dog in the lobby looked. it is weed. home sweet home. weed or week? besides a candle? spoken like a guy sucking her girl at pottery barn. [laughter] you are correct. question number five. see if you can get on the board. london poundcake. is that something prince harry is not allowed to share with his dad anymore for smoking back in california? 's. >> i want to eat it. >> you say if you want to eat it, we'd like you are pulled over by the cops. what do you say? >> i say wic. >> i just want to get my mom to say weed on the tape.
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what a good girl. wes hunt. local question. new york cheesecake. weed or wic? >> it has to be weed. >> because of its wic, it's only being sold to people with type three -- [laughter] 's shots fired. [laughter] all right. [laughter] >> he likes it. advisors told him to down and step up. stick with me, new england ma maple. so good. wic it is. here we go, question number eight. magical bright lights.
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>> weed. >> you are incorrect. >> thank you. >> 2201. [laughter] >> purple haze. [laughter] >> it's weed. you got it right. on the board. [laughter] >> white astronomy illini. >> quick. >> and it is. >> granddaddy purple. >> weed. >> boom peanut butter breath. [laughter] >> quick. >> he's like my dog. [laughter] >> you said quick, you are wr wrong. that is a two -- two -- ten --
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zero. >> you guys are both three. the wind. cowboy kush. [laughter] >> kennedy -- >> if we tie, i have to say wic. >> you win the game. [laughter] >> i didn't know. >> did you win the yellowjacket? we was find out next promote the winner after this. ♪ ♪
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♪ welcome back to fox news saturday night, the moment
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you've been waiting for, time to get away, yellowjacket to the best guest on the show. tonight we will start with basic analysis making kennedy have each one yellowjacket. your black which means you own five yellow jackets. [laughter] shoes. [laughter] >> have been black for over 40 years. [laughter] >> holy community or something so knowing that be the case in a triumphant television debut 70 years after she set foot, we give it to my mom. [cheering] there it is. happy mother's day to you. [applause]
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happy mother's day to you and all the moms out there. it looks great and so much cheaper than buying you a gift for me. [laughter] >> i'll keep that gift to my myself. [laughter] >> fox news saturday night. 10:00 p.m. every saturday on fox news, don't forget to follow us on social media. for more, coming to a city near you on my everybody calm down to her. later tomorrow for mother's day, my mom is coming. tickets on sale at fox weekdays 12:00 o'clock to 3:00 p.m. eastern. i am jimmy failla, see you next saturday can be republican, you can be a democrat, just don't be a [bleep] [laughter]


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