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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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happy mother's day to you and all the moms out there. it looks great and so much cheaper than buying you a gift for me. [laughter] >> i'll keep that gift to my myself. [laughter] >> fox news saturday night. 10:00 p.m. every saturday on fox news, don't forget to follow us on social media. for more, coming to a city near you on my everybody calm down to her. later tomorrow for mother's day, my mom is coming. tickets on sale at fox weekdays 12:00 o'clock to 3:00 p.m. eastern. i am jimmy failla, see you next saturday can be republican, you can be a democrat, just don't be a [bleep] [laughter]
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lot of razors and sleeps in a boiler room, comedian, founder of western razor company, david angelo.
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and she's frail, pale and can escape from any jail, new york times best-selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. before we get to some news stories, let's do this. [♪] >> greg's leftovers. >> greg: it's leftovers where i read the jokes we did not use this weekend is always it's the first time i'm reading them so if they sok we will dress joe mackie as a dog and sent him to kristi noem. unless the weather is bad. sunday is mother's day and we actually got our hands on a few celebrity cards. like this one. mom, thanks for not murdering dad, happy mother's day. love chelsea.
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by the way, bill clinton is planning to get up early and prepare breakfast in bed and then he will go home to hillary. [ laughter ] >> whoa. >> greg: and this one is nice, a stepmom, what are you up on -- up to later? want to party? love hunter. the guy does not have boundaries. all right, dear mom, happy mother's day, see you soon, love joe. [ cheering and applause ] >> greg: i don't know what that means. all right let's do some jokes. chicago mayor johnson wants to move illegal immigrants away from wear the democrat convention takes place this summer. it's the same strategy democrats are using on joe biden. new york governor cathy hochul came under fire for saying they
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are "young black kids growing up in the bronx who don't even know what the word computer is." she apologized, saying, i should not have left out the mexicans. i know, racist. racist. terrible. in an interview with cnn's, joe biden claimed inflation was 9 percent when he took office when it was actually 1.4 percent. then biden was stumped with another math problem, asking how any grandchildren he has. luke skywalker actor mark hamill teamed up with president biden at a may 4th press conference. the two reminisced over the time darth vader said i am your father and all the times hunter said he wasn't. following the presser, the -- both biden and hamill took a photo together.
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[ cheering and applause ] >> greg: apple computers has released a new add depicting a bunch of stuff getting crushed lot in a hydraulic press. unfortunately it does not include this book. according to a tech influencer, you can tell a person's age by how he types on his phone. for example, here's a text i got from larry kudlow. [ laughter ] >> greg: on tuesday a new york city couples first date was interrupted by a carjacking. for their second date, they are trying something more romantic, getting pistol whipped on a horse-drawn carriage.
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black lives matter is suing the tides foundation, a progressive outfit that funds the anti-israel protests, suing them for fraud. sad. now where will stupid white ladies waste their money? a chic new york hotel has been converted into a migrant shelter right in the heart of broadway where the streets are filled with destitute unstable, unemployable homeless, but enough about the actors. a wisconsin teacher named madison bergman was arrested for allegedly making out with a fifth-grade student. i know. but in her defense, she was auditioning for a new game show, are you horny or than a fifth grader? it really is hard.
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ten more boeing whistleblowers have come forward, bringing the numbers so far to 32. sorry, 31. thirty. now 29. we will just update you later. according to a new study, women who don't move their heads when they talk are likely to be psychopaths. that's the dumbest thing i ever heard, said one woman. research shows an increase in 2slgbtqi+ health related content in medical schools, great news if you need a gynecologist who knows how to treat jock itch. ohio state's commencement speaker admitted he was on iowa, a drug, when he wrote his awful
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speech. graduates cringed throughout but what made it worse was realizing they graduated from otto -- ohio state. go buckeyes! i don't know. and a woman claims she has a sex addiction and can't stop masturbating at work. prompting one man to offer her a job at cnn. to the news. janitors called the bluff on rioters guff. the custodians union plans to sue columbia university over the anti-israel protests violence. yeah. all right. the blue-collar men and women who do their best to keep the school pristine say they were mistreated when the antisemitic [ bleep ] took over historic building last week. they barricaded themselves inside and left the place in worse shape than a baltimore bridge.
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calling out the columbia presidents cowardice for allowing her employees to suffer, the union boss told some show called fox and friends this... >> everybody in the building, the entire workforce in the building was be are full and rightfully so. they stormed in, but in particular two of the custodians had to fight their way out. imagine that. imagine two kind of smarmy sort of entitled spoiled ratty occupiers of the building come in until these blue-collar men and women you are not going anywhere, you have to stay in here because this causes bigger than you when they have to get home to their families. it's outrageous, it's an affront to workers everywhere. >> greg: they should have had their heads dunked in toilets. meantime author heather mcdonald explores why so many young women are leading these protests. and herpes, hysterics for hamas, one reason, the sex differences in majors. she writes that hard science and econ students are mostly men who
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are less likely to dig cost of protest while humanities and social sciences, which offer extra credit for activism, are mostly women. and so you have the front lines of protests manned by ovarian's who actually believe burning flags and spray painting graffiti should count toward a college degree. heather also calls today's victim ideology that drives academia female in character "student protests have always been hilariously self dramatizing but the current outbreak is particularly maudlin in keeping with female self-pity and it doesn't hurt to have females push to the front by the organizers, knowing that the media will jump all over the police if they appear to get too rough with the girls. " on one side you have hard-working janitors and on the other barely working babies dining on catered meals while clutching their pearls. it should not be hard to pick a side. unless you are the media who pretend this is about peace when
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it's really about class. it's not jews versus palestinians, it's elites versus the working class. it's why protesters always get a pass when they shut down traffic , blocking hard-working people from getting to their place of work. it's pampered brats with trust funds and no experience versus people with real jobs, being victimized by pampered brats with trust funds and no experience. but since the media -- [ applause ] [ laughter ] >> greg: but since the media are more like the protesters then anyone with a real job, you know who they are going to back. janitors have been assaulted and falsely imprisoned by so-called peaceful protesters and ironically it's the media that is cleaning up the mess. it's the only real cleaning journalist to do besides cleaning out their office after they get fired because no one trusts them. so how many journalists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? i don't know, it's never been
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done. i love that joe. which means ironically the custodians will be the ones who end up getting trashed. >> greg: triple j, how are you doing? you look fantastic. >> fangs for letting me borrow the shirt. >> greg: no problem. a little big on you though don't you think? so, you have this, like, contrast and it seems like the only people that care about these people are, like, this network. like, where is the new york times, the washington post? >> i don't understand the problem. from what i understand, words are harmful and violent so if i were one of those janitors i would've started saying hateful things and as they cower in
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front of me, walked right out of there. it's like be polite, be professional but have a plan to kill everyone you meet. so that's what those janitors should have been thinking. i hate to say it but i'm one of those guys that, like, i live for that moment. once the day that somebody tries to trap me in a broom closet? there are weapons all around. and i'm not advocating for violence, i'm just saying the janitors should have taken violence to get out of there i guess. >> greg: would you like to be trapped in a broom closet? i have an hour free after the show. >> yeah but i'm not trying to get out of that one. >> greg: nicely done! kennedy, what do you make of this lawsuit? how do you think it will play out? >> i hope they go after columbia's 13 billion-dollar endowment, i really do. they have so much money and i don't want government involvement here, but i hope
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it's one of those things that makes these universities stand up and take notice, and i want more schools to treat this nonsense like the university of florida versus my alma mater ucla and columbia. because as you pointed out on the show, it does violate free speech. you know, property destruction and false imprisonment, that's not free speech. i am all for legal lawful protest, there's a reason it's enshrined in the first amendment. that is not this. by the way, those broads, they are getting their talking points disseminated to them directly from hamas and there hasn't been enough reporting on that but there is certainly a lot of evidence for that on some of the telegram channels where people are boiling down these hamas videos and feeding them directly to groups like students for justice in palestine. i asked today, what is it like
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covering an actual humanitarian crisis versus this manufactured crisis on these college campuses? he said i hate to laugh at people but it's laughable. these college kids can leave at any moment and go to chipotle but people who have been displaced, people who have nowhere to go and no food, they don't have such luxuries so it is not a humanitarian crisis on these college campuses and you do not get a hold people against their will. >> greg: i'm not sure it's a better deal to be able to leave and go to chipotle. >> i mean if you want to lose weight, it's great. >> greg: great for losing weight. david, i'm so glad you decided to take off that i love hamas teacher you were wearing. >> you know, it just clashed with the background. >> greg: whose side are you on? >> whose side of my on? >> greg: you need to pick a side. >> i say let them fight it out.
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why are you trying to rescue columbia? i don't care. we are six months out from that being the angela davis school of sharia law. i mean i say feed them the fire, you know,, rename columbia. christopher columbus? >> greg: is that what it's named over? >> or columbia. i mean you have -- you have your enemies here acting foolishly, let them do what they need. >> greg: there is a theory behind that, because it's basically the monster eating itself. >> yeah, you know, and it is what it is. it's like all right, i guess there's a lot of women doing the protests but women have always liked bad boys, you know, hamas. everyone knows that. >> greg: yeah. >> it used to be james dean, now gets move jihad dean.
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>> greg: that was a nice line. >> sucks for them goes those guys prefer the goats. what can you do. >> greg: kat, what are your thoughts on the fact that the protests are predominantly female? yeah? no thoughts? >> let's just say someday that i'm assassinated by the government. >> greg: okay. >> and people are protesting in my honor, right? first of all, thank you so much. but you have to let the janitor go. the dude has spent all day being a janitor. like let him go home. so this attitude of, like, this cause is bigger -- i don't care what the causes, even if it is my own assassination. if a dude spent all day
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literally cleaning up [ bleep ] and his time is done, let him go home. you are not going to win over anybody by not letting the janitor go home. >> greg: it does feel like the plot to a redefining of diehard, the janitor, the janitor trapped in a building, surrounded by protesters and the tagline is like "custodian, time to take out the trash." and it's jason statham, the silent brooding janitor who keeps to himself, but he had a secret past as a hired paid killer in serbia. >> we have a right to ultimate free speech in the constitution, no rights in the constitution to kidnap a janitor. >> greg: yes. and he has a love interest, right, this girl that got pulled
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in to the protests and did not know what she was thinking, she might be like a psych professor. >> i bet they could find a broom closet. >> greg: yes, exactly! this is great. somebody better not be ripping me off right now at home. custodian. time to take out the trash. he will mop the floors with you. your death is on his bucket list. yeah! all right. enough of this madness. up next, that you'd never see the day hillary stages a play. [♪] if you would like tickets to see "gutfeld!", oh to here's to getting better with age.
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie?
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[♪] ♪ it's video of the day ♪ >> greg: would you rather be on a flight with a terrorist or have hillary as your therapist? yeah, that democrats favorite hag think she has broadway in the bag. video of the date comes from us -- from america's biggest or loser, that never was president is producing a broadway musical about suffragettes and it's called suffs. her husband bill of course in charge of the casting couch.
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but it's nice to see hillary producing something besides fake dossiers about trump. she stopped by morning joe took promoted but they instead took the opportunity to trauma dump her anxiety about trump. i wonder if they will call this part of the segment therapy with hillary. >> i like to call a part of this segment therapy with hillary. what do you say to people when they ask you about the former president, these trials and these delays and the fear that they feel? about the upcoming election. >> well i'm happy to go to therapy with you anytime because clearly the pressure on the stress on our system, our country, our constitution, our future is so intense. for those of us who understand what's at stake, and i don't mean that in a, you know, derogatory way to others but if you have been in this world as you and i have and you've studied it and you watched it, it is a very difficult time right now.
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>> madam secretary, therapy session obviously officially over now. >> weight, i need more. >> greg: of course if you want more therapy, that makes sense, you are married to joe scarborough for god's sake. but hillary could not stick around, she had to get back to her crypt to avoid exposure to daylight. kennedy, is there anything more insufferable than anything that hillary -- i mean suffs, it's insufferable. >> the route is there for a reason. she wants us to believe she's suffered there for the nation has suffered and if the nation had made the right decision in 2016, or maybe if she had spent some time and gone to wisconsin, then she would be at the tail end of her second term. there would have been no pandemic, there would have been no inflation. we all know this is a steaming
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load of bull [ bleep ] and to borrow a phrase, she is a warmongering harpy who is seeded with other insufferable narcissists and they are also incredibly damaged that when they talk about therapy it sounds like parity because they all need to go to long-term inpatient treatment so we don't see them for months or maybe years. >> greg: yeah, kat, they just seem so weak. i love how mika said what do you say to people when they talk about their fears of trump. why don't you just say i'm scared. what do you say when people -- you are the people! >> just in general i would have
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so much more respect for hillary clinton if she would just be herself. like, she's a mean scary person. just own that, be mean. it comes off as so inauthentic when they try to present her as this feeling gentle -- like she's -- hillary clinton is not the friend you go to probably for, like, healthy wise mind advice. she's the friend you go to when you want, like, the toxic diabolical advice. >> greg: how i can dump a body. >> therapy with hillary clinton, i'm not buying it. maybe if it's like blame the other woman and bleed a whole country in bullying her, that i would buy. or the lady at the table screaming at me because her soup is in hot with hillary clinton. like she would just be diabolical, i would at least have respect for the authenticity there.
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nobody really wants a hug from hillary clinton because she just looks like she'd squeeze too hard. >> greg: yes! david, are you excited about the musical? you seem like a guy who loves musicals. >> i'm actually the understudy for susan b anthony. you know, i've never heard of the musical but it's so bizarre if you are in the arts world, to partner with hillary clinton. it's like yeah, i've got a new interpretive dance show i'm doing with henry kissinger. >> greg: i love that reference because you know he died a couple of months ago. >> the cia had you believing that, greg. this guy, he's in a bunker calling the shots. >> greg: but the name itself, it's like like that would appeal to a younger demographic. we don't call them suffragettes, we called them suffs. that's what it is on the
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streets. >> also i mean just when you are buying tickets, how do you spell suffragettes? i mean i wouldn't know how, i'd be going to kat's matinee. i would never be able to put that word in. >> greg: monosyllabic musicals exactly. all right joey, i love the fact that hillary is like trying to find things to do in her life but everything she does doesn't pan out. didn't she have a tv show on apple with her insufferable daughter? and -- >> karaoke or something? >> greg: they were singing in the car. that's right! cost over 8000 suicides -- caused -- >> all people who shot themselves as they were running away. >> first of all therapy is [ bleep ]. that's what woodworking a needlepoint are for, depending on your traditional gender role. aside from that nobody will ever
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have the effect on their enemies that trump has had. no matter how many palms i took apart with my hands or my feet, no matter how many terrorists killed, we will never have the effect on the taliban and that trump has on democrats. they absolutely hate him for being alive and not imprison. she needs therapy, she's struggling. be in her position. trump stole the election and no one gave enough of a [ bleep ] just on the capital. she absolutely isn't such such a terrible place. but she did do therapy for a little while, she was doing it with the va and that's how we got to 22 a day. >> greg: true. it's interesting though. i think that they are moving into the acceptance face of a trump presidency. because watching that cnn thing and you realize if this were a poker game, cnn folded.
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pretty soon trump is going to have to meet with, like, the deep state because they are going to have to assume he's president. you know,. up next, ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles]
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a story in five words. [♪] >> greg: crazy broads don't move heads. david. how are you doing over there? >> fantastic. >> greg: good, here's some crazy research from the university of new mexico. women who are psychopaths don't move their heads while talking. they exhibit traits like manipulation that calluses, lack of remorse but they also don't move their heads. when you are on stage, do you ever notice? when there are women in their audience and their heads are still, does that scare you?
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>> well usually there's nobody in the audience so. i don't have a great sample size. >> greg: do you buy this? >> i guess, i don't know. their heads don't move? >> greg: yeah. >> let's watch friend to respond first and i will way in. >> greg: you have no opinion? >> on if i had moving -- >> greg: yeah. >> i think if there's a knife in the teeth, that's a bigger signal to me, you know. >> greg: that's good, that's good. kat, i was thinking about how when you watch tiktok you see the crazy ladies, their eyes -- their head is like completely stock and their eyes are bulging, their face is frozen, they are shouting at you about something, but could that just be a reverse correlation that like tiktok forces people to do
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that as opposed to those people do it on tiktok? i don't know. >> i think people are different on tiktok then i rl. >> greg: thank you. >> but i also think the study is useless because you will never notice if a psychopath is moving their head or not because you are going to be so is he being charmed by them. like every psychopath i've ever met was like the nicest weed as percent to me. i'm like oh, they are doing that because they want to ruin my life. >> greg: hey-mac you notice how much kat was moving her head? just a try to throw us off. >> greg: did it again! >> look at her! >> this is not a fair judge because i have such a fun ponytail. i hate to give that away to all the psychopaths watching but if you don't want to be found out, put in a fun ponytail and then you will want to move it all around. >> greg: that's true. overcompensation, joey. if you are a psychopath you just
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move your head more, it a ponytail. >> yeah. i'm not in that phase, i'm not ready to transition. we haven't made it there yet. trump might still win, there's still hope. listen, i know a trap when i see one and i don't know if i look like the kind of guy that just walks on booby-traps to you, but i don't think partaking in this topic is the best thing for me. if you were going to ask my dad he would say you can tell a woman is crazy buy if she is breathing. >> greg: that is so sexist. >> he's dead, don't get mad. whatever. if you watch monty python the holy grail, it's if a woman ways the same as a dock. or wait, that's a witch. i don't know. i'm kind of with kat, the more psycho someone is, the less you can figure it out. the whole premise of the study is tell if they are a psychopath or just a really rotten person. it's like you really need to know one or the other?
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>> greg: just a away,. kennedy, is there an ideal amount of turns per minute someone should be doing? >> i thought that was annoying. like oh my god how are you. you are so interesting and i'm so normal! that would be very distracting but i read this and i'm like i have a herniated disk in my neck and sometimes my neck seizes up so i got really self-conscious like to people think i'm a psychopath? really i'm in agonizing pain. do you have any a leave? >> greg: no i don't. >> that would be great. >> greg: but the massage later, from three to five. coming up, more hilarity remains (vo) dan made progress with his mental health... ...but his medication caused unintentional movements in his face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so his doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪as you go with austedo♪ austedo xr significantly reduced dan's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks.
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with austedo xr, dan can stay on his mental health meds- (dan) cool hair! (vo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪as you go with austedo♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪austedo xr♪
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[♪] you are watching mailing it in. >> greg: some cute questions. i like this first one. was there ever a tv personality that you wanted to meet and you
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did? joey? you can say me, it's okay. but anybody else? >> i was laying in the hospital bed, 2010, punctured lung, my legs were gone. i turned on and there was a show redeye and i thought, you know, i want to hang out with that guy one day, maybe even call him a friend. i don't know. that's all of got. beat me to it. >> greg: what about you, kennedy? you not only met famous people, you've dated famous people. >> well, greg, i don't like to be a break art but yes, you are right. when i was in middle school through junior high, junior high and high school i was abscessed with david letterman and i finally got to meet david letterman, i got to be on his show. we did not date so much as --
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>> greg: was not a good experience for you on letterman? >> no, he was very cold and mean. i was so excited to meet him and i had built him up to be, you know, this towering perfect funny broadcaster and it was a little disappointing. isn't that sad? >> greg: see how different it is with me? >> yeah, you are so warm. [ laughter ] >> greg: you don't know me. all right, have you ever met anybody famous? well actually i want to know have you ever met some buddy famous that you wanted to meet? >> somebody famous? i met chris hansen. that was not -- that was not under good -- >> greg: that was a surprise. >> david, what's with the mike's hard lemonade? >> it was in a well appointed
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kitchen. >> someone i wanted to meet? no, i'm blanking. i don't know. >> greg: you know what i like about you, you do get the rundown beforehand, but you don't waste your time reading up or thinking about... i'm just going to wing it. >> and it always almost works out. that's the beauty of it. >> greg: kat, you have so many to choose from. >> so doctor drew. i always wanted to meet doctor drew. i know they say don't meet your heroes and we didn't know we go go on vacation with him and his wife. >> greg: that would qualify as stocking. >> no, i'm invited. i'm invited actually. not everybody goes places they aren't invited to with binoculars like you do. >> greg: i'm going to go with a safe one, lee majors. >> you met lee majors?
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>> greg: yeah, i met him a couple of times. he watches the shows. he did a segment on one of the first "gutfeld!" shows. teaching me how to dress. but i adored him growing up. >> with inflation it's a hundred million-dollar man. >> greg: with inflation that joke is worthless. >> greg: i feel bad now. the inflation joke. the even made that -- by the way, i knew the six million-dollar man so well that they made that joke on six million-dollar man when he thought the other bionic man played by monte markham and lee majors goes how much did it cost and he goes $7 million and they both look at each other and go "inflation." there you go.
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>> just cost me a trip to afghanistan. >> greg: terrible. up next,'s comedy may be dry but he leaves th ♪ when your child has moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay for them to show off. show off their clearer skin and noticeably less itch with dupixent. because children 6 months and older with eczema have plenty of reasons to show off their skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, they can stay ahead of their eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines
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[ ♪ ] nobody is watching so we can talk about whatever we want. the most popular razor salesman also does stand-up comedy part-time. david angelo put out a special on youtube let's show a clip. >> when you were young there are only 2 jobs you can do. babysitter and lifeguard. are those kind of high-stakes for entry-level jobs. just to get your foot in the door. like if you are a 15-year-old want to work in an office it's
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like okay before we trust you with the xl spreadsheet let's see if you can keep my daughter alive. >> i watched it your stand up when it came out and i was surprised how bad the audience was and you looked so forlorn. >> i'm used it to a audience so that was okay it was a little the audience of the 1 taping i was doing. like i'm just going to play this special with them watching it and then i will dub it in right. >> so people can fro your name and in the special comes up. >> yep it's called new york legend which is explained in the special that i am a new york
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legend. i believe this suspends you know it's on youtube. >> you say it was the 1 special and a terrible audience. why did you not do like 3 and pick 1 like normal people do. is it that expensive to rent a camera? >> no but it's expensive to rent the theatre and i was paying for mean there needs to be more disbelief her odds right. like that's outrageous. how could that be. even this crowd right you have to walk them through everything. >> your show really captured your charm and charisma.
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>> speaker-01: i can't leave and promoting your special when you aren't even doing that. >> i don't want people to see a i'm embarrassed check it out on youtube you have to go to youtube greg i wish he was an easier way yet to youtube new york legend it will take you right there and greg's videos will show up with suggested viewing afterwards right so whole thing here congratulations here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ( ♪ ) look, things may seem fine down there, but you need to watch out for diseases. i'll be okay. does this look ok?!
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ugh. how do i protect myself? with the new scotts healthy plus lawn food. it's the only product that prevents 27 diseases while feeding your grass to help keep your lawn healthy this season. want me to show you how to put it on? no, i think i know how to use a spreader. pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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when you have chronic kidney disease, there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪ farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur.
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stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. when you have chronic kidney disease, it's time to ask your doctor for farxiga. because there are places you want to be. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ >> we are out of time. meanwhile, "the five" right now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody.


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