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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  May 12, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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♪ pete: it is the 7 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" if weekend starting with this, israel orders more rafah evacuation withs as joe biden reportedly offers top intelligence to try to stop the invasion. more meddling. rachel: and here at home, trump breaks history holding the largest political rally in deep blue new jersey and taking time to praise doug burgum with this tease. >> -- for something, okay? just get ready. but doug burgum has been incredible, and the country's lucky e to have him. rachel: trump 2024 national press secretary karoline leavitt, we love her, joins us ahead. charlie: and pete and i agree on many things but not when it comes to the purr-fect furry friend. pete: first of all, tell our viewers why cats are the best. i do love cats, i do. dogs get so much air time. cats are an easy addition the a
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house full of kids. rachel: pete loves cats, charlie does not. [laughter] charlie: get it, purr-f if e -- finishing ect? the second hour of "fox & friends" weekend starts right now. rachel: all right -- ♪ standing around waiting with on beer. ♪ if it's the little things that make life worth living ♪ rachel: okay. we're not going to play the lake game. that is michigan. but i'll tell you, these lake photos are getting we excited for summer. charlie: it's houghton lake. pete: do you know that for sure? rachel: have you been? charlie: i lived in detroit for, like or, seven years. pete: see, the knowledge that comes out of charlie hurt -- charlie: a solid 30 ofs it is true. rachel: -- 30% of it. rachel: we thought it was a little country boy down virginia. [laughter] but he's not. pete: you're saying the viewer
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photos coming in, and they're getting more lake-friendly? rachel: they're letting more lakey which is getting me excited about going to not to michigan, but wisconsin. there is nothing like michigan and wisconsin in the summer. minnesota has some good ones, but it's better in wisconsin. pete: there's a lot more sanity in wisconsin. rachel: there sure is. but, yeah, yeah, and we have cheese curds. pete: and minnesota -- i can see both. rachel: he just, he's just surrendered -- pete: you stop defending your home state. that's what i do. just done. you saw that, charlie, they changed the the flag in minnesota in. rachel: he says it looks like the somalian -- pete: it looks like one of the republic of somalia. charlie: this is not a joke? rachel: no. they took a native american symbol all -- off of the flag. pete: it is mother's day, and we're really -- happy mother's day day to everybody at home, and for every father who forgot,
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you've got three more hours to do something. rachel: yeah. of we just taught you how to do the flowers, so you can put your own together -- pete: so run out in the yard, find some flowers. rachel: you know what? wildflowers are growing right now, you can make a beautiful bouquet, but you can also just call the florist. at least the grocery stores will have them. pete: we've got some photos, rachel, i think one of your mom. rachel: yep, i have some flashback photos, actually, that is my great grandmother on the left, my grandmother, my mother down at the bottom and then that's me, and this is a very classic thing that spanish women do, they take their picture, we call it -- pitch spanish. charlie: that's you on the bomb-right? rachel: on the bottom-left. i was only 24. i've aged since, i've had 9 kids. it looks like my daughter -- not a mom yet. we're waiting. we're waiting parentally here. [laughter] partly. but that's my mom.
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charlie: that's awesome. rachel: yeah. pete: here's a couple pictures of both my mother there in the middle, that was the patriot awards last year in nashville, and then my wife jennifer who's a mother of 7, so happy mother's day e to both of them. rachel: and i love jen's dress in that photo. pete: there's one more, jen dressing as a teenager. rachel: that's how we normally -- [laughter] and my mom as well. charlie: nice. in that's awesome. all right. i think we have a picture here of that's my eternally beautiful mother and me -- pete: oh, wow. rachel: charlie. charlie: and patsy, the pony that i'm sitting on, and, yeah, my mother has not aged a day since then. it's remarkable. except her hair is white, that's the only difference. rachel: that's a great photo. pete: you really are a country boy. charlie: yeah. you know, my mother is always very kind, but if you got thrown
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off a horse, you had to get back on it. ray wow. that's e the mom if advice we needed. charlie: it's great advice. she was iron-firsted when it came to that. rachel: she a good rider? charlie: oh, yeah. oh, excellent rider. she is. pete: i need some tips because we're about to get a horse, hopefully, and i know nothing -- charlie: you'll be a crazy rider, and that's fine. that's a good thing. rachel: maybe you'll have to have charlie down to the ranch. pete: i need the help, for sure. rachel: or the farm, is it the farm? if. pete: whatever you want, come pound. charlie: it's the american way. pete: no other way to figure it out. by the way, we mentioned it last hour, we'll be back the mothers and mother's day because it's all morning long here, and we dt yesterday in wildwood, new jersey, he wished all the mothers happy mother's day, to include melania. he also name checked one other person while on the stage in wildwood, new jersey, and that
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was governor doug burgum whose name has been floated a lot as potential vice president or something else. well, donald trump, in front of 100,000 people in wildwood, a record in new jersey, said this. listen. >> doug burgum and katherine, who's been just is an incredible couple, and you won't, you won't find anybody better than this gentleman in terms of his knowledge of -- you know, he made his money in technology, but he probably knows more about energy than anybody i know. so get ready for something, okay? if just get ready. but doug burgum has been incredible, and the country's lucky e to have him. rachel: anything. i mean, that could be, like, energy sec taker could also be vice president. ing -- secretary, by the way, you mentioned that donald trump, pete, you know, wished happy mother 's day to melania with. he also wished a happy mother's day to melania's mother who recently passed away, and he said she's looking down from the heaven on this giant crowd -- [laughter] and she's happy. so he mentioned that.
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yesterday, charlie, when you weren't here, we got -- there were some texts or some tweets going around saying that maybe nikki haley was under consideration. [laughter] we kind of talked about that. we had the same reaction that you just had, charlie. charlie: that fire got put out. rachel: yeah, that got put out quick. donald trump put out a truth social, and he said nikki haley is not under consideration for the vp if slot, but i wish her well. charlie: yeah. i don't know that i've ever witnessed anything more sherman-esque from a presidential nominee, excluding a vice presidential candidate. he wants to make sure that -- and at one point he even said, i'm saying this so that you can play this and use it against me in case i ever do pick they'llly as a -- [laughter] rachel: yeah. shar the thing about doug burgum, thanks to american ingenuity, north dakota is one of the greatest energy producers were in the world. and it's driving america's
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energy independence. and the great thing about this is whether whatever trump decides about vice president, doug burgum is a reminder that under donald trump we had energy independence in this country and gas prices were in the $2 range. and thanks to joe biden, thanks to the policies he employed on the day he walked into office, gas prices are almost twice that and rising. and so is, you know, by picking somebody like doug burgum, you can make the election about gas prices which, of course, leads to inflation and everything else. rachel: and he did talk about gas prices quite a bit with, also bringing up that in california it's almost $7 or it is $7. pete: i didn't know that. that's staggering. i think it's notable a little bit that he name checked also his wife katherine. like, if you're getting to know the spouse, you're in the middle of thinking about whether or not there'll be more of a partnership there. so i do think doug purr gum is on the vp -- burgum is on the vp
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short list are. charlie: and they flew on the plane. pete: that's court orship right there. giving a speech beforehand is even more of a bit of a tryout, but i do think energy secretary is quite possible as well. definitely notable. nikki haley may have come off the blacklist, which i think is part of what it said, but that's a long way to the vp list. is that was made very clear in the process. we'll see what happens. all right. but while trump was in the garden state, joe biden was on the other side of the country wrapping up his west coast trip which saw him call once again for a ceasefire in gaza. shar it comes as we learn biden is reportedly offering israel top secret intelligence on hamas leadership only if israel calls off its invasion of rafah. rachel: madeleine rivera joins us live with more. good morning. of. >> reporter: good morning, guys. israel is ordering thousands of more people to leave rafah if as it gets ready to expand operations in the city. -- in the city. more than 100,000 people have
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fled the city according to the united nations, but there are few places left to go. their only hope is an immediate ceasefire, and the president is placing the blame on hamas saying during a fundraiser in seattle saturday there would be a ceasefire if tomorrow if hamas would release the hostages. the women9 and the eller orally and the wounded. -- elderly. as i've said is, it's up to hamas. if they wanted to do it, we could end it tomorrow, and the ceasefire would begin tomorrow. the latest round of negotiations for a ceasefire were unsuccessful, but the white house says it is not losing hope. the president, of course, warns the u.s. won't be sending some offensive weapons to israel if it launches a full scale operation in rafah. desperate to sway israel, "the washington post" reports the biden administration is offering israel valuable assistance if it holds back including sensitive intelligence to help the israeli military pinpoint the location of hamas leaders and find the group's hidden tunnels according to four people familiar with the u.s. offers. u.s. officials are also
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reportedly offering to give thousands of shelters so israel can build tent city for palestinians who evacuate rafah. charlie are, rachel and pete. pete: thank you very much. by the way, donald trump -- >> reporter: thank you, guys. pete: thank you, madeleine. here's what he said. this week he announced he will withhold shipping weapons to israel as they fight to eradicate hamas terrorists in gaza. [background sounds] now, it's shocking to hear it. even while there's still american hostages being held by hamas, they're saying, oh, october 7th never happened, you know? they say that. and biden has fallen for it. crooked joe's action is one of the worst betrayals of an americanal high in the history of our country. i support israel's right to win its right on terror. of is that okay? i don't know. [cheers and applause] i don't know if that's good or bad politically. i don't care. you've got to do what's right.
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it was a terrible attack. october 7th was a terrible attack. i don't know, it's probably bad politically, but i don't care. you have to do the right thing. this would have been no -- there would have been no war in gaza with me in the white house, there would not have even been a chance. pete: yeah. i mean, there's -- joe biden unleashed chaos which unleashed opportunities for bad guys all around the world. and now israel just wants to defend it, and he's saying how about we let them. charlie: you can say that about israel, about ukraine, about all these things. and trump is exactly right about this. either you support israel's right to defend themselves against terror or you don't, and this whole thing started with the terrorist attack. and now joe biden has talked about how, oh, no, we'll support them with their iron dome. well, this is not a defensive operation. either you support israel's right to do it or you don't. rachel: well, and joe biden said if you return the hostages, then maybe this whole thing will end -- pete: if he actually called out hamas for once.
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rachel: he did, he did. but it's important to note that among the hostages are americans. we don't talk enough about that. you know, from the america first point of view, that should be top of mind every single day from joe biden as the president. you have hostages that are american. release them. and that has not happened. pete: they haven't done that one bit. all right, we're going to turn to a few additional headlines starting with this: florida's st. petersburg coast guard team rescuing five people near tampa bay in less than three hours on saturday, first saving four people transed on -- 12r57ded on a sinking boat and just a little while later rescuing a woman who was hurt in the head on a private water craft. thankfully, all the people they pulled from the water are okay. and happening tomorrow, senator bob menendez is set to appear in court -- [laughter] proper chuckle, as he faces his second corruption trial over the last decade.
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menendez and his wife are accused of doing favors for foreign governments and u.s. businessmen in exchange for gold bars. the 7-year-old? i think he's 70. [laughter] it says 7-year-old on the teleprompter, i'm guessing it's something closer to 70. [laughter] the 70-year-old new york democrat was charged with 17 counts of bribery, corruption, conspiracy and more. menendez's wife, nadine, who is 8, will be tried in a -- charlie: we need to work on our gold bar game. [laughter] pete: i actually want to own a gold bar. i don't. rachel: that's the kind of stuff you saw -- remember, you're really young, remember ritchie rich? he had a lot of gold bars. [laughter] charlie: oh, yeah. and they grew up, and he's donald the trump. pete: and in honor of mother's day, an organization that empowers veterans is releasing a new song to show appreciation for military mothers. ♪ ain't no doubt in my mind,
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it's my dear mom ♪ pete: the song was written by an army veteran with its art design by a combat veteran. creative vets, it helps vets heal after serving our country. dear mom is available now on all major streaming platforms. their headquarters are in nashville, they do a really good job. guys who don't know how to put things to words, and so by creating the lyrics to a song, they're able to talk about experiences they couldn't otherwise talk about, and they work with artists who put it to music. rachel: i love this. we've had them on before. it's a great organization. and a great song. my mom, that you saw in the picture there, is a military mom. my dad was in for 32 years. my dad was gone for a year, and my mom had four little can kids on a base, working part time, handling everything. there's not enough credit given to military moms who serve as
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well when their husbands or wives serve. and so anyway -- pete: the song is dear mom. go check it out. rachel: awesome. pete: we want to bring you one other mother's day trend which we're being told is calls ap anti-mother's day -- [laughter] moms who love their kids but want to spend mother's day away from their kids. ray to so, no, no, no, they want to be with their kids, and what they want is to not have grandmothers -- oh, that's not this one. pete: that's not this one. rachel: oh, i thought this was the other one. okay, we'll get to that one. pete: it's a trend away from the sweet, albeit stale traditions. it grans mom a mini me time to sleep, gnosh, what a tease that mean? shop or do absolutely nothing. rachel: so get away from your kids on mother's day -- pete: as a gift for mother's day. rachel: i really have to ponder on this one a little bit.
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[laughter] pete: here is a quote. one mom said my husband booked me a one-night stay the saturday before mother's day. i took a long you are shower, watched whatever i wanted on tv, scrolled through peaceful media, treated myself to dinner and caught a broadway show. it was the best mother's day gift ever. rachel: i'm not going to lie, that doesn't sound terrible. pete: and then she was back home on sunday to see the kids. charlie: you know what my rule is? every day is mother's day -- pete: oh, here we go. rachel: charlie, i thought you were better than this. [laughter] pete: he just goes right to the hearts of every mom in america -- charlie: that's our rule. that's my rule if in my house. rachel: what do you say? do you think moms deserve a day off from everybody, not from just not doing the dishes, but just getting away? charlie: yeah, of course. every day. [laughter] pete: every day. rachel: they should get away every day. charlie: yeah. pete: all right, every day. just take the year off. rachel: we want to hear what you
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guys think. so e-mail us what you're doing for mother's day and maybe what a you think about this new trend, maybe the day before mother's day getting a break from the entire family. pete: a little bit of time off. moms deserve it. let us know, all right, a ride to are remember. thousands participating in a 4-day bike to honor our fallen heroes. rachel: the tour's founder join sws us next from the road. ♪ ♪ ♪ missing out on the things you love because of asthma? get back to better breathing with fasenra, an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma that is taken once every 8 weeks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. step back out there with fasenra. ask your doctor if it's right for you.
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can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. pete: this morning thousands are participating in a remarkable jury to honor fallen law enforcement. the police unity tour, a 4-day cycling trip, runs nearly 30000 miles from -- 3000 mile -- 3000 miles -- 300 miles. we are joined by the tour's founder. pat, thank you so much for being here. tell us about police unity tour. what is it and how could they help? if? >> thank you very much and, fist, let me say happy mother's day to all the mothers out will and for the riders out here to make sure that they say happy
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mother's day to all their loved ones and make sure they have a blessed day. it's really an honor to have the opportunity to stand before you to explain a little bit about the police unity tour. it's been around 28 years, this is our 28th ride. we raised over $35 million for the national law enforcement officers memorial in washington d.c. it started in 1997 with 18 riders, and today we'll be riding into washington, d.c. with 2100 riders with a check for over $2 million to make sure we represent and honor the memories of our fallen. pete: wow. $22 million this year -- 2 million this career alone are, 35 million plus for the law enforcement memorial fund. why did you start it in the first place? >> it starts to, you know, when you go to officers' funerals and you see random ones that are in the media, you know, not all the stories are being told, you know? we're the only memorial in washington, d.c. that continues to grow with. if each and every year -- each
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and every year in may during police week, we add officers' names. we just want the community that we serve and want to serve to understand our sacrifices. we go out each and every day, these officers behind me go out each and every day to make sure that all your lives are safe, and they do the best they can. but they put their lives on the line to do so. so this tour honors their memories, it honors the stories, it honors the legacy of law enforcement, but most of all we learn from it so we can keep our officers safe and alive as we motivate forward. pete: pat, we had some dark years with defunding police and impugning the jobs that police do. do you think we're coming out of that? and an effort like this is part of reminding people how special law enforcement is. >> you know, i'll tell you something that, you know, you see a lot of different things where, you know, you think that people don't support law enforcement, you see political things that go on about, you know, what is going on around us, but i e believe as you see us riding through many towns, four states, one district, you
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see people outside clapping for us, engaging with us, us communicating with them and making sure that, you know, they understand why we're doing it. this is not a demonstration, this is something that we do to honor our falling. but when we're out there, we're a large force, group of people, and we're cutting through and causing a lot of traffic. but with that creates education. and education, we understand and learn what we truly do. you know, we're human beings as a law enforcement. we are exactly like everybody else. we make mistakes. but we also protect you when we do it with honor and dignity. pete: very well said. the web site is police unity this year's tour wrapping up soon, but you can donate, you can participate, you can look at a joining next year as a well, police unity pat montuore, thank you for your time, your service and to all the men and women riding with you, we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. and i would be remiss not to say right behind me are offer officers from floppen park, and they're the next generation to
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make sure that all of the stories moving forward, as i said, it's a living memorial. we put officers' names on that wall every year, and behind me is the people, the the officers that will continue that tradition far after me and far after them as well. i'd like to say god bless the officers that are out there serving us each and every day with honor and respect, and to the family9s out there serving with them, god bless you and thank you for allowing us to do the job to serve our public. pete: love it. thank you, pat, appreciate it. >> thank you. pete: more "fox & friends" in a moment. like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming inner-springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets at
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help moms in need. this happened in new jersey. take a look. ♪ >> every life diaper is the only pro-life diaper company in the country. they're here right now partnered with the bridge women's center to give away 200,000 diapers to 1,000 women. >> every other diaper company on the market is supporting abortion either vocally or financially, so me as a brand new mom and a couple other families said we could not set on the sidelines. we wanted to create a hopeful solution, so we started every life in july of last year. we're nine month old, and we're the fast ifest growing -- >> i was one of the babies in my mom's womb that was going to get aborted, ask and someone spoke up for me. rachel: why are you a miracle baby? >> at 20 weeks they told us that his heart wasn't, like, the arteries weren't correct, they weren't crisscrossed like they normally are. rachel: sure. >> so they ended up on day two
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of him being born, they gave him surgery, open heart surgery, but they actually did at my 20 weeks ask me if i wanted to abort him -- rachel: at 202 weeks they asked you? >> the ultrasound, and they were like, oh, he could have adhd, he could have other problems, and then they start talking about abortion, my other options, and i was very upset. >> as soon as we went through that first process of taking the first bill -- pill, me and joanna knew that we made the wrong decision. rachel: having immediate regrets. >> i i just was pleading with god, please, please, save the baby. >> if you have an abox -- abortion, you'll live with that regret, and you'll never regret with having the baby. >> 200,000 diapers, and with the first 11,000 that show up, a whole month's supply. this is why we exist. know that they're a blessing. >> i'm so stoked to be a part of the every life brand, and i
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became a mother about nine years ago a, and i have four littles. i just wanted to be a part of a life-affirming movement, you know? my life has, i've overcome so much, and i just want to inspire more moms to know that they can overcome. rachel: we're in front of one of the bridge women with's center's mobile unit. we're going to step inside because with we actually have a woman who's having an ugh that -- ultrasound right now who's allowing us to be with her as she goes through the her ultrasound. come on in. what are you feeling right now? >> i feel good. i'm excited. rachel: how far along with you? >> i'm three months so is, i'm, like 16 weeks? rachel: what happens to women and men when they see that ultrasound? >> we've had from tears to shock , so where it's disbelief. but immediately it's, like, i want my bane by, you know? and -- baby. and then we're, like, pray we them. and when they want to -- when
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they say they're going to keep their baby, we cry and rejoice with them. >> once you see that life on that screen, this -- i can't even imagine what a place we were in that we would have not chose life. pete: whoa. rachel: you guy, i cannot tell you enough about this experience. it was so inspirational. first of all, those mobile units are incredible. they have two of them, the bridge -- and, by the way, they work with you with, this, it's a church many new jersey. they said they've had you there before. anyway, they have two of these mobile units, jacob and hannah, and they park in front of abortion clinics. charlie: oh, wow. rachel: they encourage the women to come in and see what the planned parenthood and abortion clinics won't show them, which is the truth, what's inside of them, their baby. so what was with incredible was how many dads were there. we met dads who had, the man how jaw right there the -- you saw
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right there. he had gone into an abortion clinic with his wife, they took the pill, the chemical abortion because now 50% of all abortions are chemical abortion. they came out, they were so so regretful. he said, we didn't know what to do, you know when you don't know how to fix your dishwasher and you google it? the same thing. in the abortion clippic they said once you take that pill, you've got to take the second one. they didn't listen. they googled, they found a reversal pill. this unit came up to their house, helped them. they got the reversal pill, and they're holding that baby. perfect child. and they reversed the abortion. so they're doing abortion pill reversals, they're helping women, you know, by being at the clinic and helping them make a more informed decision. and the incredible part is when the men if see the ultrasound, they become more pro-life and wanting the keep the baby than even the women because that instinct in men to protect their
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own comes -- pete: i didn't know that company, every life. what a great concept. i didn't realize other diaper companies were giving to -- rachel: every life -- charlie: seems like a self-defeating prophesy -- pete: you'd think. rachel: every life donated a year of diapers to jonathan diller's widow, the officer who died tragically from a criminal a few months ago. pete: check 'em out. you now have another option. rachel: every life diaper. they come right to your door. you can just order them. it's a great gift for a new mom. pete: nearly 100,000 supporters flocking to donald trump's rally in deep blue new jersey if. rachel: that's right. the trump campaign's press secretary, carolyn leavitt, a new mom to be, is here as the former president aims to flip the garden state. pete: good morning, how you doing in. >> i'm well, how are you? ♪ ♪
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♪ finish if. >> we are going to officially play in the state of new jersey. we're going to win the state of new jersey. [cheers and applause] got a great group of people with us, an incredible group of people. we're also looking really great in the state of minnesota if which hasn't been won since
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1952, and we're leading in the polls. and the state of virginia and actually many of the states. i don't know, could be all of them. [laughter] pete: that's president donald trump predicting a massive red wave this november as 100,000 supporters turn out for him in new jersey, the largest political rally ever in the but state. rachel: trump 2024 national press secretary karoline leavitt joins us now. it looked pretty epic. >> it was epic. night was absolutely wild in wildwood, new jersey -- rachel: perfect name. >> the spokeswoman for the city came out and said there was more than 1000,000 people -- 1010,000 people in attendance. there were thousands lining the streets as we came into the city and left. and this is in deep blue new jersey, a state that joe biden won, a state that has been run by democrats for decades. do we think that joe biden could go to deep red alabama and pull a crowd like this?
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[laughter] rachel: i don't think he could do it in new jersey. >> no, he couldn't. and a colossal shift taking place. people in democrat-run city cities are realizing their policies have made their lives more ebb, pencive, less safe. you heard that a from lawrence taylor who was on the stage last night. he said he and his family have voted democrat their well life, they're never doing it again request. we are witnessing the greatest movement in history, and joe biden's campaign should be terrified because i blue states like new jersey, virginia and minnesota are in play. we are on offense. charlie: looking at that scene, you realize this is the why democrats are so afraid of trump. they're terrifyinged of him, because nobody on their side could draw -- pete: a tenth of that. charlie: exactly. the old adage is that, you know, campaigns that are having fun are usually the winning campaigns. >> yeah. charlie: it looks like so much fun. [laughter] >> it's so much fun. it's like a concert. it's like an event. and if there's so much spirit and enthusiasm and love from the
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people at these rallies. and they come from all walks of life. like i said, nfl legend lawrence taylor taking the stage last night. there were moms with their babies there celebrating mother's day with their families. we saw law enforcement, of course, actually when we were driving into the rally, the city of wildwood fire department were stand standing on the sidewalk saluting the president outside of the fire department. just so many moments that you would never see for joe biden's campaign. he walks on a stage, shuffles on a stage, talks for 15 minutes and then is heckled by angry people. rightfully so, because his policies have hurt people. president trump if's message of bringing unity to this country through success is inspiring, it's hopeful, and people need that right now. pete: yeah. one name that came up on stage last night who also spoke before the event, here's a portion of it. >> you won't find if anybody better than this gentleman in terms of his knowledge of -- you know, he made his none money in technology, but he probably knows more about energy than anybody if i know.
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so get ready for something, okay? if just get ready. but doug burgum has been incredible, and the country's lucky to have him. pete: i know it's donald trump's choice alone and we can speculate, but is -- how about a timeline of when he may choose a vp? >> well, the republican national convention is coming up soon, right, in a couple to to d of months, president trump has said he will make his decision later this summer, and in true fashion, he will go directly to the american people to do that. governor burgum was with us last night, he introduced the president. he's been a fantastic above for his state. there's a lot of great options on the table. what i will say is any one with of them will be much better than kamala harris, that is for sure. rachel: that's a very low bar to cross there. [laughter] first of all, i want to say congratulations to you, you're going to have your first child in july. you can't tell -- >> thank you. happy mother's day to you. rachel: so moms have been really hurt by this economy. families have been really hurt. and the campaign, the trump
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campaign has been trying to point that out. so talk to us about that. >> yeah. well, first of all, joe biden's campaign can't even define what a woman is -- [laughter] and they'll call us birthing people instead of mothers, which is what we are. and what's worse than that is his policies that have really hurt working families. he's created the worst with inflation crisis in a generation. the cost of diapers and formula, food, represent, gasoline skyrocketing because of joe biden's economic policies. and you look at his immigration policies that have made the lives of women and families more dangerous in rural america and especially in democrat-run cities. you look at his open border or, he's allowed an invasion of illegal criminal into this country. what has happened to laken riley in georgia or ruby garcia in michigan, maddie hines, the 3-year-old young girl who was killed by an illegal immigrant drunk driver, president trump has met with laken riley's mother, that's every mother's
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worth nightmare, to lose your child at the hands of an illegal. joe biden has turned that nightmare into a reality, and president trump promises safety, peace and security for moms and for working families x. that's why we're seeing a shift in the polling with women across this country who realize there's only one option on the ballot who's going to make the lives of their children safer and better, and that's president trump. pete: well, if new jersey, virginia and minnesota if really are in play, it would be an historic election. >> it's going to be. charlie: i love how people are talking about we did this in wildwood instead of pennsylvania. if a republican is talking about winning pennsylvania, it's over. >> that's a good point. and there were a lot of new jersey if folks there, you could hear it in the accepts. pete: -- in the accents. pete: happy mother's day. >> good to see you guys. pete: let's check in with adam adam klotz who's got a fox weather forecast and an umbrella. adam: a soggy day out here on fox square, maybe a good day to
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make your mom breakfast in bed. let's dive right into that forecast and talk about it. temperatures largely 50s, of 60s, a couple spots getting closer to 7700 degrees. if you're in the rain, that's not comfortable. the big weather story has been the solar storm. you see how active it was getting up towards the 9. that is down a little bit, still some possibility of activity the next couple of days as we're in an active period. here's your forecast for the rest of mother's day, rainy where i'm standing, back across portions of the gulf coast, texas, running up into portions of the plains states. but the south, the southeast, the midwest and, of course, the west is all looking beautiful here on this mother's day. those are your weather headlines. for now, tossing back inside to you guys. pete: thank you, adam. all right. you've got to be kitten me. [laughter] charlie says he's strictly a dog person only, but we're paws-itively sure he's going to change his mind.
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adorable -- look at, he's already melting. he's in love. charlie: that's purr-f if ect. pete: yep. coming up next. ♪ got it from some kitty next door ♪ at kubota orange days. it's the year's biggest selection of kubota tractors, zero-turn mowers and utility vehicles, including the #1 selling compact tractor in the usa. plus, the year's best deals, like 0% apr for 84 months, or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ )
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♪ ♪ pete: we are celebrating the special moms of our staff on this mother's day. this is playback operator amy with her kids, samantha, jade and julie. charlie: and this is writer caroline with her mom maura. rachel: and a fun mother's day throwback from senior field produce or samantha with her sister and her dad and mom super. susan. and this one from producer tim pictured with his parents, tim sr. and charmaine if. shar charlie and pete agree on many things, but when it comes the favorite pets, they fight like cats and dogs. pete: yep. but how could you not love these adorable little kittens? [laughter] joining us is aspca adoption center senior behavior manager audie with mandarin, grapefruit -- >> and tangerine.
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pete: thank you so much for being here. >> thank you for having us. pete: tell charlie why cats are the best. >> cats are amazing. these little guys are just six weeks to old. they're not quite ready e for adoption, but they will be in a few weeks. they're just hanging out in foster. charlie: don't get me wrong, i like cats in theory, but in reality though i'm just never -- pete: here, take it. rachel: tell us what your cat hesitation is. charlie: first of all, they eat birds. i e just -- >> they do. charlie: prolificically eat birds. >> well, we'll focus on the indoor cat today. the indoor cats don't eat birds, and many can actually live -- charlie: but they like to be outside. pete: they do like to be outside. i have indoor/outdoor cats -- rachel: this cat really likes you, charlie. [inaudible conversations] charlie: if you don't like a cat, cats are attracted to you. i'm staying at a hotel here in the city that has a cat, the cat
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won't leave me alone. every time i sit down in the lobby, the cat comes up and follow ifs me around. it's because he knows i don't like cats. pete: is that true? >> they do like the ones who play hard to get. these guys are quite social and cuddly, and if that's because they're in foster and getting socialized. and foster fostering's so important because we're seeing such an influx. these guys are just one of many kitten,s that we've got at the aspca nursery e in new york city. rachel: pete, make the case for cats. pete: you know, charlie, dogs are like having another kid. and if you have, if you don't want another kid who's an animal, then you can get a cat who you can leave alone for a couple days if you want. give them some water and you always give them a9 lot of -- charlie: kittens don't smell like puppies. >> you look like a natural. charlie: i like animals, i love an malignants, i just -- rachel: cat pee is9 another thing. charlie: if you can give me a
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cat that was trained to go to the bathroom in a toilet, i might be -- pete: my cats mostly go to the bathroom outside. they're indoor/outdoor. charlie: then they eat the birds. pete: last word. people can adopt these kittens -- not these, but others. >> people can check out the cats and kittens that we've got in new york and our los angeles programs, and, yeah, if you're interested in fostering, which is a great way to see if you want to live with a little kitten -- pete: you look like a great foster parent. >> -- we'll e get you started. pete: thank you for your time. [inaudible conversations] rachel: look at this. pete: a huge show -- charlie: i'm a natural a on tv. pete: these cats, we may not let them leave. rachel: we'll stick around. pete: good job, charlie.ings rachel: we have a huge showne, still ahead. more "fox & friends" moments away. in finish people who care
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