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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  May 12, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief.
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>> the prosecution has called 19 witnesses so far. the most significant one is expected to take to the stand tomorrow. michael cohen. given a stern warning from the
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judge on friday. the judge said while he cannot subject michael cohen and other witnesses to a gag order he did tell prosecutors to let them know key is being ordered from the bench to stop talking about the case. this comes after he repeatedly used tiktok to live stream his commentary on the trial and can't trump despite repeated warnings from the prosecutors to also stop. he stream to from the apple wearing a t-shirt with the photo of trump with him behind the bars. the former president has already been fined a total of $10,000 for violating a gag order that keeps him from talking about witnesses. he has been warned that he faces jail time if he violates it again. a perjurer at the center of the prosecution case. accused of falsifying business records to hide reimbursements made to : who was made to stormy daniels. talking about unlawfully
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influence to the election. trump has denied it. former acting attorney general matt whitaker says while michael cohen is expected to be the star witness he is not sure how a jury will receive him. >> michael cohen will come to the stand with more baggage and will fit up there with him. as a convicted felon in perjurer , he will have a hard time telling a story that is not completely impeachable. are you laying now or were you lying then? >> it appears the prosecution has anticipated that catch on michael cohen's credibility and character. submitting testimony from those who settled the stand a lot to watch for. >> thank you very much. >> tens of thousands of people
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turned out to support president trump at a rally yesterday at the jersey shore. joined by north dakota governor. hours after he denied rumors he was considering nikki haley to be his vice president. >> trump is bullish about his prospects in jersey even though we know with it being our home stated is not considered a battleground state. his team pointing to the crowd of people that gathered saturday as a sign that the momentum in the garden state. the proximity only about 90 minutes away. allowing the campaign to reach voters in what is considered a key swing state, pennsylvania. hitting things like the economy and protest on college campuses. a message has supporters think will vote in the area. promising tax cuts across the board if he wins in november. >> i will give you a trump middle-class upper-class lower-class business class bay
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-- big tax cut. you will have the biggest tax cut. we were all set to do them. recent speculation that he could be on the short list. >> they made their money and technology. he probably knows more about energy than anybody else. get ready. just get ready. >> telling the crowd to get ready. a spokesperson telling fox and friends this when it comes to the former presidents pick for a running mate. >> former president trump said he will make his decision later this summer. he will go directly to the american people to do that. there are a lot of great options on the table. >> trump claims nikki haley is not among those options. he dismissed that over the
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weekend. >> he needs to do something to bring the voters back on the floor. >> we will follow it. thank you very much. israeli military issuing new evacuation orders for rafa. stephanie bennett is tracking the story. >> that is right. forcing palestinians to move once again. more than 300,000 people have fled the city rafa since the operation began. that is according to the main united nations agency. the city has held more than 1 million displaced people seeking shelter from israeli attacks. israel could launch a full-scale offensive in the city. there are few places to go. >> words cannot describe how we feel right now. people that were forced to flee
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from northern gaza to the south. people living in the south have to flee to the central part. life is extremely difficult, unbearable. >> benjamin netanyahu and his military leaders safety operations are two main goals. eliminating hamas and getting those hostages back. negotiations have failed to produce a second cease-fire. >> it seems operation, we have eliminated dozens of terrorists. ex post terror tunnels, vast amounts of weapons. >> black smoke was seen early this morning as heavy fighting continues in northern gaza as well. a top military spokesman said the air force was carrying out airstrikes overnight. palestinians in the north and surrounding areas have been told to leave for shelters in the west of gaza city and warned that israel would strike in great wars. israeli military revisiting those northern areas which they
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had already attacked earlier last year. back to you, mike. >> thank you very much. >> president biden facing mounting pressure over causing a shipment from israel. lucas tomlinson is live from the white house with the latest. hello, lucas. >> that is right. something president biden is not going far enough. some on the right say this is sending the wrong message to israel. >> israel has no choice but to destroy rafa. i always believed that biden unfortunately now part of the pro- hamas wing of the party, he is worried about winning a presidential election. >> reporting the biden the in the station working early to save off a full evasion of rough including sensitive intelligence to help the military pinpoint the location of leaders and find
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the groups and totals according to four people. here is tom cotton earlier about that report. >> john kirby breathed the other day sharing intelligence including the location. who has not been killed in the seven months of this war. >> it was in the washington post with four officials familiar with it. the washington post is like the message board for this administration a democratic party. >> you believe they are withholding information. >> i believe joe biden is willing to do that. he has imposed a de facto arms on israel. >> the middle east visited israel amid the counterpart not clear how much intelligence was shared. some pointing about president reagan. others say it is far different today after 1200 israelis were slaughtered. hundreds remain in captivity today including some americans.
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>> live on the north lawn, thanks a lot. four more on this, south carolina republican congresswoman nancy may spirited congresswoman, welcome. >> thank you for having me today >> let's start with some sound from secretary of state antony blinken and i will get you to react to it. >> particularly the early months after october 7 and when it comes to the use of weapons, concerns about incidents where given the totality of the damage that has been done to children, women, men, it was reasonable to assess that in certain instances israel acted in ways that is not consistent. >> you are on the armed services committee, is it appropriate for president biden to be withholding weapons from our allies israel. >> this is about good versus evil and joe biden needs to pick
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a side. i hope like heck that he chooses the side of good here. we should not be holding out weapon arms or aid to israel that is fighting this front, fighting this war against the israel. we should be supporting the allied that is been supporting us for years now. supporting them in every way shape or form that we humanly possible he can. >> on to play some sound. >> for us to step in and say you cannot go into rafa and finish the job i think is tantamount to an arms embargo. it is also very similar for us to say you can invade all the way into berlin, but you cannot go into berlin to finish a job. >> your colleague from florida is preparing articles of impeachment against the president on this issue. where are you on possible impeachment of withholding those
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weapons from israel. >> i will have to read the articles of impeachment first before i make a decision on that i do not know enough information at this time. there will not be peace in the middle east we have a president that is trying to be the first male member of aoc the spot who pays lip service to both israel and terrorists abroad who cannot even condemn anti-semitism on college campuses, cannot condemn violence on their own campuses in the united states. there will not be peace when there is such weakness in the white house. i believe we all need to be working together to get donald trump reelected so he can bring peace back to the world and these wars happening and keep america safe and our allies safe >> let's talk about the house republican conference. you are one of the republicans that took action to help remove kevin mccarthy as speaker. taking similar action this week. it seemed to blow up in her face
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what do you make of that? >> the votes were not there. i listen to people back home in south carolina. they want us to unite and come together. they see what is happening around the country. talking about men and women's locker rooms. high inflation, over 9 million people coming across the border. they want to make sure we're doing everything we can to keep the white house and flip the senate. dividing our party right now at this time does not get us there. all of our efforts should be united together and make sure that donald trump wins. when he wins big the rest of us can win. we can put the senate make the majority in the house. i believe mike johnson is keeping his promises and he will work towards that. we have unite. we have to come together. >> the vote was 359-43 which is pretty staggering considering how polarized things are right
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now. is it over, should marjory taylor green be punished for her fines? >> i believe everyone has a right to their own opinion. the right to the first amendment i disagreed with her but i don't think she should be punished. whether you are democrat or republican, we all have the right to our own speech in our own opinions. what i am encouraging because i'm listening to the american people, stop the and writing. it is time to come together now and unite as a party and show leadership. we can only do that when we are working together. a massive amount of spending as we have in years past. listening to women and we show women that we care. there is a lot of steak in november. it is our country that is at stake. i want to show the world and our nation that we have leaders that can win and leaders that can get
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us out of the mess that joe biden created. >> the great state of south carolina. happy mother's day. thank you for taking time out of your special day to be with us. >> likewise. happy mother's day to all the moms out there. >> they hundred 50 people killed in afghanistan. 1600 people injured from the flash floods that began this week due to heavy rains that caliban economy ministers urging the united nation and private business to provide support for those hit hard by the floods. coming out victorious in the eurovision song contest last night. the event this year has been thrust in the political spotlight with calls to israel to be excluded over its military campaign in gaza. last night's winner celebrated after the show. >> i did not just break the code , i also broke the trophy. i broke my thumb as well.
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[laughter] it is okay. it is okay. it is okay. [laughter] i got a new one. >> congratulations to switzerland on this when did tens of thousands of georgians match -- marched in the capital against the government's foreign israel bill. hundreds rallied. critics including the u.s. state department say the kremlin inspired bill is incompatible with the country's democratic values. a similar law has been used in russia to clamp down on dissent since 2012. anti-israel campus protest continuing into the weekend during commencement ceremonies. more on the challenges facing law enforcement as encampments are being s next.
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three atlanta police officers were shot last night after responding to a call about in individual armed with the gun and knife. one shot in the shoulder and another suffered a leg wound. all three officers expected to recover. the suspect was killed. a group of pro- palestinian demonstrators interrupted the commencement ceremony on saturday. some of them were escorted out
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of the stadium where they began protesting outside. no major counter protest but some attendees voiced frustration over the interruption. virginia commonwealth university some graduating students walked out on saturday as the governor began his commencement speech. the students left silently. the republican governor of virginia did not address the walkout in his remarks. hundreds of anti-israel protesters taking over the manhattan bridge last night. demonstrators linked arms and walked on the bridge blocking cars and traffic. they have not confirmed how many arrests were made. four more on the challenges facing police officers at anti- israel protests i'm joined by lieutenant and founder -- welcome to washington. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me.
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god with campus protest when you consider balancing their first amendment rights with, of course , public safety. >> law enforcement officers have been using amazing restraint. they are literally following the orders. the orders can be confusing because without a centralized command, when i talk about a centralized command, when the law enforcement leadership itself is not calling the caught -- costs, but they are taking the orders from campus security, administration, it is really a mess. somebody has to be in the lead at what is happening is there is mass confusion and so we are seeing the empowering of these disruptors who are very often professional disruptors. >> i want to play a clip for my colleague and i will get you to react to it.
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>> monday ucla police detained 40 protesters and masks carrying mental pipes, chains, epoxy, padlocks and documents encouraging vandalism. one more radical guide shows how to confront police and break into buildings using broke -- crowbars and electric saws. >> what does that tell you about the level of organization behind these protests, at least at ucla >> getting more dangerous. they are becoming more emboldened by the fact that they are getting away with literally anything that they want. this should be frightening to every american. this call for violence is only going to escalate. we will see more and more violent as these organized disruptors get more and more power. remember, powerful forces at work here. very well-funded opportunists did their literally running rampant.
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>> national police week starts today here in washington. great time to honor our law enforcement heroes. why is this so important? >> probably one of the most time honored traditions and law enforcement in america. the name of every single law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty in this nation. literally 25-30, maybe 40,000 police officers from around the world will be descending on washington, d.c. i was already at the memorial today. the emotion. remember, all of the family, the survivors are going to be here and every name of every officer killed in the line of duty last year will be unveiled at the memorial. there will be a candlelight vigil which if you have never witnessed, one of the most emotional things you could ever
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see. twenty-five-30,000 police officers raising their candles while these names are read. it is a huge honor, but it is also a very somber time. as the founder of the wounded blue which handles the injured and endangered officers the number of officers killed in the line of the duty was 137. the number of officers physically assaulted and injured in the line of duty was over 60,000. the line police officers 378. more than one every day. this year so far we will surpass that. this is a time here where america can rally behind their law enforcement officers. that is one of the things i wanted to talk about. i am so proud that the country music community has said, you know what, we will show the law
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enforcement community that we care. some of the biggest stars in country music. more than 30 have signed beautiful guitars like this to help raise money for the wounded blue. i urge anybody that is a country music fan, guitars for you can get an incredible signed guitar by one of these incredible country music stars. guitars for and that money goes to help injured and disabled law enforcement officers. >> god bless you for the great work you are doing. think you, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> a young fisherman that slipped into a group of sharks. we will have that story after the break. ♪
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24-year-old deckhand slipped off a dock and into a group of about
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20 sharks in the bahamas and somehow made it out with his limbs intact. madison is live with the story. >> to sharks attacked him last month and he is now recovering in west palm beach. he has been working on both end in the water for most of his life and says the shark infested waters by the marina where he fell in is the worst he has ever seen. listen. >> when i step on the boat the boat surged. my foot slipped off the covering board and when i did up in the water i pretty much knew what was going to happen. when he bit me i knew what was going on. >> wakeman says there is a fillet table right in the middle of the marina and all the fishermen throw fish scraps in the water. as you can imagine there are dozens of sharks around pretty much constantly there. he tried pulling himself back on the boat as another shark went
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in for a bite on his back. there was just a graze there. the first shark chewed up his entire leg. it was seven-8 feet long and the bite just missed major arteries. doctor sayed is a miracle he is alive and he will recover. he will just have some nasty scars and of course a heck of a story. >> the fact that there were 20 sharks in their and you were able to get out of there and still have a leg is amazing and i think it shows how quickly he reacted and that he did not panic. >> beach season is of course underway or right around the corner. be on the lookout. just a great white shark siding off the coast of alabama. researchers spotted the great white shark near mobile. the second time that shark has been spotted in just the past few weeks. scientists say that they are becoming more common off the coast of places like new england
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and california but in alabama, that is pretty rare to see one there. back to you. >> thank you so much. >> a lot of fun. i thought they were loud. i thought they were into it. it is pretty unheard of. >> that was caitlin clark following her home-court debut where the fever won their final preseason game in front of 13,000 fans. many wearing quarks 22 jersey. her career tips off on tuesday evening. four more on the interest in the upcoming wnba season let's bring in a morning console. ellen, welcome. >> thanks so much. it is great to be here. selling out preseason games. some of her games being moved to larger arenas. what do you make of the caitlin clark impact on the wnba? >> it really cannot be
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overstated at this point. a generational talent. a figure in the women's game of basketball and women sports more broadly. selling out stadiums, moving merchandise like never before. more than anything just attracting media attention in the way that media sports has rarely seen in the last couple of decades. i think the wnba, we track consumer perceptions of their brand and they have been growing on a number of metrics. the numbers actually peaked in the q4 of last year coinciding with the end of their season. bottom line is wnba is already on an upward trajectory in a megastar like caitlin clark is coming at a great time to propel their brand even higher. >> the salary for her rookie season is modest. 76,535. my guess is marinas sellout,
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ratings go up and she moves a lot of merchandise, that will elevate all the players. >> this season will be a concept for the wnba to see if a megastar like caitlin clark and her cast of fellow 2024 draftees , angel reese, cameron brink to bring their own star power in their own right if they can sustain viewership they compete with a lot of other pro sports in that time frame along with summer vacation if they are able to sustain viewership, that will be a good stamp for approval. you can expect the salaries to go. they already announced chartering private flights for their team that is a huge start. definitely again, this will be a proven concept moment for the wnba. things will improve for the players going forward. >> disney plus will stream her pro debut.
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regular-season debut on tuesday night. if it connects, one would expect that would further drive revenue towards the league. >> absolutely. fever had only a few games televised last season. media networks have already committed to broadcasting 38, a vast majority of her regular-season games on national network. the commitment from the media broadcast into things is already there. if the fans show up in large numbers, that will continue to grow as well. >> into mega shoe contract. >> yes. that salary is definitely getting offset in some capacity here. >> it is great to have the. thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> artificial intelligence being used in the workplace to help reduce accidents and worker comp claims. one company using it to discover potentially dangerous situations
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in real-time. claudia joins us with more. >> ai is moving into factories and warehouses to help protect people that work around forklifts, conveyor belt and other heavy machinery. we checked out a machine just outside of sacramento. processes video recorded on the company's existing security cameras and highlights potential dangers. the colored boxes show where worker almost tripped over steel beams or got too close to a milk -- moving forklift. >> giving them something obvious to look at. a true example other than someone just like me saying you know you're not supposed to be standing next to that lift while it is moving. >> seeing up the worker risks hurting themselves for instance lifting heavy loads the wrong way. >> it is a set of tools that help companies understand the risks that their employees are
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exposed to and really engineered that risk out of the facility to prevent accidents from happening >> the technology scans hours of visual data and then safety recommendations. there is no facial recognition here. the idea is not to punish anyone but reduce accidents and lower worker's comp. planes. depending on the size of the area being monitored, the price tag ranges from a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars but somewhere lace accidents like a back injury can cost more than that over time in a workplace that can run into the millions. employees we spoke to say they appreciate this added level of information. they say they can see where the hidden dangers are and learn how to avoid them to get home safe. >> reporting live, happy mother's day. thanks so much. >> thanks, mike. former president trump drawing a massive crowd last night from the jersey shore. more from the rally after the break.empl
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return the money, joe. they raise plenty of money. when i'm president i will not allow our colleges to be taken over by violent radicals. >> campus protest linking the unrest to biden's campaign. let's bring in the political panel. chief communications director and president brad howard. happy sunday, welcome. >> thank you. >> what do you make of that line from the former president yesterday. >> right on target. look at who is funding all of these protesters. all a bunch of donors from the democratic party. they are the rank and file, the base of the democratic party. i think joe biden and all democrats own them.
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>> we will get you to weigh in. >> i got indicted four times in a period of three seconds. any time there is a plane that falls over, if my plane flies over a blue state the following day i get subpoenaed to go before a grand jury. we did something you don't do. you do that in third world countries and banana republics. >> is that okay making fun of his legal troubles? >> distinctive legal and political troubles. a decent political strategy to call your trial or whatever. he's not just indicted in blue states he is also indicted in florida. blaming his legal problems on other people when really the only universal theme -- he has 91 indictments. he is the one on trial for illegally getting hush money payments to a former porn star. these are his problems.
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this is not some huge national effort to take him out. ironic to me that republicans who accused biden of being a competent somehow incompetent to put on this entire scheme to put donald trump in jail. >> we are three weeks into this thing and we still don't know what lock he apparently broke. none disclosure agreements are not illegal. paying your lawyer not illegal. >> what is illegal. >> listed as pest control. >> using it for an fec expenditure. >> they did not find it was a crime. >> you have to tell me how 2017 payments affected the 2016 election. >> that is when the payments were made was after. >> michael cohen due to testify tomorrow. how damaging could he be, mark?
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>> he is a convicted known serial liar. a judge just called him a serial perjurer. i have a feeling you are basing your entire credibility here, your entire case which is already shaky on this guy. >> what are you expecting from michael cohen? >> who knows. he has a lot of credibility issues. the whole basis of the legal case. at the end of the day, this is not about hush money payments. it's not about whether he had adult relations with the film star. it is a case about business transactions and where they illegally used to influence the election in 2016 to keep this news under wraps. it was a big deal. it probably would've ended donald trump's campaign. >> let me push back. what have they proven so far? it feels like it is an effort to
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embarrass him with everybody watching. >> you will start to see a shift to the actual paper trail of stuff. we have not seen that yet. most of what was testified about is probably irrelevant to what we are actually talking about here but it had to set the context. >> he had people that worked very closely with the president in the white house about how damaging this would have been to missus trump in the family. it will be very hard to make that case in front of a jersey -- jury. >> you fellows are just getting started so well done. the bribery trial for bob and dan dez in the great state of new jersey set to begin this week. that is next. >> certain areas in american history. fortunes were made rules were broken and legends were born. this was an age of outlaws and
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lawmen. >> howdy bob. >> business is done here. >> some were heroes and some were villains and that is where the fun begins need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪
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new jersey democratic senator goes on trial tomorrow in federal court in manhattan. he faces 16 criminal counts of corruption. chad program has more. >> bob menendez is accused of using his authority as chairman of the foreign relations committee to pedal influence with the government of egypt and cawdor. helping new jersey businessmen. the senator says he is innocent. >> all i can ask is to withhold judgment until justice takes place. >> alleging menendez also scored a mercedes-benz. the senator relinquished his gavel as chairman of the foreign relations panel and is running for reelection as an independent some democrats may ignore the trial. >> i will be waiting for the verdict. >> have you talked to them
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lately about the trial? >> i've not discussed it in any detail. >> disappointing many of his colleagues. they claim to a narrow senate majority. chuck schumer gives the same answer when pressed about menendez. >> should he be expelled? >> the senate has standardized to proper behavior and senator menendez behavior has pulled way below that. >> this is the second federal corruption trial for menendez. indicting the senator nine years ago for failing to disclose gifts. a jury could not reach a verdict >> giving it my all every day. it is not ruling out that at the trial. the opening statement could last more than two months. on capitol hill chad program fox
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news. >> let's bring back in today's political panel. the street group president brad howard. bob menendez in this election year is facing 16 criminal counts. what is the impact? >> whether it is -- you have accusations of influence peddling by the biden family. when i think, when you look at those folks out there just upset , they've had enough about gas prices, groceries, the border, you know what, i'm sick and tired for all of it. >> should you be pushed out by party leadership. >> strongly pushing back. george santos who was almost headed towards that. you have cases like this and others.
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apparently crime. i'm glad he's not running as a democrat. i don't think he is up to the standards i would want my democratic nominee to be. i have a great candidate that will be the nominee. he has a competitive, a good honest hard-working individual who was a great public servant. i think menendez will run for reelection. using it for the legal trials. a bargaining trip here. i think that is where we are headed. he will be a great u.s. senator. >> trump making noise about winning new jersey. could that have an impact? >> no. jersey is solid. they will not go read for the president anytime soon.
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>> you have 80,000 to 100,000 people coming out in new jersey. look what is going on. the construction workers in a couple weeks. a lot of middle-of-the-road democrat. we have to do something different. >> thank you so much before we go we want to take a moment to thank all the amazing bombs who raise the fox news live team. a happy mother's day to mallory 's mom cindy. executive producer kathy. associate producer there with his mom kimberly. associate producer mark and his mom linda. associate producer olivia with her mom sophia. associate producer mary with her mom heather and her grandmother lynn. alvin with his mom. associate producer with her mom
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and her teenage son. happy mother's day to non- updated lori caldwell and her grandkids. director kevin polly's mom. our prompter operator james mother barbara. i would like to wish my lovely wife a very happy mother's day. such a loving and caring mom for our children. remembering my mom. forever in our heart. (♪) the smooth riding, longest lasting pilot g2 has long been the hero of gel ink pens. and what hero doesn't have a dark side?
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