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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  May 12, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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cannot wait. >> there comes a time where you gotta be like life is not so bad we are still alive. i buddies that were killed. i am here and they are not geared my family does not have to grieve me for the rest of their lives. >> i just know that if i was speaking to them they would want me to keep going. work harder. >> that is the best way to honor their memory. >> injuries like that, they lost their life. it is about the community around them. for me that community was my wife. i want to reach out to her and say thank you. that is it for today thank you for joining us. ♪
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in so-called ironclad support, proving to be just another campaign talking point as the president threatens to hold back already congressionally approved weapons to israel. coming up, utah senator mike lee with the consequences for america's number one middle eastern ally as israel battles terrorists for its own survival. plus former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy recently in israel on biden's flip flop amidst a new fight within the gop over speaker mike johnson's tenure. then georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene is here to defend her stance. why? she is trying to push out another republican speaker, plus foreigners flooding the border every single day into america. arizona senate candidate kari lake, on biden's agenda and her chances to tip the senate majority come november. then a
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good excuse for the media not to report on biden's policy failures. trump on trial former acting u.s. attorney general matthew whitaker and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett on biden's department of justice prosecution of his presidential opponent, donald trump. it's all right here, right now on sunday morning, futures. and we begin this sunday morning with president biden's policies against israel and the president's decision to withhold u.s. military aid to israel if the israeli defense forces attack hamas terrorists in rafah. swift condemnation across the board from both sides of the aisle on capitol hill, with house republicans pushing for legislation to force the president's hand to deliver on america's promise to provide weapons to the us's closest ally in the middle east. over in the senate, pennsylvania democrat senator john fetterman says israel is fighting for its survival after
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hamas killed 1200 people in israel in an unprovoked terrorist attack on october 7th. when you have the kind of enemy that has no conditions or, you know, morals or decency or any kind of a bottom, and i don't think we should have any kind of conditions. and let's never forget, this is exactly how hamas designed this. those are cowards and rapists. and they hide behind civilians. joining me now in this sunday morning futures exclusive is utah senator mike lee, the ranking member of the senate joint economic committee. senator it's good to see you this morning. thanks very much for being here. i want to start off with your reaction to president biden threatening he's not going to send those shipments of weapons to israel if they go into rafah. yeah, maria, this is just reprehensible. you're taking a group of people who have been victimized. remember that there were thousands of people killed innocently, the innocent people who were killed in israel, men,
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women, children, even babies. and they're the victims now. they're being revictimized by, of all people, the united states of america. congress, moreover, has recently passed an aid package, an aid package i voted against because, among other things, it spent too much on on other countries. and because i was concerned that the aid wouldn't actually make it to israel. well, lo and behold, a lot of it's not going to israel, or at least it's being conditioned on israel not being able to defend itself. this is inexcusable. and i really don't know how joe biden can survive this. i think this is yet another indication, and it's time for change. at the white house. you know, i was speaking with some votes last night and, you know, they felt that this was a red line. they couldn't believe it. this was like the final straw. these were democrats and independents. do you think this is going to affect how people see the upcoming election without question, it will and it certainly should. look nothing calls out more for donald trump returning to the
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white house as the 47th president of the united states. quite like blunders like this one. and this one is a doozy. it's colossal because it demonstrates to the american people, and it demonstrates to people all over the world that we've got flawed, we've got inadequate, we've got ineffective, feckless leadership in the white house that has to come to an end. and that will happen, i believe, when americans go to the polls this november. senator, let me just look at this one story. i've got to get your take from the washington post. the washington post apparently got this leak from, i assume, the biden administration, but it says that the administration is working urgently to stave off a full scale israeli invasion of rafah. and they claim that they will give israel valuable lesson with this quote unquote, valuable assistance if it holds back, include saying the us will share sensitive intelligence to israel to help the israeli military pinpoint the location of the hamas leaders, to find them in hidden tunnels. so, in other words,
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the washington post is writing that israel, that that the united states will share information about where the terrorists are with israel if they don't go into rafah, are you kidding me? in other words, the us knows where the terrorists are. they're not going to share the information with israel unless israel doesn't go into rafah. this story is outrageous. in the washington post. the story is outrageous. the facts underlying it are tragic. look, this is extortion, we're saying we can help you locate your victims who have been kept under just horrible, horrific conditions. the worst anyone can imagine. we will share that information with you. if and only if you choose not to defend yourselves. we are revictimizing the victim nation here. this is terrible. and again, yet another reason why joe biden is unfit for office and americans need to elect donald trump. let's talk about the bill that you are pushing the save act and i want to get your take on a free and fair
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election come november. tell us about the save act. look, in our country, it's always been one citizen, one vote. and under federal law, only citizens are allowed to vote in federal elections. here's the tragic thing, maria. over the last three, three and a half years since the biden administration has been in power, they've led in about 12 million illegal aliens, or an estimated nearly 30 million non-citizens in the united states. currently, with the laws we have in place, the so-called motor voter law, the national voter registration act, you you do still have to be a citizen to vote, but the supreme court has interpreted it as prohibiting those at the state level who register people to vote from, requiring the production of evidence of documents proving citizenship, just like you have to show when you get, say, a passport.
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they're prohibited from asking for that. and so what that means is a person can fill out a form as long as they check the right box and sign their name and are willing to lie, they can vote in federal elections even if they're not citizens. and they couldn't prove it because they're not citizens. the safe act would fix that loophole. it would make sure that actually it is going to be american citizens voting in federal elections. it would require the states to go in and review their voter registration files and eliminate those who are not citizens. this is so important. and i know that the rnc and michael whatley and lara trump have been saying that a fair and transparent election is their number one priority. what kind of a reception are you getting on the save act from your colleagues? because you know, this wide open border has people questioning whether or not illegals are going to vote in the upcoming election? and what what is the motivation for the administration to keep this wide open border? ken paxton, the ag of texas, last week told
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me that he thinks when they cross the border, officials are giving them social security numbers and they're giving them voter registration sheets. what about that? do you have any evidence of that? so. well, yeah, it's happening all over the place. and in all 50 states. now, you can get a driver's license, without being a citizen. so that coupled with the motor voter law, means that it's going to be very, very easy if people requested and checked the box, to actually become a voter who can vote in federal elections. now, with respect to your question about the kind of reception it's getting universally, we republicans love it, i believe some democrats love it, but there are a number of democrats who are, belittling it and saying there's no need for it, because they come out and say, oh, well, of course it's already illegal, for non-citizens to vote. that's not the point. the point is that it's nearly impossible to enforce that law. and it's nearly impossible to stop people from cheating and just
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checking a box, signing their name, fraudulently claiming to be citizens. the safe act would fix that. we need to pass the safe act immediately, real quick on inflation, which was one of the topics last night for the president, president trump at his new jersey rally. wow. the pictures were extraordinary. of all of those people. senator, we are still looking at inflation up almost 20% on joe biden's watch. why well, this is the predictable foreseeable and in fact, by many of us actually foreseeing result of years of back to back multi trillion dollar deficits. it is no mystery what inflation is caused by. it's caused by the federal government spending too much money. it doesn't have effectively printing it. it makes every dollar go less far. it's why household after household in america on average is shelling out an additional $1,300 every month just to live. that's wrong. and that's another reason why we need donald trump as president. senator, it's good to see you this morning. thanks very much. we will see you soon. senator. mike lee in utah. thank you,
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sir. now over to the house where more than two dozen democrats told national security advisor jake sullivan on friday they were deeply concerned by the administration's decision to withhold weapons shipments to israel as it will only embolden america's enemies, including hamas, joining me right now with more on that is georgia congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, congresswoman, it's good to see you. thanks very much for being here. do you agree with the democrats that weapons should go to israel right now? maria, i went on record very early on saying that any time you give the biden administration a tool to use against israel, they are going to use it. and that's why i think that if you support israel, we should support them and their war on their terms and not allowing the biden administration to withhold money, not allowing the biden administration to have any kind of hook into israel. and i was right. literally, what i said would happen is happening now. but it's great to see israel.
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they're able to handle this on their own. they're continuing on with with their war and what they think they should do. you know, i'm i'm a i'm unapologetically all american. i think the border we should be focused on is our own southern border. and that's my focus. and you have been unable to secure the border. you meaning republicans. you have also been unapologetic about trying to take down speaker mike johnson. your motion failed last week. you're being criticized, congresswoman, because of the timing. we're six months away from an election, and you are, quote, creating disruption. what do you want to say to those people who are criticizing you for these efforts? thank you very much for that question. you know, the disruption, the chaos and the drama is in american people's lives. my friends aren't rich billionaires like many of the donors that that my colleagues only listen to. my friends and family are regular people in my constituents are regular people that are sick
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and tired of being kicked in the teeth. every single day by the stupid decisions in washington, d.c. you know, our wide open border is the only border we should be focused on, also, i asked mike johnson this week. i said, look, if you'll defund jack smith, then then i'll reconsider this motion to vacate. and he told playbook last week, no, he will not defund jack smith. the weaponized government is one of the most terrifying things we're seeing. president trump is being prosecuted not only by biden's department of justice. he's being prosecuted by radical d.a.s that are funded by george soros and multiple states, and this is this is something the american people are sick and tired of. they're fed up with republicans that will not defend president trump. and that started all the way back with special counsel robert mueller. so when i asked mike johnson, i said defund, jack smith and the special counsel, special counsel's have only been around for 25 years. maria, they're not baked in our constitution and our republican
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party if we want to own the majority. coming in january 2025, we need to prove to the american people that we're worth their vote. and so far right now, under mike johnson, we haven't proven that. so. so this is new because when we first talked about you trying to oust mike johnson, it was really about nancy pelosi's budget and continuing to spend without securing the border. but now you're talking about jack smith and defunding these indictments. let's take a look at what playbook reported. because you're right. playbook asked mike johnson about this. and mike johnson said that's not something you wave a wand and just eliminate the special counsel as a provision. there's a necessity for the function like that because sometimes he goes on to say that, let's see, sometimes the department of justice, which is an executive branch agency, can't necessarily, without a conflict of interest, investigate or prosecute the president who's their boss or their family. and he writes, he says, we followed
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up. so are you prepared to write language eliminating smith's job into the appropriations bills? his answer no, no, he will not eliminate the special counsel. look people are trying to figure out where is the crime, that that president trump committed as he sits in that manhattan courtroom all day. why do you think mike johnson won't defund jack smith? well, mike johnson is owned by the democrats. and that that proved me to be right again when i called the motion to vacate, it wasn't republicans that saved mike johnson. it was democrats that saved mike johnson. and when you have nancy pelosi, who was speaker of the house when they impeached president trump twice, and you have jerry nadler, who was chairman of the judiciary committee that led the impeachment against president trump, voting to save mike johnson. that tells the american people everything that they need to know. mike johnson is owned by the democrats and refuses to protect president trump, even though he runs down
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to mar a lago every chance he gets. and hugs him as tightly as possible. well, look, we all know how the democrats see this. hakeem jeffries, the minority leader in the house, was on 60 minutes last sunday. and here's what he said. let's roll it. even though we're in the minority, we effectively have been governing as if we were in the majority because we continue to provide a majority of the votes necessary to get things done. those are just the facts. i mean, congresswoman, he said it. those are the facts . they are they're providing the bridge to get passage of laws. that's right. and what hakeem jeffries said is absolutely correct. and the two part omnibus, that johnson passed literally delivered hakeem jeffries and the democrat agenda directly to chuck schumer. and joe biden. couldn't wait to sign it into law. but when we have a republican elected speaker that is unwilling to fight for just
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a few things that i offered him , then we it's proven to republican voters that we're not doing the job that we were given in 2022, when america gave us the majority. and, you know, i stand with president trump. i support him, and i'm going to fight for him as hard as possible. but if we're going to be a republican conference that can actually deliver president trump's agenda, then we need to get in shape and be prepared to do that. and while the election is only six months away, we aren't ready. and our voters know it. maria. our voters know it. they're saying they're going to skip representatives names on the ballot. they're going to vote for president trump, but they're going to skip our names . and that's the most dangerous position to be in. okay. so as we wrap up here, final question, and i go back to what i asked you earlier about the timing. you say you're supporting president trump but is now the time for this disruption six months before the election, to fight to get a new speaker in place? you know why the democrats always roll over the republicans? because they all stick together. they all vote the same way. you
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don't. well, actually, this time, the democrats and the republicans stuck together and exposed the union party like it's never been seen before, you know, and i just spoke with president trump yesterday about this. and while he says now is not the time, i'm going to be listening to him, but he also said and he said it in his statement publicly that it may happen, that the time may come. so even though if i wanted to do it again this week, the democrats have already stepped in and saved johnson. but again, i'll reiterate this, maria. and the most important thing everyone needs to know is the people want a republican party that will fight. congresswoman, thank you. we'll be watching your work. thanks very much. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, quick break. and then stunning new details are just how many people have illegally crossed the southern border into america, evading apprehension this fiscal year on president biden's watch, arizona republican senate candidate kari lake is here with reaction. but first, president trump takes on new jersey last night on the campaign trail for
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a day after spending another week in a new york city courtroom facing criminal charges brought by manhattan da alvin bragg, former speaker of the house kevin mccarthy is here. with the impact of trump's legal issues on the presidential election. now, less than six months away, dupixent can help people with asthma breathe less than six months away, we'll be right back better in as little as 2 weeks. so this is better. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath, tingling or numbness in your limbs. tell your doctor about new or worsening joint aches and pain or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines including steroids, without talking to your doctor. ask your specialist about dupixent. ♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪
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even a registered democrat. i'm asking for your help in saving america. our country is in trouble. it's in big trouble. we've never been in trouble. we'll end up in world war three. these guys are grossly incompetent. they have no idea what they're doing. they have no idea what they're doing. you know in your heart that this country is not going to survive . and that was former president trump at a massive rally last night in wildwood, new jersey, as the 45th president juggles his campaign schedule around court, he faces criminal charges brought by president biden's department of justice, as well as democrat prosecutors in new york and georgia. despite being hampered from fully campaigning because he's in court. a new poll from morning consult shows 37% of independent voters backed president trump for a second term, compared to 32% for biden. joining me now with reaction is the former speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy.
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speaker mccarthy, great to see you again. thanks so much for being here this morning. well, thank you for the invitation to join you. well you your reaction to that rally last night in new jersey and this idea that foreign policy is being criticized of president biden just as much as his economic policy. well, that was extraordinary. you have to understand new jersey, not a place that people think republicans would ever compete, but the size of the crowd could president biden get that crowd in the heart of new york or in the most democrat state? could he do it in california? the answer is no. and the other thing that we're hearing coming out of the white house itself is the white house is now saying president biden needs to campaign less, talk less, because he gets in trouble while doing it. this is president trump showing, no matter what they throw at him, he's going to fight back. he's going to lead this nation on the issues they care most about
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and a very compelling issue. you had an interesting statistic up there about independent voters. there was another poll out there that showed independent voters by 53% to 42, believed a second term of the biden administration would be a greater harm to democracy. because all of this is backfiring, this persecution of president trump using going after him because of politics. no one in america believes president trump would be in a trial today if he was not running for president. they're coming after our democracy, and it just shows last night with that crowd. you got lawrence taylor. you have democrats in that crowd, independents. i would be very concerned if i was in the white house today. independents are also very upset by president biden's decision to hold back shipments to israel. you were just in israel. i know, and he's basically saying, do it this way or we're not even going to share information with you, intelligence that it has about where the hamas terrorists are.
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if they go into rafah. we will study this decision for a century. this is one of the greatest harms to american philosophy going around the world. remember when israel was created 75 years ago, the first country to recognize him within 11 minutes was america. we have always said it's one of our greatest allies. even president biden, within the last year said he will always stand with israel. then what has transpired? israel was attacked on october seventh. there are hostages being held to this day. there are american hostages being held. and now, president biden, just weeks after republicans and democrats bound together by overwhelming numbers to fund israel, to withhold it for a terrorist organization. he's picking a terrorist organization. he's picking politics of college campuses. and you have to think how this will set us back with our allies and our enemies. since president biden came into office, we have now has
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something that hasn't happened in 80 years. you now have an axis of evil iran, russia and china bounding together like the 1930s. you have five american embassies that have to be evacuated. you have russians now entering american base in africa and asking americans to leave. you now watch that china has entered the middle east brokering relationships with saudi arabia and iran. a job that america used to do. this is all based. and then afghanistan, the decision on afghanistan, those 13 american gold star families leaving americans behind, and now israel. this is some of the greatest damage to american foreign policy. we have seen in decades, and will take decades to solve it. and he's doing this based upon a political decision that is fundamentally wrong. playing into the hands of a terrorist organization while keeping our border wide open and america vulnerable more than we've been in
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centuries. well, that's the most extraordinary part of it. and, speaker, i want to get your take on what you just heard from marjorie taylor greene. i got to get your reaction about another effort to take down the current speaker, mike johnson. what goes on in these meetings where you go in there and you can't get any leeway? what so ever in terms of securing the border and you keep going with the way things are going and the way things have been doing. again, we're seeing this with mike johnson. well, i disagree with our ability of not being able to secure the border. you know, yesterday was the one year anniversary that we were able to pass h.r. two, the strongest border security bill that congress has ever watched. well, we passed that. what you have to do is not give up on it. watch everything we are able to accomplish in the first nine months, not just border security, but could cut $2 trillion, reform welfare parents, bill of rights, energy independence, knocking down
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washington, d.c. when they wanted to decriminalize so many different bills, standing up for individuals as we were able to stop the pandemic. when the president said he would not sign it. when you stick together, there's nothing you cannot achieve. don't play into the hands of democrats. look i opposed when eight republicans joined all the democrats to do a motion to vacate, and i oppose it. when more republicans today do it, it is wrong. less bound together. stick on the issues of what america cares most about the border inflation, american foreign policy, making our parents have a say in their kids education, it bringing down the price of fuel, making sure that government is not dictating. and this weaponization of government. remember, i created a select committee on the weaponization of government. we created a select committee on china. we have the tools to govern. the republicans just have to bound together and not let hakeem jeffries say that he is the speaker and the majority in the
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house. and you just heard it. he said it specifically. speaker. do you support mike johnson? i support mike johnson . and look, it is a tough job. but the thing republicans need to do, focus on what we've done, do not give up on h.r. two. you can do ukraine and the border at the exact same time. that's what we would have done last year. that's what we would have been able to accomplish. i want to thank you so much for being here today. speaker mccarthy, especially since i know that this is your first mother's day without your mom, who passed earlier this year. how wonderful it must feel to you that you took her to this state dinner at the white house. you actually even took her on some travel. you took her to israel as well? yes. to all mothers out there. happy mother's day, but give your mother an extra hug from me. i lost my mom just a couple of months ago. god bless me with a tremendous mother, and i was able to take her to israel. she talked to bibi. she went to
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locations that on october 7th were raided and she she saw firsthand. and i took her to the state dinner as well. and mothers make such a difference in everyone's lives. and i wish every mother a happy mother's day. our condolences to you. speaker mccarthy. thank you. thank you for being here this morning. we will see you soon. kevin mccarthy will be right back. we're here today to set their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble
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are not playing some role in what china is trying to do, which is to create chaos in this country. and that is former director of national intelligence john ratcliffe with me here last weekend on the surge of chinese nationals crossing into america through the southern border illegally under the biden administration just six months into this fiscal year, there have been over 40,000 chinese migrants encountered at the us borders,
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compared with nearly 53,000 for all of the previous fiscal year last year. meanwhile customs and border protection sources telling fox news approximately 175,000 so-called gotaways have crossed illegally so far this fiscal year. of course, that's only the numbers we know of. the figures do not count. those who have entered illegally, undetected and have disappeared into the country, and we have no knowledge of what their motivations are. joining me right now with more in the sunday morning futures exclusive, is arizona republican senate candidate kari lake. kari. good to see you. thanks very much. your reaction to these new numbers that we're showing this morning. and what kind of a reaction are you getting, getting when you are on the campaign trail as you run for a senate seat? well, thanks for having me, maria. those are astronomical numbers of gotaways. remember, the gotaways are the ones who don't want to be captured right now. you walk into the country, you just get processed. you're here, you get your plane ticket, you get set up. these are people who are probably so dangerous that they don't want to go through that process.
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they they need to sneak in. they're probably on terrorist watch lists. they've got a criminal background and they're pouring into arizona. i just talked to a rancher who has a large ranch on the border. he said every day he gets reports from his workers on the ranch. 8 to 9 gotaways are spotted or caught on his property that his workers catch and he said it's most concerning when they see a couple of, you know, men in their 30s with a group of 12 year old girls. it's been shocking what they're seeing come across his ranch and he said, kari, for comparison, 8 to 9 a day. it started right when joe biden became when he was sworn into office. and with president trump, he would see 8 to 9 a year. that's how tight our border was under president trump. and so it's very concerning. it's very concerning in communities like nogales, where i was just about a week ago, and the people there say they're doing street releases of folks from all different countries, from africa to the caribbean to
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china, asia. and they're being released onto the streets with nowhere to go. well, it's a mystery as to why the biden administration would put our country in such jeopardy and at such risk by having a wide open border with so many people coming in that we have no idea what they're doing. as we report all the time. hundreds of people were already apprehended who were on the terrorist watch list. do you believe one of the motivations here is to get illegals, foreigners, to vote for the democrats? oh, absolutely. 1,000. otherwise they would be working hard to get the save act through, which will prevent that. instead, in every state around the country, you're seeing democrats fight tooth and nail any piece of legislation which will prevent illegals from voting, which will which will solidify and codify that already existing law. what they want. maria, we're not going to see all these people pouring across the border showing up at polling places. what they want is to
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have a line in a voter, in the voter rolls, so that somebody can vote for that person, and that's why they're asking them to register to vote when they get set up for medicare and medicaid. because they're giving them all of these services. they're asking them to sign up to vote. then they have a line in the voter roll, and somebody will vote under that name. so how confident are you, then, that we will have a fair election in november? if it were today, i wouldn't be all that confident. but i know we have a lot of people, including myself, fighting to improve the laws and make sure they're following the laws. we've got many lawsuits running. one of them in arizona fighting to make sure illegals aren't voting. we have the save act that i know mike johnson and president trump have been pushing. and as american citizens, we need to contact our members of congress and politely tell them that they must sign on to that and approve that to save and protect our election. our vote is sacred. it is the way we decide the trajectory of our country, and it must be decided
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by american citizens. so we're working really hard. a lot of people around the country are working. i have faith that we will break through. one of these cases will break through the dam, and we will have secure elections. i pray for that. and what more can be done at this point to ensure just i think, pressuring our lawmakers, pressuring your your county folks politely to do the right thing and making sure that you're getting involved, becoming a poll watcher, becoming an activist to get involved in your elections, signing up your friends to vote, asking your neighbors are you registered to vote? it's going to take each and every one of us. no american citizen can sit home. and, you know, i want to speak to the mothers out there on this mothers day. we've got to get involved. i know we're busy. we're multitaskers. we're taking care of the little ones. this is about our children's future. and if we don't get involved in the next six months to try to save our country, we will be leaving our children with a very bleak future. that's why i'm involved. i know that's why
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so many other moms are jumping in. well, happy mother's day to you, carrie. thanks very much for being here this morning. thank you maria. all right. arizona senate candidate kari lake, thank you. quick break. and then president trump on trial, manhattan democrat d.a. alvin bragg set to put his star witness, michael cohen, on the stand tomorrow in the trial against the former president, former acting attorney general matt whitaker is here, along with fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. next. stay with gregg jarrett. next. stay with us i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) all these games on directv— and no satellite on the roof! think about this: blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic.
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don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. welcome back. the trial of former president trump in new york, set to resume tomorrow with the prosecution's star witness, michael cohen, expected to take the stand to testify about his involvement in arranging to pay star stormy daniels $130,000 to keep quiet about an alleged sexual encounter with president trump back in 2006. cohen was sentenced to three years in
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federal prison after pleading guilty in 2018 to 8 criminal counts, including tax evasion, campaign finance violations and lying to congress in 2017. now house judiciary chairman jim jordan and house oversight committee chairman james comer are demanding once again the department of justice investigate cohen for allegedly making false statements to congress, this time in 2019. joining me now is former acting attorney general matthew whitaker and fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. gentlemen, thanks very much for being here. matt, let me kick it off with you, with your expectations of michael cohen tomorrow on the stand. right. well, michael cohen's going to come to the stand with probably more baggage than will fit up there with him. because, remember, as a convicted felon and perjury, he's going to have a hard time telling a story that's not completely impeachable. being asked the fundamental question, are you lying now or are you lying then? and remember the case is based on him, and they have to believe him beyond a reasonable
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doubt. and i just don't think that's a standard they'll be able to accomplish with somebody of his background. great point gregg. your reaction and expectation. well, we're we're entering the fourth week. still no evidence connecting trump to any criminal wrongdoing. stormy daniels she knew nothing about the business records, which is the basis for the charges. she was an irrelevant witness who was there for one reason to slime trump. and i think it backfired. she was dismantled on cross examination. that sets the stage, of course, for the notorious michael cohen. this guy is a disgrace. disbarred, convicted. perjurer went to prison. he's incapable of telling the truth. but you know what, maria? that is precisely what alvin bragg is counting on by putting on an admitted liar on the stand. no credibility. the da is essentially suborning perjury. he knows cohen will lie. so, you know, cross examination is the engine of
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truth. and this won't be just a beat down of michael cohen. this will be a savage mauling. it's too easy. maria. wow, matt, how would you assess these indictments against trump overall? tell us where we are in these cases. well, many of the cases are are falling apart either on their own weight. for example, in fulton county with fani willis, i think that case now on appeal, judge mcafee wrote an opinion that is very much going to be over turned. fani and her office will be excluded because it's a very fact based evidence of how conflicted she was. you know, the fort pierce, florida case, judge cannon is looking into selective prosecution is going to have a hearing on that. that's a very interesting argument where they can say joe biden was treated entirely differently than donald trump, which i think a lot of people believe is true. and then you have the dc case, which the supreme court is listening to and considering and going to have an opinion probably by the
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beginning of summer, late june, early july, on the presidential immunity, which could change everything. yeah. and you know what else can change everything? a jury here in terms of how they view things, gregg. i mean, what would you say about the possibility that trump can get a fair jury and a fair trial in new york if jurors abide by their duty to examine the evidence presented within the four corners of that courtroom and not to make a decision for a political or personal reason that they may dislike the accused, then this case should take about five minutes for an acquittal. well, obviously it's going to take a lot longer than that. they've got to go through it all. but look, you know, think about what he is charged with false ifying business records with a felony use intent to commit another crime, a crime that's not charged, and a crime in which prosecutors won't even
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tell the defendant what it is. it's a mystery crime, you know, that is such an egregious violation of the sixth amendment. an accused is entitled to know the specific accusations against him. this judge is so biased, juan marchand, that he's not making alvin bragg do that. it's as if marchand has taken off his black robe, stepped down from the bench, and he is now sitting at the prosecution table, determined to help engineer a wrongful conviction. so, you know, with all that, you know, can jurors see through this charade? i hope so, i want to ask you more about the judge and about what john ratcliffe has called coordination with the doj. stay with us. we've got more on all
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welcome back. i'm back with our legal panel this morning, matthew whitaker and gregg jarrett and matt john ratcliffe was with me last week. and he said that there's been real coordination between some of these democrat prosecutors and the white house and the white house counsel, michael colangelo used to work at the doj. he went and now works for the prosecutor in new york. and others, john ratcliffe said, have met with white house counsel. what do you think
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about that? has there been coordination to take down donald trump, joe biden's number one opponent? i don't think there's any doubt. and i think that what john says is absolutely true. it plays out with the visits to the white house, the department of justice moving mr. colangelo around so that he could help coordinate both with letitia james and alvin bragg. but, you know, this is a effort by the left to interfere with this election, to keep donald trump off the campaign trail and to keep the american people distracted from the important issues that they're facing, like an insecure southern border, high prices of what their, you know, food and gas, you know, all of the issues that are joe biden is failing at it is keeping the american people distracted from some seeing those. it's such a great point that you make because that's right. inflation, you know, is up 20% since joe biden walked into the white house. but the media is not talking about that, greg. they're talking all about trump. yeah. you know, i, i think the most
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egregious case of all of misconduct is jack smith classified documents case in florida. we've now learned from unredacted documents that smith tampered with evidence and was forced to admit it to the judge. yes, your honor, documents were altered. we manipulated those records, and, oh, we destroyed exculpatory evidence that would have helped donald trump. he also admitted in a footnote, gee, i misled you and i deceived you. your honor. separately, the fbi planted some of the evidence at the scene, classified cover sheets, and then they staged photographs of it. that's not all. it turns out joe biden's white house engineered the charges against trump instead citing the national archives to file a criminal referral to biden's justice department and all the while, biden and his lackeys were trying to cover up his own classified documents
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scandal. so, i mean, i think that is the worst abuse of justice. this is all so extraordinary. gentlemen, we'll continue the conversation. thank you. matt whitaker and greg jarrett. i want to wish everyone a happy mother's day. happy mother's day to my dear mother, josephine, who i love so much. and happy mother's day to all. i'll see you tomorrow to all. i'll see you tomorrow morningg what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile's reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business.
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