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tv   The Big Weekend Show  FOX News  May 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> name is fiona she is a hippo and still beating the odds. weighing only 29 pounds when she was born six weeks premature in 2017 they were not sure she would make it. an update today from the cincinnati zoo. fiona is healthy at all grown up weighing in at 2500 pounds. in the nation's capital saturday thousands witnessed aviation history flying over the national mall of the dc most restrictive flights on dating from the twenties and thirties. celebrated the 85th anniversary of the aircraft owners and pilots association. that is how fox reports. happy mother's day.
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>> hello everybody. i am joey jones. this is a big weekend show and the big story tonight a big day. >> i was indicted for accounts in a period of three seconds. anytime there is a plane that flies over. of my plate flies over the blue state the following day it is subpoenaed. >> his former fixer coleman is set to take the stand. >> taking a couple of days off there are not too many names left in the can. let's just expect that i will have a lot on my plate. >> fox news correspondent is at
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trump tower tonight with a preview of week number four. >> 19 witnesses called so far the most significant is expected to take the stand tomorrow. michael coleman former president trump's ex- lawyer who was given a strong warning from the judge who told the court he cannot place : and other witnesses under a gag order but this past friday he did tell prosecutors to let him know he is being ordered from the bench to stop talking about the case. this comes after he repeatedly used tiktok to live stream his commentary on the trial despite repeated warnings from the prosecutors. this past wednesday he streamed from the app wearing a t-shirt with a photo of trump behind bars. on the other hand the former president has already been find a total of $10000 for violating a gag order that keeps him from talking about witnesses.
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trump has been warned he faces jail time if he violates the gag order again. >> every time the radical left democrats radical listed fascist indict me it is a great badge of honor. i am being indicted for you. never forget our enemies want to take my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom. they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you. in the end they are not after me. they are after you. i just happened to be standing in their way. we will be in this together. we are in this together. >> a convicted felon and purge were, colin is at the center of the prosecution case. trump is accused of falsifying business records for reimbursements that cohen said he paid $130,000 to porn star stormy daniels to unlawfully influence the 2016 election. trump has denied having sex with daniels and any wrongdoing. former acting attorney general
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says welcome and is expected to be the star witness he is not sure how a jury will receive him. >> as a convicted felon with perjury he will have a hard time telling a story that's not completely impeachable being asked the fundamental question are you lying now are then quicksand the case is based on him and they have to believe him beyond a reasonable doubt and i don't think that's a standard they will be able to accomplish with somebody of his background. >> he is a disgraced convicted perjure who went to prison who is incapable of telling the truth. but that is precisely what they are counting on. by putting on the admitted liar to the stand with no credi credibility. the da is essentially supporting perjury. he no cohen will lie. cross examination is the engine of truth won't just be a beat down but a savage mauling.
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>> it appears prosecutors anticipated attacks on his credibility and character because so far they haven't elicited testimony from people on the stand who have described : as a jerk. >> i don't know if he is a jerk or not i don't think he's the type of guy i want to hang out with. but he has consistently admitted to lying. as a matter of fact we have a real that shows you that he tells you about that. >> i did things and acted improperly. and it times mr. trump's behest and followed his demands. my loyalty to mr. trump has cost me everything i have acknowledged i made my own mistakes and i have owned up to them publicly and under oath. i am sorry for my lies and for lying to congress. >> that is their star witness. >> a guy who pleaded guilty to
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lying, tax evasion, finance violations, that's a star witness. it is pretty remarkable to see this implode in the democrats face. the grand plan was to send trump to jail. now they are left with the weakest of the four cases against trump were even "politico" recently admitted that trump's fate will likely not be decided by the courts after all people like cnn anchors admit this never would have been brought to get someone unless the last name was donald trump even citing their own pull were 56 percent of americans don't believe donald trump can get a fair shake through the judicial process. so now they are left with this garbage of the case. i don't even think bragg's plan was to get a conviction. i think he brought this with the intent to embarrass trump and keep them off the campaign trail because even he to elevate a misdemeanor to a felony has to prove the legend falsification
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was the intent to commit another crime or conceal the crime and he did not do that and they have not been successful to do that. the master plan was to embarrass them now it has blown up in their face and in a spectacular way. >> back to michael, and himself being the star witness to testify this week we both watch football. if you know the other time -- -- team has a star quarterback you prepare your defense. if you put yourself prosecution or the defense right now knowing the credibility issues of michael , how do work around that to track the defense? >> this is not. the only quarterback to put in the game and he wasn't even drafted. watching the tiktok videos dressed up like superman selling t-shirts in the cheesiest way possible. this is the babe ruth as far as baseball? are as far as what the prosecution has no sane and sober and will say this is more
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about any trump demand because no one can define the crime. at this point it's only nine out of 10 voters in 2020 went for joe biden over trump. to all of these jurors with personal animus vote to convict trump? i would think there are at least three or four sober people that will vote not to convict and will result in a hung jury and there are no more cases left and then it comes down between issues between trump and biden and that will be refreshing finally for many people t12 that's crazy to have voters decide their own election. >> not just michael : but what lisa said. there are all these are falling apart. many are saying maybe that's the strategy. >> the only thing that the near
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prosecutors team things trump did wrong that he looks to be on the cusp of victory. that is the only thing not the fact that president biden has a failed record as commander-in-chief as leader of the country and the democrats cannot talk about that. so these are the trials out there to see focus on this, not on the fact the world is on fire but the fact you have gotten poor under the presidency of joe biden. >> the fact that trump is running for president is a reason why they go after him. some of the demographics do you think they see through this? >> we can say this all we want the jd vance calls the democrats out for their political ways right now because if you remember in 2016 he was critical of trump he did not think he would be a good president but after four years under the trump administration he saw what was accomplished and then under the four years of biden and everything done.
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now he calls out the democrats for their failed policies and how this is politically motivated. because if you just look at those issues biden will lose. and people will see through it because it is what is happening right now. >> keeping a scorecard those that are coming toward trump are big numbers the only ones that are turning on him are the ones he has fired but now we will move on. had a massive rally 100,000 people one candidate who can become the vp of a short list. reporter: former president trump in new jersey although now considered a battleground state his team is pointing to the crowd of people who gathered saturday with momentum in the garden state. with the proximity to philadelphia only 90 minutes away also with the campaign to
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reach voters what is considered a key swing state of pennsylvania. north dakota governor and candidate spoke on the stage and could be on the short list. >> he has been an incredible person and you will find any person better with his knowledge he made his money in technology but he knows more about energy than anybody that i know so get ready for something. get ready but he has been incredible the country is lucky to have him. >> it's not clear when he told the crowd to get ready telling "fox & friends" when it comes to former presidents pick for a running mate. >> the rnc is coming up, soon in a couple of months in july. i think president trump has said he will make his decision later this summer and in true transfection will go directly to the american people to do that governor bergen was with us last
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night introducing the president has been a fantastic governor there is a lot of great options on the table but i will say anyone of them will be much better than kamela harris. >> trump claims nikki haley is not among the options dismissing the announcement on social over the weekend. >> he came and spoke about 15 minutes talk about the vice presidential candidate. >> he is seen a successful businessman just like trump and no baggage and he is a great approval rating in north dakota overall it is amazing to see 100,000 people according to the city of wildwood at the raleigh. and congregated and there was no anti- semitism it was a happy environment talking about the crowd for donald trump who relished the moment. >> when you look at doug i was impressed with him with the debates.
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he did not win that but maybe had the most ground. but trump talk so he is an energy guy. is this vp or just piggybacking on biden's weaknesses? >> trump pick who trump wants to pick. he such a force of nature on his own he doesn't need a vice president who gets headlines or draws attention that way. having someone who is steady and can win over more moderate voters. so in that instance doug could be a good pick he is steady he doesn't garner headlines. and i don't think trump need somebody who does. >> really quick looking at the debate stage nikki haley lasted the longest and then it got nasty but maybe she will go on the list but does trump need haley on the list to win? >> does he need nikki haley? snow but there is a battleground
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for her supporters she did get 22 percent in indiana. so there is a large amount of votes up for grabs perk we see president biden trying really hard to get them he put out an ad specifically. this is donald trump does not want your vote if you support nikki haley. i don't like that. but i do think t7 would be a good option for people who could potentially get nikki haley supporters. he has a lot of innovative ideas when it comes to energy with the business mindset and he setting himself up for a place in the administration. he will not run for a third t term. >> real quick. a lot of hay is being made about nikki haley but look at indiana and new hampshire and north carolina and his primary states with those voters even vote for haley -- -- nikki haley if she was on the ticket? >> this discussion will be coming for weeks to come. we have a big hour coming up.
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remember when obama famously said don't underestimate biden's ability to f things up? it looks like that prediction is coming true. what is the deal with this? jerry seinfeld targeted by the anti- israel mob at duke's graduation. and mother's day and moms charging parents for play dates a mother's day like any other and all of this is straight ahead. >> i kept a running tab of everything her son use during the play date.
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every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.
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>> welcome back to the big weekend show as israel opens into gaza for humanitarian aid and expanded evacuation orders for palestinians the present is criticized for his response to
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israel. according to a new report in the "washington post" the biden ministration is offering intelligence to israel only if it does not invade. we have an update from the white house tonight. reporter. >> the democrats rallied behind the commander-in-chief. >> the president is learning the mistakes of his military campaign of iraq and afghanistan. what we learned in both of those efforts you cannot defeat the terrorist ideology or movement with military force alone. any objective observer knows israel has broken international law. it has broken american loss and in my view israel should not be receiving another nickel of us military aid. >> no one has been more supportive of the israeli government to the frustration of democrats of biden.
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but not using leverage the israeli military going into level and kill hundreds of thousands of people and not destroy hamas and any intelligence official will tell you that no plan for the day after. >> senator scott says it is all about path -- -- politics. >> if they destroy hamas what they have to do for any security, they have to go in. they said they would do everything they can to get the civilians out but they have no choice but to destroy rafael. i was believe biden unfortunately now part of the pro- hamas wing of his party that when winning the presidential election is also facing criticism on the left for not going far enough. happy mother's day. >> remember when former president obama said to never underestimate biden's ability to f things up? now a new york post op ed says that plays out real time.
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writing with his relentless criticism of israel and now with threat to coal -- -- cut off the nation supplies in the midst of a war biden is signaling global repercussions all because he is terrified of winning -- -- losing the election to donald trump. when i sit in here what's going on right now that israel is fighting for his right to exist for the statehood and it seems at this point you have president biden who is fighting just for michigan. >> he is famous for his memoir every defense decision the obama administration made perk i'm not sure how he worded it. there were several things that turned out to be small victories for us on the way to losing that were so the reason why bob gates says he is wrong because biden is either indecisive or scared when it comes action or to back
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our allies in a meaningful way. i don't know the answer. this may make some people mad i strongly support israel and the anti- semitism that i see is disgusting. but one thing they have said that i do agree with is that we learned in our war what is happening in gaza no matter how justified create the next generation of hamas. but stopping them now does not fix that that has already happened. at least let them win the war that they have and then have an influence on how they recover. doing it now only shows division to win the palestinian people back over to make them less hamas friendly. that will already happened. they were devolved half of gaza. if they on the other half you will not change the fact so understand the reluctance he from that perspective but that he is ensuring that hamas stays
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strong to deter the united states. >> there is a point that there is concern that this will be the next generation of extremism. but we know right now 20 percent of the leaders particularly in rougher. rafa. there is still 20 percent if you just wait it will fester and continue and they have already said, hamas said they will do it over and over until every jew has been killed. what is to be done? >> those in gaza elected hamas into power so that next generation of terrorist already exist. you saw them take part in the october 7 terror attack. i believe there are more terrorist than not. but the reason why we see this conflicted position from biden is his party is split on the issue so i think is probably as he is a reflection were
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republicans are more together on standing behind israel. the biggest challenge for biden's because he is so wishy-washy and tries to straddle the fence he looks w week. we have seen it since the withdrawal of washington. he was pulling 49 percent and dropping six points after the botched withdrawal from afghanistan and then the polling has continued to drop because he looks weekend is not a leader. think americans will stand for leaving americans behind or stand for a week leader and on that issue alone is in part why trump is doing so well in the polls at least he stands for something and is a leader but biden is not. he is weak. >> "usa today" yesterday and op-ed said why are the gen z voters souring on biden cracks i asked and after speaking with them i think it is perfectly reasonable for biden to be
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fearful of losing the presidency in november because to when he needs generation z. they did pull why maybe they will not vote this year and i talked about the economy was a big issue. but also the president's handling of the palestinian israeli conflict. >> he has lot of problems along every voting block. in 1980 nightline every night gave you an update on american hostages in iran they were there 444 days and 53 of them every night we got an update. this is day acts of americans held hostage. we don't see that at all our we don't hear talk about the hostages and that's a big part of the negotiation that we don't hear joe biden talking about it. >> biden has said the reason there is no cease-fire is because of hamas then in the same breath he says israel should pull back. that makes no sense. >> we have to move on. seinfeld is famous for saying
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what's the deal? so what's the deal with this? targeted by the anti- israel mob at duke's graduation.wi teeten th just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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or up to $3,300 off select compact tractors. orange goes all day; sale's ending soon. visit your local dealer today. find your nearest dealer at ( ♪ ) >> welcome back to "the big weekend show". students at duke university staged a walkout during comedian seinfeld commencement speech as anti- israel protest table graduation ceremonies across the country. t to the latest disruption but for train anti- israel protesters across the country. seinfeld is jewish and has been a vocal supporter of israel since the war began.
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he was this year's commencement speaker. sums due -- -- carried flags and chanted free palestine he delivered without any major interruptions and he did not address the protesters directly. in a statement duke is responding to the incident saying in part "we understand the depth of feeling in our community and as we have all year we respect the right of everyone at duke to express their views peacefully without preventing graduates and their families from celebrating their achievement. this isn't just happening at duke. after several weeks of protest and encampments in college campuses into israel protesters are now disrupting graduations in many schools looking at a video of a pro- palestinian protester getting on stage at university of texas austin graduation later escorted out. we also see graduation disruptions at schools like uc berkeley, university of wisconsin madison and moore.
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>> do these students even know what they are protesting? >> no. the students don't but we don't know that it is students for the most part. obviously they are students walking out all of these protesting things that are happening these are people taking advantage of what is the most malleable lines of any graduating class we've ever had this class did not have a graduation in 2020, they are almost benign to the ways of the world at this point they are so easily impressionable that tiktok dictates their political opinions they are protesting seinfeld not because they know he supported israel but because he is jewish. that is anti-semitism. they don't know that and they are ignorant to the extent i don't know that they get by. i think they should be identified and you have to live with the decisions that you m make.
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>> that's the point they will be future judges and prosecutors. that's a little scary. >> watching this right now seinfeld was out up there speaking about israel and palestine he was talking about hard work because this generation hates hard work. but these intolerant ignorant and ill-informed brats when you watch the kids protesting as a mom i look at them and say they are brats they need to learn some manners and have some discipline. they should be kicked out of their schools and lose scholarships or visa. is just not acceptable we need to stop glorifying this to put it on social media or even television because who cares about these people? there's 200 and the school holds 18000. >> who are the protesters and what is the deal? >> his worth is somewhere near than $1 billion. seinfeld do not need to do this.
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he is not the fault but i do remember he did an interview about a decade ago he said he vowed never to do comedy on campuses again. that is racist and sexist and prejudice they don't know what the f they are talking about. he said that 10 years ago now obviously it has gotten that much worse it should be a mandatory college course watch the hamas october 7 videos then maybe you'll think differently about what you are protesting and what you are not. >> he recently said in an interview cannot have that comes anymore between the extreme left so he nailed it. coming up, collision why democrats are morning people who love candy crush to stay away because of the election. up next. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist.
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flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today.
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the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some
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of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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>> a great pitcher the white
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house welcome back to "the big weekend show" the democratic political analysts are crushing on candy crush players dreams. the fourth most popular game is dangerous. some political consultants a playing the game especially around election time could expose their personal information to campaigns. >> my son downloads all caps on his own i say don't do that you can track and get more data he said why do you care if they know i play candy crush? >> they know how long they will link that back to our house. >> she's a little worked up about that but pointing out ceo of ceo indigo engineering calls it dangerous and this is what he said on the podcast.
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the creepiest piece of data that exist on the market right now is location data that is life. bail bond company and companies that don't get the bill returned by the court higher bounty hunters to get the candy crush location data and hunt down people and it is wild. full disclosure i don't know what this game is i have never played the game but call me crazy. i feel like location data is not just on this app. assisted everywhere? >> the good news is you are not crazy. >> i love candy crush a figure out a way to trick the system when you are out of lives you can keep playing. we are virtual assistants siri and smart phones and meta- tracks every interaction you are having. almost every app has location services where the iguana date or go to the doctors office they are all following and that information is sold to advertisers. do campaigns take advantage of that information as well? of course.
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the only way for this person if she is worried about her son being tracked. don't let your son and social media or give him a phone. otherwise the ship has sailed privacy does not exist anymore. >> my daughter is 10 and will not happen until she is 13. you can see the addiction perk you give them and need the jaws of life to get the ipad or iphone away from them. i don't see how you control t this. >> the location data to the campaign will use it but everything does. i look up something on one computer and then on the next computer at the hospital knows what i have been looking at. >> it is dated in general. everyone was up in arms of the tiktok bill. eventually that passed now this divestiture of tiktok that could be enforced. people are splitting party aisles over it. another bill quietly passed which was infinitely more important to protect personal data from foreign adversaries which was 75 / 20.
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complement three bills congress has responsibility and the role to regulate what the companies in the tech industry can or cannot mine of your personal data. because and how it influences you the reason why the kids are so crazy and protesting because china can take tiktok and give them nine / one pro- palestinian messaging. congress should take up the calls to stop these companies like meta- and ask from taking our smallest tendencies and using them to program us it is in the terms and conditions nobody will step away from it to include the politicians because like dark money they use it for their own good. >> congress has a role in so do parents. >> we are long way from pac-man. >> coming up, having a mother's day meltdown to mom's chair urging parents for play dates? a day like - - unlike any
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other. >> i kept a running tab of everything her son used during the play date. >> coming up, tomorrow morning squatters are now so brazen they will steal your home then airbnb to others the professional squatter hunter joins "fox & friends" tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. dvr if you cannot catch a live.
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>> welcome back to "the big weekend show" there is anti- mother's day moms brewing the ideas for moms to do whatever they want. as "the new york post" puts it it is a trend away from the traditions. for the time vacation to sleep or shop or do absolutely nothing. and then this mom says grandmothers should not be included in mother's day. >> this may ruffle feathers.
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i am the one deep into the mothering right now. it is mother's day not grant mother's day. >> all mothers should be celebrated love mom. in the new "fox nation" special the features some of the moms from the book. >> motherhood is the extraordinary journey bringing joys. but there is a unique set of challenges that demand unwavering resilience and determination. >> . >> as the best choice and bringing my kids. >> let's go to the author which is a big bestseller. congratulations again.
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tell us would you take a day for yourself or like to celebrate with your kids instead? >> making this fox nation special and the book i talked to a lot of moms i got some advice from each and every one that ultimately at the end of the day being a mom is a gift. i understand the need to have that me time. i am known for that but i would not call it out on social media to say i need a break that's not what it is about. you should celebrate being a mother it is the greatest gift. maybe you are at home today in pajamas. that's what i did all day. my mom was there because you not to be a grandmother without being a mother. >> and on mother's day that is a day you are as celebrated as ever so why would you want to give up all the gifts and massages and breakfast in b
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bed, can't you just have the day for yourself on another day but not mother's day because that is when you are supposed to spend it with your kids. >> how about the people who need to go to social media to see the trend to know how to celebrate a holiday that is meant to be celebrated within your home and family. mothers and fathers day and we have some weird trends there is a lady on their with giant glasses that doesn't have a prescription says something mean to get likes that is a problem. if mother's day is about anything is not about going online to see what you should do celebrate how you want to. i don't know one that would be mad about that. >> stay off the phone a mother's day. this may make mothers outraged one mom is bragging that she charges other parents for play dates with her son.
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>> when her son was over i kept on my notes tab a running tab of everything that her son used during the play date. all the food he ate counted the number of pumps of soap when he washed his hands and played video games 45 minutes so i calculated how much that electricity cost and he spilled juice on the carpet and i charged a cleanup fee. >> that was as creepy as anything i have ever watched. capitalism as its finest? >> happy mother's day to my mom. but this woman on the screen is the worst you are calculating how many pumps of soap? she sends a $36 and mel why did
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you invite anybody over to begin with that's if you go to your friends house for dinner and say we had a lovely time and then she sends a federal request. i got tricked. >> this is click bait. that's not real she needs to get off social media and spend some time with her actual children because this is ridiculous she is more focused on getting the clicks and likes then on her children. >> you think the children gave it away this may not be authentic. >> but it really set the tone that woman is a psychopath she did not move her head when she was talking i noticed that and i learned something so i feel bad for her children. i hope that is not real or genuine. can you imagine doing a school
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project? >> that is somebody's wife. but nicole's book is available now anywhere books are sold be sure to watch now on "fox nation". and you can buy the mugs on fox. >> please stick around because the big four is next. it's definitely been passed down, from generation to generation. giving the dna test became a bonding experience with my family. we're very persistent. let's just say that. we are. —persistent. —and driven. that is definitely a family trait of ours. absolutely, we're definitely endurance athletes. —yeah, let's see. —yeah.
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—so... —that explains it here. now you know. it's actually a part of your dna. wow! this is great for athletes!
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it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come.
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♪ ♪ welcome back to the big weekend show. it is time now for the big four. these are our picks for the biggest stories we think everybody's going to be talking about this week. i'm going to go first. maybe not everyone is talking about this but i am fast food chain mcdonald's is asking its franchisees to consider offering a 5-dollar meal as a way to lower back price conscious customers or other known as poor folks. menu prices soared to nearly $20 per meal in many cities. not many cities i am around but a 20-dollar big. >> meal is insane. they have the dollar menu for a reason fo but i grew up on taco bell and now i've lost mcdonald's i don't know. >> my grandfather used to take
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us to the dollar store and takeu pick out anything we wanted which was a big day for quickset things but a dollar there pick us moving along washington d.c. judge under fire for releasing an acute shooter who fired over 24 rounds at a car full of people has been linked to progressive maga donor george soros the least surprising thing since he has spearheaded all isl these terrible things across the country. the coal question? what hear much about his case because michael cohen is going to be out. >> like the story i love cheese the city of philadelphia is home to a 24 hour cheese and vending machine. customers can purchase a variety of cheeses and charcuterie items like meat, preserves, crackers were on the go snack. how refined. >> is so underrated there so many versions of it. it is incredible i could talk about that all night. anyway it hilary clinton at a play on broadway is not doing all that well apparently. here is a thing 80% capacity which is bad for broad weight
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when you first jump out the gate you should be one 100%. this is karma around hilary clinton per there is a character and that movie and bronx felt sentencing wasn't bush. everything he touched turned to emotion of a bet on something it lost. even if it look like it sure went that's hilary clinton the modern-day bush. she loses runs at 2006 and, she loses. since losing to trump it has been one that big a public therapy to her with hilary portraying herself as the victim. this is delicious quite frankly it's hilary's karma. >> you say she is not the arthur miller of that's our time? quickset no. before we go do not forget to file the big weekend show on ex, facebook an instagram at big weekend show. that doesn't for us. we'll see you next weekend. "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪


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