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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  May 12, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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when you first jump out the gate you should be one 100%. this is karma around hilary clinton per there is a character and that movie i and bronx felt thsentencing wasn't bush. everything he touched turned to emotion of a bet on something it lost. even if it look like it sure went that's hilary clinton the modern-day bush. she loses runs at 2006 and, she loses. since losing to trump it has been one that big a public therapy to her with hilary portraying herself as the victim. this is delicious quite frankly it's hilary's karma. >> you say she is not the arthur miller of that's our time? quickset no. before we go do not forget to file the big weekend show on ex, facebook an instagram at big weekend show. that doesn't for us. we'll see you next weekend benjamin: i'm benjamin hall and fort shannon bream.
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prepared suit with its military operation closer to the heavily populated southern gaza city despite tough words from president biden. ♪ >> if they go into rafah i am not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah. >> the white house will withhold key weapons of israel's threatened full scale ground invasion of rafah the move causing friction on both sides of the aisle. >> it puts israel national security at risk. this is insane very quickly see america pulling back, even in the slightest that is a message to hamas that we do not have to agree to a cease-fire. vowing to fight on. >> if israel has to stand alone, we will stand alone. >> this as a protest or rage on campus collides with commencement we will speak with porter republican senator rick scott, ranking member of the house armed services committee, democratic congressman adam
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smith. >> former president trump loses out on his push to lift a gag order in new york's hush money at trial. the prosecution's star witness wraps it. but in the thick of legal obstacles trumps track takes them to the jersey shore provokes everything the radical left democrats communist and fascist indictment i consider it a great badge of honor for. >> our sunday panel discusses the campaign, the trial and next week's big testimony. >> inside one of america's premier rehab hospitals helping veterans regain their life. >> the walk is if you did not have prosthetics would have that happen? >> a lot of work, blood, sweat, tears. benjamin: all, right now on "fox news sunday." ♪. benjamin: hello from foxnews in washington but here the headlines in the israel hamas
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war. thousands of palestinian civilians are trying to flee rafah after his or her or an evacuation of the southern gaza city saturday a spokesman said dozen of militants have been killed targeted operations and israel now controls the gaza side of the main crossing gate from egypt the world food program says it is running out of food to distribute in southern gaza during civilians could face a full bone famine. here in the u.s. demonstrators calling for a cease-fire continue to protest. hundreds shutting down the upper level of new york city iconic manhattan bridge. and commencement ceremonies at a number of universities across the country saw disruptions this weekend. according the university of wisconsin at madison, university of texas in austin and uc barkley. and above that will talk with republicans senator rick scott and house armed services committee ranking member democrat adam smith. but first let's turn to trey yingst on the ground in southern israel. good morning.
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>> and benjamin, then boarded with diplomatic efforts to end the war unsuccessful, here along the israel gaza border airstrikes continue against hamas positions. nearly 220 days into the war between israel and hamas the battle rages on. israeli forces are now operating again in northern gaza. going after cells of hamas fighters and launching new airstrikes will ground troops move in on gaza's southernmost city of rafah. quick since our precise operation we have eliminated dozens of terrorists. exposed underground terror tunnels, vast amounts of weapons for. >> israel defense forces save more than 300,000 palestinians have fled kristine lazar for the humanitarian zone that sits along the mediterranean sea. more leaflets were dropped with evacuation orders in recent hours. >> words cannot describe how we feel right now.
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like people who are supposed to flee from northern gaza to the south now people living in the south had to flee to the central part. life is extremely difficult, unbearable. >> pressure continues to mount on israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to call off the kristine lazar invasion cease-fire deal and end the war. the old is israeli leader facing continued international pressure by the biden administration and others over increasing civilian casualty rates and it gaza. he is also seen fresh demonstrations against his government that currently lacks a plan to end the conflict. more than seven months into the work hamas still holds on what heard 32 people hostage. some dead and some alive. >> use the full force required to bring our loved ones at any cost necessary in order to restore peace of mind and comfort to the bereaved and hostage families. click submit negotiations to get the hostages out of gaza hamas
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maintains an ability to target major israeli population cente centers. earlier today we heard rocket sirens sounding in the southern city. benjamin: those rockets keep coming. trey hasn't been any update on the humanitarian. they were building? and i suppose is there any danger to u.s. soldiers is that outsourced move towards gaza? >> we understand the. is now complete this at 328 million-dollar project was slightly delayed due to weather and the tide but once it is in place u.s. officials estimate around 90 trucks of eight at day will be able to pick up supplies for the mediterranean coast and take it into gaza to help many vulnerable palestinians there. benjamin: trey yingst thank you very much reporting from israel there, thanks, see you later. joining a south florida senator rick scott. senator, very grateful for having you on today. you heard the situation in gaza at the moment is getting pretty
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harsh for the palestinians. but, the big news this week as president biden is withholding weapons from israel. what message do you think that sends to israel what mustn't messamust themessage that sent ? >> first off it's a horrible message for israel. i was over and israel about six weeks ago and met with the prime minister and i met with gallant and the minister of defense and the idf they do not have a choice. hamas the last battalions are in kristine lazar. they have to destroy for any they have to go in there going to do everything they can to get the civilians out. i went a half a mile from gaza i walk the same streets i was in in 2019 today 63 people are killed, babies were beheaded, girls were raped. people were burned alive in shot point blank for being jewish i went to the nova film festival and talk to parents who lost their loved ones. israel has no choice but to
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destroy kristine lazar. i always believed that biden is an fortunate part of the pro tem east wing of his party all that worried about he is worried about winning a presidential election. thank god for president trump these were the most pro-israel presidenpresident in our histori hope he wins so we can get somebody in there that's going to support israel. this is disgusting. the money that goes into gaza is going to hamas whether we like it or not it's not going to the gazans is going to help hamas those tunnels were built with the money from america. those missiles and rockets sent into israel that's money from america. >> the big news this week is president biden is withholding weapons from israel. republicans have to be critical about this but you have to remember reagan did the same thing back in 1981 the "new york times" saying this mr. reagan use the power of american several times to influence israeli work policy at different points or drink warplanes and
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munitions to be delayed or withheld. so, what do you make of that i'm sure you are a fan of president reagan had to expend the difference of what happened in 1981 what president biden is doing today? >> we have to live in reality. today here i here's what we kno. the last battalions of hamas are primarily in kristine lazar. israel has no choice but to destroy hamas. egypt unfortunate will not open up the reports of the gazans come in. that is a frustrating that's not happening i do not know why biden is doing nothing to force egypt open up their borders so the civilians if he was worried about the civilians in gaza, get egypt open and let them come in. this idea we are not going to support israel's ability to destroy hamas then how do you ever live in any peace in israel? by the way to sell at eight american hostages. why do some biden even talk about these hostages? i meet with eight americans over
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30 americans that were killed. you hardly ever hear anything out of biden's mouth. today, where we are today's israel needs our support for them got to destroy hamas. hamas is in kristine lazar the civilians essentially that's what israel's trying to do the drink everything they can to keep the civilians safe. that is a commitment they've always made to me. benjamin: it is interesting president biden is doing something present reagan did and he is yet he's been criticized for it. i like to move onto president trump's court case at the moment it is interesting to see how both sides do that. president trump was in court recently you were there as well. at his alleged hush money trial. speaking after words you came out and spoke and attacked the judge's daughter, the prosecutor's wife. something the present is prohibited from doing himself under the gag order why did you decide to join the president this week in court? and then purposefully going after the judges family?
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>> number one is president trump as a friend i have known for a long time even before i was florida's governor. i mean this is ridiculous what is going on. the democrats use the court system to go after and prosecute criminally a political opponent. i mean that as a crime. this is wrong. with the democrats are doing are thugs trying to stop trump from being able to run for president but happen to me. it happened to a lot of people. here's the deal the thing about this is the justice department to biden justice department sent their number three person down to be the lead prosecutor paid to sets not sound bad? his wife is a big donor. the judge is has a democrat doubted the judges daughter is a big democrat fundraiser. everybody involved in this as part of the democrat machine. it just looks horrible what is going on here. and then they put a gag order on trump in the middle of a presidential race? all they are trying to do is
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make sure trump could not win the presidency. biden cannot run on his record for trump's got a record of the board it was secure, the economy we were good and not at war. biden's record the border is wide open. inflation is unbelievable and now we are at war around the world. but biden's got to try to do is try to silence trump and that is what is trying to do right now. benjamin: you were very vocal earlier this week i want to talk about the campus protests piercing across america at the moment. you taken part in this israelite solidarity events countering these encampments. what do you make of these protests? also, what do you think about the future of universities and perhaps about the future of young americans? >> first off these university presidents are complacent and allowing people to spew hatred. picking one group of jews to allow these individuals to come
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on their campus be violent, trespass all of these things without immediately saying that has to stop you are complacent. we've got to call out hatred, anti-semitism every day. what's going on in this country we are allowing people to spew hatred and not countering it. i'm really disappointed in the mayor of d.c. when george washington university asked for supports, asked for support she said no. she only got rid of the protesters when she had to testify in congress. this is a dangerous time. we need to stand up for juice in this country we need to stand up for israel. it's a pretty scary time if you are jewish students at these universities right now i would talk to a lot of them i was at george washington university which is where my daughter went. the jewish leaders were not allowed to move the president of the university. thuniversity.this stuff is wron. benjamin: the concern as we'll see more and more of this as wellin the future.
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senator rick scott thank you so much for joining us today we really appreciate it, thank you. >> have a good day. benjamin: donates out washington congress and ranking member of the armed services committee adam smith. congressman, i want to start perhaps with the protest again we were just talking about and n your own party the far left members are saying it's because of these protests that university biden has decided to hold back weapons to israel. here's what congressman omar said she said this is what young people across the country were protesting for and finally the needle has moved in a significant way. i hope we see more progress but don't ever let people tell you that your voices are meaningless and your actions are worthless the ar ark of what is possible s always with two bends. do you agree that the protest influence the white house decision? are they incentivizing suit further disruption as well? what's absolutely not that is a ridiculous assertion.
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what incentivize the president's decision was two things. the humanitarian crisis in gaza which you described quite wellin the opening to this. and second the fact of prime minister benjamin netanyahu has no plan for what it's going to happen in gaza going forward. this is something the president has been pushing from the very beginning part yes, destroy hamas and by the way the notion that president biden is not supporting israel is ridiculous. we just signed a $15 billion supplemental plan to support israel. we have been shipping weapons to israel throughout this crisis. president biden has been doing that he is unquestionably supporting israel by the way i was at an event with president biden yesterday the very first thing he said was if a hamas would release the hostages, this war would be done he supports israel but he understands how maas needs to be destroyed. but that is not it. that is not all that needs to be done. there needs to be a future for gaza. that is not there even in the sections of gaza israel has
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cleared, hamas is coming back. that is of the president is pushing he supports israel unequivocably is not going help israel if he just comes back there is no future for the palestinian people there. >> congressman you say president biden is totally supporting israel but when she reaches something the "washington post" reported yesterday. the biden administration working urgently to stave off a full scale is really invasion of kristine lazar is offering israel valuable assistance of it holds back including sensitive intelligence to help the israeli military pinpoint the location of hamas leaders and find the groups hidden tunnels. it's amazing first about this intelligence has not already been shared. that is what someone would do if you wanted to help and get american hostages out. the other is how can the u.s. use intelligence like this as leverage? >> the crucial thing about that story is there no evidence whatsoever that it is true. the biden administration has aptly been sharing intelligence and has been working with israel
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from the very start of this war. that too has been widely reported. there's no evidence whatsoever provokes there is evidence supporting back the weapons as well. >> fair enough do not bait and switch me here. the first thing you said there's evidence we had information that we could provide to israel but we are withholding. i do not see evidence of that. as to the weapons i will admit the president was not as clear on this in the interview as he should have been but all that is been held back to date art dumb 2000-pound bombs. the president feels and i think rightly it's one -- make it similar to what president reckons that he did not withhold all aid to israel any more than president biden is. he tried to shape the campaign to move israel in a direction is going to be better for israel and better for the middle east. you cannot credibly argue president biden has not been supporting israel based on what he has said and done since
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october 7. benjamin: nevertheless despite of may the white house is saying it is somewhat embarrassing that netanyahu is not listening to president biden. more than that is really national security adviser posted this on x. he said hamas loves it biden what does that say? >> i tell you what it says is prime minister netanyahu is not good for israel right now. he's leading them down a path of endless war, conflict and no peace. >> are you calling for the removal? >> i don't vote in israeli elections. >> you would support him leaving office? >> that is up to the israeli people to make that decision. what i am saying is as long as he is in office it is an obligation of president biden to try to influence his policy in a better direction. it is undeniable that prime minister netanyahu led them to the point where october 7 happen and is continuing those same
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policies. we support israel we want to move in a direction there is a sustainable peace in this proposal by the house republicans this week to say blank check to israel the president can never ever not to give israel something. that is a ridiculous proposal we need to get into long-term peace for the sake of the israeli people for. >> our next guest is the mother of an american hostage she is coming on. it has been 219 days they stay tuned not enough is being done and frankly they are saying the american hostages have been forgotten about what would you be your message to her? >> like a set is with president biden yesterday by the very first thing he said president biden for the last several months has been pushing a peace agreement. let's be clear at the biggest block to a cease-fire right now is hamas. there is a deal on the table to get a temporary cease-fire in exchange for releasing the hostages. that's been the president's singular focus cia director burns, tony blank at a variety of people been in the mid east work with anyone we can work
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with to get that deal get the hostages home. there is no doubt right now that hamas is the block to that deal. we need to continue to put pressure on them. they're not putting pressure on hamas for their blocking the cease-fire right now. congressman adam smith thank you for a quick thank you very much. benjamin: more than 100 hostages far apart on a deal one of the hostages is hersh goldberg-polin his mother only receive proof that he is like sheep calling on the israeli government today will bring in the panel to discuss biden's vow to not supply weapons to israel with its kristine lazar
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>> mike moved to the safety of the jewish people the security of israel, and its right to exist as an independent jewish state is ironclad. even what we disagree. my administration is working around the clock shoot free at remaining hostages and will not rest until we bring them all home. benjamin: president biden pledging to help bring the remaining israeli hostages home during the holocaust remembrance ceremony earlier this week. cease-fire negotiations between ended with no deal leaving family members wondering the next move. one of those hostages is hersh 23 the 23 year old kidnapped and taken to gaza. joining me now is hersh's mother rachel goldberg-polin. thank you for being with us today i know it is mother's day. and i note this is not how you
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want to be spending it. but at the moment there is so much a dialogue, there's only political divisions and cease-fire talk and they are going so slowly. do you feel today it not enough is being done? what do you think needs to be done? >> well, i think it is still 132 cherished souls who are being held captive. for 219 days and within that cohort of 13032 souls there are the american eight who i think not most americans are even aware there are american innocent civilians being held against their will. but there's a lot of people in that hostage cohort we do not hear about will be here a lot of noise about the hostages being held you very rarely hear about the muslim arabs who are
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hostage. you very rarely hear about the buddhist who art held hostage a very rarely hear about the black christian africans who are being held hostage. there are mexicans, their argentinians, there are germans. and somehow there has been an attempt to make this group of people eight monolithic homogenous group. benjamin: why do you think that has happened? you think it does not serve the political benefits of the sides working for solution? >> i think it is an excellent question. i would turn it around to you being someone and that mediate e i have nothing to do with the why certain things are crafted or narrated a certain weight. but i find it curious and suspicious that for whatever reason that has not been
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publicly saturating the news. benjamin: i would ask at the moment you think perhaps in israeli invasion into kristine lazar with that put your son in these other hostages their lives in danger? >> listen. i'm not a military strategist. i am a mother who wa is horribly miserably worried about her only son who has been in an active war zone for 219 days along with the wonder and 31 other people the oldest one is a grandpa who is 86 years old the youngest one is a one and a half years old. we have daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, spouses, fathers, mothers, grandparents we are all horribly worried
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about our loved ones being in harm's way. benjamin: would you like to see the cease-fire talks continue? it must've been awful to see those in is that where you think a solution might be found? >> well, i think that we really have to be creative and insightful in a figure out a way forward. both sides really have to figure out a way forward. calling for a time out certainly will go sometime for people to start think straight again. i think what really gets lost in this is that america should not be considered this neutral negotiator. america was also a victim on october 7. forty-five americans were killed on october 7, 1 12 were taken io
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captivity and eight are being held hostage. i certainly want all the suffering in the region and there is so much suffering to go around. there is no competition here there are hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in gaza who are suffering. there are also one third 32 innocent civilians in gaza who were dragged there on october 7 who are suffering. i think people have trouble holding those two truths that does an injustice to everyone involved. benjamin: you made it very clear this is an attack on america and rachel will try to keep telling the stories of your son and all the other people being held because they have to be the main focus of what we do but thank you so much for joining us today we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. benjamin: 's time for the sunday group politico congressional reporter olivia at beavers fox news senior political analyst juan williams, former bush white house advisor fox news contributor karl rove or mark
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bush national security official michael allen. thank you all for joining me today i really appreciate it. i want to start out by playing a soundbite from president biden will get your response so that in a minute. >> i have made it clear to beebe and the war cabinet they are not going to get our support if in fact the guilt to these population centers we are not walking with from israel security we are walking away from israel's ability to wage a war in those areas. benjamin: karl we've heard from rachel there are americans being held inside gaza at the moment i think president biden is saying he's not walking away from israel security even though he is holding weapons back. do you think the administration is getting this wrong? works i do it they're getting it wrong for the wrong reason. this is all about politics i think the president feels compelled by the demonstrations on college campuses and by the disarray on the left wing of the democratic party of the anti- israel pro- hamas wing of the democrat party's going to do something about it.
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so it's got to look tough to them in his dealings with israel and i think it is a mistake. anything that makes it look a political make the president look weaker it makes america's position and the regent weaker as well. benjamin: is a big thing to say it's a political decision you think that is why president biden is withholding weapons for domestic particle purposes? >> not at all but first lamy saa how important it was that we hear from that mother of a hostage that i think that is a perspective that is lost in all the commotion hear about the campus protests, focused on the israeli crushing the offense of her perspective is so important it's so human it's mother's day. to carl's point i don't think the president is responding to any campus protests. i think he wants to bring those hostages home part he wants to see an end to this war. he wants to see u.s. policy satisfied which is calling for a two state solution a state of israel in a state of the
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palestinians. the idea you would support an attack on a population center like rafah with a potential humanitarian crisis that would be caused by israel's attack does not help us to get hostages home. it does not help the arab countries that are negotiating with israel to come to a deal. in fact to put those arab countries and a more tenuous situation because all the arab world is can't you see what the israelis are doing? that's what the president is talking about constructive steps to achieve a deal. that is the goal pic provoke something besides admixed policy the way he is dealing with the israelis back and forth. michael, peter baker of the "new york times" posted this on x he said biden privately threatened to rethink his support for the war in a private call with netanyahu in february 2 months before bit the white house and put in the readout of the call to avoid a public blow up. what do you make of president
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biden's evolution of his support and policy toward israel? >> the biden policy is a muddled and self-defeating congress passes a 14 billion-dollar assistance package for israel, biden says repeatedly we have got your back and yet we say on the other hand we are not going to send you arms and don't do anything we ask you not to do. this week i was in israel. we learned they have submitted the israelis have submitted a humanitarian plan to the biden administration that begins to take care of the movement of some of the innocent civilians northward in gaza. in that way there be fewer civilian casualties when israel goes and full-scale into rafah's big butt to go back to the hostages i think when the israelis put forward a very serious very well thought out proposal that was cynically rejected by hamas we realize
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there is no leverage the biden administration has over hamas they should put more pressure on hamas and support this invasion of rafah still have more leverage infused hostage negotiations. benjamin: olivia very quickly, how to think the policy of the moment is playing out domestically how much does this affect president biden at home? >> present but is in a tenuous situation is party is divided. we are saying that on the college campuses and republicans are definitely picking apart every opportunity that they can or heat seems to bend and bow to that site or withhold aid and make 20th is when centers have asked him to provide more information about withholding of offensive weapons because he tries to play the middle light and appease both sites it is hardpan it will take a break right there we will be back just after the break. michael cohen expected to take the stand next week former president trumps new york criminal trial on monday but we will discuss whether he will be a credible witness for the prosecution. that is coming u
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>> i got indicted for times and a period of three seconds. anytime there's a plane that flies over. for if my plane flies over a blue state to get subpoena before a grand jury. why did they do it nine years ago as an example. or eight years ago. they could have done it many, many years ago. they waited until the election.
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they waited right into the middle of the election. >> former president trump lashing out the indictments he faces a multiple states last night and a huge rally in new jersey calling the case is politically motivated. we are back out the panel. on a broader level do you think this trial is hurting or helping president trump? he says it raises money when he appeared in court to get to speak after the trial every day he is on air. what you think overall, good or bad for him? >> is pulling him off and beingg able to do campaigns. it is going to depend really how the jury decides whether he's guilty or not. i think there is a more interesting point of watching him not being able to have this outlets. he is known for attacking his enemies and bring it down people who cross him.
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here he is a gag order and is not able to say anything. that is limiting how this person has defined his reputation and he's not able to do that right now we have michael cohen coming to the stand that if someone has a very vitriolic relationship with that it might not be able to say anything big bucks absolutely. karl that was going to the question. michael cohen is coming out. is this good or bad? neither side seems to warm to him. >> we had an interesting week last week. now have another interesting week in which we engage whether or not he is a credible witness. >> to date this whole process has energized the base of trumps political support. raised him a bunch of money. it's not an accident we saw that gigantic rally on saturday with the tens of thousands nearly 100,000 according to some reports of th people from new jersey, new york city and the new york environment.
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what gets me is we don't know how important is to be to the ultimate decision but i'm amazed at the public opinion. 22% say it will end i and infec. three days earlier at suffolk usa said 65% say he will be convicted. abc news if sos so suppose 52% f the people say is a significant issue. a few days later mpr embarrassed bull 45% say it was unfair. 47% said he did something illegal. but they said it's unethical but not illegal and 21% nothing wrong. you have 51% of people saying heat did nhedid not do anything. we are conflicted about this and i suspect the impact is going to be fewer fort trump it is bad for if you are against the trump you like what you are hearing in the trial. but it doesn't really change a lot of minds. >> is probably a close election will come down too. it will beat ne will be neck an.
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kind of the big news of trump as there's no other big cases coming up for trump before the election. this hush buddy case everything else is being pushed back. is that a big boost her president trump? once the hush money campaign is done he's off campaigning progressive number one political strategy is delay, delay, delay, push it away. it's ironic to hear him say on the stump why didn't they do all this a long time ago? it seems like the whole justice system even congress is afraid of being playing in politics. everyone it's like we wait, we will be cautious in judge cannon down in florida gave them such a big kiss this week. we will delay this. they will not be informed voters in november. in response what karl was saying, it's not the stormy daniels a testimo testimony than the headlines or the upcoming testimony by michael cohen that's going to make headlines it's the real story in this case
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the real story is it doesn't trump testify? if trump testifies headlines like you would not believe and he will be at tremendous risk it. who believes he does not have sex with stormy daniels? who believes he did not pay hush money? if he has to testify and lie that would be perjury. that's a different ball of >>. not only for trump's opponents for even for his sump support of somassome have said he is convid that of second thoughts. >> were not going to cme's not going to testify no way at all but break that is what his supporters hope otherwise of his lies will become court record. benjamin: we do not have very long but very quickly freed three primaries coming up in three states. in indiana, nikki haley 122% of the vote last week. wonder if you think that's part of this trial? a lot of suburban women voters watching the trout and switching over. >> that is part of it. i think president trump to win the battle ground states that he
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needs for the presidency it needs to appeal to college education women in independence. that's why you're seeing the 22% for nikki haley. benjamin: want to see that plays out. panel thank you for joining me today i really appreciate it thank you. up next we take an inside look into of the country's preeminent military hospitals and the work they are doing to help american veterans reshape their lives sleepy? headaches? dry skin? you're probably dehydrated. try liquid labs rapid hydration. it's packed with all five essential electrolytes.
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benjamin: during my time this week in washington i traveled to walter reed national medical center to get a firsthand look at the amazing job the dedicated doctors, nurses and for the goal therapist do to help us recover from catastrophic injuries. i myself received excellent care at another military hospital the brooke army medical center in
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san antonio, texas after sustaining serious injuries and attack that killed two colleagues of mine while covering the ukraine war back in march of 2022 i talked to three vets they are stories of pain, hope, and recovery beginning with a day th the day that chanr lives forever. >> one of them one of most dangerous jobs in the army i would search for ied's in afghanistan included the routes. july two, 2011 i was blown up and it penetrated my rd 30 what is a 200-pound directional bomb that went straight through and in that moment as you can tell it amputated both of my legs' that might left femur and half my pelvis snapped in half dislocated my spine and pelvis my right arm snapped in half. right middle finger it was amputated, for a front teeth were knocked out when my face hit the steering wheel everything inside my torso was destroyed except my heart and my left lung. so they cut me open, went in and
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fix everything. >> what incredible journey. i would not have thought it was possible to survive something like that. >> had died twice on the operating table. they were preparing my family while i was in a coma for a month and a half saying he probably will not come out of this and if he does he's not going to be normal. >> he was working as part of the marine air ground task force during the evacuation of afghanistan back in august of 2021 a suicide bomber blew himself up nearby. >> i came to, recognize we are shooting fire and my team leader got to me a few other of my best friends through tourniquet's i'll meet right away is awake throughout most of it screaming, kicking the whole 9 yards got moved back to ccp behind the cyber tower and triaged about completely bled out for the time i got to the world to facility to the joint medical center that
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had three drops of blood in my body racing around the backs stacy was back home when he sustained his injuries back in june of 2022. >> is a motorcycle accident. i don't remember much at all. i was rushed to the emergency of my bladder disconnected for my urethra might left leg was broken into places. my right arm into places. my esophagus wasn't dislodged might right arm and my right leg were also broken pay with all three vets the early days of recovery after the day that changed their lives were traumatic. >> what was it like when you come out of your coma and you see the path ahead? what's my first words to my dad was this is different. everybody laughed they said he's got a point. this is different. we cannot take back time we cannot change this. i can't grow my legs back so how do we get past this moment? what you seem so full of
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optimism. i wonder where that comes from? have you always been like that? >> and no, no i almost took my life 12 times after is a blown up. there is a mirror on the wall next to me and my hospital bed i would look every morning and i would see monster. one of the ways i real it is going to able to get through was not pushing people away. not hearing them say you're going to get through it and i would be like you don't know what i'm going through if they're there they want to care and they want to be there for us. i stopped to pushing peo pushiny and allow people in my circle to give me encouragement. >> my injuries are not like yours. >> we are at legates wednesdays. but i got the knee. i got the knee. but i said to myself early on i said i would've never come this before if i'm having a bad day i'm going to tell the first person who comes in the door. i've got to do that if i do not tell them that it's going to get worse and worse for me. i would never have done that
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before. >> is change our perspective and how we respond to bad things and good things. >> yes and of course we cannot do without family either. >> onone 100% director wife is y your side the whole time. >> yes the last six and a half years she has been kicking my butt literally tell many to tell my story go up and enjoy life. >> of the early thoughts when you are finally stabilized had the amputations what did you think about the path ahead? >> might mom was with me on to my first six months of my recovery she rates myself and my siblings and i grew up seeing her struggle through a lot but always overcoming it so i could have had that mindset i remember she was in tears one day and she was like but you're going to run again. >> housing whole process of physio- been? >> i would say more mental than anything. it's wears out before the accident and try to get back there. when it comes to healing,
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healing is never a straight process. you get so many steps ahead then yandyou take a whole bunch back. if all i coul can do is 1% one y just keep doing it every day until the 1% adds up to something. >> are so much love here when you come to walter reed. they look at our situation and say okay what do we need? in fact most of the time they arty prepared and we walk in the door. think we know you need blades here you go out there here are neat made for you. i get running go. >> there you go get it, get it. >> that was awesome. >> walter reed physical therapist bob has helped hundreds of vets go through rehab over the last 20 years. >> the tough job you do. >> it has its challenges at times. >> if you want someone to get their injuries like this, you got to push them. >> correct. >> talk us through what if physio- program would look like you've got a new patient who has come in he is an amputee, or do
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you start what you do? once we work on strengthening their religion sigil limb work on striking their endurance and we want to work on their balance and coordination. so we take different parts of that and put it together we just keep adding on until they are up and starting to move it. >> was having put your right foot up here. and then with this what i would like you to do is hold it out at arms length see if you can rotate your trunk side to side. >> used to always be looking for what you can grab hold of. how does that feel? >> challenging. what those are incredible stories, remarkable people. up next will take a closer look at some of the high tech equipment that injured vets have access to walter reed will hear what is next in the life of the three vets that we talk too.
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we got to sample some of those amazing limbs. the final thoughts from the three events this is a mild electric prosthesis. the hand is powered by using electrodes on the inside. you can't make any guarantees. using the electric signals from somebody's forearm and keep in mind, yes, we make these really cool ones but nothing works without good therapy. it is a full team environment. our technicians in the back would help us fabricate the actual socket portion. it would be the one casting and making the fit. our ot t would work with the
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patient to control those muscle contractions so they can properly open and close the hand it's not easy to isolate those muscle contractions. that is why it is a team environment. we don't care about how much things cost on the civilian side it is not a cheap hand. i will say it that way. under $100,000 if that gives you a ballpark. for us, when we purchase things for our patients, we get it at cost. >> when i asked what the big difference was, we can provide to you exactly what you need. what is this year? >> this is a dynamic movement. maybe had a crush injury or you have some type of nerve injury.
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tingling, numbness. we use these on our patients. it is off brand. we know people. >> all three are grateful for the care they've gotten here at walter reed and are optimistic about the future. >> a new normal now. i have to be mindful of what i can and cannot do. when it comes to physical activities. i can still do a lot of the stuff that i used to do. the strength is just not quite there yet. >> on cap me here for a reason and he reminded me the world considers ptsd as what we know it as but post traumatic successful domination in this situation. >> you are going on to do bigger better things. >> yes.
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we are in orlando. cannot wait. >> there comes a time where you gotta be like life is not so bad we are still alive. i buddies that were killed. i am here and they are not geared my family does not have to grieve me for the rest of their lives. >> i just know that if i was speaking to them they would want me to keep going. work harder. >> that is the best way to honor their memory. >> injuries like that, they lost their life. it is about the community around them. for me that community was my wife. i want to reach out to her and say than "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪


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