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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  May 13, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> there comes a time where you gotta be like life is not so bad we are still alive. i buddies that were killed. i am here and they are not geared my family does not have to grieve me for the rest of their lives. >> i just know that if i was speaking to them they would want me to keep going. work harder. >> that is the best way to honor their memory. >> injuries like that, they lost their life. it is about the community around them. for me that community was my wife. i want to reach out to her and say than "life, liberty & levin" starts right now. ♪ ♪
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♪ hello america i am marco levin and this is "life, liberty & levin" sunday but welcome to the program with two great guests, great attorney and a great hero keith kellogg. before we get to our guests have you noticed our judicial system has been blowing up right in front of your face? our legal system is not a legal system anymore? have you noticed the bill of rights are being shredded right in front of your face? have you noticed we have judges who are not judges? they are polititheir political k robes. have you noticed all kinds of turmoil and taking place in courtrooms, right before a federal election?
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who is doing this? let's see we have a democratic judge and prosecutor in the hat we had a democrat judge and prosecutor in the albany case we have a democrat prosecutor in atlanta. we have a democrat prosecutor and the two federal cases with a democrat judge in washington d.c. a real judge thankfully in florida. we have had democrat appellate judges to a film appointed by biden who have made these outrageous decisthisoutrageous e have the supreme court that is having to deal some of it. i want you to think about this for a minute. sometimes it pays to step back. we get a lot of repetition from our legal analyst friends many of whom say the same thing because they are correct to weather the storm daniels or judge merchan or whatever it is. to anyone who spent at least 15 minutes and law school what is going on is a stalinist show trial. i do not fit into the repetition business i want to step back and
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look at this and a more comprehensive and fulsome way. what is being done to our judicial system, our legal system in our courts beats the right out effective traditional prosecutorial ethics, legal ethics, who is doing it? joe biden is doing it. who else is doing it? the democrat party federal and state are doing it. and, political judges some of who were elected somewhat radicals that have been appointed. judicial system is in flames much like everything else joe biden in the democrat party touch. no it is not donald trump's fault. donald trump did not commit the 91 offenses. no, this is not because donald trump is a dictator, hitler they need to keep them in the box. this is a power grab. an autocratic party that sees its opportunity to clear the playing field. to win an election with a
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candidate who is effectively unelectable. that is exactly what is taking place. we have these so-called courts, these or pretend it courts with pretend judges. pretend prosecutors, pretend juries, pretend that laws that are being used, magnified and amplified by a state supporting media filled with democrats, marxists and islamists. the event unconstitutionally appointed rogue prosecutor and jack smith. who is been a rogue prosecutor his entire life. unconstitutionally. whether it's taking on a democrat candidate, that will be jon edwards. destroying him and his career of the edwards contributed to that. we can go on and on and on and i shall. questions are being raised can you indict a sitting president? as a presidential immunity follow a former president for his effectual acts or acts at
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all when he leaves office? can a president pardon himself? can a president himself from state charges? does the espionage act applied to present and former president with regard to the retention of documents? do non- federal prosecutors and non- federal judges have jurisdiction over federal matters like federal campaign laws if they can find a way to link it to some supposed state law? we have this unconstitutional appointment as i said or this prosecutor who has raised many of these issues who has caused much of the tumult in this country. he does not care about the constitution he does not care about traditions. he does not care about the bill of rights. he is a hunter. he comes out of the hague. he does not care. his target is donald trump and anybody and everybody around him. he has run roughshod over these courts some of which have been
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happy to be his basic partners. he has pushed issues to the supreme court of the united states that should never have gone there. attorney-client privilege, doesn't that apply to donald trump? apparently not. first amendment free-speech issues doesn't that apply to donald trump? i don't know. gag orders in federal court, gag orders and federal courts where they afraid of? what are they afraid of he's a presidential candidate he's a former presidents at least the rights of an average defendant. but more so, more so because the american people have a right to hear from him. the criminalization of the election process by the feds, by merrick garland. the only person who is less available to the press than joe biden is merrick garland. he operates in the shadows and under the radar too although he is the invisible he is svengali. criminalization of the election process. a second slate of electors think
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electorate it happened in 1876 nobody was charged. you are contacting state representatives and boards of elections and governors and lieutenant governors? every party has done that since the beginning of time. there's nothing wrong with that. so the criminalization of things that have been viewed as perfectly legitimate. you do not have to believe me, that is our history. the goal here is what? the goal is to get biden elected and to destroy donald trump. more than that the goal is to empower the democrat party is a monopoly party. don't you ever challenge it and destroy effectively the ability of the republican party to run and win elections. particularly at the presidential level. this violates every notion of judicial ethics prosecutorial ethics, legal ethics generally, federal jurisdiction but let's talk about this case in manhattan. and it went to say this to perhaps a fiv the five supreme t justices you may have an open
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mind you had judge kagan, judge jackson the three left-wing musketeers who all came up with these horrendous hypothetical examples. what if we allow immunity for a former president, what will happen? what if he sends off nuclear bombs wha would be a seal team x we do not need hypotheticals. we have a reality that is taking place right now in the united states of america. an eight manhattan courtroom were a state judge who was conflicted, his family is conflicted he is not over his head he is a hack a state sanction district attorney prosecutor who is eight radical leftists. we have a case for the crimes are not known the witnesses are hidden.
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you have witnesses testifying with collateral evidence to character assassinate the defendant. we have a judge who gags the defendant not because the defendant is dangerous he doesn't want the defendant criticizing was taken place in a courtroom. you have all kinds of activities going on in that courtroom. that would make joe stolen very, very proud it is a disgusting abuse of a power it is a disgrace is destroying our judicial system at some point some court steps in and stops it. we will see. but, let's take a look at this. you have a federal matter, a campaign matter that is being used to resuscitate a state law with the statute of limitations has run or even has violated is it misdemeanor involving a bookkeeping issue. you have heard every legal analyst in the world tell you that. here's what you have not heard.
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this is a document that was agreed to by the federal election commission and the department of justice. a memorandum of understanding on april 19, 2023 and the you see official record. the under same to the federal election commission and the united states department of justice to promote the enforcement of the federal campaign finance laws. the mou establishes guidelines for the commission and d.o.j. to engage in parallel proceedings sharing information and circumstances and otherwise properly been submissions of both agencies and subject to all relevant legal and ethical constraints an informed by the mutual respect and goes on. the department of justice has exclusive jurisdiction on criminal enforcement of the federal campaign finance laws including related criminal offenses. there it is. judge merchan you moan to copy this but on the other hand you might not give in who you are
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and what you are doing. this basically is an agreement on what we already knew. this is a federal jurisdiction is called federal campaign laws. note state prosecutor and no state judge is free to just pretend that they know if a federal law was violated and then use that to burp up ridiculous indictments based on a state law that's already run n the statute of limitations. now prior to that march 31, 2020 when i have in my hands a letter that was sent to the trump organization dear sir and madame on january 30, 2000, 2019th every 21, march 14, 2018. the federal election commission notified you of complaints alleging trump organization llc of violated certain sections of the federal election campaign act of 1971 as amended the
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commission's regulations. it's considered the allegations raised in the complaints the word insufficient number of votes, insufficient number of votes to find reason to believe trump organization may violated the act and commission regulations has alleged accordingly the commission closed its file on this matter on march 23, 2021. donald trump also received a copy of that. left-wing groups and others try to criminalize the nondisclosure agreement and they failed. what about the u.s. attorney's office in the southern district of new york? you have heard about this but no one has explained it to you. you actually go to the "new york times" this or march 31, 2023. trump was under scrutiny from federal prosecutors in the southern district of new york some years ago as part of an investigation that also looked at his longtime fixer michael d cohen for mr. cohen eventually went to prison but mr. trump is not charged at the time or after
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he left office for the prosecutor's in the justice department some of the reasons appear to concern how the prosecutor who is expected brought by the district attorney alvin bragg involved, that's her key witness. a felon who committed crimes of perjury. and of fraud. he goes to the heart of his character. and yet he is the key witness in a case that is not even a case with a state law had already passed. a federal law has passed. there is no basis for anything taking place in this courtroom. politico, this is from march 20 of this year. a federal judge suggested wednesday michael cohen commit perjury under oath. this is last month giving fresh
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support to former president donald trump's claim is one-time personal lawyer poised to be a star prosecution witness the upcoming near criminal trial is an untrustworthy liar. judge jesse and manhattan a federal judge questions cohen's truthfulness in a written order denying his request for early release from the court supervision that followed his three year prison sentence for crimes including tax evasion, lying to banks and congress of violating campaign finance laws. this is their key witness. manhattan state court last october on the witness stand cohen insisted he was not actually guilty of tax evasion even though pleaded guilty to the charge in 2018. ask if he had lied to the federal judge and he said yes. cohen repeatedly unambiguously testified at the state court trial he was not guilty of tax evasion he had lied under oath.
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basically lies offer thousand different reasons why hasn't the federal government stepped in? i've asked this question for months. going into this courtroom or to a federal courtroom, going somewhere and i shut this case down. for lack of jurisdiction, for federalism reasons, for interfering in a federal election, why haven't they done that? i want to remind the justices on the supreme court especially those five whoever they may be, you had a lawyer argue in front of you there was no reason for presidential immunity you had three justices who made fools of themselves going on to find many bizarre and extreme examples of what might happen if president trump wins the day and the supreme court on the immunity issue. again, you don't need hypotheticals. you just look at what is happening in manhattan right now.
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this is what is going to go on throughout the country. without limits, without boundaries, the interference in presidential elections, state prosecutors coming up with concoctions to use federal law way out of their jurisdiction the department of justice that refuses to defend federal jurisdiction while it is in your court demanding their beat no poster presidential immunity. we have five former attorneys at general one existing, partisan politics must play no role in decisions of federal investigators or prosecutors regarding any investigation or criminal crimes. jack smith, this is all he cares about he came to your court the supreme court he demanded to rulyourule immediately get thisl underway. all of these have time to do exactly that. they say the inspector general the department of justice said this is just advisory attorneys in general issued these memos just because the giving advice. it is more than advisory be owed
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to the department of justice handbook, nine -- 85 -- 500. actions that may have an impact on election. this is not just advisory. these are the rules. federal prosecutors and agents may never select the timing of any action including investigative steps criminal charges or statements. for the purpose of affecting any election for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party. this is a rule mr. inspector general. such a purpose is inconsistent with the department's mission and with the principles of federal prosecution, seat section nine -- 27-point to oh. any action likely to raise an issue or perception of an issue under this provision requires consultation with the public integrity section in such action shall not be taken if the public integrity section advises further consultation is further required of the deputy attorney general or the attorney general.
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they go to the back door of the biter mishima local prosecutors they have allowed collateral evidence i was the first dimension on this network all of this evidence was stormy daniels and the rest of the retro bates obviously intended to damage trump's due process. the right to know the specific crimes are being charged with. that is a simple due process issue under federal and state constitutional law. the right to know who your witnesses are so you can prepare for them. these witnesses have been hidden by this judge. the right to first amendment free speech, and gag orders for gag orders were issued to protect the defendant from the government not protect the government from criticism from the defendant. the prosecution brought retaliation for the political expression or the fact this man, donald trump is running for president that is a clear violation of the first amendment. so my point is this. supreme court, pay attention to what is taking place.
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this jury, if it convicts the goal here is to get the scarlet letter but it is more than that. eric said publicly that up donald trump is found guilty of any charge in any court and he still wins election of the presidency, there should be immediate moved move by the des to impeach him. under the 14th amendment. this will never end unless it is put to death right now.
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. we are here with the jim trusty he's a great friend, lawyer and litigator. jim trusty you see was going on this courtroom and manhattan. we can go to the particulars they are very ugly from the judge, to the prosecutor, to the witness to the so-called evidence and testimony. it seems like at every turn there is a miscarriage of justice. the problem here is i went and looked at what, if anything, the new york bar has had to say about any of this. my heard to the gag order they put out a statement supporting the gag order. what do you do if there is an answer, if you are in a state a
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single party basically controls all of the instrumentalities of the legal process they are effectively all in lockstep with what is taking place here. how do you fix that or is it unfixable? like that's a good question if you have a quick or easy answer to it. these are the wages of law fair. i am a big fan of process. think regular process and predictable treatment of people in the criminal justice system is what guarantees the best results. you're never going to be perfect resuperfectresults but somethinn respect. laufer turns every thing on its head. the idea is let's manipulate the legal system to target someone and unfortunately a huge swath of this country's okay with the concept of a law fair prosecutors running for office on the notion the going to get donald trump. on prosecutors not disclosing the theory of felony culpability while the trial is going on. these are kind of amazing
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creative and use that in a pejorative sense, ways of addressing crime and a law and order. with that ultimately does is it puts an incredible amount of pressure on the higher court. project lately supreme court. they're dealing with something that is unwieldy monster we've never seen in the society which is target first, evidence later. they have to decide are we going to put our necks out of it criticize? ana justice roberts is sensitive to this to stepping in and stopping the abuse of the system that seems to be federal and state popping up everywhere at the expense of donald trump. mark: he race a great point about justice roberts. you think justice roberts understands that they don't put an end of this will be dealing with this for the rest of time? you have literally thousands of local and state prosecutors you have 93 states attorney javid attorney general unconstitutional point special counsel. the more these prosecutors get involved in electoral politics
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or violate jurisdictional issues, or use unethical tactics and their judges do it, the more the supreme court is going to be faced with this and the more the american people are going to have nothing but contempt for the justice system. >> justice roberts has a natural desire to build coalitions of the mccourt when he can. that sometimes means deciding things on procedural grounds rather than the substance it. look at the ballot litigation for instance of these ridiculous disqualification cases that are popping up. but he think the supreme court, at this point, really recognizes the context. it's not just abstract the questions. we are seeing the problem play out with a case in new york that may be comes down to the idea. if you strip away the problems with it that it is okay to write on your own leisure or check legal services an nda. it's a felony if you leave out the parenthetical pride that is insane the prey that cannot
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possibly be the difference between innocent bookkeeping and a felony. i think the justices are aware of that. they come back, i've really listened carefully to the oral argument on immunity there is a very profound point that was made. supreme court justices were pushing mike the council for the government, a good guy had known for years. i like him. they say what is to stop this essential law fair? what's a stop on unethical for him politically and targeting someone and using different rules for one person? he said is not in their interest. sun enters oit's on the interesf prosecutors to bring a bad case for their not political. i thought it was a stunning a moment of willful naïveté. i think the supreme court justice almost belly laughed at the notion we are now just going to fully trust federal prosecutors like jack smith or state prosecutors like fani willis or up in new york or any of these folks to be doing the
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right thing for justice. it is sad. as a d.o.j. person a prosecutor what role or another for 27 years. i do not like that that we cannot trust them but that is the heart of the issue its character in high places. mark: out at the gentleman making the argument works for the department of justice in that case. he works for jack smith that statement is representing jack smith who walked all over the due process rights of a former governor of virginia, is pretty laughable. and that same court within different makeup of justice eight -- zero, one or accused voted unanimously that jack smith was way out of line. that's another example. we will be right back.
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i am jon scott now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪. mark: will come up america. jim trusty it's not by accident all these issues of first impression these constitutional issues have been raised in the course of the last few years. since a biden was elected democrat party took the department of justice das have been doing with the das have been doing. it is like a full court press in the constitution, issues of first impression that slam againslammedagainst the wall. i want to raise one wi reason w. the pardon power. just just raise the question we do not even know if the
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president can pardon himself. i do there's nothing in the constitution at all that prevents a president from pardoning himself it is a plenary power that is unchallengeable. but the next question is due to department of justice memos. one from 1973 and one from 2000. nixon and clinton office of legal counsel, the brain trust of the department of justice. and they write you can't incite a sitting president because you will decapitate the second branch of government the executive branch. for 1000 different reasons you just cannot do that for a winter move president from impeachment and deal with that later that's a different issue. you cannot have a president the u.s. attorneys inferior executive branch employees indicting him while he is president. that has been understood and then is how biden basically escaped indictment under the espionage act he was certified and imbecile they said you cannot incite a sitting president okay got it.
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then the question comes up can a president pardon himself or state offenses i heard that legal analyst say of course not that is a state matter for that is correct. the department of justice is you cannot incite a sitting president at a federal level because you will interfere that the executive branch you will cripple it. how could they possibly be a case to have the authority to pardon himself his office, the presidency from a rogue district attorney or ma maybe 100 of the. and can also cripple the office of the president. so what i'm saying to you is my marker is yes. a president can in fact a pardon himsthepardon himself under thel constitution. and yes it does apply to state prosecutors even more than the federal prosecutors and. that is my long way throwing the question to you. quickset is interesting i have not given at that much thought. the absence of a restriction
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basically means this kind of hold over power from the old days of having kings to pardon include pardoning you yourself. it always understood that to be federal. maybe the difference could be timing. i'm wondering aloud because you are oyouwere out in front more i am. does not require an indictment that takes place while he is present or can it predate? is super talking predated indictments of georgia and new york right now. an interesting thing that might build some more pressure on the supreme court to whiten wait and eventually. you are right. jack smith's speedy trial demand we hurry up and try this case because somehow the public has a right that is more important than a defendants defined by about half of our public. that reflects on the notion they are terrified that president trump becomes president trump and that he pardons himself and all their political work washes down the drain without a trial.
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>> the rush to judgment, cutting corners on appeals, demanding they hurry up and ruled multiple constitutional issues confronting us at the same time. the state court interfering in the federal election trying to use a federal election law or has no jurisdiction. collateral evidence, a conflicted judge. this is not an accident is that? works at the new york case is a circus. we are at literally sitting in a doctor's office looking at old people magazines. meanwhile we are thinking i would really like to do with the serious issues at hand of having my doctor give me some treatment. it is this distraction. it's substituting tawdry for criminal evidence in the hopes and new york jersey will go along with the game. and frankly you know this is boring stuff to the jurors jury instructions the 30 or 60 minutes the judge lays out the law to the jury will absolutely be the game changer on this case
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is going to instruct them into an acquittal or instruct them into a conviction. >> that's a great point and i fear you are correct it. our brother, thank you, god bless you jim trusty. take care of yourself. >> good
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mark: welcome back america. we are here is our good friend, a great hero, retired general keith kellogg. you spent a lot of time in the military. your family spent a lot of time in the military. in our allies from our enemies have you ever seen a situation or did you ever imagine the situation the president of the united states would cut off necessary armaments to our ally, israel. hundreds of billions of dollars to her enem our enemy, ron, ploe trent eight, hezbollah and hamas that you ever imagine we have a
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president of the united states like this? quick to note mark, no. it goes beyond munitions because i think now what you are really seeing with president biden and his administration is they've drawn a bad line. to meet their recent issue of moral equivalence they have lost the bubble on this. here's what i mean by that just last monday netanyahu the prime minister of israel was in jerusalem in the world holocaust museum he said never again is in now. i river the trump administration i was with vice president pence i will never forget going there and standing at the railhead where they unloaded the jews and i walked from the railhead to where the crematorium's were in the gas chambers where they had murdered 200,000 young jewish children. i came back to the aircraft, air force to and sat with the vice president and looked at him. i said you know i'm jesuit
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catholic and trained. for the first time in my life i don't believe in god. he looked to be and said no it's not god, it is man. you are saying that right now there is a moral it issued this demonstration is lost they lose it by not only siding with hamas and not criticizing and standing firmly with israel it's what you just saw with the munitions shipments. our member going back to 1973 you had the war when israel was attacked by egypt and jordan and syria. at that time president nixon said this is not going to stand. he at air force by the biggest airlift since the berlin airlift and he said we are going to send equipment and munitions, everything that flies. the russians responded by saying we are going to support the arabs, the egyptians were going to put troops there. what president nixon did is the action increa crease we call the defense condition from five -- three. when you get up to and he said
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to the russians and no, we have taken a position. wheat side with israel. that is with this administration has not done. and what it needs to do is see moral equivalent they have lost the bubble on that. people forget that hamas attacked into israel. they killed well over 2000. they took over 100 hostages. some of them americans for they killed americans and we blindly go past it. we walk blindly past the graveyard were there so many things here that are wrong with this administration. i'll close with this a part of it. when this happened to us in the trump administration in april of 2017 when they sent nerve gas into a city and killed a lot of civilians, we said he has crossed a worl moral line. that's we sent 57 tomahawk land missiles into the airfield to make sure you do not do this
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again. was developed by the nazis in world war ii. there's a red light redline ifr use it which they did that presidential decision-making and how they act right and how trump acted and i'm watching how biden acted i will pick the trump method. mark: biden is all talk he goes to the holocaust museum and talks about anti-semitism and the holocaust while at the same time he has directed his government to withhold munitions from the state of israel. hamas now knows he can do whatever we want. our leadership is going to survive. these four battalions are going to survive. joe biden has picked a side he has picked our survival while he is trying to take out the government in israel. israel is not going to put up with that i am pleased to say the republican party general is not going to put up with that. donald trump is not going to put up with that. but the democrats, apparently
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♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. general keith kellogg why in the world with the biting regime deny israel did kind of precision weapons they need in urban warfare where effectively the leadership of hamas the nazi leadership in berlin are in there told bunkers with 5000 of their most aggressive terrorist battalions for that's four battalions of 5000 terrorists. why would they deny them the exact weapons that would limit casualties? >> there is an army saying it's dumber than dirt that is with this what is really. you look at point president
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biden national security adviser and secretary of defense. the precision and the ability to use precision weapons which cuts back on civilian casualties and collateral damage it's a way of pushing back on the israeli military sink not to go into iraq but the israeli military has done a very good job of attacking with discrete targeting. precision targeting what goes into rafah they take the crossing sites first then they're workithereworking their. you need the precision weapons in the targeting and the large bombs to eradicate hamas and by the way the tunnels that are underneath the buildings. they have denied them the ability to do it they should noo it at all. they don't make good military sense at all. the are what the elite battalions are of hamas there still four of them left in rafah that got to eradicate them.
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the leader of hamas and gaza is there as well and that's probably worse on the hostages are if there are even left. they need those weapons to finish the job. the tri- should tie the hands of the israelis. we are not very good at telling people how to fight we have not done a very good job of it in the last few years this is not the time to tell the israelis who are very good military force both air, land, sea on how to fight too. we should not do it we should give them everything they need. we are back in the administration i was convinced we would say to netanyahu whatever you need to have got go on. eradicate hamas which is a terrorist organization. by the way they killed americans that taken americans hostage and they actually did the attack in israel. it was not the other way around. mark: in general, why do biden, blinken, kirby and the rest of the reprobates in this regime keep lying about the civilian casualties and gaza?
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why do they keep regurgitating the numbers that are put out by hamas despite the fact experts in statistics keepsake those numbers are not accurate. they cannot possibly be accurate. why did the implyi applying abo? >> they create a narrative it. the narrative is false. when the fight started late started the fight by going to is that when the israelis went into gaza i said repeatedly when you get into a city fight in because it will be a city it fights. you have to expect a civilian casualties. that's called collateral damage. it is going to happen. numbers are going to naturally rise because the hamas fighting forces are intermixed with civilians. that happened. historically that is true we have never concerned ourselves with that per we've understood and world war ii we did that. wheat fire bomb the city we did firebombing in our american civil war hewitt sherman going
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to atlanta ace burned the city of atlanta down. that's one of the reasons white military officers and young soldiers hate getting into a fight because it with the outcome is going to be with the collateral damage. this is one of those you have to come back and say this fight was started by hamas. they are supported by the majority of the palestinian population because of the going to just suffer the consequences is that a harsh thing to say? it absolutely is. that is what war is all about people try to look at a very sterile environment. the israelis have done everything they can to reduce and limit collateral damage. it is going to happen. it is a war. he better accepted because that is how wars are fought. that hard to say? it sure is it's hard to accept when you're young man or woman fighting on the front lines he would rather destroy the enemy than have them destroy you. mark: 100,000 americans die every year from fentanyl coming across the open border and joe biden does not blink. he doesn't with the finger to stop it. he doesn't care about civilians. he's trying to rearrange the
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middle east. i want to thank you, general. god bless you for all of your patriotism today and in the past. take care of
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welcome back america. joe biden. you better hope you lose that supreme court decision. you better damn well hope that immunity for your so-called
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official acts after you leave office protects you when you leave office. i'm making a long list of the crimes you committed. a constitutional violation weather it's the border. there is a result of you. whether it's your violation of federal law or withholding munitions passed by congress. the espionage act. we have a report you violated on multital grounds and sold out your country to a publisher for $8 million spewing information from the government. it's a long list. you better hope you lose that immunity case in the supreme court. see you next time on life, liberty an levin. ♪ ♪ >> trey:


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