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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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i'm not sure ipuf you've ever hd grits without salt but it tastes exactly like concrete. she would ask, did i forget ton put salt in the grits?ay i would lie and say no. but i can eat very low sold so god has taken me back to school mornings amp punishing for me for lying to my mom when she forgot to put the salt in the grits.t in if you have a question, email ur at at gaudi america. d for those who have lost their moms, good night from south carolina. r mo ms, good night from south carolina. ♪ ♪ >> todd: president biden returns to washington today ready for
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campaign boost from a-listers like george clooney and julia roberts. former president trump bringing his message to the middle class across blue states. watch. >> we're going to win new jersey, minnesota, the state of virginia. this guy is so damnn bad, it could be all of them. >> todd: jeff van drew hosted that rally, we'll ask him if the former president can win in strongholds. >> and assaulted in new york city and a random and violent attack. we have the latest. p plus -- >> a lot of you are thinking, i can't believe they invited this guy. too late. [b [boos]
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>> todd: what is the deal with that? duke university graduates walking out during jerry seinfeld's commencement speech. latest flash point in anti-israel campus protest. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus, all that coming up over the next hour. major testimony expected today in former president criminal trial. michael cohen will take the stand this morning. >> todd: michael cohen, one of the key witnesses to testify and some are questioning the credibility of what cohen will say. brooke singman has details. here we go. >> brooke: trump's former attorney is expected to say the president reimbursed him for the hush money payment to adult film actress stormy daniels. he will claim trump falsified
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business record by labeling it as legal fees. trump pleaded not guilty to those charges. conan michael cohen was sentenced to prison. trump denies having a role in falsifying record to conceal the payment. cohen said he was directed to make that payment. cohen has not been able to keep his story straight in the past and he's been convicted for lying. in 2017, cohen told vanity fair, i stop the leaks, protect the president and family, i would take a bullet for the perform. in 2020, coen had wrote trump is a cheat, liar, predator and con-man. michael cohen claims the truth is on his side. >> confident he is telling the truth and when you have the
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truth and don't worry about telling the truth, it gives you confidence. he's confident he has the facts and they are corroborated by other people's testimony. >> brooke: legal experts warn the star witness is not credible. >> as a convicted felon and perjurier he will have a hard time telling a story that is not impeachable, being asked, are you lying now or then? >> this guy is disgrace, disbarred, convicted perjurier, incapable of telling the truth. >> brooke: judge merchan ordered cohen to stop making comments about the case after making tiktok videos taunting the former president. >> not many names left in the can. let's expect that i will have a
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lot on my plate sometime beginning next week. >> brooke: cohen is not subject to a gag order. trump has been fined for violating his gag ordered and threatened with jail time if he violates it again. >> todd: so he's having surrogates come to court instead. andrew, this week, like this entire trial has been about noise, we need you you to cut through the noise for us, will cohen close the loop this was a false entry by donald j trump, only thing that matters in this case? >> i don't expect his testimony will do anything to move the needle toward guilt at all. like my colleague said, his credibility is so low. if he says the traffic light is
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green and the issue is whether it was green or red, you can't trust what color the light was. we expect what he will say is that business record entries as legal expenses should have been something else. he was providing legal services, he negotiated the nondisclosure agreement. they asked for payment for legal expenses and donald trump paid legal expenses. michael cohen took a plea deal for engaging in illegal conduct. that question means donald trump violated the law is most interesting thing here, it is well possibility michael cohen took a plea deal for a crime he couldn't have committed. there are all types of reasons he is sure to pull headlines.
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>> carley: he is a convicted perjurier andy hoo was on tiktok wearing a t-shirt showing donald trump in an orange jump suit and wore a shirt like a superman shirt that he was there to save the day. how will hatred of donald trump weigh on the minds of jurors? >> it has to way really heavy. the former president has a burden of proof that is to his benefit beyond a reasonable doubt. when you have people acting like clowns, the jury has to take that into consideration when debating whether to believe them beyond. standard being high as it is, michael cohen made such a fool of himself, only interesting piece in this is if his team makes michael cohen look so bad he's actually associated with
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michael cohen that could discredit the former president. there is a little bit of a tight rope there, it is just a throw-away witness. >> todd: if michael cohen's testimony goes as you expect it to go and his credibility questions, could we see judge merchan do a directed verdict saying there is not enough evidence to support the allegations here, trump wins. could you see that happening by end of this week? >> way i see the case, absolutely. that does not mean that is how judge merchan sees this case. i see there being no evidence of the idea that putting in legal expenses into record books was false. you can't rob yourself from the bank. you go to the bank and pull out
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your own money with a deposit slip, that is not robbery. no matter what michael cohen says the scheme or plan was, if all they did was put into record legal expenses and it was a legal expense, judge merchan has to grant the motion. who knows what he's going to do. i think the prosecution would have to call an expert witness to say that was an improper entry. >> carley: jury selection begin in senator menendez federal corruption trial. talk about messy, he's left the door to testifying and could incriminate his wife. >> being loos like senator menendez got his hand caught in the cookie jar. he has interesting defense.
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he has benefit of burden on his side, with all of the cash and gold found on him and all the connections, he will have a heavy burden to show reasonable alternate explanation as to why he had all that cash and gold and he's pointed to his wife. what is interesting, his wife has connections to the co-defendants that predates his relationship with his wife. there might be something there, that has not played out how that ended up in the cash and gold, etcetera. there is interesting connection that predates his declaration and it is expected he may throw his wife under the bus blaming her for the relationships and know moy. vicious defense, might be his own way. >> carley: he and his wife took bribes, including gold bars and
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aid the government of egypt among other things while he's leader of senate foreign relations committee. prosecutors have where he was googling monetary value of gold bars found in his house. >> todd: and spousal privilege, we'll ask about how it does or does not apply here. california spending $5 million to give free booze to homeless alcoholics. yeah, i read that right. why this plan is going to be a total failure. >> carley: what could go wrong there? did you see this? ♪ [video playing] >> carley: a crash during nascar at darlington.
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who took home the victory? keep it here on "fox and friends first." >> todd: love the yelling in that clip.
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>> janice: good morning, i hope all the moms had a wonderful mother's day. warmer air along the gulf coast and warm up for the west. risk for severe storms again today. you can see the frontal boundary, couple of severe thunderstorm warnings for mississippi and up toward
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oklahoma, heavy rainfall, we could get a foot of rain in next couple days. we have dewpoint and moisture working in from gulf of mexico and energy from texas to the florida panhandle, focus of where we could see stronger storms, large hail, significant wind, heavy rainfall and could see several tornados. flooding risk is what i'm concerned with as we get through wednesday. some areas saturated from weeks of rain and could get three to five, five to eight inches of rainfall where the front sets up. rain for , concerned about houston area, they have gotten significant amounts of rain. they were talking about rainfall
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remi reminiscent of harvey. risk along gulf coast for severe storms. wpcw keep you up to date. >> carley: secretary of state bli blinken facing blowback after public criticism of israel from the white house. listen to this. >> given totality of what we've seen in terms of civilian suffering, in terms of women, men, children caught in cross fire, in a number of instances israel is not lasted -- >> carley: replace israel with hamas there. tom cotton condemning how white house handled the israel-gaza war. >> a bunch of weasely politics, he said it is reasonable to assess, like he was coached to say that helping them walk the
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political line. the report they put out friday night after news deadlines passed, there is no evidence israel is violating international law. >> carley: chris murphy is addressing the bipartisan criticism of biden israel policy. >> when you're being a good leader, you are often upsetting people on the right and the left. president biden advertised mimz as someone who would play down the middle and not pay attention to engs extremes of the debate and that is where the broad middle is. >> carley: senator murphy says he supports biden's plan. >> todd: san francisco spending 5 million taxpayer dollars to
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help homeless alcoholics with a pilot program of providing them with free beer and vodka. yes, this is upon haing, providing them with one to four drinks per day, life skills, classes, three meals per day and san francisco giants games. founder of pacific alliance for prevention and recovery. is this a good idea? >> no, it is not a good idea and when you consider the fact over four years san francisco spend $20 million to service total of couple hundred people by giving them free vodka and beer. we could have funded 60 drug treatment beds instead. what is desired outcome of this program? they say it will save money.
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we just spend 20 billion, is it saving money and making a different? >> todd: they want to keep people out of er and reduce calls to cops. will free booze accomplish that goal? >> you know what accomplishes that goal is drug treatment. no, it may reduce calls and thereby save money. we're spending $5 million a year to give people free alcohol which is like i'm a recovering heroin addict. if you were spending 5 million to give me less harn, i would be on the street today or dead from using. i don't see the benefit and i'm glad it was exposed. >> todd: do you get the sense the system wants to keep peelel sick for some weird reason?
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>> i would like to think that is not the case, but yeah. department of public health's job is to keep people healthy, this is opposite of the stated goal of our public health department which has a budget of 3 billion a year in san francisco. to keep people healthy and keep our city healthy. you have to ask, is giving free alcohol to people that are chronic alcoholics actually keeping them healthy or sick? answer is latter. they are sick, they are on the streets. >> todd: you are the expert here, when i hear you speak, seems like progressive left has no solution other than to feed the homeless complex and never help the people that need help. it is important for you coming on the show to let people know.
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media hyping up today's testimony from michael cohen taking a stand in former president trump's new york style. >> there is corroborating evident that support s michael cohen's story. >> carley: former clinton advisor has brutal assessment of president biden's campaign. he says biden is doing it all wrong. joe concha reacts to all of it i coming up next.yo u want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at oh, yeah, man. take it from your inner child. what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. ♪ imagine a future where plastic is not wasted...
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>> carley: michael cohen is taking the stand today in trump's criminal kriel and media is hyping his make or break testimony. >> they are details prosecutor said trump buried in 2016 and they are count og michael cohen to pin the crime on trump. >> mr. trump knew there were no legal services, that may be the
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shocking detail michael can provide. >> carley: one cnn host is breaking from the pack. >> infuriate his base who see him as martyr and make him object of sympathy in general who believe prosecutor are politically motivated. this happens to be true, i doubt the indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not donald trump. >> carley: interesting moment from one of trump's biggest tv critics, who says donald trump is getting a raw deal here, what does that say about this case? >> joe: carley, i'm sure you had a nice mother's day, you went clubbing afterward with the
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husband. those who say they are journalists at that network or msnbc, resistance networks for donald trump. there is no there there. he knows what anyone sane is sober knows over last four weeks, no crime has been defined to this point. michael cohen has been acting like one of the sorriest figufigures and wearing superman t-shirts and selling merchandise to jail his former boss. this will be a train wreck considering michael cohen is credible as michael avenatti. if i that are depending on
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michael cohen who has gone to jail and admitted to lying countless times on the stand. we are looking at an ascquittal. this is where we're at at this point and consider fani willis and jack smith, those trials probably happening after election day. this looks to be over. we may have an election that is not based on trials and what we've been seeing on issues, things people care about. last thing democrats want at this point. >> there is a moment from bill maher who reaired interview he did with stormy daniels in 2018 that undermines what she said last week in her testimony. she testified of course under oath. listen to this. >> so it's stormy or bust. she's a bad witness. let me show you a little video.
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>> they tried to shove me in the me, too box for their own agenda. it is not the truth, i'm not a victim in that regard. >> that is not what she's saying now. >> carley: what she is saying, she testified donald trump was bigger and blocked her way. she said my hands were shaking so hard i wanted to leave and she blacked out during the alleged. people are saying, i wish i could stand behind this case, but i can't. >> joe: right, carley and her testimony last week was train
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wreck and dumpster fire for prosecutor. when you say you're the kid from sixth sense and you can talk to dead people, that is bizarre to even a manhattan jury. good for bill maher, he has become the voice --
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j >> joe: the biden approach tell voters, the economy is great and you are not feeling every time you go to a food store to buy food or gas or when paying rent or look at mortgage rates. biden administration pay attention to this opinion piece, that is where we're at, mark penn is right. >> carley: people are not feeling it. have a great day. >> joe: you, too. >> carley: switching gears to seebb well rite and crime news, actor steve buis being treated in the hospital after being
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punched in the face while walking. >> he is recovering from bruis bruising, swelling and bleeding to left eye. presidency his bub publicist says he was victimized. he is okay and is sad for everyone this happened to while walking the streets of new york. a woman who works in the area says she witnessed part of the assault, shes, i saw he was with a woman and i saw him trip and fall backwards. he got up and ran in the opposite direction. nypd released these images of the alleged suspect that show a bearded man wearing a blue t-shirt, black sweatpants and
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white sneakers. he work on "fargo" and "boardwalk empire."he is the second actor from "boardwalk empire" to be attacked. carley and todd. >> carley: maybe the most jacked suspect i've ever seen. >> todd: odd coincidence both actors. shutting down a major highway near disney world did not end well for them. have you ever messed with a disney parent? >> carley: and college -- takes protest to commencement ceremony. >> i can't believe they invited this guy. too late. [boos]
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>> carley: that's right, jerry seinfeld was booed before students walked out. we have more with cheryl casone. to eliminate gray, there's a great “before and after”. then, there's the 'after the after' — that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®.
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>> free, free palestine. >> free, free palestine.
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>> todd: pro-palestinian protesters shutting down a florida highway near disney world leading to traffic backlog. one driver got out to confront the group, queers for palestine. officers arrived and took the three to jail charging them with misdemeanors. and duke university students decide to walk out during commencement during the jerry seenfeld commencement address. [ [bo [booing] >> jerry, jerry, jerry! >> again, a lot of you are thinking, i can't believe they invited this guy. too late. i say, use your privilege, i grew up a jewish boy in new
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york, that is a privilege if you want to be a comedian. thanks. >> carley: cheryl casone from fox business here with details. jerry seinfeld got booed. >> cheryl: jewish commode comedian who has been public about his support of israel. this is a bigger issue, these are same college students that may be getting their student debt forgiven because of the pres president. some say that is pandoring to -- i hope courts overturn this illegal policy. jerry seinfeld talked about life, work hard, pay attention,
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fall in love. not disrupt a commencement speech. >> carley: after president biden announced he could withhold weapons from israel, bowman tweeted, protests are working, keep doing it. and queers for palestine, a lot to address there. >> todd: did not go well for the protesters. aoc reaching deep into the dictionary for hyper ventilation. >> cheryl: bernie sanders has a podcast. he and aoc sat down to talk about democratic socialists. listen what she said about the state of our country. >> fact people are choosing between medicine and rent is
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barbarism. fact people are worried about whether they will be on the street every four weeks is barbarism. >> cheryl: she has cause to say that if you look at her district in this city. rent up 21%. she talks about healthcare. according to urban institute, socialized medicine, cost 32 trillion, we cannot afford that. one other point about the rent issue. more people still renting because mortgage rates are so high because fiscal out of control spending in washington, d.c., of which she is mr. bernie sanders are support of. >> carley: you should go on the bernie sanders podcast. >> todd: definition of barbarism. >> carley: today starts national
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police week. >> cheryl: good news and gosh, they deserve it. brave men and women in blue like i was telling you during the commercial break, i saw them in action yesterday. thank you. annual candlelight vigil today, conference is wednesday and thursday. second day of the conference. they are dealing with very difficult situations in our nation. 19 u.s. officers have been shot and killed this year alone, 26% up. resignations are down. we are keeping them better. number of sworn officers has gone up, first increase since 2020. you have to be a brave person to take on that job, especially cities like this one. >> carley: record number police
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officers injured last year, they deserve our gratitude. >> todd: i'm heading to d.c. tomorrow to bring some coverage. president biden returning to washington ready for campaign boost from hollywood a-listers and the clintons and trump drew crowd in new jersey and congressman jeff van drew hosted that roly. we'll ask if former president trump can win over blue states. >> carley: first lawrence jones. >> laura: he had lawrence taylor there. thank you. jam-packed monday morning, former trump fixer michael cohen expected to take the stand and this may be trial defining moment. we'll have greg jarrett to share insight on that. new survey shows americans crave
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time outside like never before. dr. marc siegel joins us live and ben dominec and a big show on "fox and friends." buckle up. we'll see you in a bit. (♪) that's more like it. the three-row lexus tx. (♪)
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the biden campaign listing the aye listers. hollywood elise let. george clooney, julia roberts and barack obama and the
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clintons for another star-steaded fundraiser. donald trump drawing huge crowds from supporters in democrat state new jersey, watch. >> whether you are a republican, conservative, independent, or even a registered democrat, i'm asking for your help in saving america. our country is in trouble. it's in big trouble. instead of a biden tax hike. i will give you a trump middle class upper class, lower class business class big tax cut. and the biden economic bus will quickly be replaced with a brand new trump economic boom. we will have another boom like we h all across america, millions of people in so-called blue states are joining our 34506789 based on love, intelligence and a thing called common sense. >> carley: new jersey congressman jeff van drew trump healed rally in and he joins us now. good morning to you. there is a strategic difference
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here where president biden, he is getting help from hollywood. george clooney, julia roberts, they are going to be posting social media ads to try and boost his campaign. donald trump is going to blue states and holding big rallies like the one that you hosted for him on saturday. which one do you ultimately think will be more beneficial and if you could tell us about the rally on saturday, we would love to hear about it. >> the rally was great. you know, i speak to president trump about once a week and he was always kidding me because the last rally that we had about five years ago, when i became a republican, was the most ticket request they ever had in a rally. he said i want this one to be even bigger and better. it really isn't me. it's movement. it's people wanting to save our country and love america. and what a contrast. so here you have the elite and the mega wealthy and the super cool and there we had working americans, whether they were
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doctors and dentists. whether they were plumbers and pipe fitters senior citizens and tons of young people. we had over 100,000 people come. it was organic and all just because they believed in this president, president trump. and because they believe in the united states of america and the greatness of this country. do you know what? i'm going to go with the voters. i'm going to go with the real people. i'm going to go with the people that makes america run and care about america and love america. not the ultra uber wealthy people that live in their secluded mansions away from people. >> todd: let's talk results though, congressman. based upon what you witnessed this weekend, do you think trump can actually, actually, realistically turn new jersey red this november because wildwood so close to pennsylvania will trump end up winning the state.
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if you win pennsylvania, you win the presidency. >> absolutely. the rally have all these people from new jersey. we have a huge crossover from pennsylvania because in my district. where this was held. it's the new jersey shore. so, people come to atlanta county and the whole area to, you know, enjoy their summers. so we had tons of people from pennsylvania. this was just real big on every dimension you can think of. we're going to win. you know, president trump came to me. a number of months ago, and he said i want to win new jersey. i love new jersey. we can win new jersey. and i agree with him. now, you know the latest emerson poll comes out usually a republican is double digits behind well into doubling digits. guess what that emerson poll came out. it's not a partisan poll or internal poll. it's a real public poll within single digits already. and let me tell you, i'm going to say this as the campaign chairman for the entire state of new jersey, we ain't even
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started yet, man. wait until they see what's coming. we are going to bring this state alive. we are going to bring this state home. we're going to wring this country home. we're go going to win when it election. >> president biden has raised $90 million in march with $192 million with cash on hand in the first quarter of 2024. compare that to trump who has raised 66 million in march. 93 million in the first quarter. as a campaign chairman, how do you combat that, president biden does have more money in the coffers than donald trump and how do you raise those figures? >> well, you know, here's the deal. i mean, the democrats, these days, always have the money. they do have the ultra rich uber important. the people that live in washington, d.c., lang and new york city. we have the people across the width and breadth of this country support us. they are going to raise a lot of money. what they are doing to donald trump is tie him up in court so
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much that he can't get out, number one, and meet the people and number two, raise money. but he is doing it anyhow. largest fundraiser ever just last month. he almost doubled what biden raised in that one fundraiser. is he going to do great. we're going to be able to do this. not just how much money you raise, it's how you connect with the cibs as well. >> carley: yeah. on that point, their economic messages are much different. president biden on tv last week saying that the economy is goo. when people aren't feeling it and on saturday during this rally, donald trump was out there saying, biden is destroying the summers in at the jersey shore. hot dogs and hamburgers are too expensive. which i think speaks to many people out there. >> todd: thank you. and once again the fact that he got 100,000 people two weeks to memorial day to the shore is big. "fox & friends" is now. >> lawrence: budge up.


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