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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 13, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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that the fec says there is no crime, the d.o.j. has said there is no crime. >> you have been been listening to nicole malliotakis talking about crime in your state. she has the district in new york, talking about crime, the major issues plaguing the city, but nevertheless, alvin bragg's decision to go after former president donald trump. he also heard from tommy tuberville, senator from alabama, who said, look, president trump has more support than ever, and notably you also heard the name you've heard quite often, senator j.d. vance, a top contender for president trump for his vice presidential pick, listed in almost every reported article, and there he was outside of the courthouse here in manhattan defending former president trump, as the d.a. alvin bragg pursues him in a criminal case. well, that is a pivotal moment that is unfolding right now, not just in front of the courthouse, as you watch those defenders of the president.
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we heard from rick scott last week, as well, in that role. but now inside the courtroom, courtroom 59. you have former president donald trump in his new york criminal trial. the prosecution's star witness is on the stand. he's a convicted felon, michael cohen. he's on the witness stand as we speak. we are getting moment by moment details as his credibility is at issue. we will bring each of those details. hello, everyone. this is "outnumbered." i'm kayleigh mcenany here is my cohosts, emily compagno and harris faulkner. also joining us, "fox & friends first" cohost carley shimkus, and former was wisconsin congressman sean duffy. michael cohen is back on the stand in courtroom number 59. they took a short break but he is resuming his testimony, and that is for former president trump. he said he had a fantastic experience, by the way, for many years, almost a decade. before he launched into his details about his efforts to kill negative stories about
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trump before the 2016 election. eric shawn's live outside the new york state supreme court with more. eric? >> well, emily, remember the wendy's commercial? "where's the beef?" the jury here hasn't heard it yet. they could hear it later on this afternoon after the lunch break for michael cohen, but so far this morning: has been basically bringing the jurors inside donald trump's office, and the conversations he said they had when they heard about the claims of trump's alleged affairs. cohen spent a decade protecting. he said he would like, bully, and certain people as trump's lawyer, saying it is fair to call him trump's fixer and that he would do anything the boss wanted, wanted to make the boss happy. they did call it a fantastic experience that left him feeling on top of the world. cohen described earlier he was in and out of trump's office, just down the hall in trump tower. prosecutors trying to show through his testimony that trump was on top of everything and
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that the payments to stormy daniels would not have happened without the boss' okay. he testified that, when "playboy" model karen mcdougal claimed she had a ten month long affair with trump, and the "national enquirer" heard about it, trump told cohen, "she's really beautiful," and, "make sure it doesn't get released." and he reassured cohen, "don't worry, i'll take care of it." the jury heard that audio of trump and cohen talk about paying mcdougall, but the money was eventually ponied up by the "national enquirer." but they have not started delving into stormy daniels' exact payments. this is his middle son eric happens to be sitting two rose behind his father, and he tweeted out, "i have never seen anything more rehearsed." cohen is now just getting to the stormy daniels payments, saying he talked to alan wasser bread, the trump cfo, about how to pay for that. they didn't want to pay w for it with a trump entity comes that
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psycho and said he incorporated a shell corporation, essential consultants to try to funnel some of that money through that and not tie it to trump. he's been pretty methodical and very polite on the stand. the prosecutor has been asking questions, and he often time answers "yes, ma'am." this is not the explosive, combative michael cohen we are all used to. but this is the prosecution case, and other cross-examination. we likely may see a quite different michael cohen when he is confronted by donald trump's lawyers. back to you. >> kayleigh: edb might. and lanny davis gave us some details in the political playbook about what that explosive michael cohen looks like. we will follow and watch for that. eric shawn, thank you very much. emily, a big take away that i have gleaned today, and if you are reading this detail by detail you get to the story about the trump doorman who said he had a story to tell. and trump said to michael cohen,
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"you handle it." in other words, trump is not handling it, michael cohen handle it. then you get to the details about karen mcdougal payment, the $150,000. he said, "what financing?" and instructed michael cohen to take care of it. as we are speaking, he's been grilled about his conversation with alan weisel buried about how this payment would play out. notably, where is trump and all of this? that seems like michael cohen fixing things while trump was kept informed to some top level degree. >> emily: which is usually the homelike of a fixer. they protect the principal, as kerri kupec has pointed out numerous times. when you hear someone like cohen is now saying every detail has been reported to the boss, that's a little surprising, because that is usually not what happens at all. in fact, an appropriate fixer leaves it vague to this plausible deniability, and the whole point of the fixer is to handle things in whatever way. so when someone tells you to handle it, that could mean a whole host of things, and that certainly doesn't automatically mean a specific instance.
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i note, as well, to this point, when eric shawn was discussing the demeanor of michael cohen, that might be the present presentation, that defense will certainly do and excellent job of piercing the credibility. no matter how much lipstick he put on a pig, michael cohen brings with him to the stand and incredibly exploitative, self-affirming, and self-aggrandizing approach to this entire thing. he is a disbarred attorney. he pierced the attorney-client privilege and the oath of the bar multiple times, and he's testifying as such. so i think the jury will see right through it. >> kayleigh: harris, to that point, they's been a theme with every witness. none of them think highly of michael cohen. none of them. david pecker, "prone to exaggeration." hope hicks, "you still like the columns of mr. fix-it billy because he first broke it." keith davidson, insinuations, allegations. he was just screaming.
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gary failed to lease to be his banker, called him an aggressive guy. >> harris: no one thought this was going to be a great witness. nobody. he's a convicted liar, we all knew that. he surreptitiously reported his own client. when you play those back, exhibit 246, if we want to play on the show. you hear a man giving direction to a former president about what he should do, and trump is like, should we do it this way? no, we'll do it this way. and further you learn in court today, the proximity by which this man, michael cohen, wanted to be at the seat of power. whether it was prepresidency or during it, he was thirsty for it, and he wanted the deal that he made with trump to encompass that the only report directly to this president. i have argued there is no way we know exactly what michael cohen was doing. if you are going to hold somebody speak to the fire for something that man dead, start
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with that man. i don't know what good he is on the witness stand. tammy bruce called him a useful idiot for the prosecution. it takes him so long to read through his mind and get the answer right and spit it out, and hopefully not in conflict with something he said previously, that it is slowing the process down. our own producers and journalists inside the courtroom said this is so slow-moving. it would be slow-moving. you're trying not to lie when it is just your reflexive nature to lie. and i have a come up with the right answer? not the right answer, the true answer. that mental battle must be really hard. >> kayleigh: it must be. sean, we've talked about on the show, that jurors will make assessments about michael cohen, about donald trump. they will make assessments about each and every one of these witnesses. and i was fascinated today to hear from michael cohen how fantastic his time was with the trump administration, because i just pulled up all the disparaging things said about
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cohen. look at what the witnesses have said about trump in their time working for him. madeleine wester helm, a really good bass, very enjoyable to work for. hope hicks, enjoyed her time with the trump family so much. i don't think it would have been there 34 years if he didn't respect me. and michael cohen, the star witness of the prosecution, he says it was fantastic working for him for those ten years, an amazing experience, they were great times, there were less great times, for the most part, enjoy the responsibilities given to me. >> sean: because by and large donald trump is a really nice guy if you get to know him. he's a funny, nice, gregarious human being. you mentioned the labor cohen is going through and answering questions, he has to go through all the prior statements he's made and make sure this statement in court isn't necessarily true but is consistent with prior statements he's made. i mentioned the jury, they spent so much irrelevant information that's been brought into this trial, so much salacious information, and the jury doesn't know that it's irrelevant, the jury doesn't
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know -- they think they are being presented this information because there's a purpose behind it. so this is all going to come down to the closing arguments. can the trump defense team actually cut through all the garbage and make this case really simple and clear, and look at the facts and the elements of the crime as it compares to what evidence was presented? if they do that, some fair jurors, it's going to bode well for a trump. >> kayleigh: it may not even get there. jonathan turley made a fantastic point this morning, carley. which is, after this is all done, you have a move for a direct verdict with a judge can just dismiss this, and a fair judge, i would argue, would, because we haven't seen the evidence fact match the law. >> e>> carley: will be shocked f that happened, but a lot of said, if i were the judge, and you look at the facts, this shouldn't even get to deliberation from the jurors. it should be dismissed outright. but the day started today with them asking michael cohen about
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his family life. his father was a holocaust survivor, he's been married 32 years, his grandmother want him to go to law school, and all of that is a clear attempt by the prosecution to humanize him for the jurors. some of the other notes have gotten from our journalists inside the courtroom have been very interesting. michael cohen called trump "boss," or mr. trump. he said his ten years at the trump organization were fantastic. and i think this is one of the keys, as well. he also said he confirmed he did bully people because the only thing on his mind was to accomplish the task and to keep trump happy. it kind of reminds you of a mob trial, where prosecutors are trying to paint donald trump as, ironically, the don, and michael cohen is kind of a sympathetic lackey he was just following orders. so you have to wonder what's going on in the minds of these jurors have listened to three weeks of testimony that michael cohen is this terrible guy, a bully, a jerk, and he's trying to paint himself as some
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kitten is also appearing to be nervous on the stand. >> kayleigh: yes. we'll keep you updated with each and every detail coming from the stand. minute-by-minute updates. we will bring them to you as michael cohen testifies in former president donald trump's criminal trial in new york city. we are watching those doors for the former president, but also this. mainstream media making a shocking admission that this trial might be politically motivated. that's next. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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>> emily: a distaste 16 of the new york versus trump trial, and now even some of the mainstream media are casting doubt about whether they are is even a case to be made. read zechariah
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says he believes the case is political motivated. >> the trials against him given this spotlight, infuriate his base, and even may serve to make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believe that is prosecutors are politically motivated. this happens to be true, and my opinion. i doubt the indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not donald trump. >> emily: that sentiment being echoed by former president trump himself this morning on his way to court. >> this trial is rigged, it's dishonest, it's a disgrace to new york, it's a disgrace to the country. i should be out campaigning now instead of sitting in a very cold court house all long. this is a biden prosecution. it is election interference at a level that nobody in this country has ever seen before. this is for third world countries, not for the usa.
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>> emily: kayleigh, president trump is right and fareed is right. >> kayleigh: what was in your coffee this weekend or your drinking water? it wasn't this issue. he talks about trump leading in almost every single swing state. understand the poles are not always accurate, but they tend to underestimate donald trump's support. then moves on to immigration where he talks about the need to go back to the old asylum policy, and margaret hoover, i believe that's who it was, spoke up and said it sounds like trump policies. he doubles down, exactly. i don't know if he woke up, if "the new york times" polling scared him, but this is very different fareed zakaria. and an analyst on the network said, i don't think you would get a conviction in any district that was not a democratic district, paraphrasing in there, but the point is people are waking up and seeing the polls, seeing there is no evidence here, and they are forced to admit the truth. sp>> emily: is this a canary in the coal mine and people see it through the lens of common
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sense, what we've been saying all along? >> sean: have to give kudos to fareed, but it's taken a long time to come to this conclusion, multiple leaks into the trial. but who else is going to call this for what it is? is a sham trial, politically motivated, it would only happen to someone by the name of donald trump. and what does it say about their support of joe biden? he is failing in the polls, kayleigh pointed that out. are they trying to look to the convention and find a new candidate? this begs the question. >> emily: do you think, carley, that it will impact -- let's say these harbinger pluralists are pulling it through. is there a groundswell being reflected in the polls? not those just committed him to begin with, but all of those in the middle and all of those on the side also. >> e>> carley: it certainly cou. the people watching his show our defense of donald trump. when he started to hear him say these things, he could really have influence over the minds of those voters or even independent voters who are tuning in to cnn
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to see what he has to say. he's one of the most anti-catv personalities, and for him to be getting a politically motivated raw deal is very notable. and democrats are now divided because of the israel-hamas war, and republicans are rallying around donald trump. unity in the republican party now more so than other times, speaking out for donald trump in support of him downtown in new york right now. and that is really important because those people aren't under a gag order, so they'll say things donald trump cannot. ct let's bring it back to that cold courtroom. at the end of the day, all that matters for this trial is what the jurors think. do you think they will see that this indeed is politically motivated? >> harris: if they really cared about the jurors thought, the prosecution, maybe they ought to stop talking about a case it doesn't matter, karen mcdougal. i check my phone, i have pages of emails about them talking
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about the former playboy bunny with the catch and kill story that has nothing to do with this. now they couldn't even say the letter a letter and i/"national enquirer" " david pecker's name in documents, because he was trying to get a gig as ceo at time inc., but he was at the heart of that. it boggles the mind. i don't know why it matters to the prosecution. but this becomes a political issue for everybody. what are your options? and the judge is now under investigation, that's being reported, for maybe having some conversations, judge merchan, that he maybe should not have had about a different case. do they want him to dismiss it? i don't think he would do that. do they want him to declare a mistrial? he's already said no to two requests by the trump defense. it's getting dicey. the story on the sideline,
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fani willis, starts to get bigger than the on one in the courtroom, this is why for six years nobody touched his case. this is why the feds didn't touch this case. this case is a loser. but we will see w with the jury says, because that is what matters. >> emily: a house of cards. from the trial to the trail, former president donald trump holding a massive rally and deeply new jersey. new polls show trump taking a lead ahead of biden in key swing states. stay with us. 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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white, and blue, all the colors, but that state is cobalt. a crowd reported in the tens of thousands came out to hear trump's message for america. >> whether you are republican, conservative, independent, or even a registered democrat, i'm asking for your help in saving america. our country is in trouble. we don't have to agree to everything, but we can agree that we want strong borders, not open borders. they want the american dream, not the biting inflation nightmare. his weakness and chaos, we want peace through strength like we had just four years ago. on day one we will throw out bidenomics and reinstate maganomics! [cheers and applause] and we are going to bring manufacturing, tourism, and other industry back to new jersey like it's never seen before. we will make america wealthy again.
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we will make america strong again. we will make america proud ag again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. god bless you all! let's win this state! we are going to win it. >> harris: and if that extraordinary rally didn't have the biden campaign concerned, i'm sure they are staying at the night over these new poll numbers. they show trump leading in five battleground states, all of which biden won in 2020. so that would be a flip, including a double-digit lead in georgia and nevada. trump touted those polls just today outside the courthouse. >> so thank you very much. would greatly appreciate you being here. "the new york times" just came out with a poll that shows us leading everywhere.
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this is the cover story, and i think you will find a very interesting, but i'm sure you have all read it. it leading in wisconsin, pennsylvania, arizona, michigan, georgia, and nevada. in nevada, we are actually leading by 12 points, which is generally a democrat state. i think we are probably leading a new jersey. >> harris: oh, my goodness, he's his own press secretary now. [laughter] >> kayleigh: yes, he is. it's incredible and i'm so glad he's using these moments to focus on this. in fact, friday, after the court case, he went to the mics and fact-checked biden saying there is 9% inflation when he took office. and he sharing these poles. i would argue these are the best polls, swing state polls, but one of the most encouraging thing about these polls is there are some who have voted previously to support biden or those have never voted, newport are supporting trump. even when you change from registered to likely voters, trump is winning five of the six
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swing states. he's winning young people, three points behind among latino voters. when you add in rfk -- biden is only at 49% among black voters. there is so much good, and imagine he's allowed on the campaign trail. >> harris: well, maganomics is what would be happening. no one markets like this former president. >> carley: and the trump trials haven't made much of a difference, the stock market raising 25% and biden spending millions of dollars in swing states, and it hasn't made much of difference when it comes to the poll numbers between trump and biden. we interviewed jeff van drew and his district is where trump's rally was on saturday. and he said donald trump is really serious about winning new jersey, and if you remember, in 2021, out of nowhere, they almost beat governor phil murphy. so maybe trump is looking at how things are going now and saying maybe it's possible. the other thing is that there are 100,000 people at this rally
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on saturday, not just for new jersey but also pennsylvania, which is a swing state. how about that? in one of the messages donald trump said was that president biden is making summers at the jersey shore more expensive, destroying summaries, and this is a direct quote. "let's talk about hot dogs. i just had one. delicious, but more expensive by 22%." so when you think about president biden's message, when it comes to the dash rather, president trump's message, when it comes to the economy, which, persist president biden on cnn saying the economy is great, but people aren't feeling it, no wonder the swing state polls are as they are right now. >> harris: it is so interesting. wildwood -- i can't remember who on the couch was talking about this, but i spent some time down there. they're bread and butter is tourism. when you have food costs go up as much as they have, it hurts. we are talking cape may, wildwood crest, those areas, big convention centers, areas like what we saw.
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the city estimated between 80,000 and 100,000. we can't confirm those numbers but that comes from the city of wildwood as checked last hour. maganomics, can't get away from that, because that is the opposite of bidenomics. does it work for trump? >> sean: first off, the mayor of wildwood, this event was going to happen because the venue was taken up. and then there was light, we'll do it on the beach. it was huge revenue, really great on behalf of the mayor. people are dealing with almost 20% inflation over the course of the biden years. everything is more expensive and they live with that every single day. reminded them of the failure of joe biden, which is why young people can't pay the rent or buy a home, so disillusioned with joe biden. hispanics who have come into the country and who have lived here for generations have turned against joe biden. the black vote, 20% of the black vote, in this poll, is going to vote for donald trump. those of a core building blocks of the democratic party absolutely crumbling before our eyes, giving donald trump a shot
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at a massive victory if it stays this way in november. >> harris: emily, the idea that he's winning in battleground states that biden won last time, that has got to just hurt like a really bad hangnail. >> emily: [laughs] yes, particular insult to injury. but at the end of the day we are the ones that have been injured, americans. that is what everyone is seeing. and how democrats are responding. first, biden comes out, and instead of correcting policy, admitting he's wrong, having empathy for americans, he's just tapping into hollywood. they attempted to george clooney and julia roberts and people who this administration touted as these megastars, to message the gaslighting, to message, no, your costs haven't gone up, you don't feel the stress at the pump or at the grocery store. nothing to see here. because this person you see on movie screens when you entertain yourself to get away from reality for an hour and half is telling you such. i know james carville has said,
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clearly everything we are throwing at this is not working. in fact, it is backfiring. to use the movie analogy, we are seeing an administration and democratic party who have utterly failed with her policies. as such, not only has their support crumbled, but the country has crumbled. part and parcel of that, they have attacked a political opponent with author an end clinically motivated criminal lawsuits that everyone has seen. on top of that, of course the voters are leaving, of course they are flocking to common sense, and no movie star's messaging is going to change that. >> harris: you just took the closing message! i love it! part of my closing message earlier on the trial of what's going on right now, new york versus trump, i wanted to fetter this out. i might have said judge merchan, it is judge engoron, he potentially discussed the trial
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of the real estate attorney. that is already adjudicated, but it's worth noting because i wonder what would happen with what went on there. you have these judges in new york, one gag ordering trump, the other you might need a gag order. so i wanted to make that clear. stem to stern, we are covering this trial. stay close.
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and it's yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. >> harris: fox news alert as we cover all the latest developments in foreign president trump's new york criminal trial. trump's former attorney, michael cohen, is the star witness for the prosecution. he's been testifying for a couple of hours now, almost three. he said it was "fair" to call him trump's fixer. now he's describing the reaction he had to the 2016 "access hollywood" tape, and the stormy daniels to.
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mercedes colwin is with me now. first of all, you're following this, as well, mercedes. they are talking about a lot of different things that don't fit into this case. where they are now, does it fit? >> it certainly does fit. he is the linchpin of the prosecution's case. where he's taking jurors is back to the summer of 2016, and when the access tapes released. we know, we've already heard from hope hicks when she testified, the chaos, the concern that ensued and engulfed the campaign and also former president trump. so he's putting the jurors back in that space. then he is trying to be the connective tissue that the prosecutor needs. they need to connect, that fear, that chaos, circling the campaign, making the payments to silence stormy daniels, and the other stories that were actually
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popping off. so he's the fixer coming in. it's a connective tissue that the prosecution is hoping will lose everything in. >> harris: how much confusion do you think there is around what comes out of michael cohen's mouth for the jurors? >> he's a flood witness. the defense attorney is going to have a field day during the cross-examination. you are a convicted liar. you have said that you have hated trump, repeatedly. you want to see former president trump in jail, don't you? you and i can sit down and literally write out the defense attorney's questions that he is going to be confronted with. the jury is going to have to decide, looking at michael cohen on that stand, is he worthy of their faith that he is testifying truthfully? >> harris: i want to get to this, last hour we were surprised to get this so quickly. we knew that exhibit 246
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included a tape recording that michael cohen made surreptitiously of his client, donald trump. and he was talking with trump about reimbursing the "national enquirer" for the karen mcdougal payment, to keep her silent about her story by buying the rights from the "national enquirer" to mcdougal's story. trump's longtime assistant is also in the room, we should say, because that's what we were told, but you only hear trump and cohen. let's watch. >> i told you about charleston. i need to open up a company for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend david, so i am going to right away. and i've spoken to allen weisselberg about how to set the whole thing up with funding. yes. it's all the stuff.
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because you never know -- correct. so i'm all over that. and i spoke to him about it. when it comes to the financing. >> what financing? we don't pay with cash? >> no, no, no. >> harris: i mean, mercedes, it sounds like he's giving advice as a paid attorney, but then he's acting shady like a criminal. i know it's one-party state bees breaking client attorney privilege by making a recording he's willing to play for any anybody. >> if you have that level of distress with a client, guess what can i don't represent them. that flies in the face of the fiduciary duty have to your client, it flies in the face of the oath you took as an attorney. it is unbelievable, and i can't
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conceive of a lawyer coming forward on your show admitting that they have ever recorded a client. i'm sure they're probably shaking their heads once that comes out. >> harris: mercedes colwin, thanks for being with us. this just out of the courtroom, it appears there's been a discrepancy between michael cohen's testimony and that of the "national "national enquirer"/ami director david pecker's testimony when it comes to karen mcdougal story. from our court notes, this is lydia from fox business. "pecker city called cohen and told him the agreement is off, he wasn't going forward and he wanted it ripped up. he said cohen was very, very angry, very upset, screaming at me, the boss is going to be very angry with you." however, today cohen set on the
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stand, and we reported this when he said it, cohen updated donald trump, and cohen told trump that it was great, and trump said, wow, that's great, because he didn't have to pay $125,000. two different sets of testimony. this is the problem for michael cohen. bad memory, too many lives, we don't know. what will the jury do? stay close. you're the first to know when high rate debt is stressing your budget. but your family's service has earned you a big advantage. the va home loan benefit. with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan, you can pay off high rate credit cards and car loans. that's real money you can use to take care of your family and home.
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>> coming up as we head into the lunch break, bill hemmer will join us outside the u.s. state supreme court as michael cohen testifies against his former client. what will the jury may give it? plus chad pergram is c4 outside the federal court in new york city has jury selection begins in the federal corruption and bribery trial of new jersey senator bob menendez. and as michael cohen takes the stand, one big question remains, will former president trump testify in his own defense? bill brennan will join us. i'm john roberts. xander is back. join us at the top of the hour for "america reports" " we'll see you then. >> emily: we just got a new court sketch of michael cohen on the stand as he testifies in new york city right now. it appears he's trying to cash
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in on it. he's reportedly been, wait for it, shopping around a reality show called "the fixer." "the new york post" exclusively obtained this trailer. >> my name is michael cohen, and for years i was the personal lawyer for a notoriously bad man. >> michael cohen. >> michael cohen. >> trump lawyer and fixer michael cohen. >> i fixed his problems, both professional and personal, gaining power, wealth, and notoriety for myself in the process, and i paid the price for it. >> president trump's longtime personal lawyer michael cohen is going to jail. >> michael cohen left his apartment and then headed to federal prison. >> 36 months. >> since then, i've been on a journey of redemption, working to set things right with my family, my friends, my country, speaking truth to power, and calling it like i see it. in my book's "disloyal" and
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"revenge," and on my podcast, "medical blood." now i'm paying it forward, using the tools i've learned for regular people in trouble. the little guy doesn't usually have access to people with my particular set of skills, but that's all about to change. i will work with you, offering expertise, advice, and solutions to fix your problems. together we will change your life. i am your fixer. ♪ ♪ 's >> emily: we reach out to michael cohen team for comment on this reported show pitch and we have not yet received a response. carley, i don't think there is something i would want to watch less than that absolute trash, that he can go ahead and pitch it all the up and down. >> carley: he's trying to sell a "let me help you" show by saying in the beginning of the promo, i fixed trump's problems to gain power and notoriety for myself and went to prison for it. hard pass. i don't want to be one of your clients. no, thank you. but my main feeling when i was watching this trailer, he seems
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like sort of a sad and lost man is made a lot of mistakes in his life, and is searching for something. money, fame, notoriety. >> emily: you put that generous heart away! this is ridiculous! >> carley: he's trying -- that's what i'm saying. overall i don't think this is going to be a show that families across america are going to hunker down and watch on friday night with popcorn. >> emily: had rather fly down a banister razor blades. he said he paid the price. no, he paid the price for fraud and tax evasion. i'm not watching you to try and fix or totally ruin other people's lives, too. >> sean: he's not about the truth, he's about michael cohen. making money, advancing my career. by the way, if you are the prosecution, you are just like, shut up. start to stop talking. he's on his social media day after day, hour after hour, talking about the case, and then he's pitching a show.
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this is a disaster for the prosecution as they try to sell him to the jury. speech he would not just the prosecution telling her to be quiet. i'm in that boat, too, harris! and yet he wants that. just to underscore, he is cashing in on someone else's pain, cashing in with glee on something that is anything but deserving of that. >> harris: you are in some interesting company, because the judge apparently -- i won't call it a reversal, because let's be real, he's not going to gag order michael cohen at this point, but he did suggest he lay off the tiktok and lay off everything before the weekend, before he testified. so clearly the judge has also had enough of watching this. but it also frustrates the fact -- and the former president just walked out, that was donald trump they are , correct? he didn't stop to talk. i'm asking my team. okay. and this is likely the lunch break, but if you get me any details, that would be helpful. and they are usually gone for about an hour. until 2:00? an hour and 7 minutes.
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so, emily, i believe that this frustrates the legal position that the judge has really put himself in with a gag order on donald trump. it makes him look like he is picking aside here, he's picked a horse. otherwise, why don't you gag everyone running down the track? especially the one who spends hours on social media saying he wants a run for congress, he has a doll dress up in an orange jumpsuit he'd like to sell you, he's got t-shirts. he has marched out with trump's name. i would argue at this point he probably has more merch then trump does, and he's running for president! it's amazing. >> emily: to that point, the most damning portrayal of all is on michael cohen himself, he keeps talking his lemonade stand worth of trash trying to sell people oceanfront property in arizona. no thanks. >> kayleigh: michael cohen just testified that, with regard to the "access hollywood" tape -- they broke for lunch, but just before that -- that trump was thinking about the campaign and not his family. he is the problem for michael cohen. you have had very credible
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professionals like hope hicks take the stand, he gave details. that trump didn't want the newspaper delivered to his residence because of the fear of what his family would think, what his wife would think. so who are you going to believe? hope hicks, who has emotional on the stand, who didn't want to be there but was there and was very honest in her testimony, or michael cohen, who on friday we put up a picture of him in a t-shirt where it is donald trump behind bars? who is on tiktok, who wrote a book called "revenge." we have heard testimony that he in fact was so upset that he didn't get a job in washington. so who are you going to believe, the guy with an x to grind and history of lying, or the professional women like hope hicks or madeleine westerhout, for more credible? >> emily: nobody's going be watching that show, just the circus on the stand right now. but we know you are watching this show and y we are grateful. ton,stay with us. m not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen?
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>> right now the criminal trial against former president trump is in lunch break. his former lawyer and convicted felon michael cohen has been testifying about the "access hollywood" tape. one of the big takeaways was he said that trump was concerned about the reaction from the campaign. which stands in direct opposition for what we heard from hope hicks who talked about, and i want to quote her directly. "he was worried how he would be viewed at home." she gave anecdotes to that effect. to the trim controller who said he was concerned about his global brand with several of these stories. direct opposition. you get to choose who to believe. the professional woman or the convicted liar. moments from now the state department will hold a briefing. we will take you to that after antony blinken gave some of his harshest criticisms yet of israel amid a state department report that is explosive that we will be certain to hear about in just a few minutes. 15 minutes from now. "america reports." >>


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