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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 13, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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joke. >> this is politico doing recreations. even cnn jake tapper not spending on air time cartooning. >> i did some sketches on my ipad here. took it all in. >> made this diagram so you understand what the courtroom is like as the blue dots are cops and the witness it's here which sits as the judges stand is up here. >> laura: i'm doing that tomorrow but jake is a really good artist. >> we've seen judge duty. >> jesse: i will never get over the bobble head thing. terrifying. i have a fear of dolls. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse water prime time.
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tonight. >> we must eradicate it from our politics. >> jesse: michael cohen takes the stand. >> and i'm innocent. everything they touch turns to what? [ bleep ]. >> jesse: massive trump rally in new jersey makes the media crazy. >> you are losing people to your cause. >> jesse: arab spring break at a boiling point. john lovett is here plus. >> show us your best come a harris impression. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: day 16 of the trump trial where no one will tell us the crime. star witness michael cohen finally took the stand in the
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prosecution try to paint him as a respectable family man who became a lawyer to police his granny but the packed courtroom rolled his eyes because everyone knows the real cohen, the same o get ahead. cohen disbarred from practicing law and went to jail for perjury tax invasion lied to congress and banks and to his wife. cohen secretly recorded conversations with trump. when you talk to your lawyer and he secretly tapes or conversations and violates your attorney-client privilege, he's not your lawyer but a rat. alvin bragg's whole case on the line rat. cohen wants his clients sent to jail for following his advice. the men will say anything to convict trump and rehabbed his disgraced career because of the testimony doesn't stick, number book deals. no more netflix pilots. tomorrow, defensible
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cross-examine and will have plenty of fodder. he told the court he paid stormy daniels by taking a loan out on his own home. why didn't we cut stormy a check? we says he did not want his wife to find out. why would cohen's wife care? was cohen protecting trump or himself? then cohen punched a hole through the prosecution's case so big that bragg could fit through it and he testified he killed the same stormy daniels story posted on the gossip website in 2011. was trump running for president in 2011? know that would be mitt romney which proves famous tycoons catch and bad press because it's bad for business and happy wife, happy life. this is more personal than political protect your family and the brand whether a campaign
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or not and it was personal or for cohen as he testified he was devastated when trump didn't tap them to be chief of staff. cohen says he knows he wasn't qualified but would've been nice to be considered. he even thought he was being considered for attorney general so when trump told me he wasn't taking him to washington, cohen became suicidal and wanted revenge when the feds rated cohen's office to try to get them to flip to turn the fan boy into a hand grenade. that's what the feds have gone -- done to trump's inner circle from the jump. people do and say anything when facing hard times and cohen's career in corporate america is done. convicting trumpets is only wrote to more income so he's angling to be a reality start. >> my name is michael cohen and for years, a personal warrior for a notorious and bad man and since then, on a journey of redemption working to set things
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right and now i'm paying it forward wielding the tools i've learned from regular people in trouble at the little guy doesn't usually have access to people with a particular set of skills. >> jesse: if trump is acquitted, no netflix deal for cohen so cohen can prattle on all day about the defendant but it's gagged as we can defend himself or we goes to jail. not fare so trump brought jd vance to court. >> michael cohen is the prosecution star witness who was a convicted felon who admitted in his testimony that he secretly reported his former employer that he only did it once and this was supposed to help donald trump. is any reasonable sensible person believe anything michael cohen says? >> jesse: fox caught up with cohen. >> you see a bit nervous. >> is trump lying? what comments you have for trump?
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>> jesse: alvin bragg wants you to believe a convicted liar and porn star who seize ghosts and the other star witness stormy daniels had sex with men for money on camera and a woman who will do anything for money and i mean anything. her resume all over the internet if you don't believe me. no morals, and no standards. nothing and she is so belowground as she claims she can talk to dead people. the woman testified she woke up naked in bed and cannot remove or what happened implying it was a me to situation but a few years back, that's not what she told bill mar. >> why did you [ bleep ] donald trump? >> i have no idea. >> it is not a me to case. i was not assaulted or attacked or reaped or coerced or blackmail and they try to shove me in the box for their own agenda and first of all i did
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not want any part of that is i'm not a victim in that regard. >> that's not what she saying no. >> talking about he was bigger and blocking the way that there was a power imbalance my hands were shaking so hard and said she blacked out. she's a porn star peer used to having sex with people so if that's the job. >> jesse: as witnesses a prostitute and a lawyer who get paid by the hour and do anything for money. trump legal team spokes person in that very same courtroom every single day set all the reporters care about is sex. >> when anything salacious happens, you hear the clicking of the keyboards but when actual law and facts discussed at silent. >> jesse: boyars.
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forget the lewinsky scandal backfired on republicans as clinton's approval ratings in the seventies when he was impeached and they have a blue dress. this case has a doesn't even have a document with trump's john hancock and trump said it never happened and stormy said it did 20 years ago and no one said this was a crime until trump started beating biden. even cnn knows it's red -- rigdon costing the democrats. >> the trials against him keep them in the spotlight and infuriate his base who sees him as a martyr into make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believe that his prosecutors are politically motivated. happens to be true in my opinion and i doubt the new york indictment brought against a defendant who's name is not donald trump. >> jesse: it trump is in a win-win situation. found guilty, appeals and the cases corrupt and if he's
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acquitted, we beat the corrupt system and looks invincible and he gets that i beat the case bounce. our sources just overheard bill clinton saying, they never learn. bills the coanchor and he is in the court today and here is. the court room of perhaps the biggest date yet of this trial. what did you learn? >> tomorrow could be even bigger win we get to the cross-examination. here's my impressions as i'm not a lawyer but the question and answer between cohen and the prosecutor almost like they were reading books to each other anticipating the questions. that tells me he was either well-prepared or well over hurst and very few objections from trump's lawyers may be half a dozen and very quiet about it. no sidebars with the judge's all the drama was missing today. i found interesting today that i
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was sitting two rows behind trump and i think we're trump was sitting based on that bench where the judge was, he had the option to not even look at michael cohen and maybe he sees the top of his head from the angle but we did not have to look at him i to i just interesting little set up maybe this is the way the courthouse is throughout new york but that was the way it was in this room today. very drab. >> jesse: you were expecting more. >> i say job may be in a simplistic way given the room and the circumstances but i felt the feeling of intensity the entire time i was in there and i thought for cohen that he was going back-and-forth with the lead prosecutor of woman talking to each other for a couple hours took a break midafternoon and when cohen came back, he was describing the period of time
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right before the inauguration saw early january and telling the jobs he was offered and the reason why he did not like those jobs and the options coming his way. all of that was an 11 minute span jesse. directly at the jurors and all 18 men and women because you have six alternates were looking directly at him and that was the one time i was able to observe the. >> jesse: they seemed very engaged. was there a moment when he was like i have this document the said trump knew this and this is how it went down and the whole court like a goodness. >> he mentioned the election several times especially in the morning hours that trump was concerned about women and getting their votes but when it comes to the evidence in that courtroom, monitors everywhere in the judge has a monitor and the witness has a monitor. all the jurors have monitors and
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you sitting in one of those pews and you literally need to bring binoculars but when the state poked in the exhibit the monitor because the print is so small and put up dozens of those exhibits with text messages, phone calls and other documents. >> jesse: does seem like the jury is styled in on that small data? >> i would say yes for the most part but i did not notice and all of those exhibits pack not one of them mentioned the election and that's a problem to the prosecutor. >> jesse: testimony of a convicted lawyer and tax cheat someone shopping and netflix deal. thank you bill who will freeze never again. a big day for you. >> jesse: former u.s. attorney joins me now.
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jay, tell me what you thought the significance of today was. >> well mr fix-it is not fixing the troubles with da bragg's case at all as he's actually punched a hole so big in the case that even brock himself can fit through it and sealed outline by the way but you are dead on the even if you were to believe and you would have to suspend in order to believe every single word michael cohen has said that you still don't have proof beyond a reasonable doubt of any element of any charge offense against donald trump and wears the false records entry? he can't testify about that at all hazards always mention about the cfo for the trump organization who is not a witness in this case who won't testify and can't corroborate
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therefore none of cohen's testimony will be corroborated so what we're really seeing here is a buildup to i think todd blanchette's cross-examination tomorrow who will have a great night sleep tonight because we knows tomorrow and for a couple of days that the woodshed he would provide on national television of michael calling will make him the hero and defense council across the country. >> jesse: what does that look like to you when he gets his hands wrapped around cohen? >> he has to go hard as there has been those saying he should take it easy and doesn't want to go too hard on his witness but why? the entire case is the fulcrum of the case is michael cohen so all of his previous lies and all the times he signed written declarations trump didn't have
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anything to do with the stormy daniel situation and you pointed out the fact that does not get fair time in your lead-in that took out a line of credit on his own homes you could pay the hundred and $30,000 and that is not a man part of a conspiracy with the billionaire and a billion-dollar company in david packer and ami and the national enquirer to kill stories for money to unlawfully impact an election. that's a man acting on his own why he doesn't tell his wife. a hundred and 30 grand to the trump organizations are paid out of accounts payable, why not do it in 2016 but why wait because that's when they found out about it because cohen acting on his own. >> jesse: you get up there pointing try to get under cohen skin and call him a liar and prove it and said you mean this? didn't you say this? and get him rattled.
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>> sure. he said this yesterday but didn't you two years ago say this? play videos of him testifying before congress or his other interviews were he's very compelling seemingly telling the truth about the former president similar to the testimony today that if you believe what he had to say today that he was compelling that he has lied under oath as the skies a serial liar so will throw absolute haymakers the states will arrest this week and believe the feds deserves a directed verdict from the judge but he's no profile encourage and this could hurt the bottom line on his daughter's business anyway so i don't expect us to get to a jury verdict. >> jesse: and now i want to go tomorrow. too late to swap me and? that would be something. >> that is up to you and bill.
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>> jesse: thank you so much jay. donald trump. the jersey shore and johnny. >> joe biden is doing a great job is and he? >> mumbling all the dumb stuff. on moving and storage... and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, save up to 25% now. visit today.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart.
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god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters.
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it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection. call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: after another week trapped in a freezing courtroom, trump hit the beach and set a hundred thousands of his supporters to see matta jersey shore rally. or blue states and plate? biden b. trump by 16 and biden only leads by five. jersey is in play people. lifelong democrat and nfl hall of fame linebacker says trump red pilled him.
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>> i group a democrat and have always been a democrat until i met this man right here. he will not have to worry about nobody in my family ever voting for a democrat again. >> jesse: a new york times poll has trump beating biden in five of the six battlegrounds. nevada, georgia cut pennsylvania and wisconsin and trump flip them because of young black and hispanic voters moving right or as trumpets a diversity and at the jersey shore, trump did not beat around the bush. watch. >> if you come here from another country and try to bring jihadist mr anti- american -ism are anti-semitism cut immediately to port you and ill get the real economy and not the
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fake economy. everything they touch turns to what? [ bleep ]. we shouldn't use that kind of language but look. you can't use the word [ bleep ]. >> jesse: trumps like president george carlin speaks for the average joe and tells it like it is. below average joe president biden performing so poorly that the media tears up the playbook. >> i have to admit none of this is playing out as i thought it would as trump is leading in all the swing states but behind those numbers like more troubling details is someone worried about the prospect of a second trump term? it's best to be honest about reality. >> he is more ahead than we will ever get all that we're throwing a spaghetti out of wall and none of it is sticking. what we're doing is really not working.
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>> jesse: some in the media are still stuck on stupid. >> anyone who both republican and does not understand your voting for the end of democracy, pay attention to the sunday shows. >> jesse: no one is paying attention to the sunday shows. this isn't 2004. watch my propaganda is the strategy and also nancy pelosi called you better clinker's. >> we've seen demagogues come down the pipe destroy with the republicans say fake news so they are diminishing that in the eyes of these poor souls who are looking for some answers and have given to them but there blocked by some other views on guns and they had the three g's, guns, a's and god. >> jesse: they don't know you and they don't want to know you and they hate you. watch the shunned those sunday shows you better clinker.
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north dakota and former presidential candidate doug joins us now. alright governor. why do you believe trump is surging? >> take a look at that nancy pelosi clip poor souls but when i look in new jersey i see the bus of america people can slice and dice it across demographic groups but if you look at the thiem who was there, its families and people who work for a living and on the motorcade in the world lining the streets for miles before they got to that venue waving their american flags with firehouses standing on top of the truck waving flies and this is 2 miles before the venue and this is the working class supports donald trump and they are not the poor souls but the people who care about their communities and families in the future of this country and they can see through all the stuff being pushed on them. >> jesse: they've never heard
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of those sunday shows and they don't care about that. >> jesse: when you hear that type of propaganda that you're not a republican and vote for a dictator in the end of democracy, what does that tell you about the strategy of the left? >> it tells me that they don't understand america and how america works and this dictator hoax is the front row seat of anyplace in the nation as governor of north dakota as i'm 1200 days into the biden bureaucratic dictatorship because virtually had nothing has passed congress and everything comes down and we're fighting over 30 different rule and mandate efforts coming out a barrage right now trying to get in before the profession -- congressional review act and have a one-size-fits-all view of how we should run our small businesses and our farms and energy business and the u.s. grid. all of these ideas have not come
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for congress based on a very liberal ideology so i'm spitting my job now assuming the federal government suing. >> jesse: you're just a lawyer playing a politician. people talk about you on the ticket and joe biden has his ticket saying it is common and here is the ticket. >> my name is joe biden and i work for carmel harris. and asked her to be my vice president. >> we have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open and sometimes they won't and then you need to kick that [ bleep ] door down. [ laughter ] excuse my language. [ laughter ] >> jesse: is she talking about if they are reelected they shall kick that gord downie -- door down to the oval?
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>> maybe joe is in there with all the ice cream. >> jesse: what you make of them? >> i think vice president has accomplished one thing to be less popular than the least popular president in history. >> jesse: thank you so much doug. gavin newsom giving the homeless vodka shots.nt the right back f. a month, each lasting 4 ho urs or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of
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feeling claritin clear is like... ♪ [cat meow] —is she? letting her imagination run wild even though she has allergies. yeah. [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: gavin newsom promising to end homelessness for as long as he's been in politics and he's a lifelong politician. as mayor of san francisco, he has rolled out a stalin tenure plant to get each resident roof. >> housing solves homelessness and we will solve the problem of those that are out on the streets defined as homeless and
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we better solve the housing problem if you want to have an impact why we establish this framework from what we call a 10 year plan to end chronic homelessness in san francisco. >> jesse: bush was president when he said that. he's been governor for five years and spent 24 billion on the homeless and added 30,000 and can't tell us where the money went. finally he was confronted. >> is your administration doing enough to determine whether the money being to homelessness being well speak -- spent? each city and county has different strategies and approaches and try to level set that. >> i did not hear a response to either of those questions and you acknowledge whether that money the state isn't doing enough to ensure the money well spent? >> the audit did not surprise me that the state has advanced at unprecedented investments you
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were correct and unprecedented interventions demanding more accountability at the local level. >> jesse: don't look at me but i'm just the governor but i knew we would lose it and that was his answer but don't worry. they have a new plan a san francisco give the homelessness shots of vodka. the goal is to keep alcoholics drunk but not too drunk as the city running a mannish alcohol program for homeless addicts for $5 million a year basically a speakeasy there running out of an old hotel where it's happy hour all day and these guys gets in nurses come-around like cocktail waitresses with beer wine or liquor to "meet their addiction needs between three but keeping some of the same level of intoxication in the program has room for 20 addicts and would not be a taxpayer's
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lush pond without der half of the beds are for the latin exand indigenous population. nationally syndicated radio host joins me now and how come we didn't think of this? you just give the homeless vodka >> notches vodka bottle full on bar out enough its top shelf or not but apparently they have wind to choose from and you also get some vodka and i don't know what other spirits offered and it's limited to door a day taxpayer funded the case in point remember jesse gavin newsom has been bragging california is the model for the nation for democrats. on his watch, went from hundred -- of surplus and now they're running like a $46 billion deficit half of which according
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to this legislative analyst audit spent on these homeless programs they didn't even bother tracking and this is the only one they actually tracked because it has to do with their favorite meal liquor so this is insane thus the model for the nation so everyone needs to pay attention. >> jesse: i wonder if the pelosi vineyard has the contract for the hair of the dog san francisco program. >> i wonder if she's down there serving but partaking secretly in the back but that's what you get as there is no accountability as you said. >> jesse: unbelievable but if forever in those neck of the woods, will have the camera come visit the happy hour in the homeless shelter as i have to see where the taxpayer money is going. thank you so much. >> jesse: johnny at the trump
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rally. >> donald trump says he's willing to go to jail to save the constitution. >> if he becomes president in jail, put a suit on and walk out. jeopardize my vision. it was hard, but taking preservision was easy. preservision has the exact clinically proven areds 2 formula recommended by the nei. i'm taking control like millions of others. did i read this? did i get eggs? where are my keys? memory and thinking issues keep piling up? it may be due to a buildup of amyloid plaques in the brain. visit (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade,
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we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee? we do. it's actually a lifetime transferable no clogs guarantee. you know, that's peace of mind and then some. so, how do people sign up? to schedule your free inspection.
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call 833-leaffilter today our agents are standing by. or visit
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: pro hamas protesters identifying as traffic cones. of florida branch of queers for palestine try to block the entrance to disney world. watch. >> you are losing people to your cause because of this. >> 45,000 dead. 45,000 dead. genocide sympathizer. [ chanting ] free palestine. >> you are causing people to hate you. >> jesse: standoff between nt for hamas and normal americans and at columbia, one student ripped her diploma and half to
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free palestine and at duke, to stage a walkout between the commencement speech by jerry seinfeld. >> he's also serving as our commencement speaker. [ applause ] so what's the big deal? [boos] >> jesse: who organized these protest? jerry is probably the cleanest anti- political comedian in america. why do they hate him because his name is seinfeld. meanwhile rosie o'donnell and celebrity friends done telling joe biden to abandon israel but going straight to his boss dr jill. >> joe biden, we're calling on you. >> we are mothers and daughters
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and advocates for peace and justice. >> simply human beings. >> calling on you today. >> because we know you are all those things as well. >> because of the immense power you hold is the first lady of the united states. >> please talk to biden as the world is watching. >> calling on you to stop the unfolding genocide in palestine. >> jesse: actor and comedian joins us now. i know you're a big disney guide taking the family to disney world with the fast passes and all set and then you're five hours sleep because pro hamas protesters are sitting in the middle of the freeway. how do you handle it? >> i would drive around them. there's always obstacles in life and you said they disrupt the traffic that hamas disrupted the
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deal between israel and saudi arabia to normalize relations and disrupted jerry seinfeld's commencement speech. that's what they do and they go after certain things to get presage they are getting in the whole things a lie as there is not a genocide but a war and you go who's organizing it? the students for justice for palestine with 250 choppers on campus funded by american muslims for palestine's and they fund hamas so it's all connected >> jesse: queers for palestine >> i didn't think i would see queers for palestine. >> that's the most insane thing ever because of those people went to gaza, hamas would kill them literally they push gay people off of buildings it is not a democracy and i understand
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it's bad innocent civilians in palestine getting killed but it's a war that hamas started and now they want never-ending war and they want to cease fire i guarantee with israel losing, no cease-fire and you can't reason with his people as hezbollah invaded israel and killed eight soldiers and kidnapped sort took them back as hostages but israel so there's no acceptable losses so they drop pamphlets on lebanon tomorrow at 3:00, bombing to get our hostages back so get out and hezbollah said can you believe there bombing? you capture two of our soldiers and killed eight of our soldiers and said you're just using that as an excuse. you can't reason with that mentality and they killed those hostages in the exact same thing but on a bigger scale. >> most people when they wage wardell drop save the date notices on the enemy so the
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civilians can get on the the way so seinfeld's out there trying to tell these kids how to live a successful and happy life and they left and walked out and didn't hear a single outs of wisdom and do you even think that they understand no one's talking about israel and palestine but how stupid they look? >> i think they have no idea and what did they achieve by walking out? they ruin their own graduation and 20 years from now, the look back and see everyone my own graduation. i think people have a right to protest but you should go get a permit they don't have a right to block traffic or ruin other things but they have a right to get a permit in protests and that's american and you know can agree with everybody get a permit and give them a space is not interfering with everything else and if they want to try to
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get press, but this is what that's about and israel is fighting terrorists the same they fought the terrorists that brought down the world trade centre on 911 and it's the same thing as israel is our ally and a democracy and queers for palestine would be murdered in gaza and the palestinians have five chances the same time israel was created to have their own state and they turn it down every time because they don't want to to stay solution but they want israel the land of israel and they're not even palestinians but jordanian refugees as arafat changed it to calling them palestinians in 1964 but they've had five deals and there are people who deserve a decent life in israel pulled all the jews out of gaza and gave it to them so there's no occupation or genocide israel
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pay for the land and they didn't take it and on and on. >> jesse: it's crazy. >> jesse: you should have been a commencement speaker and people could've learned a lot. >> jerry is a great guy and i've known him for years he does innocuous humor about lent in your bellybutton and not to their protesting because we went to israel because he's jewish like me in the same age and choose of regeneration goes then we go in the united states, we have nowhere to go. >> jesse: i like your shirt. what's on it. >> ice cream cones. >> jesse: delicious. have a great night. >> jesse: tens of thousands of people showed about the trump rally at the jersey shore so make sure johnny was there. >> how excited are you to vote
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for your favorite president? >> i'm here to prove trump is not racist. >> i only worship jesus christ but we is second. >> i go to sunday school for many years. >> i want to see freedom and security. >> close the damn border. >> support for israel. >> all the corruption is finally being overturned. >> joe biden a really around but anyway. >> where the hell are we? >> who do you want to see is the vp? >> ron desantis. >> i like desantis kristi noem shot her dog. >> i love her. she saw. >> i never shoot a dog but if they start coming out of my children then eat them then i will shoot the dog. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> he's doing the best ever. sleeping and mumbling and all that. >> stop it. we know joe biden is not running the country. >> makes carter look like a genius. >> mother's day is this weekend and all at once to be your mom. >> please. >> i'll be motherless. >> address or be dead or buried and hopefully not what joe biden >> you need to kick that bleeped door down. >> show us your best impression of the harris. [ ♪♪ ] >> hillary clinton says if you're a woman and don't vote
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provided, you have no self-respect. >> you meet i maybe a deplorable but i'm a good one. >> husband around so long doesn't know a self-respect is. >> she's crooked hillary. >> donald trump says willing to save the comp situation. >> i would do the same thing. >> if he becomes president in jail, put a suit on and walk out >> they could put me in the sale next to him if we goes to jail. >> what will we do have about the crazy hamas protesters. >> lock them up. >> send them to the gaza strip. >> is that hillary? is that you? >> joe biden wants to put windmills right there along the jersey shore. >> mad dead animals and stuff like that.
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>> put him on one of it and spin it. [ ♪♪ ] >> reporter: do you watch jesse watters? >> at my part is when he sends you out. >> he's really cute in person. >> this is jersey and it's trump county. >> you are the best jesse and keep it up.n th >> jesse: more prime time next. what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable.
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>> jesse: craig from iowa, thinks for bringing john lovett on tonight. he's just as wise as he is funny. how about that ice cream cone shirt. lickety-split. that's all for tonight. dvr the show. sean is next. hours a member i'm waters and this is my world


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