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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

9:00 pm or a store near you ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> i'm jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford junior... it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. the fixer turned faux, michael cohen finally taking the stand at alvin braggs hush money trial against donald trump. the radical da putting all his chips and the testimony of a disgrace, disbarred serial perjurer and convicted felon who was behind prison walls for 13 months. today the jury got to hear from the man longing for trump's approval and affirmation and would do anything for it including taking out a home equity line of credit to take care of the situation for his boss. and secretly recording donald trump without his knowledge. is still no evidence of a crime yet. trump still gags and unable to respond to his former attorney. he had this to say. >> everybody saying there is no crime.
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he turned down the case and he could have been brought almost eight years ago, they bring it right in the middle of my presidential campaign. there's no fraud here. there's no crime here. this is four weeks of keeping me from not campaigning. the whole world is laughing now and new york weapon eyes legal system. >> jesse: they will have plenty of material to work with since michael cohen is about as sincere as people who say they like grey sweaters. last month cohen said he would cease posting anything about trump during the trial. then he goes on tiktok to trash him wearing a shirt that shows the former president behind bars in an orange jumpsuit and in handcuffs. there also trying to cash in by shopping this reality show the fixer. >> for years i was the first --
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personal lawyers for a notoriously bad men. since then i've been on a journey of redemption, looking to set things right. now i'm paying it forward, wielding the tools that i've learned for regular people in trouble. the little guy doesn't usually have access to people with my particular set of skills. >> jesse: greg you are laughing the hardest to, you get to go first. >> greg: that was amazing seeing him do that. i'm very shiny by the way i don't know what's going on here. looks like i went for a big run. it's hard to poke holes in current -- in cohen's testimony because it's all holes and no cheese, it's just air. calling his show the fixer, what has a fixed? look at his career right now, it's like jesse pitching the show on humility. it should be called the rat because he looks like a rat. this is a lesson in law fair, where my looking?
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once they set their sights on a target it's just like regular warfare meaning they end up acting worse and doing more terrible things and aligning yourself with more despicable, rotten people than the actual person that you are targeting. you ask yourself what's worse trump taking the lawyer's advice on an expense or what the prosecutors are doing which are using the felon who created the legal expense to imprison the defendant. in a weird way they don't know it but they are prosecuting uncle cohen right now instead of trump. i call this the queer for palestine moment. you know those activists that hate jews so much that they would ally with people that would eliminate them... to take down trump, nevermind
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everybody that's involved in this. you couldn't take better witnesses on behalf of trump. no one can take this guy seriously, even the guy that draws him is having problems. one last thing, it's amazing that the media calls cohen's testimony bombshells. this is a bombshell when he brought up... that was a conversation not recorded between the liar and trump. showed in the bombshell be that they are talking about a privileged conversation between the lawyer and client, and you don't even know if it's true, why are you reporting on it? they can't even explain the crime. >> jesse: this is following up the last star witness who was a woman who gets paid to have sex with men on television. >> yes i'm aware thank you. >> jesse: she has sex on camera for money katie. >> i don't need you to explain any further.
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if you look at the testimony from today there's not a lot of new -- news that michael cohen is able to produce to the jury not to mention reporters who are talking about this because we can to televise and. not a single witness has anything good to say about michael cohen. went when you start hearing that he secretly recorded his client who is donald trump, that goes into his bucket of credibility as a negative when it comes to someone who is trustworthy. you're supposed to have attorney-client privilege, then he secretly recorded them so you can use it against them later, that is something i think most people say is in a red flag for them. i'm surprised now that they've had cohen testify, stormy daniels who owes donald trump hundreds of thousands of dollars about the defamation case, i was surprised they didn't bring out ... given how much the media upheld him as the one guy who can bring
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down trump. that's what they've been hoping for this week with michael cohen. we will see if the jury buys it. >> jesse: when did they teach you in law school harold that you should secretly record your client? >> harold: i never took that class. it's good to be back around this table. i would agree with a lot that's been said. greg makes probably the most interesting point and i will be interesting -- interested to hear the judge's reaction. the same set of facts it seems like mr cohen was trying a while back... the target now being president trump which i think is interesting. it is not lost upon me that i heard a number of legal scholars today on different networks and our own network commenting about the taping of this conversation. there's no doubt there is sometimes lawyers believe that they need to have something on record if their client may be saying or thinking about or may be posing to do but you never...
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you may write it down yourself but it is bizarre but not illegal to tape your client and then be able to play a factor. i found that really odd. the flipside of it, what they're trying to establish with cohen around whether or not these payments were made or what the motivation were further payments. i did not see all of it. i saw a lot of the transcript or what was being written about, reporting we have from the courtroom. this is only direct, it seems like cohen checks some of the boxes that the prosecutors might have wanted him to check in terms of establishing motivation. i'm not yet seeing where mr trump was in on all of this in terms of directing it all. i guess we will have some more of that testimony later. i think i can quote the judge on this. they gave us a great definition of this last week, is he
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convincing being cohen, he is the key here. if that jury believes him on two fronts, one, the reason that the president paid his money was because of the campaign advancement and that he was in on all of it than the jury is going to have -- you understand now why the prosecution thinks there's something for the jury to answer. all of this is really not fair for the present at this moment until the cross-examination happens. we shared last week some of the credibility challenges that have already been considered about mr cohen. the cross-examination will certainly be -- interesting and incredibly intense. >> jesse: tickets through what happened today. please tell us what this positive means. >> judge jeanine: let me tell you something. michael cohen is a man with a cause. he is a man without a company, he is a man without a license, a
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man without a job and he is a man who is desperate. so he needs a conviction. he needs for people to believe him in order to survive. because michael cohen has destroyed himself in all of this. the only way he goes forward in life is if he helps convict donald trump. the amazing part of this is in order to do that, he will do whatever is necessary. so let's talk about the table being set here. the table is set. michael cohen comes in as the boy, the fixer, the guy who breaks... he comes in as a jerk, self-centred, i guy who is hated and a guy who is screaming at people, prone to exaggeration, hostile and throws a barrage of insults. that is what we have heard on
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the people's direct case. what we know about donald trump from people who have worked with him is that it was fantastic working for him, that's a quote. then he was a really good boss. then he was a multitasker. he was a hard worker, that it was great working for him. so that is your table. now you've got the main witness as michael cohen, the hated guy going into this trial. this guy is so corrupt, he's not just a convicted felon, he is a convicted liar and a convicted perjurer. that is the essence of incredible. he should have a sign on his forehead that reads liar because we have defendants who go into court that we cross-examine them as felons. but you are, per se, a believable -- unbelievable win you were convicted in perjury. he's a guy who goes in, lies to
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the bank, lies what he puts on the bank statement, the purpose of the llc, says he is the retainer. trump signed nothing. he has not put a finger on donald trump. it's just like stormy daniels. he hates donald trump, stormy hates donald trump and so the question is if there is a conversation between... and michael cohen, what does that have to do with donald trump if donald trump didn't sign anything or was not part of the conversation? i will tell you another motivation for michael cohen to lie and try to destroy donald trump, what bigger insult is it to work for donald trump as his fixer as michael called himself, then to not be invited into the white house. do you know with all his friends he says i'm going to the white house, i'm probably going to be his counsel. donald trump knew not to invite him. donald trump knew not to make
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him part of the team. he knew exactly what he was. finally, this is a one-on-one people are talking about, do you believe one of the other, they are so wrong on that. it's not a one-on-one. there is no obligation on the part of the defence to present any kind of... whatsoever. the burden of proof is... you cannot infer or anything if the defendant chooses not to testify. finally who was in the courtroom today? alvin bragg again -- squeezing it's one of those feuds. he knows his career is over. he knows his case is a loser. as weak as this jury looks in terms of the jury that is going to stand up and say we don't believe this, they know they've got nothing. nobody has put a finger on donald trump. finally the nail in the coffin for michael cohen, how dare you take the...
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that is an echo -- ethical violation. what you recorded is meaningless, it's not even a crime. you are stupid to. >> jesse: [ simultaneous talking ] >> jesse: up next, donald trump gets a rockstar reception in a blue state while sleepy joe gets clobbered in the polls. [ ♪♪ ] here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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dad: what are you looking for? [both laughing] ♪ ♪ >> from the trial to the trail, donald trump fired up a massive crowd of up to 100,000 people in
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deeper blue new jersey. >> officially play in the state of new jersey. we're going to win the state of new jersey. you could take the ten worst presidents in history of our country and add them up, they haven't done the damage to our country that this total moron has done. >> with the election less than six months away, trump is clobbering joe biden in five key battleground swing states among likely voters. of which biden one in 2020 including a double-digit lead in georgia and nevada. so is the riding on the wall? one of the presidents favourite commentators seems to thank so. >> i have to admit, none of this is playing out as i thought it would. things are not working in biden's favour. he needs to do something bold and dramatic to seize the initiative. >> he's more ahead than he's ever been everything that we are
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throwing is spaghetti at a wall and none of it is sticking. what we are doing is really not working. >> we have an expert here on the jersey shore. jesse used to be gym, ten, laundry now it's jim, trump, laundry. >> jesse: johnny was there, you will see that tonight. he said it wasn't 100,000, it was closer to 30,000. that still a packed venue and it is still 29,500 more than joe has ever had a. he did promise that if he was reelected to terminate the windmills that are marking the jersey shore and save the whales so that's a twofer. i like the little nickname, moron joe. sleepy was good but it wasn't effective enough. if you have one side calling you a nazi genocidal dictator and he just says you are a moron, i think that sticks.
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he is opening up the border, breaking the bank, doesn't know where he is a man he leaves the stage. moron joe is going to land and i can feel it. the rust belt is out of reach if these numbers stick. nevada double digits and arizona. georgia because of laken riley and fanny willis, that's gone. and that makes it a battle for the rust belt. trump only needs one and it looks like they are going to come back home because he lost a little white. he lost some that he had with hilary, some of those whites you know how persnickety they can be. they went to joe biden, they're coming home in the rust belt but his diversity is really increasing because of the young, black and hispanic there was a coalition last time. this up -- it's up to 19 percent diversity. that's all economic opportunity.
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you just don't have it. you can't buy a house. these feelings are entrenched. there's never been a position where a candidate at this point has been down every single battleground and never come back. the only candidate to do that was donald trump. >> judge it seems like the trump campaign and donald trump ought to expend the map. they're willing to go into new jersey and going into new york, there's also -- also thought he could win virginia if he plays his cards correctly. are democrats trying to play, hashmak catch up? >> they are nervous and they know. they said it has to be a bold and dramatic move to seize the initiative or whatever. he's never done anything bold and dramatic for the last three and a half years. i don't know what makes him think he can do it now. trump and biden are essentially tide among 18 to 29 -year-olds,
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tied and hispanic voters. more than that, i think that this trial, if you put the hay and b. blocks together, i think one of three things are happening. number 1 either people don't care about the trial or people don't believe that donald trump is guilty or people are totally offended by the concept of one party bringing a criminal charge against a man who is a former president running for president. i think that's going to affect american history. i think to all americans it is somehow offensive to us to be in a situation where you are literally putting a man on trial in a criminal case while he is running for president. it's just so on taste worthy. it is so inappropriate. stings americans. i think that has a lot to do
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with it. joe biden apparently is planning on bringing out all the celebrities now. he will bring out julia roberts, none of these celebrities helped hillary clinton when she ran against trump. when you get a blue state like new jersey, i don't know if it's 30,000 or 100,000 which is what i'm reading in the reports, whatever it is, you've got a guy on trial who is showing up and people are showing up like crazy, bigger than we've ever seen. i think in the end of all of this, the swing states are going to stay deeply trump against a biden, especially for all the reasons you just said jesse. >> harold, trump is the king of rallies and showmanship but democrats are the olympians of voters and they plan to be ahead by millions of votes ahead of election day for biden. is not a good thing for democrats when it comes to the poles?
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>> harold: these are five months out but this is a snapshot of where the country is and where the states are. it's interesting that in georgia and nevada the former president trump is at 50. in polls if you are incumbent and below 50 against your opponent, it's always a challenge and you look at the poles if someone is at 50 that's always telling. we are five months out, we will have to see what happens. if i am biden and the team i take the alarm that they have been sharing. it's time to change something because it's not working. that doesn't mean that you are not right, you don't care, the things that you are campaigning on... but it's not working with voters. i would get to the border. i would announce executive orders at the border and then call and republicans to pass the compromise bill abscess you did the right thing on china and russia and battling back at them
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with the foreign aid bill, do that mr president. acknowledge gas prices are high. grocery prices are high. talk about the investments we are making in the country and the tariffs we are putting on china. use that money to ensure that we are able to fight at our border. you've got to be different and you've got to meet people where they are. the pulling data shows us down also shows what's on voters mind if we are not committed to and invested in that, we are going to lose. the only good thing about this poll is we've got five months to deal with it. you can't deal with it if you are not serious about what the numbers say. >> sounds like advice for greg to be moderate joe. >> joe was beating trump in one state, confusion. it's good to see harold starting to panic. >> i'm trying to like them up a little. >> you're starting to worry and i like that. shiny greg has a point.
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i think you are starting to see the realization that things aren't going well. the frantic stairs in the media, the blame throwing. they are on a lifeboat that has run out of food and they are starting to i.e. each other suspiciously and they are so close to land yet that land is called... their egos won't let them swim to shore. they would rather go down in the boat in the never trump ocean than find joy and pleasure... they haven't actually tried to persuade voters with policy or anything so far it's just been apocalyptic hysteria and unconstitutional law fair. every area they've actually tried is the reason you had 100,000 people in new jersey jesse. or as cnn called it just a few insurrectionists.
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that his reaction to what americans are seeing right now which is un-american which airs me is that when you see these trump poles and you see these rallies, i'm worried about what we don't see, what are the democrats cooking up with the votes? legal or illegal. judging by your ears or eyes this election should not even be close so they have two options, you've got one biden term, a deal with the dementia ridden devil or resort to electoral dirty tricks. that's why we need the utmost transparency. i fear the dens will go the second round. i have very little evidence on that but that hasn't stopped me before. >> we won the last election fair >> jesse: we have to win so big you can't win -- you can't greg -- rig.
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>> anti- israel agitators walk out of jerry seinfeld's commencement speech.
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and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ >> the pro- hamas lunatics out in full force to disrupt this weekend's graduation celebrations. anti- israel agitators walking out of jerry seinfeld's commencement speech at duke university. what some of the crazies chanting free palestine. >> that wasn't the only unhinged weekend walkout. columbia university graduate
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wearing zip ties and one woman ripped up her diploma onstage. i will go with the last one. ripping up your diploma onstage jesse. do you think that she should have ripped up her resume as well because she doesn't have a chance of getting a job? >> jesse: alvin bragg will hire her. graduations just as much as it is about the students as it is about the parents. dad has been saving for years, pinching pennies and wasn't able to get the hot rod he wanted, now that the tuition is paid for, he wants to take the photo, have lunch and have a drink. he doesn't want to explain to the grandparents why lizzie just walked off. they think lizzie didn't even get a diploma. it's very confusing. if i were to give anybody advice i would say do your thing when you accepted the diploma. they handed to you, you go free palestine and you walk off. you just left seinfeld. you don't get to hear what jerry seinfeld is white -- advice was. this guy is the biggest star of
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the nineties. this guy is wealthy, has a young wife, he's a celebrity. don't you want to learn from someone like that? the key to life is hard work, relationships and exercise. he's right. i would only add one thing, food. i'm reading this book about inflammation, it's just astounding. we could all use better diets. is like they were choosing egner in spirit and anybody knows you never choose ignorance you just stumble upon it like me sometimes. >> judge jeanine: katie, duke university was very different for the kids at columbia. what do you attribute the difference to? columbia they stormed the administration building, and duke is totally different, a few malcontents walkout but they pretty much yelling jerry.
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what's it about? >> geography, columbia is new york city, duke is a north carolina pure jerry seinfeld is someone who stopped going to college campuses long time ago to do stand up because it would be like this. the facts are that the majority of students don't believe in this pro- hamas, pro terrorism ideology that is ruining thanks for everybody else because they believe in western society, creativity, the first amendment, keeping their heads, women's rights and those type of things. for them to walk out and not want to listen and learn from someone who has had a very successful career and life in america, too bad for them and they are -- and represents the liberal ideology of ripping things down instead of building them up whether it's ripping apart your diploma or destroying the commencement speech for everybody else. for jerry seinfeld to get protested, he's an american. it's more about anti-semitism
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than it is about anti- israel protesting. >> judge jeanine: this sunday biden is giving a speech at morehouse which is... apparently the students are not happy. one saying generally the feeling on the ground as we don't want him here. we are being used to score political points. >> one of the great problems in education in our society today whether it's education in school or what we like to do with our kids, it's a really unfortunate trend where we are encouraging people to only want to be around easy tables in life. one of the reasons i love being around this table is that the conversation is always -- it some kind -- sometimes can be a little combative but we all have a healthy conversation and i walk away having learned and i hope i am part something by making people think. even if he wasn't successful, the man has been -- has accomplished something in life
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and he has lived his life. he's had more ups then he's had downs. he didn't talk politics in his speech. he said find something where you love the good parts and don't mind the bad parts too much. he's a comedian, he loves to make fun of things and give a little satire to what he's trying to say. i hope the kids took that at heart. for those that walked out i hope you learn how to protest. they did not walkout and those ... but i didn't hear them say hamas take the deal for a cease-fire. we think you should do differently there. this is them talking but all they did was free palestine and walkout. i don't think we teach kids, we're not teaching america, not teaching citizens how you protest frankly worst off we are not teaching people how to be around hard tables. they can be fun, they can be
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interesting, uplifting. at the end of the day you can push everybody forward to get to higher ground. thank you for standing up and speaking there when those kids walked out. >> judge jeanine: they are moving to divert de i funds... these kids who fought for the american flag and held it up. >> typical historic white college. you will never hear that. it's funny. it all comes down to what harold said, fund. seinfeld is fun and the people that you see on the other parts of -- other part of this equation hate fond. that woman who tore up the diploma, that was a diploma for social work. it would've been more of a travesty if she tore up one of those paper placement menus from ihop because that's what it's worth. and seinfeld a good point about privilege in his speech. he says i came from a place of privilege but so do you guys. you are graduating from duke. i want to add to that and say you should use your privilege
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but if you don't, a fine, a loser. no one is telling you to use it or not to use it accept you. if you rejected the idea of privilege than you need to reject your diploma, you should reject -- should put duke on your resume because that's privilege. anything that's related to your privilege you should reject. everything you due in life is related to your privilege. a lot of people say they don't have privilege have more privilege than they are willing to let on. when you look at the numbers which are 40 people, you are seeing the literal example of the radical math. it's just a few idiots but they pretend to be more imposing weather on social media or by having groups sponsoring them and that should be a message to the colleges and to the democrat party. why are you so scared of a tiny fraction. are you held hostage by the naughtiest people in your party or even outside your party. they are afraid of these people.
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maybe it -- it's because they fear their anti-semitic slip is showing. the right wing has zany's, they do. they bubble up from the bottom. but the democrats, they come from above. they come from the professors and the media. they come from these weird organizations. the white house, that one. that's enough out of me. >> judge jeanine: even hollywood stars aren't safe in liberal cities. actors steve buscemi was punched by a maniac. i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch
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recovering after a stranger randomly punched him in new york. he says he's doing okay though. the quote -- he is incredibly sad for everyone that this has to happen. cops are still looking for the attacker and are releasing this photo of the suspect. we talk about this all the time, i love this guy. it's happened to a lot of new yorkers, what is your take on this? >> he has a good guy but that really shouldn't matter because it's in the news because he's famous. there are stories out of new york that are so repulsive that we can't even cover them. there was a brutal rape where a guy lassoed a woman and pulled her behind two cars and raped her unconscious body. that was on video but no one can show it on like the george floyd think that we showed a thousand times people keep saying the crime is down but we know that the crimes are being reported to the feds for tabulation and seeing how quickly the
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perpetrators are released... so they decide i will take my chances, law enforcement can't do anything. every visitor to new york to get the talk now. it's like stay off your phone when you are on the street, be situationally aware. if you're taking the stoplight -- subway stand in the back. don't try to board until the train gets there and stops. do not go in if you feel unsafe. the last one is a new york, 11:00 pm is the new two i am. we are doing self-imposed curfews. you can't walk around alone. you have to always look around. it's a shame but that's where we are. >> judge jeanine: first of all anyone who punches tony soprano's cousin in the face is looking for the death penalty. louck, there is no law and order in new york anymore. let's come to grips with it. the reason that there is no law
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and order in new york anymore, you can thank the democrats who sponsored a bill to eliminate cashless bail. they all voted for it. and you have a governor who tells us that we are imagining all this stuff and at the same time there is the national guard and the subways for a minute and then takes them out. then they find prosecutors who want to... and we've got a president who is putting illegals in new york about whom we know nothing. you can assume that a certain percentage of them are criminals and they already know because they attack cops. you can attack cops and be bailed and they can give you the finger on the way out. america is no longer safe, it is no longer a place where people can say i pay my taxes but thank god i'm protected police are protecting me. it's not happening. we are done. >> jesse: life is a beach
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harold. if you are by the water you are going to get wet. the waves will crash on you, the criminal element is going to get you. that's the way life is. it's an analogy greg, "try to follow along. you can afford to live up... you just don't have the type of exposure to crime up there the democrats keep on telling us that crime is down but mariah carey gets jacked, drake is getting jacked, all of these politicians and the mayors are getting jacked. home invasions, assaults, carjackings. don't pmi leg and tell me it's raining. don't pmi leg anyway. about to give my son the talk if you know what i mean. >> that is disgusting. >> harold: bring us home here katie. >> you do not put -- prepare for that segment did you? >> robert de niro! [ simultaneous talking ]
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>> greg: all right, jen psaki >> she made a bogus claim that joe biden never checked his watch. during the ceremony... now general alter future reprints of her book. judge you are hot on this, what say you? >> judge jeanine: i don't understand how people can lie in a book. did you read the book, did you write the book? your name is on it. what is wrong with you. she took an article and quoted it wrong. so she lied and quoted the article wrong to confirm the lie. i'm sick of it. and the french government says she lied about cancelling a meeting with the french president. this is ridiculous. >> greg: you felt very strongly, do you feel just as strongly now? >> jesse: you know who didn't have to make a retraction in their book? this guy.
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zero retractions, both number 1 bestsellers. i know how these things happened. when you have a ghostwriter and then they write the book for you and then the editor gives it to you after and says do you want to double check and you say no it's fine. that's how this happens. >> greg: harold in your memoir you wrote about our brief time together in the swiss alps p. or do you want to revise anything that happened in that book? >> i thought it was deer valley. >> harold: the president looked at the watch and she was wrong... >> of all the things you can try and spend, this what she chose with the gold star families and they are furious understandably. some of them are threatening legal action saying she is benefiting financially is benef financially and that she'll be hearing from their attorney. >> oohfr. all right. there you go, katie. one more things up next.
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it's as i was saying in theat hm navy, that the toughest job in the navy is a nave, been ta and if you've mades the deployments and you've been the wife at home or you've been the spouse at home, the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talkin about. >>r 's value
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terrifying. i have a fear of dolls. jesse is next. >> jesse: welcome to jesse wate


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