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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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terrifying. i have a fear of dolls. jesse is next.
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>> jesse: welcome to jesse water prime time. tonight. >> we must eradicate it from our politics. >> jesse: michael cohen takes the stand. >> and i'm innocent. everything they touch turns to what? [ bleep ]. >> jesse: massive trump rally in new jersey makes the media crazy. >> you are losing people to your cause. >> jesse: arab spring break at a boiling point. john lovett is here plus. >> show us your best come a harris impression. [ ♪ ] >> jesse: day 16 of the trump trial where no one will tell us the crime. star witness michael cohen
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finally took the stand in the prosecution try to paint him as a respectable family man who became a lawyer to police his granny but the packed courtroom rolled his eyes because everyone knows the real cohen, the same o get ahead. cohen disbarred from practicing law and went to jail for perjury tax invasion lied to congress and banks and to his wife. cohen secretly recorded conversations with trump. when you talk to your lawyer and he secretly tapes or conversations and violates your attorney-client privilege, he's not your lawyer but a rat. alvin bragg's whole case on the line rat. cohen wants his clients sent to jail for following his advice. the men will say anything to convict trump and rehabbed his disgraced career because of the testimony doesn't stick, number book deals.
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no more netflix pilots. tomorrow, defensible cross-examine and will have plenty of fodder. he told the court he paid stormy daniels by taking a loan out on his own home. why didn't we cut stormy a check? we says he did not want his wife to find out. why would cohen's wife care? was cohen protecting trump or himself? then cohen punched a hole through the prosecution's case so big that bragg could fit through it and he testified he killed the same stormy daniels story posted on the gossip website in 2011. was trump running for president in 2011? know that would be mitt romney whic because bad press is bad for business and happy wife. happy life. this was more personal than political. you protect your family and thei brand. whether there's a campaign or
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nocal prott and it was personalr cohen, too. >> he testified that he was devastateds when trump didn't happen to be chief of staff. >>'t cohen says he knows he wasn't qualified, but it would have been nice just to be considerede s heified bu. he even thought he was being considered for attorney general. e. >> so when trump told him he wasn't taking him to washington, cohen when tr becameo wa suicidal and wanted revenge. >> that's when the feds raidedsf cohen's office to try to get him to flip, to turnfiy to the . into a hand grenade. thgohat's what the feds have donnee to trump's inner circle from the jump raid and flip raid and flip people do and say anything when facing a hard timean. cohen's career in corporaten' america is done. convicting trump is his only road to more incomco onle, so he's angling to be a reality stara . >> my name is michael cohen, and for years i was the personal lawyel r for a notoriously bad man. since then, i've been on a a
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journey of redemption, working to set things right. >> now of i'm paying it forward, wielding the tools that i've learned from regular people in trouble. the little guy doesn't usually have access to peopl ittle with myh particular set of skills. >> so if trump's set acquitted,o netflix deal for cohen. so cohen cans prattle on all dau about the defendant, but the defendant is gagged, he can't defend himself or he goes to jail. not fair. elf or w tso trump brought j.d.e to court. >> watch. >> michael cohen is the prosecution's star witness. rt guy is a convicted felon who admitted in his testimony that he secretly recorded his former employer, that he only didetly reper it once, allegedly, and that this was supposed to help donald trump. does any reasonable, sensible person believe anything that michael cohen says? >> fox caught up with cohen on his way hom ue today. >> michael, you seemed a bithen. nervous on the on the stand. today. were you nervous? is trump lying? did he sleep with stormy daniel is trums?
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>> what comments you have for trump? alvin bragg wants you tos believe a convicted liar and a porn star who sees ghosts. that other star witness, stormy daniels, has with men forr star money on camera. this is a woman who will don anything for money and i meanan anything. >> her resume is alld overe ine the internet. if you don't believe me, no morals, no standardsrnet d, not. and she's so well grounded, she claims she can talk to dead peol people. the woman testified that she woke ue.p naked in bedanno and couldn't remember what happened, implying it was a metoo situatioremoven. >> but a few years back, that's not what she tol, that'sd bill . >> why did donald trump look okay? >> okay. but you say it's not a metoo. it is not immune to . i mean , i wasn't i wasn't attacked or or coerced or blackmailed that they tried to shove me in the m coerced e too box to furtherr ow their own agenda. and first of all, i didn't want
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ann f aly part of that because it's not the truth, and i'm not a victim in that regar d. d. that's not what she's sayingat now. she's talking about he was bigger and blocking the way. it's all the metoo buzzwords. she said there was a power imbalance of power, for sure. my hands were shaking so hard, she said. she blacked oue blacket. blacked out? she's a porn star. a star is used to havinr peergh people she does not know. >> it's that's the job . brags, witnesses, a prostitute and a lawyer. both professions, they get paid by the hour and will do anything for money. >> this is a he said she said without a crime. trump legal team spokeswomans elina haber, who's in that very same courtroomt ve every single day, said all the reporters care about is. when anything salacious happens, all you hear is the clickingx. of the keyboards.e cc but when actual law and factsars are discussed, it's silent. >> the keyboard warriors forget
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the lewinsky scandal backfired on republicans. clinton's approval ratings weree in the seventies when he was impeached, and thed y had a blue dress. this case doesn't have a dress and eye witness. they don'te dress. even have a document with trump's john hancock. haved it nevered happened, and stormy said it did 20 years ago, and no one said this was a crime until trump started beating biden. even cnn knows it's riggedlgdons and costing the democrats the trials againstts him keep hi in the spotlight, infuriate his base. th iwho sees him as a martyr, and even may serve to make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believobject sympae that his prosecutors are politically motivated. this happensbelieve to be true,i opinion. i doubt the new york indictment would have been brought againsta a defendant whose name was not donald trump. >>inant who' i trump is in a win situation here. >> if he's found guilty, he appeals. the case is corrupt. he gets the slick willie bounce.
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if he's acquitted, he beat the corrupt system. he looks invincible and heacqui the i beat the case about our sources in chappaqua. just overheard bill clinton saying they never lear n. >> bill hemmer is the co-anchor of america's newsroom. he was in the court today and here he is. t y have believed, sir, the courtroom of perhapsbigges the biggest day yet of this trial. >> what did you learn? i would argu oe you're right about that. but tomorrow could be even bigger once we get into >>n bin. pressinatiorn >> here's what i here's are my impressions. not a lawyer and not trained in lawon not but, but here are y observations. the question and answer between cohen and the prosecutor her. it was almost like they were reading books to each other, almost as if he was anticipatingre the questions.uet that tells me that he wasions m either well-prepared ord or well-rehearsed. there were very few objections from trump's lawyersl ov, maybey half a dozen. they were very quiet about it. therery f e were no sidebars wie judge. so all that drama was missing . om today j here's what i found interesting. i was sitting about two rows
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behind trump, and i had trump and cohen on the angled. n and i think where trump was sitting based on that bench,h where the judge was, he had mie option not even to looe judk at michael cohen. maybe he sees the top of his head from that angled , but he did not have to look at him eye to eye. just an interesting little setup. i don't know why they do it. i don't know if this is the way the courthouse is all throughout new york. but that was the way it was in this room todayne tha. very drab, by the way. you know, you're sitting there. morewere you were expecting more. >> well, i thought, yeah, i say drab maybe in a more simplistic way, given the room and theand circumstances. but i felt a feeling of intensitythe circlt the entie i was in there. i thought for cohen he was going back and forth with the lead prosecutor, a woman , and they were just talking to each other for a couple hours. they tooh other k a break mid-afternoon. jesse and when cohen came back, he was describing the period of time right before
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the inauguration, . atio so this is early january. and he was tellingrly janu the s that he was offered through reince priebus and the reason wh why he did not like those jobsgs and the offerings that were coming his way, all of that, it was about an 11 minute span, jesse, he looked directly at the jurors and all of them, a all 18 men and women, becausllee you have six alternates where looking directly at him and thathave was the one time i that i was able to observe that. en so they seemed very engaged l . was there a moment where he was like, aha, i have this documenga whet that said trump knew this and this is how it went down. and the whole court was like, ohid trump and my goodness. >> he did mention the election several times, especiallye during the morning hours, saying that trump was very d about womenas and getting their vote in the elections that were in the offering. cot women an. t but when it comes to the evidence in that courtroom, there are monitors everywhere and the judge has a monitor, the witness has a monito jr.
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all the jurors have monitors in front of them. you sitting in one of thosews pews, one of the benches, you literall y need to bring binoculars, which you're allowed to bring when the state puts an exhibit up on the monitor because the print is so smale l and they put up dozens and dozens of those exhibits today, text m messages, phone calls, otheresll documents there today. and does it seems another do lie the jurors dialed in on that, that small data? >> for the most part, i would say yes. here's what i did no say yest nn in all of those exhibits. >> not one of them mentioned the election. >> and that's a problem for the process. that is a probleon and that'm. so i guess is the testimony of a convicted liar tax cheat and someone who's shopping flixrflix deal called the fixe . >> all right, bill hemmer, who's going to freeze never again. it's going to be laura ingraham tomorrow, but a big day fo r you. >> thanks for bringing that to our attention. former u.s. attorney jay towne joins me now. , tell me what you w
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thought the significance of today washat yo. >> well, you know, mr. fix, it is not fixing the troublesall as with d.a. bragg's case at all. you're you're lying in your lead in that he's actually punched a hole so big in the case that even bragg himself could fit through it. i'm going to steal that linet e by the way. but you were. you were dead on jesse a. yeah. the the even if you weref yo to believe and you would have to, you know, suspend, you know, credulity in order to believe every single word that michael cohend has said. you still don't have proof beyond a reasonablu e doubt o of any element of any charge defense against donald trump. where's the false records injury? he can't testify about that at all. he can't tess all this mention about weisselberg, the cfo for the trump organization, who's not a witness in this case,
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who won't testify, who can't witns cat. therefore, none of cohen's testimony will be corroborate stated. and so what we're really seeing sod up to i think todd blanche is cross-examow and ation tomorrow, and todd is going to have a great night's sleep tonight becausecas he knows that tomorrow and for a couple of days the woodshedding that he is going to provide on national televisionthathe and michael con is going to make him sort of the hero of defense counselno across the country. >> what does that look like to youunross, jay, when he gets his hands wrapped around? >> cohen ? >> well, you know, todd's going to i mean, he has to go hard. all right? you know, there's there's been prognosticators sayingd he should he should take it easy. doesn't want to go too hard on this witnessy andt tos y. >> this is the state's entire case. s the fulcrum of the caseel coh is michael cohen. and soen all of his previous lies, all of the times that he has signed written declarationsd
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that trump didn't have anything to do with the stormy daniels situation. anyt to doyou pointed out, i th, a fact that doesn't get enough air time. agai fair timn, in your lead in that, you know, he took out a line of credit on his own home. so l that he could payy th the $130,000. now, that is not a mane who is o part of a conspiracy with a billionair e and then $1,000,000,000 company in david pecker and ami and the ami "national enquirer" to kill stories for money to to stori unlawfully impact an election. that's that's a man actinges on his own. that's why he doesn't tell h own his wife't 130 grand to the trup organization if they were going to pay it out of accountsid payable, why not do it in 2016? of a until 2017? because that's when they found out about it. because cohen was acting on his own. >> so, you know, these are you get up there and start pointing, maybe try to get under cohen's skint , call him a liar, prove he's a liar and say, you said this and sai. >> didn't you mean this? andn't you say this and get hi
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rattled? sure. and you said this yesterday, but didn't you two years ago say this? i would play the videos of him testifying before congress or his other interviews where he is very compellin tggng and seemingly telling the truth about the former president. >> similar to the testimony today. right. if you if you believe what hed had to say today, he was compelling to you. well, he's lied under oath, has according to cohen and ben, just as compelling . this guy is a serial liar. so todd todd blanche is going to throw absolute haymakers. the state's going to rest this week. and i really believe the defense deserves a directed verdicl arthis wt from judge me. but he's no profile in courage . and this could you know, this would hurt the bottom line on his daughter's businesscourar i anyway. so i still expect us to get to a jury verdict. don' get tw, i want to go tomor. >> is it too late to swap meand? in? that'd be something. that's up to you and bill
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to figure that one out. >> thank you so much, ja youy. >> thanks, jesse. donald trump, the jersey shorelu and johnny. joe biden'mpe jerseys doing a g. isn't he the best ever? yes. sleeping and mumbling and all that dumb stuff. when e start your day with nature. menacannot g, the number one pht recommended vitamin and supplement brand. you cannot get it back. but you can repair ii re repairh with enamel repair. it penetrates deep into the to it penetrates deep into the to to actively repair weakened enamel. i recommend for normal repair with new pro normal repair mouthwash. >> you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. they were great together. hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. a lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting if you can't fall asleep or your tossing and turning
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♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. you'll find yourself relaxing everywhere at work or at play. >> that's not a true joy. after another week trapped in a freezing courtroom, trump hit the beac ah and they say 100,000 of his supporters showed up to see him at a jersey shored th rally. >> are blue states in playousan last time, biden beat trump bymp 16 and jersey. now biden only leads by five. y 16i mean, jersey's in play, people lifelong democratng dem and nfl hall of fame linebackerc l.t. says trump red pilled
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them. >> i grew up a democrat and i've always been a democrat until i met this man right here. . and to he will not have to worry about nobody in my familyu ever vote for a democrat again . >> jw york times pol.l has trump beating biden in five out of the six battlegrounds nevada, georgia, arizona,battle pennsylvania and wisconsin. thump flipgr them because of young black and hispanic voters moving right orem o trump would say diversity. d at at the jersey shore, trump didn't beat around the bush. ey shore, trumh. >> if you come here from another country and try to bring jihadism or anti-americanism or anti-semitic system to oure ants campuses, we will immediately deport you. you look at thtimmediate econom, the real economy, not the fake economy.
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everything get the they touch turns to what? >> you shouldn't use that kind of language. >> look, look, you can't use word, okay? >> trump's likee president georgeth carlin speaks for the average joe and tells it like it is below average joe. >> president biden performing so poorly, the media is tearing up the playbook. >>perfng so po i have to admit,e of this is playing out as i thought it would. istrump is now leading in almost all the swing states, but behind those numbers lie even more troubling details as someone worried about the prospect ss of a second trump term. >> i think it's best to be honest about reality. >> trump's more head than he is he's ever been. >> everything that we're throwing meae will is spaghettir wall, and none of it is sticking. what doing is really, really not workin ig.
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>> but some in the media are still stuck on stupid. >> anybody that votes republican and doesn't understandd. are voting for f the end of democracy. >> just pay attention to the sunday shows tf de. >> no one's paying attention to the sunday shows. this is this isn't 2004 anymore. watch my propaganda. >> that's the strategy. also, nancy pelosi called youou bet bitter clangers. >> we've seen demagoguteker'e ce down the pike. destroy the press. what is what what do the republicans say? fake news. so they're diminishing that int the eyes of these poor soulsin who are looking for some answers. we've giveing for some ansn to t but they're blocked by some of their views on guns t. ns ant >> and they have the three g's guns,, god, they don't knowd. you. they don't want to know you. >> jesthey hate you. watch the sunday shows you bitter clingeran. unne >> north dakota governor and
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former presidential candidate doug burgum joins us now. no dowhy dogovernor, why you believe trump surging? >> well, yve i did take a looktt at that pelosi clip you just had where she calls poor souls . but when i'm standing there in new jersey looking at all these patriots are there, wellpr ,i'm seen as the best of america. you know, people can slice and dice. thisn slic is across them, demographic groups. but if you look at the themet as of who is there, it's families and it's people who work, people who work fo ir a living.g and they were on the motorcade and they were lining the streets for mile athrcade se you even got to that venue. and they're all waving their american. you got firehouses where the firemen are standing on top of the truck, waving flags as to miles, before you get to the venue. and these are peopleis i that wk in america. the working class is support ts donald trump. and they're not the poor souls. they're the people that carede u about their communities. they're care about their families. they care about the future of this country. communitie see through, you know, all of the the stuff that's being pushed on them. >>e st they're not watching.
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>> the sunday shows are that. no, they've never they've never heard of them. they don't know who's on them and they don't care about that. of sunut tha that typeve of propaganda, you know, you're not a republican. r a you know you're going to vote for a dictator. this is going to be the end of democracy i. es t >> what does that tell you about the left strategy? well, it tellsyot th me that thl don't understand america and they don't understand how america work thatheys. and this dictator hoax is the o front row seat of any placen th in the nation as governor of north dakota, becausee na i'm 1200 days into the biden bureaucratic dictatorship, because virtually nothing has passed congress and everything comes downrship from a three lem agency. we're fighting over 30 different rule and mandate effortesn anes that are coming a barrage right now that they're trying to get in beforew tryi the congressional review act date on may 20th. and they're basicallgey have a z one size fits all view of how we should run our smallho businesses, run our farms, run our energyulr smal business, yo, run the u.s. grid. i mean, all of these ideasgy bun are not things that have come
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from congress and they're all based on a very liberal ideologyn . and so what are we?itting i'm spending my job now suing a the federal government is what i'm kind of doing for a living. >> you're just a lawyer who'sa y playing a politician. joe biden i people talku on about you on the ticket. >> joe biden has his ticket, the said it's kamala. >> here is the ticket. watctickets commonh. >> my >>na my name is joe biden. i work for kamala harris. i asked her to be my vice president. >> you know, i need somebody smarter than me. we have to know that sometimes a people will open the door for you anmes peopd leave it open. >> sometimes they won't. and then you need to kickk that door down. excuse my language. okay. is she talking about if they are reelected, she's just going to kick that door down e shal? to th
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>> could be. i don't know. maybe joe's in earth all the ice cream and she she. he loves to scoops. what do you make of these two? well, i think that vice president harris has accomplished one thing, which is she's managed to be less popular than the least least popular president in history. >> it's quite an accomplishmenot for kamala or mama ella or whatever they call her doug burgum. >> thank you so much. thank you, jesse. givingewsom the homeless vodka shots . w clicks >> does joe wilson have a crack >> does joe wilson have a crack trust safe like this? customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from we repla, so he's go to a safe flight in just a few clicks. r: looks we came to his house, then we got to work. we replaced his windshield and install a new wipers to protect his new glass. to protect his new glass. it's greathedule n. thank you. my pleasure. we come to you for free schedule now for free mobile service. say a fly icon.
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define as homeless, we betters solve the housing probledefinemf we're going to have an impact. and that's why we established this frameworkt to , what we call w a ten year plan to end chronic homelessness in sa caln francisd >> bush was president when he said that bush gavin's been governor for five years. he spent 24 billion on the homeless, added 30,000 3, homeless, and can't tell us where the money wen t. onte >> finally, he was confronted. watch. zero. administration in doing enoughio to determine whether the money that's being ploweough td into homelessness is being well spent. >> one of the vaccine issues each was highlighted -- in the audit was local. and each city and county has different strategies t and approaches. >> we've tried to level set that. i'm sorry, governor, i didn'o la hear a response to either of those questions. do you acknowledge whetherr the money that the state isn't doing enough to ensure that the money is being well spent? >> the audit did not surpriseitd me. has the state has advancedecedente
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and precedented investments. you're correct. and unprecedented interventions demanding more accountability with state money at the local level, where the $24 billion go. >> don't look at me. >>r. ust the governo >> but i knew we were goingwe w to lose it. that was his answer. ose itbut don't worry, they have a new plan. san francisco is going to give the homeless shots of vodka. here's the goal. skeep drunk, but not too drunk. >> the city is runningcity run a managed alcohol program for homeless addicts fornish 5 milln bucks a year. basically a speakeasy that they're running out of an old hotel in the tenderloin where it's happy hour all day. these guys get three hots and a cot. nurses come around like cocktail waitresses with beer, u wine or liquor to, quote, meet their addiction needs. but keeping someone at a safe level of intoxication. lev >> the program has room for 20 addicts and it wouldn't i0 ai
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be taxpayer slush fund without a little dea. >> hal and wof of the beds are strictly for, quote, thx, an indigenous population nationallydicate syndicated radio host dana loesch joins me now. >> dana, how come wed didn't think of this? >> you just give the homeless vodka. >> yeah, not just vodka. i mean, it's like a full on bar. i don'>>ches vodt know if it's t top shelf or not, but apparently they have wine to choose fromop shelf. from an they have a certain amount of brews. you also get some vodka. i don't know what other spirits are being offered, and it's limited to like two or whatever a day. and i mean, this is all taxpayer funded now. case in point, remember f newse gavin newsomunded has ben bragging that california is the model for the nationee, for democrats. on his watch, they went from $100 billion surplus because they were taking in over 50 billion. 50 million something in taxes for one year. now they're running somethingthy like a $46 billion deficit. ruhalf of which, accordingt ha
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to this legislative analyst's audit, is it was spent on these homeless programs that they prog to trackinger . this. jesse isdn'tve the only one thay actually tracked, probably because it has to do with their favorite onlll democrats and california liquor. >> so this is insane. e mode that's the model for the nation. so everybody needs to pay attention to that because that'stheeveryone your option. >> and i wonder if the pelosi vineyard has the contract for the hair of the dog san francisco alcoholics program. right. i would i would wonder ir the hf she's down there serving, but she's probably partaking secretly and maybe perhaps'sther in the back. >> but that's i mean, that's what you get. there's no accountability, as yout you there said. >> unbelievable. all right. well, if we are ever out in that neck of the woods, nec we're definitely going to have a camera come visit the happ thy hour and the homeless shelter. >> right. i got to see where the taxpayer moneless shehavey is going or ig down their throats. >> we know. >> thank you so much, johnny
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beginning to end. >> shop now at show allegiance .com. > pro-hamas protesters are n identifying as traffic conespr a florida branch of for palestine tried blocking b the entrance to disney world. >> watchlo what people you are losing to your guards because of this 45,040 9000 dead, 49,000 dead. . the . the 93 story. understand and recreate a little bit. >> you know, the people who actually hate you at the university of washington, there's a standoff between antifa, hama>>sing ps and normal americans and the columbia stu one student ripped her diploma in half. >> whyderipped her the free pall
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and the duke students staged a walkout during the commencement speech std. rry seinfel >> they invited this guy. jerry is also serving as our speaker today. so w soha what's the big deal? >> who organized these protests ? >> newman jerry is probably the cleanestprjerry is, most apl comedian in america. >> why do they hate hieanestm? >> because his name is seinfeld. meanwhile, rosie o'donnellanwhil and her celebrity friends are done telling joe biden ce. bandone ell an they're going straight to his boss, drto. jill jill biden. we are calling on
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we are mothers and daughterser and grandmothers, sisterse an and advocates for peace and justice and simply humandjuc beings. dr. biden, we are calling on you today because we know you are all of those things of the, and because immense power you hold as first lady of the united states to implore you, please, drf. biden, the world is watching. we're calling on you to stop the unfolding in palestine. >> actor and comedian jon lovett joins us now. all right, lovett, i know you're a big disney guy. you're taking the familyy to to disney world. you've got the fast passes. you're all setisned and.then then you're 5 hours late because pro-hamas hour in thetingsitting middle of the freeway. >> how do you handle in tht? i would drive around them. >> you know, there's always obstacles in life and that you said it. they disrupt the traffic. they theu saidy di hamas disrupd
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the deal between israel and saudi arabia to normalize relations. they disrupted jerry seinfeld's commencementl and saud to spees they did. that's what they do. you know, and they go afte wha e certain things to get press, which they're getting. esage thand, you know, the whole thing's a lie. >> it's not a . it's a war. and you go, who's organizing it? it's the students for justice js for palestine. they hav fore 250 chapters on al the campuses, and they're funded by amp, whichhopper is te american muslims for palestine. >> and they fund, among other things, hamas. so it's -- it's all connecter p we want to take all people in power like they did in dearborn, michigan. >> that's what they want to do. yeah, i didn't think i'd seequef for palestine. >> that's the most insane thing ever, becausnee if they went, those people went to gaza, they would. hamas would kill literally. they push gay people off of buildings. what about israel as a democracy? you know, and i understandy
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it's bad that that people are innocent to civilianani un in palestine, are getting killed in a war, but it's a war that hamas started and they wanted a never ending war. now they want a ceasefire. e you if israel was losing, there'd be no cease fire and and you can't reason with these people. hezbollah, years ago, they invadedd yo israel, killed eight soldiers, kidnapped two, ki. them back as hostages so israel says, no, there's no acceptable losses. there's so they dropped pamphletslosses on lebanon to. the saying the people tomorrow at 3:00, we're going to be bombing to gettomorr our hostags back, get out. and hezbollah said, canut you believe they're bombing lebanon? and they go, well, you captured two of our soldierollah sas andu killed eight of our soldiers. they go, oh, you're just using that as an excuse. t >> you can't reason with that mentality. they alshaas an excuseo killed e two hostages, by the way. yeah, and this is the same thing. exact but on a bigger scale. >> yeah. most people, when they wage war, don't drop save the date notes on the enemy. so the civilians
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can get outlians ca of the way. so seinfeld's out there trying to tell these kids how to livele a successful, happy life and left lov e, which they just walked out. >> they didn't even hear ey left ed o. of wisdom and do you even think that they understood and that no one's talking about israel and palestino one we're talking about how stupid they look? >> no, i think they have no idea. what do they achieve by walking out? they ruined their own graduation . in 20 years from now, baey're going to look back and o say, oh, i ruined my ownck graduation. i mean, i don'my ot i think hav people have a right to protest. but these you go get a permit and you give them a place to protesta righ should. right they don't have a right to block traffic. they don't have a right to rui n other things. i don't think so. but they do have a right to get a permitthings and protest.s that's america. you're not going to agree with everybody. d yo cani'll give him a give hia a permit. give them a space to do it. that's not interfering
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with everything else. and then if they want to try and get presnorfering ands for you know, try to get press, but that's what this is about. >> i and, you know, israel is fighting terrorists the same fis the united states votedghth of fatah terrorists that brought dowe n, you know, the world trade center on 911. it's the same thindown theg. th it is. israel is our ally. israel is a democracy. ifor palestine. f well, would be murdereord in gaa . and the palestinians have a five chances since the same time israel was created to have their own state. and they turn it down every time because they don'and they t a two state solution. they want israel. they want the landsolution israf and they're not even really palestinians. they're jordanian refugees. and it was changed. yasser arafat changed it to calling them palestinianscaln in 1964, but they've had five deals and they are people and they deserve fs decent life and everything. and israel pulled all the jews out of gaza and gave them gaza. so there's ngao occupation.
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there's no. there's no israel paid for the land. they didn't takey for it. >> and on and on. it's crazy. everything. no, it's crazy. you should>> j: it's c have beeo a commencement speaker. >> people could have learned a lot. ldenand if and if they want to. >> jerry, jerry is a great guy. i've known him for years.for ye you know, he's a guy that,ar you know, he does the most innocuous humor about, like in your bellybutton. where does it come from? i want to know. and that'ss who they're not protesting. because he went to israel? yeah , because he's jewish. like me. he's the same age. and jews of our generationhlikee of israel goes. we go in the united states, weoe have nowhere to go. have n all right.. i like your shirt, love. it's what's on that, by the wa y ,ice cream cones. >>es it's delicious. >> have a great thanous.k you. >> tens of thousands of peopleoo showed up at the trump rally this weekend at the jersey shore. so we maded abthe tr sure johnny one of them.
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>> how excited are you to vote for your favorite president? donald trump? i am here to prove that trump po is not racisvet. >> i only worship jesus christ, but he is second. but i did go to sunday school for many years. >> i want to tell you that. what do you wanto to sor to seea second trump term? >> freedom. security. >>e to border support for israel. price is coming down on first, all the corruption is finally being overturned. should he lock joe biden up? joe biden ain't really around. >> but anyway, where the are we? who do you want to see as trump's vp? tulsi gabbard. i like her. i gabbard right now. >> ron desantis ron desantis. i like to say it's vivek ramaswamy cash rich tim scott. >> what about kristi noem? she shot her i love kristi noem. she's hot. i will dog. never shoot a dog. d but if they're starting to come after my children and eat themot ,then i'm going to shoothe the dogs. >> i smell toothpaste.
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>> joe biden's doing a great job, isn't he? e's doinr. ng and yeah. sleeping and mumbling and all that dumb stufing anf. >> other than that, he's doing quite a good job. stop it. we all know that joe biden is not running the country. this guy makes carten isr look e a genius. >> m. ll walk up the steps >> mother's day is this weekend. comegenius on. thi >> wants to be your mama, love. oh, please. pleased al o, please. >> is she your mom? oh, no, i'm good. i'll be motherless. i'd rather be dead or buriedurie in a basement. joe >> hopefully not with joe biden. kamala needs to be gone. >> you need to kick that door down. show me your best, kamala impression. hey, hey, hey, hey, heicy. hillary clinton says if you're a woman and you don't
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vote for biden, you have no self-respect>> h hillary. i don't even know why she's not in jail. i may be a deplorable, but i'm a good one. her husband has been foolinge l. around so long, she don't know what self-respect is for a woman. >> she's crookedband aroun, hil. >> don't you understand that? donald trump says he's willing to go to to save the constitution. are you okay with that death? jail? save tn.i would do the same thin he becomes president in jail. he's going to put a suita suit o on pardoning himself and walk out. if he wentd walk out to jail. >> they could put me in a cell i right next to him. m ifgo back. >> here we go. what's actually. but what are we going to do about all those crazy hamas protesters on the campus rip >> l their tents down and lock them up? >> we're going to send them to the gaza strip. >> send gaza strs just like hillary clinton actually does that. hillary.>> i >> hillary is that, you know,tht biden wants to put windmills hiu there all along the jersey shore. how the heckwindmills right art to stop him? >> would have mad dead animals and stuff like that. you can't even enjoyha ocean or
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not. >> it's a waste of money. >> out on one of them and spin it. >> why am i still wrond sping? if you watch jesse watters, what's your favorite part of the show when he sends at my you out? to be honest, i saw you in ran down here. pisyou ouhe's really cute in p. i think you're really cute in person. if you do. you think this is your world. but this is jersey. and it's trump county. jesse, you are the man. keep it up for primetime. next. >> did you know sling is your favorite news programs for just $40 a month? >> my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> my favorite news for just $40 a month. $40 a month. >> my favorite news for just $40 a month. >> $40.
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