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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 14, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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>> get ready. let me make this really simple. this story has everything. we know filter. i'm a go getter. i never start is such an inflammatory statement. america can't get enough of the five at five. >> only on fox news channel. all right. a programming note. first, thank you for making episode one about laws. a lawman the mos pisode ot most watched show on fox nation project.d so that was fun. i learned so much in the process. h the second episode, the series drops this wednesday, but only see it on fox nation episodet h of wildwing the roug bill hickok and wyatt earp. all right, that's all the time we have left this evening. please dvr. never, ever miss an episod dvre of hannity. in the meantime, let not your heart be trouble. greg gutfeld let nort will put a smilell on your face next. have a great night a.
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that's right. that's right. thank you. thank you. thank for your underwhelming response. happu for y monday, everyone.y d let's do some jokes. donald trump's ex attorney, cohen, took the stand today in the hush money trial. we don't have footagtodae becaun cameras aren't allowed in the courtroom. in the cou of cohenage't leaving and having lunch with your. meanwhile, also in new york. the new play, co-produced by hillary, is bombing on broadway. >>[ all right.
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yeah. and like her husband, bill,t she's not very good at filling seats. do you know what that means? i don't. >> according to a shocking new study, many patientsaccordi on life support actually recover. so there should never be a rusah to pull the plug. finally, some good news ford joe bidenen. >> in an from 2018 reveals that actress stormy daniels maw y be lying on the stand about her sexual encounter with donald trump. he encouleaving her with egg onr face or something similar in the interview. intervie >> daniels insisted it wasn't a me too situation but stress for the right money. she's up fort mo a me three, mer even a me five. >> actor steve buscemi had his face attacked by a maniacn i
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back in midtown manhattan last week. but this is no laughing matterdk . this was buscemi before the attack, and this is him torlier today, a stevie wonder 74th birthday. congratsda wonder celebrated b by his family for taking himr to the bahamas over the weekend. kingdom of the planet of the apes was number at the box office. >> in a related story earlier, o you'll never guess who learned to walk uprigh walk upt. >> all right. monologue time. k juni >> we'll be all right. as you probably heard, rfk jorr claims that a worm once ate part of his brain. lucky for hit ofm he recovered. and lucky for the brain eating worm that he didn'.t,
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joe instead. >> or he would have starvedul to deathth. >> but this whole worm in your brain thing got me thinkingrtag that there's no shortage of parasites out there living off the brains of others. the most obvious are the campus occupiers of segway into seg ruining college graduation ceremonies across america. >>intoining co the worm needs hd >> these kids sound like a cross between karl and someone with even worse hair. joy reide , which explains the united front amongts, anar communists, anarchists, blm, antifa, and the hamas. also climate change hoaxers. yep. we've seen greta's new gig now since the globe didn't burn up like she said. timeow will she get her screen time? but they're committed. namita is clear. we want to destroy the west tot and. what we're going to offer you instead is far worse. trueg stead is them.
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it's like replacing jon hamm with a hamm. >> here is video of for f palestine who have as much in common with hamas as cat doesorstine wh i with members oh eaters. >> anonymous. mousbut for palestine.n i do have one thing in commocon with hamas irrational. they tried to stop traffic at walt disney world in florida ,where palestine actually died . no, understand that. do you know what you are reading, people? you losing people to your god because of this? 45,000. 45,000 dead. >> you understand me? a little bit. you're losing people.e to >> hey, you got yourself. but they can't think they gotu. a worm.
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>> thankfully, florida turne hdn these for palestinkfe into inmates for palestine in minutes. clocs out you can't arrest blocking the road quickly. if you arrest people for blocking the road quickly. and if these are palestine, i think that's bad. imaginif theine what happen if they ever met hamas. hamas loves to party with the lgbtq community. first, they'll raise the roof. off i then they throw them off it.t. but that's actual enforcement. thank you. but that's actual enforcement. contemplating root causes. shouldn't civilizationshouldn' w be collapsing? >> like jerrold nadler during a stress test? rudeau >> up next, canadian pm justin trudeau, whose countryy is is pushing the online harms bill, which criminalizes they call hate speech. what is hate speech in canada, you ask. >> it's any speech that might make a protected groupe. uncomfortable if that net got
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any wider, it could catch whoopi goldberg. >> lunch. oh. iv >> so is this law retroactive what have you tweeted problematic stuff that's stillue out there? what if you once shared a controversial vided prstuff oe what if you have an embarrassingly racist photo lying aroundgl in your you happn to be prime minister of canada e ? the law is vague, but what's scary is that if you are likely to re-offend butf , you couldlyi be locked up indefinitely. going forward,ng all to it, trudeau is rapidly becoming our hemisphere. kim jong un. turns out the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. if your mom bangs castro, yup. >> yep. and what if, as aniticiz american mocked or criticized a canadian, could you be extradited to canadaed? face charges? well, let's try it out are on three. we're going to say, hey,
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justin, you . jusone, two, three. h >> hey, justin, you ey. e no >> congrats, everyone. you are now safe for vacationing in mexico. think about it. could you go to jail in canada for sharind yong a video about a certain canadian shop teacher? just for the record, that that whole >> that wasn't me. that was all cats idea and tyrus. you bring arrested a black guy that usually works. come get me and go easy on catst is called anywhere north of hondura hass. >> here's another clear example of a voracious brain that musttu be on its second helping by now an irish o eurovision contestant crying over the israeli contestant advancing to thenals finals. >> it's been so hard, they named you.
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and i just want to say that as talented, we are what the eurovision debating is not what i am. >> i don't even care. and we are . i come in non-binary. >> who knew hemorrhoids couldta talklk now?. perhaps this creature was probably a nice girl long ago, b raised by nice parents. but look at her now. she's go looat her nt more haten i do for "fox and friends". wow.e' >> and now she's targeting a truly normal, healtha trulyy israeli contestant for being, well, normal and healthy from israel. but perhaps the biggest idiocy is that there's thinks blindat ignorant antisemitism is punk. n sorry, it's not punk. when the competition judges alig ithn with you.dg nope. you're about as edgy as a stickf of butter at room temperature, or what joy baker calls breakfast. >> so is the brain. worms continue to burrow
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their way into our culture and our kids. just remember they all have avec common ancestor. you can call it progressivism or cultural marxisomcestorm, ma, whatever it is. >> you've got to ask, how did it get there? mean, look who's acting crazy today and who isn't. and that should tell you you something. true. there are a few zanies on the right something that bubp from below. this mass hysteriaribut th on tt is purely top down. it comes from professors, the medi a, hard left, organizations that have money and no scruples. >> thi ons thatmones it, cnn, msnbc, te the washington media matters and the like. that's why we don't have the worm. e dot they they're getting it t in their diet. >> but us, we don't eahat t tha. >> but whatever you call the worms parents bettere wo said quietly, especially on campus orrm, if you live in canada. in the meantime, as the adults in the room, let's take a lesson from florida and convey a simple message to these students professors and the media. and yes, the canadian pm, for god sakes, groe w up.
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you and your wormsur are destroying the institutions that madree the west the most successful civilization ever. and it won't stosuilizatiop bect eventually every parasite kills . host but who knows? by the looks of this lot b, t they're so inedible that worms might be looking for a better meal forbetter m. yet around. and i guess we wrote an introhix him but his ex-wife took that too. actor writer comedian jamie lithgow he shows are like jamie's marriage is short in ugly. writer and comedian joe devito welcome back. she's thinner than jamie's wallet. the new york times best authorfe and fox news contributorws catches. and he's so tall he sees
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jamie's kids more than jamie does. s jamie'new york best selling ar and comedian, former nba champion derek. >> jamie, i suppose. >> i suppose it's good you don't have a brain worm because that might hava brai gee sympathy from your family. >> oh, yeah. it's so weird. it's so youyou just said that . >> about just my whole life. we when i walked into the green room, my wallet and my calendara arguing over who was emptierrg.- >> this disney thing makes me, you know, the big, your palestine. there are big you know, we all know like homos for hamaowos also. very good. my problem is, wereth your blocking the exit to disneyland and hoping that i will comsneylandping thae and lr disneyland is very expensive. >> why don't you help me out?lp >> why don't you block the entrance? >> i'd liki e to save some mone. i just really protest. are always trying to inconvenience us.
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right? i feel like if a you said to mes hey, i got an extra fast pass, d yoan the gossip.ying to inconv >> yeah, it's a weird place] to throw down a protest. i mean, you've got families, rd 've got a fatheyo t that probably wants to kill himself. >> yes. you got some screaming bratser probabl t in the back. you got a wife that you know. what the is she thinkin ig? >> this is going to be a good idea going to disney world. that lady's voice wa isney wos the worst voice. >> that lady's voice ruined an i going to have tomorrow t lady. going >> yeah. i love that you plan ahead. yeah. 315, maybe. >> that'll be a good time, joe.t little w little elements working here. what do you think? the overarching theme of brain >>rm.johinks? >> well, the first thing i would tell rfk jr is that she's got a brain worm, and you'relnior is. for preside. you might want to keep that to yourself. it doesn't inspire a lott of confidence. confell, it was in a divorce deposition that an divd came ou. somebody did that to him o on purpose. not good. yeahn , but this i thinki th
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what we're seeing here is that this this protest stuff, it's -- it'sine're this is thisa front they're putting on. this is just a costumet th they're wearing. can't spell hamas without h&m. yeah, that's true. these kids doing and i'm not surprised that greta went and turned likmae that that she would go from climate change to supporting hamas. >> i thought she was to hit non-binary on the way there. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i figured she would glomon the d that. >> but it shows you how spoiled they are. i mean, you see the princeto the hunger strike, they canceled because they got hungry. . yesthey they didn't know it's going to affect the lunch time. so w iine have we have people who are so spoiled, they demand we cater to thei sr while. they're also demanding catering. yedemanding cateris. so we can't take them seriously. but t think it's a good poin that. socialism with the things they support, it just they're against anythinge thin that works. >> right. and how we're going to see the way this plays out because the peopled we're goin do work e things to do are important. they don't have time for this nonsense don't h this and it's n its course because they're spoiled, they're pudgys
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a little brats, and they're incapable of doing anything other than bringing other things dow pable ofn and complaining. yeah, it's a they say it's a slippery. it might have just hit the wall like, you know, i.f al of all the places get a worm. not in the brain, but at least, like, eat the food that i'm eating so i don't gain weigh t like a tapeworm. >> what do. you say to that? i don't think a tapeworm. yeah, i don't think a tapeworm would be good for me at all now. i don't think so either a worm actually would complain wouldf. ting a kat timp >> so. yeah, that's on tapeworm. yeah. what do you make in theg: wha eurovision thing? >> well, i. i meane , not much. >> are you.ou are you mad that they're forcing you to care about eurovision forci? re i know i. they haven't. i stil yl don' >> i want to talk about canada, if that's okay. yeah, sure. because i think therat's things scarier than having
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your freedom hinge upon whether or notere a canadian getsed offended. >> yeah, that is true. and the way that it's been. covered i think is just nuts. like the new york times was like. critics say that thiw yorks cros the line into censorship. it's like the critics say that oorship.r is that what the dictionary says? yes. you know, government punishing governunishing for speech, the government punish you for speech. that that's what center censorship is by censors definin of the word. and their justification for it protec is kids, right. like protecting the kids. that's what the government always says.'s whae rnment, kids. right. that solution at protecting kids is never to treat everyonee like a kid, except in thispt case, with the addition of a very adult like no kid everve catches the charge for saying something untoward. yeahcharge, can go away for a dy date. it's open ended. the thing i mean it's weird,s wr tyree said. we always worry don't go to mexico because of the gangys don't go to canada. you could end up in jail. they could look at anyend up ofr feeds. >> they could look at any of our past shows and all of us are guiltyl of. >> i don't go to canada, and even one in canada was a great place to wrestle
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because of the history>> it ths but i hated just going throughto customs and stuff. it was jusry t it was easier to get into russia and which is not easy, gentlemen, but thes all this thing goes back to it's all like everyone's like, oh, they're you know, to your point, they're spoilederyone i e but they're being fed. you're being fed by us. they're being fed by everyone. because if we treated these protesters like streakers in sports events. >> yes. no, i mean, that i,.s according to them. we tackle them well, yes. the tackle happens when off camera. yeah, there's no camerkle happe >> so there's. so there's a streaker. hold on. we'll talk about somethingr hold while we deal with this.go and then they go b back to playing the game. so playing the g reason why thet a streaker every week is because there's no there' bes clip. all this is for clips. all this is for good to boys to throw up on the wall they don't have to go to the hunger strike and it's on the news cycle for two days. it's off the cycle no more. we're done. we made our point because we'ree just getting clips. all we need is this whole thing a soundbitestting cl and clips.l
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and if we take away the visual people who are on the fence or confused or young or enviousfusr whatever, they are not interested in that because you're not getting because in te that the biggestal you know, we talk about minimal camera time and attentiok, n is just too big a drug. dr. drew would back me up on that. i'm not a doctor, but i know dr. drew. yeah, that's okay. but the point is the point is, i is if you took away that feed, i think you would see a dramatic difference, like walkink yod seg out of oh, theyd out of the graduation. remember why we have to see it ? >> mm-hmm.d they walked out. okay. you ruined your own graduation. oh, we're doing that the nexner but to my point. but i'm. we're. we're part of the, you know, part of the problem. >> you know, that should be our new logo. logoe. new l. oh, and stevie wonder is a national treasure to tread lightly. i didn't write my joke. was it you, joe? not me. and we'll find out. d m. fire the up next. the taxpayers lose when bums get freefi yers and i try to put
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if you have diabetes, find out if cgm is right for you if you're not fully home. this budget from the taxpayers needs to. if you love getting low, you can live in the streets. >> if you hate having a bathroom, then we have a place. come and join us in san fran. we'll get your jaw. got your face high. they crash city cots after downing vodka shots. ic. g vodk the city where there's on the ground is now buying the homelessa areg the ho. get the next round. step is getting slammed for f a taxpayer fundeord program homl that gives homeless alcoholics free alcohol.
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alcs free four years,years. although if you've seen their street, you'd think they wer te chugging milk of magnesia. >> that brewing that brings bri back memories. >> according to the san francisco chroniclnge, nciso managed alcohol program costhe taxpayer manag as $5 million per year, which could have been could have helped builn --d five desperately needed toilets. toilets. hour. every day during specific times, homeless people line uphn at a former hotel where nurses pour them, quote, controur l doses of vodka and beer. >> but i guess in a world whered jill biden is a doctor, bartenders be called nurses. th >> the facility has 20 the idea being the can sleep it off instead of winding up on the streets, in jail or in the e.r.. >> but concerned citizenr s so sure, like the chair of the local salvation army who recently called the program
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on x quote, it's that we allow and pay for people to keep harming themselves. we should be encouragingeopl people to get better, not to stay sick. well, sorry, dude. not anymore. staying sick idudes an identity. and how dare you infringe on a a marginalized community? so san fran is giving homeless drunks free vodk ga shots and taxpayers are picking up the tab. but again, as always, decisions are being made by people unaccustomed to the lawssu, laws incentives, or even the basics of reality. >> alcoholics don't go for controlled doses. their alcohol likes, whichs defe is defined as i can't control alcohol. what's next? dealing with the college loan debt by making other thes pay fr it. dealing with shoplifting by legalizing shoplifting,g with dealing with overcrowded prisonnss. by closing prisons. see the pattern here? , eand so if the solution for
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alcohol addicts is an open baris ,what's next? giving addicts free visits- to the bunny ranch. >> which reminds me, joe, how you holding upw the feet or good luck. yes. >> wha >> what do you make of this? i don't know why anyone woult d obey laws in san francisco.w. now you get. i mean, it's bad enough them. n't enforce >> you actually get happy hour now? yes, exactly. yeah. although, to their credit,sunday the sunday brunch, that is a bottomless mimosch thaa. >> yeah, it's. i don't know what else to say. you can'dot of an exampleridi ridiculous enough that this is you don'tculo help people by doing this. >> you don't enable. this is likee you don't have alcoholics anonymous alt. t them octoberfes >> no.t and say, well, we'll trust them at their own discretion. it it just goes to show, like, it's such a shame that a great city lik ge is lost. i don't know how low downhow lo they neew d to go, but i would o
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say having open bar for homeless alcoholics. >> that's that's a new one. that's creative. yeah. it's the irony is that san francisco leadershiplly need actually needs an intervention, not just the addictsinterv. way cat.o is there any way to arguear on behalf of this progragum? lfo oh, i see. ? i guess. >> ieic mean, if you are lik a severe alcoholic and you stopu drinking, you can die. yeah, but if. i think we should all strive for more for ourselves than just sho being dead. mm-hmm. i also jus esthe message that it sends, essentially, is if you can't buy your drinks, that you have to you b the bar. but if you keep drinking so much, theninking s. >> then they're free. yes. if you if you reach this levelon of absolute, then your drinks are free. and i also to know justntroll how the controlled doses thing really works. workthere people telling wasted homeless alcoholic. >> no, you've had enough. yeah. and then they go out and then what happens then? thenwhat hap the go out in the .
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and i don't understand really how that works. >> yeah, you might. it's like almost like one of those starbucks drink cards. like you've had 12 drinks, so you get to drink for free. no sw you qualify as an alcoholic. >> yeah. what if you, like, win and you're like, sorry, you're not as bad enough of an alcoholic to qualify for this? >> why don't you go and keep drinking some more? >> yeah, keep drinking. then come back when you're truly wasted. i want you covered in puke diaries. it's like they can't a problemrm like a problem because it's too tough. so they. they dressese it's too t up as compassionate so they don't have to actually do the hard workson' treating these people. >> i don't know what what you are cryingw about., ha you know, like this is downvida on your luck. you're having a bad day. n you no longer have to sit at the bus stop and just look at everybody else being happyg p and living their best life. you can go to homeless happy hour. like that's pretty cooy.n o hom. and then when you get there, you can drink as much as you k asasp off a you can slee in a bed and then wake up and do it all over again. ndn wake but what the real cool part is, is these are the most expensive
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nurses in the history of man because they spend $5 millionin on what kind of alcohol is this? it's like this. some high en l is thid. but what do we got here? what are we doing? is it gold in the classes? no what it is, what it always dt is. they don't care about getting people better. there's anothe cout gettr one oe their money laundering schemes, $5 million. and they probably boughtf r . i'll be generous. $10,000 with the will cover it ? yeah, cause it's not like the homeless guy. alcohol. kind of like tito's. .. no, you better, gray goose, or i'm out. jamie, are you mad that, like this wasn't instituted earlier? >> think about all the money we could have savedd ea growing upe we just told them we were drunks. >> for real. drunksit's unrelated, but i'm mg to san francisco and living on the street. >> i know everyone's kind s of saying that this is a negative thing, but just neg to become like, to support it a tiny bit. like i had a friento ort a tid who was he was a heroin addict. and i tell you one thing that would get rid of all the symptoms was more heroin.
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yeah. and he would have they would all vanish. us i think it's good. it's the worst idea. but i don't drink because i'm not reallyi' allowed to. hoi >> it's just a horrible idea. and it's. tell do you, david, i would tell you i'm allergic to alcohol. i break out in handcuffs, thena? i. but is this the story infuriates me because you're numbing people and you're medicating them. >> and also, vodkase is very harsh. >> and where are the mixers? you know, so that's why mee an and some people in the community, we've started sodad somee in for street peoplo you can make a vodka soda and we have limes fo vr lunatics . that's going to be starting. to b terrible w sucht idea. i didn't think it was a real story. i thought it wasas fake when i first heard it. and then i did my cursory >>y cu found out. that it might be true. it is actually. it's actualls actuy true. >> i just saw it on fox business. we're e. almost to the tru >> i'm kidding. i'm kidding. i'm kidding. it is true. i wonder if there's any of them 's a who put a little napkin over their drink, though. >> yeah, i'll be right back.
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if i drop luma i dramatically reduces redness in one minute and look at the different. my eyes look brighter and whiter for up to 8 hours lim if i really work. >> see for yourself. it's coming your way. hey, hey. it's day to day hey. he gets red for changing his script. i'd say we've come pretty far when a trump accuser against debunked by bill. our video of the day comes to us from real time host bill maher, who dug up we' an oldked interview with stormy from 2018 our andals some questions regarding her credibility as a witness in trump's hush moned y trial role. >> it's been she's a bad witness.'s quite at variance t she said to me in 2018. >> why did you, donaldp trump okay, but you saytrump it's not a metoo, it is not immune to go. >>y it not i, i wasn't assaulte. i wasn't attacked or or
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coerced or blackmailed. they tried to shove me in the o me to box to for their own agenda. r own and first of all, i didn't want any part of that because it's not the truth and i'm not a victim. >> that's not what she's saying now. hmm. interesting so will the jury ever see this or will it remaino unseen like an episode of fox nw news saturday night with jimmy fallon night w? that seems gratuitous, but okay we'll leave it in. >> what is your take? do you think this has any impact? t ai know anything about the lr see, i'm not a lawyer either. >> oh, you told me you were. yeah. that's how you got this joyob. yeah. it was bad when outnumbered found out they grabbed me out again, so. okay so my understanding is that the charges are supposed to beth about falsified records and campaign finance violation s . yeah, to me, it doesn't make sense, but that's what it's about.d to be >> so i'm very confused how we ever got to the position where
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being interviewed about their in the first exactly like why sh thee even a witness at all. really it's between what happened with him and michaeit's bt hal cohen whoe credible for many other reasons. yeah. you know, i think thisll is politically charged and all these other things. tht. sheall that out of i why is she sitting there talking about the they had? i have no idea about sex. >> anything to do with nothing to do with it. it don't. everything is aboug: everyg is t what actually michael cohen did. >> tyrus, how was the ? what happened? like what? what are we doing here? yeah, it makes no sense at all. >> well, this is when whe you're lucky to have a black perspectivare. t all >> this really lucky times. yes, w yes, wee are. >> yes, this makes perfect sense. e they're painting a picture of the president. he interacts with stars. wit he hires crooked lawyers. so, yeah, there. and every time someone comes on tv and said therey time thi are criminal they're this. that's their point. that's what they're trying tha e to convey to everyone they're only wanted cross they don't care if they getse
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the they just want america to see this is who your president associates with he hangs out with stars and crooked lawyers and makes bad business deals and lies about how much is there. just they don't care. it just again, it goess backksse back clips we're all talking about. there's no substance in any of it. but that's noty of that' what t. they just need long enough for a two minute campaign commercialh fo. >> that's all they need. what do you think, jamie well,to i would have to say that ifif he actually did pay hush money, i didn't work. >> yeah, very good. it's, you know, you know, they keep talking about jonathan turley, but you are you make jonathan turley look like an amateur. >> i just feel like it's all we talk about for him, i feel like it's a worst investment than like a like ite a lap dance. i also don't think josh is
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a strong enough word for hush money. i feel like you're like, oh, hush now. don't tell my wife. oh, hushmoney. oh, shoo, shoo, , shoo. >> it should be like shut the f up money. i just think it should be more firm. i don't know. she'd say. tal >> but don't you think they talked about the because it was riveting televisionabout, of course, interesting. >> and she said some of stuff that was not vere y. >> she even talked about his performance. she said he only lasted seconds ,which like i could cut that time in half. that's true. do you know how you get your poor name? you take the street you grew uya on and then you run away frokem that house and go to a and the gives you your name. h ha ha ha ha ha. >> oh, that's so funny. and sad at the same time, kidsts don't do. that's my public service announcement. >> kids don't do. look a >> it won't end well. look at joe devito.
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tasteful. do you yeah. what do you make of this? do you think any any of thisseem seems like it's imploding? it's like this whole case. like. the cr >> who would have known? putting the crooked lawyer and the actress on the witness acd backfired, right? >> yeah, actually, although can we stop calling her a porn sta ? ? no, she's not a star. not even close. yeah, she was a participe. exactly. yeah. i mean, you have to be pretty desperate to click on that. on h yes. especially multiple, multiple time. >> exactly. you know what? she's wonderful with her research fortimes.>> what wa pup tiat's why i put on my time sheet. there you gomesheet.. >> what they're trying to do, they're trying to have someone go up and say things to humiliate donalsay thand tru, but nothing to do with any sort of a legal process. e problem.this is thdo the left keeps falling for it. they fell for avenatti, they felg for.l. my dan michael cohen and now they they fall for stormy daniels is literallyie the stripper who made them think she really liked them. >> yes but she's just saying
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what they want because they keep giving her money and attentio t n. >> yeah. you know, i wrote something down here that i thought was really smart hers reallye. t this is what i said earlier, and i forgot to say it or i wrote it down ther areedone actually prosecuting a crime done by their witnesthe witns. >> it's like cohen who didot this, not trump. cohen was the one that gave the advice, created this whole thing, paid. thvice. ally pro so they're actually prosecuting trump for what the witness. ut but they're doing it now. and everybody goes, wait a minute, it's cohen who's i guilty? >> i thought that was brilliant. but now that i say it n wht. >> all right, coming up,p, >> all right, coming up,p, new york crime becomes a facto r . (e someone needs to customizele someone needs to customizele and save hundreds with liberty . wait, there's an elevator only pay for what you need. >> every delivery, every, allery with phony allergies don't
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attacker is still on the loose. do we have a picture of the attacker? i don' be hat. and it was like in midtown was t like 11:00. >> look at that guy. he doesn't look crazy. it's newcrazs because everybody knows who steve buscemi is. >> but there are way worse crimes goings news b on. >> well, and there's a lot more. i mean, you hate see great actor but he's an older man. yeah. i mean let's forget all the hollywoo old. thed stuff. he's really minding his business. it wasn't even like, hey, you and me, let'het even liks lo this. yeah, let me just run by someone. you get in someone's life like that. just like that. it's attempted murder, all guy. yeah. he's smart. he's not taking a random punch. what? what? we're. he's getting attention. but i guarantee there is at least a thousand older white guys and white women who aren'tn' getting camera time because the target is whitg camerae peo. anyone who looks well-to-do or looks as nice clothes on.are fi jamie, you're fine. anyone who notne, you know, doesn't look. i mean, no, they've got to punch you and probably hug you. but what i'm saying, i'm making jokes about it. but this is it and it'se scar a thing.
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and the scary part is, is thatyr we're going to see more of it. it's just new york doesn't report. they don't report the crime. dow so crime's down, but no one can walk out in the streetne and. >> white people are being targeted and no one's doing anything about it. yeah, yeahdand no. funny, because, like, people do not want to report it becausean aney knoport iw that the guy wot be kept in jail and that person will come out and then there will be retribution. jamie, i heard about this and i first thing i thought is, why does it have to be. buscemi whdoes iy couldn't it have been you? >> yeah, yeah. s on i think america was on my side on that. i have such lode w self-worth. hav i thought the same thing. >> you're so right. it's scary. br makes you scared to walk around, especially if you bring your kids or your girl or something. >> and you're so right. and ifinhing. yo right was not steve buscemi, the famous actor, we wouldn't even know. i was also punchedemldn'. and then they asked me for my credits and they were like, we're just going to keep this to ourselves are. and you didn't do good at wants that at all. jamie so, like t, no one wantsom
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to hear about the headliner from rooster teeth feathers getting punched in the back of the head yeah.. >> joe it feels like the, like in new york, like 11 p.m. is the new 2 a.m. in some neighborhoods, it's like you what? i think i'm going to head home as if i really go out. but you know, it's like. >> but it is kind of like,t i don't know, you shouldn't be out at a certain time. well, i think it's weird.s is everyone saying this is such a terrible example of random violencebl? what if it wasn't random? what if this guy was just like, i don't know, like your work in the soprano wiurs. >> i thought it was a superfluous story arc. i punched him in the face because, look him. he doesn't look like the usual crazy guys. no, he actually looks like. emi does a little bit more together than steve buscemi does. he's pretty well. it looks like he's sleeping.s >> equinox. yeah. so he should be easier to find because if he waequinos a filth crazy guy, they're a dime a dozen. but yeah, that stands out in new york. reg: cat, do you think there's more to this than meets the eye that maybe not random. >> maybe that's why we didn't hear about it till now. hmm. ntil nowi mean, either that or y didn't see a single i e. during the entir
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so, like, i don't even watch the movies and.e wa >> i and i know who that is.s yeah, he was a firefighter. >> i'm just a good guy. yeah, i do think he knows nowyo that he punched famous. >> i'm like, oh,e i thought he just punched some old guy. a i didn't realize i punched the actual icon. >> the film industry. it could be like he had some words. maybld be y hae he was like rusg the guy behind it at bodega the buscemi's a guy, you know, g can you just get get moving? and the guy said, i'm going to punch this old dudeuyd . i' that's what he did. you know what? i think we learned nothing from whrned. >> yeah. if you students wanted puke when seinfeld spoke it, do it. >> i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. in active duty. i understand the veteran tions. to us in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. >> these are people who have served. they've band they sdership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if neceat t us andthey come they say, i need some financial they say, i need some financial help at thism at new point in t. they're not looking for a handout.
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. >> it's a super skill set. we got another clear foul. you it's video of the day. hey, hey. hi. to to his commencement pitch made students cry like a . peec >> our second video comes to us from duke university. go tarstudents, where students d of jerry seinfeld's commencement speech. >> roll itenalked out of. so what's the big deal aroundre4
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40 people walked out orou as jamie calls it, a good tyrus . >> and that was it. a lot of peoplple doesn't kindds of tell you that this whole thing that they're just really good an'l t their cause. >> no this is yeah this has been the point my entire lastrs seven or eight years. but on the show it's like the twitter verse, 10% of 10%, they're nothing. but does it matter becauseng it. the entire world seeing it. so those 40 are getting all the attentio an, the the thousandshe that were there, like 40 people walked out of seinfeld show, 40 people walked out of one of his sold out, packed out wer arenas. maybe they were going to a bathroom break, who knows? but let' as not investigate. just keep the camera on him. and the crowd booed him and again. you just say up. we had some streakers tonight. don't evenom call them the righn thing. but you keep giving them attention. they're going to keep coming. and eventuallytionill keep they> get numbers. >> kat, his son is enrolled
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at duke. that's sun i why he was is that exciting? no, i agree. t a lot of what actors hads to say. i mean, this is a story only because the mediahad is i . a story. >> there was, what, like 30, 40 people. ther 20,000 people. 20, >> yes. twic nobody that was there evene thought twice about what is the >>centagf that?o >> very small. very small indeed. >> but in a very small.ery sm aljamie did you look did you listen to any of seinfeld's speech at all? i did. i . as quite interestingspl? >> did oh, i loved it. i bet he was like, why do they call it commencement if did it's at the end of the year? cas like. d of it wa i would be. hey, go really quick. >> how offended would you be ife you went to duke and then wan you and then they gave seinfeld an honorary degree like, you're like, oh, yeah,
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i studied for years. i spent $200,000. you're like, oh, how did you get yours? >> like, wrote this joke about how you lose your socks and... at the same degree. joe any lessons to be learned from this? well, maybde any les te were pre being dressed like the pied piper. >> that was kind of weird wherea i'll tell you, they weren't rushing out to pay their student loans. yeah, that's whytheir s. >> but i think they remind mepe of the people who get thrown out of a comedopleety show. and on the way out, they always say the same thing. i'm never cominging. back. it's like, yeah, we don't want you here now. right? i'll leave. ,get out of your you've ruined your own commencement. enjoyou ruined yy yourselves. >> t bye bye. i wonder what their major was. they said we should find out. >> now, that takes a lot of gender studies. yeah. we'll be right back.clicks. >> there's your answer. have a crack. trust safe like this.e to h customer had auto glass damage, but he was busy working from to so he's go to a safe flight. in just a few clicks. we came to his house, then we got to work. we replaced his windshield
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