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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  May 14, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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joke. this is actually happening? >> no! >> laura: what? >> this is politico. even cnn jake tapper is spending on air time cartooning. >> if the examiner here, we did some sketches on my ipad, a great program with adobe and just took it all in. >> i made this little diamond just so you understand what the court room. the blue dot, the witness sits like the judge's stand is up here are. >> laura: i'm doing that tomorrow. a really good artists, jake tapper. okay, i'm never going to get over the bobblehead thing. terrifying. i have
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>> todd: fox weather alert. florida and georgia expected to face severe flood resque today. live to pensacola, florida, it is coming down there. that is florida. louisiana, storms ripping through the state, two dead and one hurt arcfter a tree fell on mobile home there. >> carley: take a look at this massive tornado touching down on a golf course in missouri. up north, wildfire smoke from canadian filling the skies over upper midwest. this is time lapse of smoke blank blanketing minneapolis skyline and claiming the worst air quality in the country. you are watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. let's get to meteorologist adam klotz. >> adam: these areas have been
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getting hit round after round lately. big thunderstorms moving across the gulf coast. isolated tornados overnight indicating something going on across the gulf coast. red are tornados we've seen over the last 24 hours. tornado watch for panama city, tallahassee, chip ly until 9:00 a.m. this morning. ing ingredients are there for more tornados this morning. it has had a ton of lightning with it. severe thunderstorms constant with this. severe thunderstorm on the ground now. when you see this effect you get nervous about this line much storms. this initial front line is approaching tallahassee and this back line moved through panama
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city. either is capable of big severe weather. we can continue to see it over numbers several hours. for today, continuing to watch this push further toward the east. storms get more serious in north florida and could stretch to tampa. guys, this is the way it's been this may and look like it will continue today. >> todd: thank you. we appreciate it. secretary of state blinken meeting with ukrainian president zelenskyy in kyiv early this morning during unannounced visit to ukraine. first time any senior official visited ukraine since congress passed 61 billion aid package last month. blinken hoping to send message of support to ukraine as they struggle against russian attacks. secretary's mission is to talk about how supplemental cystance
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will enable them. >> carley: and debating israel security assistance support act. it would withhold funds until u.s. resumes weapon shipment to israel. america is not happy about this bill. we oppose the president's ability to deploy consistent with national security objective. >> carley: president biden paused a shipment of weapons to israel last week. another big story. michael cohen back on the stand in former president trump's criminal trial. >> todd: attorneys could get the chance to cross-examine today. brooke singman has details. >> brooke: michael cohen will testify this morning.
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president trump's team could begin krsz-examination to push back on that testimony. michael cohen testified to personally paying $130,000 to stormy daniels to use home equity line of credit to hide from his wife. trump wanted the story taken care of and buried until after the election. cfo allen wicellberg facilitated his reimbursement plan. cohen kon says everything required mr. trump sign off and i wanted the money back. here is eric trump responsing to that claim. >> it is not true, my father was campaigning for two years at that point. the payment was made, he was in washington, d.c. this guy is a convicted felon, lost his law license,s defraud
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ing institutions. >> brooke: former president trump can't address michael cohen because of the court's gag order. he did comment. >> they are doing great. they have kept me here three or four weeks, yet we have best poll numbers in the "new york times." everybody saying there is no crime. every single legal analyst, each cnn, even msnbc, they are saying, there is no case here. >> brooke: court resumes this morning. trump will be joined by vivek ramaswamy. >> todd: love this power move to bring in surrogates. judge merchan cannot issue gag order against vance or vivek ramaswamy, they can say whatever
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they want to. >> todd: let's bring in mark smith. yesterday was billed as the main event, despite the hype and hours of testimony, did michael cohen reveal a sintilia of evidence that trump was even of course thinking about a campaign finance crime? >> michael cohen talked a lot. what is the dog that did not bark here? we have no crime victim. when you are dealing with crimes, jurors want to know who was hurt. who got hit in the head? who was defrauded in a theft? nothing has taken place here. we have no crime victim. whether or not that is element of the crime is a separate issue. the issue from the jury point of view, where is the crime? we can't figure it out. fact there is no victim identified because there is no victim, is significant fact that
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comes out through asylu silence witnesses. >> carley: reporters said michael cohen appeared nervous on the stand and prosecutors asked about his family in clear effort to humanize him. here is how medias of members described him yesterday. >> his demeanor has been flawless. >> poised, cool, calm and collected. >> very measured, really careful. >> fact he's been able to restrain himself so far today is breathtaking. >> carley: it could be uncomfortable day for michael cohen today if cross-examination happens. how do you think trump's lawyers will handle the cross-examination of michael cohen? >> a lot is to show and reaffirm
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some things michael cohen said. the allegation here these are campaign related. if you think about it, you have a personal attorney here, michael cohen, he admitted to co doing legal services involving an alleged debt personally and it was taken care of by an attorney in bookkeeping and given to i.r.s. in form 1099 as legal services payment. they will reaffirm facts helpful to donald trump and then begin to tear down michael cohen's testimony and credibility, which will not be difficult to do, he's been convicted of crimes associated with lying and that is evidence they will be able to introduce and discuss. they said michael cohen was
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modest and calm and cool on the stand, that is easy to do when you are asked questions by someone supportive. it is different when someone is hostile and trying to get you to concede you have done crazy things in the past, that is the real test to see if michael cohen can maintain cool and coll collectedness. >> todd: focus on the what, a lot talking about the how, how will attorney's attorneys operate, be passive or go for the jugular? we'll see today. >> carley: and michael cohen's wife may go for the jugallar. line of credit she did not know about. hearing from family of mother stabbed by mine iac in time square. that attack was caught on camera while she was leading a school trip here in the city.
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new details coming up >> >> todd: tourists in that area all the time. hearing on police safety today as country honoring national police week. founder of blue lives matter nyc will join us to talk about it.
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>> carley: family of a pennsylvania mom speaking out after she was stabbed in time square over the weekend. she was guiding a school trip when a suspect plunged at her and began stabbing her in the chest. the whole thing caught on camera. her husband telling, we don't feel safe there. this man needs to be jailed and
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insti institutionalized permanently. the suspect was arrested 14 times over last 20 years. he is charged with second-degree assault and criminal possession of a weapon. the victim was treated at a nearby hospital and expected to recover. >> todd: today house lawmaker hold a hearing to pass several measure to profect and help officers during national police week. 58 officers have been killed in the lineup of duty. founder of blue lives maefrt matter nyc. recognizing need for better data on police officers hurt in line
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of duty. will this decrease number of officers killed in the line of duty which appears to be going up in 2024. >> these are common sense issues, it will not stop hurting or killing officers. we need judges and politicians and district attorneys to stand up for our cops. you don't hear choir boys kill police officers, you hear people withir proos killing cops. >> todd: the problems seem to stem from the defund the police movement and lack of authority and respect for them. do you think we'll change that m mindset here in the united states? >> yeah, we will, when we have different politicians that don't have that mindset. they wasn'ted less cops and we
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had people stand behind that. >> todd: 19 officers shot and killed in 2024, 58 overall in the line of duty. resignations are down by 22% and number of officers sworn in has gone up by 621, first inn crease since 2020. why are we seeing positive trends after years of negative trends? >> during defund police movement crime was through the officer. politicians had to back off a little bit. people are sick and tired of looking over their shoulder every time they walk out of their house. >> todd: national police week, good time to put forward this resolution. i will head to d.c. in 41 minutes for national police week
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temperature is an honor to be there and i'm blessed they ask me to go every single year. thank for what you do and thank you for your time as an officer. this is wild. kansas chief star kick er butke call out president biden. >> a man who claims catholic faith, same time is delusional enough to make sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. >> todd: more of butker's mesdzage next. >> carley: boxing legend mike tis tyson is making a big announcement before his fight with jake paul. we'll tell you about that next.
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>> todd: michael cohen heads back to the stand and could face cross-examination today. jonathan turley says cohen bombed his testimony, offering nothing new and nothing to make the case for alvin bragg. the problem is that cohen confirmed trump knew he was going to pay for the nondisclosure agreement and it would be buried before the election, none of that is unlawful. here is jonathan turley going forward. >> no crime has been shown. i don't know what the theory is anymore. he is trying to find a way to give alvin bragg just enough to get to the jury and alvin bragg hopes motivated jury and judge is all he needs. >> carley: ashley moody, florida attorney general joins us now.
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good morning to you. to review what we learned yesterday, michael cohens he paid stormy daniels out of his own pocket. trump knew and wanted to bury the stormy daniels story until after the election. jonathan turley is saying that is well and good, but not illegal. do you agree with that? >> this trial has been problematic from the beginning. you have to show the defendant intended to falsify records to cover up a crime. pundits, legal experts, former judges like me, former prosecutors kept watch ing witnesses, maybe today is the day alvin bragg will make his case. as cohen testified yesterday, a convicted liar, he kept having
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to say, that was a lie when i said that or false statement when i said that. he had to clarify what was a lie and what wasn't. that is a horrible place to be. nothing came out that would fill the gaping holes this case had. let's wait to the end to call michael cohen, we can get him to say anything and fill in the holes. they have not fulfilled that estimation. it is high likelihood when defense moves to make sure this never gets to a jury finding all evidence presented, a reasonable juror could not convict. it issic looly hood that will be presented to the judge and hang on this judge, which we've shown there are things in this judge's
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past that could call his unbiassed nature into question and agenda-driven prosecutors. >> todd: trying to prove ex existence of nda, that is not in d dispute. carley is wearing a green dress, that is not in dispute. lawyers across the world are like what, michael cohen admits to secretly recording donald trump in the lead-up to the 2016 election. listen to this. >> i need to open up a company for the transfer of info regarding our friend david, i'll do that right away. i've spoken to allen wicellberg about how to set the whole thing up with funding. >> todd: how do you think that will play with the jury, him
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secretly tape recording his client? as former prosecutor, you put witnesses on the stand hoping they will believe he is credible. he said he lied and bullied and pointed out where things were false. he said he was delusion al at oe point in the trial. this happens to be their key witness. their critical witness in the case. if you're alvin bragg, there is every lawyer and judge going, man, that guy may have just perjury to get a political kill. >> carley: two of the jurors are lawyers listening to a secret recording, what is going through their mind as they hear that secret recording? attorney general ashley moody, thank you for joining us. good to see you.
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not something you hear everyday here. kansas city chiefs kick er harrison butker called president biden delusional while delivering a speech at small catholic college over the weekend. >> todd: madeleine rivera has more. >> madeleine: kansas city chiefs butker is a devout catholic and was delivering an address. he aired series of frustrations with president biden leadership on issues like abortion and covid-19 pandemic. >> bad policy and poor leadership negatively impacted major life issues, abortion, yo euthanasia, degenerate cultural values in media stem from disorder. our own nation is led by man who publicly and proudly proclaims
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catholic faith, is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. >> madeleine: butker is referring to this irns incident sparking criticism from krift yap groups. the president will deliver a speech at morehouse college. some are not happy with the visit, last week held a protest against the president's visit calling for a ceasefire in gaza. senior white house official is working to address student concern hoping to avoy demonstration that disrupted other ceremonies over the past few weeks. students were told the president would not be giving a campaign speech, focusing on the students
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and hopes for their futures. >> todd: mike tyson and jake paul kicking off press ahead of their summer match up. they look like buddies, having fun there. >> carley: cute. >> todd: tyson says he is not lacking in confidence. >> are you trying to put an end to jake paul? >> no, i like jake a lot, wons in the ring his life will depend on it. >> todd: many believe jake paul has much to fear, he begs to differ. >> i can outbox mike tyson and show i will be doing the killing. >> todd: i want to watch this, how do i watch it? it will air on fliekt july 20th. >> carley: they did seem frenly.
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the two-hand handshake. you go like this to show you're friends. >> todd: what does a two-hand h handshake look like. >> todd: and big announcement about china terave, opposite what president biden said in 2019. similar to what president trump did. >> carley: primary day in three states, including west virginia, republicans are hoping to put joe manchin in the senate seat. alex mooney joins us next.
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him to address. recent polling shows him losing ground among two key groups, swing states and young black and hispanic voters. take a look at this, president trails form upper president trump in arizona, georgia and nevada. those sitting in middle, undecided are crucial for either candidate this november. take a look at black voter. president biden holds a lead but far less. trump has 23% support. younger voters, war in gaza has affected president biden. you have high rent, high food prices and less ability to buy a home. we'll talk on fox business when the president appears. >> todd: as election gets closer and closer and numbers get rorer
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and worse, he's trying to copy a lot of what president trump did. did you know we have a southern border and might need to secure it. this doing something with china on tariffs. >> cheryl: this is interesting and this is all economic. i wonder if he's going to bring this up today at 12:15. he is expected to announce increase of tariffs on chinese-made electric vehicles to 100% from 125%. here is sullivan on this. >> no secret the president and this administration is concerned about unfair practices by the prc. the issue of overcapacity, ways in which china has put in place n nonmarket sector. he said, i will stand up and
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push back against that. >> cheryl: biden saying in 2019, tariffs are abuse of policy and do not work. connect the dots. if we worry about jobs, u.s. manufacturing jobs, getting the union vote, this plays into possibly this decision to go after chinese when they are stepping over themselves to sell electric vehicles in this country. huge market for chinese. they want to crack the u.s. market. >> carley: all decisions made with november in mind. primary day in nebraska, and west virginia, key race is gop primary for west virginia senate seat. governor jim justice and alex mooney are looking to flip joe manchin seat by focusing on issues that matter in their state. >> affecting us in west virginia
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is economy, particularly in cha charleston, this used to be far more vibrant community than now. >> i want to see people have good jobs and make sure my g grandson grows up and goes to good schools and gets good education and healthcare in the state. >> carley: congressman mooney joins me now. good morning to you. this seat is considered a p pickup, you got to get through the primary and most polls show governor justice as front-runner. what if you pull this off? >> voters engage and i tell them, you deserve a conservative u.s. senator, that is me, alex mooney. i represent west virginia in congress.
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this is conservative state, not a swing state anymore, solid republican state. even joe manchin has chosen to retire rather than face defeat. win primary today or liberals will vote with democrats and that would be a shame. i have faith voters will make the right choice today. >> carley: you are member of the house freedom caucus and endorsed by senator cruz. >> i fought for trump's policies and fought against witch hunt and voted for the jobs act. jim justice attempted largest tach increase in hift west virginia.
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my opponent justice supports obamacare. on issue after issue, i'm only conservative running. i have always supported president trump. i'm a fighter and that is what west virginia deserves. >> carley: if all of that is true, why do you think the former president endorsed your opponent? >> my opponent party switch at trump rally. he endorsed me two years ago. i fight for his policies, i think voters view me as the best one to support trump policies. i think that is what matters to voters. >> carley: let's talk about the issues. we played sound bites of west virginia citizens talking about
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issues that matter to them, economy being number one. this sienna poll shows people who trust president trump over president biden on economy, 58 to 36. people trust republicans more, that is something you see as a positive, i'm sure. >> absolutely, not all republicans are the same, we have not secured our border yet and spending is out of control and both parties need to do a better job. some republicans will fight for better economy. joe biden just announced he will driveway cole w coal with carbo newt rgin -- neutral plan. we need republicans who will
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fight for things we believe in and do what we said we would do. >> carley: primary is today for senate seat most likely to turn red in november. thank you for joining us. have a great day. i'm sure a busy one. >> todd: who let the dogs out? tonight new best in show, 3000 compete in the westminster dog show. >> carley: so cool. janice dean has a preview. >> janice: good morning. we had winners from herding and the hounings and nonsporting and toy dogs last night. today is befst in show, kennel club dog show. i'm excited, not because i love this event, a member of my family, lola's dad, will be competing with the terriers. sneak peek at show dog look for
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lola, right now. >> we're going to turn her into this. >> janice: many steps grooming a dog to be a show dog, what do we start with? >> start with brushing, so she's mat free and do work on face and ears and tail. >> on your mark, get set, get groomed, lola. >> there is sneak peek, lolalooks spectacular and you are going to see her and her dad nuke, on "fox and friends" in 7:00 hour on "fox and friends." i have president of westminster dog club coming up. he will give lowdown of all events, spectacular day at the tennis courts. i promise good weather for 148th
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westwhinster dog show in queens new york. so excited. >> carley: so cool. lola got to go to the spa and hang out with her dad. a lot of fun, i'm sure. watch who wins best in show tonight on fox. >> todd: the dog, lola's dad is a dog, the ceo of the club, all human. make that clear. >> carley: president biden taking a tough stances on illegl immigration. tom homan is here. >> todd: here is mr. steve doocy. >> steve: coming up in 11 minutes, former fixer turned foe
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michael cohen back in the hot seat today. will face cross-examination from donald trump's attorneys. we will summarize and set the table. national police week and brian kilmeade attended a vigil in washington last night honoring officers who lost their lives in 2023. so powerful. new polls, speaking of d.c., spell trouble for joe biden. donald trump has more than 20% of black support, highest level for any republican candidate since 1964. vice president harris drops the f bomb in a speech about breaking barriers, what was she doing? senator kennedy and judge jeanine will join us. brian will be live >> d.c. in nine minutes right
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get your one month supply of neuroq, sleep now and cognitive evaluation all for just $49.95 with free shipping. (♪) ♪ >> todd: today on capitol hill, the house rules committee set to consider a resolution condemning president biden's handling of the border. >> carley: this comes as the administration is being called out for proposing tougher asylum rules after millions of illegal immigrants have crossed into the united states under biden's
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watch. and with just six months until the election. retired ice director and fox news contributor tom homan joins us now to discuss. tom, the biden administration wants a fast-track deportations for asylum seekers who committed serious crimes or who have links to terrorism. why isn't that already happ happening? >> well it, should be happening. carley. look, waited three and a half years to propose some action on the border he? could have secured the border with a stroke of a pen just like president trump did. they can put remain in mexico program back in tomorrow which the supreme court supports. they could put the third safe country agreements in place that the trump administration had. at the stroke of a pen he could fix this border. he waited three and a half years to proposing is that he knows is never going to fly. he only h.r. passed by the house. h.r. 2 would work. it would secure the border. they are not even talking about it. >> all an attempt to say hey, i'm doing something with the
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polls show egg joe biden is not doing well hey, donald trump was doing something well with the border. tom, so much of this crisis is being enabled by these border charities, ngos as we call them. they are using your taxpayer dollars. according to a report from the free press. three ngos resettling migrant minors combine for a whopping $2 billion in government contracts in 2022 one organization called endeavors ttook in a whopping 21.3 millio. music therapy in 2021. between april 21 and march '23 they conducted over 1600 people plant interaction sessions. don't worry if you don't know what that is. i don't know what it is either. and 287 pet therapy sessions. i mean, look, tom, can we stop this? >> look, i have been begging for
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the house oversight committee. dhs oversight committee to have hearings on this. this is corruption. these ngos need to be investigated. you talk about these companies like endeavor who want sole source contracts in the beginning of this process sole source contract can only be let during emergency. must show past experience in doing this type of work. which they hadn't either. you want billions of dollars of contracts sole source. we are in this three and a half years and still awarding sole source contracts to the same companies. not putting up for bid. numerous u.s. companies can bid for this and try to get the contract. it's constant sole source contracts same companies. this needs to be investigated and i guarantee on the next administration, on the trump administration, it will be investigated. >> so yesterday, tom, we learned that ice says columbian aggravated murderer caught by border patrol in november was released into the united states. boston based ice deportations office just found and arrested
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him yesterday. this is the quote: this columbian national is wanted in his home country for very serious crimes. that's from ice field office director tom lyons. he attempted to hide out in massachusetts now he will have to answer for his actions. i mean, we have heard this story before. and i'm sure this is not the last time we are going to see this take place again. >> no, look, todd lyons is a great guy. i know him personally. this is my old agency. they are tremendously when they're allowed to do what they are supposed to do. this administration on the most part doesn't allow them to enforce the law. people need to understand this is one out of many. i looked at the democrat at that time other day, since joe biden has been in the white house, over 156,000 convicted criminals or people criminal charges have been arrested by the border patrol or unlawfully crossing the border. 156,000 were captured. think about over 2 million known got away, the 2 million people
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chose to get away. they didn't want to turn themselves in and free airline ticket to the city of their choice. free hotel room and three meals a day. free medical care and work authorization. they choose more to pay apay. why? they choose more to get away, why? because they don't want to be vetted. they don't want to be fingerprinted. that's a real scary thing. how many of 2 million people criminal and public safety threat this administration allowed to come in because of open borders policy. that is concerning. >> todd: obviously you support president trump. you are going to campaign with him on this notion of we're going to not keep murderers in our country. we are not going to let them in in the first place. another thing campaign on. we are not going to use your taxpayer dollars to teach illegal migrants thousand interact with plants. that's a real thing. it's insane. we appreciate your time. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now have. great day. >> steve: good morning, everybody.


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