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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 14, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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they didn't want to turn themselves in and free airline ticket to the city of their choice. free hotel room and three meals a day. free medical care and work authorization. they choose more to pay apay. why? they choose more to get away, why? because they don't want to be vetted. they don't want to be fingerprinted. that's a real scary thing. how many of 2 million people criminal and public safety threat this administration allowed to come in because of open borders policy. that is concerning. >> todd: obviously you support president trump. you are going to campaign with him on this notion of we're going to not keep murderers in our country. we are not going to let them in in the first place. another thing campaign on. we are not going to use your taxpayer dollars to teach illegal migrants thousand interact with plants. that's a real thing. it's insane. we appreciate your time. >> carley: "fox & friends" starts right now have. great day. >> steve: good morning,
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everybody. live from "studio m" in new york city. 6:00 on the east coast. this is tuesday, may 14th, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends." michael cohen going to be back on the stand in a few hours in lower manhattan likely facing a searing cross-examination from donald trump's defense attorneys after a dramatic first day of testimony. >> this guy is a convicted felon. he lost his law license. yet, this is their star witness. >> ainsley: plus, president biden set to touted his economic agenda today as a shocking report shows a family of four has to earn $170,000 a year just to live comfortably. even a former obama adviser speaking out about it. >> the economic prospects for young people are miserable. >> steve: no kidding. >> brian: honoring our heros in blue. i'm in washington, d.c. for national police week as family, friends, and supporters gathered
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to support fallen officers last night. >> why are you here today? >> to celebrate all these heroes out here, especially my dad. we're here representing the fallen co-worker. >> to honor my son. >> lawrence: powerful. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends, even when our friend is in d.c. >> steve: let's start with this. fox news alert. in just two hours -- three hours and 30 minutes, michael cohen is expected to be back in the stand in former president donald trump's new york criminal trial. >> ainsley: eric shawn is outside of the new york supreme court with the latest. eric? >> good morning, ainsley. michael cohen back on the stand today after yesterday tying former president trump directly into the alleged illegal scheme to falsify business records and hide his affair with stormy daniels. cohen, of course, the long-time former loyal fixer. he turned on president trump.
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implicating him in that scheme to pay stormy and do what he said to protect the presidential election campaign. amp court, mr. trump blasted cohen. >> they're not unlawful as a federal campaign contribution. there's absolutely no problem. there's no problem here. you know the fec -- fec, the elections committee. federal elections commission. they looked at this years ago. and they took a pass they said there's no problem here. >> but cohen told the jury stormy daniels story of having sex with the former president circle like a bombshell. he said trump told him, quote: this is a disaster. a total disaster. women are going to hate me. this is going to be a disaster for the campaign. that led cohen said to him paying off stormy daniels from his own home equity account shelling out $130,000 with the former president and then
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thanking him and reassuring him that he would get paid back. quoted, once i received the money back from mr. trump i would deposit and it no one would be the wiser said cohen. he also said mr. trump told him, quote: just pay it. there is no research to keep it out there just do it. when cohen paid stormy trump told him good, good. don't worry. you will get money back. even though cohen had that story yesterday when it comes to cross-examination. that is expected to pick apart cohen's story because the defense will point out that he has lied on the stand before under oath. is he a convicted perjurer, and they will try to claim the jury can't believe anything that michael cohen says. but, until we get to cross-examination. there will still be more direct testimony today. we expect more details on this alleged payment from the mouth of the man who said he wanted to make donald trump happy, certainly he's not doing that now. back to you guys in the studio. >> steve: no kidding.
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>> lawrence: thanks, eric. let's bring in eric feel lick he joins us live on said. >> i want to go to the wrap of yesterday. you had legal commentators saying still no evidence of fraud. president trump get out there and make his statement. he wrapped it by saying judge is conflicted. some talking about obviously his daughter works for is an operative raised over $93 million offer the case. they are sending out these emails. then i listened to andrew mccarthy. he said. this i keep asking does this judge want to be the judge who threw out the case against trump especially when thinks daughter is a progressive operative who does work for the democrats who define themselves by loathing trump. is that the sticking point right now? we're getting down to days now
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before it's the defense case. county judge do it? >> i don't think the judge grants a motion to dismiss. until michael cohen testified they had to. they hadn't protected any evidence of a prima facie case of a crime. granting a motion to the defense at the end of the prosecution case is very rarely granted. judge still has important decisions to make beg one is missing witness charge. allen rifleburg has been descrished. has been the testimony so far really the architect more than donald trump of the repayment plan. we're not going to hear from him. the prosecution, i understand why they are not going to call allen weisselberg because if he came he would either assert the fifth or worst yet from the prosecution standpoint say something that helps the defense. so i get why they are not going to call him. but the judge now has a decision to make whether he will get what is called a missing witness charge which would highlight his absence to the jury and would instruct the jury that they can hold it against the prosecution that they have not produced
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allen weisselberg as a witness that's a question for the judge, that will indicate whether the judge is helping or hurting which side. >> that would help trump, weisselberg was the cfo of trump organization? >> correct. >> ainsley: what do you expect today with cross-examination. what what do you ask michael cohen. >> where do you start with michael cohen. this is a dream witness to cross-examine. is he truly the gift that keeps on giving. he can't coon his mouth shut. he is on social media every night announcing his hatred for donald trump. he was on tiktok last week wearing this t shirt that depicted donald trump in prison gawkerbausch i wgarb w. my witness or victim had a longer rap sheet than the defendant, right? but the way you get around that is you say in summation even though this person made mistakes in his life like conviction, sold drugs, committed robberies,
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whatever, that doesn't mean the person has a hatred or a vendetta against the accused. that doesn't mean they want to see the person on trial go to prison. you can't say that with michael cohen. is he throughout announcing his vendetta and hatred every night. instead they give that argument to the defense. yeah, this guy has an incentive to lie. he has expressed his hatred over and over again. i was surprised last friday the prosecutor said in open court we have repeatedly tried to muzzle him and they haven't been able to. >> steve: what happened yesterday, essentially the prosecution knew exactly what he was going to say and they were going through the list okay i'm going to ask you this and you are going to say that. this and that. today with the defense attorneys we are actually going to see the fixer and his personality. >> absolutely. >> steve: we read how he pushes back at people. >> i will be very interested to see if he can maintain composure. the difference between direct and cross is night a and day. direct is completely scripted given those questions over and over again in the d.a.'s office as prep. the cross is going to be
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absolutely unhinged. it's going to be a real test whether he can keep his composure. >> steve: all right. elliott, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> steve: 225 miles south of where we are brian kilmeade is in the bureau today. brian, what did you make of mr. cohen yesterday? >> brian: number one, they just want to prove first off a lot of things. one of the things michael cohen wanted to the say he didn't care about melania or his family. he only cared about his election, re-election. a phrase that i have never heard from donald trump and i admit to you i have not spent as much time with him as michael cohen women will hate me. i have never heard president trump even express that is he only thinking leaning forward. if you want to handle, this you deal with this problem, you go away with it. why is it important for them say this was about the election not about personal embarrassment because they want to show that he was manipulating the election as if the stormy daniels story got out, even in lieu of the ax says hollywood story that would have changed people's opinions
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and hillary clinton would have one. i go back to what plan to said his long time assistant. his assistant that -- madeleine, will what melania says mattered more than anything else. he used to got window wave to her before he left on the helicopter. he would come back. what she said mattered so much. how could you possibly suspend what they said for what michael cohen said because he had one statement that he claimed happened. house upstairs go with this story it doesn't matter. he said if i'm on the market again i won't be on the market for long. that's what michael cohen said that donald trump said. and it comes down to who do you believe? lastly, should you get allen weisselberg out of prison? should the cfo come out of prison and tell everybody what donald trump knew?
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he is in prison because he wouldn't say what prosecutors wanted. >> steve: right. and as e.m.t. just told us live here in new york, he said most probably the prosecution does not necessarily want him to testify so, stay stiewnsd it's going to be another exciting day. >> lawrence: we are to the end of this, basically, in a criminal trial. the defense doesn't have to say anything. once the prosecution presents their case this could be the end of it. of course they are going to challenge some stuff. this should being the end in theory and they haven't proved their case yet and they were manipulating all these different laws. we know about the conflicts with the judge perhaps with his daughter. you would think they would come up with something and we just haven't had that moment. >> ainsley: what's interesting watching all of this unfold and just like fareed said yesterday, he said he didn't expect it to go this way. i think the left thought it was going to be the nail in the coffin for donald trump and it hasn't been. if you look at these polls the recent "times" and siena polls
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show that young voters, black voters, hispanic voters are discontent over the economy and the war in gaza and trump is ahead, as we have been saying, still, ahead in these states in november and hasn't changed. still ahead in five of the six key swing states, michigan, arizona, nevada, and pennsylvania. biden is only winning by a small margin in wisconsin. >> steve: right. one of the things the former president said yesterday is he said look, i'm in court. i'm on trial. i would rather be out on the trail. so, later today, joe biden, brian, just a couple of blocks from where you are, joe biden is going to go into the rose garden and give an address on the economy. and here's the thing. we have talked about this for months. when you look at the white house and their flash cards on how the economy is doing. they have got some numbers that look impressive. the problem is people do not feel like things are going their way. joe biden ran on hey, elect me president of the united states and i will return you to normal. well, now we have seen three and
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a half years of joe biden's normal and people don't like the fact that when i went to the grocery store yesterday to bay pot roast 2 # bucks. we'll don't like that. we don't like to see all those people streaming across the southern border. that's one of the reasons why -- and we were talking about it yesterday -- in five of the six swimming states that are really important, according to the "new york times" poll, joe biden is losing to donald trump. >> ainsley: and he won. brian, he won all of those states. all sickles of those states in 2020. >> brian: yeah, i mean, steve, it seems like when we go to the meat section we are scratching our rump roast we wonder. >> ainsley: scratching our boston butts. >> brian: exactly. seems like the president of the united states major disconnect. i know it's a major speech. i know it's on a tuesday brian what are you talking about. everybody has been telling him to stop talking about bidenomics. everyone has been telling him to stop telling the american people things are better because of the numbers he has. he spent -- you saw david
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axelrod last week on thursday they spent $20 million last summer to sell us on the economy. and it was a total loser. so the question is now, does he come out and say i'm worried about inflation? i think we spent too much or i spent maybe overcompensated early when i came in with the rescue package with the inflation reduction act which doesn't reduce inflation. now it's time to tighten our belts. and we are going to watch it money come down. that would look a practical look as opposed to the implausible look which shows a disconnect. >> steve: brian. >> brian: just going to roll this. van jones said this is the reality for young people when it comes to the economy. and stop telling a different story to the people that are living it. watch. >> young people are upset and it's not just the situation in gaza. the economic prospects for young people are miserable. we just do not have a pathway for young people to be able to pay off their student debt, get a house. we're not hearing a
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full-throated approach to the young people. there's symbolic piece around student loans. that's not going to be enough for joe biden. >> lawrence: then when you look at the polling there 68% of those young people -- i mean, look at this gap, trust donald trump. we talk about every issue on the book. we talk about the border. we talk about crime. we talk about all these other issues. when you are a young person, all of that stuff is noise. when you can't buy your first house. when you go to the grocery store. when you even try to attempt to buy a used car and you can't even acin order, that is going to be the deciding factor. i'm not suggesting that all these young people are going to go out and vote for donald trump. although i think he will get a large portion. but it may cause them to stay home. and joe biden needs talk about his coalition. talk about blacks and hispanics. now young people saying they nay not show up? that is catastrophic for the president. so, yes, the war in gaza is part of it. but i think the big portion is, they cannot survive.
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you are taking the american dream from these young people away. >> steve: well, and when you look -- brian, pardon the interruption earlier, i think it would be great if the white house actually admitted, hey, do you know what? we thought inflation was transitory. it's bad. we're going to do something. look, they got a bunch of geniuses in the data department saying well he has a path. they are going to double down on it. i bet is he going to talk about all the jobs and all the progress they have made i wish they could talk more about inflation. here's the thing going back to the polls when you look at the gallup poll in the last 19 elections. the winner was ahead by the month of june. if joe biden is not ahead in june, according to the statistics, it's donald trump. also, the last nine elected presidents, every incumbent above 50% has won except for barack obama. he had 49%. and where is joe biden right now?
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his approval rating is 38. the white house is in trouble and they know this. >> ainsley: they are worried. >> lawrence: that would be a major jump, ainsley. >> ainsley: brian is in washington. the president is speak telling roz garden today and these issues are so important. it's also important to remember all of our fallen heroes. it is national police week and, brian, that was very compelling at the top of the hour. we rolled a little bit of your -- some of your soundbites from last night at the vigil. tell us more about it. >> brian: you are seeing 35, maybe 38,000 people show up. >> lawrence: wow. >> brian: by the stage was all surviving families. and you know, you have grandfathers there and 10-year-old children that are there. they are all there because 282 new names are going to be etched in the wall of the law enforcement memorial wall. why those 282 lost their lives in battle including covid. including those who lost their lives on 9/11. but it was a slow, painful death due to some mysterious cancer. every state was represented.
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you saw a lot of civilians come in but mostly men and women in uniform to show up. when you looked at the stage and you saw the c.i. a director. the fbi director. homeland security director. when you saw the director of law enforcement community and people like val demings. you soug saw the vips there. i will have a full package about what went down last night with the candlelight vigil. i thought there were so many great stories there. i wish i could tell them all. here's a little of the surviving families of what they have gone through and what it feels like to have a man or a woman in their family lose their life in uniform. >> 282 men and women we identified who identified in the line of do you have to in calendar years 2023 and years prior. every single one of these deaths has such a deep and lasting impact on the law enforcement community. >> what brings you here today? >> celebrate all these heroes out here, especially my dad. we're here representing the
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fallen co-worker. >> to honor my son. >> brian: what are your thoughts as you look out on the sea of people here. >> it's heart-warming. i can't even find words to put into it. it's hard to express closeness and how much camaraderie is among these people. >> our department is like a family. you look around here and you see all of these people. it's one huge family across the country. >> steve: wow. >> brian: yeah. i mean that man that was there in the polo shirt with the collared shirt he lost his son three months ago. all of north carolina came out to biggest show for a funeral anywhere. and i said what is it like? he said i can't believe he is not here. so, you have and then also know that he went out -- almost everyone said they put on the uniform because they grew up wanting to be a police officer. they loved every day they had a chance to serve. there was none of that wow, you know, they are not respected. they don't get paid enough. what about the benefits in was i feel a calling to it. very similar to the military.
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and then you just see all of them with compelling stories. a little bit later, we'll talk about -- you'll meet some more of them. have an idea what goes on there. a lot of people did not want to talk. i totally understand that i think there is a lot of respect and little bit of hope that things are beginning to turn around. lawrence, i know you know better than anyone else. you spend a lot of time with the law enforcement community training with them than anyone else. do i get the sense american people got a sense of what it was like without a fully backed law enforcement community and they didn't like it. >> lawrence: i don't know hot small groups of americans that were calling for defund the police. i have got to tell you a lot of them have gone silent because members of their own feels. all these democratic representatives in these cities that have had family members attacked now. there's a push now to refund. i don't know why we have to try experiment because we knew where it was going to go. it looks like the funding now is going back to the cops. i hope the appreciation as well
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is going to turn around, brian. >> steve: thank you so much for going down there. we know you had other stuff to do and going down there to talk to some people and broken hearings. awesome job. >> ainsley: all of those people you interviewed lost someone. like a man said i'm here for a co-worker. a woman said my son? >> brian: every single one of them one a dad. his dad died when he was 9. and now he is in thinks 30's. his 30's. this young man is 10 years old from new york city. >> whose dad died last year and is he sitting there holding a candle. wondering what it is like. saying my dad is a hero. it's so great to be here. holding a teddy bear and his mom looks on and is a prison guard. these are the types of families. they don't get enough fame and acclaim and hopefully the ones that wanted to talk and we could have stalked to thousands, sadly, the ones that did want to talk, we put them on cameras and a you will get to meet them.
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>> steve: that's coming up. >> ainsley: good job, brian. >> lawrence: wild story in arizona for the sentencing of a woman to ho pled guilty to, listen to this, to poisoning her husband's coffee with bleach. >> steve: okay, brooke singman joins us now. brooke, if my wife put bleach in my coffee, i'm going to think i could smell it. >> i mean you would think, right, steve? a judge sentencing mellowed johnson to three years probation in that plea deal after being charged with poisoning her husband's coffee with bleach. so, with that plea deal judge javier lopez downgraded attempted murder charges which would have resulted in at least two years in prison for each count. the judge also ordering her to undergo mental health treatment. husband in the air force catching her in the act in several recordings on hidden cameras. he also spoke in court during her sentencing and also advocated for her to receive mental health treatment. listen. >> our once cherished relationship is now forever marred by her conducted. she has a documented history of
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emotional maltreatment toward me and our son which contributed to the dissolution of our marriage twice. as the esteemed author artic kuehl lated forgiveness and compassion are always linked. >> quote to be heart breaking for that family. now the husband is planning on divorcing mellowed but did state it reconcile her relationship with her son some day. johnson had been in jail over a year on $250,000 bond, guys. >> ainsley: is he going to divorce her? why? >> steve: yeah. good point. >> ainsley: that is a crazy story. >> lawrence: she did it for months. i thought after the first cup you would smell something. he buys these testing strips that you test the pool with and discovers oh, in fact, yeah, she has been bleaching my coffee. >> ainsley: and set up the hidden camera and caught her. >> steve: just pouring it in. >> ainsley: i can't believe she is not serving in tie time. >> steve: i can smell my wife's
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hazel nut from the other room. >> lawrence: ainsley i have dated a lot of crazies this tops it right here. >> ainsley: it does. >> steve: hold on a second. [laughter] it smells okay. >> ainsley: happening today the house rules committee is meeting to debate the israel security assistance support act. the bill would potentially withhold funds from the secretary of state, kevin's secretary and national security council until the u.s. resumes its weapons shipment to israel. incident doneisha's mount easibu eruptingspewing a full f. the moment a lightening bolt appears striking a active volcano creating a brilliant stream of light in the sky. two sky divers making history becoming the first two people to fly through the tower bridge in london. look at that using wing suits.
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the duo jumping from a helicopter 3,000 feet in the air. they reached a top speed of 153 miles per hour. the pair say they have been training for this jump for the past two years. really cool. >> look at that looks like something tom cruise would do. >> lawrence: i would try it. >> ainsley: or that ride at disney world what was it called we went soar, right? >> lawrence: exactly. a new swing state poll shows trump with more than 20% of the black vote, the highest level for any g.o.p. candidate since the civil rights act of 1964. we'll get into it.
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>> steve: 6:30 in new york city. couple headlines on this thursday. first up three time super bowl champion kansas city chiefs kicker harrison butker slamming president biden as quote delusional while he delivered a commencement speech over the weekend in atcheson, kansas the. >> nation is led by a man to publicly and proclaims his catholic faith but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. >> steve: i remember that butker is making a reference to this incident last month in florida. he made the sign of the cross, joe biden did, during a rally
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against abortion restrictions. sparking criticism from a number of christian groups and the kansas city chiefs kicker. also, toby keith's daughter sharing advice from the late country music legend her father. he always said never apologize for being patriotic. and he practiced what he preached. through his work with the uso. we called him captain america. and that's something he earned. >> he certainly did. crystal keith accepted honorary degree from the university of oklahoma on her father's behalf. and those are your some of your tuesday headlining inner creasingly supporting trump up to 23% from 9% in 2020. this is the highest level of black support for any g.o.p. presidential candidate since the enactment of the civil rights act of 1964. here to discuss former deputy
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assistant to president trump and right on crime senior adviser jerry ron smith. jerry ron, thanks so much for joining the program. i guess the question why is this happening? i see it more with young black men, older black men and they tell me it's about the economy. what do you hear? >> yes, it's certainly about the economy. i think individuals see what the trump economy looked like next to the biden economy. the money went a lot further and they were actually getting increases for living wage jobs. and more job opportunities because there wasn't a focus on illegal immigrants on getting the opportunity over african-americans you then the president's record on criminal justice reform brought a lot of americans deserving of a second chance home gave them the ability to get into the job market. the economy is one of the strongest issues that african-american voters are looking at and they know the trump record really worked for
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them. >> so, jerry ron. there's the interest there. it's the conversations that i'm hearing in the barbershop on the street. people coming to me in airports. how does the republican party take that interest. which is shown in the polls get them to the polls? >> it's important to talk about the agenda that effects the black community. and president trump's last administration was able to deliver policies with historic investment of hsvus. criminal justice reform with the first step act as well as work around student zones. i think that the president needs to continue to message on strategies on the economy, talk about jobs. and then also talk about community safety and how we can, you know, pull back all the illegal immigration that's invading our cities. i think a policy conversation is the number one way that we can attract african-american voters. >> lawrence: one thing i say about donald trump love him whor
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hate him is he going to be himself. vice president speaking to a group of young people. watch. >> sometimes people who open the door for you and leave it open, sometimes they won't. and then you need to kick that [bleep] door down. excuse my language. ha ha ha ha. >> lawrence: a little cringey. what say you, jerry ron? electorate that got joe biden elected african-american voters. people know that talk is cheap. and she hasn't really helped deliver any meaningful policy change during her tenure in the administration. this is a last-ditch effort to appear to be authentic. connect with unlikely voters after she has failed them ton policy. >> lawrence: yeah, i think that's why a lot of folks don't like her. she locked a lot of brothers up back when she was the attorney general and when she was a
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prosecutor. donald trump had criminal justice reform. the release of some of those folks for a second shot. so when you come out there, trying to be relatable to the people i don't think they buy it. jeron, thank you so much for joining the program this morning. >> thanks so much. >> so, it's an election day. polls are now open in west virginia and set to open in maryland in about 30 minutes. plus tonight the 148th west westminster kennel club best in show competition. janice dean has a preview for us all, next. ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ ♪
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long time joe manchin retirement. who taking place madeleine rivera joins us with more. >> good morning, steve. the g.o.p. has its best pick-up chances in west virginia. for a fox analysis race most likely to flip for americans. jim justice has a slight edge with former president trump's endorsement. alex mooney slammed justice as not being a true conserving. turning now to maryland where voters are also heading to the polls today, larry hogan is dominating the g.o.p. senate primary he enjoys recognition popular governor is that enough to turn the deep blue state read in november. meantime democratic primary two. candidates emerged as the top contenders com david schoen the total one and more has already spent $50 million of his own money on his senate bid. is he facing a tough fight against prince gorgeous county executive angela brooks who is look to become the state's first
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black senator. steve? >> all right. thanks, maddy, appreciate it. today okay capitol hill the house rules committee is set to resolution condemning president biden's handling of the border. it hasn't been too good. i don't know if you have noticed. ment the administration is being called out to for proposing tougher asylum rules less than six months to election day. let's bring in jeff van drew of new jersey. congressman, first off, you guys are going to vote to condemn his border policy. just symbolic? >> well, it's symbolic but it's important. we have to let the american people know and we have to let the administration know that we know it's going on here. they are purposefully and willfully breaking the law and not defending our borders. brian, you know as i do that when you don't have strong borders as a nation, you falter and you become weak. we are letting criminals and people on the terror watch list into our country. damn it, i don't care how many times it takes. we have got to let them know it must change first tuesday in
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november. >> brian: this has been the story three and a half years. we are findings the administration sees the numbers are real. and now coming out with executive orders to make it tougher on asylum seekers. have you seen these orders? what do you think it will do? >> we haven't seen the orders. they are probably not that tough. but you know what the bottom line is? we don't even know that they are enforce them, brian. here's the real deal. they have had their chance. it's been three and a half years. we need change. weed need to have somebody in there that's going to enforce the law of the nation and protect the people of the united states of america. >> brian: all right. so the v.a. is again front and center. people are talking about reforming it. other people are talking about bringing dei into it. believe it or not, president biden is looking to actually push forward his dei triple and double and triple down on it while the rest of the private sector seems to be backing off because of production. people want to have the right person there man, woman, hispanic, black, minority, majority, doesn't matter. now the biden administration
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veterans affairs department is offering race-based training programs that excludes white people we all of us have more that we share together, brian than what separates us. this administration constant isly wants to spend money to ensure that they separate us in any way they can because they think they gain politically. bottom line, we need to fastest, best, smartest, strongest most laser like military in the world. that's our goal. all of us together. >> brian: right now the v.a. is reportedly offering these programs. battle creek, michigan, long beach, palo alto, california, shocker. no surprise. columbus, ohio. that according to the washington free beacon. you spent a lot of time with the president of late. your thoughts about what is happening in some of these states he thinks he can flip? virginia, minnesota we saw 80, 100,000 over in new jersey. >> 100,000 plus.
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person in charge of his campaign in the state of new jersey. i'm giving it everything i got. we all are. let me say this. we are all americans. the vast majority of people. moderate democrats, independents and republicans are tired of it. they are tired of the high prices. they are tired of the diminishing and defunding the police. they are tired of making our military weaker. they are tired of the open borders. man, brian, can i go on a list forever. we want to bring our america back home. >> brian: last question. you were a democrat. and you are a republican now. how do -- what stands out for you and the different ways media covers you? >> oh, it's a lot harder, man. and you say something and all of a sudden it's a whole lot different when they cover you. you know, i just said what i said to you right now. probably somebody will say that i'm racist or. >> brian: i don't care you care. >> i don't. i believe in america. all of us together. >> brian: congressman, great to see you. appreciate it. i any the former president certainly appreciates all you did to get that huge crowd there
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over the weekend. >> can't wait to get them back. >> brian: meanwhile reached out to the veterans affairs department about this. for a statement. have not heard back. we will let you know if they do call back. congressman, thank you. meanwhile, we are gearing up for the westminster kennel club dog show. how do we do it? we asked janice to do it. she is getting the full spa treatment for dogs. >> we are going to turn her into this. >> janice: what do we start with, first? >> we started with washing. so she is mat free. >> brian: janice is live from the site of tonight's big show >> great veterinarian care ♪ sure i hate like heck to haveh to go to thehe p ♪ use our most advanced, infinitely adaptable tempur material eases your pressure points, inch by inch and molecule by molecule. in a way no other mattress can.
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♪ >> steve: well, we're going to the dogs, best in show season is back. >> i know these competition they don't do the basic sit up, roll over, fetch, heel, they start at a higher level than that, don't they. >> yes. those are obviously the basic -- >> does that take into consideration at the start or are you just judging by how well a dog is groomed? >> great movie.
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all right, janice dean and her dog lola got an inside look at how important show grooming really is. >> lawrence: she joins us now from arthur ash stadium in queens where the westminster dog show takes place tonight. hey j.d. >> hello, good morning. you know what? i saw you play that movie best in show. most of the people here will tell you the dog lovers, that that movie is right on. it's very, very accurate. they love it. so, you know what? you get prepped up for this year 148th westminster kennel club dog show as you mentioned. as you saw my dog lola could be a showgirl. she's not but her dad is. take a look. ♪ >> janice: everyone knows lola. this is our dog. she is over two years old. she is a bed lington terrorriers have been competing since the
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very beginning of the westminster dog show. lori is lola's breeder. and nuke who is nola's dad is going to be competing at the westminster dog show. and last year lola's mom competed. >> that's correct. >> janice: what do you hope to see from nuke? >> i hope that he gives me a good, solid performance and comes home with a ribbon. >> janice: i think now is the time more than ever that we need another bed lington as a champion. >> it's a going party we got nuke and ronan. ronan is a puppy. >> janice: is ronan going to be a show dog. >> he will be a show dog and a hunter, both. >> janice: good boy. >> you have been a judge for the akc, right? >> i am. you are looking to see how close each one of those dogs comes to the standard.
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the dog that comes the closest in your opinion wins for that day. >> obviously nuke is in a show cut. and we are going to make lola a showgirl today. >> we are going to turn her into this. >> there are many stepping in grooming this dog to be a show dog start with brushing so she is mat-free. next step is go ahead and do the clipper work on her legs and ears and tail. >> janice: ready, get set, let's get groomed lola. now it's time for the tubby. >> going to have a shampoo and a cream rinse brush and who out time. you can be next. >> this is my beyonce. >> lola, you are doing so good. is this the last step? >> yes. now we go in with the scissors
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and create our work of art. bedlington trim. >> janice: everybody looks amazing here, right for best in show. let's take a look at lola. >> it's a puppy party. >> janice: okay, that's it. you are going to meet lola in the next however. we got the president of the westminster kennel club dog show. we will be broadcasting live all morning long. this is it. this is the ring where they are going to crown best in show. also thanks to lori freezen, lola's original mommy and also richard reynolds who has that beautiful little puppy. it's going to be so exciting. stay with us on "fox & friends" all morning long. >> steve: all in the family. >> ainsley: those are the cutest dogs. that's really funny. i love their ears. they have tassels on the end. >> steve: watch who wins best in show tonight 7:00 eastern on fox sports. more with janice coming up.
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>> ainsley: and lola. >> steve: what else, ainsley? >> ainsley: senator john kennedy joins us live. more "fox & friends" moments away ♪ when you think she don't see ♪ when you think she don't care
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>> brian: glad you are up. hope you are dressed i


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