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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 14, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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>> brian: glad you are up. hope you are dressed it is 7:00
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578 on the east coast. tuesday, may 1st. this is "fox & friends." i'm in d.c. and those other guys are stuck in new york. now the serious stuff. honoring our he heros in blue. i'm in washington for the national police week as family, friends and supporters gathered by the thousands to salute fallen officers. >> going to save new york. eric. >> he died of cearch. >> 9/11-related. he always wanted to be a police officer. my son always wanted to be a police officer. >> brian: your dad is a hero. is that a good feeling? >> yes. >> lawrence: plus, vice president kamala harris sharing interesting advice on breaking down barriers sometimes people open the door and leave it open to are you a sometimes they won't you need to kick that [bleep] door down. >> president trump seems to be breaking barriers with minority voters making polling gains in the black community. >> ainsley: incredible. kansas city chiefs kicker harrison butker delivering a
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blunt message to president biden while addressing graduates at a catholic college. >> nation led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims catholic fake statement delusional enough to make the sign of a cross during a pro-abortion rally. >> steve: we remember that second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ told me wait forever ♪ hold my hand ♪ now or never ♪ those were the best days of my life. >> ainsley: that is a live shot of kissimmee, florida it is the vacation capital of the world. lots of people buying houses so they can enjoy theme parks in that area. 76 degrees right now. beautiful shot. it's going to be 90 degrees there. summer is rolling in. there is going to be a little
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bit rain around 2:00, 3:00. >> steve: look at the white house right there. sitting 226 miles south of us. brian kilmeade is joining us live. brian went down early. >> i have to take down the seat pad because i felt elevated what's going on. i took it out because this is normally your seat. when you get back put it back to my side. >> brian: lawrence tells more behind the scenes stories on live television. keep in mind, as steve knows, that's the pete hegseth pillow that i adopted and stopped taking out. and then you had that growing spurt two years ago. and i wasn't prepared for it. >> steve: brian, remember, during -- we don't know exactly what happens on this couch during the weekend when we leave friday at 9:00 a.m. we don't know what happened. pete obviously had done something to the miracle foam and it was compressed you needed
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the little booster seat. >> ainsley: these are our friends that are watching. they love you and support you. we are open books here. >> brian: really? i love to keep mine closed just a little bit. [laughter] i don't believe they need to know everything. >> ainsley: find different co-anchors then. >> steve: how is your seat there? because you are sitting in bret baier's chair. >> brian: let me know, i don't know if you can see it. [laughter] >> ainsley: very strong. >> brian: i'm really strong. bret is going to be with you i'm going to be in bret he's seat. i'm going to use his office, too. i might use the pool that he has. >> steve: awesome. >> brian: i came here for a great reason, washington, d.c. is where it's going to be police week and day one, yesterday, was the time for the police memorial to go forward. and it was a candlelight vigil for those who lost their lives in battle. just like when they look at men and women who serve overseas in the military, they want to
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review what you did and what happened, i don't care if it's a small town in mississippi or big city like chicago, where f. you lost your lives in the line of duty, and they were going to etch your name in stone to be remembered forever. they are up to over 24,000 now. 24,067 names are on that list. now the. could be grandfather, could be an uncle, could be a nephew. could be a dad that's been lost. fighting enforcing the law. behind that are supporters and just men and women in blue. they said over 35,000 a new record. shows a new enthusiasm. whole place ringed with security. pretty amazing and awe inspiring. the families that sacrifice, that lost their looed ones upfront while the light was still up before the candles were lit. i had a chance to talk to them and get their stories and sense of the text texture and how spt
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night was ♪ ♪ >> brian: welcome to the 36th annual law enforcement memorial candlelight vigil. sadly 232 names on the wall. honoring those men and women who lost their lives in the line of duty. i'm standing here amongst the supporters go all the way back 36,000 strong. >> 282 men and women we identified who died in the line of duty in calendar years 2023 and years prior. every single one of these deaths has such a deep and lasting impact on the law enforcement community. >> brian: what brings you here today? >> we're going to celebrate all these heroes out here. especially my dad. we're here representing the fallen co-worker. >> to honor my son. >> brian: what will your thoughts as you look out on the sea of people here? >> it's heart-warming. i can't find words to put into it. >> it's hard to express the
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closeness and how much the cam camaraderie is among these people. >> you look around here and see all of these people. it's one huge family across the country. >> my responsibility here today is to try to help tell the stories of the men and women whose names we will read tonight at our very sacred ceremony. each of the heroes we honor tonight and the families they leave behind will now forever be a part of the ongoing story of american law enforcement. >> from the state of mississippi jaris deion davis. [bell tolls] >> i want to represent my husband -- >> from the state of texas, joe screen jamal wadly.
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>> something went terribly wrong. like a part of you kind of dies with them. >> from the state of louisiana, marilyn anlet baio. >> just 16 years. paralyzed and suffered every day. difficult and makes you proud at the same time. >> from the state of north carolina, philip dale knicks. [bell tolls] >> how long was he on the job? >> 22 years. >> what happened? >> he encountered a robbery. >> brian: off duty? >> offduty but they are never off duty. when he approached the vehicle they shot and killed him. you can't describe the pain. >> from the state of new york eric kiea. >> he died of cancer. related to 9/11. he always wanted to be a police officer. my son always wanted to be a police officer. >> your dad is a hero. is that a good feeling? >> yes. [taps]
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>> the lighting of these candles officially formally, can you put 282 new names onto the national law enforcement memorial and the total to 24067 who gave their lines in the line of duty serving you and me and everyone around this country. let's hope one day we can have this great ceremony honoring these men and women in blue without adding new names to that memorial wall. >> brian: those police officers have taken over washington, d.c. it's never been so secure as it is right now. and did i get a sense through all the sadness and all the sacrifice that things are beginning to change. they weren't willing to say we have turned the corner. in my view the thing that would help recruitment and everything else for politicians to get behind them. people that-to-pay for their crimes. if they make arrest they don't have to worry if somebody caught them on iphone they might assume is wrong that they don't lose their livelihood and their
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freedom while making money that barely makes ends meet. if you are going to sacrifice and give back to your community. you don't want to be held responsible because someone might proclaim that you are doing things that they don't like in enforcing the law. it was a pretty special day and i think it's only going to get more special through the years because i think more and more officers love being around each other. >> steve: i know that today at noon or 12:10 i think at saint patrick's catholic church in downtown d.c. they will have the blue mass. they have had that now for 30 years. brian, you were talking about all the names that are engraved on the wall. because they add them each year, they are put on the wall in random order. so to find a loved one's name at the entrance, each of the four entrances, they have got a directory. so that's why, you know, tens of thousands of people are there and they are looking for their friend's names or family members' names and that's how they find them.
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>> ainsley: what struck me, too, is interviewing the dad who lost his son. his son wasn't even on duty. he said obviously they are always on duty. but you know, what are you robbing? you are stealing a tv. stealing a little bit of money, is it worth taking someone's life? that man's life will never be the same. he lost his son. >> lawrence: you learn, brian, with this profession there is nothing routine about it. stops are some of the most dangerous domestic violence calls. are the most dangerous for law enforcement. every single stop, they can consider that may be their last stop. and that's why, you know, tunnel 2 towers and all the organization raise money for these families because they never know if they are going to return home. >> brian: i would bring up this, too. you had 58 killed already. 282 going on the wall. he goes think about how many attempted deaths. there is 378 that have been shot already this year. so they are trying to kill officers. they have been successful from their point of view 58 times.
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i will just bring up one other story i think is important. bill alexander is the coo of the organization, he spent 26 years. the gentleman with the glasses on in law enforcement he goes on vacation with his wife leaving his 15-year-old and daughter behind along with his mother-in-law and he gets a call while in a foreign country that his 15-year-old passed away. he has got to get home. he can't get home. is he trying to go with the language barrier and trying to get on a plane. while that happens, police officers who has never even know descend on his house. his daughters are afraid to turn the lights out. so the officer stays in the house until she feels better. they are serving the family. they are taking care of everything until the parents come home. bill alexander is able to come home and preside one of the saddest moments that anyone could ever persons. who are these officers in they came from other districts. what other profession has this type of unit helping people they never met before but they have the commonality of trying to
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protect their communities and their country? >> steve: and their families, they are all part of their families. >> ainsley: this is why every time we see a police officer my daughter says thank you for your service. >> steve: that's right. >> lawrence: great work, brian. >> steve: so brian is down by capitol hill at the other end of pennsylvania at the white house, president biden is set to give a speech on the economy and talk about tariffs as well. >> lawrence: this as new polls show him trailing trump in five of the six key swing states. >> ainsley: jacqui heinrich is live at the white house. jacqui? >> good morning to you guys. if you are like president biden and you don't believe the polls, then maybe this news won't bother you. it's a tough one to swallow. if you are not like president biden. because the new york survey along with the enquirer biden is behind trump in five of six swing states all of which biden won in 2020. this is among registered voters. so, trump is leading michigan, arizona, nevada, georgia, and pennsylvania. biden is only ahead in
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wisconsin. and among likely voters, the race was closer, biden weekend out ahead of trump and michigan, he was closer behind in wisconsin and pennsylvania, the results were similar with third party candidates in the race. the big driver here is sliding support for biden among black and hispanic voters. largely because of the economy and inflation. in 2020, biden won about 91% of the black vote, according to fox voter analysis. in 2024, that's down to 63% in this survey. among hispanics, biden's lead is only about 3 points. >> look at the michigan survey, for 65% of the american people think they are in good shape economically. they think the nation is not in good shape but they are personally in good shape. the polling data has been wrong all along. >> one big cause of biden's sagging numbers is his handling of the israel-hamas war. about 13% of voters who supported the president four years ago say they don't plan to
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vote for him again calling foreign policy or the gaza strip their top issue. and that might come as a surprise to people in the president's orbit who reportedly discouraged him from responding to all of these campus protests when they bubbled up a couple weeks ago because according to their belief, it wasn't going to become a big issue in the election, guys. >> steve: jacqui, his numbers are terrible. the people at the white house are now starting to take issue with, you know, the advice oh, let's just keep on going on the way we have been doing it. anybody going to get fired over this? no indication of that yet. in my experience this is not a white house that tends to fire anyone. i can't off the top of my head think of a single person who has been working for the devil rays for any amount of time that departed, you know, against their will. so, i doubt it. >> ainsley: a lot of people quit, kamala harris, remember?
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>> steve: yeah. she has had some trouble with her staff. jacqui, thank you very much. also the president is going to talk a little bit about tariffs. he is going to raise tariffs on chinese imports for electric vehicles and chips and cars. and, in fact, is he going to keep $300 billion worth of chinese tariffs that donald trump instituted when he was president. >> brian: yeah, i blown. >> ainsley: go ahead, brian. >> brian: i was going to say the vice president of the united states one goal the president is going to speak about the economy. the vice president of the united states doesn't do the border. really doesn't handle the root causes of the border. but she is now really proud to be handling abortion to the point where she is actually glorifying it. used to be well women have a right to choose. now this is going to be the greatest thing ever, an abortion is going to be so great. i can't wait to talk about a woman's body and say things like reportedly make men uncomfortable, now she has gone over the top in my view, ainsley. she is starting to act like one of the guys. and maybe drop the f bomb.
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what are your thoughts? >> ainsley: yeah. she did that yesterday. she was speaking at this summit emphasizing the importance of asian americans, native hawaiians and pacific islanders. she was talking about how they should breakthrough barriers and dropped the f bomb. listen. >> this is part of what's involved is that we have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. sometimes they won't. and then you need to kick that [bleep] door down. [laughter] [cheers] ha ha ha ha ha, excuse my language. [laughter] >> lawrence: the problem is, if this was some sort of authentic moment, you know, the former president curses all the time. but as a part of the brand, that's who he is. it looked like she was trying to manufacture something to get the crowd going. and it's just not how she has carried herself in the past. and i think it all goes back to
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the democrats being concerned about rallying young voters. rallying minority voters, trying to be someone that is relatable on the street. and when you look at this new siena poll, this is black voters increasing their support amongst trump. republicans don't break 10% normally. donald trump is now at 23% vs. biden's 63%. donald trump was at 8% and biden was at 91% if this trend goes the way it thinks it will go the election is over. >> ainsley: what are you hearing in the black community? >> lawrence: i think the number one thing is many people voted for joe biden because of normalcy in the white house. not because he was better on the economy or anything like that. well, of course, the white house hasn't been in chaos besides the chaos and all that nonsense. he brought chaos to the american people. so when you have got black voters, especially the men
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themselves, that are providing for their family look i can't take care of them because of inflation. crime is going up in our neighborhood, you are preservation to give benefits to the illegals versus our economy where we are struggling. large portion only 23%. guys, this is not a sprint, it's a marathon. so, it's the slight increments. >> ainsley: a fourth -- basically a fourth of the vote. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. >> steve: when you look at poor americans and the joe biden bidenomics and the economy right now, high interest rates which are across the board are hitting poorer americans in a more profound way. so, you know, maybe -- maybe you are right, lawrence. maybe yesterday when kamala harris dropped the f bomb. maybe that was a calculation. because remember, the host of the event afterwards goes oh, we should print up some t-shirts with that on it. if you remember in the east room when the president of the united states and barack obama signed the affordable care act, joe
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biden famously said that's a big f'ing deal and do you know what? >> ainsley: t-shirts. >> steve: they printed t-shirts for as well, brian. >> brian: that does seem like extemporaneous moment he didn't know he was going to be miked on that. her laugh afterwards gave away the sincerity. i'm reading charlamagne tha god's shirt. i'm going to interview him from the breakfast club. he said senator kamala harris that he knew is not the one that's in office. that's part of the reason and he is one of the most influential black personalities out there. i'm not making a commitment this time. she has been the biggest letdown. joe biden was supposed to give four years and she was supposed to be the heir apparent. nobody thinks that she is ready therefore joe has got to run or get out. and he didn't want to get out. that's where we are at. once again, the democrats are going to tap into celebrities to save them. george clooney, julia roberts, former president obama, president clinton coming together west coast swing get
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celebrities to get momentum. i don't know how many celebrities are in president trump's crowd of 100,000 on saturday night. none. no other celebrity on the stage. there was no band to warm up. i don't think celebrities sell. is he raise money but he can't really put money in people's fox so far. i want to hear his economic message. it's got to be dramatically different. celebrities aren't going to sell. in fact, i think a lot of people are turned off by it. >> ainsley: they are they are not relatable. good for them. but they have millions and millions and millions of dollars in the bank. the average american can't afford the groceries that they want. they are buying the store brand. >> lawrence: the president and vice president boxed themselves in the last campaign when they said had you are not black if you don't vote for me. well, they voted for you. and then they got chaos within their lives. and so now i don't think so you get a do-over on that when they know during the trump economy things were going well. i mean, everyone that we talked to on the street, even if they don't like donald trump, they say things are just better for
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us. i think that's what this election is going to come down to. >> steve: it's not like they are going to go out and vote for somebody else. they may not go out and vote at all. stay on the couch. >> ainsley: let's move on to this. it's a fox news alert. in just over two hours from now. michael cohen is expected to be back on the stand in the former president trump's new york criminal trial. >> lawrence: eric shawn is live outside the new york stated supreme court. hey, eric. >> good morning, lawrence and guys. just do it. that's what my michael cohen says donald trump told him to pay off stormy daniels to protect his 2016 presidential election. cohen, the former so-called fixer and used to be lawyer to the president back on the stand after implicating trump in the pay off scheme to silence stormy so her story would not hurt the president's bid for the white house. on the stand cohen said trump told him, quote: this is a disaster, a total disaster. women are going to hate me. this is going to be a disaster for the campaign. he said trump told him to work
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out the deal with trump organization cfo allen weisselberg. is he now serving time in jail for committing perjury. it was weisselberg who sketched out the numbers for cohen's reimbursement. he said that he laid out for stormy daniels. he said it was trump who came up with the idea to stretch out those payments over a year. $35,000 for each check labeled as a legal expense. the false business documents that the prosecutors say are at the heart of this case. cohen said trump told him, quote. just pay it, there is no reason to keep this out there. just do it. when cohen did pay stormy. he said trump told him, quote. good, good. don't worry. you will get the money back. after court, the former president had a lot to say about this case. and he slammed it as he always has. they are not unlawful and as a federal campaign contribution, there is absolutely no problem. there's no problem here.
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you know the fec wrote this off. fec. the elections commission. federal election commissions. they looked at this years ago and they took a pass. they said there's no problem here. >> eric: well, the former president has had allies attend the trial. today i'm told former presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy will be here attending the trial. probably have a news conference right after that. he sent us a statement just a few moments ago. mr. ramaswamy saying the sham trial is a politically motivated assault. he said it's an insult to american democracy. ramaswamy says a no one has an idea what the alleged crime is here. we will hear a lot more from vivek ramaswamy later today. back to you. >> steve: thank you, eric, very much. former white house press secretary to joe biden jen psaki forced to edit her book are a saying biden's infamous watch check didn't happen. but this gold star dad won't let jen psaki rewrite history.
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>> stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch over and over again. all i wanted to do was shout out it's 2 [bleep] 30.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now.
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overnight at least one dead and that threat continues here this morning. these are your storm reports across the gulf coast. several of them tornadoes, strong line winds with all of these storms as well. the tornado watch has now been issued and continues now including areas like jacksonville up towards valdosta. this is 1 p.m. eastern time. we expect that to continue here. we have one severe thunderstorm currently on the move. this is across portions of southern georgia north of valdosta. this story will this tornado threat that ultimately does settle farther to the south include major cities like jacksonville, orlando and tampa. this is going to be the story we are watching here throughout the rest of the day. those are your weather headlines here for now though tossing it over to you, brian. >> brian: all right, adam, thank you so much. wild scene caught on camera. hundreds of teens involved in a huge brawl. it happened at minnesota carnal over the weekend. left one police officer hurt. no word yet on any arrests.
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but, the mall and the carnival were both forced to close obviously. the police department says the injured officer suffered a concussion but is expected to be okay. recall quote delusional while committing commencement address over the weekend. >> nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his catholic faith but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally. >> brian: butker is making a difference and a reference to this incident last month in florida. you saw that he made the sign of the cross during a rally against abortion restrictions. sparking criticism from some christian groups and certain kicker in kansas city. meanwhile, let's go over to ainsley. ainsley, take it away. >> ainsley: i understand why. thank you, brian. former white house press secretary jen psaki falsely claiming in her new book that the image that you see right there, biden checking his watch
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during the dignified transfer of 13 american service members never happened. psaki now seemingly walking it back telling axios the exact number of times he looked at his watch will be removed in future reprints of the ebook. the gold star father of lance corporal jared schmitz witnessed it all firsthand. he was there. and he joins us now. mr. schmitd, thank you for being with us. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: what was your reaction when you heard this? >> well, i couldn't believe this -- her book just came out right before mother's day. and the wounds have reopened get again from talking puppet that has no clue what she was talking about. we were 25 yards away and sat there and watched in horror and disgust as he looked at hills watch at least the fourth degree caskets that came off that plane. i couldn't look at him after that so i don't know if he looked at his watch again after the first four. but, that was his -- that was
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his m.o. watch the casket go by, check my watch. over and over and over again. >> ainsley: you said jen psaki wasn't even there you were, you saw it all. >> all of the families were there. and those that were on the tarmac. there were a couple of families that wanted him part of the transfer. looking back i wish i was one of them. i was there with 11 of the other families. >> ainsley: are you satisfied that she is now admitting this and going to change it for the reprints of her book? >> not at all. in fact, i want msnbc, nbc, and simon & schuster to force her to resign from her position. i think this whole book was nothing but a politically motivated financial gain move on her parts. and at the cost and expense of our kids. and it's unforgivable. so, i plan on speaking to an attorney about taking this to the next level.
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i'm absolutely done with this woman. >> ainsley: yeah. how are you and your family doing? your son was lance corporal jared schmitz. >> we are doing well. my daughters are probably taking it the toughest. we are having to put them into counseling. grief counseling so that they can learn to adjust to life without their brother. and you have your good days. you have your bad days. but we have started a nonprofit to help our son to help veterans in honor of our son and those that have have made the ultimate sacrifice. that's helping me. that's my therapy. >> ainsley: that's called the freedom 13. as in one 1-3, it's on the bottom of your if you want to telltale us about jared. what was he like. >> jared was a very dynamic young man like many marines i have heard about looked out for the little guy, the guy that couldn't take care of himself
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and jared would step up and be that barrier and help them. he was a caring young man and would have made a heck of a father. unfortunately he will never have the opportunity to get married and have kids of his own. >> ainsley: i'm watching all these protests around the country watch burn the american flag. hear your story you are without your son he fought for our country. god bless you, mr. schmitz, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. trump's new york trial starts today as we expect the trump team to begin cross-examination of michael cohen. louisiana senator and former attorney john kennedy is live. ♪ we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. we're talking about... we're not talking about practice?
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♪ >> so let's start with joey jackson reading as michael cohen
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and mercedes collin as prosecutor susan houghing jerry this exchange is about the payment itself. take it away. >> did you speak to mr. trump? >> i did. >> can you tell us, first of all, why did you speak to mr. trump about it. >> because it was a matter that effected him and because that was what i always did, which was to keep him abreast of everything. >> steve: okay. cnn taking heat over that reenactment of michael cohen's testimony yesterday as donald trump's ex-lawyer is heading back to court this morning for another day on the stand okay have cross-examination a little later on. joining us right now senate judiciary committee member and former attorney himself senator john kennedy. senator, good morning to you. what did you make of what they are doing on some of the other channels where they recreate what was going on inside the courtroom? >> well, first, steve, where is kilmeade today? >> steve: is he in washington. you guys have switched places. >> lawrence and i were speculating that he is really out getting hair plugs.
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but i don't want to start a rumor. >> steve: joe biden is the only personal that i know of that actually has hair plugs. >> let me answer your question. here is my impression. i don't know mr. cohen. i have followed him. i suspect he doesn't get invited to too many parties. he reminds me a lot of michael avenatti, sort of a grifter type. i'm not saying mr. cohen has never done the right thing, but if he did, it was because he was probably constantly supervised and cornered like a rat. >> "new york times" poll showed that yesterday five of the six battleground states donald trump is actually leading today. if the election were held today. >> that's what this trial is all about. >> steve: here's the question. do you think donald trump will be able to get a fair and
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impartial trial if plurelts, 49 percent said no. >> this trial says more about our politics than it does about the alleged crime. mr. bragg -- i don't know him either. my observation is if you want to hide something from him, you put it in a law book he is bringing a felony criminal trial but he hasn't proved a felony. here's why. i think most fair minded americans look at president biden and they say well, he's old his vice president is weak. his policies suck. his family has corruption problems and he is losing the election. so, he has decided to throw deep as the vice president might say kick down the f'ing door. and prosecute his opponent. >> steve: you told me during the
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commercial time-out, you think kamala harris using the f bomb yesterday, that was a calculation, it was focus-tested and they decided this is how she is going to break out. >> well, at this point in the election, having been through a few myself, everything that the president and vice president do is to try to appeal to their base. because that's their soft under belly. but, here's the thing most americans look at this and go no other human being on the face of god's green earth would be charged with this other than donald trump, so why is he being charged political reasons? it establishes a horrible precedent. this is the sort of thing that happens in countries whose power ball jackpot is 287 chickens and a goat. we don't do that in america. and this has established a
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horrible precedent. this may be the first purely political trial but it will not be the last, i regret to say. >> steve: you know, you remember the summer of 2020 this was a lot of unrest in the united states. a lot of localities decided to adopt soft on crime policies this guy right hire senator right here written anarticle on. >> thank you. >> steve: you talk about how it's gotten so bad in a number of places including the state of oregon. we got a graphic for you. before soft on crime there were 610 overdoses when it documents hard drugs. and then in 2022, look at that. 127% increase, because they were trying to make it easier and decriminalize hard drugs. now they realized that was stupid and they are trying to put the genie back in the bottle. >> what you allow is what will
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continue. and i don't know why this is but there is some people in this world they are not sick or mixed up or confused. they just hurt other people and take other people's stuff. and they have to be separated from society. some of them are on drugs. you want to try to help them with their addiction. but, when you just say well, we're going to give them a hug and some hot cocoa, they go on to commit other crimes. and that's what oregon is seeing and san francisco and illinois. >> steve: and you are sponsoring a bill. >> i have a bill. right now we punish fentanyl dealers less severely than we do dealers of meth. it's unconscionable. and my bill would change that but i can't get my democratic colleagues to support me. >> steve: all right. senator kennedy thank you very much for joining us live. i think you and brian may cross trails going back probably in
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wilmington. >> i don't need a hair plug. >> steve: stop it. what's the matter with you. thank you, senator. coming up it's a dog eat dog world janice dean live from the westminster dog show tonight's best in show competition. ♪ ♪ but with stearns & foster®
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> steve: it is time for your shot of the morning. we want to wish a happy birthday to trudy morris. trudy was born and raised in elizabeth, new jersey, just across the river from where we are sitting and has been married for 5 # years. >> ainsley: she is 100 today. trudy is a mother to four children. grandmother to 8. and has two great grandchildren happy birthday, trudy. we are so glad you were born. >> i mean, what does it feel like to be 100? she looks good. >> she looks great. and i bet you she is watching. good morning, trudy. >> happy birthday.
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it is the 148th westminster dog show and nearly 2500 dogs are inared, 200 different breeds looking to take home the title of best dog in show. >> ainsley: janice is live at the show and joined by westminster president don sturtz and larry, the owner breeder and handler of bedlington terriers for a long time. and there she is holding lola. hey, janice. >> janice: there's localla. we are going to talk to lola and lori in a moment. don, you are a busy guy. tell us about last night. >> last night was amazing. we had our first four groups. we had the toy group, the hound group, the nonsporting group and herding group. for tennis reference, because we are out of billie jean tennis center it's like the semi-finals and federer and djokovic coming into the finals all right tonight. already very exciting.
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>> janice: it's your second year as president. how has it been going. you started off as handler showing dogs. >> it's funny i ran in a little boy coming in it's his first westminster i said how old are you he said i'm 10 years old. i said i was 10 years old my rest minister. i said some day you could be the president of westminster. >> janice: tell us what is happening tonight. >> tonight we have got our sporting group, our working group and terror group which is lola's group, right? >> yes. >> then finale best in show america's dog. that's what we are all waiting to see. >> janice: you were judged a couple years ago. how was that? >> that was the pinnacle of the judging career and start of our friendship. >> janice: i felt like that brought us together. >> that was an amazing moment. when did i that, i think i even said to you i don't know what i'm going to do next and then here we are. >> janice: you got to go and announce the national anthem. did you go do that i love you so much. >> love you, too.
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>> janice: best in show. all right, so here is lori. lori is the breeder of lola. you are also a handler and you show the dogs and you a groomer. you do it all. >> yes, i do. >> janice: how is lola looking today. >> she is looking fabulous today. she could walk in the ring and win a prize. >> janice: nuke is going to be on this wing at 10:00. >> is he back in the grooming tank getting ready. >> janice: i'm biased for the bedlington terriers we are hoping for a best in show. lola can do tricks which i think i will put on social media because i don't have enough time to do it. look how beautiful she is. i'm totally biased for this breed. and she definitely could be a showgirl. that's why we call her lola. back inside, steve, ainsley, brian, l.j., woo! >> steve: that's great. make sure you watcher best in show tonight, the conch starts at 7:00 eastern on fox sports 1. all right. ainsley? >> ainsley: a big final hour of "fox & friends." look at that senator tom cotton and judge jeanine. >> lawrence: the judge is here.
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done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. before apoquel chewable for allergic itch, giving dogs pills was a battle of wits. oh maria, i'm wise to your foolish game. is it gone? totally gone. itch relief just got easier! apoquel, the trusted #1 treatment for allergic itch is now available in a tasty chewable that works in a day. do not use in dogs with serious infections. may cause worsening of existing parasitic skin infestations or preexisting cancers and serious infections. new neoplasias have been observed. do not use in dogs less than 12 months old. ask your vet for apoquel chewable. do it!
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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east


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