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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 14, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> dana: it's round two in lower manhattan. the prosecution's star witness
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is back on stand this morning. the jury hearing directly from the attorney and fixer for donald trump right now as we speak. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," these hours go by fast. >> bill: reading e. mails as fast as we can. he shut down the story of daniels before the election. the former president striking back hard before he went into court as the whole process unfolds for what is what, day 17? here he is last hour. check it out. >> the gag order has to come off. when you ask me a question about the people that we are talking about, i'm not allowed to answer. there has never been anything like this in the history of our country. it is a scam. it is election interference at a level that's never taken place before.
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>> bill: let's get the latest. eric shawn is at the courthouse now. where are we? >> hello, michael cohen on the stand right now and he is bringing the jury to the white house. bringing them into a meeting in the oval office that he says he had with president trump newly elected president one month into office sitting down with the new president of the united states in that historic room talking about the hush money payments to stormy daniels. mr. cohen saying they discussed this deal together and you have to think about it. you have the resolute desk, such an historic room where president richard nixon announced his resignation to the nation, kennedy the cuban missile crisis and cohen is saying he was talking about paying off a porn star with the president. that agreement at that meeting is where mr. trump agreed to reimburse him for shelling out those payments from his home
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equity line of payments, $130,000 that he funded to stormy daniels for her agreeing to be silent during the campaign. here is part of what he just said a few moments ago. cohen said trump quoted asked me if i was okay. asked me if i needed money. and he said that the president told him to, quote, deal with allen. that means continue to arrange with allen weisselberg, the trump organization chief financial officer arranging getting the reimbursement for the money he paid off to stormy daniels. the president told him he would get paid right away for two payments that he already gave out, two payments, $35,000 each. a check for $70,000. he under direct examination by the prosecutor now just saying the invoices were not true. that's calling them legal expenses was false. that these were and the
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president knew that these were repayments to reimburse him for paying stormy daniels. that's the basis of part of the 34 counts of filing false business records that d.a. alvin bragg has brought against the former president. as for the rest of the day, yes, donald trump is the criminal defendant here. you will see michael cohen on trial. when it comes time for cross examination this afternoon you can bet todd blanch will rip into cohen, his lying in the past. lied under oath in the past and going to ask the jury if he lied under oath in the past, what's the fact that he is not -- how do you know he is not lying right now about my client? that's what's going on right now in court. some testimony confirming from michael cohen's view about what prosecutors say happened, the payoffs to stormy daniels. >> they are arguing over what services rendered means versus
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retainer and back and forth. a he said/he said. >> dana: we want to bring in rnc chair michael whatley to see what he says. i want to talk about what president trump initially started the day with, which was not about this particular trial but about the trials and tribulations of the auto industry in america and what biden is trying to do with the electric vehicle rule. call for four where he specific ily talks about michigan. >> in michigan they are doing poorly. jobs are starting to leave. we're losing. the electric vehicle -- they will all be made in china and also in mexico, owned by china. >> dana: he is unable to be in michigan delivering that message. he is doing it here and probably getting picked up there. what can you tell us about "the new york times" polling that we're seeing where president trump is doing very well but michigan is close. >> michigan is going to be a battleground state. we know we'll have seven, eight,
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ten, battleground states around the country and michigan is won of them. we won in 2016, didn't in 2020. it is on the map. i was up there last week meeting with the michigan g.o.p. to talk about what we're doing in state to get there. that economy rides on the auto industry and joe biden has attacked that industry since day one. there is no question about it. he wants to make sure that we're going away from the internal combustion engines we build and manufacture. those workers are the blue collar workers that drive the american economy and donald trump is going to wake up every day and fight for them. the thing that is remarkable to me is that here we are in new york in the midst of this trial and he can go out there and have a conversation about michigan and generate a press cycle and talk about it. he can talk directly to the voters through those press conferences over at the courthouse or he can walk around the corner to a bodega or construction site in new york or go to new jersey and have a rally with 100,000 people.
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he is continuing to be able to drive his message and talk to the american voters. >> bill: we talked about "the new york times" poll continues to dribble into the coverage today. put up on the screen and show viewers what they found. five of six are favored for donald trump. here is what i found interesting from the article itself. nearly 70% of american fiftyers say the country's political and economic systems need major changes or even to be torn down entirely. what does that tell you? that sounds like a drain the swamp quote. >> it is absolutely a drain the swamp quote. you think where we are right now that people are watching joe biden and the democrat control and we are not better off in any way than we were four years ago. think about the international stage with iran openly attacking israel. with russia in ukraine. the world is on fire. think about the southern border, 10 million illegal immigrants have come across that border
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that we know of, right? we don't know where they are, what they're doing. any of the information that we have on them. but we do know that there are threats, the homeland security department is even saying we face threats here in america that could be similar to 9/11 from it. the economy is on fire. inflation is out of control. so yeah, where are the american people turning right now? they are turning to donald trump and the republicans. >> dana: mike johnson is here in new york. >> i think everybody in the country can see that for what it is. i'm an attorney, a former litigator myself and i am disgusted by what is happening here. what is being done here to our entire system of justice overall. the people are losing faith right now in this country, in our institutions. they are losing faith in our system of justice. the reason for that is because they see it being abused as it is being done here in new york. the facts here are very important. facts are always important in a trial or at least they are
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supposed to be. the president's actions in this matter were previously reviewed and no charges were filed. why is that? because there is no crime here. now eight years later, suddenly they have resurrected this thing and brought it back. why is that? apply common sense. everyone can see it's obvious that we are now six months out from an election day and that's the reason. that is the reason why they brought these charges, here and across the country. what we've got here is a partisan democrat district attorney, we have a biden donor judge and we have an assistant d.a. he was recently a top official at the department of justice and recently received over $10,000 in payments from the democratic national committee. the star witness here is michael cohen. i just listened to a few moments of his testimony this morning and it is consistent with what
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he has already done. this is a man who is clearly on a mission for personal revenge. and who is widely known as a witness who has trouble with the truth. he is someone who has a history of perjury and is well-known for it. no one should believe a word he says today. he lied to congress, he lied to the i.r.s., he lied to federal election officials, even his own lawyer testified to a grand jury he is not reliable. there is nothing that he presents here that should be given any weight at all by a jury and certain life not this judge. the crime they are accusing president trump of is falsification of business records. everybody knows he is not the bookkeeper for his company. president trump is innocent of these charges. and again anyone with common sense can understand what is happening here. in the midst of all this nonsense and corruption, they have placed a ridiculous and unprecedented gag order on president trump.
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they were overriding his constitutional right to protect himself from smears from his critics. he is soon to be officially the nominee of one of the major parties in our country running for president. they have him tied up here in this ridiculous prosecution that is not about justice, it is all about politics and everybody can see that. president trump is leading in swing state polling. the american people see through the politically motivated attacks. i have been many places in the last few months and no matter where we are around the country doing large events. people from all walks of life come to the events and they are concerned about this. they are disgusted about this. they are fed up. they have had enough. they see what is happening. it is impossible for anybody to deny that looks at this objectively the judicial in our country has been weaponized against president trump. the system is using all the tools at its disposal now to
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punish one president and provide cover for another. meanwhile, among the atrocities here the judge's own daughter is making millions of dollars doing on line fundraising for democrats. they are using this trial as a book. it is so corrupt and everybody knows it. if alvin bragg thinks the american people will believe these absurd charges look at the turnout at trump events. compare those to biden events, by the way, he had over 100,000 people in new jersey. some estimates far more than that because the lineup of people getting into the event was thousands deep as well. that shows you where they are. they know this trial is a sham. they know that president trump is being mistreated by the judicial system and it is not just this case, of course. this is a year-long, partisan witch hunt. years long. and it has been going on for quite some time. we're seeing the same thing in the classified documents case. that one is so egregious the
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trial has been indefinitely postponed. i'm working with chairman jordan and comer on measures to rein in the abuses of special counsel jack smith. the latest revelation is they manipulated documents and might have tampered with the evidence it seems. it doesn't surprise any of us. in congress we have oversight responsibility and it is our objective and our responsibility to hold him accountable. these are politically motivated trials and they are a disgrace. it is election interference. and they show how desperate the opposition that president trump has and how desperate they truly are. the american people are not going to let this stand. election day cannot get here soon enough. we'll continue to shine a light on all of this in congress because we have that constitutional responsibility. again, i came here again today on my own to support president trump because i am one of
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hundreds of millions of people, and one citizen deeply concerned about this. i'm glad to be here, thank you. [shouted questions] >> dana: that was speaker johnson up in new york and defending president trump and also drawing a broader picture that there are more important things going on in america that we have to pay attention to. he said americans will be able to see through the sham of this trial. he was inside. we still have michael whatley with us, chairman of the rnc. what about the team of republicans that is beginning to gel, it seems to me? >> there is no question right now that we're seeing the weaponization of justice and it is not just going after donald trump and all his allies and using it to win the election. as the speaker just said there are a lot of things going on here in america and around the world we truly need adults in charge and we need people who will be looking out for america and that's why this is so absolutely important.
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>> bill: two specific issues. absent this trial the michigan state republican party has had some issues. you were making the case pete hoekstra is getting things together. is that the case? the new state security makeup in wisconsin is more liberal than it was prior to that and looking at the issue of ballot boxes, absentee ballot boxes to be reinstated in the state of wisconsin. when the republicans ran the court they said we won't have it. it looks like that may move back toward the democrats' favor. what are you doing now as party chairman to make sure that republican voters across america who want to participate in this election know and understand all of their voting options, which includes early, absentee and ballot boxes if legal. >> could not agree more that's really important. when we talk about michigan, pete hoekstra, fantastic. had a great meeting with him. understands what we need to put
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together in michigan and working with him now. the president's campaign is building out michigan and we feel very comfortable where we'll be at that point. when we talk about the ballot boxes in wisconsin, we don't want ballot boxes there. we don't want ballot boxes anywhere. what we're doing is two things. number one, before we start voting we want make sure we have all the rules the right way. we want to set them up so we have only american citizens voting. states will actually clean up voter rolls and have protections on mail-in balloting. we don't like the drop boxes. we need to understand what the rules are and we need to explain them out there. we built a website and campaign to build your vote at the rnc and what we're going to do is make sure that when you bank your vote, that is the program we've got, bank your is the website go and figure out do you want to vote early or by mail or on election day? here is how you do it. president trump has been very clear over the last little bit.
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he has done videos and said early voting is great. mail-in voting is great. election day voting is great. stick to the plan and deliver the vote and we make it easy now for everybody to get that information. we want to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. >> bill: appreciate you coming back today. michael whatley here. the new man in town for the rnc. reading through notes right now they areing over the whole idea about retainer agreement. whether or not there was one set up and all the invoices that were paid to michael cohen apparently say retainer and cohen is saying that was false. so we'll add that to the list yet again as we sneak in a commercial break right now. 10:16 in new york.
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>> bill: 10:22. we mentioned this a moment ago. they are going through the invoices for the repayment for cohen that turned out to be not $130,000, but actually $420,000. how do you arrive at that? well, they paid him what amounted to $360,000 because allen weisselberg said we'll gross it up so you don't get hit on the tax bill. cohen had a charge for tech services still outstanding. so they repaid him that as well, $50,000. and then there was a bonus at the end of 2016. cohen said all the trump employees would go to mar-a-lago and hand out envelopes with a bonus for all the employees. cohen got his bonus but he testified that it was 2/three less of what he expected. and so therefore there is an additional bonus on this of
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$60,000 which came to $420,000 and that's where you get the payments of $35,000 over 12 months on and on and on. back with andy mccarthy and jonna spilbor and jonathan turley. what they are going over right now, andy. he did not have a retainer, apparently. so every invoice cohen is asked about he is saying it was a false invoice. how much does this matter right now when you add up the adjustments from yesterday where he said the application for the llc was incorrect on at least two different occasions? >> yeah, the invoices are -- >> bill: go ahead, andy. >> the invoices are bragg's best evidence of falsity. there is 34 different counts. they all relate to either a check, an invoice or book entry.
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all of the checks say to michael cohen and an amount of money. they don't say what it is for. it is true he did get the amount of money on the check. the book entries say legal expenses and a good argument there. bragg is trying to make his case that these documents are false is on the invoices and the fact that they refer to a retainer agreement. and what i find peculiar about this, as i understood the testimony yesterday, it was agreed among trump and cohen, maybe others were present as well like weisselberg, that cohen would be allowed in 2017 to hold himself out as trump's private lawyer, which cohen wanted to do because he was trying to monetize the relationship with trump. if he was holding himself out at trump's private lawyer and he was available to do work if trump wanted and trump was paying him throughout the calendar year, i think the
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defense has a fairly good argument that retainer doesn't have to be in writing. it should be but it doesn't have to be. they had this guy who was publicly holding himself out as trump's lawyer, who they were paying every month and who presumably would have dropped everything to work for trump if trump had given him work to do. to me that's a retainer agreement. >> dana: all right. jonna, and jonathan, both of you still here and we just got tore to read here. kerri you're -- urbahn. cohen says each invoice was false not for services rendered. the prosecution is still going to have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt knew the ins and outs what weisselberg and cohen worked out. the reason they worked out this plan is because trump had
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attempt to defraud. but defraud her? we have this information just in from court. jonna. >> first, michael cohen did not get to define what a legal expense is. that is the jury's job. he is not a learned treatise or dictionary. that is the first and foremost question that the jury is going to be tasked with answering when they receive the jury instructions. if they believe what donald trump paid to his disgraced former lawyer was a legal expense, we don't get to step two. we don't get to figure out what the mystery underlying predicate crime was because it will be game over there. number two, i'm a lawyer. i know what a retainer is. you pay a retainer to secure the availability of your lawyer for prospective services and repay them for the services and expenses rendered. so if michael cohen took out --
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lied to his wife to take out a home equity loan to pay the nda that was legal and gets reimbursed by his client, that is a legal expense. that can be classified as a retainer and he doesn't get to be the one to define it for this jury. >> bill: okay. i want to get to turley also. as i do i want to read something crossing now. the hits keep coming. the new york appeals court rejects trump's appeal over the gag orders imposed in this criminal trial. so he lost on that one as well. on the retainer issue, how significant, sir? >> well, i agree with everything that has been said. what i think is most striking about this is it goes to what i said earlier, that much of this evidence shows cohen telling trump this is how we are going to do this. this is what i created. this is how the payments will work. and trump is saying things like good, good. it is a client following the advice of an attorney.
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what is fascinating about the retainer material is that the ambiguity in the relationship is the result of cohen that is most competent attorneys would have this in writing. most attorneys according to bar rules, you are supposed to have complete clarity with your client as to what the relationships is. he didn't do that. he wasn't a very good lawyer and why he is disbarred. you have a client writing checks under a representation arraignment by cohen for agreements and payments set by cohen and somehow at the end of the day cohen believes trump should go to jail for that. the other thing i note is the date. we are talking 2017, meetings in the white house. it is part of the case that they are suggesting that trump was trying to rig or steal an election that had already run.
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when this was happening and book entries were being made he was already present or some of these checks were cut. so all of this goes to the weirdness of the theory. it doesn't hold together factually any better than legally. >> bill: cohen held the title of person attorney all of 2018 and continued the try to protect trump and lie for him, quote, out of loyalty and in order to protect him, end quote. that on the stand a moment ago. >> dana: gee thanks is i think what i would say to that. we'll be right back with more in just a moment. otel for any traveler you want to be... like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm... i...added... the garnish. book direct at life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do.
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didn't turn out so well. >> you know, i think michael cohen is the exact opposite of loyal. i think that everything that michael cohen did and everything that he is doing now is really a result of his hatred for donald trump. so there is so much -- there is only so much leeway he has now to be able to implicate donald trump and get donald trump to be indicted and go to jail for what he told him to do. so, you know, you have this guy who is -- i think he is convicted of nine felonies. all having to do with his credibility. when the judge charges the jury the jury will be told if you think he lied about upon thing you can disregard his testimony. it will come down to jury instructions in this whole trial. who makes the decision as to whether or not something is a legal reimbursement? or a legal expense? the truth is the judge is going to instruct the jury.
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we already know this judge is an anti-trump judge. i said earlier that in god we trust seal should say biden/harris campaign in his courtroom. so, you know, we can talk about all this. cohen is trying to get donald trump to go to jail for something that he set up. no one has put a finger on donald trump yet. no one has shown what donald trump's intent was. they don't have him touching any of this other than signing checks that we know, according to graff and wester haute that he would sign things. no way to show intent beyond a reasonable doubt to 12 people when nobody has put a finger on it. >> bill: this becomes an interesting issue. i want to take you back six years. cohen is now testifying that he was trump's personal attorney in 2018. put up on the screen here, go
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into 2018. let's start in may of that year if you can find that. bottom left-hand corner. no longer working for trump according to our records, all right, judge? then in august of 2018, cohen pleads guilty to eight criminal counts including unlawful campaign contribution for the daniels payment. in november he pleads guilty lying to congress. december sentenced to three years in prison and he served one year i do believe. so cohen is the personal attorney for donald trump and the feds are talking to him on the side? that's the connection i make there. what do you make? >> the feds do that quite a bit. they will interfere with the attorney/client relationship. they've done in some major cases. they'll say to the defense attorney we're going after you unless you give us information. we don't think you are qualified to represent based upon what we see as a conflict. i'm not surprised the feds did
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that. they do it quite often. >> dana: judge, since you've been down there and have a sense, what do you think the jury is thinking? >> i had a -- i was stunned when i saw the jury. i'm used to juries that look homogenous when they've been together for a few weeks. you see them look at each other, walking together and unanimity of some sort. nothing like that. this is a disjointed group of people who didn't seem connected in any way, shape or form or who didn't interact. as a judge and prosecutor for three decades trying cases, i just looked at this jury and i didn't know what to think. they were not the kind of jury that i would pick as a prosecutor. >> bill: let's get to the conclusion. a lot of women on this jury including the alternates, too. why would they not be the type of jurors that you would pick? >> it is not so much about the
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sex. there are some case -- gender. there are some cases you want women and some cases where you only want men. here it doesn't matter. but what you want to see is a group that is somehow communicating and connecting. none of that. i saw them go in and out, go in and out. nothing. >> dana: we saw that in the murdaugh trial. what you are talking about in terms of a jury being make a little eye contact but you are saying -- >> yeah, in the south carolina case. >> bill: maybe they're just doing their job. single file past trump, single file out and repeat. >> 30 years of doing this. clarify, i think in the end it will be hung. i think it will be very hard for there to be a unanimous jury. that's me guessing. i could be totally wrong. i haven't spoken to any of them. i didn't like the jury. >> bill: interesting. judge, thank you. >> dana: i know where i'll see you in about 6 1/2 hours.
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we'll be on "the five." thank you so much. >> bill: we have more emails and will get them to you right after this break. back in a moment. is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot! when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure.
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>> bill: here is the latest note from insight the court. there was a "wall street journal" report that talked about karen mcdougal and stormy
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daniels was included in that article. and cohen's side suspected that stormy daniels team had leaked the story after they did this whole deal and so that was the accusation that was leveled and they denied it, etc. now we're in january of 2018, folks. here is the note. cohen wanted another denial from stormy daniels because there were still persistent reporters looking into this. cohen confirms he pressured davidson, the guy the middleman for stormy daniels to have stormy sign a statement. he knew the statement was false because i helped him craft it, end quote. cohen says he knows stormy was paid hush money because i'm the one who paid it, end quote. all right. is that illegal? i asked joe concha and richard fowler who join the conversation now. gentlemen, welcome to the program. joe, what is your take on this thus far today? >> well, there seems to be two things happening on a macro
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level as once, bill and dana. they appear to be connected. as we talked about in the network yesterday, these polls coming out in swing states keep getting worse for president biden as wall-to-wall coverage of this trial continues. biden is now down by decided margins even double digits in states like north carolina, georgia, nevada, arizona. you see a poll out yesterday guys showing biden and trump in a dead heat in virginia. that state hasn't gone red in 20 years and trump down by a few points in new jersey attracting a record crowd in ge over the weekend and conditions on the ground. is inflation worse or better? getting worse. are wages capping up with inflation? no. is the economy slowing? and border and legal immigration numb we are one or two issue in the minds of voters? is the situation in ukraine improving in the war against russia? the answer is no. unless all these things change before election day and joe biden is getting better with age
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and not worse it comes down to michael cohen, the serial perjureer to save democrats from donald trump because law fare, let's face it. fani willis that case is dead and jack smith case postponed after election day. michael cohen having to take down donald trump given his history and testimony to this point. donald trump if the election were held today is your president. >> dana: richard fowler, i am getting a sense there are many democrats thinking let's get this over with because we need to get back to campaigning. "new york times" poll from the weekend not good for biden in many ways, including some stunning stats with black voters who prefer trump over biden in that poll. if that margin holds, the president doesn't have to win all of those voters but some of them. because biden is not campaigning very much and trump is in court and the poll numbers don't improve for biden, do democrats
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want to get this behind them? >> it's an interesting question. where i disagree with joe i don't think the electoral consequence is that stark. the first reason i think that is true. we have a lot of time on our hands between now and election day. a lot can happen including we can see inflation go down, we could potentially see a cease-fire in the israel/gaza conflict. we could see ukraine turn around. it could all turn in positive direction. not saying they all will. what is happening in the moment as the media as we continue to cover this trial, what's missing is all the other stories, to your point, that is happening across the political landscape. one particularly today we find out the biden administration is increasing tariffs on china to the tune of $18 billion. that's not a conversation we're having on the air because we are talking about this trial. not able to contrast the trump trade policy versus the biden trade policy which we normally would be doing on a day like today.
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we are talking about this case. i would argue a majority of the audience has made up their mind. we live in a polarized environment. if you vote for the president you think trump-is guilty. at the end of the day you talked about in the last segment all come down to the 12 individuals in the room making this determination. >> bill: just a comment here about you are talking about the tariffs on china. trump went right after that issue as he walked into court. he will probably get some play and the cameras aren't inside. i would say smart move at the moment from him. gentlemen, we're out of time and appreciate both of you coming on today and we'll talk again real soon. >> dana: our show continues right after this very quick break. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life.
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our panel. jonna, love to start with you as what you've heard so far and do you think cross examination begins today? >> well, let me tell you my final thoughts. yes, it will begin probably later this afternoon. my final thoughts are we have an unprecedented case against donald trump. that's only criminal because alvin bragg says so. legal expenses that aren't legal expenses because michael cohen said so. let's read between the lines of this fixer. he knew he was on his way out so he began concocting leverage against his former client. it is only a shame he was not disbarred sooner. if he were, we wouldn't be sitting here today listening to this sham of a trial and this injustice going on in front of our faces. >> bill: four minutes left. jonathan turley take a crack at that. >> well, you know, i was a critic of his when he was still representing trump and i suggested he should have lost his bar license back then. but what is really striking once again the most recent testimony
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is how he drafted a letter to the -- that he says is false. he gave that letter to his client and said sign it. and it is almost as if he thinks there should have been a second lawyer watching him and advising trump whether he can believe what he was saying. he was the lawyer drafting and creating this transactions. we're still significantly short of any showing of intent to defraud to hide a crime which has still not been defined by the prosecutors. >> dana: andy mccarthy. i imagine michael cohen has been somewhat comfortable talking to the prosecutors and they've been able to meet and plan ahead. he is about to face the defense attorneys this afternoon. how do you think his temper will hold? >> well, you know, his past performances are erratic. his temper gets raised at times.
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but he can be very calm, dana, and still commit perjury as he evidently did in his guilty plea allocution. as an old trial lawyer i'm wondering what the jury thinks about all this. i looked at some numbers this morning for 2022, the last year they have full statistics, there were 156,000 arrests in new york city. all those arrests resulted in 4,375 prison sentences. less than 3%. if i'm a juror from manhattan where you have increasing dangers on the streets and increasing danger in the subways you have to ask in the fourth week of this trial with all the resources bragg is throwing after his case to go after a political nemesis, what are we doing here? >> bill: i heard you say wow, jonna. if you go down to the courthouse the entire block is ringed with media and police officers
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everywhere on the outside, everyone on the inside. nobody moves unless you are given permission to do so. there are a lot of cops inside that courtroom to protect the former president of the united states. that is a stunning number, andy. less than 3% of the arrests were prosecuted? is that what you concluded. >> less than 3% prosecuted to the point of a prison sentence. a lot of cases, bill, remember, most crime does not get reported. and the reported crime only less than 30% of it is solved by the police. a lot of the solving is dismissing the cases. >> bill: you have to remember these jurors are going home to their neighborhoods and, you know, we live in new york. we all know how the neighborhood has changed since 2020. >> dana: no doubt about it. jonna, when you are looking at this, apparently right now they are showing there was a "wall
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street journal" article about an fec complaint about american media groups payoff of mcdougal. cohen told david pecker the matter will be taken care of and the person doing it was attorney general jeff sessions and cohen says it was post a conversation with trump. 30 seconds here to react to that. >> what relevance does that have to this case? this is more of the stuff that allen bragg's team is trying to bring in. let's streamline it. >> bill: cross examination may happen this afternoon. thank you, andy, jonathan and jonna for being on. >> dana: thank you for watching "america's newsroom." we love being with you. we're back tomorrow. harris faulkner takes you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: brand-new hour an


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