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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 14, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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issues like that. instead, we are, again, fighting for this liberal fantasy, evs, the chips. president biden has got to do better for our american farmers. >> sandra: it's i always say growing up in the midwest, we watch those corn prices like most people watch gas prices all over the country be a great matters it impacts so many families. senator, good to have you on the program fresh off your trip, thank you. >> thanks, sandra. >> sandra: by the way, the dow up 126 points today, the nasdaq a fresh record high, interesting day for the markets as we head into the middle of the week. great to be with you all. thank you so much for joining us. neil is back tomorrow and you can catch me weekdays on "american reports" 1:00 p.m. eastern time. and now, here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone.
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i'm dana perino manus jesse watters, harold ford jr., jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. did i say jesse watters? i am so sorry! it's judge jeanine pirro, of course, i'm so sorry, guys, it's been a long day. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ all right, team trump taking a jackhammer to mr. fix it as they begin their heated cross-examination of michael cohen, which the prosecution says it will be their final witness. trump lawyer todd blanche coming out guns blazing, grilling cohen about disparaging public comments between what has made about the case, including tiktok potion which he calls trump a dictator d-bag and even attacks on himself. blanche saying, "you went on tiktok and call me a crying little [bleep]," didn't you question to which cohen replied, "sounds like some thing i would say." blanche went on to paint a picture of michael cohen as a trump stalker.
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cohen saying, "at that time i was knee-deep into the cult of donald trump." but it all changed in 2018 when cohen was arrested and seemed to be bent on revenge. donald trump still can't react to the explosive testimony after the judge denied his latest request to overturn hush money trial gag order, but he offered up this. >> you have a constitutional problem with out inability to say anything about your own case. i am not allowed to talk about big portions of my case. and nothing like that has ever happened. they are allowed to talk. the other side. but i am not. many politicians were here today, many congressmen. >> dana: donald trump's gag but he is finding a voice in his avengers-style mine above surrogates. want to be vice president for candidates and speaker of the house mike johnson come all who have showed up to court with him. >> president trump is innocent of these charges, and again, anyone with common sense can
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understand what is happening here. limits to all this nonsense of corruption. it is actually a scam trial that is tying up the president for being out on the campaign trail. >> this trial is a joke. this thing is a farce. where is the crime? there is no crime. >> this is a politicized persecution. what exactly is the crime? that donald trump committed? oh, wait. we have not heard a good answer to that question. >> dana: meanwhile, the media is doing their best to rehab michael cohen's image, portraying him as humble and even doing a slam poetry style reading of court transcripts. >> if he can keep that demeanor on cross-examination, i think his credibility will be better off than people think. >> if he does not let these things get under his skin and respond in an angry manner, he will end up, in the end, winning the day. >> we don't see any of that bombast. he is calm, he is cool and
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collected. >> well, the jury so far have no reason to think anything negative about michael cohen. his demeanor has been flawless. >> he goes, how long do you think i will be on the market for? not long. >> what did you understand that to mean? >> he wasn't thinking about melania. this was all about the campaign. >> that was good. that was a good rendition. it is important to do this. >> dana: wow. judge jeanine come obviously not jesse watters, sorry about that. long day. the cross-examination is underway and i think that is what everyone is waiting for to see, how do you think the trump team did coming out with a strong right punch? >> judge jeanine: i think they did great, and i think they will continue to do great. i mean, there is no question, look, michael cohen is a liar come he is a perjurer, he has lied to the banks come he has lied to congress, he has lied to the irs, he has perjured himselr oath, violated campaign finance laws, he cheats on his taxes, i mean, first of all, why would
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you believe anything he says. then what he says he hates donald trump, and then they bring out all of the information on tiktok. he said something like trump belongs in a cage with an animal. and now the jury is starting to say, oh, you know, this guy who is so quiet on direct examination and had such a back and forth with the prosecutor, so respectful, now we are hearing this guy is really a dirtbag, he hates donald trump, and in the end, you know, i think they are going to see him for what he is. he is a lying huckster who is looking for his 15 minutes of fame. and i am stunned that he is the last witness for the prose prosecution. because that tells me, dana, they have no case. this judge has to give a directive verdict here because who falsified the business records with intent to commit another crime? what was the other crime? who approved the matter in which the business and check would be
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written and was that proven? who was the purpose and who did it? no evidence of that whatsoever. the prosecution wants this jury to infer that donald trump had the strings and was making everything happen, but no one, from stormy daniels to this michael cohen, can say that donald trump did anything with respect to his intent and falsifying business records. i am amazed this is the end of the case. >> dana: in some ways, i'm relieved it's the end of the case. i'm ready to move onto other things. it is remarkable to watch the media try to rehabilitate somebody as a hero that they despised for so long. >> greg: and it is a pleasure to see the news going one direction as the commentary flees to the opposite direction. and that's related because they need to keep their narrative alive or they are going to lose the election and they are going to lose the election big. this is their holy grail.
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cohen is a spurned lover, and he's going scorched earth, except that you just know, just like any scorched lover, if trump called and said come on over, he would in an instant. i have been through this with taylor swift. i had to double my security. i know how this goes. it's always the most dogged fan boy that ends up turning on you, so jesse, i would distance myself from johnny sooner than later. >> jesse: he has an nda, don't worry. >> greg: the dems made a bunch of mistakes. they did their election interference out in the open, for a change, under the assumption that if you are battling hitler, the audience -- the public would agree with you, but they underestimated the unique nature of americans, that they hate cheaters. and not just michael cohen, but this whole situation is che cheating. democrats are cutting in line at locking the door behind you, and with the selection. they know that and they see that, that is why, when trump is
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in front of the courthouse, he is combining. things. the news, which he is there, he is defending himself with campaigning, so he is reminding himself he america he is being unjustly targeted while ao talking inflation and crime and immigration. he goes to the bodega during the trial. that reminds you of the crime problem. has this giant rally that reminds you of the optimistic populism that runs counter to the dour cadaver of joe biden's white house. he should go to grocery stores next. i am sure there is one near the courthouse, just talk about the prices of food. what he did, he got the media and the dems to break the law that they swore they wouldn't break again after 2016, and that is give trump oxygen. and now he is just all over the place, and he is using it. they also underestimated how disastrous the biden presidency
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and candidacy is. and that overtook any antipathy towards trump. it actually accentuated trump's bad points. the people that found him to be arrogant or obnoxious. right now, who do you want? you want an arrogant, hardworking son of a bitch. you want a top surgeon and not a sleepy commode will be patient and joe biden. bob menendez, who held the job that joe had, right? the chairman of foreign relations. this is a guy who sold -- who sold gold bars into his clothes. this is not a made up crime like this thing you are seeing today. this is a real crime accusation and a real trial. but you are not hearing about it at all. instead, they are chasing this made up stuff, perhaps because when you hear menendez, who had joe's old job, you wonder, well, what was joe doing as chairman
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of foreign relations? where we like to know about that? >> dana: it's interesting, jesse, that the comments at the trial that president trump makes, they are the new rally, and biden still can't compete give the numbers from "the new york times" poll continue to reverberate, we'll talk about that in the b block. >> jesse: i like how the posse all has the same outfit, the dark suit. >> dana: got to get some color some color. >> jesse: they look sharp. today it look like to me cohen stumbled into a real stupid comment that might have just smoked the entire prosecution case. this was under direct. he said, donald trump and i were going to pay stormy daniels before or after the election. trump didn't really care, he maybe wanted to pay it after but he would pay it before. that means he was going to pay stormy daniels regardless of the election. that makes it completely personal. and the only reason they paid stormy daniels before the
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election was because stormie threw a hissy fit and demanded payment or else she was going to go public. she forced the issue. she did the shakedown. she extorted him before the election. he is now trying to cover it up. it is like a haircut, okay? you get a haircut before the election, sure, it makes you look more handsome before the voters but you were going to get your hair cut anyway. you can't pay this woman with campaign funds, just like you can't pay your barber with campaign funds. it's personal. and when you have bragg saying he should have used campaign funds, heads trump wins, tales trump loses. he comes under cross and hits him with a haymaker right after the jump and it looked like cohen was a little bit shaken because then he says you are making money on tiktok, yes, you are making $2 million on the book deal, yes? you are making money when you pitch this thing to netflix, y
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yes? what makes this guy out to be a money hungry guy who will do anything to feed his family because remember in corporate america now this guy can't get another job. this is all he has appeared and then he says, so you leaked to cnn, you leaked to msnbc, and the d.a., told you not to leak. the d.a. told you not to go on these networks and talk about the case, and you did anyway. and then at one point, i guess he's in prison for the campaign finance guilty plea, and d.a. comes to him, they want to charge this case for trump and he goes, we need your cooperation, and michael cohen goes, what's in it for me? >> dana: of course. >> jesse: at the bottom line, it's always what's in it for me? >> dana: councilor ford, how do you see it? >> harold: so good to be back. i read that differently, jesse -- >> jesse: you would read it differently! >> harold: i think what he said was, i think the judge made the agreement, i thought cohen
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said that the president said that if -- that if he didn't win the election, it didn't matter, so i read it opposite, that they were trying to show that they looked, the election was the reason that the president. i'm not saying that's true, but that's what i think came across indirect, you may have heard it differently. maybe i could be wrong, but that's how i thought i heard it. >> jesse: you are n never wrong. >> harold: i thought he handled himself very well during direct. now, as we said yesterday, as has been set around the table already, i think this cross, i thought blanche come i couldn't understand where he was going at first, and then i figured out, okay, now i think i understand the scheme here. he just going to bombard him with a little bit of everything to not only show him to be a liar, but poke holes in his credibility, show this guy is really out to make money at any expense. and i thought today, as the cross went on, cohen was not as
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strong as he was at the outset and that could very well be because of all of the things being set around the table. her go, it was interesting, he implicated or talked about the involvement of mr. weisel berg and the payoff schemes, the payoffs. mr. weisel berg, it's unclear, unlikely he's going to testify in the trial, so i don't know how that can be necessarily coopcorroborated. >> judge jeanine: how would you corroborate it? >> harold: if you had a second person. i misspoke. if there is nobody else that can say that is indeed the case because president trump is likely not to take the stand, either. so as we get near the end here, there are two or three questions for me, and i don't know if that ends thursday. i think mr. blanche said he is going to end his cross thursday. for the trump team, do they call any witnesses? does mr. trump himself take the stand? i think both of the answers to those questions are likely know. and i think as we think about, dana, you are talking at the
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outset of this thing, get to other issues at other things at some point, be interesting to me to see how this plays afterwards with mr. trump's -- the independent voters in these states, these five or six states that really will make up the difference. karl was on your show this morning, with you and bill this morning, and he was saying, we don't know yet how this is going to play, but as a trial, i'm no different than when i was before, i'm the same place, i have not seen anything yet -- we don't know the charges yet, we don't know this furtherance of another crime is. as we sit here today it is very hard to see or imagine -- go >> judge jeanine: but that's the whole point. if you don't know what the charge is, how can you possibly charge the jury, and jury instructions are going to be everything. >> harold: judge, that's why i am agreeing with you. >> jesse: i'm going to disagree with you because from the courtroom it said trump wanted to delay paying daniels until after the election. >> harold: but he didn't want to pay her. >> jesse: delay means delay, doesn't mean not pay her. >> harold: it doesn't -- >> jesse: we do have to go,
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harold. >> dana: karl went on to say that biden is losing all of the states right now, so -- we'll talk about that in the next block. coming up, not a joke, president biden might be in denial that he is about to lose to donald trump. more soon. ♪ ♪ i was only 23 when i was first diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer. 40 years later, i've had almost 20 mohs surgeries.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: like that. the big guy isn't big denial. a new report claims that joe biden isn't buying those recent polls that showed donald trump mopping the floor with his sorry and several key states, swing states, that is periods got democrats worried that joe just
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isn't accepting reality. not public spin. president biden doesn't believe is bad poll numbers and neither do many of his closest advisors. while joe isn't seeing the writing on the wall, the media is trying to stage an intervention. >> some battleground states, friendly, for the joe biden campaign, these numbers are an absolute disaster. the smallest lead is in arizona for donald trump come up six. nine enjoyed, 13 in nevada, my goodness, my god. >> worse off now six months from the election then obama was and when bill clinton was. had disapproval ratings that were very high but his or even lower, so that concerns me. >> judge jeanine: okay. you know, dana, you recall, i think it was axelrod and obama's people went to biden's people and they said, look, guys, you are not doing well. you need to talk to our spirit
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and their response was like, we got their spirits before so this has been going on for almost a year where you had democrats who care about joe biden's presidency or at least want him to stay in power, and they are saying, you guys, you have to pay attention, and they kept saying, remember in january, the complaint from democrats was there is no urgency with this guy and then they have a state of the union, okay, good. it was good, they thought it was great. that lasted about as long as cotton candy does. so now, for him to be in denial means it is willful deniability. they are actually telling their people investing in them, imagine being asked, we would love for you to donate to the super pac, can you give us $5 million. would you give them $5 million? where they going to do with it? president trump has been in court for three weeks and they can't lay a glove on him and he is only able to talk twice a day and on wednesdays. today, michael whatley, who is from the rnc, was on "newsroom,"
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as well. they are in single digits in places that they might not win but if you are in single digits in new jersey, where they have a huge rally, but that is saying something because biden won by a significant amount. the last thing i will say is the numbers on blacks and latinos in "the new york times" poll shows to me the unraveling of the biden coalition. i don't see how they get it b back. >> judge jeanine: you know, i think he is trying to be strong now, jesse, taking on the trump move, we've got to start putting tariffs on chinese goods come on chinese vehicles. is that going to help them? >> jesse: it should. i like the tariffs, and he should have done in a long time ago, and there is a lot of agreement between trump and biden on china. but he doesn't brag about it. if trump had tariffs on chinese, he would have a press conference bragging about it and it would make major news. biden is silent. i'm sure dana read "the new york times" today, made some pressing end points.
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this is the reason why joe biden should be worried. in november, the battleground poll, he was not doing well. since than the stock market has gone up 25%. trump has been on trial. and biden has just unloaded tens of millions of dollars of ads in the battlegrounds. and not only is he not just the same place, he's gotten worse. so what do you do if your entire coalition is unraveling? blacks, hispanics, young people, you are tied, and 70% of the country wants to see major change, like throw the table up major change in the country. and no one thinks joe biden is the man to do that. people don't like trump but they say, i might not like him but he is going to bring major change. but he is still within striking distance, they say. if he can hold the rust belt, wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania, it's a race, and abortion is still popular in the battleground, so it is not over yet.
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>> judge jeanine: you know, harold, it's not the democrat party. it's joe biden. and i don't understand, given the fact that they have so much money now, i mean, why don't they just say, joe, your time is up. we can't lose this. >> harold: well, i'm part of that party, and i don't believe -- i don't believe the party is there. i don't think we'll ever get there. if we find ourselves, once the trial is over, and once we join the campaign come middle of summer, at the polling data is consistent like it is now or persists like it is now, five, 12, 13, 14-point deficit and key states, the convention is in august. i would imagine even on the republican side that is the case looking at the numbers, these kinds of problems. if you get to the convention and you don't believe your candidate can win, with abortion and so many other things on the minds of democratic voters, i think a conversation might ensue but i don't think that's going to happen. the challenge mr. biden has today is mr. trump successfully made the race thus far -- this is very, very early -- and i saw
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michael on your show this morning, dana -- if the race remains a referendum on biden, age, inflation, and porter, mr. biden is going to have a huge problem between now and november. if the democrats are able to make this a referendum on trump, which is hard to do against a challenger, but since he has been president, the country has a vision, has a history, has an understanding of what he might do as president, meaning ban abortions, the chaos that comes, democrats get their narrative together, you got to get it back. you can shake your head but that is the referendum on biden. i think the economy, in some ways, for a lot of people, is decent. for a lot of other people, it's not, and that narrative, you can't tell people they are doing well and they don't believe they are doing well. whomever is first at the end able to make it a referendum on the other person, that person will be advantage. >> judge jeanine: 65% of americans live paycheck to paycheck, so harold can say some
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people are living good -- >> harold: i didn't say some people -- go >> judge jeanine: some people are in some people aren't. >> harold: the economy is doing well for some people. >> greg: harold ford jr. you make a good point. like people don't like their bad experiences denied. the democrats and biden specifically have denied all the bad news, which is the border, crime, inflation. now it is polling. why is that bad? because they denied the other bad news about the border, about crime and inflation, and did nothing because there was no problem. now they have the bad polling. we need to deny them another opportunity to serve at the white house. biden is like a slob with every major health problem ignoring his doctor. he has all of these issues, and he says i'm fine. it's still early. it's still early. but the denial of the polling could be a sign that they are preparing for something else, a
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surprise outcome, right, whether it is an october surprise or a different candidate, but if the election gap in polling gets too wide, it's going to be really hard to make the public believe in an upset. we know they are desperate, biden is in a free fall, which he is good at, which is why we have to push for total transparency in the election because remember, they interfered in this election with lawfare right in front of you. imagine what they are doing behind your back, right? "time" magazine boasted about the cobalt to get trump out of office in 2020, so they believe they have the moral authority to do whatever is possible pete also didn't mention the other thing about the pole in which the never really talk about, it's a lot oe leaving the democratic party. we have to remind people why they don't feel welcome in this party, which is basically
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becoming the angry white female party, and when you feel like you are the bad guy, why do you want to be there, you know? they don't even like male behavior. if you talk about self-defense. you talk about what you would do about crime, if you talk about law and order, or just basic nature of consequences. all of that is pushed aside for this weird, amorphous, so-called compassion that ultimately punishes women, whether it is in athletics or on the street when it comes to crime. so shut up, jesse. >> jesse: i did not even say anything. [laughter] >> judge jeanine: all right, ahead, what could possibly go wrong? san francisco is giving homeless drunks free booze. ♪ ♪
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hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: fun fact, san francisco is not just an open sewer but an open bar. the liberal mecca has been doling out free beer and vodka shots to homeless alcoholics for the past four years. in a $5 million taxpayer-funded effort called the managed alcohol program. nurses acting like bartenders as they pour controlled doses of booze for the bombs will line up at a specific time. the idea, to keep them off the streets and out of the morgue. harold, i think this is a problem with the party. it's a pattern, where you pretend it's compassion, but it's just delaying the inevitable or making the problem worse. alcoholics don't go for controlled doses. alcoholics mean i can't control alcohol. i mean, what's the reasoning behind this? >> harold: i have no idea. listed one of the dumbest
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things, wrecks up there, there was a story we did months ago here in new york, they were giving out a vending machine -- >> jesse: crack pipe vending machine. >> harold: they put them all in black neighborhoods, which i thought was really interesting and racist. this year, i don't know what we're trying to get accomplished here. if you want to keep people off the street and you want to keep them out of the morgue, give people, put them in an education class, teach people a skill. don't g at them boozed up and bk on the streets. >> greg: and they get more booze. >> harold: becoming more threatening to people on the streets. >> greg: i think it was kat last night, we did this topic, you have to get more drum to get the free booze because what if you are not an alcoholic. excuse me, go outside, get really wasted and come back and we will give you the free booze. >> dana: it's the 60th anniversary of gavin newsom's
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10-year plan to end homelessness in san francisco. a new book out called "morning after the revolution" and it is called "dispatches from the wrong side of history," grew up in san francisco and interviewed today, will air this weekend, she said that san francisco come as you know, greg, this is your home, as well, this was a jewel, fabulous, amazing, and we cannot just cede it to the homeless and the encampments. one story from the book is a mom going through facebook pictures and there is a bart, the subway system look at all of these drunk and tu drugged out peoplen the bart could. that's my son. she was begging the police to arrest him because when he goes to jail that was the only time he could actually get sober enough to make a decision on whether he wanted to get help. >> judge jeanine: that's what i used to do. put them in jail. and you can start them on the
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straight and narrow. and then make sure you keep them on probation for a while after jail. but you know what is crazy about this? $20 million for four years. 65 clients total. that's $307,000 for each client. you know what i want to know? not only is this lunacy, we are keeping them in a continual state of drunkenness, who's got the contract to provide the booze? >> greg: right. >> judge jeanine: they are so corrupt in san francisco. this is about a contract and i bet it is a no-bid contract, and i wonder if there's any wine included. do they even have a vineyard? >> greg: you are talking, they are getting better vodka than -- >> jesse: $300,000 for a bar tab. >> greg: you were thinking i should go to san francisco and get free booze. >> jesse: homeless happy hour. what we already have producers out there shooting it tonight and we will have that for us tomorrow us tomorrow.
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to be directing coble happy however. >> jesse: you like the alliteration. now we know they are there. this is what they do, they give people whatever they want and call it harm reduction. it is the path of least resistance. are you hooked on heroin? here is a needle. are you confused about your gender? here is a pair of scissors, snip, snip. you are depressed? assisted suicide, goodbye. everybody knows what works. you know, you get clean, you need self-discipline, you take a shower, you get a job, you establish relationships with your family, you eat healthy, you exercise, this isn't real rocket science. everybody knows what to do, but what the left does is they just give people stuff because it's easier and it makes the people giving feel better about themselves. meanwhile, we are just killing everybody, and then we call it harm reduction. it's actually pretty sick. >> greg: it is, that's true.
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you sound like a republican. >> jesse: am i? >> greg: maybe. >> jesse: i just play one on tv. >> greg: up next, kamala has let the f word fly to help out the big guy. nearly everything you said was -- ♪ ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now.
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♪ ♪ >> in our country, we need you to be mamala of the country. >> jesse: kamala harris casually dropping an f-bomb while addressing young asian americans. watch. >> we have to know that sometimes people will open a door for you and leave it open, sometimes they won't. and then you need to take that [bleep] door down. [laughs] [applause]
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excuse my language. [laughs] >> jesse: what would george w. bush say about that, dana? >> dana: i'll never forget, on a hot mike, the cameras had left the room, we were in russia, in moscow, the microphone was still on but it had ended and he said the s word, okay? it was an international scandal, it was crazy, so now we are at this point. i think one of the problems with kamala, it is not the left, it is the things she laughs about. i also wish the real kamala harris would stand up. because who is she really? does she want to just be liked or respected? and what's interesting about this, she is at an event for young asian students, and the biggest barriers facing asian and pacific islanders in the last few years have come from the dei and racial quota programs appeared why do we have these cases and the supreme court? because they were basically told me you are not likable enough.
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you have people come on moms and dads in virginia having to go to court to say, actually, no, our kids should not be discriminated against because they are good at what they are doing. they can kick the door is down. the doors are being put up by people in the dei crowd, which she represents. >> jesse: she does. greg? >> greg: i'd rather have her drop in f-bomb than a real bomb. we'll be right back. if i'm okay with trump swearing, and i swear i am okay with her swearing. but it is bad timing on her part. she says the doors don't open, you need to kick the effing door down, we have been seeing a lot of doors getting kicked down by young people all over campus, so may be pulled back on the freezing and the hyperbole. on the bright side, at least she didn't say come and if all else fails, read to hang glider. i think i can speak for
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everyone, she's still here. biden is so obviously terrible. we keep forgetting about his backup. and we shouldn't. it's not like our president is like a quarterback, like aaron rodgers in his prime, so you don't care if the backup is frank tripuca, worst rated quarterback in history. our quarterback socks and our backup sucks. how can you vote for that? use should be reminded is not just be nine, it is kamala. you can't say, at least we have kamala, unless it is gallows humor. >> dana: i think you describe the broncos. >> greg: really? i don't know anything. >> jesse: judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: i think maybe she was trying to be cool, to try to get the youth vote, to say hey, i am with you guys. but i wish she would be passionate about things she is working on, allegedly, like the border czar, or ai, or some of
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the other issues that apparently she is in charge of. if you ask me what she is passionate about after three and a half years, i'd tell you i don't know. but it's interesting because joe biden came out and said something ridiculous. he said, my name is joe biden. i work for kamala harris. i asked her to be my vice president because i knew i needed somebody smarter than me. like, why would he say that? is he trying to throw something up against the wall? >> greg: that's a low bar. >> jesse: self-deprecating humor, and a master at it so i understand what he is trying to pull off. >> greg: an example right there. >> harold: most politicians are equal opportunity users of the f-bomb, i agree with greg, i use the f-bomb a lot off air. >> greg: it's disgusting how often -- >> judge jeanine: thanks, harold. >> harold: but one would think -- >> judge jeanine: no cake for you. >> harold: i don't understand, for the life of me, i've been saying this for months, dana put a frame around us, why you don't
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have, the administration does not have its campaign lines down. i don't care what group you go before, not talking about the economy, the china tariffs, empowering every day americans, cut taxes on middle-class americans, small businesses, what does the next four years look like, if you don't talk about what's at stake, i don't care if you are speaking to a group in memphis, tennessee, where i am from, a group in new york city, where i live now, or grew up in california, where you are from, you have to have a message and if the messages all over the place, whomever is speaking, the vice president in particular, these poll numbers will continue to come in like they are coming in. get your message down and let's get to it. >> jesse: okay pete >> greg: effing right. >> jesse: kick the effing door down was not in the messaging memo. ahead, climate change freaks are now declaring war on warm showers. ♪ ♪
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everywhere but the seat. the seat is leather. alan, we get it. you love your bike. we do, too. that's why we're america's number-one motorcycle insurer. but do you have to wedge it into everything? what? i don't do that. this reminds me of my bike. the wolf was about the size of my new motorcycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins.
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he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! what delta customers experience is award-winning service. what makes it possible is 5g solutions from t—mobile for business. while travelers are relaxing in the delta sky club or seamlessly boarding the plane. t-mobile's 5g network is working to connect a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: from my cold dead hands will you take my warm showers. "the washington post" climate solution reporters calling on
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folks to make the ultimate comfort sacrifice to save the planet and climate change come over this i don't know mike article titled "why you should embrace you cold water almost all the time." this is nuts. that is how i think about it, judge. are you looking forward to cold showers? >> judge jeanine: not a chance. i'm not going to eat insects or drive an electric car. i'm only cooking on a gas stove, and i'm not taking a cold shower. all right? jesse, do you remember when he talked about the fact that during the pandemic there was some study that said nobody was driving, factories weren't working in all of this stuff, and there was no change in the carbon emissions? okay? the people who have got to change other people in china and that is the end of it. >> harold: your name was invoked, you have 30 seconds to respond. >> jesse: i am pro-cold shower, take one every day and if i don't i take an ice plunge, 45 degrees, 5 minutes pete >> greg: liar! >> judge jeanine: where? >> jesse: it increases mood and circulation. in my bathtub, judge! b545 degrees? >> jesse: i buy ice from the
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liquor store and i haul it back, fill the tub, takes 55 minutes, dump four packs in their ants emerge and it makes you happier, it makes you less stressed, reduces cortisol, it's very, very beneficial. expose your body to stressors. speed to do you also take a hot shower? >> jesse: and then i sought out. >> harold: dana? >> dana: they want us to die from disease because you don't wash your hands with cold water because it doesn't get rid of the germs coming how to use hot water. remember covid, people? >> harold: exclamation space my point, what are your thoughts on this? >> greg: i only take a cold shower after watching the larry kudlow show. there should be a law at all of these publications, and you can do this, "washington post," anybody that plans on writing about an unpleasurable practice, whether it is eating bugs or taking cold showers were giving america -- they have to do it for a month before the article is being published. every single day. not one day or a few hours bear i do this in men's health.
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i actually ate at mcdonald's every day for eight days before i did a story on it and then they stole it and made it into a movie. these people push exercises and climate virtue under the assumption that they are exempt. so they just needed it -- they have to be held to the fire appears to be on what was the documentary about mcdonald's? >> greg: "super size me." >> jesse: you say they stole -- >> greg: it's in "men's health." >> jesse: eight days. >> harold: take a hot shower and have a steak tonight. >> judge jeanine: i like that. ♪ ♪ -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do.
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>> dana: time now for "one more thing." jujudge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: a man ordered to hide his boat behind a fence due to the city code because it was so large. he played nice. he built a fence but he had a local artist turn the barrier to
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turn the barrier into a boat. he has yet to hear from the city. he claims he played by the rules and you deserve it all you code enforcement people. >> dana: i love that all right. greg? >> greg: we have jim nor tan, nicholas giordano, kat timpf, tyrus. do we have time? let's do it greg's absolutely disgusting news. this is repulsive. take a look at it it's real life thumper and bambi a dear in a rabbit greeting each other. i know what you are saying this is perverse these animals should be separated what if they mate auto could be disgusting. happened in a back home in oregon. >> jesse: skip what i promote the show "jesse watters primetime" 8:00. get it together series with a reformed arms trafficker. >> dana: awesome. that's it for us have. great night. >> bret: hey, dana, great to see new new york. see you next time. thank you, good evening, welcome to washington.


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