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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 14, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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out of time. thank you everyone, i'm greg gutfeld, love you, america. >> trace: good evening, i'm trace gallagher, 11:00 pm on the east coast, 8:00 in los angeles
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and this is america's late news, fox news and night. breaking tonight, anti-israel protesters at princeton who went on a hunger strike are now calling off the strike because of health concerns. and hunger. and law enforcement now warning of a national public safety crisis because the low number of police officers at an all-time high. we will talk to a sheriff who answers his own 911 calls. but first, the cross-examination of convicted felon michael cohen and a fiery courtroom showdown. nate foy live outside supreme court with more on this. good evening. >> reporter: today on the witness dan michael cohen admitted that he wants to see former president donald trump convicted in this trial and he also admitted to making money off criticizing trump, including recently saying that trump should go into a cage where he belongs. trump can't publicly respond to cohen's comments because of the courts gag order and after an
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appellate court refused to overturn the gag order, trump said this while leaving court tonight... >> nobody has seen anything like it but we would love to not be under gag order as nominee for president. >> reporter: during his direct examination, cohen admitted to lying before congress in 2017 and longing to special council prosecutors during the molar investigation. he said his loyalty to trump changed when he pleaded guilty to federal campaign finance violations and tax evasion in 2018. trump attorney asked cohen if he's obsessed with trump. take a look at his response. cohen said "i don't know if i would call it obsessed. i admired him tremendously." today cohen claimed he submitted false monthly invoices in 2017 to be reimbursed for paying adult film actress stormy daniels $130,000. trump maintains all payments represented legitimate legal
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expenses. cohen is the prosecution's final witness and trump's lawyers expect to be done questioning him by about midday thursday so cohen will take the stand at 9:30 thursday morning. as for trump's schedule, he's intending a foot -- attending a fundraiser tonight in new york city. back to you. >> trace: the trial is getting down to the wire, thank you. let's bring in former deputy assistant attorney general, drawn, great to have you on the show. one of your colleagues jonathan turley had this headline in the new york post, mr fix-it? michael cohen bombs on the stand, offers no new evidence to convict trump. what do you think? did he balm on the stand? >> i don't know if he bombed, although he's already in the crater and trying to dig himself out before he ever took the stand because this is a guy who has already been convicted of
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perjury twice got convicted of tax evasion. federal judges have called him a lawyer and so i think actually trump had a bad weak last week with the stormy daniels testimony and the salacious news of it but this week has been good for trump because if you wanted to end the evidence with michael cohen and leave him as the last witness in the mind of the jury, it's almost like the defense planned it that way. it's been a really good week for them to end with attacking the credibility of a witness who is so weak that the justice department decided never to bring a case with this guy is the witness. >> trace: it's interesting because you and i have talked about this controversial gag order, the unilateral, order on the former president. trump also had his surrogates out there today and they asked a fair question. watch this. >> i would like for anybody, anybody in the press, anybody at home, at ns -- msnbc or the
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media, to clearly state what exactly is the crime that donald trump committed. i will wait. we have not heard a good answer to that question. >> trace: now the question posed to you, do you know the crime, can you identify the crime and give us a simple explanation of what we are looking for is the jury is about to get this case? >> trace, it's not fare to ask me to do the prosecution's job because they haven't done that. you could say that this is a violation of trump's constitutional rights. the da has been playing hide the ball monte with this. we can't tell what the charge is because it's all built on the idea that there is some greater crime that trump was concealing with this alleged bookkeeping entry shenanigans. but the prosecution has never made it clear. we all think it's a federal election crime but they have not made clear that's the case and they are not allowed to prosecute that and so they are right, i think the prosecution -- fare to trump i think this
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would be good grounds for trump to win on appeal alone, that the prosecution won't clearly state what the crime is. >> trace: i know you think michael cohen is a bad witness, you think the prosecution will rest it's case on thursday? >> i actually think that they have to rest the case now because they went too far last week. they know and i think even the judge knows that they let stormy daniels go on too long. what the prosecution did is drop a lot of witnesses they wanted to pile on daniels as part of the story and now you can see they are worried, that that might have triggered a mistrial and that is why i think they are ending with michael cohen tomorrow. >> trace: good analysis, thank you, we appreciate it as always. maybe team trump found a workaround as we were talking about there. the former presidents political allies rallied and spoke outside the courthouse today at his criminal trial. senior national correspondent kevin corke is live in dc with more. >> reporter: good evening trace.
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it's been suggested the star-studded turned out political luminaries to support the former president is really just a bunch of politicos playing nice fort, you know, future cabinet spots and a second drop administration or maybe even a vp shot. but other observers have pointed out that what this really is is a stark reminder to passive court watchers that this is in their view a travesty of justice and a political persecution of a former president designed to keep him off the campaign trail and eventually away from, you know, the white house. thus the appearances today by speaker johnson, the congressmen as well as north dakota governor and businessman. >> i'm an attorney, former litigator, i'm disgusted by what's happening here. what's being done here to our entire system of justice overall >> reporter: speaker johnson added that many are losing faith and our nations institutions and
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pointed out that in this case it's because of cases just like this, one of the many reasons why. for his part, former president trump seems to be more or less weathering the storm. after all he is leading his successor in five '06 swing state polls despite the law fair and he said today his team is exposing this case as an absolute scam. >> trace: it certainly does not appear to have been detrimental for him so far. kevin corke live in dc, thank you. let's bring in fox news contributor steve hilton and princeton political scientist, thank you both. i want to play some more of the allies in this case against trump. they had this to say. watch. >> this is a joke, a farce, a travesty, we are better than this as americans. >> america stands with him as well. they see this sham indictment, they see this for what it is without any actual substance. this is a sham, this is not the united states of america. this is some third-rate banana
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republic. >> trace: what do you think steve,'s is helpful for trump or should he go out to the microphones and speak for himself day after day? >> this is enormous they helpful. it builds on what trump has already been doing. he's been making his case that this is totally politically motivated election interference. is the case goes on we can see that. they continue to fail to actually explain what the crime is. the testimony of stormy daniels last week which all the legal experts agreed was completely irrelevant to the actual case and point and now you are amplifying that with these political supporters. there's one further thing i would say. the speaker there, mike johnson, elevated it. there's an elephant of gravitas. he's not just someone who's in the mix for a vp/or cabinet position, he's the leader of one of the great chambers in our congress and he makes the point there that this is actually not just appalling in terms of the politics, it's a terrifying corruption of our judicial system for political ends and
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exactly as was being said, talk about banana republic's, it's happened in pakistan, putin's russia, and that's what the democrats are doing here. >> trace: meantime usa today, the poll on the fairness of the new york trial, put this up on the screen. not fair leading. talking about a four and a half point lead. we haven't seen that too much. it looks like this not fair thing gaining a little bit of momentum. what do you think? >> i've seen polling that's more drastic than that. i think the main advantage for trump is that this is really low ranking on voters list of priorities and to the point even steve, we were talking about earlier, this showing of supporters to me is indicative that trump is ahead and we have a bunch of hard-nosed ambitious politicians who think there is zero risk right now of being
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associated with this guy and that is just as telling as all the polls that show trump is ahead. they think we better get on board, it's going to be him and he has a good chance of winning the election. >> trace: james carvel said this... >> right now he's got to try to move some numbers. these polls are stuck in a ditch and have been that way for a while. right now the presidential race, this is a sticky wicket out there. >> trace: sticky wicket for biden, steve. >> exactly. i mean it's not just that he's leading in all of the swing states, just in the latest new york time's poll, he's leading by way more than the margin of error. and further, in historical terms, polls have traditionally undercounted trump support. i think it was cnn who made the point saying i don't know how many shy biden voters there are out there. and so if anything trump's lead
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is even greater. it's terrifying if you are a democrat and it shows they've made such a mistake and not getting rid of biden when they could have. >> trace: on special report tonight, i thought this was fascinating, watch. >> what i'm picking up from my democratic friends and sources is that the close-knit group around president biden has locked down and basically takes the attitude that with the national polls at plus two for trump, it's not that bad. i think that's a big mistake. >> trace: i think you want better than not that bad if you are running for president. >> i totally agree. people are indicating that the polls are utterly meaningless at this point. that is not true. it's true that they become more meaningful the closer we get, but democrats acting as if it does not mean anything, it's essentially random noise that trump is ahead, they are in for a rude awakening.
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it's very scary for them. it's extraordinary how mistrustful voters are of biden. that's the whole ballgame. >> trace: five plus months left, we will see how it goes. thank you both. meantime a busy primary day in nebraska, maryland and especially west virginia where the race to replace joe mansion may well decide the balance of power in the u.s. senate. bill melugin live in charlestown where that contest is coming into focus tonight. good evening. >> reporter: good evening trace. the results are officially in in west virginia. the current governor jim justice backed by donald trump will be the republican nominee this fall. a fox analysis shows this seat in particular gives republicans the best chances fall to flip the seat in the senate, the seat of course left vacant by the retiring of senator. but as for the winner tonight, he was elected to office in west virginia back in 2016 as a
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democrat. he switched parties in 2017 after trump won his state by about 40 points. here's some of what he had to say after his big win tonight. >> i'm not going to dc to just go up there and be part of the part. i'm going up there to shake up the world. anybody in their right mind that could ever think that joe biden and the a ministration and what they are doing is right i think is a lunatic. >> reporter: in the primary race, justice received a series of big endorsements from donald trump, mitch mcconnell in west virginia senator. his main opponent in the primary was west virginia representative alex mooney, a member of the house freedom caucus who built himself as their true conservative in the race. he was endorsed by senators ted cruz and despite the loss, he says he's focused on beating democrats this fall. >> we fought hard, we ran the
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race all the way through. i'm still in congress through the end of the year. we have opportunities to fight back every step of the way and make sure we win in november for the top of the ticket. >> reporter: on the democratic side of the race, it is still too close to call. however the mailer of wheeling, west virginia is currently in the lead and he is endorsed by senator mansion. >> trace: we will get back to you with news. bill melugin, thank you. meantime princeton students conducting an anti-israel hunger strike have essentially topped out because not eating was having adverse health consequences. ashley strohmier is live in new york with new information on this. good evening. >> reporter: students at princeton university protesting israel's war with hamas in gaza calling an end to their hunger strike after just ten days. the end of the hunger strike came after members initially vowed not to eat or drink again until a pair of demands were met
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"participants will abstain from all food and drink except water until our demands are met. we commit our bodies to their liberation of palestine. princeton, hear us now, we will not be moved." on may 3rd. the demands included disclosure -- disclosure, divestment and full academic and cultural boycott of israel and grant complete amnesty from all criminal and disciplinary charges for just -- perches a bins of the peaceful sit in. princeton, divest now, calling for the university to divest from america's middle eastern ally due to the high civilian death toll said additional strikers would be continuing their efforts, writing, due to health concerns of the 13 strikers who fasted for ten days , the first hunger strike wave ended and the second wave has begun. in the tradition of rotary strikes, seven new strikers are indefinitely fasting for a free
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palestine. it is unclear what exactly is meant by indefinitely fasting but i guess we will see how long this one lasts. back to you. >> trace: we will indeed. live in new york, thank you. let's bring in bethany mandel, co-author of stolen youth and rabbi chaim mentz. welcome to you both. hunger protesters wrote the following on may 3rd, "participants will abstain from all food and drink except water until our demands are met. we commit our bodies to the liberation of palestine. princeton, hear us now, we will not be moved until we get really hungry. and by the way the faculty started a hunger protest and it lasted like 24 hours. what do you think about this? >> i invite them to try out the summer fast where you are not drinking water either. but honestly i was hoping you would put pictures of these students on camera while you were reading that because i'm sorry, there is no way those
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gentlemen were fasting for like two days let alone ten. >> you are probably right, a fair assessment. meantime in florida, rabbi, a doctor has called for the annihilation of jews. and by the way he's a dentist in florida. here's what he said in english and then we will play a little bit more of what he said in his language. watch. >> the most immoral armies, worse than nazis, and i apologize to the nazis last week because these people have proven to be worse than the nazis, they steal the skin of the palestinians, not enough they stole their land, now they steal their skins. >> trace: he also went on took all the jews apes and pigs and accuse the israeli military of trafficking organs. he's a doctor. can you imagine if you had to worry about your doctors political ideology? >> first of all, he's in south florida. that's not a good place to start
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going in blowing up the business when there are so many jews living down there but let's be honest, there are many muslims, they feed and believe in the rhetoric. just three days ago we had the day of remembering the holocaust. we lost 6 million. imagine if those 6 million were alive today how many scholars, doctors have been brought to the world versus the hate that these people are doing. it accomplishes nothing. this is what we are up against. >> trace: you are up against it. meantime harvard protesters are ending their encampment on campus because it appears harvard somewhat folded. as a precondition for decamping, administration will retract suspensions, administration also offered meetings regarding disclosure and divestment with members of the harvard management company, meaning they will cut ties, of these talk about cutting ties with israel.
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what do you think about that? >> it honestly -- this capitulation by harvard, and harvard is not alone in capitulating to the demands of these lunatics, rockers also did the same. they capitulated to eight of the ten demands. this is how you get more chaos on campus, more anti-semitism on campus, because you've given them cover, you've given them reason to continue this extremism and a lot of the extremism is anti-semitism and they are using it as an excuse in order to promote their anti-semitism, and they are calling jewish students nazis which is wild because i don't even have to say why. it's just crazy. >> trace: it really is and it's a lot of anti-semitism, rabbi, you know this. uc berkeley, the quote here is, it appears the protesters are in the process of taking down the tense. if that process is peacefully completed and, the university will be happy to discuss the talks we have had with the protesters. they would not say what talks but you know it is, as she said,
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capitulating to them. >> and that's the thing, they are scared. many of the people at the top are scared because they don't know what will happen. are they going to stop writing and destroying the campuses? so we have to give in, and this is how the terrorists did it and israel. >> trace: they are negotiating with terrorists. >> and all of a sudden hamas can say whatever they want and suddenly you have the whole world saying to israel negotiate. with whom are you negotiating? >> trace: good point. rabbi, bethany, thank you. coming up, can the gop flip a democratic senate seat in maryland? we will take you there live on the ground next. and california, the highest gas prices in the country, like six bucks outside, is about to add an extra 50 cents a gallon because of new regulations. are you kidding me? and later in the nightcap, law enforcement agencies nationwide now struggling to recruit police officers which has led to a severe nationwide shortage. instead of backing the blue,
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many government officials are turning their backs on the blue. we are curious, in today's police climate, would you advise a loved one to become a police officer? why or why not? let us know x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses in the nightcap. [♪♪] [♪♪] limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds) chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation.
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reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress. >> trace: today's primary in maryland could have an impact on the balance of power in the u.s. senate with popular former burner larry hogan cruising to the gop nomination in the race to replace retiring democrat. mark meredith his life on the ground in annapolis. good evening. >> reporter: trace, good evening to you. as you mention, former maryland governor larry hogan had no
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problem cruising to victory in the senate gop primary. but for him and republicans overall, now begins the hard work because they will have to spend a lot of time, money and energy if they are going to try to flip a spee -- seat. we heard from the former governor not long after the polls closed earlier tonight. >> tonight the campaign for maryland and america's future begins. with your help, we are going to bring our case for strong proven, affective and independent leadership directly to the people of maryland. >> reporter: in the democratic primary, a much closer race and even an upset tonight after the congressman was defeated by county executive. this was notable because he has spent more than $60 million of his own money on this primary. he's a wealthy member of congress. made a fortune in the liquor retail business but all of that money he still came up short in the primary.
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also a huge win because she had been gaining support in the final weeks of the campaign, also had the backing of maryland's governor and a few other notable democrats from the state. so what happens next? now we know who the candidates will be from the major parties, it's going to be where the race heads because it will be larry hogan trying to appeal to the moderate voters, he says he's thanking on that independent lane as opposed to the maga campaign. hogan is a vocal critic of the former president trump. she says she's looking for to try to unite this party. also is ready to paint hogan as an extremist but this races going to be expensive but whoever wins could help decide the balance of power in the u.s. senate early next year. >> trace: expensive but important, mark, thank you. as the nation observes national police week, law enforcement's warning of a public safety crisis because of too many criminals and not enough police officers. far left das who are siding with
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the bad guys. back live to the senior national correspondent kevin corke. >> reporter: trace, the struggle to fill law-enforcement ranks is a challenge frankly all over the country but the problem , this won't surprise you, is particularly acute in the great state of california with communities pulling out all the stops to try to attract law-enforcement reinforcement. and for good reason, because the numbers and the golden state are absolutely shocking. the number of patrol officers per 100,000 residents there is at it's lowest point since at least 1991. that according to a january report from the public policy institute of california. just last year the city of alameda for example began offering rip police recruits 75 grand as an enlistment bonus on top of the regular pay that begins at 110 grand a year. and yet vacancies persist. in part it is thought the cause it is so much more dangerous out there for law enforcement. they are not getting the respect
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they deserve either. and it's been worse some argue than ever. and get this, there have been 118 officers killed in the line of duty in 2023 alone, including over the weekend in ohio where an officer was ambushed and killed by a gunman. so that trend continuing into 2024. by the way in august the la city council approve raises for officers to boost starting pay to 86 grand a year. they also offered bigger retention bonuses as well but they would need to hire about 60 new officers per month to overcome the attrition rate. tough times, trace. >> trace: kevin, thank you. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> trace: the "fox news @ night" commonsense department wonders what would happen if you were in trouble, called 911 and nobody answered. in some areas, it's not hypothetical. and moments you will meet a california sheriff who is so shorthanded he answers his own emergency calls.
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because hundreds of cops are fleeing california's soft on crime policies and heading to texas, idaho, anywhere that supports police. imagine risking your life, taking criminals off the street, and yet they are back on the streets before your police report is filed. truth is, and big blue cities with deep blue das, crime pays. just today the fbi released a report saying the rate of assaults against law enforcement is at a ten year high. in 2023 there were 79,000 attacks on local, state and federal police. 118 lost their lives. in the big blue city of seattle they are having so much trouble hiring police the city council just approved an entry-level salary of $103,000. the very same seattle city council that two years ago referred to police as racist killers. should cops trust that council? supporting police officers back pockets is not the same as
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supporting their backsides. commonsense thanks the next time you are in trouble, maybe call 411, at least get information on why 911 just rings and rings and rings. let's bring in former san bernardino county sheriff's deputy and deputy -- i just want to know what's going on in your county and why are you and your administrators taking the emergency calls there? >> well we are the cops that are left. we've had so many deputies leave and go to nearby agencies for a 20,000-dollar increase in pay. i don't know what else to bring it up. the health benefits in this county are costing an average deputy with a family of 41700, $1800 a month. and the left of appreciation and the left-wing media has painted
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such unfortunate picture based on a few bad apples. there are 1 million cops in this country and a handful that have created such turmoil, we are fortunate that the men and women are donning their uniforms and going out every night. they investigate the bumps in the night where other people could not get paid $1 million to do the job and obvious a law enforcement is it for a lot less [ simultaneous talking ] >> trace: sorry, we have a bit of a delay. megan mccarthy, former deputy and clearly i'm wondering, you are a family of police officers and when you hear that they can't fill these roles and that police are leaving, they can't hire them, what do you think about that? >> i'm not surprised and i will tell you why. back in 2020, everybody came from police officers, everybody -- for police officers. nobody had their backs. now we have officers being shot in the line of duty up 60%.
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we saw a record numbers last year and we are already in may and this number is going to surpass it. we don't need police officers coming in just for a paycheck. we need our elected officials and the community to appreciate our law enforcement officers because they are not out there getting the job. i would love to see these people spend a 12 hour shift in a patrol car and experience what our cops are experiencing and maybe they will have a little respect. >> trace: i think you are right. sheriff, here's the wife of a police officer who was killed in the line of duty. listen to her. >> 282 names were added to the memorial. 282 father's, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. children who will grow without a father or mother. we are here for all of them as well and we always will be year after year. it is one of the few memorials that has no end. >> trace: sheriff, 79,000 police officers, state, local and federal were attacked last year. how do you convince people to come and join your team?
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>> by giving them the support they deserve. i'm probably one of the most outspoken sheriff's when it comes to supporting the deputy's, the men and women who are walking the toughest beats in the land. and they need that support. when i see city councils turning their backs on the local police officers, it sucks. >> trace: and what do you say, megan, you are a former police officer, your life was on the line, you nearly lost your life, do you stand behind these people as far as the role goes, to say yes, ago, be a police officer? >> it's a double edged sword because my husband is a police officer, my sister is a police officer, i have two little boys that want to follow in my husband's footsteps. if you were to asked me this question ten years ago maybe i would say that would be a great career path but the way it is now, my children's lives are not worth sacrificing for our community when they are going to be sacrificial lambs for a political agenda when you have
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those who want to sensationalize a story without having the full idea. my children are worth more than that i believe our police officers are worth more. >> trace: thank you for your time, i very much appreciate it. coming up, san francisco taxpayers picking up the tag for homeless alcoholics who are getting free beer and vodka shots as part of a city run program. we are not kidding. next. [♪♪] there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa. ( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it!
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[♪♪] >> trace: so there's california kooky and then california crazy. this is in the latter because deep blue san francisco has a new twist, literally, on california's homelessness crisis. the city is using taxpayer money to give free beer and vodka shots to homeless alcoholics. matt finn is live with that tonight. good evening. >> reporter: hello trace. homeless alcoholics in desperate need of their next drink in san francisco can have a nurse serve them a beer or shot as part of
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the city's managed alcohol program. the 20 bed program operates out of this former hotel in the tenderloin district. it costs taxpayers about $5 million per year and it's just now becoming widely known about after the ceo of an ai company says he stumbled upon the hotel with kegs in the lobby and then he posted tweets about it. san francisco's health department says giving an alcoholic a drink can prevent them from being jailed, having strokes or dying. even the fire department reportedly rode in a statement that the program has been incredibly impactful at reducing emergency services for a small but highly vulnerable population however the free booze hotel has cost -- caused outrage. even the man who says he stumbled upon the property tweeted "the whole thing is very to to me, it does not feel right , providing free drugs to drug addicts doesn't solve their problem, it just stretches them out. where's the recovery and all of this? to put into perspective how
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expensive alcoholism is among the homeless, san francisco reports that in 2022 just five people who struggled with alcohol cost the city more than $4 million in ambulance transports over a five-year period. >> trace: that's crazy, thank you. let's bring in california gop delegate roxanne and the dean of pepperdine university school of public policy pete pearson. this is a great public policy question, pete. vodka shots and beers for homeless alcoholics. what do you think? >> one of the things we talk about when we are judging policy is how many people is it impacting, what we call the letter and number. the letter and number here is 55 people. that's $5 million a year to treat 55 people, that's $100,000 per year for this particular program and that does not get into anything else. i know that homeless activists and advocates in san francisco say this money really should be put to other uses. >> trace: it is amazing when you look at this whole thing. talking about amazing, outside the door gas is like six dollars
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a gallon but foxbusiness now says "the california air resources board, the state's primary environmental regulator, report gas prices will rise next year by about 50 cents a gallon and every year thereafter to aiding clean air efforts. the price increase does not include the existing gas tax in the state, which by the way is the highest in the country by a mile, roxanne. >> not only that, look, america, especially california, cars equals freedom and they will not rest until they get us out of their cars and into la metro. by the way every ticket comes with a stabbing. so it is unconscionable to me that these unelected bureaucrats blithely cause real damage to people living paycheck to paycheck. i mean filling up my minivan is a celebratory event every time i do it. i can't imagine what it would be like to have to choose between gas and food. >> trace: nobody in california has money, including california, and we are learning more about
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that. democratic governor gavin newsom facing criticism from his republican colleagues after he announced the budget deficit is actually 7 billion worse than his initial projections, bringing the total shortfall to nearly $74 billion. so in january it was 38 billion and then it went to 67 billion and now it's 74 billion. that was four and a half once ago so now we are at 74 billion, it's just about doubled in that time. >> and they are blaming this on california's very progressive tax system that we will see in times of downturn, you will see reduced receipts coming in. but what's so disturbing about this is two months ago the state of florida announced a $10 billion surplus in the same year that we are reporting a 76 billion-dollar deficit. so this is not about a national economic challenge that is resulting in this, this is unique to california and i don't know that we are going to dig
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ourselves out of it anytime soon. >> trace: and footnote, florida does not have a state tax, california has the highest estate tax in the country. i don't know, may be money being wasted somewhere? the street rights, we thought we would have some fun, disney world has quietly asked one of it's classic characters, we are talking about tinkerbell, from doing meet and greet's of the park which is a move that comes after the character was flagged internally for it's controversial portrayal in films. apparently tinkerbell is body conscious and therefore problematic and detrimental to girls. >> everything normal is problematic. and look a lot of people like to rag on bob iger, he's a good guy but he's being completely sold down the river by his employees who have run amok and have decided, and do you remember the zoom call a couple years ago during covid when someone said oh i'm querying every bit of the animated shows that i can. girls looked -- liking voices
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problematic, roles caring about what they look like is problematic. call me, we can fix this. >> trace: a lot of people got in trouble on those zoom calls. thank you both. coming up, how would you feel if somebody you love wanted to become a police officer? would you support that decision or do you think it's too tough to be tough on crime these days? that is no x and instagram @tracegallagher, we will read your responses next in the nightcap -- let us know -- d [♪♪] this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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[♪♪] >> trace: back with the nightcap crew, kevin corke, ashley strohmier, matt finn, roxanne houck, rabbi chaim mentz national police week, the struggle to hire police officers leading to eight severe police shortage. instead of backing the blue many turn their backs on the blue. would you advise a loved one to become a police officer? why or why not? former police officer megan mccarthy. >> i love our cops, we need them, we need good cops but i could not support my children being cops in this narrative. if the pendulum swings back and we are able to get some respect than i 100% support it but until then i asked them to be firefighters. >> trace: kevin corke. >> i would recommend it because i have a friend who just retired from denver pd after 30 years
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and he said i had a great experience, dangerous yes, sometimes risky, yes, but a pretty good pitch and he and his wife made the most of it. >> trace: ashley. >> being the wife event nypd counterterrorism officer i would say absolutely not. i worry about him every day and i'm not going to worry about my son on the streets when they are overworked, underpaid and underappreciated. >> trace: very true. roxanne. >> mr rogers said look for the helpers and i love the helpers but you have to be careful where you are doing it. i would say not in a blue city. >> trace: that's true. rabbi. >> of one of my loved ones wanted to become a police officer, the first thing i would say is you've been thinking about it, you really want to do it, you can make change from the inside. you can't from the outside. >> trace: matt. >> it is hard. we cover the protests and you see people on the street literally cursing the lives of police officers it would be hard to see her loved one in that situation. >> trace: i would support it but i would not advise it.
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i agree with roxanne, and her husband, i would not in a blue state, you don't have a lot of political backing, i'm not sure. we asked the crew, what's the deal, instagram would support it 54% x yes 49%. kyle, yes, proud to protect america. other parents, are they proud of their live in protesters? >> i would tell my child to wally dreams but rethink it for your mom's sake. >> no, they would be risking their lives for many who with rhythm under the bus if a blank wrong. roxanne's husband, absolutely but only in a red state that cares about law enforcement. donna jean. i would encourage it -- supported but never encourage it. and jim, i was law enforcement myself, it's an admirable and honorable profession. thank you all,♪ thank you for watching america's late news "fox news @ night", i'm trace n gallagher, seeew you back here tomorrow. [♪♪] with our highest concentration of pro-vitamins yet, iotin & collagen.
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