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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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>> i'm dana perino with jesse watters, greg gutfeld it's 5:00h in new york city and this is the 5. >> ♪ ♪ team trumpet taking a jackhammer to mix -- mr fix-it as theycohe begin their examination of michael cohen with the prosecution said would be their finacol witness.blic they grilled cohen about disparaging comments made about the case including his vulgar tiktok's in which he called trump a dictator douchebag andyg even attacks on himself. he went on tiktok and call me a crying little. [ bleeps ]liul didn't you. he said it sounded like something i would say. he called him a trump stocker turned score and however
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obsessed with the former boss saying he would take a bullet for the president and he said at that time i was knee-deep in to the cult of donald trump it c changed in 2018 when he was arrestedwas and was bent on revenge. donald trump still can't sti rer to the testimony after the judge denied his latest request to overturn the gag order butde offered up this. >> you have a constitutionala co problem in your own case. i am not allowed to talk aboutis big portions of my case nothingp like that is ever happened they are allowed to do it but i'm not.ny p many politicians are here today in many congressmen as well. >> he is gag but finding his voice in an avengers style lineup of surrogates including mike johnson showing up to cour with him. >> president trump is innocent of the charges and again anybody of common sense can understand
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what's happening here in thecorr midst of nonsense and corruption it's a scam trial tidying up the president from being out on the campaign trail. >> the trial is a joke and ang i farce where is the crime.ri there isme no crime. >> a politicized persecution. >> what exactly is the crime donald trump i will wait we have not heard a good answer to that question.t >> the media doingto their besto rehab his image portraying him as humble and even doing a slam poetry style reading of court transcripts. >> if he keeps that domain are on cross-examination and maintain the same humility'ss cr credibility would be better off than people >> the doesn't let them get under his skin and respond in an angry manner he might end up winning the day.bomb >> we don't see the bombast he's calm and cool and collected. wel
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>> the jury has no reason toy think any negative thing about michael cohen with his demeanore being flawlessss. b >> he goes harland you think i will be on the market for not long. >> what did you understand thato to mean? >> he wasn't thinking about malan you it was all about thepg campaign. >> that was a good renditionn. it's important to do this. >> judge jeanine pirro obviously not jesse watters sorry about that long day. brought -- cross-examination is and that's what to everybody's waiting to see how do you the trump team did coming out with a strong right punch? >> they did a great and i think they will continue to do great.o michael cohen is a liar and the perjurer he's lied to the bankst and the congress to the irs perjured himself under oath c heviolating campaign finance las
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and sheets on his taxes. why would you believe anythingue he says than when he says hes hates donald trump and they bring out all the information on tiktok he said something like trumpet belongs in a cage with an animal. now the jury is starting to say this guy who's so quiet undersa direct examination andy, had a back-and-forth with the prosecutor so respectful now wer arese hearing this guy is a dirt bag he hates donald trump and i, the end i think they will see him for what he is allying a huckster looking for his 15 minutes of thing and i am stunned he is the last witness for the prosecution because it tells me they don't have a case the judge has to give a directed verdict here because who falsified the business records with intent to commit another crime what was the other crimear who approve the manner in which the business record and checks c
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would be written and was its th proven who did it? no evidence of that whatsoever in the prosecution wants this aa jury to infer donald trump hadsn the strings with and was making things happen but nobody from stormy daniels to michael cohen can say donald trump did anything with respect to his intent and falsifying businesse records i'm amazed at this is the end of the >> in some ways i'm relieved i think i'm ready to move on to other things. reh we've watched the media try to rehabilitate somebody as a hero that they despised for so long.. >> it's a pleasure to see the news go 1 direction as they commentary flea as to the opposite direction and its related because they need to keep their narrative a life or they will lose the election ando this is their holy grail. he is a spurned lover goinged
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scorched-earth and you know like any scorched lover that if trump called him and said come on over he wouldn't an instant been through this with taylor swift i had to double my security i kno how this goes and so is the mosy dogged fan boy the ends up turning on you so jesse i would distance myself from johnny's sooner than later. >> he has an nda no worry. >> they did their electionheir interference out in the open fo, a change under the assumption if you are battling hitler the public would agree with you butr they underestimateeed the uniqui nature of americans that they hate cheaters not just michael cohen but the whole situation is cheating democrats are cutting in line and locking the door behind you with this electionthy and they know that and see it
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that's why when trump is in front of the courthouse he ishe combining 2 things the news that he is there defending himself i and is reminding america he'smei unjustly targeted also talking about inflation and crime and immigratioson he goes to thehe bodega during the trial thatou o remind you of the crime probleme he has a giant rally reminding you of the optimistic populism that runs counter to the dourbie cadaver of joe biden's whitewh house i'm sure there's a grocery store near the courthouse and you can talk about the prices of food what he did he got the media and democrats to break the law they swear they wouldn't break again after 2016 and that is give trump oxygen and now he's all over the place using i. they also underestimated how disastrous the biden presidency and candidacy is overtaking any
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antipathy towards trump is accentuated the people hee founded to be arrogant or of noxious you right now would you want you want an arrogant hard-working sun of a. [ bleeps ] you want o top surgeon and not a sleepy dopey patient and joe biden bringing up the other case going on who held the job that d joe had rate he was the chair an form and relations the guy whon sowed gold bars into his clothes this isn't a made up crime like the thing you are seeing today is a real crime accusation in a real trial but you aren'ting hearing about it at all instead they chase made up stuff perhaph because here but the person a joe's old job you wonder what was joe doing as chairman of
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foreign relations. wouldn't we like telato know ab that? >> comments at the trial that trump makes they are the new rally the numbers from the new york times paul continue to reverberate. >> i like how the posse all has the same outfit. dark suits they look sharp. today to me cohen stumbled intot a real stupid comment about thec prosecution caseut. he said donald trump and i we are going to pay stormy daniels before or after the election jumped didn't care he maybeft wanted tero pay it after thatin means yog u is going to pay stoy daniels regardless of the election that makes it completely personal the onlythey reason they paid stormy daniels before the election was because she for a hissy fit and demanded
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payment or else she would go public she forced the issue during the shakedown extorting him before the election a train to cover it up it's like aokay haircut. makes you look more handsome before the voters you are going to get your hand cut -- your haircut anyways as just like yoi can pay her barber campaign funding it's personal when you have break saying he should have used campaign funds that's basically heads the democrats win hate tales trump loses he gets prosecuted anyways he comeh under cross-examination and hits them with the haymaker and it looked like cohen was a little bit shaken because he says you're making money on tiktok right $2 million in the book deal making money when you pitch
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this thing to netflix right its? makes them out to be a money hungry guy who will do anything to feed his family because inc. america this guy can't get another job that's all he has. they leaked it to cnn and the da told you not to.out they told you not to go on the networks and talk about the case and you did anyways i guess he's in prison for the campaign-finance guilty pleaon a comes with him doing chores the case for trump is like we need your cooperation michael cohen goes what's in it for me that'st the bottom line what's in it for me how do you see it? >> i read that differently. >> you would read it differentlr i think what he said was at that
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cohen said the president said if you didn't know when thet ma election it didn't matter saidwe to me was showing the election a was the reason i'm not saying that's true but i think that'ska what came across. they might have herded differently so i thought i heard >> i thought he handed him selfg during direct but now as we said yesterday i think this cross couldn't understand where he was going with it first and ifigu figured i understand the scheme here is going to bombard him with everything only shone out to be a lawyer a poke holes in his credibility that he's out just to make money at any expense as he wasn't as strong
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as he was at the outset that all could have been about the thing. being said around the table he talked about the involvement in the payoff schemes or the payoffs. it's unclear and unlikely if he would testify in that euros out of be cooperated. >> audio corroborated if another person said it. you get a second person i misspoke there's nobody else who could say that as trump won't take the stand either so as we get near the end here there areh a couple questions for me i don't know if it ends firstly.go for the trump team to they callo any witnesses that mr trump himself take the stand i would assume those answers are no ande as we think about talking at tha
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outset forgetting to other issues and thanks at some point it would be interesting for me to see how this plays afterwarde with the independent voters in the states making at the difference carl was on your show this morning with you and billkw saying we don't know yet how this is gonna play but as a trauma no different to wear was before first we don't know all e the charges. as we sit here today it's hardi. to see. >> that's the whole poin yout iu don't know what the charges okay and you charge the jury and jury instructions are going to be everything. >> that's why i'm agreeing withr you. >> will i will disagre.e with y from the courtroom it said trump wanted to delay paying daniels until after the election.ut delay means deley doesn't meanda not pay her and means delay we have to go harold.haro
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>> and they went on to say biden is losing in all states. we will talk about that next. a coming up not a joke biden migh be in denial he's about to loseo to donald trum dp more soon. so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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[ cellphone ringing ] phone call from the boss? sorry. outdoor time is me time. sticking it to the boss, that sounds fun. we have sort of a flat hierarchy, so -- wait, flo isn't the boss? well, you could say i'm a boss at helping people save when they bundle. nope, thanks. we're not gonna say that. -i'd rather not. -very cringey.
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shell renewable race fuel. reducing emissions by 60%. ♪♪ we're moving forward with indycar. because we're moving forward with everybody. shell. powering progress.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: like that. the big guy isn't big >> the big guy and big denial with a new report claiming joese biden isn't buying the recentce polls that show donald trump mock being the floor for sorry but in several swing states witd democrats worry joe just isn't accepting reality.
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the dismissive net is sincere not public sprint he doesn'tn. believe the bed poll numbers neither do many of his closest advisorsis will he doesn't see e rating on the wall the media is trying to stage an intervention. >> frankl for the joe biden campaign the numbers are a disaster is mostly it is arizon for donald trump 6, 9 in georgia 13 in nevada my god you look at the stats is cleary's worse off now 6 months from the election then obama was in ben bill clinton -- bill clinton was thee had high disapproval ratings but his are even lower so thatcern concerns you might recall i think it was axelrod and obama's people went to biden's people saying well you aren't doinge nowell you need to talk to us ie
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the response was we've got this. so going on for almost a yearts for yo wu have democrats who cae about joe biden's presidency at least want him to stay in poweru and saysy guys you have to pay g rememberkeep sayin in january the complaint from democrats was there is no urgency with this guy yesterday of the units like okay it was good lasted about as long asg as cotton candy does so for him to be in denialfo means it's willfl deniability is not out we actually of good numbers they are telling their people investing in them right imaginee being aske td we love you to donate to the super back and get them $5 million would you what are they going to do with it. president trump is been in court for 3 weeks the cattleya gloveon on him only able to talk twice . day on wednesdays. today michael whatley from the rnc was on newsroom as well
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there in single digits in places they might not win you're inigit single digits in new jersey where they had huge rally of item 1 by a significant amount last thing i would say the numbers on blacks and latinos in the new york times polls shows and unraveling of the biden coalition i don't see how they get it back.s >> is trained to be strong taking on the trump move whereui we have to start putting tariffs on chinese goods and vehicles is that going to help them. >> it should i like the tariffs he should have done it a long ad time ago a lot of agreement between trump and j osha biden. on china but he doesn't write a bill when trump does that hefs o would be out there holding a press conference bragging about it it woul d make major news biden is instead silent.a if you read in the new york times some pressing points ison
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the reason joe biden should be worried is in november when they had the new york times battleground pulley wasn't doing wellovem since then the stock mt has gone up 25% trump has been on trial ended biden has unloaded tens of millions of dollars into the battlegrounds not only is cn not just the same place so what you do if your entire coalition is unraveling black hispanics young people ann it's at 70% of the country wants to see a major change like fro the table a major change in ther country what he thinks joe biden's demand to do it theysa don't like trump but sam might not like him but he still within striking distance fields to rust belt sconce michigan and pennsylvania still possible your
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not the democrat party it's joe biden. why don't they just say joe your time is up we can't lose. i >> i don't believe the party is there once were joining the campaign of somewhere the polling data is consistent like it is noorw and persists like it is now read see a 12-point deficit in key states the, th convention is in august. i doubt you'll get the numbersee but if you get to the conventioc you're trying to campaign to win abortion and so many other things that a conversation may's ensue but i don't think that will happen. the challenge today is mr trump is successful this far but it's early though and if the races
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remains a referendum on biden's age, inflation and border he's going to have a huge problem in november. of the democrats are able to make this race referendum onndum trump it started to do is a challenger but as he has been presence does president have an understanding of what he might do as president, democrats wille get theimor narrative together to get it back. you ca.n shake your head but referendum ot thn biden the ecoy in some ways for a lot of people is decent for many other peoplef it's not and it's that narrative as you say you can't tell people they are doing well when they don't think that. whoever is able to make it a referendum on the other personeo that person will be advantaged. >> 65% of americans live paycheck to paycheck some peopl
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are living to. >> you said some people aren't some people aren'tanin. >> the economy is doing well fof some people. >> by summing means harold ford junior you do make a good point people don't like their bad t experience denied the democratso and biden have ignored the bad news border crime and inflationi notes polling why is that baden because they denieied the other bad things as they did nothing because there is no problem inpb our bed pulling we need to den denied them another opportunity to serve in the white house. biden is a slob with every major health problem ignoring is doctor yes all these issues says he's fine it's still early buttl the denial the polling could be assigned there preparing for
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something like a surprise outcome whether it's a different candidate or whatever but if the gap in pulling gets too wide'sel going to be really hard to makeb the public believeli in an upsea rate we know they are desperate and biden's eea freefall which she's good at which is why we need to push for total ectitransparency because remembr they interfered in this election with the law right in front ofei imagine what they're doing behind your back straight time magazine that you posted about trying to get trump at office in 2020 so they think that theo wh moral authority to do whatever is possible the never talked with the language's men were leaving the democratic party we talk about it a lot it's my d people whyon they don't feel welcome in this party iss ba becoming the angry white female
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party when you feel you're the bag i why do you want to be there they don't even like male behavior. if you talk about self defense a or chocolate what she she would do about crime talk about law and order basic nature consequences it's pushed aside for this weird more forou so-called compassion thatmpas ultimately punishes women whether it's in athletics around the streets when it comes to crime so shut up jesse. >> i didn't even say anything. >> ahead what could possibly goh wrong san francisco givingwron homeless strokes free booze the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm.
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♪ ♪ >> speaker-01: fun fact san francisco is not just an open sewer but an open bar. they beehas n giving vodka shots alcoholics for the past 4 years $5 million taxpayer-funded effort called the managed alcohol program with nursesrs acting like bartenderses for controlled doses of booze. as its compassion delaying the inevitable as for controlled doses and means i can't control alcohol. what's the reasoning behind at'sthis?
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>> there is months ago in new york correct bite vending dachine for paraphernalia an other things but them in alli black neighborhoods which isesti interesting as you want to keep people off the street put them in education classes. and teach people a skill get them boozed up and let them bacd out on the street where theyoze. become more frightening to people on the streets think it was, last night we did this topic she said you have to get i more drunk in order to get the gfree booze so you have to go g back outside get really wasted then we givere you the free booi >> the 16th anniversary oft' gavin newsom's 10 year plan to
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end homelessness in san francisco. morning after the revolution dispatches from the wrong sidem thof ewas this is your home as well s can't just give this to the homeless is 1 strain particular book is about a mom going through facebook pictures going for the system with these drunken and drugged out peoplean there was kinda funny begging the police to arrest him that was the only time he could actually get sober enough to make a decision on whether he>> wanted to get help. >> put him in jail you start
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them on the strait and narrow y and make sure you keep them onfr probation a while after jail. what's crazy about this is $20 million for 4 years with 65 clients total $307,000 for eachc client you knoliw what i want to know only is this lunacy were in a continual state of drunkennesf was the contract to provide the booze for all the people in the city in san francisco. they are so corrupt in san francisco it's about a contract and i bet it's an open contractn what if there's any wine they will vineyard right. >> they get better vodka thanbet solie. almost happy hour purity have po producers shooting it tonight wo will have that tomorrow.
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>> i think hobo happy hoursrect better if you like the alliteration may be issued noal said that because noliw we know they are there that's what they do great to give people what they want and call a harm reduction and it's a path ofance least resistance your hooked on heroin here's a needle are you confused about your gender here's a pair of scissors snap snap you are depressed assisted suicide goodbye everybody knows what works you get clean needyo self-discipline take a shower and ge t a job establish relationships needing exercise it's not real rocket science.wh what theat left does give people stuff because it's easier and ig makes people giving feel better about themselves meanwhile they are killing everybody and we call it harm reduction. pretty sick.
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♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ >> we need you to be the mom for the country. >> she needs to wash her mouth as she casual drop the f word addressing young asian-americans >> sometimes people open the door for you and leave it open sometimes they don't and youe th need to keep -- kick that door. [ bleeps ] down excuse my language.
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>> what would george w. bush saa about that? >> i remember a hot microphone when they left the room air is having a conversation the w microphone was still oasn and it ended and he said the s word right it was an international scandal and crazy that we are at this point so 1 of the problem is it's not the laugh it's alsoh that i wish the real homily --ka com harris would stand up. does she want to just be liked or respected is interesting iss she's at an event for youngn asian students the biggest barriers facing them in the last few years of come from the dea and racial board why do we have the cases in the supreme court because as they were told you aren't likable enough rate they wanted to
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change everything and so you had moms and dads in virginia having to go to court to say no ourd kids shouldn't be discriminatede against because they are good at what they are doing. they can kick the doors down the doors are being put up by peopli in the dea i'd rather havg:e her drop the f bomb. and if i'm okay with trump swearing i swear i am okay with her swearing. it's bad timing on her part wit. a doors don't open.e we've seen doors getting kicked young people on campus pul so pulled back on the grazing and hyperbole in the fall else fails rent to hang glider. i speak for everybody when i say she still here as he so
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obviously terrible we keep his hearing about his backup and wes shouldn't not like our presentis is a quarterback of aaron rogerr in his primes you don't care who the backup is.ckup but no our quarterback currently sucks and backup sucks. do be reminded it's not justnded biden it's calm a light harris you can't say at least we have harris. >> i thank you just described the broncos. >> judge jeanine? >> i think she was trying to be cool to get the youth vote and say, hey, i'm with you guys i wish you would be passionatessio about things she is allegedly working on like being the borders are or ai some of the other issues she is apparentlyaa
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in charge of the asked me whatne she is passionate about after 3 and a half years i don't know because it's interesting because joe biden said something ridiculous saying my name is joe biden i worked for connollyrk f harris asked her to be my vice president because i knew iarte needed somebody smarter than mee why would he say that is he trained to throw something up against the wall? >> it's self-deprecating humor i'm a master at it and understand what is trainable ofi >> an example right there. >> politicians are equal opportunity users of the f word i use it a lot off their.s >> just discussing how often you use it. >> don't throw me under the bus no cake for you don't understana for the life of me up and sayino this for want why you don't have
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its campaign lines down. your not talking about the economy the present is a typo, empowering everyday americanss h cutting taxes on small businesso what does the next from fry't years look like you don't talk about the next 4 years is like i don't care if you're speaking in memphis tennessee new york cityo or california where you are from you have to have a message if the messages all over the placel it opens herself up never speaking the vice president president in particular these numbers will continue to come ir like the area coming in make yes kick that door down is not a messaging head climate change freaks are a declaring war on a warm showers.
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♪ ♪ >> from my cold dead hands lead take my warm showers thes. washington post climate solution reporter icls calling onim folko
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make the ultimate comfort sacrifice to protect the planet from climate change with this articl e entitled why should embrace using cold water almost all the time but this is nuts. adjudge your thoughts? about it, judge. are you looking forward to cold showers? >> judge jeanine: not a chance. i'm not going to eat insects or drive an electric car. i'm only cooking on a gas stove, and i'm not taking a cold shower. all right? jesse, do you remember when he talked about the fact that during the pandemic there was some study that said nobody was driving, factories weren't working in all of this stuff, and there was no change in the carbon emissions? okay? the people who have got to change other people in china and that is the end of it. >> harold: your name was invoked, you have 30 seconds to respond. >> jesse: i am pro-cold shower, take one every day and if i don't i take an ice plunge, 45 degrees, 5 minutes pete >> greg: liar! >> judge jeanine: where? >> jesse: it increases mood and circulation. in my bathtub, judge! b545 degrees? >> jesse: i buy ice from the
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liquor store and i haul it back, fill the tub, takes 55 minutes, dump four packs i in their ants emerge and it makes you happier, it makes you less stressed, reduces cortisol, it's very, very beneficial. expose your body to stressors. speed to do you also take a hot shower? >> jesse: and then i sought out. >> harold: dana? >> dana: they want us to die from disease because you don't wash your hands with cold water because it doesn't get rid of the germs coming how to use hot water. remember covid, people? >> harold: exclamation space my point, what are your thoughts on this? >> greg: i only take a cold shower after watching the larry kudlow show. there should be a law at all of these publications, and you can do this, "washington post," anybody that plans on writing about an unpleasurable practice, whether it is eating bugs or taking cold showers were giving america -- they have to do it for a month before the article is being published. every single day. not one day or a few hours bear i do this in men's health.
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i actually ate at mcdonald's every day for eight days before i did a story on it and then they stole it and made it into a movie. these people push exercises and climate virtue under the assumption that they are exempt. so they just needed it -- they have to be held to the fire appears to be on what was the documentary about mcdonald's? >> greg: "super size me." >> jesse: you say they stole -- >> greg: it's in "men's health." >> jesse: eight days. >> harold: take a hot shower and have a steak tonight. >> judge jeanine: i like that. ♪ ♪ angie can connect you with a repro for any home project. >> find top rated certified pros in your area at angie macomb.
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a local artist turn the barrier into a mural of thrn thee boat.h >> he has yet to hear back from the city. but he claim he cs he played by the rules. and you deserve it. all you code enforcement people. i love that. all right, greg. all righ we havet. tonight, we got jim naughton, nicholas giordano, kat timpf, tyru timpfs. we're going to do that drive time. let's do it. greg's absolutely disgusting news. this is repulsive. take a look at it. it's real lifeumper and bamb thr in bambi, deer in a rabbit greeting each othe r. should >> i know what you're saying. this is perverse. these animals should be separated. what if they mat separt ifhey m could be disgusting. but it happened in the backyard of a home in oregon. they're all perverse things. they're darker, jesse. skipwhatever. we're going to skip what i had. will just promote the show. jesse watters primetime. itr se8:00 wit.rmed we have the get it together series with a reformed arms trafficker. >> awesome. all right. that's it for us. jesse and the gaext. night. welcome to jesse watters, primetime tonight.
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