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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  May 15, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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the second episode of my o new special outlaws and lawmen, it drops on fox nation. episode two follows the rough justice of wild bill hickok and wyatt earp. >> take a look. >> not satisfied. we can have more dead a >> that episode out tomorrowtomr right on fox nation. hope you'll watch it.x all right. tomo fox.nnati and friends, by the way, tomorrow morning. that's all the time we have left. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. mie of h notime, letset yove your heart. be troubled. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilg gutfele on your face. >> have ace haa greavet night.
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all right. all right. i know. i know. i know. i know. i know. m i love. i love. me too. hashtag happy tuesday, everyone. let's get started. this w this week is national brain injury awareness weeeek, or as joe calls it, every week. former white house press secretary jen psaki is under fire for claiming joe biden. didn't check his watch during the memorial services fortch du soldiers killed during the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistarinr in 2021. she was right. u.s.giden wasn't checkin watch. he was just surprised at those weird things at end of his arms called hands. d an >> stormy daniels actually wore
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a bulletproof vest to donald trump's hush money trial, which is weird because she's uset prd to taking shots to the face that back, hey, we ain't playing tonight. but to make her feel at home,hoe a member of her security detail saw the vest and crumpled a $20 bill into it. >> four years after joe biden picked kamala harris as his vp, he's still mint's, mispronouncing her. >> it's contagious. he he said kamala instead of . but yon u can't blame him. he's used to callingclai her thg help day. >> oeardh, heard that. >> you know, experts say in order to remember a name, you should say the name.
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>> more repetition helpsy it you get better at things. which is why joe is so good at fallineg. y >> wal-mart has decided to close all 51 of its health clinics. all 51. >> now i have to get my get haecked at ace hardware, though. don't laugh. they carry drain snakerdwares. >> all right. a cnn fluff piece claim that. meghan markle visited nigeria as a duchess and an african princess. it's true. she already sent me an email asking for money. yesterday, red lobster abruptly closed. she'smore 50 of its seafood restaurants across the country as a result. the suicide prevention hotline received dozens of phones calls from the same number. >> researchers say havinger testosterone could add years to a man's life.
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>> yeah. in a related story, randi weingartenyears says she wants to work until 2085. ingarten meanwhile, men with low levels of testosterone are percent more likely to die than men within normal range. >> well, guess who just has two days to live? >> all right. monologue. >> the board of trustees at the university of north carolina chapel hill, just voted to defund their diversity inclty inclusion program and defund. heir own >> i love when their owns rhetoric comes back to bite them in their fat. $2.3 million in usc funds will be moved from that leftist boondoggle to campus police and public safety effort boondso that's right. policing. they're refunding the police. so on that commiesthat com.
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>> the only way it would sting even more is if they threw a few grand toward throu a barbe and beer fest for the fratws fellows who saved old glor wy and a lot of pride. but it's great news for students who want a good education. and bad news for blue air blobs and race who want easy paychecks. cnn might hire them. cnn migh,i mean, they were dumb to hire gayle king. unnecessary. and that's just the next >> one month after the entire unc system of schools movedl an to repeal and replace their d-i policyre. >> unc's move comes in the wake of anti-semitic riots on their campus and other colleges across the country where spoiled brats culturallys across scarves from arabs and tentspri from and so that these do this to themselves.
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themthink did their my net my maniacal focus on race produce. an entire generation of bigots who are now unemployable. well, does joy pay in the woods ? the same thing is happenin g happe at the massachusettsni institution of technology, or mioft cat, which is no longer requiring diversity statements from prospective, although they still have to be , nerds or as mit president sally kornbluth put it, compelled statements impinge on freedompis of expression and they don't work. >> well, thank o expresss. where have you been the past ten years? i've known that forever, and i'm not smart enough to get into deep fry, much less your nerd factory. looks like sally got the message. remember, she's the only prez to survive congressionalsional kicking from elise stefanik, where former from eupen
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and harvard couldn't identify antisemitism if it grew a tinya mustache and invaded poland. so the backlash is growing and it's revealing more than lizzo. >> after a trip to victoria's secret . i approve that photo, but we juw that die was just yocamouflaged racist revenge plot. >> if you look like the people from the past were told to hato ,now we're going to punish you for it. it's just an old bigotry as progress. but i hate to remind the kids who think they know histor ty. congress passed a law o called the civil rights act of 1964. that's back when pelosi still had feeling in her face. and in four bay discrimination s on the basis of and raccrime in hiring, promoting and firing. c. d. i actually reversed that and we weren't supposed to notice,
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but we did. that's why, as the washington post points ouwht, a lot of companies are removing all references to dea by including coles, eli lilly, starbucks and coorncludings. and as anheuser-busch has learned, americans just wantto a beer, not a lecture to come with it, especially if the broa espd, the finger waggig also wags a and whether students know it or not, this trend is going to help them because companies won't hire the enemy. no one wants to hire a fresh en law grad bathed in deep hate, just as you wouldn't throw a live intoade io your own barracks. plus, it's nice to know that you were hired for your talent, experience and skill. not because you lookt experiencs size model from a benetton ad and it's great news forws is companies. the hiring pool just got deepetr and than stormy daniels lies.
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stormy daniels lies. you can now hire the most competent applicant, not worry y and not worry about hiring a brainwashed who thinksa two plus two equals racist. >>rxist wh there are. okay, i can rest, but there are holdouts. one group, the society for human resource management, thinks just moving letters d-ier around will do the trick. >> they replace the term d-i with i d. yes i. i'd. what's that normally stand for? improvised explosive device. great marketing, guys. ied. >> i guess std was already taken, but it's actually closer to the truth. and they realizeit's a leave and at a school or in work and it'll blow the wholeat up. but when a society focused foc probuman resources thinks
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you solve a problem by hiding it, it's time maybe to rethink human resources. just move some letters around. i okay, let's do it for you. from now, human resources becomes each user mourns. tering all right, smattering. a smattering. but sorry, guys. even if we did, he changed his name to deputy. nothing's changed. he's still going by person of interest. so we hate to tell you.y fo >> society for human resourcecen managementag. ied is like a president with a new colostomy bag. >> it's just a different container for the same old. tonight's gas. people are is had for bad luck.f jimmy ignored to go. a hair
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men isn't a hair club for man infomercial. he's theinfomerc second bald gu. oh, tonight's battle campus reform. higher education fellow nicholas giordano. she's she's like a sunflower fin,colof colorful and plucked from abandoned lots. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor . he's sizable, recognizable, and messing with him is inadvisable. "new york times" best selling author, comedian, former nwa, him neil chin. >> i like to think of as an up u from your bootstraps kind of guy. you didn'tr bootstps kin get wht with any d-i. you're just odd white male. >> thank you, greg. and i'm actually laying on my back holding my bootstraps. >> good fo bootstrr you.
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wow. i'm picturing that right now. . d it's not >> do you think this is as good trend watching d-i go? and it is it is your d-i in comedy. >> it's all there is ins business, but i think it's not spoken. no one says it. but i mean, likes lik i know le i haven't gotten things just because i'm like a white male, likeea whit, i a show this weekd and like, if you ask the 37 people that were there, like, i should really be doing a lot bettere shoulddoin than i am hee back because i have man. conser >> yeah, you know, it's funny. conservatives didn't ruin this.e progressives did. yeah, like they wrecked it. like mossst people don't mind honest. trying to balance the scales make up fonest tryr things thate unfair. i don't think anybody. but it's like it just became this thingcame of, hey, we don't want the white people in this space. and everybody's like, just up. u yeah. and it made everybody sick and tired of it. and diversitt upy shouldn't be a word that makes you sick to your stomach. no, but you hear imake youk t. you just go. no. is that amazing? it's like they ruined somethinug
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because they don't have an off switch or a dial it back switch. nick, you're you know, you're from. you're from the academia, the world of academia. >> is this am i, like, blowing the horn too soon? >> is this stuff actually going out the doortually? >> f, first, i want to thank the inclusivity of gutfeld allow to challenge people who have that same time. alleng with that being said,ed be suspiciouo appes. they'll probably rebrand diy and do something else. repackagrsomethine it. and you know, there have been professors and institu options like campus form that have been warning about diversity, equity and inclusion. war abohow leads to tribalism. it leads to people chanting death to it's based on anti-americanism. and i take these institution at least some of them have realized that the movement has gone a little too far. when you have a bunche of spoiled, entitled brats screaming that america is a racist and evil country erica isd evilat the same time, they're calling for intifada and celebrating a organization
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,a terrorist organizationwill d that will destroy christians, has purged christians and jews pud and wants ha to destroy societies, right? i mean, so it really you see how ironic it is that these leftists have gone too far. but i got a better idea than defunding. we should take the money that' thsd being used and send all these people to the most horrible places around the world we could find. >> and i will guarantee you they will come back with a new appreciation for the united states of america. that's for surbackh e. >> well, i mean, sending them to chicago is not going to solve any problems. . you can get it. rig all righhtt. >> we know human resources is as screwy business. but i there's i would never say that i love you. human resource say ts. o you're watching this. i'm on your side. sorry. my file is a bit different thann you, but there is a society for theyn resources managementbut t. they thought the solution was
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take diy and reverse i wt. nse i yeah, i mean, nonegh of it makes sense, right, for them to take this, as you pointed out,t thes to say, oh, these statements that we tell people to write compulsoryements w statements dt work. i think it's worse than that. i think that actually there's no greatere you can give to a manipulative fake person than to outright tellpulative them ts is what you need to say in order to get what you want, which is all of that y is. i mean, there's been so many times in my life when i've been like, he likes all the same things i like, like no cat, you dumb. >> yeah, i like those things. u i know that you like thosee things. so he's pretending to like those thingsthingsso he'. gs. >> but this where if you wanted to have someone to give a statement and then maybe is a part of that, that's how you would know the person cared about diversity of saying right. this statement about how diversity is important to you. i think they're probably going to writet ab to about diversitytant t is important to them, whether it is or it isn't. yeaho themwhether , and that's logic. but if you say something like that, then that means you don't somens yt care about these itth. that that that's got nothing to do with it that makes me think how many guys they are actually saying they like taylor swift. >> i knolir swifw one specificap
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i think he plays for the chiefls he's going, oh i love that song, babe. oh, battier am i? we found the one guy that likes taylor swift and she's going to marry him. >> yes, ye s. >> what do you make of this? i think this is actually good for good for students thin, good for employers. >> i just think we always missed the lesson. hm rfect exm. e you know, in the perfect example, as that is, by changing the name of something. but that's kind of hownginname work. eley take words that meameann one thing and they change them in the other. but now we're on to them. so now they're juse on st moving letters around like it's going to. yeah, know, i'm saying it's like it's a t some someone has to like look dr. evil's it's, it's not going to happen. yeahr you know, like you juste think, yeah, it's just not enough for you, you know? it was likwholthine that whole g about the seinfeld thing. yeah. the catch point. 22,000 people, 40 walked out and two of them were newman. so, i mean, it's not even likeem ,you know, i'm saying,
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but they're like, that's the problem. >> so they they'reo it's it's o' it's done for them. but we're not learning for lesst because we're not going to the people that it was affected by. >> we're not propping up the ones who were dismissed. we're not apologizin theg. lower class white america. we're not apologizing to men and women we're just saying,e oh, we're doing this. no, no, no, no. it needs to be more then it's more than just here's a check for police officers. it needs to be from i the universities. we're not going to get rid of scholarships for getting people in law. orceme we're going to do this. we're going to make upntma forks the the last five years of embarrassing and ruining people's lives and peoplef who work their ass off being told no because you're white. that's just as badld n beca as int sit he the 60s. say no, tyrus, you can't sit around this table because you're black becauseu ar the ite same thing as the administrators in the process that actually startsizing no with recognizing, not just changing. you havein to say we we listen to the wrong people and we're going to fix it. >>d this is how, you know, these college students are frauds because at harvareyd they've given up on this little
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sit and they were doing. yeah. and they're demanding to be. e yes. instead of just leaving the school, which is still leg business with israel, they're actually we want to be reinstated because it's not willing to give anythinge want . yeah, they got nothing. and they're like, all right, we got nothing. please and the us back in class. >> exactly. some hunger strike calling when you're dead. >> it was. it was a hunger moment. yes. up next, are voters disgusted because cohen can't be trusted ? if you'll be in the new york area and like tickets to see gutfeld go to foxnews.comtely. slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio audienceat's what . eran s. i try to put my arm around any i venkt that i hel absolutely. at new day, usa, that's what we're doing. we putp em and p arm around the. well, i think that the veteran out there that he needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. families. it's a great rewarding everybody in the company, they have that deference
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their legends. this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on station speaker mike johnson on fox and friends talking trial. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost.
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daniels to lie about the hush money. pressuring s to misleading the federal election commission about the payment. >> and he also kind of came offf as a spurned lover that he was obsesseda love obsessed with dod trump. and when donald trump he didn't say this, but he didn't get a position in the government, he turned on him and started meetintion in hg investigatorse he was in prison. >> what do you make of all this? >> it's confusing because it was fashionable to be the siden . i'm saying he was the side lawyer. he was a side lawyer, which ide lawys got all the he justcoe wasn't allowed to come to the house in front of the family. yes. thous frontyou what i'm saying. >> and if you can't tell, thiss is a love. yes, it is love too hard. and trump used him to filewhichg some paperwork, which again, the president made a mistake becausthe pre when you when theo back and forth and this is where i got to kind of go at the president a little bit, you tell us how terrible he wasl and. he's telling you how terrible you are. but you all worked together for a long tim for e. >> so the the attacking, i think, just isn't workin
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gr the and i can't wait for the jury to come out because i love to heajumer how testimony was rt riveting. and it was just at some point someoning pe gave him a boxtise of tissues and looked the president eyes. but you brokhee my heart, i was up all night. my bags were packed. i ha aredd already told my friee that i had an office at the white house. i got my kids white house dad t-shirts you bring and not ruined everything. >> you broke my heart. and that's why i'm here. yeah. and then we get it. but the jury isgoing is going e back in the verdict. i can i can tell you right now, word for word what thetell y verdict's going to be. jury is going to come up. they're going to hand the bailiff and he's going to go the bao. >> jerry comes back with what we don't knows. can you sometimes wish that you had someone that cared about you the way cohen cared about trump? he admitted to lying outto p of loyalty and in order to protect him. >> i do have someone like that. i'm sorr.y. i'm so you don't.
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he does, gusrr. yeah. stories. attorneys saying that he storney saidt was going to kill himself because he didn't get the job. you. beidn' a that i can picture. yeah, that's it. mecan see the flurry of text messages that were being sent, and it's also like the guy'sed p a convicted perjurer. i mean, this is there'erjus big witness. it's just none of it makes sense. it's gone on for so longakes seo me it's so remarkables how something involvingr an you know and powertr and betrayal is this boring at the endayal i of day because they don't even know the charge yet. >> grew ann't even kno the charge yet. it's about an entry intoentr a n expense. >> a legal expense. oh, i think you're going somewhere else with that. sought youe go sino that logginl expense, that they couldn't do it any other can because there . no way to do it. >> so there's actually no we haven't i haven't hearreg: i hdm talking about that. no they haven't. nicholas have you beenollowing following this? you better. but it's like he's a known
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th you. 's all how can anybody take him seriously? this is all a vendetta. well, i following this closely,. and i'm starting to think that the district attorneyollow, alvin bragg is really a maga closet maga supporter, right? yeah. how else you explain this trial? completely ridiculous. everyone sees what it is that you use and the weight of government to target one person that you dislikt ofee but i do have to give a thank you because i've been teaching 20 years and i never thought i'd be able to bring porn stars into the classroom. talk about that. i got hunter biden and his crack and who done it with the cocaine in the white house. >> i mean, politics in 2024 has gotten really interesting. the only thing i wish is thise trial was televised. i think that would add aly t new elemenhing thet to it wheree could watch it on tv. >> but i'm starting to think that at first it was maybe a hung jury. now i'm starting to think that the jury may actually ayo new york jury, only democrats could do this. >> a newur york jury actually goes with a not guilty verdict based on what we've heard. >> yea thet noth.
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i mean, there could be an opportunity that it doesn't even go a jury. >> i heard jonathan turley sayrk that before he left for work. i shouldn't have said that. oh, going to kill me.m what >> all right, jim, what say you? what's comedy world thinkingld k right now? what's going on in the comediny that's a great non humiliating way to ask. right i don't it's so far like i think michael cohen probably t telling the truth, but i don't don'y careolutel about this at all. i don't care. >> he did it. yeah. he should have had with her. he did? yeah. he lieied. >> i don't trust any president that gets caught cheating on his wife and immediately goes, you got me. >> like, that's not in the negotiator. thank you. i don't care at all if he. i don't care if he had with her and wiped her back over the classified documentr on in great. it has nothing to do.
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i wouldn't care if biden did it. i don't care who these guys have sex with if they have the to like if they get busted, it is a non-issueo. >> it's a waste of everybody's time. yes, we went froe.m top to top secret. either way he declassified it. yes, i. >> oh, beautiful. all right. i condemn everything everybodyot just said. i just want you to know that i'm nancy peloso know i can't contain her elitist disdain. awesomcontain her ele. some just know that the bestmit on you with honesty, because there's a right way to. and the speed limit definitely is 700 million miles per hour. >> so why would you pay a rate based on a terrible boss with a based on a terrible boss with a terrible save? oh, save it drive wise and get
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pelosi, who recently spoke at an oxford union debatident n that's in england cat.un she argued that americans who see themselvesion de populit are just poor souls looking foro answers. >> watch. we've seen demagogues come down the pike, destroy the press. what is what is. ake but do the republicans say fake news? so they're diminishing that inyi the eyes of these poor souls who are looking for some answers. we've given them to them,at but they're blocked by some of their views on guns . >> they have the three g's guns,, god, guns,, god. i use my gs. yeah. it was an echo. o obama's comment that working class voters cling to guns or comm except the only thing clinging to nancy are her eyebrowsly. olas it' nicolas it's always kind of the same. it's like, oh, these poor, ignorant masses.
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if there are only smart enough to see how great the democrats are, well, it's the elitist attitude, you know, that they forgot what public service all about, that they're there to serve the public. instead, they think they're there to rule over the public. and i think with nancy pelosi, you see that elitist attitude, even back when she made the salon open uep get ahead on during covid. meanwhile, i had to give my kids haircuts and they look she like jim carrey for dumb and dumber. >> and then she messed up her servants and she held this big lavish fundraiser. so it shows that theser an politicians have to let them cake eat, let them eat cakws aea attitude where it's not about ordinary people in the plight, but really to blame. >> is it them or is it the people that keep on puttingn like this in power? >> and i think we have to start looking internally whereda they're denigrating us time and time again. they're constantly a down to usy as if we're children and we don't know what's in our best interests. >> and yet there's so many people that will go and just reelect him back into office.wih
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>> so at some point we have tonn blame ourselves. just name recognition. jim you and nancy dated back ins the 80s. >> yes, we did. is a >> first of all, on that guy look like they're dressed for the dinner party at the shining. yeah thee dresse. >> he should be sitting on the end of a bed with a guy in a rabbit coming out of his lap. >> oh, yeah. she's like, it's like she's doing kind of doing some kind of weird satanic spele isl. yeah. the only poor soul i can think l of is the cop who had to look at her husband in his underpants as heand in h. w as he flirted with a hammer wied wielding stuind. . i don't know if that those facts are true, jim. that probably not correct, but that's why they call it elitism, not wasn't back after this. e that. i don't know what that means, but at least honest about her elitism. she she can look down at anybody public like some people do it behind
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the scenes that pretend theyr people that s are populous. >> but she will look down on you to your fachedown oe. yeah. i don't want her telling me what to do. no, that's not true. i'd love her to tell meelling what stocks to buy. >> yea mh, that'd be great.. >> but it's like, see,g to people cling to this or that. >> okay, if that's what that person's values are, then that person clings to their values. that's what everybody does. yeah, that's what cling ti cane for. any of these people of either major party. because what my valuesas are and to look down on someone just because of theirs are differennt . yours. that doesn't make you better or smarter. just jus than't make u t trust what peope you do. >> people know what's best for themselves. if knot for >> gt to cling to it, they should cling to go for it. yes,t to you should see the this i cling to. you should? >> yeah. unfortunately, one of them's my leg . >> i just get excited. i know a lot better
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>> it's so funny when you see the gutfeld water spray bottle. i have sno w. i eg i don't even need a question. i'm. i have a question. yes. where wahave a qstion.s she comf before she did she she sprint uphill jumbeforep over some stu. we've got to get out and whyme is she so pressed for time? yeah, she's exhausted likeas she's out of breath and it just i don't it because she's usually she's so good at predicting things the cats poiny sod att. >> yeah she knows what stock market to pick but she doesn't know the pulse of the american peoplulsean people. it's crazy it's almost like one she's cheating at something either us or. >> well i'm not going to finish that because i don't want to end up dead. >> is that her husband on the left? yeah. there you go. and they look very happy. yeah. yeah, yeah. fai >> that. to be fair, i do know that. >> look at he's looking at her like he just realizedin he married. es that. mick mars. yeah.
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0200 for your free information and your free gift. that's 1-800- 700 2020. don't wait. 1-800- 702 020. call on a story in five words. >> writer says take cold showers. i love this story. a washington post journalist tak is telling americans to take cold showers. she probably won't do it herself and use cold waterherse almost all the time to saveer the planet. am can you name anything worse than taking a cold shower? >> you know, yes. this woman, i think i don't think i've ever said this before, but if i saw her.try to i might try to fight her. yes. no, i might. t it.h i might get into fighting. no. you know what? i don't just take hot showers d to shower. i do it recreationally. yeah, i like to bathoionalle. >> i like to shower. it is like the one warm,
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peaceful place in the world that's full of miseryd and stress. >> you knowhicw? and like you said, there's no way to verify that she's really taking cold showers, because then, you know, if i say, okay, well, then let me watch a shower, then o w i'm right. this is this. this is the most awful. >> and you hear of winning anyone over to your cause. come over on my teamr caus. c >> we take cold showers every day. yeah. no well, she's. >> i don't think she has she a wife. >> i mean, you really upset me. i know has they're warm this fit time i'm warm, and you want to take that from me? >> t it's one of the few things we have, jim. i'm telling you, we have no evidence that this reg: gym author madechange these changes herself. but the people that do this eat don't use air conditioning. aio it for a month, you , right? yeah. and then tell us how went. yes. i won't do this. and not only will i no it this. >> i use hot water on my plants
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and i won't. i won't flush the toilet unless there'he toiles hot water in th. i'm going to send my little treats away. >> nice and toasty. ha ha ha ha ha. that's disgusting. i think that these people should be forcedi thin diarists to actually prove dod showd be that they're doing this. >> listen, this soundsing this , but again, climate, everybody just running out of, you know. yeah, they're running out. that would hold your breath and the planet will be better. >> yea he h. >> cold showers is a man thing. okay?g and i take cold showers all the time because it prepares me for the rest of my days me. hmm. m i step out. my face is already set i. i'm already disappointed. i'm already at my worst physical point with all the freezing. i'm ready for the world. let's go dl o it. there's a lot of the big thing right now is those cold plunges . >> and it's good for your body, is good for your joints or
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whatever. but i don't think in the main stream of things, the planets we are falling apart and we're holdinn thsg on. and like, what was it? i remember like somebody took a hot shower. yeahthat d it?. look and as you and i follow, we look at cat and like, you, it was you. >> but by the way, as she sips, smoking hot tea, as she walksg away and we die, by the way, jesse on the five today said that he called plungesdid o the five minute alive. do you hear that?t there's nobody who does it. theris nobit's because he did ti >> he'd be posting it. yeah. yeah, exactlouldy there's no way johnny did it. >> and then he recorded johnny and then put it and then said he did it. so i'll take i the challenge of calm waters out right now. i will challenge you to a cold puncrsh. >> let's see. you can go. yeah. there you go. yes. so, nicholas, they als.o out washing your plates like there's like you, you wash
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your hands with hot water, you wash because you killedr germs. >> that is correct. and doing the laundry, they want you to do cold waterme to dirty sheets, like for me, sheets and cold water. but these people, it's the elitist mindset. they're all frauds and hypocrites. they're just miserable in life. hypon plastic straws tha as if that's the thing that's going to save the earth. planett'e thin instead. >> now we use paper straws in every drink, just miserable ev use them. >> it's they're all frauds. and i think it's time that we don't even listen to them and acknowledge them at this point becaus d acknowle. t >> and they're not going to live by what they say >>on me. preach if we ignore them, then i have to find another story to do. the and these are really easy stories on college campuses, man. yeah, i know, but it's it is never ends. it just washington post like>> t okay so i when i was editor men's health before i would do ul anything i would actually do the thing i, i lived in a monastery for a weekd when i talked about it i actually ate mcdonald's for eight days
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when i wrote about eating for mcdonald, eating mcdonald's every day. >> i did i, i tried everything. dan rather shot up heroin. really? in. he did that exploited jim, your grinning at me. >> i just like to look at you. i know what i'm >> oh, mess. we got news to give from where our guests live. >> there are certain eras in american history that define us where fortunes were made, rules were broken, and legends were born. this was an age of outlaws and lawman. howdy, bob, and businesses down here. some were heroes, some were villains. and that's where the fun begins. this staff trainer, marsh, says he's this is outlaws and lawmen now streaming on fox nation
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the story martha maccallum breaks down every angle. >> here's wheries.
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animal society leading the charge and your help. we can't save them all coast to coast with stories that matter most you're watching. local news with emmy winning anchor kelly crystal kelly replacing van jansen, who died. >> and now here's kelly.
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i know. i'm kelly, crystal kelly and this is local news where every y guest is to share a story from wherever they're from. jim,where th why don't you go f? thank you very much. this is i think they showed a little video of the little the little duck that escapedf th in the school there was a little duck there running high school. r thand it was like no one knew what to do and they had to finally wrangle it upy and they did free it. and it reminded me of something happened like this. in high school, i was a hero. i was a local hero h in north brunswick. we had there was puppies. there was like somebody had ther left them overnight and they got out of the box and there was like seven of them. boxand no one knew what to do.t and i, i called kristi noem and, and she raced right overer with a blow torch and two golfwa clubs would have been so much easier if she came on the show . >> she just came on the show. all right, nicholas, by well,
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i chose a campus reform story because it's reporting when. you find out that a person peat was convictazing an did ofr and bludgeoning someone to death was to sit on aa week college campus for nearly a week and one of these encampments. >> and yet it's the same peopleo that say words are violence that want to ban, you know, people like riley gaines and they shout down people.ow am >> heather mcdonald. yet they allowed a murderer and it took the college killerur nonetheless. exactly what a blunt force object, no wit less.the ca and it took the campus a week to finally kick him off. but it just show kichis how farf the rails some of these people in academia have gonee an and how far off the rails the students are, whether they'll accept someone f th likee that that. >> but if you mispronounce someone, you're saying byo, mm-, that's great. >> if i was in college and somebody was like, oh, killed a , i'd be like, i had, like, i wouldn't believe i woul i'd be like, why are you why are are you here? if you're a bludgeon you or tyr,
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are you going next with a blunt force object? yeah. speaking of blunt force of skull fractures , ingrid sutton ret. so we had a it's time for a new segment. tyrus the stowaway. >> yes. so , as many of you know, i have hv a zoo menagerie. >> never once, while we get ae stowaway, somebody tries to join the team, but we takegro our immigration very seriously at my zoo. and we had a little bit of an issun in mite where someone tried to come across into our border and we winto oure covered her us is now listen this do not try this at home. yois you only can learn this if you grew in the swamps of louisiana. and because we more thann one son, i was fine with him wit doing this. >> so we kind of we caughtging o her we taped it up. turns out the reason why shed was hanging around is she had a really bad injury she had fishing line that was wrapped around her foot to the point where her foot waspoint off. cu so rhett, cut the fishing line offer and thenshing li we set hg
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her way. >> but he used an old school a rope and strind stringg recorde. he's very proud of himself. and i said, well, this doesn'td' excuse not going to college,t but i mean, it's a start. >> i was just going to say, my parents never let me do anything. >> oh, no, you get eaten by an alligator. it's an act of god.. >> what would you rather me bludgeon them? would that be better to be a happy story? i don't know if you remember i y the story about bay area schools students. i think they're from saint francis mountainchoostudew high school. they were they were expelled from school because they were accused of wearing blackface. and it all picture wearing when it turns out they were wearing acne face masks over their skin. i remember this well. they were just awarded $1,000,000 in tuitionstuden to students. they wertse awarded a million bucks in tuition reimbursement after they were expelled, few
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students got the money. what happened to the third guy? well, he was actually in blackface. >> i don't know. whatever. he was the third student.anywa all right. a student. was he a student athlete? might have been a student, but that would say thank you to him for supplying that facrt. so they they got 500 grand each and it was for saint francis high school. >> so there you go. h people >> that'll teach people to stopt trying to cancel people for things they didn't do. >> that's a good message. all right. don't go away. we'll be right back. ye awal s. ye awal s. >> with flonase allergies. don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. our allerginy and nighttime pills. pills. >> a lot of new dry eye have ipatients. my office tell me about their frequent dry eyes, which may point to dry eye disease.
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