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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 15, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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laura meier, this is laura ing ingraham, this is "the ingraham an angle". west virginia polls are closing and vying for joe manchin's open senate seat, results will be on the bottom of the screen and we'll bring major developments as they happen. first, disorder in the court is the focus of tonight's angle. quick takes on the atmosphere in the courtroom today, where i was. to give you idea what the gop front-runners had been dealing with, the floors are old, tan linolium and benches are hard oak with stress on hard. i'm no body language expert, my novice reading, there are at least two jurors and perhaps four, who will not vote that donald trump is guilty, will vote not guilty on the evidence that was presented.
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it is hard for all of us, including jurors to keep emotion in check. you hear something and you react. a few male jurors appeared slightly annoyed and unimpressed when the state was putting on their case. how do cohen come off? like well-rehearsed dunder head, he explained away every action motivated by his effort to protect trump, a dutiful, misguided friend who wanted to help his boss. when asked direct questions, do you remember saying trump was a misogynist, a dictator on your podcast? instead of answering simple yes, could be or sounds like something i might say. that sort of careful phrasing makes him sound like a guy who has been through too many prep
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sessions. when asked on cross, if he was obsessed with trump. cohen described, i don't know if i would describe it that way. there was evidence he had used those words. his answers were purposely vague. cohen hates trump now and wants him in jail, although he refused to answer that question, as well. he was esvasive today, sign of overprepared witness. cohen comes across as a guy with a daddy complex, sought love and approval of donald trump and wanted at some level to be just like him. then when the you know what hit the fan, you can imagine someone like cohen saying, how could you have abandoned me, i thought we
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were buddies for listen. you can't cast me aside, i will show you. a tax evader and a resentful man who wanted to settle scoress and hosting a stupid podcast and writing his tell-alls, cashing in on trump. once by working for him and now working against him. this is the upstanding guy alvin bragg picked as a star witness. let me emphasize, this troubled man is the guy who the state of new york who bet their whole case on. the jury will have to believe his word on the stand is gold. now from afar from reading transcripts, it is obvious alvin bragg treated trump case and
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twisted and stretched into varying forms, legal theories changed and approaches shifted as the narrative collapsed. we're in a gray area what the theory is to aggravate this to a felony. that willing a challenge for prosecutor, is it new york tax crime? could be any of those and prosecution has not articulated with crystal clarity what they are going to use. >> laura: even second-rate msnbc analysts see a problem here. even in new york, you can't throw someone in jail because they're a threat to the democratic party. you have to show they violated a law and have to prove the element of the crime specified to get to the guilty verdict. trump was charged with 34 counts of violating 175.10, falsifying
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business records in first degree. the charges require he must have intended to falsify entries regarding billing with intent of committing another crime or to aid or conceal that crime. now, what was the booster crime that bumped bookkeeping ledger entry to a felony? you heard msnbc guest, it is not clear. i'm not sure the state of new york knows the answer to that obvious question. there is vague assertion by prosecution that trump and michael cohen and others conspired together to violate state campaign finance law, 17-152, illegal lee conspiring any person to public office. andy mccarthy noted, that makes no sense, circles back to
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federal election law, which alvin bragg has no authority to enforce. even die-hard trump haters had to acknowledge reality. >> what is the underlying crime here? >> i'm assuming conspiracy to promote election by unlawful means. how come we don't know that. >> the judge said that earlier, not in front of the jury, i don't know why it is not said in opening statements, in opening statements you tell them what you plan to you have proo. you don't say surprise, this is it. >> laura: no talk of the statute today or yesterday. after spending the day in the courtroom today, it is clearer more than ever new york justice system is badly broken and p perverted and poisonous. how do you get to the point where you think stormy daniels and jug head cohen are more
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credible than donald j trump? they changed their story out of revenge, why would the government trust them? obvious to everyone, even press this was brought to get joe biden re-elected and that is shameful. joining me now is judge jeanine pirro. one star witness said she hated trump and the star witness called trump nasty names, this case is based onnan mus and revenge, do you see any other way? >> judge jeanine: michael cohen said donald trump belongs in a cage with animals. michael cohen is probably one of the worst witnesses you could put on the witness stand. for alvin bragg to make him the center piece of the case, no prosecutor would make him a collateral part of the case, tells you how phony this is. when you talk about how do you
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make an opening statement, defend a case if you don't know what the second crime is, what boot straps this to felony? >> laura: what does that tell you? >> judge jeanine: that the judge is all in for biden and harris, instead of god we trust, it should say biden-harris, seal behind the bench. i was on the sament bench, you cannot let someone try a case who doesn't tell you what the crime is. >> laura: how is that america? >> judge jeanine: in terms of opening statement, i would object, i don't know what i'm defending. >> laura: prosecution stopped the witness, where is the crime? >> judge jeanine: he is last witness how do you end a case with this guy as your final witness. they can try to make him normal, he has no future, no job, he
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hates donald trump, he was not invited into the white house, it made him crazy and he's trying to put donald trump in jail. when the table was set, every witness said michael cohen is a bully, he yells at people, he's mean. donald trump a great boss, multi tasker, i loved working for him. >> laura: prosecution asked michael cohen if he made false statement, he said they dealt with trump tower real state projects, i told him i had spoke to mr. trump about this project three times. prosecution asked, in truth, how many times had you? cohen responsed 10 times. prosecution attempt to explain cohen lying to congress, again, loyalty to trump. >> judge jeanine: you can lie and say i'm being loyal to
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trump, you cheated on taxes, lied to the bank. you perjured yourself under oath. you audiotaped your client, violation of all ethics. >> laura: why was that allowed in? we know there is crime fraud exception to attorney-client privilege. your lawyer can't go tell the court what you told the lawyer, whole point of having an attorney, trust the attorney. michael cohen taped donald trump without his knowledge and enter on crime fraud exception. what is the crime? >> judge jeanine: they don't tell you. >> laura: the judge should not have allowed it, should not have been allowed in court? >> judge jeanine: should not allowed in. stormy daniels should have only said yes, i signed an nda.
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>> laura: do you think what you are hearing and seeing -- >> judge jeanine: i was in the courtroom today. >> laura: i know you were, you saw the jury. i saw not guilty, that is what i'm seeing. >> judge jeanine: i saw a lot of people who did not look strong to me. i did this for 30 years, they are not homogene ous. >> laura: don't be afraid, people, your country is on the line. >> judge jeanine: there is no camaraderie. you go like this, you smile. >> laura: it is america, everyone is afraid to say anything, they are like this, afraid, everyone is afraid. they want us to be afraid. >> judge jeanine: that is what this indictment is, making people afraid. in the end, there was no falsification of business record by someone we heard from, no one put a finger on donald trump, we
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don't know what the crime is or who proved manner in which checks were going to be written. they have not proved the trial and case. >> laura: why is it falsified to say in response to invoice where michael cohen says legal services rendered to say that in the memo. why is that a crime? >> judge jeanine: you believe the reason to be legal expenses. my fear is this will come down to jury strksz instruction. if juror says what is -- we are in dangerous territory. >> laura: it will be tough for the judge, he's in difficult ground. >> judge jeanine: this judge gags defendant is not guy trashing him every night. >> laura: not fair, judge. we have weisman, on msnbc, what was he saying? >> i was struck by how strong
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the case is and how much it should really matter, even if you put criminal part aside, what david pecker testified to about a media organization aligning itself with a political candidate. isn't that something we should care about? it seems like a page ripped from autocracy. that is a crime now? statute, page ripped from autocracy. >> judge jeanine: this works against prosecution because nda's and catch and kills were before donald trump ran for president. >> laura: most of politics. >> judge jeanine: without a doubt. somebody on msnbc said michael cohen is their tough guy, he's not a tough guy. i've met him, have you met him? we've all met him. he is trying to save himself, there is nothing to save here, he will not deep six donald
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trump. >> laura: future of the country should be on the line on that guy and stormy daniels. that tells you everything you need to know about the democratic party today, future of the country on those two. >> judge jeanine: i'm so d disappointed in the judge. >> laura: you have a -- i'm telling everyone to go back to that. judge, love seeing you. take care. couple other familiar faces in the courtroom today have one thing in common, i'll explain it next.
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whoa, what's that, grandpa? look at us knuckleheads. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes.
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you look good. you as well. one, two three. grandpa! what's this, ellie? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooooo! whoa! on your wing, grandpa! her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...”
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so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> we cannot have a country where you get to prosecute your political opponent instead of persuade voters. >> american people have acqu acquitted donald trump, they are concerned about inflation, crime, border, economy, these things president trump is leading verse s joe biden. >> this is sham, this is not the united states of america. this is third rate banana republic. >> laura: they are all on trump's vp short list. joining me -- and sean duffy,
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host of the bottom lean, both are fox news contributors. sean is an attorney. i was sitting behind three of them today, burgum and donald and vivek and it crossed my mind. >> sean: vivek was there in the pri primary. this is apprentice on vp stakes. what donald trump wants is winners, test them out, who can raise money, who can message and defend me best. donald trump likes winners, he wanted america to win during presidency. he said, you are going to get of winning, you compare the vp stakes. remember when joe biden called kamala harris really boring phone call and asked her to be
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his vice presidential running mate? this is exciting. >> laura: so tragic. i remember. byron, i don't know, we're going to talk to ken langone coming up, big nikki haley supporter. i think he's open and we'll have a good conversation with him, big donor to gop. i think republicans are looking like, save this country. save the country. does the vice presidential pick matter more because trump will be a one-term if the if elected and would it nullify old establishment type, not old, but establ establishment type. >> another way to say it, trump would be a lame duck because he couldn'ting re-elected. as far as points potential candidates are making, the idea donald trump has been unfairly
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targeted by law enforcement is basically universally held in the republican base. they believe since the russia investigation began when trump was inaugurated. this is a popular message they are sending. as far as vice-presidency is concerned, think what trump has to did, win states he could win in 2020 and georgia, arizona and he has to win one of michigan, wisconsin or pennsylvania. incredibly important, you pick guy who can help you do that. >> laura: and sean, former president trump said, i will pick someone i think can run the country. who has executive experience to run something and a lot of people are great people, but they have never run anything. >> sean: i like doug burgum, he channels donald trump himself. you need someone who can help you win the election, to byron's point.
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>> laura: would that be nikki haley? people hear that and go off the wall when i say that. >> sean: you want someone who will support your admin administration. he wants supporters who believe in the mission. >> laura: she made a mistake, she should have endorsed him. byron, there are accusations trump is using his surrogates to get around the gag order now, watch. >> did donald trump ask you to come out and criticize the judge's daughter? >> no, not whatsoever, i'm here as a volunteer and i care about the future of this country and where it is going. it is fine if someone wants to be a democratic operative, just recuse yourself if you have a family member making money off controversies like this. >> laura: byron.
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>> gag order applies to donald trump and donald trump alone. you have heard you criticize michael cohen, you are not covered by the gag order. >> laura: what would we do if poor judge merchan, he loves us over here. >> a gag order should apply to the person it applies to and everybody who agrees with that person, not a good idea. >> laura: go ahead, sean. >> sean: cnn asking that question of doug burgum. how about michael cohen? >> laura: joe biden is catching up in the poll and has a lot of vim and vigor and a spring in his step, go. >> sean: reprint that. >> laura: great to be in the studio with you, sean duffy. biden is well-known plagiarist and we reveal what he stole from trump.
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home depot's ken langone weighs in next. ve served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. no one takes care of veterans like newday usa.
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>> laura: polls closing moments ago in west virginia, republicans vying to pick up joe manchin's senate seat, results should come in soon at bottom of the screen and maryland and nebraska, polls still open. sty stay with "fox and friends" for the latest results. biden lied about inflation. >> president biden: inflation has gone up, it was 9% when i came down and now down to around 3%. i think people are uncertain, we have to be steady, stay the course and continue to produce jobs, and by way, pay for jobs
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is outpacing inflation, we'll be able to -- this. >> laura: did he say out patien? fact check, that was a lie. trump handed him inflation rate of 1.4%. inflation did hit 9% a year and a half into his presidency. joining me now is billionaire, home depot co-founder, major gop donor, ken, americans are not believing biden on inflation issue. >> they shouldn't, numbers speak for himself. >> laura: why is he doing that? >> because he's a liar. liars lie. think of the other things he said that have no basis and fact. none. irony is that american people, because of media, he's being given a pass. that is most absurd remark in
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the world to say inflation was 9% when he came in. it was 1.4. >> laura: think about what is happening in this country and beautiful city of new york. >> sad. >> laura: you were here in the heyday -- >> all my life. >> laura: of course you were, listen to that accent, you are not from mississippi. think about the trial in m manhattan and jurors sitting and hearing this. you are watching from the outside, what is your take? >> it's a shame that the juris prudence system is being used for political reasons. >> laura: did you ever think you would see this in the united states of america? >> well, i was subjected to it with elliot todd spitzer, he di
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same thing. it is out of the closet and blatant. here it is. i'm not a defender of trump, what crime did he commit? something i can't understand. what crime did he commit he's on trial in new york city today? >> laura: would you endorse donald trump tonight on the show? i know lots of people are nikki haley supporters, you were one of them. well connected and wealthy people are haley fans. >> let me say this to you, i said on television a couple weeks ago, i was going to vote for my wife. >> laura: that is cute, does not work on the "the ingraham angle." >> i know, most important decision he's going to make is who his running mate is. running mate has best shot being
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next president, he's finished after this term. i think i'm going to keep my powder dry and watch and see -- >> laura: you would consider sitting out the election and not supporting trump if he picks someone you didn't think was qualified? >> i live in new york state, my vote doesn't count. >> laura: your money counts, they need your money. >> believe me, elaine and i are supporting -- i had john kennedy in my office yesterday. they come for my wallet, people should not be confused to think i have influence. minute my wallet shuts -- >> laura: it is binary choice. i incorrectly stated you supported biden, you said you hope he was going to be successful. >> laura: you are from the bronx? >> no, long island.
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>> laura: you are beyond smart and brilliant, we can't dictate who he will pick, i'm sure someone who supports him and his policy, biden and lose america or trump and who he picks, how is that a hard choice? >> i act like i'm losing when i'm winning, safest approach to take in life. because you don't take anything for granted. polls look good now. if i were trump and i got to give him a lot of credit -- >> laura: long island is not a bu burrough, i was just told. do you have suggestions? >> yeah, nikki haley, that would never happen. >> laura: did she play that right after iowa? >> who knows. >> laura: you think she should be vice president, who knows.
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>> election night new hampshire, he had a chance to go out and say, i won and now my goal is to bring the american people together. >> laura: back to the dress, okay. yeah. >> what does he do? what does he do? goes out and mocks her. >> laura: the party has not been this united behind trump, behind anyone since 2004. >> i agree with that. you know why, we have no choice. >> laura: you are making my point. ken langone is endorsing donald trump by implication with that count. >> no doubt about it, end of day, i might hold my nose as i vote, what choice do i have? i have not made the decision yet. >> laura: i'm sorry to beat a dead horse here. >> you know what i worry about most of all?
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>> laura: what? i'm worried about losing the country. >> i am, too. let me give you for instance. one of the finest men i know is john kelly, his chief of staff. another fine man, good friend, rex tellerson, fine american people. when jack welch fired somebody, more than one told me, when i walked in and jack fired me, i walked out and thought i got a promotion. why beat up on a guy. >> laura: okay, trump does not have the right tone and for some that is the case. >> john kelly, four-star general in marine corps, whole life given to this country, rex till tillerson. >> laura: bad choice. he's a bad choice, i would submit he wasn't a good
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secretary. >> that should not give trump license -- >> you are knit picking, and we have a country to save, open border and -- catering. >> i'm sorry, human behavior matters and how we treat each other with respect matters. >> laura: how long have i known you, 25 years? >> a long time, dinners in washington before you had this gig. what were you doing? >> laura: lawyer back then. >> joe was one of my investors and do you remember mccamist? prominent litigator. >> laura: you'll endorse trump, this is longest tease. >> i'm not teasing.
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>> laura: i know you're not, the country is safe. you are italian. >> what does that have to do with choice? we're loyal. >> laura: they are telling me to wrap. it is great to see you and -- >> you look wonderful. >> laura: thank you for joining me. >> leave that daughter of yours alone, she will be fine. >> laura: will democrats have plan b for biden? ken is running out of the studio. bad polls for him coming up. select full sun or instant shade. it's 20 degrees cooler and you get protection from harmful rays and sun glare. when you call, we'll rush you a special $200 discount certificate with your free awning idea kit! you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america!
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that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? whoa, what's that, grandpa? look at us knuckleheads. and they're all coming? those who are still with us, yes. you look good. you as well. one, two three. grandpa! what's this, ellie? your wings. light 'em up! gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooooo! whoa! on your wing, grandpa!
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♪ >> laura: several members of the gilbert goons, street gang terrorizing fephoenix suburk ar get getting plea deals. kevin corke is here. >> kevin: gilbert as in the town near phoenix, arizona. three pleaded guilty to aggravated assault, pennington arrested for involvement in multiple assaults. bradshaw and hanes, assault, aggravated assault and robbery and another man and three others
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mentioned in keksz with the gang thought that be responsible for murder of preston lord in 2023, which brought the goons to the national spotlight. for months, police have been investigating teen -- outrage does not stop there, the three men i mentioned did take plea deals, one of them has already been granted super vised release. laura. >> laura: unreal, thank you so much. >> polling data has been wrong all along. you guys do poll with cnn, how many folks to get one response. >> laura: biden and his team are c confronted with bad poll numbers, they never think to rethink lousy policy, they say, you are stupid and the polls are wrong. >> peter: why do you think
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americans are so down on president byiden right now? >> what do you mean? >> peter: like five of six states he is losing right now to a criminal defendant. >> i can't speak to the polls, we understand what the american people are feeling, a lot of policies the president is pushing for are incredibly popular. >> laura: team biden is gaslighting and it is worrying it is left. axios writing, biden does not believe poll numbers, team biden is in denial and sleep walking into defeat. joining me now charlie hurt and monica crowley. dollar recall c chay charlie, w does trump capitalize on biden de denial of policies?
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>> for him to keep talking about the issues, delusion is not a political strategy, it is not working for the administration and joe biden does not appear to be able to learn from any mistakes, they keep doubling down on terrible policies and i think more president trump focuses on his agenda, talking about border security, talking about lowering inflation, talking about bringing stability to the world by making america energy not-foindependent, if he focuses on those key issues, it is unbeatable message today. >> laura: media are holding out hope conviction in one trump trial might save biden, watch this. >> to the extent of polling, showing trial is not changing
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things for either candidate. >> on polling, it has not impacted people yet. if he's convicted, polling has shown it could impact how people see him. >> that is the strategy. >> i hope it remains strategy, it is not work are for them. it is not moving the needle, all this lawfare. it is moving the needle toward president trump and polls show if there is a conviction here out of this new york jury, more likely to vote for donald trump, this massive pile-on has rallied people to his cause and turned him into a sympathetic figure and martyr and people want to rally on his behalf. there is rescue fantasy among voters who want to rescue donald
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trump. >> laura: in the courtroom today, i kept saying as a young attorney in the '90s, i never thought i would be sitting by the federal courthouse where i was clerking, leading candidate for republican party in a case where they don't specify the crime, never thought i would see this. >> appalling as it is, if you love politics, this is historic, amazing time we live in and never seen anything like it, i think you are right and monica is right, people see through it and recognize this is not an attack on donald trump, this is an attack on judicial system on our most treasured, guarantees of justice in this country, trying to turn even judicial system into political to stop opponent they are terrified
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of -- they can't go up against this guy. they can't beat this guy in a fair election so their only hope is to try to stop him in a courtroom, including jailing him. >> laura: monica, i have to go, how powerful is this new jersey visual? how powerful s&l >> it is worth its weight in gold as campaign strategy and the president is talking about putting number of blue states into play. >> laura: america is not 12 states, it is 50 states. monica, charlie, thank you. billions of ukraine aid gets blinken stage time? no. jimmy failla has it and that is next. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people,
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>> laura: time for wtf, what the jimmy failla. we did a promo upstairs, you ran
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half mile to get here, look good. cnn turned into drama club. >> we will page through word for word, most tense, revealing and crippling testimony for the president. did he say how this might be viewed if it got out? >> yes. >> what did he say? >> this is a disaster, total disaster, women are going to hate me, this is really a disaster. >> better if they do reenactment of the meetings. >> jimmy: who green lit that atrocity, they are this close to playing with dolls. trump said is this legal. >> laura: with the bobble head. >> jimmy: thankful fidid not have tubin reenact the stormy daniels --
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>> laura: better for ratings, that is sad, they will keep doing this, this is best they have. at least hire real actors. >> jimmy: they talk like, did you see what donald trump did? totally. >> laura: biden played guitar hero during his trip to ukraine. >> united states is with you, so much of the world is with you and they are fighting for ukraine and for the free world. maybe we could try something. ♪ ♪ >> laura: oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: do you remember when the world took us seriously? >> laura: xi jinping is watching going, this guy is going to sit across the table from me? >> jimmy: auditions for america's got issues, where they
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put unhinged people out there, embarrassing. >> laura: it is like back to rock, he wants to be a cool kid and he never was and still not. new york city mayor has a solution for the city a migrant crisis. >> your imagination for a moment, how do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and we need l lifeguards and only obstacle we won't give them right to work to become lifeguard. >> laura: i didn't know where he was going. >> jimmy: obnextuously racist if republican says them, kathy hochul says black people don't know what computers are. what a tone deaf idiot, they can
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deliver things. >> laura: they are not going to be happy unless we say unending flood of low-wage worker, that is their happiest moment. >> jimmy: migrants come to new york and look around and think they were deported, this is not america. >> laura: it is great to see you, don't walk into the bike lane, they are weapons of mass destruction and never forgive bl bloomberg. catch jimmy on the road in boston, does the man ever stop this saturday? that is it, long day for "the ingraham angle," fun in court. thanks for watching, jesse and the gang take it next. >> they're overriding his constitutional right t


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