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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 15, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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that becomes a personalized, 3d plan to guide your doctor during surgery. mako can help lead to better outcomes, like less pain and shorter recovery times. the lifetime of a hip implant is limited, and revision surgery may be required. individual results and recovery times vary. risks of surgery include pain, infection, heart attack, stroke, death, and other serious risks. ask your doctor for important safety information. to find a doctor who uses mako visit while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. on the east coast, wednesday,
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may 15th. and this is "fox & friends." democratic insiders reportedly panicked as president biden literally can't believe his bad poll numbers. but, vp harris still smells victory. she -- as she makes a hard-hitting media blitz to win over voters. >> i used to -- i used to shop in california at a woman-owned business and buy candles. i love the smell of garr kiana and jazz anyone. >> gardina is my favorite subsequent. >> sean hannity loves gardina's too. is he going to weigh in on that straight ahead. >> steve: look at your tv screen is this a tone deaf move. antony blinken grabbed a guitar n. and sang neil young. >> lawrence: brian has thoughts ♪ rocking in the free world. >> lawrence: brad -- whatever
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his last name. >> ainsley: keselowski. >> brings the game winning flag to school for a special pledge of allegiance. >> ainsley: proud of her daddy. lawrence lawrence the patriotic pair will join us live. >> brian: second hour of "fox & friends" begins right now. mornings are better with friends. watch the animation he and his advisers don't believe how all of the numbers are that's not the right number he will say. >> he also says inflation was 9% when he was in office do you believe that. >> perhaps he doesn't believe the polls he keeps getting. top pollster his own guy says he shouldn't. jeffrey pollock dismissed that "new york times" enquirer poll that shows donald trump holds
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23% among black voters and trails biden by only a couple points with hispanics saying quote if donald trump were able to win 20% of black voters and essentially tie him on hispanic voters it, would be the greatest performance with nonwhite voters since the civil rights act. so i think that feels a bit aggressive and excessive according to axios biden is not fluff bluffing when he says he doesn't care what the polls say. not many cnn's data guy with a word of caution for the president. >> he loved the polls four years ago when they showed him ahead. these are the same polls now. here's the thing. the polls can be right at this point and then, keep in mind, we still have six months until the election. polls can change plenty.
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>> well, biden will have to turn things around plenty with that poll showing that trump is winning in five out of the six swing states that biden carried in 2020; however, biden's pollster did admit that their own internal data consistently shows that the president needs to do better with black, hispanic, and young voters, guys. >> steve: all right, jacqui, thank you very much. >> steve: apparently joe biden in this axios report that jacqui alluded, to he goes deep. he apparently looks at all of these polls and he knows exactly which ones he likes. for instance, he goes deep and he says he runs the -- this is what joe biden tells people. and why they don't need to change their strategy. he said i run strongest with likely voters and saturday he said national polls have us up by 4 with registered voters, likely voters were probably up by more. then in tampa, he said in a last 23 polls, i have been ahead in
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10, trump has been ahead in 8. and i am tied with him in five. >> brian: someone should tell james carville that, someone should tell axelrod that and iso carla. they look at the numbers and think he is failing. they thought lawfare was going to destroy trump and it's not. they thought january 6th was and it's not. joe biden's weaknesses are donald trump's strengths. on the border, on international affairs, on the economy. it's overwhelming and now he is making gains with hispanics, blacks, as well as young people. believe it or not, joe biden has the advantage with older white people and we know how bad older white people are they are the worst. >> ainsley: swing states in 2020, joe biden won all six of those. now we are seeing polls and they haven't changed in november the polls were the same as they are now. with trump leading in five of the six swing states. that says a lot. >> lawrence: there was an effort
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early on in the administration to brian's point he was talking about axelrod, as well as some of the other carville, that was telling biden hey, change your position on these things. just get to the center of the country. you say that you were going to be a moderate. they decided not to do it. now the polls are showing that he's down there. but now they are doing something different. they are trying to reinvent the candidate. they want them to get out there in the public. and one of the people they are using to do that is kamala harris. i think this is her third reboot. she was on with sherri shepard yesterday and this is what she talked, about watch. >> vice president, is it true that you hitchhiked to your graduation? [laughter] >> so what had happened was. [laughter] we -- we were running late. >> you was at the club, too? how did you meet your husband? >> my best friend hooked up up on a blind date. we named ourselves midnight magic.
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i became vice president. she created a subsequent for me and that's what that is. >> oh. i'm having a girl's trip to the bahamas. i want you to come. i want you to come. after you run again and win. after you win, i want you to come to the girls to the bahamas. >> i will. >> lawrence: i see what they are trying to do. appear more likeable to the public. i don't understand the strategy of celebrity and thinking that is gonna get people to vote for them. you can put all of these candidates with sherri shepard who i love, i think she is great connect. >> she needs the opposite of a warm magazine type interview. she needs -- >> ainsley: we already know the softball interview. we have seen those and the laughing and joking around 12
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points different in georgia in last poll? >> 11th. >> ainsley: is he interviewing with black radio hosts, one in georgia and atlanta, and then is he also interviewing with another one in milwaukee, wisconsin. >> steve: just think about it because yesterday we played you the soundbite where the vice president used the f bomb which, according to senator john kennedy from the great state of louisiana that was completely poll tested and she did that on purpose. now she is talking to sherri shepard, you are absolutely right she is a terrific person the border, inflation. if they want to have a media blitz, do a press conference. when was the last time kamala harris had a press conference. when was the last time joe biden actually took questions from 10 people. steve. >> lawrence: not just a press conference. talk with people. the white house is dealing with this mess now as ainsley talked about them doing black media. the president is expected to speak at morehouse and apparently people on the campus don't want him there. they don't want to have him
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there and, again, his issue now with black males is only going to get worse: orchestrated interviews instead of talking to the public. >> brian: they should get seinfeld is he free. eli lake wrote this the rise of the never bidens. beginning with the people that are upset that he hasn't been strong enough for the palestinians and upset that he is abandoning israel. congratulations never biden, that explains the imbalance. >> lawrence: both sides hate him. >> brian: optimistic about winning contentious senate races than winning the white house. >> steve: joe biden says the polls are wrong. ultimately we will find out sooner or later. 7:08 in new york city. michael cohen will be back under cross-examination in that courtroom vs. donald trump tomorrow morning after mr. cohen admitted yesterday during the testimony that he lied to protect the former president. >> lawrence: brooke singman has the details on that hey, brooke. >> the star witness michael
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cohen was back on the stand yesterday and cohen has already admitted to telling several lies. first he testified about falsifying invoices to the trump organization to get reimbursed for his payment to stormy daniels. he labeled it a $35,000 per month retainer fee. and he said he opened a bank account for a management consulting company but that was really used to make hush money payments to daniels. that lie led to federal charges against him back in 2018. then he also admitted to using the jewish hollywood yom kippur to stormy daniels. he said that was an effort to push the payment back until after the election when the story would no longer matter. now jonathan turley is saying cohen may have jeopardized himself by testifying. listen. >> one of the most impressive things about the last two days it does appear that he may have admitted perjury again. his explanation on various points do not strike some of us as true. >> legal experts at cnn responding to cohen's it by
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slamming the case against trump. >> this witness is perfect for todd blanche. and all the people, you know, second guessing each and every question, sit down, get your popcorn out, let mr. blanche do his job. i think at this point there would be a strong argument for the defense to stand up and say look, the prosecution hasn't met its burden in this case. here's all the things they have to proof. they haven't gotten there. >> this case hasn't gone in the way i think it was billed to go in. so, as the days go on, and this case looks weaker and weaker, i think it's probably less that they have to put on for a defense. >> brooke: michael cohen is expected to be the prosecution's last witness in former president trump's defense attorneys are set to finish questioning him when court resumes tomorrow morning,. >> steve: brooke, is there any thinking that donald trump will take the stand in his own defense. >> brooke: i don't think that has been. cohen back on the stand for cross-examination. see if there is any redirect for
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cross-examination as everyone has described him michael cohen is star witness. see about that. no court on friday because bay ron trump has his high school graduation and i think the former president is expected to attend that. no word on whether or not trump will actually take the stand or not. >> brian: there's no way. >> i don't know. he said last month before the trial that he wanted to take the stand because he says he tells the truth. he has no problem taking the stand we will see if he actually gets up there. >> brian: absolutely not. here's the thing. they have to find out from michael cohen. they have to continue to point out the lies. the indiscretions. inconsistencies, great job yesterday pointing out he has made $3.5 million off donald trump over the course of two books let alone the stuff is he making on tiktok. the horrible things he says well, i have trouble sleeping at night so i hop on tiktok and say obscene things about the former president. >> ainsley: they did a good job they asked her do you hate him? she said yes i hate him. they also asked cohen, they said
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tell us about what you have been a ising on p podcast. i was expecting going to be the lies, which the defense attorneys got lie after lie and tried to get him to explain why he told those lies. the moment to brian's point talking about the $3.5 million. he essentially said he created a new business model. so if you are the jury watching this, there's no incentive to get donald trump off or to tell the truth if there's a different story. >> brian: trump has got a gag order and trump can't speak. he doesn't want to get put into jail about michael cohen or any of the other witnesses or anything about the jury. they thought over the last few days we have been seeing a parade of important republican supporters, like speaker johnson, go to the trial, sit there, and then have a press conference after. vivek ramaswamy, cory mills, we saw malliotakis. we have seen it pretty steady.
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i imagine we will see the same thing the next several weeks. speaker johnson, why did you start the morning by going to the trump trial? >> brian: you spent your day in new york city downtown at that courtroom. >> um-huh. >> brian: why was it important for you to be there. >> it was important as a show support. president trump is my friend, and i think what's happening to him is outrageous. i mean, i'm a former litigator myself. what they are doing to our system of justice is undermining the people's faith in it because it's very clear what is happening here. this is lawfare, that's the best word we have to describe it. it's purely political. it's not legal at all. i mean, the charges in manhattan were viewed 8 years ago, you know, everybody saw that and they passed on it because no crime has been committed. they can't even really define a crime that he has supposedly committed. but they have tied him up there now brian for five weeks. is he our candidate for president. he should be out on the campaign trail and free to speak. they are taking those constitutional freedoms away from him. it's outrageous. i think most people understand that. >> brian: i also asked about
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what liz cheney had to say about him. kevin mccarthy said i never would have taken the speakership if i had to get democratic votes. how he felt about that. there is much more in the interview. >> ainsley: liz cheney said i'm a bit surprised speaker johnson wants to be in the room with i cheated on my wife with a porn star club and he responded i worked with liz. she should understand this, this is about the rule of law. and i support president trump. >> steve: okay. so, back in the courtroom tomorrow morning. >> ainsley: turning now to some more headlines, anti-israel period of times taking over new york graduate center last night. dozen of student protesters occupying the library there they tried to rename it after a university in gaza that was destroyed during the war. no arrests have been made, but the majority of the demonstrators cleared out of the library within a few hours. now to a developing story, a judge denying a bid by hunter biden's lawyers to delay prosecution in the first son's federal gun case. hunter's lawyers had asked to delay until september, claiming they needed the time to review
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evidence and get witnesses. also happening yesterday, a federal appeals court ruling that his tax case can also move forward, meaning hunter could be facing two trials at the same time next month. a new billboard in denver is trying to sheriff's deputies and police officers out of state. the billboard paid for by laramie county sheriff brian kozak in wyoming, and it says work in wyoming where breaking the law is still illegal and cops are funded. the sheriff telling fox news digital, quote: don't waste your time working in a city that's not going to let you do your job. come here to wyoming and we will welcome you here. westminster kennel club dog show wrapping up last night where sage, the miniature poodle was crowned best in show. sage's handler says is he very proud of her performance. mini poodle beat out more than 2500 dogs across the country for the top prize. the 4-year-old dog was the first female to fetch the title since
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2020. and those are your headlines. the poodle they are the smartest dogs. i have a little one. >> hypoallergen nic. >> that's why everyone is cross breeding with poodles, get a dog they like the way it looks and. >> ainsley: whatever the dog is with the oodle on the end. >> brian: average body but a great brain. >> steve: talking about dogs. >> brian: talking about dogs. >> lawrence: ladies and gentlemen, now it's time for "fox and trends." first up, ourselves channeling his inner mike huckabee. take a look, antony blinken in kyiv in a bar singing kneel young. >> the united states is with you. so much of the world is with you. and their fighting not just for ukraine but for the free world. maybe we can try something? ♪ keep on rocking in a free
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world >> brian: i thought it was terrible when john kerry brought over james taylor to sing to the french after they were bombed and the president didn't stop watching football. president obama, this is worse. think about this, kharkiv is about to fall. the second biggest city in ukraine. the weapons are late. you have to be delivered. the russians are almost in the open field of hundreds of miles being eaten up. and he is playing neil young? >> lawrence: he is not understanding the moment. >> brian: are you kidding me? do you know how terrible that looks? be serious. >> carley: war torn country. >> brian: you don't want yourselves to entertain a country. >> ainsley: did he meet with senior officials. >> brian: this is terrible. >> ainsley: did he say y'all are not alone. we do have billions of dollars coming your way. >> brian: lyrics, too. to me this is so embarrassing. could you picture kissinger doing this? >> steve: on tmz a number of people blasted him for wasting tax dollars while it is to your
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point ainsley completely inappropriate time. all right, meanwhile, one of the biggest roasts ever was when tom brady was roasted by friends and relatives on netflix. did you see this? >> tom brady, five time super bowl mvp, most career wins, most career touchdowns, have you seven rings, well 8 now that gisele gave hers back. [laughter] >> tom is afraid of the giants which is why kevin hart is hosting tonight. >> i mean, let's be honest, your best years are behind you, tom, the super bowls. gisele, your movie career it's all done,s it it's all gone. >> steve: is that will farrell? >> ainsley: anchorman. >> brian: he likes when his make fun of him but his kids didn't. >> i loved when the jokes were about me. i thought they were so fun.
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i didn't like the way that it effected my kids. so, it's the hardest part about like the bittersweet aspect of when you do something you think is one way and all of a sudden you realize i wouldn't do that again because of the way that it effected -- actually the people that i care about the most in the world. so i think it's a good lesson like for me as a parent. i'm going to be a better parent as i go forward because of it. and at the same time, i'm happy everyone who was there had a lot of fun. >> lawrence: you know, i really didn't think of that when the jokes were going on. especially when you think about tom brady, like he's not in the position where people used to boo tom brady. he is the goat. his kids didn't grow up with people disliking brady. i guess this was something new for them. >> the kids, his oldest one is 16 years old. i guess they could watch it on their own. i'm surprised he allowed them to watch it or maybe they found it on their own a lot of bad language in it.
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>> steve: one thing if you are making fun of tom brady. but then. >> lawrence: ex-wife. >> steve: making fun of their mother and apparently gisele as well was very upset. >> the best is not not behind him. is he joining fox. first broadcast debut as a fox news analyst september 8th. cowboys vs. the browns, week one. >> brian: he is now part of the a team. we l. we make room for tom brady on the couch before the season starts? >> ainsley: can he sit right here? >> brian: promise not to roast him. >> lawrence: right next to you, ainsley. >> brian: get used to. sit right out here. the tom brady seat there you go. >> ainsley: i'm joking. i think i might pass out. i won't have anything to say. >> brian: because you like eli manning better. >> lawrence: first time her heater has been off. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: i am joking. is he very handsome but i'm very happy and taken.
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but he can still sit here. >> lawrence: one day. >> ainsley: i will keep my hands to myself. >> brian: for a change. >> lawrence: of who, right? v.p. hopefuls show up in force standing behind trump in court by day and showing off their fundraiser clout by night. >> steve: look who is in the studio, senator tim scott. >> ainsley: from the great state of south carolina. >> steve: good morning, senator. >> ainsley: good morning, senator. how are you? ♪ and i know she wouldn't mind if i ♪ did a little song ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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hi, i'm chris and i lost 57 pounds on golo. golo isn't complicated. i don't have to follow a restrictive diet, and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals. using golo was truly transformative. it was easy, and inexpensive. (reporters) over here. kev! kev! (reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.
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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> steve: yesterday was a primary election day in a couple of states and we have results right now trump backed governor jim justice who is now a republican taking the g.o.p. nomination for a senate by a landslide. governor justice will take on democrat mayor glenn elliott for the senate seat currently being held by democrat joe manchin. is he going to call it quits. meanwhile attorney general for west virginia patrick morrisey beating out a field hoping to succeed governor justice. he will go up against oncology tested democrat steve williams in november. let's switch to maryland.
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former republican governor larry hogan winning the senate primary by a wide margin right there. look at that almost 62%. is he going to face prince georgia county executive angela brooks general election after she was outspent 10-1 in a very messy democratic primary. and let's go to the unicameral state of nebraska. congressman don bacon is expected to survive republican primary challenge as the republicans try to keep hold of their razor thin majority in the house of representatives. all right. and that is some of the news, brian. >> very intriguing primary last night, steve. meanwhile the veepstakes are on. donald trump's allies showing up in full force at the former president's new york city trial and fundraisers. listen. >> ladies and gentlemen of america, this trial is a joke. this thing is a farce. where's the crime? there is no crime. >> the prosecution's main strategy appears to be to bore the jurors into submission.
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>> trump is leading all over the country and the conclusion you could draw from that is the american people have already acquitted donald trump. >> brian: they are all dressed exactly alike. senator tim scott joins us now also the former -- joined the former president last night in the big apple. south carolina senator tim scott. you guys raised some money last night. >> over $2 million. the good news is there is momentum on the campaign for donald trump. i have not seen this kind of excitement and enthusiasm around our country. not just here in new york city. big blue new york city but across the country people are asking the one question that they really care about, am i better off under joe biden or or donald trump and the numbers are absolutely clear. donald trump created the best economy, law and order and world peace. joe biden devastation, after devastation after devastation. >> brian: not even speculation, president trump has said it. has you by his side a lot. he is really considering you in the shortest of short lists to
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be vice president. what have you noticed being with him that makes you, perhaps, think that you could work very well with him? >> well, there no doubted president trump has more energy than a 40-year-old. here is a man who is absolutely on top of his game. who can sit through hours and hours of a boring courtroom come to a fundraiser -- who shows up in new jersey, 107,000 people coming to hear donald trump, i like that kind of energy. i like the synergy of having a conversation about how do we produce the best economy for the poorest americans? when president trump was in office, the lowest 20% of american earners, their wages grew faster than the top. here's the man who understands as the developer, let's bring resources back to the poorest communities in the country. my opportunity zones. here is a president who understands without respect for law enforcement you don't have a
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gun tri. so, inf evid instead of re. g >> i will do whatever it takes that president trump is the next president 47. the difference the story of pain and misery that some americans are experiencing today, i have lived through. i understand the ronald reagan revolution made this country amazing. and made poor kids like me possible to achieve the american dream. under donald trump he has done it once, 7 million new jobs. the lowest unemployment rate for african-americans, for asians or hispanics. we need a president who understands how to produce opportunities for the poorest americans. >> brian: right. did i see where you grew up. >> you were there. >> ainsley: bounds after your parents divorced and what had
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you to go through living with your grandparents you and your brother and look at what you both have achieved. that's beyond reproach i know the former president appreciates that meanwhile yesterday the current president said i'm going to take a page from donald trump and look at china as an economic enemy and i'm going to put tariffs on china. man, has his position changed. watch. >> americans -- i want to make this clear, notwithstanding what the other guy is saying, buy any kind of car they want, whether it's gas, electric or hybrid, but we're never going it to allow china unfairly control the market for these cars, period. >> china is going to eat our lunch? come on, man. they can't figure out how they are going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. i mean, you know, they are not bad folks, folks. >> brian: what's changed? >> well, elections, elections have consequences and is he losing this election. so now he is trying to take a page out of donald trump's book. >> brian: 100 percent tariff on
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china's goods. >> it's all about elections. he doesn't care about the economy. as a matter of fact, think about the border, brian. this president has allowed to 70,000 americans to lose their -- >> brian: brian 10,000 chinese. >> now is he going to talk about closing the border not because americans are dying but because he is losing in our polls. we need a commander-in-chief who loves america enough to sacrifice for this nation and step into the fire. that's what donald trump does. biden steps away from the fire. >> brian: there's a report out today on, and only came out 20 minutes ago, an hour ago, excuse me, and it says that china is behind these protests, doing a lot of the financing behind the protests royaling this country. it's time somebody addressed. this listen. we have to get rid of all the confucius institutes on college campuses what we know about china is their goal is to replace america. they want to do it from the inside. one of the things that you started to say is that over 6,000 percent increase in chinese nationals coming across
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our southern border. the number of sleeper cells that we should be concerned about in our country is devastating numbers. we have to have a president back in office who loves america enough to protect america. >> brian: now we have a senator in south carolina that's starting to love new york, right? >> no, no. i love charleston. i love my president. but trump, i love our president, but i love charleston as much as anybody. >> brian: great to see you, senator. >> hope to see threw soon. >> brian: a young boy dodges bullets inside his own home during a drive by shooting. we'll have more. ♪ with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness,
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and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you! ♪ rise up this morning, ♪ ♪ smiled with the rising sun ♪ ♪ saying, ♪ ♪ "this is my message to you-ou-ou" ♪ ♪ singing, "don't worry ♪ ♪ about a thing" ♪ (♪) discover our newest resort, sandals st. vincent
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here is new york right now by the way. 59 and we have got some clouds and rain in the forecast. you know, this isn't a severe weather event in the northeast. we could see severe storms cold front moving into central florida. tornado watch until 11:00 a.m. local time. meaning conditions are favorable for tornadoes because of this front sort of crashing into this warm, unstable air mass. so the severe storm threat for not only florida, parts of the mid-atlantic and the southern plains today. so multi areas of severe storms wednesday, thursday, and friday and some of these same areas. not only that though, i am concerned with heavy rainfall. so 3 to 5 inches in a widespread area with isolated amounts of higher totals so just keep that in mind. do not travel across water you cannot see the bottom of. fox has you covered, especially in the rain. all right, lawrence, over to you, my friend. >> lawrence: yeah, j.d. you see it all the time. cars will think they can go through. just don't do it. >> janice: number one weather killer is flooding.
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>> lawrence: terrifying moment burst through texas apartment barely missing a 9-year-old boy inside during a drive by shooting. [gunfire] [screams] man, that was close. "fox & friends weekend" co-host will cain and pete hegseth take us off the grid. now, will, we don't have a lot of the drive by shootings in texas. i was shocked. >> yeah. i mean, shocking for any one, certainly a parent, lawrence. can you identify with that situation. all you have done wrong is simply nothing. you have left your kid downstairs and assume is he going to be safe in his own home. real quick, lawrence, i think that words are interesting. and the reason i bring up words is this is going to be described as a mass shooting. and in that way, this is going to be lumped into the same category of, you know, a school shooter and then lumped into a greater concept of gun violence.
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and all becomes something so amorphous you can't even define it. you know, pete, that's the point in the end, unable to define the problem. you know the truth behind this, pete? there was six children actually hit by bullets in this same incident between ages i think 3 and 19. the odds are if we tore use the accurate towards describe what happened here this is gang violence. therefore the odds are, there was another child behind that gun. that is the odds on probability here. this is a gang -- odds are either it's either drug or gang related and the person doing the shooting that ends up threatening the lives of other children is either a child or not much more than a child. that's how you begin to fix a problem, pete, by actually diagnosing the problem. >> pete: yeah, will, you are right. the suspect or suspects are still at large. they know the vehicle type. it's some sort of a red kia fled off. you are right. six people injured. the woman is actually medical
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assistant. after she helped calm down her son who was just shot at four times through a window in otherwise peaceful day, ran downstairs to provide medical aid to the other kids hurt downstairs. no one should have to live like that. her first reaction was they actually caught another drive by a couple days later on their camera could hear it audibly. this family is trying to move. the people most directly and disproportionately affected by this type of gang violence you are right, will are people working, maybe single moms working one or two jobs trying to make extra income and they can't move. what is she asking for in go fund me page $5,000. probably first and last month's rent to get to a little bit of a nicer area that isn't afflicted by this kind of violence. so it's a sad reality in too many places. we don't know who the shooter is, you are right. could be legal, could be illegal. could be youth, could being adult, we don't know but probably gang violence and too much of it in our country. >> lawrence: so true. we have our own problems in the country. they divided to defund the police, demonize the cops.
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the whole thing they decided to do here. now the oakland county sheriff in michigan is warning about these chilean gang members, i mean, pete, i don't know if you saw the movement of these guys but they are very methodical. here's the warning. >> there is only one country in south america that's on the vwp, the visa waiver program, that's chili, everyone we have arrested committing burglaries or armed robberies of jewelry stores in my did the all have come in through the vwp and all violated that program. they came here to commit crimes. highly trained. highly capable, and highly focused. the second crew that we are seeing around the country is columbians, they are coming across the south border. >> lawrence: now we have to deal with other nation's illegals. >> overstaying tourist visas in organized fashion to rob americans in a county, will, no surprise, with a woke d.a. who is not interested in prosecuting
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criminals. so, where are these illegal -- tourists overstays where are they gravitating to? to cities where they think they won't face consequences. and citizens have to deal with this in their own backyard, will. >> will: who is the famous bank robber john dillinger where why do you rob banks? that's where the money is coming tourist visa programs to rob wealthy homes why? because that's where the money is also why less likelihood you are going to be prosecuted. and thirdly, you are probably going in a state where gun control laws where you don't have to worry about a homeowner protecting his home. my bet is you don't take a tourist trip to go to, you know, texas where you are going to walk into a home to rob something, burglarize it and might run into if not the cons, a mad homeowner with a 12 gauge waiting on the other side, lawrence. >> lawrence: i think we got this all wrong though because the mayor of new york says they would be great lifeguards because we have a shortage here.
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maybe invite all of these people, maybe they need jobs, just jobs. >> pete: that's what they say. >> lawrence: will and pete, thanks, brother. appreciate it. >> pete: thanks, lawrence. >> lawrence: victory on the racetrack show and tell. one nascar daughter brings the game winning flag to the school for the pledge of allegiance. they are going to join us live for a special interview. look at them. ♪ watch the sun sinking down on the trees ♪ it's going to do us some good ♪ to get down in the woods ♪ take a little walk in the country with me ♪ walk in unique style, cutting-edge innovation, and thoughtful details, inspired by you. this is the all-electric rz. this is lexus, electrified.
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♪ a republican victory lap nascar cup series driver brad keselowski celebrating a huge win at the good year 400 at darlington raceway in the great state of south carolina waving that american flag and his daughter wins big at show and tell bringing that same american flag to school for a special pledge of allegiance. brad joins us now with his daughters scarlet. good morning to both of you. >> good morning, ainsley. thank you for having us. >> ainsley: we are so thrilled to have you on. this is a sweet story. you have won for years. when you win and you take that american flag and wave it proudly. south carolina appreciated that and the crowd went crazy.
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why do you do. this i love the american flag and i love what it stands for. i love our country. our country might not be perfect but still the best thing that ever happened to the world, right? more peace, more prosperity than any other time in history and i'm proud to be an american. >> ainsley: me too. you scarlet are proud to be an american and proud of your daddy. your mom posted this video on social media and we all saw it and wanted to have you on. tell us why you took that to school? >> well, pledge of allegiance. i saw the tiny flag in our classroom i thought it would be fun to take it. all the fun things i got to do and and how i got squirt water bottles and car and yeah.
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>> ainsley: scarlet, what did your friends say? >> well, they were just like congratulations, and that's fun. >> ainsley: that's great. i'm sure your teachers were proud of you, too. this is your first wins a co-owner and driver of r.f.k. racing. what was that like for you. and what's your reaction of this video of your daughter taking that very flag to school? >> well, you know, thankfully my wife was really kind to me. she let me sleep in after a long race. so i didn't know my daughter was going to take the flag to school. and so she sent me the video and i got it as i was heading to work. and you know, it brought a little tear to my eye. i'm proud of my daughter scarlet. and i'm proud of her school. and her teacher who is a military mom who respects the flag and respects our country. seeing that meant a lot to me and for me personally to win the race. a huge win for us. of course, great to have it on fox with our nascar conch.
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to win in nascar is the toughest series in north america. you know, to breakthrough and get our first win of the season to lock ourselves into the nascar playoffs coming this fall. that's a huge deal for our team. huge deal for me. been on a little bit of a dry spell. couple hundred races since i won and nice to kind of get that monkey off our back. we have been so close the last few weeks. any time you win in nascar, it's a big deal and i'm super proud of our team. >> ainsley: glad you won. that was a beautiful moment with the american flag and now your daughter is passing along that tradition, taking it to school. so, scarlet, what do you love most about your daddy? we all watch him, we are pulling for him. but you get to live with him. what is he like and what do you love most about him? >> well, is he a big cud ler. >> i am. i do like to cuddle with my scarlet. scarlet is our oldest. >> ainsley: how many children do you have? >> we have three kids. >> ainsley: okay. >> scarlet, autumn and our youngest son maize who has just turned 6 months.
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and scarlet is the first and her and i are very close. we share a special bond. >> ainsley: where dual, brad your house is beautiful. >> north carolina. north of detroit. a lot of the race teams are in the charlotte area. we are in the charlotte metro area and we are very blessed. >> ainsley: i grew up charlotte, north carolina about an hour away from that. >> brian: ainsley wants to be invited over. >> ainsley: i would. we live very close. >> brian: asking everything except the address. >> ainsley: i want to say gentlemen, start your engines. we all need to go and do that together. scarlet you are adorable and your daddy loves you very much. thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: you are welcome. >> the great sean hannity and kevin o'leary are going to join us live and more of brian's exclusive interview with speaker mike johnson. ♪ hands out kissing the wind ♪ slow with it ♪ radio kicking ♪ now we're at it again
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♪ ♪ #
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