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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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now is the time to act. call, scan, or go online now. >> steve: it is exactly 8:00 in new york city, this is
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wednesday, may 15th, welcome to "fox and friends." president biden caught in another inflation fib. families need more income than ever before just to get by. speaker mike johnson told brian about it in an exclusive interview from the capitol. >> no matter where we are, they are having a hard time getting by because of what joe biden and democrats have done to the economy. >> lawrence: former trump fixer michael cohen yesterday. the prosecution case could be in trouble. the great sean hannity coming up. >> brian: he's wearing a tie there. [laughter] new york mayor eric adams can solve the lifeguard shortage. illegal immigrants, baby.
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>> they are excellent swimmers and we need lifeguards. >> lawrence: swim. >> brian: so many olympic records, backstroke across the rio grande, baby. a bullfrog. >> ainsley: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> lawrence: we start this hour with president biden reportedly latest polling numbers with grain of salt, his advisers don believe the low poll numbers. >> steve: lucas tomlinson joins us with more. insiders say we're trusting our numbers and outsiders say the numbers look terrible. >> lucas: saying same thing, president biden support among black voters has dropped.
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according to "new york times" poll, biden lost 28% of the vote. former president donald trump seen 15 point drop. now look at hispanic vote. biden leads trump by 3% in swing states inform 2020, biden won the hispanic vote. now bring in r.f.k. jr., you see biden support cut in half and trump increased by 10 points. r.f.k. jr. getting nearly 20% there. young voters, donald trump lead by three points, one pollster says all data shows our campaign needs to do better with younger voters, with black voters and hispanic voters. the vice president appeared on the sherri shepherd show. >> i used to work at a shop that
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was woman-owned and i love gard gardenias. i became vice president, she created a scent for me, that is what that is. >> false claim for second time in a week. >> president biden: inflation has gone slightly up, it was 9% when i came in and now down to 3%. i think people are just uncertain. >> lucas: inflation was 1.4 when biden took office. rate of increase slowed. inflation is compounding. add all the months together and goods cost 20% more than the day biden took office. >> steve: all about bidenomics. thank you, lucas. >> brian: two minutes ago, joe biden tweeted this out, donald
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trump lost two debates to me and now he is asking me to show up. name the day. >> ainsley: is that donald trump's response? >> brian: i wrote back, it's on, donald trump needs to answer. >> steve: you're reposting? >> brian: i have more power. >> steve: no kidding, just like that. talk about bidenomics. series of numbers and first is the important one. average annual u.s. salary, average person in the united states makes dollar $60,000, 28.34 per hour. the average salary. the question is how are bidenomics impacting people? there is new survey that shows exactly how much the average family needs to feel comfortable. not rich, just comfortable.
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>> ainsley: most people make less than $60,000, that is family of four to live comfortably. these are the least expense of states. >> brian: arkansas $180,000, west virginia $189,000, kentucky $190,000. >> steve: look at that, $300,000. with massachusetts number, to be comfortable, if average family single earner makes $60,000, average family in massachusetts is $240,000 short of being comfortable. crazy. >> ainsley: this is america. this is the biden administration, how much you have to make to be comfortable. >> lawrence: this is reason number one why the biden coalition is breaking right now. can you imagine if you are a single parent and live in the
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states, you cannot make it, few parents -- >> brian: use your credit card. >> ainsley: look at the interest rate. >> brian: bad move, but instant. >> steve: single parents have to deal with daycare if their kids are not in school. >> lawrence: this is what you are dealing with when it comes to the economy. then you have migrants coming across the border and every city the democrats are putting mi minority -- migrants before people struggling in those cities. you have rec centers, in new york city, they handed out debit gi gift cards with over $1000 on it. that is not fair to people that can't make ends meet. >> brian: in california, paying more for that and asking rich peep toll pay are if homes for homeless people who are taxed to
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the hilt with state taxes and running at a deficit. you have a situation with the president saying crime is down 50%. no one knows where he got that stat from. people don't feel that way, same with crime, people don't feel that way. people have a chance to see illegal immigrants, homeless, give them alcohol, people are voting with their feet and hope in november they will vote differently. >> ainsley: you were with police appreciation week and honoring them and speaker here at the courthouse with donald trump and flew back down or trained down to d.c. and had a tour of the capitol and asked about bidenomics. listen to this. >> everybody knows that bidenomics has ruined the economy, cost of living is through the roof. china is a culprit in some of this, main cowl prit is the president and his policies, they
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spent too much money and regulated industry to point of extinction, that destroyed the economy and that is why inflation is so high and rising cost of living is a top concern for millions and millions of americans. i've been in 102 cities in half the states doing large events and many events and no matter where we are out west, east coast, mid-south, people have same concerns, they are having hard time getting by because of what joe biden and democrats have done to the economy and there is going to be reckoning for that in november. >> steve: that is one reason why. lucas talking about how groceries for the most part cost more. yesterday i went to the grocery store to buy a chuck roast and it was $28. that horrified brian, you were not interested in chuck roast, you were interested in rump
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roast. >> brian: left less than the right. >> steve: point is pot roast $30. >> ainsley: that will feed your family one meal? >> lawrence: two days. >> brian: been 20 years since we experienced real inflation. i used to hear about it all the time when i was younger. since bush 41 we tamed it. he actually lost election because economy was turning around, clinton takes advantage of that and bush 43, too, and for most part it has not been a problem. pandemic hit and then comes infrastructure bill and rescue package and other packages that if joe manchin didn't step in, inflation reduction package would be more. he put money to environmental
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causes instead of helping american people. >> lawrence: they want to put more money into the american economy, which will make things worse. >> steve: senator submit eric schmitt is introducing a bill. government says covid is over, but they have covid money and republicans are saying, enough already, we've spent too much. >> ainsley: economy and inflation, people can't afford to put food on their table, probably number one issue. immigration probably second, most polls show that. there is crime and that is encompassed in new york city, migrants charged in ip 92 attack when they were beating up police officers and flipping off the cameras they have been offered plea deals. six migrants were offered plea
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deals. daily mail says five were offered plea deals. they are back on the street, didn't get in much trouble. >> lawrence: it's a joke, covering how many months this trial going on between the former president. facing 40 years in prison. look at this angel on top of the other guy there. they don't respect laws and give them six months and you have dextertaylor for being a gun hobbyist who collects guns. >> steve: the d.a. struck deals with these people, two of them have ice detainers on them. the deals range from people will serve six months, somebody will serve two years, if they plead guilty. they kicked cops in the head and abouted and ran away. >> brian: gave us the finger. this should be a trump ad.
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>> steve: it is a slap in the face, this is national police week. they cut deals so they don't have to be in jail for doing what they did. >> lawrence: i wonder if alvin bragg will be at their trial? they won't get a trial, you cut a plea deal with them. >> ainsley: one was arrested again for stealing at macy's. >> steve: indeed. >> brian: sometimes you get hope with mayor adams, he came out and said i am against what columbia students are doing and then you have this, illegal immigrants who are destroying the city, he has a great idea, put them to work, at a place they don't speak the language or have skill. lifeguarding. >> ainsley: because they know how to swim. >> brian: solve two birds with one stone. let's watch. >> ainsley: that is what he said. >> if we had migrant in asylum
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seeker plan that states those jobs that we are in high demand, we could expedite. how do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and at the same time, we need lifeguards and only obstacle, we won't give them the right to work to become a lifeguard, that does not make sense. >> ainsley: that lady next to him, uh-huh, good idea. >> lawrence: don't speak the language. >> ainsley: who goes to new york city pools? our children. do you want your children, these guys are here illegally, they have broken the law. >> steve: they qualify to be lifeguards, they swam. >> lawrence: in shallow water. >> ainsley: they walked across. >> brian: don't certify them.
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roos roosevelt hotel, lifeguards needed downstairs, we have a shuttle bus going, give them a speedo with an l on it, lifeguard. >> steve: larger issue, we have tens of thousands of migrants in new york city, they have nothing to do and that is why we wind up -- he wants them to get work visa from the federal government and federal government says no, that is the problem. >> lawrence: larger point, all cities wanted to be sancts uary but never deal with it. they don't have any idea what to do with them, they suggest this ridiculous plan like this. >> ainsley: he mentioned nurse shortage, do we want to use them for nurses? they have fentanyl. >> brian: they are going to save people during day and work night shift as nurses. >> lawrence: they are treating
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each other as they make the journey across the border. >> ainsley: turning now to headlines, secretary of state blinken announcing another funding package for ukraine during a stop in kyiv earlier this morning. >> we will provide additional 2 billion in financing for ukraine and put this together in first of its kind defense enterprise fund and it has three components. >> ainsley: blinken fully a anticipateses u.s. and ukraine presidents will meet in the weeks ahead. reports claiming president biden is moving on new billion dollar deal for israel are not accurate saying the aid is not new. speaker johnson telling brian, the gop has a plan for bringing aid to jewish states. >> be aggressive and ensure will of congress is maintained. i got commitments from top
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officials in biden white house before we passed aid bill to israel they would not hold back on delivery of weapons needed to israel. >> brian: this is stuff already -- >> ainsley: this is after u.s. paused shipment of weapons last week. anti-israel protest taking over university of new york graduate center last night. student protesters occupy ing te library, tried to rename it after a university in gaza destroyed during the war. majority of demonstrators cleared out within a few hours. 18 republican-led state suing biden administration over workplace -- jonathan skermeti saying in america constitution gives power to make law to people's elected representative, not unaccountable commissioners.
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this is an attack on const constitutional separation of power. senior at illinois high school pulling off this epic prank, hiring professional bagpiper to follow their principal for an hour serenading him with this sweet sound. ♪ ♪ [sound of bagpipes] >> ainsley: he is a good sport, the students tried hiring a m mariachi band. their budget. >> brian: hard to disseminate between songs, always three-second delay. you could curse in a bagpipe. >> ainsley: i love them, you see them around police officers, they are very loud. >> lawrence: sad, sad when i think of bagpipes, i don't think
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happy. >> steve: it is beautiful, indeed. >> brian: police bagpipers are awesome. >> steve: they are. brian, you were talking about something you retweeted where joe biden is saying let's go. breaking news this morning, joe biden is now saying he would like to debate donald trump in june and september and will not use commission on presidential debates, they say. >> brian: that is good. >> steve: they are suggesting there be vice president debate in the month of july. >> ainsley: will there be? no. can joe biden bring notes? >> lawrence: president of the united states, the dnc, they don't want to use the commission, rnc agrees. >> steve: rnc says we don't want to take part in it. >> brian: before early voting.
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don't give me an october debate. >> steve: great topic for sean hannity, who will join us on the other side of a quick timeout. >> ainsley: with or without a tie? >> brian: i think without. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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visit >> lost two debates to me in 2020, since then he hasn't shown up for a debate. he wants to show up again? make my day. i will do it twice. i hear you are free on wednesdays. >> steve: on wednesdays. president biden speaking out on social media about taking on donald trump. proposing two face-offs before early voting begins, one in june and other in september. vice presidential debate in july after rnc, after trump's criminal trial ends in new york. >> lawrence: great sean hannity joins us now. it took six cuts to get the
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president correct, is he ready? >> sean: this made my day and morning, this is great news if you are donald j trump, if i was president trump, why not make it june, july, august, september, really make my day. let's have debates, phenomenal news. one, i think donald trump will wipe the floor with him and i don't care if we get the state of the union jacked up joe with caffeine, red bull or whatever. or we get regular joe that could barely walk off the stage last night, it is a great opportunity. he proposed a format that is favorable for the president. if you're not talking, your mic
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is not on. one difficulty is donald trump in first debate was too aaggressive, this will put rails in place, one person talks at a time, the more joe talks, the worse he does. here is what is happening behind the scenes. i've known james carville and debated him many times around the country. i love the guy. he's fun to be around. he is smart. don't underestimate him. most recent video, he was angry. everything we are throwing up against donald trump is not working. he's furious when saying this, i know him well. he's pretty angry and been basically voice in the wi wilderness telling the demo democratic party this guy is not fit for office. david axelrod and vann jones,
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maureen dowd. nothing they have been saying about donald trump is working. lie about the economy be ing great is laughable. americans are living paycheck to paycheck. we heard border is secure and closed and now they want to blame donald trump. that is not working. the disaster which is joe biden s surrendering in the war on terror and abandoning israel. and quid quo pro, they impeached donald trump for, he is trying to say moneys will not go to israel until you do what i say, that is cause for impeachment based on joe biden's definition. i don't want to digress here. i view joe biden's make my day tape him saying it made my day,
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as hail mary pass. they are desperate. it does one more thing and then i'll shut up. the other thing it does and for people speculating come august, come democratic national convention they are going to push joe biden out. uh-huh, this locks him in, he's their guy and that would be i think the match up that the country needs. you have two people that have served four terms, you compare and contrast their record and compare it on law and order and safety and security, compare it on the border, on the economy, america ad abdicating as leader of freedom and surrounding in the war on terror, i'll take that debate. >> steve: we have other details of the letter biden sent, i'll
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do two debates. biden team requested only broadcast netsworks and democratic primary debates in 2020 will be eligible to host this year's event. cnn, abc and cbs. fox will get frozen out. firm time lim its for answers, things that i have to negotiate. fox is frozen out. >> i am offended, i thought i moderated good debate between governor ron desantis and governor gavin newsom, the fact i'm not at the top of the list, is shocking. it doesn't surprise me. fake news cnn should be disband. >> brian: here is what trump just said.
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>> sean: they are all left wing networks. i still like donald trump against joe biden any day of the week. >> brian: he commented to brooke singman this. proposed june and early september dates are acceptable to me and told fox digital, i will provide my own t transportation and he's ready to go anywhere, any time, any place. reason joe biden is doing this, all these interviews and did the massive tariff is because he knows he's losing and in a way is this hail mary, sean? i have to, this is it. >> sean: brian, you are so accurate here. james carville said it, nothing worth throwing at trump is working, nothing. law fare, assume a guilty verdict and we can get into the trial, i would assume it. you have abusively bias judge that should have recused
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himself. you don't have a crime defined. you have a new york city jury which is never going to be favorable to any republican conservative and certainly not anybody with the name trump. where are we here? carville was livid. go back and look at the tape and play it. nothing we're doing is working. this thoughs h shows how desperate biden campaign is. fact debates are proposed before early voting, there should never ever be a presidential debate before the voting starts. i happen to be against weeks and weeks and weeks of voting, i prefer election day be a national holiday, i prefer paper ballots, i prefer voter id, chain of custody control, i prefer partisan observers observing updated voter role
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roles and republicans have to win elections. great opportunity for president trump and joe biden get the red bull real estate, they need jacked up joe to show up. >> ainsley: a few mountain dews and red bulls. you went to arizona where the set of "tombstone" is to shoot. e episode two is dropping today, tell us about this. >> sean: this is going to be fun, everybody heard about wyatt earp, wild bill hycock. i'll be honest, i had trepidation when they approached me about this, it was out of my lane and we shot this on the set of "tombstone." very cool experience. it was ekquivalent of a real
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movie shoot. they had a trailer and said talent only on the trailer. i said, no, anybody is invited in the trailer. i don't want to be treated like a primadonna. we spent a lot of hours on this, collaborative effort of talented movie makers. i'm the face and voice of it, i'm a small part of, we debuted number one on fox nation with the first episode and it gets better and better. >> lawrence: i was jealous, you are the mentor and get the oppor opportunities. >> sean: all of you have known me for years, all of you know i
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despise wearing a suit. you know not that i will show everybody watching "fox and friends," i am wearing jeans right now, i always wear jeans, if i can, or sweat pants and a long sleeve tist-shirt and i wo out a lot. real sean hannity and i got to take my tie off and nobody noticed or complained. >> ainsley: you love a tuxedo. >> sean: what is that? >> ainsley: you love a tuxedo. >> sean: i love a tuxedo, i heard that somewhere. >> steve: thank you so much. okay. coming up, key inflation report came out four minutes ago, find out what it says as president biden claims inflation was 9% when he took office, not true. >> ainsley: mr. wonderful has
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the fact check. >> brian: i thought we just talked to mr. wonderful. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand chronic migraine patients. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems,
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>> steve: fox business alert, consumer price index, cpi, hit 3.4% in april. that's not good. up .three month over month, going the wrong direction. here is "shark tank" invest or kevin o'leary. good morning to you. >> kevin: great to be here, thank you. >> steve: inflation has to be below 2% for fed to start lowering interest rates, this is going the wrong way. >> kevin: it guarantees fed will not lower rates for the rest of this year.
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politically, it is like this happened. inflation data, can be 20-twen in terms of looking backward, wee poured a lot of money into the economy and kept going and put 2 trillion too much in. and inflation reduction act did not help. this is a nasty report. >> steve: it is. president when he's out and about, he puts on happy face. here is sound bite where he has a whopper and he says inflation was 9% when he took office. watch this. >> president biden: over 60% of people in america feel they are in good shape. they look out and say rest of the world is not in good shape, inflation has gone slightly up, it was 9% when i came in and now down to 3%.
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>> steve: twhen he took office t was 1.4%. in 2022, it hit 9% when people had to decide to buy groceries or fill up my car. >> kevin: numbers don't lie. this is manifesting itself in problem, inflation numbers around food, protein notably, gasoline and housing. those are bad at the voting poll. i don't know what is going to happen, you want the fed to cut rates and talk about 2% and none of that is happening. these are not good news for the current administration. these are nasty. >> steve: that number 13 minutes ago. an hour ago, biden campaign said we'll debate you twice, in june
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and september, what do you think about that? >> i love it, the country is begging for policy. we've been talking about the trial in new york and real estate war and porn star war, i get it, i understand that. if you are a new yorker, you should be asking, is this best way to spend our money? what is your policy on interest rates? what is your policy on foreign affairs? these issues are left open. i have to have this information to make a decision, stop the porn star wars and debates, i welcome them, bring it on, bring it on, bring it on. >> steve: donald trump said he is on, as well. thank you for joining today from austin. >> kevin: take care, thank you. >> steve: brian was at the capitol hill for "fox and friends" special and house speaker weighed in on his
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you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ] ♪ ♪ chef's kiss. >> i do have a great reverence for this country and self
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self-governance. we don't know how long institution like ours can last. we have to defend our principles for the next generation. reagan reminded us freedom is not automatic, it has to be taught and fought for and passed along so our children and grandchildren can enjoy it. that is in jeopardy right now and that is a serious thing. >> brian: why is it in jeopardy? >> rising number of people don't appreciate the country and want to trade it for something else. we have elected members of congress that would rather us be utopian system like marxism, it is a battle, not between republican and democrats, between two competing visions and world views for who we are
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as americans. >> brian: i follow-up and ask him, democrats say since january 6, you are a threat to dem democracy. >> lawrence: protest ing our biggest ally. joe biden is affecting this whole foreign policy. >> brian: those people are mad at joe biden and donald trump is not in the conversation, that is scary part. the fight is here and people on the left are mad about people on the left. >> ainsley: you asked him about liz cheney. >> brian: condemning and mocking him for supporting trump. >> ainsley: he said i've been friends with trump for a long time and this is wrong. i'm fighting for the country. >> lawrence: what is happening with justices has nothing to do
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with like or love donald trump, it should not happen to any political opponent. >> steve: great job on that and for police appreciation week, as well. >> brian: great to see the guys, and the women. >> ainsley: biden and trump seemingly agreeing to debate, first check in with dana perino for what is coming up. >> dana: i'm popping popcorn for that one. i will be there, love to watch it. today drama builds in court and president trump's lawyers rattled michael cohen yesterday, we have reaction from jim jordan. dei revolution, is it fizzling just in time? "new york times" reporter was told she was on wrong side of history and she quit, she will join us. and providing aid to israel and mark penn on why he thinks biden is doing it wrong and dana reads sports, we will show you what we
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>> good morning. it's a wet day here in new york city across the northeast. let's look. we have the potential for severe storms across florida now. watching the line of thunderstorms from tampa to
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orlando. tornado watch. conditions are favorable for tornadoes. parts of the mid atlantic and southern plains today. wednesday, thursday, friday some of the same areas getting hit. fox for your latest details. back inside where it's dry. >> steve: indeed. >> ainsley: get in here. >> brian: moments ago former president trump responding to this debate challenge from president biden. >> he lost two debates to me in 2020. now he is acting like he wants to debate me again. make my day, pal, i will even do it twice. let's pick the dates, donald. i hear you're free on wednesdays. >> ainsley: what trump just told her in this exclusive story, brooke. >> i spoke to former president donald trump about debating joe biden. he said he is the worst debater
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i've ever faced. crooked is also the worst president in the history of the united states by far. i am ready to go. this coming after the news that biden/harris campaign is proposing a presidential debate in late june after the new york versus trump trial completes and after biden returns from the g7. they propose another debate in early september. trump accepting the debates that biden proposed saying the proposed june and early september dates are fully acceptable to me. i will provide my own transportation. anywhere, any time, any place. we propose a vice president debate after the republicans nominate their vice presidential candidates on the same parameters we outline below. the stage is being set for this summer, guys. >> brian: they cut out the traditional commissions on debates. i'm curious to see the details of this. to me, brooke, i think he could hold out and get more. that was the conditions from joe
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biden. trump wants more. >> lawrence: either way joe biden is running into a trap. he says the economy is good and the border is good. he says we're doing good on foreign policy and american people see that. it will be a slap in the face. >> ainsley: sean hannity said they will give him a lot of red bull before to make sure he is jacked up joe and they need to do this in the summer before early voting begins. >> steve: ultimately the good news is some had suggested that perhaps joe biden would not debate him. well, it looks like it is game on. quick clarification. in the kevin o'leary segment the consumer price index that came out. in april it was 3.4. the new number. march 3.5. it actually went down a little bit. >> lawrence: brian, um owe be on radio? >> brian: more of that on radio. >> ainsley: have a good day. >> bill: thanks, guys, we'll pick up the baton from there now.


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