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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  May 15, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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biden. trump wants more. >> lawrence: either way joe biden is running into a trap. he says the economy is good and the border is good. he says we're doing good on foreign policy and american people see that. it will be a slap in the face. >> ainsley: sean hannity said they will give him a lot of red bull before to make sure he is jacked up joe and they need to do this in the summer before early voting begins. >> steve: ultimately the good news is some had suggested that perhaps joe biden would not debate him. well, it looks like it is game on. quick clarification. in the kevin o'leary segment the consumer price index that came out. in april it was 3.4. the new number. march 3.5. it actually went down a little bit. >> lawrence: brian, um owe be on radio? >> brian: more of that on radio. >> ainsley: have a good day. >> bill: thanks, guys, we'll pick up the baton from there now.
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will it happen is the question. president biden and donald trump, will they face off on a debate stage as soon as this summer? never happened this way before. biden issued the challenge an hour ago. trump just responded. hello, everybody. it is wednesday. we have stuff cooking. i'm bill hemmer, hello to you. do you like butter or salt on your popcorn? >> dana: salt. >> bill: agreed. >> dana: everything. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." i am popping some popcorn for this. the president responded to calls for a debate showdown in a new video this morning. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. now he wants to debate me again. make my day, pal, i'll even do it twice. let's pick the dates, donald. i hear you are free on wednesdays >> dana: a dig at president trump tied up in court accept on wednesdays. >> bill: they followed one more specific. proposing dates in june. one in june, one in september.
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a lot of holes to be filled in. here is biden's campaign communication director on msnbc next hour. >> in june after donald trump's criminal trial and after g7. the american people can hear from both candidates before they go cast their ballots. that's what we should be doing in the 21st century. the president is ready to do so. the question becomes will donald trump step up to the plate here? we haven't heard but we'll be waiting all day. >> dana: jacque heinrich is live at the white house. what do you hear? >> i guess the president did telegraph that a little while ago, dana. the timeline the laid out in a letter sent by the biden campaign. june debate to be after the g7 summit in italy and after trump's trial in new york and the september debate to be
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before early voting begins. the president in his announcement video did not waste a chance to take a swipe at trump's court schedule in making that announcement. the campaign is rejecting the traditional format from the commission on presidential debates and pushing to have a television studio debate with only the candidates and moderator. the cpd schedule after early voting starts and the live audience detracts from voters and rules broken in 2020. could be a nod to reports that trump tested positive for covid before the first debate but didn't reveal it until afterward. a lot of frustration with speaking time limits and interruptions. team biden laying a condition that whoever hosts the debate this year should host a republican primary debate in 2016 and democratic primary debate in 2020. cnn, abc, telemundo and cbs. neither campaign could assert
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the sponsoring organization is unacceptable. we believe the vice president debate should be in late july with the same parameters as the presidential debate. biden did telegraph this about a week ago. listen. the question was mr. president, will you debate trump? he said set it up there. now biden is fundraising on this message telling people it will be a showdown between democracy and authoritarianism and calling on his supporters to chip in $25. >> dana: what about the word that perhaps biden was way more into it than his advisors? >> yeah, i think that goes without saying. trump lid the ground work for biden to decline debates and you hear it from people from sources at the white house that biden has wanted to debate trump more than the people around him
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wanted that to come to pass. biden really disdanes the former president. you can see the disgust in his voice and in his face when he talks about him. and it's worse behind closed doors. this is something the president wanted more than his advisors. i think they have reached the conclusion it has to happen and we're watching it play out. >> bill: you said something about the vp debate. is that end of july? i didn't see a lot of that. >> they're asking for it to be after the convention, the rnc convention, after trump's running mate is selected basically. and saying that vice president harris would welcome that. so from the team biden side, they're waiting for the ticket to be finalized on the republican side and saying we're good to go. >> dana: why would they want it to early? i'm trying to think it through. we're learning this live. my brain is turning. a lot of debates happen after
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labor day in october when people are paying attention to the election. i think a vice president debate in july, who will remember that? >> really no one. you know how quickly the news cycle moves. so the potential, i suppose, if you are team biden, is that you can get things out of the way while early voting starts because i think the early voting schedule is probably what is motivating a lot of this. what the campaign keeps pointing to. but you also have the mail-in voting issue. you saw with nikki haley when she was getting sizeable chunks of the republican primary vote after she dropped out, a lot of that was driven by mail-in voting. that's part of the timing here. >> dana: a little breaking news. you never know. >> bill: trump 2024 national press secretary in studio. good morning to you. initial reaction on this is what? >> we're pleasantly surprised
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that joe biden has finally accepted and acknowledged president trump's challenge to debate him. we've been saying president trump is ready to do this any time, anywhere, any place. sounds great on the june date and the september date. however, it is interesting that joe biden's handlers said they don't want a large audience. they understand that joe biden cannot speak to a large crowd. that's why all of his campaign events are very controlled and also very fearful of the angry american protestors that follow joe biden everywhere he goes. president trump will be up on that stage. he is ready. the american people deserve this. they deserve the hear directly from both candidates. this election is the greatest contrast we've had in american history. a former president and current president. president trump with a record of success, joe biden with a record of weakness and failures. >> dana: after they put out the videos that had five cuts. joe biden said on x when i get
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up on stage it will be me and this grassroots team versus donald trump and his maga mignon s, democracy versus thor tearism. i think we see where mr. unity is planning to go. >> he planned on unifying the country has done more to divide the country and ridicule millions of people who believe in president trump and his message to make this country great again. that's exactly why this debate is necessary. president trump has said the greatest unifyer in this country will be success, the security of our southern border, which only president trump can deliver. going to be a rebuilding of our american economy. the inflation numbers, breaking news out this morning. inflation is over 3% for 37 months in a row because of joe biden's failed economic policies. all americans were better off under president trump's administration and why he is leading in the polls and he will talk about that. >> bill: make the argument that inflation is slowing and this is
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proof. there are five edits in the short video clip we played. the polling numbers from "the new york times" were dread full this week for biden. you have to think the white house wants to go on offense. that's what his campaign is trying to do to start a conversation here. have you talked to trump this morning? >> we have, yes. >> bill: will he make any demands or allow the white house to drive everything that is going with debates. >> we'll -- this network they don't want to host one of the debates. they said they've used previous networks which include abc, cbs and -- president trump will do it any time and any place. >> dana: i'm okay with a smaller audience and i will tell you why. sometimes just having moderated that debate in september, it gets a little chaotic. there are nine people on stage.
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they agreed on 98% of what we were talking about. but i do think in some ways it advantages president trump because in a crowd situation, the biden people would be like we have to bring extra so we can give him some energy. if you just see them together. we look at the videos and see them separately. in terms of energy, command of the issues, ability to think on their feet, decisiveness, i think it could work in trump's favor. >> president trump is comfortable in both environments. he has smaller events all the time and massive rallies like we saw this past weekend in deep blue new jersey with more than 100,000 people there. so he is comfortable with doing it. it is joe biden who is weak. joe biden who stumbles through a 15 minute teleprompter speech. >> bill: put the qualifications on the screen. the last one. microphones only active during each candidate's turn. that was an issue in 2020.
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>> dana: that's okay, too. >> bill: for president trump. maybe. you may or may not be able to voice objections if something is said. >> that is an effort to protect joe biden who has an issue with speaking and cognitive abilities. >> bill: president trump was the interrapter. >> we'll let our team debate the tactics. the president is ready to do it. >> dana: way to hustle over here. thank you in the rain with the breaking news this morning. thank you so much. >> thanks. >> equally concerned how the legal system is being weaponized and abused. remember this all around the world they're watching this trial and seeing what a disgrace this is. >> dana: donald trump following a full day of testimony from the star witness michael cohen. the defense spent much of their early cross examination attacking the credibility. court is on a break today.
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a house judiciary subcommittee is investigating lawfare tactics. jordan joins us now. comment on the breaking news that biden does want to debate. president trump says let's debate. one in june and one in september. details to be worked out. what do you think of that? >> we'll do what we do every four years, have presidential debates. that shouldn't be newsworthy but it is because so many americans understand joe biden has a real problem communicating. has a real problem putting two sentences together. i wish it weren't the case. you want your president to be able to talk to the american people. that's the situation. what will he talk about? he has trouble saying anything. what will he talk about? we went from a secure border to no border, safe streets to record crime, $2 gas to $4 gas. stable prices to record inflation. joe biden will have to defend that record. president trump can defend his record. things were going well under his leadership. this is good news.
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american people deserve to have their presidential candidates debate. i think president trump will run away with both of these debates if they are in june or september or whenever they may happen. >> bill: they'll hit early. the kind of cycle we haven't seen before. the reason you came on is because at 10:00 a.m. today you are holding a hearing looking into lawfare against donald trump. one important point. trying to get merrick garland to concede to an investigation of michael cohen because during his testimony before congress he lied and he admitted it and went to jail. this is one thing i don't think a lot of people realize. lanny davis, who no longer represents michael cohen as of last year, told "politico" that alvin bragg's prosecution here in new york all stemmed from cohen's testimony to congress in 2019. go ahead and talk about that. >> well, that testimony that's the intel committee. in front of our committee he
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lied six times and we referred him to the justice department. we know he is a convicted perjureer. alvin bragg said i cannot envision indicting president trump and calling michael cohen as a prosecution witness. but that's exactly what alvin bragg did. he made that decision to change 180 degrees after president trump announced he is running for office. merrick garland appoints jack smith special counsel three days after president trump announces he is running for office. fani willis started her investigation in 2021 but doesn't bring the case until after president trump announces he is running for president of the united states. this is lawfare at its worst and all about going after your political opponents. today we'll have robert costello, former attorney for michael cohen to talk about how michael cohen can't be trusted. jim trusty who worked on the classified documents case in front of our committee. we think it will be a great
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hearing. >> dana: call for four. status of trump trials. you see them here. new york criminal trial underway. the classified documents case is postponed. we don't think it will happen before the election. january 6th election interference and georgia election interference cases boat on hold as well. the weaponization of federal government hearing today. what do you hope people learn from it? >> dana, all those cases are falling apart because they are all ridiculous. fani willis paid her boyfriend and comes to d.c. talks to the january 6th committee and the white house on the taxpayer dime to coordinate how to go after president trump. last week jack smith altered, changed the sequence of the documents he seized from mar-a-lago. the scanned documents don't match ouch with the physical documents. some people call that tampering with evidence. jack smith mishandled the documents he is charging president trump with
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mishandling. that case is falling apart. of course, up in new york we see what's going on there. this case is ridiculous where the star witness is michael cohen, a guy no one can trust. >> bill: the a.g. won't make a move on that. you understand that, right? >> we have a number of things we're dealing with the a.g. a contempt resolution vote in the committee tomorrow. he won't give us the audio tape where hur interviewed biden. in that case, bill, he met the elements of the crime and knowingly disclosed and kept classified information. the motive was he says he had strong motivations for ignoring classified procedures because he was writing a book. a book for which he got paid $8 million. motive, elements of the crime, but we're not going to charge him because he is a forgetful, elderly gentleman. let us see the evidence including the audio tape.
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>> bill: you have been on the trump train for a long time before we knew president trump would run again in 2024 and you said you were on his team. what do you think a guilty conviction in this trial in new york would do to his campaign? >> i don't think it hurts it one bit. american people have common sense and see what we've been talking about. the concerted effort by the left and democrats. they tried the 14th amendment trying to keep him -- we won't let him play in the game. disqualify your opponent. the supreme court said no, 9-0 they said no to that. this is what -- american people see it and know the kind of leadership they had under president trump and they want that back. >> dana: congressman, thank you. >> bill: jim jordan, thank you, the republican from ohio. thanks. in a moment here president biden will leave the white house and move to the u.s. capitol as he takes questions from reporters we'll cover it for you. there may not be a chopper for this one. you actually might like that.
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>> dana: you mean when he leaves? we already heard from him today in a 14 second video. dumping dei. a former "new york times" reporter joins us next with an eye opening look at the progressive movement. >> bill: the big apple's mayor has a new job offer for migrants and not what you would expect. >> how do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards? it doesn't make sense. ♪
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are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. [music playing] every day millions of people ask, "what is scientology?" here's an idea,
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what if you just take a look? what if you see for yourself who we are, what we believe and what we stand for? our doors are open to all people, of all faiths, in every corner of the world. so what is scientology? maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself.
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>> bill: they were back at it in new york apparently last night in the anti-israeli protestors disrupting the city university of new york and manhattan. dozens of activist taking over the graduate center's library and renamed it after university in gaza destroyed by israeli air strikes. the protestors demanding that charges be dropped against the students who were arrested during a police raid on a city college tent camp just recently. so oning it does, dana. >> dana: the unc chapel hill board of trustees voting to dismantle the university's dei programs and funds used for public safety and campus police following anti-israel protests. one of the trustees says it is important to consider the needs of all 30,000 students, not just 100 or so that may want to disrupt the university's operations. let's bring in author of the new book "morning after the revolution" nellie bowls.
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i loved the book. great to have you here. you write a lot about dei and the movement and as you say universities say we need money to fund the chapel hill police, is the revolution collapsing under its own weight? >> you start the see the rhetoric meet reality. in a lot of colleges, parents have gotten together to hire private security officers for their students, their kids. they are taking it into their own hands. i'm not surprised universities are starting to finally respond and say gosh. >> bill: we are talking millions of dollars. the location of chapel hill and reverb bragss when that young student was killed jogging in the morning in athens, georgia. you have to think there are considerations now for making sure that kids are safe. i thought the quote from the president was most revealing. it is important to consider the needs of all 30,000 students, not just 100 or so that may want to disrupt the operations at the university. we've seen that time and again
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where they bend and bow to the 30 as opposed to the 30,000. >> yeah, this tiny fraction of the population has managed to gain control of the conversation. the average student at a university and the average parent is normal and rational and wants a safe school, wants secure student body. these are basic normal things. >> bill: the dei thing came on quickly in 2019. >> dana: it built and built. you were at the "new york times" and excited to be added to that roster. a part in your book you talk about practicing nellie bowles, "new york times." you wanted to do that. you are an amazing writer out there. then george floyd happens, the covid happens, defund the police happens and you said i'll go and report on this. you are reporting and sending things back and editors as you write in the book are saying oh, nellie, no, you are putting too much balance here. you need to get on the right
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side of history. >> it became very hard to do reporting and try to be a mirror to the world. a reporter's job. over the last few years we've had a narrowing of the mind of the mainstream liberal media and to its own detriment. so many amazing low hanging stories like what was happening in 2020, like basic fascinating stuff. where are the covid origins? the pediatric gender tranceations? these are interesting, complicated stories that the media agreed to not cover for years. as a reporter at the times it was frustrating to have to put blinders on my curiosity. i have to write this book and ended up quitting the paper and each chapter is a journey and features what i would have written if i had stayed on staff. >> bill: why do people join mobs?
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the passage that you write. the cancellation isn't about finding a conservative an yelling at them but finding the betrayer in your midst. what does that mean? >> what it means is that we all talk a lot about cancel culture. one of the things people say how odd is it that you cancel someone who is similar to you but different in a small faction? as someone part of that culture who participated in cancellations, as it were, i write about the complicated emotions. the pleasure associated with that. it is about policing the boundaries. i think a lot of the last four years in the liberal world, in the intellectual elite world, whatever you want to call it, progressive world, has been about making those boundaries tighter and tighter and policing them harder and harder and it is existing and boring and not fun. >> dana: you talk about a friend who was watching you to see if you were going to join on the
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cancellation of somebody else and decided not to do it. you are pacing back and forecast. i agonized in my apartment. finally she says to you very nicely, it was suspicious how quiet i was that day. you haven't said anything about this one today. she politely told me i was a racist and said goodbye. you and bari weiss started the free press that is going gangbusters. headlines you are getting for your reviews of your book from people that you used to work with, right? "new york times," mockery and sneers. knellee bowles thinks you will outgrow progressism. they won't write anything nice about you but interesting to see "the new york times" is saying woe, we aren't here to reelect joe biden. >> the fact he had to come out
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and say our job is not to reelect joe biden tells you a lot about the inner conversations. he came out as a free press reader which we appreciate. but yeah. >> dana: i'm so glad you guys got to meet. i want you to be friends and i want all of you to read more of her work. tgif on fridays is the best thing of the week. fox news run down nellie knowles. her new book is there today in the conversation. >> bill: pleasure meeting you, good luck. the revolution continues. >> dana: your revolution continues, not this one. >> bill: moments ago democratic senator bob menendez is back in court day three of jury -- they picked 0 jurors yesterday. i don't know why. >> dana: it is moving right along you are saying it? >> bill: stunning about face an
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>> dana: jury selection continues in the trial of bob menendez. they are accused of getting hundreds of dollars in bribes. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live outside the new york city courthouse where this is going down. hi, chad. >> good morning. three days and still no jury. the judge says it is going slow
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but they are making progress. the senator is accused of being a foreign agent for qatar and egypt. he proclaims his innocence. >> by filing three indictments, one in late september, a second one a few weeks later in mid october and the third one just last week in early january, it allows the government to keep the sensational story in the press. it poisons the jury pool and seeks to convict me in the court of public opinion. >> now the most intriguing part of the case, massive stashes of cash nand in jackets around the home of the senator and 13 gold bars. prosecutors allege the gold bars were part of a bribe menendez accepted to help a businessman get an investment deal in qatar. >> there is no evidence of the giving or receiving of cash and gold bars. in fact, there has been and will
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be a trial, a fuel full explanation of the truth where i am entirely innocent of the charges. >> we learned that some of the testimony could be in spanish and arabic with an interpreter. the judge also asked potential jurors if they were aware of new of people like chris coons and marsha blackburn, attorney abbe lowell. they aren't accused of wrongdoing but could be mentioned during the trial. now we're expecting an eight to nine week trial once they get started. his wife, nadine, will go on trial in july. it is unclear on the senator's re-election plans. dana. >> dana: all right, chad, thank you so much as that gets underway. what have you got? >> president biden: israel has the right to defend itself and its people. full stop. we stand with israel. united states stands with
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israel. i made it clear that if they go into rafah, they haven't gone into rafah yet, if they go into rafah, i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with rafah and that deal with the cities and that problem. >> bill: if you are confused about u.s. policy you wouldn't be alone at the moment as we see smoke over the gaza skyline. the "wall street journal" is now reporting today a bit earlier today that president biden has signed a deal with israel and will move forward on a $1 billion in new weapons and ammo after apparently cutting some of that off. gillian turner tries to fill this in for us at the state department. what do we think we know about what the truth is here? >> so, bill, a week ago the state department here warned it was reasonable to assess, right, that the idf had committed human rights violations and breaking international law. this moment now we're learning
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more about the administration's plans to move forward with this massive $1 billion weapons shipment to the idf. listen to this. >> united states has sent a massive amount of military assistance to israel to defend itself against all threats including hamas, hezbollah, iran and its other proxies. we're continuing to send military assistance and we will insure that israel receives the full amount provided in the supplemental. we have paused a shipment of 2,000 pound bombs because we don't believe they should be dropped in densely populated cities. >> the white house has been straddling the fence trying to appease both sides here. it was a day ago biden was adamant he would withhold anymore weapons to israel if they assaulted population centers inside rafah after he had already paused a big shipment of precision bombs. now republican lawmakers are unleashing on the president's approach. >> the irony is what joe biden is doing for political purposes
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to try to appease the pro-hamas people in his party, i guess, pro-palestinian, he is doing real harm to the cause and the protection of innocent life. >> secretary blinken in ukraine right now. just a couple of days ago delivered one of his strongest rebukes of israel to date saying the u.s. wants israeli forces to get out of gaza. pretty stunning comment. the house now, bill, is about to vote on a bill that would prevent the white house from withholding any more weapons shipments moving forward to israel. democrats are divided and the white house has already said they are strongly opposed to any moves like that. they clearly want the flexibility to say one thing and then move forward with something completely different. >> bill: it appears the last thing you said seems to be the most factual. we'll follow it from the state department. nice to see you, thanks. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: you know this, a big night of basketball across
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america. knicks bounced back from two straight losses with a win at madison square garden. they can close out the series with a win against the pacers on friday. let's go to the wnba. caitlin clark makes her professional debut with the indiana fever. the fever lost 92-71 against the connecticut suns. >> bill: she is off and running. a lot of turnovers. game on. we'll give it time and see how it works out. i was able to go to bed after the third period last night. congratulations to the knicks. >> dana: i would love to interview caitlin clark and going from college to the pros. >> bill: she had a few preseason games. it is faster, hence the turnovers. a day in america trump agrees to
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debate joe biden as soon as next month. we're watching all the late breaking developments on this so stay tuned. plus there is this. >> why do you think americans are so down on president biden right now? >> what do you mean? >> bill: what do you mean? biden's inner circle says the president doesn't believe in recent poll numbers that show him trailing in some of these must-win battlegrounds. mark penn just penned a very interesting story about the biden strategy. penn is next right here on our show.
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>> president biden: donald trump lost two debates for me. now he is acting like he wants to debate me again. well make my day, pal, i'll even do it twice. let's pick the dates, donald.
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i hear you are free on wednesdays. >> bill: stage is now set, is it, for a biden/trump debate. sources are telling us that. biden made the invitation to trump. trump will accept it. mark penn is here to talk about that. also democratic pollster and ceo. good morning to you. we saw "the new york times" polling the other day. repercussions are significant. you have to go on offense at some point. maybe this is a measure of that, what do you think? >> when you are behind you want to debate. when you are ahead you want to avoid debates at all costs. it is obvious said i'll debate any time and biden has accepted. a shrewd plan. far removed from an actual election day and fix it if it goes badly but also before the mail-in votes. a pretty good plan. >> dana: axios wrote the dismissiveness. according to democrats who spoke privately with the president and
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his team the bedrock belief has informed the steady as she goes campaign. biden is doing it wrong and you gave him advice to turn things around. doesn't seem to me that he is going to. you said figure out a way to get to the milts. >> what i tried to do is explain to people when an election is 5-five and a swing voter switches it becomes 6-four. that means equal that you need two people to turn out or you could lose two people. getting swing voters like nikki haley voters is twice as powerful. it is the math of swing voters and why playing to the left overturn-out and threats on turn out when they are never voting for donald trump is taking the campaign down and down and down a rabbit hole. >> bill: one thing he will have to do if the debate happens. let's assume it does. he has to defend some of these positions. what jacque heinrich is telling us as of today the president
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recenter the digs trump is taking at his family and hunter biden and the first lady is especially resentful over that and think there is a double standard with the trump kids. biden believes that trump is unworthy of the presidency. threat to democracy but personal disdain is palpable. >> there is a lot of personal animosity between these two candidates underneath this debate. i don't know what rules they will have. but we aren't going back to the days of the kennedy/nixon debates where we ask about foreign policy. >> bill: one of the rules is the microphone can only be on when it is your turn to talk. >> not a bad rule. the debates have become cat fights in many ways and i would love to see them brought back to what they really should be. one thing i always tell people when the candidates hate each other and everybody hates the candidates, surprisingly issues are what matter. what really matters to people is, is their life better? what's going on with inflation,
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immigration, crime, climate change, racial division. >> dana: i want to play this from peter doocy and karine jean-pierre and get a quick comment. >> have you considered in the white house that some of president biden's recent policy positions could be a turn-off to the people that used to like him? >> here, i would disagree with you there. a lot of the policies the president is pushing forward are incredibly popular. >> dana: she can get away with just saying that. the president biden, he won't be able to do that in a one-on-one debate if there is no big audience participation and no interrupees options. -- pushing evs and not giving people a choice. not popular. he has real issues that he will have to figure out how to present to the american people. big tax increases. he will say it's about corporations and the wealthy.
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donald trump is going to say it will hit the average person. let this debate continue. it is uphill for president biden or he wouldn't be debating in the first place. >> bill: interesting developments. never been here before. >> dana: a move of desperation but a move we have. thank you so much. to mark national police week house republicans are teeing up crime-related bills and in just a few moments we'll hear from gop leaders on the hill. we're watching it there. plus this. >> president biden: we're standing up against chinese government unfair economic practices now. >> dana: president joe biden taking a page from his predecessor's playbook. larry kudlow reacts at the top of the hour. s. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad.
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the right direction. jonathan serrie live from atlanta with the cdc from there and more. >> good morning, bill. what's disturbing is not just the numbers but the proportions. pills represent nearly half of all the illegal fentanyl seized by law enforcement in 2023. that's up from just 10% five years earlier according to a new study published in the international journal of drug policy. its lead author says it is concerning because it makes these dangerous drugs all the more accessible to new types of users. >> now that fentanyl is appearing in these pretty little pills, i worry that young people in particular are going to buy an illegal pill thinking it is something else and it will contain fentanyl and it could kill them. >> congress is expected to spend 10.6 billion combating the opioid epidemic compiled by the
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nonprofit. substance abuse experts say last year's approval of the overdose reversal treatment narcan has saved lives but also has its limits. >> they may have narcan right there but if there is no one there to see they are overdosing the narcan will sit there. we have to change the culture of solo use to make sure you have a friend. >> drug safety advocates say changing that culture involves striking a difficult balance. they want to reduce the stigma of fentanyl use to bring abusers out of the shadows to seek help. at the same time, they don't want to downplay the very real risks of these potentially fatal and illicit drugs. >> bill: they have to figure it out. thank you. >> dana: fox news alert is game on. trump and biden agreeing to hold two debates potentially setting the stage for a face-off as soon as next month. that's our news that we start with today. welcome to a new hour of


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