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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  May 15, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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gains on the back of those posts online from roaring kitty is over, at least today. we'll see about tomorrow. >> dana: the best new haircut in the building. >> thank you. >> bill: before we go, seaside california. it violated this. he got creative. he built a fence and hired a painter to make a realistic mural of the boat. he calls it artistic statement not to mention it's more attractive than a regular against. he is a local celebrity. before we go they are doing it in seaside. >> dana: judge janine did that. that's so smart. you know the inspectors are like foiled again. all right. great to be with you. court is in session tomorrow. we'll be back with everyone. harris faulkner takes you to the next hour. here she is. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert. look, it is starting right now.
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that's yankee stadium. this is live, new york city. and already -- already new york university is bracing for jewish hate protests as their graduation ceremony is underway at yankee stadium. they knew that some protests might happen. they are ready for this. they are. but does it change anything for those students who really this is their special day? we'll be watching. there has been an explosion of anti-israel hate on our nation's college campuses ever since october 7th when the hamas savages invaded gaza and killed israelis on their side. there was torture, rape, you know the story. and years of hard work now for these students potentially marred by agitators who come
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from different parts of the country. there is outside money mixed in because of all the tent encampments we've seen. we never real ohno what we'll get. free speech is welcome but all the rest, the threats on jewish lives, that sort of thing not protected by free speech. we don't know what we'll get here. nyu is bracing. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." today's ceremony comes after weeks of jewish hate, chaos on campus. this was the scene actually just three weeks ago. [chanting] >> harris: well, the school eventually called in the new york police department to help remove the illegal encampment there and today they are preparing for more moments like this one. [applause]
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>> harris: this was duke university's commencement while the speaker, jerry seinfeld, the comedian, was addressing the graduates. he has been a vocal supporter for israel. many students booing. the jewish comedian walked out of the ceremony himself. it's the culmination of eight months of protesting on these college campuses. you can understand why today new york university is bracing. they don't know what they will get. yankee stadium is huge. jewish students forced to stand idly by as classes moved online. some of what we've seen. ceremonies already have been canceled. we saw that with usc, university of southern california. thousands of arrests have been made across the country and campuses and students are
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telling us about how afraid they are on campus. >> a state of chaos, a state of disorder. the university is no longer become a place where students can learn and study and prepare for finals. it has instead become the home of this rabid anti-israel protests. >> we're trying to get last-minute studies in and these agitators are causing massive disruptions. >> we are allowing these students to spread their hatred, bigotry and anti-semitism. >> this is a group hell bent on continuing a state of war rather than finding peace. >> i feel a lot of fear and concern for that my safety as a jewish student on campus as well as my fellow jewish students. >> a lot of this growing, threatening culture. >> harris: later today congress will hear from students from harvard and the university of
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pennsylvania. two of the elite ivy league schools that exist on the east coast where so much money is spent to educate these students and now some of them are having to deal with what they dealt with at the end of high school. it must feel like a lockdown if you can't have your own commencement ceremony. stuff getting canceled in some places. house panel hearing on campus anti-semitism is set at 2:00 p.m. eastern today. cb cotton at yankee stadium. they are holding their graduation ceremony right now. cb. >> as you said, some nyu students may choose to end four years of hard work in protest. there is always tight security here at the stadium but just behind me people are being screened to make sure no one brings in large bags, air horns, banners, things like that. we're watching to see whether students decide to write anti-israel messages on caps or
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secure pro-palestinian signs to their gowns. faculty members urging protestors to disrupt the social media with protest posts writing in a post on x, quote. no graduation distractions when nyu hosts genocide. they are complicit in the ongoing murder and he razorback you are of the palestinian people police were called there twice. the first time more than 100 people were arrested. nyu president said fewer than half were students. during the columbia graduation on sunday one wore zip tie handcuffs and once handed her diploma, turned to the audience and ripped it to pieces. others carried the palestinian flag. other schools like george washington university and ucla have seen intense clashes
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between protestors and police. george washington university has added security measures for its upcoming commencement ceremony. columbia university, the epicenter of the student protests was supposed to have their commencement today. it was canceled and university opted to have smaller ceremonies across the city. columbia university president wrote to the student body that canceling the ceremony was one of the toughest calls in a year of many tough calls. >> harris: we've talked about this. our parents are so proud when we reach that moment. i can't imagine how parents must feel dreaming about this since their kids were little in elementary school. thank you for the report. paul mauro is with me now. retired police inspector and fox news contributor. we lean on your department to keep the graduation ceremony. >> there will be a lot of people involved.
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yankee stadium will have their own security. generally they will defer to those folks. a lot of them will be retired nypd. chief of security there is most certainly an nypd executive that retired and took the job. they give the jobs to nypd executives to you might see the nypd get involved in they get rough. they will tolerate ripping of the diplomas, yelling, etc. if it gets disruptive and get the word from the nyu executives you have to clear this out they'll do it as surgically as possible and planned for it. you never know what's going to happen. >> harris: i don't know what they've done in years past, until all this start evidence going on had you thought about where every school had its commencement ceremony? i hadn't. yankee stadium seems a better place than college campus now. >> a lot more open and sight lines to see what's going on. place people around the
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locations so that you can watch what's going on behind the scenes. down at nyu in the nested streets or by columbia it is hard to get a handle what's going on. this works for the situation to keep it safe. >> harris: that's one of the reasons why the protestors might like the urban, tight environment. alvin bragg has reportedly offered a plea deal -- i can't wait to hear what paul has to say. we were on together as it was happening. remember the six suspects involved in the beat down of police officers? it happened in january. with no deal they were facing up to seven years behind bars if found guilty. however, they made a deal with the judge apparently, two of the suspects would serve six months in jail, three others would serve one year, and another just two years. the post also reports that one of those suspects offered a deal was rearrested yesterday. that arrest was for a completely
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separate crime. he apparently tried to steal children's clothing and perfume from macy's. the judge let him walk free. man, that's so hard to believe. new york city police, benevolent association president is reacting to the plea deal saying as we've said from the beginning of this case, the individuals who attacked our brothers need to serve their time here and then be deported. the bottom line is that they cannot be allowed to return to the streets of our city to cause more mayhem. what is going on with our justice system right now? >> let's look past the attacking of the police. the talking points were handled well. in terms of the general public these are criminals. career criminals, period end of story. they are gang members, they are in for life. the rest of them probably affiliates. they will continue to steal. we lose 90,000 packages a day
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are stolen in new york city alone from fed ex and ups and delivery services, 90,000. they steal them off the stoops and out of the trucks. 90,000. those numbers aren't reflected in the crime numbers. it's a strange anomaly. that said the culprits who we have to look at, all right? kathy hochul who hides from this issue in albany. and all she needs to do is lift an executive order put in by khoum owe. she doesn't do it. >> harris: it is a smaller crime, stealing stuff off people's porchs. that's part of what is baked in here. we've normally -- 90,000 packages. if you attack a cop, why wouldn't you attack a citizen? the cop is armed. >> absolutely. one thing you see these
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characters in action. we saw it when they got arrested for the original crime and came out of jail. these are perps. they have been in and out of prison. it's a prison gang that got so powerful it expanded beyond that and involved in some of the human trafficking getting people into the country. powerful force. we ignore them at -- >> i can take a plea deal if we throw them out. the assembly in albany kicked down and will not hear the proposed bill to tighten that line of immigration. they won't even hear it because that's controlled by the democrats. they are here to stay. we better get used to this story. >> harris: i don't live in new york. the governor confounds me. she put national guard on the subway and crime and then pulled them out and no consistency dealing with illegal immigrants and these crimes.
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>> we need lee zeldin. >> harris: president biden and former president trump agreeing to debate. trump was already there. somehow biden got pulled over the line. date set for june and september before early voting begins. >> nobody wants to be seen as the person who doesn't want to debate. that's the person who loses. this is an interesting gamut from the sit ping president. he needs to look like he wants to debate and debate or he would be in trouble. veteran homeowners need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit? here's great news. at newday we've been granted automatic authority by the va to make our own loan approval decisions. in fact, if you've had credit challenges and missed a payment along the way, you're more than five times more likely to get approved for the newday 100 va cash out loan. no one knows veterans like newday usa.
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>> harris: president biden hit social media early today to challenge former president trump to two debates, one? june and one in september. a bit of his video. >> president biden: donald trump lost two debates to me. now he wants to debate me again. make my day, pal. >> harris: he also posted about 30 minutes ago we don't know if he did it. somebody did it on his account saying he has accepted the invitation to debate june 27th. just about six weeks from now. former president trump has told fox news he will be there and is, in fact, looking forward to
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it. of course, he threw down the gauntlet first. biden is catching up. president biden is fundraising off his debate challenge and his campaign quickly texting supporters asking for, you know, just a little amount, $20 donations because he will debate. he is the president of the united states. you think he could figure out how to debate for free. they fundraise, that's what campaigners do. trump's campaign secretary says they're confident. >> they understand joe biden cannot speak to a large crowd and why all of his campaign events are very controlled and very fearful of the angry american protestors that follow joe biden everywhere he goes. president trump will be up on that stage. he is ready. the american people deserve this. they deserve to hear directly from both candidates. >> harris: doug collins, former republican congressman of georgia. brad howard president of corcoran street group. great to see you both. doug, what do you think about this news?
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>> well, i think it's good news if we get to have it. i'm not convinced it will happen, okay? if you look at the details that cnn sent out about this they are sort of playing it like a presidential debate saying if you get 15% in the polls. rfk could show up. the biden people won't let that happen at all. and so again there is a lot of stuff going on out there. reading stuff. you folks have as well. plenty of outs for joe biden not to get into this. i don't think he wants this debate. he had to say something. we'll see how it goes. if it happens, we'll see. >> harris: brad, the current president says he doesn't want a big crowd. said on his behalf. i don't know why that would be. it would be great to have an audience in there, i would think. >> an audience is great tv but makes for a terrible debate. in between trying to let the candidates speak and not talk over one another they have an audience interrupting reduces the amount of time.
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>> harris: we haven't seen that, though. >> at the last debate between applause and cheers and everything. >> harris: you mean the state of the union. applause and cheers there. come on. >> you know how long it goes. we want a debate to listen to the substance. they go at each other and rules to both present their points a view in a fair way. >> harris: he didn't have any rules at the state of the union and it wasn't a problem. do you think he can have that energy level is what a lot of people are asking. >> trump's poll numbers tanked after the first debate. he was in a tailspin after the first debate. >> harris: that was four years ago and any video, any lie that you have seen you know that there has been some, you know, he is not the same person at all times. doug. >> look, it's debatable as far as the debates who won and lost
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them. they aren't having debates. these aren't debates you try to answer question. if you want true debates. give them a topic and let them talk to each other. that will never happen. not with joe biden. so it's just tough. if it happens, great. i mean, get the coffee pot ready in the white house or down here in atlanta. they will have to get him ready to go. he has not been ready to go. i get the idea about the audience. most of the audiences they don't want the reaction to him coming up and then also you have a problem in this situation where who is the moderator going to be? we'll see this. again, they had to answer somehow because he looks frail. a sitting american president who would not debate looks so weak they had to do something. if it happens, great, good for the american people. we'll see how it happens. >> harris: brad, i want to ask quickly about some of the
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pitfalls for the president in terms of the topics that would come up like the economy, inflation rate is ticking back. we're still way above the 2% the president and his administration promised the american people. almost the end of his first term. so there are some problems. we have the inflation numbers today again. it's above 3% again. it is not improving. prices are still going up. please don't sell that hockey puck prices are coming down because you know they are not. you look like a guy would maybe do his own grocery shopping. i say that as a compliment. means are you in touch. >> the economic indicators indicated inflation coming down. a positive sign. let me back up. the general rule in politics if you are the one claiming debates you are the one down in the polls. what we're looking for here. that's the general rule. you don't need debates if you are in the lead. >> harris: that doesn't make them losers.
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>> the president has always said that he will debate, structured debate where there are rules. the rules allow the american people to hear from both sides he can -- >> harris: your guy said when he took office inflation was 9%. that was a lie. it only happened under his presidency. >> he can make his case in the debates. >> harris: you have to make it for him. you have to step in with the facts on his behalf. doug last quick. >> try to spin anything like this when you have mainstream media push back against him and he can't answer a question you have a problem in a debate. >> harris: former president president trump's defense team got to question michael cohen yesterday. he has hatred for his former
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boss and that was their case and what's driving him. president biden is reportedly moving ahead with a weapons shipment after all to israel. after saying he was going to withhold stuff because he didn't like how they were carrying out their war. >> here is what he is saying to israel. let me run the war for you. here is my advice to israel. don't let him do it. he will screw up your country like he screwed up the world. >> harris: critics accusing biden of trying to appease both political sides as the divides grow within his own democratic party. you have the aoc branch and ilhan omar and all that. almost like a different party according to some democrats. but they are not. they're all the same party. james comer is in "focus" next, house oversight committee chairman.
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prosecution's star witness against donald trump, michael cohen, with stood hours of cross examination yesterday. trump's attorneys repeatedly questioning him about his hatred for trump and his tiktok videos, you know this guy is selling merchandise and says he wants to run for congress now, michael cohen. jonathan turley with this. >> one of the most impressive things about the last two days is it does appear that cohen may have committed perjury again. his explanations on various points do not strike some of us as true. when he said that he taped the president secretly that blasts away at the obligation that are ethical. he said he was doing it to help trump and keep david pecker honest. it makes no sense. >> harris: all right. nate foye is outside the new york state supreme court in manhattan and quiet today.
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wednesdays, well, some people wear pink. other people don't go to court because it's closed. >> court is not in session today. tomorrow will be a big day as the cross examination of michael cohen is set to continue. on the witness stand yesterday he admitted he wants to see former president donald trump convicted in this trial and you mentioned that he also acknowledged he is relentlessly criticizing trump on social media. you mentioned tiktok seeing a t-shirt with trump behind bars last week and acknowledged he referenced trump in each of his 2 200 podcast episodes. he also lied to special prosecutors during the mueller investigation telling court it wasn't truthful. the information i gave to them was inaccurate. i will say it's a lie. two weeks after that cohen struck a deal with federal prosecutors pleading guilty to campaign finance violations and
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tax evasions and now submitted false monthly invoices in 2017 after paying stormy daniels $130. trump says they are legitimate legal expenses. cohen claims trump permanently signed off on the reimbursement plan. you can maybe see that coming tomorrow. trump can't respond to cohen's testimony because he is bound by the court's gag order. >> you have a constitutional problem without the ability to say anything about your own case. i am not allowed to talk about big portions of my case. nothing like that has ever happened. >> cohen is the prosecution's final witness. so it's possible depending how quickly things move tomorrow that the prosecution rests their case. after that trump's lawyers will have the opportunity to bring their own witnesses forward.
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right now they plan on bringing an expert witness forward but discuss the parameters of that possible questioning at 4:00 tomorrow. that will happen at the end of court tomorrow. cohen is back on the stand at 9:30 tomorrow morning. >> harris: sounds great. nate. thank you very much. great report. the chairs of the house judiciary and oversight committees, jim jordan and james comer served michael cohen with another criminal referral to the department of justice and they want attorney general merrick garland to investigate michael cohen for allegedly lying to congress multiple times in 2019. they wrote the attorney general calling cohen a repeated liar and demanding the doj hold him responsible to false statements to congress. comer joins me now. no doubt you are following the trial. tell me, do you have more to work with since you've been watching? >> yeah, i think so. i think your last two witnesses
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have addressed these issues. perjury is a serious crime. what we know with michael cohen, he has already lied to congress, lied to the i.r.s., admitted to lying several times and yet there is virtually no accountability. here we are in a case involving the frontrunner for the presidency of the united states where the democrats and democrat prosecutors are trying to subvert democracy here and get the frontrunner kicked off the ballot through some sham hearing and their star witness is someone that has already lied to congress several times. the department of justice has done nothing about it. we're reupping this and following this case and we'll have additional referrals if necessary. this is just amazing to me that not only he continues to get away with lying to congress, but he is the star witness in a trial involving the frontrunner for the presidency. >> harris: let me ask you what
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accountability would look like for michael cohen? >> look, you look at what the current department of justice has done to navarro and bannon for not complying with a subpoena. they are going to jail. i think the same thing should happen with cohen. you have a similar thing. not complying with a lawful congressional subpoena. some of us would argue the january 6th committee wasn't a legitimate committee. the department of justice considered it a legitimate committee. here we have cohen who lied under oath in congressional testimony and yet he never pays a price for it. to use him as a star witness in a case that we believe is testing the limits of our democracy going after the frontrunner for the presidency? it's just unheard of. this department of justice is out of control. they need to step up and apply the law equally to both sides.
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right now if you are in favor with the ruling party, like cohen and the biden family and the clintons, you can get away with anything. but if you dare step up if you are a whistleblower, someone that questions the authority of the deep state, then you will be held accountable in the garland department of justice. >> harris: let's go to president biden now. there is bipartisan fury. reportedly moving ahead with a $1 billion weapons package to israel. what will he do with all the uncommitted voters who told him not to do this? they don't want the president supporting israel. it comes after biden threatened to withhold arms if the israeli military invaded rafah. that's a flip-flop of epic proportions. administration officials with harsh criticism in recent days. watch. >> israel acted in ways not consistent with international law. >> he does not want certain categories of american weapons
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used in a particular type of operation in a particular place. >> sometimes when we listen closely to the israeli leaders, they talk about mostly the idea of some sort of sweeping victory on the battlefield. total victory. i don't think we believe it's likely or possible. >> harris: retired general jack keane with this. >> the pettiness of stopping these 2,000 pound bombs when israel has so much on its plate. the israelis need to go into rafah to deal with what leadership is there, put pressure on the release of the remaining hostages, and also destroy as much as they can. >> harris: how do you flip-flop on israel? they made a big point to come out and say that they were going to withhold weapons because they didn't like, the white house and president, israel going into rafah, even though israel is trying to move people. feeding them and sent pamphlets.
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the president made a big point about we'll withhold weapons and now give them a billion dollars in weapons. >> well, i think what congress is doing this week, we're -- republican majority in the house applying pressure and forcing the democrats to have to vote on record whether or not they support the president's decision. everyone in congress knows, like most americans know, the president didn't have the authority to withhold those weapons. joe biden doesn't need to be giving anyone advice on how to construct a war. joe biden needs to comply with the will of congress. congress in a bipartisan fashion approved funding for this weaponry. this is highlighting the biggest problem the democratic party faces. they have a vocal anti-semitic wing in their party leading the protests at these universities across america. they are leading the vocal support for palestine, essentially hamas in many
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instances. and i think that the president solely focused on politics, not doing what's right. he is worried about this big voting block in michigan that doesn't want to supply israel with a single bullet, much less these large bombs. and joe biden is just blowing with the wind and he sees that now in congress, i believe, on the house floor, a majority of democrats actually oppose what joe biden is doing in israel. we'll find out for sure here in a few days when we have this vote. right now i think the president will have to cave to pressure from his majority of democrats in congress so he is going to have to make those voters in michigan even more upset with him than they already are. >> harris: if only it were just michigan. unconstructed, uncommitted voters in north of 15 states. it is hundreds of thousands of people now. all right. chairman comer, great to have you in "focus" today. thank you so much. we'll be following those two
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issues that we talked about, the one bill that you just mentioned regarding getting democrats on the record. are they going to back biden with giving now weapons, billion dollars worth of weapons after he said he wouldn't supply weapons to israel as it moves into rafah potentially and going after michael cohen. we'll follow them both. israel isn't the only issue plaguing biden. persistent and punishing inflation, a very top issue for voters. >> he is happy to bold face lie to the american public and try to hoodwink them to think that somebody else caused inflation rather than his massive deficit spending. >> harris: a group of 40 democrats now are demanding that president biden take action on high food prices. what woke them up? it has been a problem his entire presidency. have they not been eating? fox news political analyst gianno caldwell next. ♪
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every day millions of people ask, "what is scientology?" here's an idea, what if you just take a look? what if you see for yourself
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who we are, what we believe and what we stand for? our doors are open to all people, of all faiths, in every corner of the world. so what is scientology? maybe it's time to look and decide for yourself. >> harris: jury selection is underway in the trial of senator bob menendez.
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a big-time democrat there. been there a long time. been through something like this before but they didn't catch him. he and his wife are accused of accepting bribes. they even got a brand-new luxury vehicle. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is outside the federal courthouse. chad. >> we believe that they will get a jury here in about the next half hour. they are working on this since monday. right now they are going through strikes inside the courtroom. potential jury could be seated and they could start opening arguments maybe around 1:30 or 2:00 this afternoon. bob menendez says that he is innocent. >> united states attorneys office is doing a prosecution. prosecutors sometimes shoot first before they even know all
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the facts. >> menendez says he kept lots of cash at home. he arbored a fear of losing access to money. prosecutors must demonstrate a connection between the senator receiving gold bars and official favors. the 13 gold bars were for helping a constituent do business in qatar. >> what a chilling effect on the mere engagement of these conversations and inquiries would it be if the sum of those actions, taken in pursuit of your fact finding effort to inform your legislative actions should be can be turned into official acts in violation of the law. >> now judge interviewed members of jury pool and asked what where they are from. where they get their news and what they know about the senator and what they do for a living. the second corruption trial for bob menendez. there was a hung jury in his unrelated case in 2017. this trial could run through the
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middle of july. harris. >> harris: all right. we'll be watching it. thank you, chad, very much. >> harris: today i'm announcing new tariffs in key sectors of the economy to insure workers are not held back by unfair -- tariffs that are strategic and targeted. it is a smart approach. compare that to the prior administration did. my predecessor promised increased american exports and boost manufacturer. but he failed. >> harris: president biden yesterday announcing his new sky high tariffs on chinese electric vehicles and other imports. right now, though, we aren't actually getting evs from china as imports in america. hum. some democrats say they are not happy about what he is doing right now with the economy. colorado governor psays this is horrible news for consumer.
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4.3% increase in prices. it ticked down by.1%. look at what it has been. you want to factor in things like beef, fruit, baby formula, all of the above. shark tank host kevin o'leary says this. >> unfortunately the numbers don't lie. where it is manifesting itself in the problem for the current administration is inflation numbers around food, gasoline and housing. those are bad metrics when you are at the voting poll. you want to talk about inflation going back to 2%, none of that is happening. these are not good numbers for the current administration. these are nasty. there is no other way to describe them. >> harris: 40 democrats led by senator warren signed a letter to president biden to push him to take action on the spiking grocery prices. where have they been for three
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years? one poll shows americans confidence in biden to do the right thing for the economy has dropped 20 points since 2022. gianno caldwell, your initial reaction to this. >> no surprise the democrats in an election year are trying to make the grocery store producers the boogeyman showing they spent billions in the economy. we saw joe biden run on building back better. now we'll build back bankrupt. social security showing by 2035 bankrupt. you look at the numbers in terms of what we were when we started. we were at 27 trillion in debt when joe biden entered office. now we're 35 trillion in debt. you look at the interest on our payments at the time of 2020, 345 billion. now we're at 659 billion. the recipe that joe biden has used has not been a recipe for success, it has been one of failure.
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the american people are paying the price. and they are paying the price at the grocery stores, mortgages and not working out for joe biden. >> harris: they are paying a price on everything else. interest rates are so high. buying a home, the american dream getting farther out of reach because you have to try to off set what is happening with the prices in a market that just is really horrible for the american public right now. in many sectors, the president doesn't even really talk about. so the president now is set to mark police week in a speech at the capitol in a few minutes from now will talk about law enforcement. house republicans are teeing up at the same time a series of crime-related bills aimed at fighting democratic soft on crime policies. >> there are too many people and often some elected officials in washington who have given voice to this idea that we should defund the police or have
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anti-police legislation or policy. it is madness. we'll address anti-police attacks, protect law enforcement in the line of duty. support the mental health of police officers and voting to deport illegal aliens who assault law enforcement. this ought to be easy and non-controversial. >> harris: it is police week in d.c. i understood that you actually attended some of these events. >> yeah, i was there and met a great individual joe hammer, in a wheelchair. president of his chapter in indiana. there are so many police officers who have died in our country. the numbers are up. in places like chicago we've seen a number of police officers being shot on any given weekend. it is terrible. my family has personally paid the price for soft on crime policies. my baby broughter, innocent teenage brother was murdered. i understand that policy does
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have ramifications in the real world. people say do not -- defund the police. we saw what that looked like. we saw how crime has spiked in many areas across the country. now we need a leader in the white house who understands that police officers are paying the ultimate price and they need to be supported. people like jonathan dillard who joe biden didn't even find the time to go to his funeral. right down the street and could have showed up. donald trump showed up. he should have showed up. people like christopher fitzgerald a police officer murdered. my dear friend, his son, also a police officer, chief of police. i have to tell you, we need to establish law and order in this country and need it now. joe biden should be speaking in favor of these police officers and he hasn't. >> harris: amen to all of that and we say a prayer for your brother, christian and his memory in my household all the time. thank you. >> thank you so much. harris.
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>> harris: appreciate it. president biden and former president trump have agreed to a second debate now. september 10th. earlier we told you they agreed to june 27th. now it appears they have both dates set. we're following it all. the president has now accepted the gauntlet donald trump threw down some time ago and we'll cover it stem to stern. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" starts after the break. (wife) saving for retirement was tough enough. (husband) and navigating markets can be challenging at times.
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