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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  May 15, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> hello, everyone this is "outnumbered" i am kayleigh mceany here with harris faulkner and emily compagno. also joining us cohost of the bottom line, dagen mcdowell. and veterans on duty, jeremy hunt. we begin with this, it has been a wild morning if you have been following, president joe biden's challenging former president donald trump to a debate. >> donald trump lost to the base to meet in 2020 and since then he has not shown up for debates but now he asked that you want to debate me again but make my day i'll even do it twice so let's pick the day i heard you free on wednesdays. >> kayleigh: free on wednesdays make my day, those are some pretty bold jabs by president biden but as the tough guy approach a little bit ambitious for a adl commander in chief looks like he's channeling his inner critic use that he is not coming eastward.
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>> by the way, they used to make beer brewing here it was very easy. [laughter] and then there was a time he recalled a chat with the world leader, who died in 1996. i was >> remember where he forgot what his stop was? >> they let the efforts to make things better. >> kayleigh: on countless occasions he has become so
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disoriented and so lost that he does a handshake with the air as he tries to exit the stage. it is safe to say that before he goes ahead with trump, he needs to step up his game. and trump is ready to have bite and put his money where his mouth is, he has accepted the challenge, saying let's get ready to rumble. president biden doubled down and said i have received and accepted an invitation from cnn from a debate on june 27th and now it's over to you trump, anywhere at any time any place while later they taunted each other also writing that i've accepted an invitation to a debate hosted by abc on tuesday september 10th, donald trump says he will arrange his own transportation and i will bring my plane as well i plan on keeping it for another four years. donald trump has accepted both debate saying he's looking forward to the breeding biden
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who recalls the worst president in the history of the united states. so this rollout was preplanned, designed by the campaign it all became before it 10:00 a.m., there was the video and merchandise so that carrie had to be planned and there was a letter to the commission of the presidential and it was accepted invitation from cnn and also abc. all coordinated for harris faulkner trump to accept. >> i had some information i thought this was fascinating, this was based on some proposed debate stay early on by the debate commission the presidential debate commission. this is based on a september thy that date a million americans are more would have voted. by october 1st of 2024, the number of americans who likely would've casted a early ballad
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would be more than 3 million. so people are asking why the debate so early? because democrats vote early. this is -- none of this is by chance. not even the dates, and i cannot even pretend that we have no idea that the second one would be september 10th, which is just shy of a point where we have been looking and calculating how many people would vote by the middle of september and how many people would vote. by the way, and pennsylvania, their laws allow them to vote the earliest of almost 50 days before the election. you are looking at a situation where you will have to debates if they happen with joe biden, it is not a accident that would start in july. but either way, would we even be at that convention point in june, june 27th? no we will not. so i don't know how much americans will tune in, but certainly that september 10th 1 is really going to count because many people will already be voting.
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>> why did they do this this way? because number one they clearly wanted cnn and they wanted it to be a two verses one and set of one versus one. number two-timing they wanted this in june and the letter to the commission and prevent potential debate is cited after trump's trial so they are praying and hoping for a conviction and hopefully this'll come after the immunity decision if it goes against then they will take a victory lap, but mostly this is because this is desperation in "the new york times" came out said that they are behind in every poll and they are desperate for a reset and they are willing to walk into what could be total and complete annihilation on a debate stage with a lackluster candidate. >> jeremy: we have this macho man type of video to make my paypal -- an american people can see right through this. he comes with all these different stipulations with certain networks in certain time and talk about the microphone so
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all of these -- look at the fine print. he clearly is trying to make sure that he stacks it all in his favor to give himself the best shot against going at it again trump and i applaud trump to saying i would do it on your time since the debate you. because i think you have a president who knows not only that his poll numbers are falling, but he doesn't have a good record. looking at the well, i can look at china and russia and what's going on in the middle east with our ally israel, has been an absolute mess and you look at our own company and the economy and the border and he knows that any debt that he has with trump or make them look even worse than he already does so he's trying to stack it in his favor as much as he can but i do not think it is going to work. >> kayleigh: emily, he says that he has nothing to do with the trials, but then he puts up this fund-raiser free on wednesdays march which the main stage really refer to the day when trump is not in court. this comes less than 24 hours
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after unforced error by the press secretary where he suggested his campaign involved with the child watch this. >> wasn't appropriate for the speaker to show up for this former president? >> i cannot speak to -- i do not want to, obviously as this is related to 2020-foot elections and i cannot speak to the speaker schedule, that is something for him to decide on. >> what she should've said as i will not talk about a ongoing court case but they said i had to do with 202024. >> emily: the first thing that i thought of when this entire performance occurred this morning was all it is a cool and i got excited for a moment but that was probably a worst-case extreme scenario. and more practically speaking what i realize is that it was the bone being thrown to the mainstream media so they can outrun that the narrative that president biden did a great and with debate donald trump anytime
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so answers the up until now, the really important grounds that if you really want to have a vote thing you need to stand up in in front of the other candidates and explain your policies. so now they have a answer to that. i will say what i found most deeply disheartening for my commander in chief as he exploits the fact that a former president is in a criminal trial, the free on wednesdays, it is also said to me because this is a president that promised us unity and promised that he would be the adult in the room and would behave with the office and in his words and unlike his predecessor, and now we are getting someone who is taking glee over another human a former president who is subjected to criminal charges that is to me. the plane, is a fun equipped but otherwise not think you and i will close by saying that the free on wednesday he can go ahead and get that to his own
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son starting june 3rd. do not throw stones. >> well said, they can, they said that they want microphones that cut off and they wanted to be done by -- they do not want d party candidates and they do not want a crowd. >> dagen: so i am going to pull on my deplorable overalls, because this feels like a ploy by biden and company to avoid actually debating so you eliminate the commission and you negotiate directly with president trump's people's house nothing ago? biden and company will throw sand in the gears and claimed that donald trump and his team will not make a deal by making all of these demands and then some because there is not going to be any objective third party to, and tell the truth about what the world demands aren't. so they will make demands
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potentially and then joe biden will maybe take it on purpose. i do not think these debates happen by design. that is just what my gut says. by the way not only did president biden say that i hear you are free on wednesdays, but the american people already know that this is a political prosecution so that is a terrible look but they also edited that video five times so he wants to be like tiktok, but also raises the question can you not get through 13 seconds without 5 minutes? >> rfq jr., if you guess the 15% will that they say to him because that is also a rule here. >> yes but that is not cnn's rule, i said last week he wouldn't debate but if he doesn't go through with it now it will be the biggest bluff in presidential history but they are counting on low expectation that the state of the year again all you have to do is jump over those low expectations. how sad. trump is facing criminal charges in a new york city court, and
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these thugs get offered a plea deal. details coming up next car payments are getting out of control. get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower mortgage rates to pay off those high rate car loans.
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and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. >> this is the fifth week that president trump has been in court for this sham of a trial. they are doing this intentionally to keep them here and keep him off of the campaign trail. everyone in the country can see this, i am a former litigator myself and i'm disgusted by everything that is happening here, what is being down here to our entire system of justice overall. the people are losing faith right now in this country and our institutions, they are losing faith in our system of justice. >> emily: that was biko johnson yesterday outside the new york city courtroom warning
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about americans losing faith in the judicial system, right now former president trump is facing criminal charges, time off the campaign trail for a crime that we are still waiting to be identified. and while new york democrats are throwing the kitchen sink trump the five criminals -- they were watching a viewscreen of two nypd officers have been offered three deals. this is exactly why americans are losing faith in our justice system. it is why we have already lost faith in our justice system. you are an attorney what are your thoughts on this? >> jeremy: people look at the headlines and they say make it make sense, they are going after trump but they are given the sweetheart deals for people who need to be imprisoned, and make it make sense it only makes sense if you understand this about one man and that is alvin bragg, a man who puts his political ambitions over every other thing that matters to most
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americans that the rule of law and the judicial system. basically he made a campaign promise that he was going to go and attack donald trump and he made up a case to support that aim but i will stow your two concerns. the first content as i graduated from harvard law school last year, and i will say this i was in a classroom with 3440 future alvin bragg's people who see the legal system as a tool to get their own way. to basically pursue their own political ends. so it is very dangerous time we live in but secondly, as someone who was a trial of the conservative legal movement, and federal society, and justice thomas is a hero of mine as many of you know, it is concerning to because we are constantly being told to pay attention to the letter of the law and we are doing in-depth statutory interpretation and looking at what congress means by this and that a how do we make sure we are upholding the
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intent here and it will overlap at than the other side chose it all out for their political ends, so it's disheartening because there is that what's the point of all it is a widely taking so much time to painstakingly make sure that we are applying the law in such a way to uphold our judicial system when the other side doesn't care. i'm concerned there might be a significant backlash to this where you have red states and prosecutors who will start going after folks on the other side of the aisle because we have not done that previously in america and not tested that but it is extremely dangerous and i think the left needs to be aware. >> sub jayden bell is a beautifully articulated half of the equation which is the wielding of our -- of our legal system for political purposes but on the other side is what we saw on the screen which is thugs attacking police officers and women getting punched in the face, epidemic of murder and worse, and that is not being prosecuted so the collateral
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damage of this law if there is innocent americans and brave americans and billy eric fein is right there that i having no accountability for their attacks and their miters and for their assaults on them that is the travesty and the hypocrisy we are seeing play out and people are dying. >> dagen: the more the liberal left abuse the judicial system for their own benefit and gain and power, the more the people on the street and the population put at risk because of a lack of law enforcement and they will turn against the abuse of power. andy mccarthy developed peace in the national view of what must the jury be thinking about why donald trump is on trial. and that will be alvin bragg's comeuppance i believe. because i think he just went in, michael cohen did not show any fraudulent intent in his testimony and what is the underlying crime we do not know
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to warrant a felony or felony charges. so, the jury has to walk up to the street and alvin bragg thought he was going to get a lot of people who just hated trump but they have to go out to the street in a new york city they are -- most crimes are not reported and sentences of incarcerations are imposed for less than 3% of cases. in the dismissal of cases is roughly about two-thirds of cases in the city that are dismissed. and that -- that crime that people even those jurors have to face each and every date. >> said to be clear on one hand you have a crime that is not even identified in being prosecuted for it and then everyday all that you have violent crimes happening all over this place to law enforcement and that is not being prosecuted. >> kayleigh: alvin bragg never met a felony that he did not like to downgrade into a misdemeanor until he met trump, but to your point i met a lot of
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alvin bragg walking around for a lot of them and they frighten me alvin bragg i wonder if the jury sitting there at least one person at the jerry these are new yorkers of people who walk on that hot and i would have not one of them was thinking about the two migrants that flipped off the camera who committed crimes i want to have not one of them is thinking about the long wrap sheets of criminals around the city, not one of them is thinking about the good samaritan who is not being prosecuted the bodega clerk, or the pregnant nurse who had her bike stolen from her and they try to blame her and that the criminal. not one of them is thinking about that looking at donald trump and thinking not now, this is alvin bragg's america and i am rejecting it. >> at the other day i had dinner at the union club here and i was sitting next to a woman a couple of seats down and she shared with me that she had been a elderly woman and she let this delicate and beautiful and she had been punched in the face along with shards of glass baked into the glove that the person was wearing a new york city so
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she had to have stitches all over she said that she drank water and it was a horrible experience. she said 12 of her immediate circle have also been brutally punched in the face and assaulted on the street she lives and how about and she said and clarified that this isn't my dog that sister's cousin know 12 people that i know that i'm intimately friends with they have been punched as well and our tax dollars pay for president trump to be prosecuted and not one person so they attack the effort get justice in court. >> i want to talk about the people they can escape ladies to one of who who was rearrested yesterday. the group, these gang members, many of these men in that group, they told me this, former nypd, they were in this gang. and i looked it up and i was curious about it, it is from venezuela obviously we knew that
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about the undocumented immigrants in this case who have delicious prevails in the sy system. the prison, several inmates got together and recruited people inside the present. this is a gang and much to what you're talking about we don't know who slap the face of the beautiful living you saw and her 12 friends, however what we do know is that these men are still on the streets and will be on the streets, and all of that friends are on the streets. 3,000 to 5,000 members and we know they've had a collapse in the prison system of venezuela. so this is a problem in the city and you want to talk about it in a desperate need for a tough on crime policy? the mayor of the city and the governor of the state of new york have created perfect condition to fund the police. we are going to need them. so with the games on the
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streets, we have seen what some of them are capable of but they will beat up a cup so what do you think they would do to us or that woman that's intentionally what it could have been. we have breaking news, today is peace officers memorial day right in line with what we are talking about, trump is addressing a large gathering of police officers right now on capitol hill. whatever the backdrop we just gave you he's talking law enforcement watch this. >> i wish she would come sooner than later, but there is a line that says they also se serve -- every family and officer stands and rates so a loved can set the rest of us i am a your current age in being here i hope you take comfort in the knowledge that their sacrifices will never be forgotten. and that the extended family of women and men that are assembled
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here today will always be there for you. -- >> harris: we wanted to dip into that and while he is talking about that of course many people of his party were very supportive if not only enacting it themselves to finding that police but i wanted to give you this, 2021-2023, the fbi says officers were killed that any of the consecutive three-year period in the past two years. keep that in mind and keep them in your prayers every day them and their families and all of those in blue who said this nation greatly to keep a safe and to protect us and we will be right back.
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that those jobs that we are in high demand for, we could expedite, how do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers, and at the same time we need lifeguards. and the only obstacle is that we were not give them the right to work to become a lifeguard. that just does not make sense. >> harris: he was serious there, by the way he used the word migraine and i didn't actually in quoting him but what he is not taken an account is other people who are undocumented immigrants, they are not looking for jobs as a swimmer and a right guard want to rip people off they came here without documenting the going to -- here is the backlash. >> i also want to talk about painting with a very broad brush but the in new york are all great swimmers. where would he get that from unless they had something to do
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with crossing the rio grande, or because some of them may come from places like cuba or haiti or another island, look at this it is incredibly racist. >> harris: we all reacted to that. >> jeremy: it is amazing how a lot of progressives look at the crisis in the country the first thing to think about is themselves. how does this benefit -- we have several pools and we have people to staff our pools, remember when nancy pelosi once said who's going to pick their crops? we don't have the undocumented immigrants, they are constantly thinking about them tells us that the country and that is to me what is disgusting to me. someone who has served my country and cares deeply about our nation and our future it's disgusting to me that these type of folks always go right down to who's going to do this for us and how do we make this crisis work for us? instead of actually ending the class isn't doing something. >> harris: emily disses the
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crowd on the left that talks about diversity and talks about give the integrity to many of the people to who have come without documents but now you just want to hire them if the pool boy that is so offensive. >> emily: first i actually think i construe that comment differently from the mayor i think it was a poor analogy but he was trying to make the point that we have -- he was filling the job for lifeguards are using it as an analogy that we have excellent swimmers and we need lifeguards but they -- >> harris: but how does he know that? >> emily: the whole point is that it was an analogy it's been generous and how i interpreted it it was just a poor analogy that was now misconstrued by everyone i will say however that doesn't dilute the point that you two are making that i agree with that the democrat party shifts people into boxes so we have congressman saying that we need people to clean the homes and pick food talking about minorities, we have the governor of new york state saying that black kids do not know what their work computers, people
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continue to absolutely come from this elitist place, embellish the whole point how the g.o.p. field people which is as humans and you vote because we are all humans and effected as the policy is the the same but i wish in terms of same for the comment in the mayor, why don't we address the issue, as a new yorker that's what i would love to have happened. to just get to work. >> it to add, pelosi said that farmers need undocumented immigrants to pick the crops in florida, and look, i just want to say for the media's part they have been silence other than the ndc clip, and i believe that was tommy who did a very good job who really covered it and know that issue didn't make issue home, but what if you heard from other broadcast network? they leave it to our imagination how they would cover it if it were a republican who said this. >> harris: i still want to think why he thinks that these people would be good swimmers in your analogy emily -- he made this specifically who could have picked anything to show
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compassion to. >> dagen: a lot of mike rhoades have been flown here on the parole program there's a shortage of pilots here in the united states. so we can make those afield those jobs that way. democrats are careless with their language because they believe these individuals and groups of people are forever democratic voters. that is why and they have to start looking at the polls, and we will talk about that next but donald trump in that "new york times" poll is pulling 23% of black voters and if that will hold colds, that will be the largest percentage of black voters are a republican has drawn since dwight david eisenhower they need to wake up >> harris: coming up president biden is in denial about what dagen mcdowell just said.
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this awful bad terrible polls.
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>> at the current president is lagging behind former president trump and critical that a grant states, apparently he is in denial. a new report claims that president biden and his close advisors, sincerely do not believe the negative numbers. they claim public polling does not reflect the true support in the voters. the white house is even trying to blame the russia versus ukraine war and the pandemic. >> i know you do not like to talk about poll's like the one he is losing right now, against a criminal defendant, the more broadly it doesn't seem like anything you all are doing is
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making him more popular. why do you think that is? >> we understand we are sensitive enough and open-minded enough to understand that this is that not just this country that globally people have had to do with the pandemic and coming out of that pandemic and we understand that even when you think about gas prices and will because of pollutants were what they has occurred and that led to gas prices increasing in the president had a lot to do with when he walked in >> i'll give her a d- on that one. >> that was a great and i'm not surprised joe biden is not believe in the balls he complained to the cnn anchor how many people are you guys pulling i just checked and they pulled over a thousand 200 people and statistically relevant to maybe he should take a quantitative methods class to understand how polling works, but then he went on to say the press doesn't like about it and the momentum is in our favor but one with the press right that you have momentum
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when in "the new york times" poll he is beating you out of 5 out of 6 dates, why would they write that you have clear momentum that would be lying but he can continue to not believe the goals and he's winning -- but even in the swing state in "the new york times" he is winning 5 out of 6 dates that get better poll's and you will get better headlines. >> the question he asked was so apt that nothing you are doing is moving the needle or changing it so they're not even taken a look in the mirror there are things we don't believe it to begin with are they gonna believe what the balance reflected november then? >> jeremy: he is tone-deaf. >> harris: they have affected it on a different issue but the same results just like in minnesota and michigan and many other states or more, and committed an unconstructive, people are telling him he's not the flavor right now. and a host of different issues i do not want to make minnesota about this because we know that uncommitted vote was mainly about his policies towards israel, but then he does a flip
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flop today. because i am going to withhold weapons from israel if they invade rafa and go in there with a ground invasion and then today give them a billion dollars with of weapons. he doesn't know what his foreign policy is a he wants voters to be able to decipher what the decoder ring or what he is talking about when he tries to explain it. it is inconceivable that the polls would not be back, i'm surprised he gets 20 or 30% sometimes i am wondering what they look at that either buying food or how is he doing so well with all those people are against him why is it 99%? but at the end of the day for him, i say this quite clearly he part of me that he's going to do these debates. he better mean it because he has a lot to answer four and whoever moderates that let them talk let them actually debate. i am sick of the fact that people get up there and asking to have my 15 questions but no. we need to see these guys go at had to have one wants to take him out back what'd he say?
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i mean if i was going down americans need to see him answer for where he has gotten us 1.4 inflation rate 1.4% when he came to office and then it popped almost nine. this >> jeremy: we should not be surprised that he so out of touch when you look at president biden he's been in the public eye for 50 years when he was first elected, where he became senator he was my age, 30 years old, he is one of the youngest elected senators and our nation's history actually. so he has not been a normal person going to the grocery store and buying groceries and trying to make ends meet, he honestly doesn't have any clue what it's like for americans because he has a lifted has created this echo chamber of all these consultants and media people and all these folks who are advisors who just tell him what he wants to hear and tell him instead of the lived reality of americans right now when you create that for yourself of course he is out of touch. how could people not lovely things are going great because
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he doesn't understand what is actually like. >> his nature has infected his entire administration so whenever can i get acknowledgment or empathy and if he's incapable clearly no one else will have the bravery to stand up and say the obvious. >> dagen: joe biden has like twice in less than a week and he lied about inflation being at 9% when he took office, and neither one of them pushed back, what is more astonishing it is not the polls, except by name and company have never course corrected when the polls got back, and it's not that he's just some popular but his policies are probably horrible for the american people. every single thing that they wrote -- every single policy coming out of joe biden has from runaway spending to student loan
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bailouts to new housing subsidies which is what he's talking about, is inflationary it is the number one issue for americans it is running a 4% rise of the last three months out of the last six months and everything they do causes more inflation which makes the job of the federal reserve that much harder. they're going to have to keep rates high and make it impossible for anyone to buy a home in this country. they are a bunch of -- i am not gonna say because -- >> we are imagining. i do not want to be -- i don't want to castigate kamala harris where i'm about to do the same thing. >> the president is in an end four on everyone's leg and the peanut butter of the environment. more outnumbered after the break. ♪ ♪ ursday.
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>> recall karl rove and just ahead on that. >> they get for pinocchio's on his claim on inflation we will take that up that up. >> michael cohen back on the stanchion judge jeanine is here
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with what to watch for. >> . >> either withholding crucial intelligence from israel? >> all that plus the white house press briefing we would see you at the top of the hour for "america reports." >> critics on social media are calling out another bad luck for the foreign policy, this time the secretary of state antony blinken who was in ukraine to reassure american support for their war-torn nation as police brutality has ravaged the nation for over two years now but last night he was spotted playing guitar and singing at a bar watch this. >> ♪ ♪ that is your secretary of state. >> white house worried that russian's momentum is changing trajectory of the ukraine warp a party on mr. secretary of state.
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>> jeremy: what a disaster, his own foreign policy from start to finish has been an absolute mess and i would say this he appears to be a better guitar player than he does at that moment if you just look at what is happening around the globe, quickly looking at ukraine right now and rushes on offense and this is the most pressure they put on ukraine since about a year and a half ago we are seeing their you look at china and their investing when the military controlling our food supply lines here in the united states controlling what type of agriculture culture is relied on and then we go to israel and we don't even know what policies being given towards israel right now. in all of that here we have the secretary of state strumming his guitar while rome is burning our secretary of state is strumming his guitar and that is where we are at and i think it is just so emblematic of joe biden's foreign policy. >> it how to imagine him putting in a bar in jerusalem? >> harris: no of course not, you have a lot of people who have gone live really given their hearts and tried to get
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sympathy for a massacre. they have to work hard to get sympathy for a massacre, hamas against israel is really citizens on october 7th. yet i haven't had a generalist tell me and i say this all the time i ukraine is going to come out hole. what russia has taken -- why am i not fighting for a cease-fire as the united states of america for ukraine and russia. in negotiating some type of deal with them. why did the back off that table and avoid the tip of the way we have with israel, forcing them. threatening them we are going to withhold weapons if you do not do it our way and by the way i guess we will give you these weapons. again i do not know what the policy is with israel but i'm confused about ukraine. was that a crowd funder? was that a telephone what was that? >> we hope it was taken? >> congress has improved $175 billion in aid to ukraine,
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meantime divided administration is essentially bankrolling both sides of two wars. by not cracking down on china and lying and china buying russian oil and also iranian oil, that is how iran is funding all of its terror proxies and how russia is paying for the war in the ukraine. but we were not cracked down on the sales. it is just astonishing and we are following directly money into ukraine and into israel. >> emily? >> emily: the people who hold these esteemed offices are human, so that means they will do human things. but when you have a role that the secretary of state then you are that rule 24 hours a day whether you like it or not an optics matter. so i think i never want to shame someone for performing because you know me i am a dancer and a performing artist that you want to be free in that way but i can't help but shake my head up the mess that our global foreign affairs is right now the amount
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of my tax dollars going towards a double-sided policy that i wish he had represented. >> jeremy: is about the signal that assents to our allies that you are in trouble and israel is fighting and there and essential crisis that they are in right now and our secretary is saying and putting pressure on israel instead of hamas who is holding americans hostage right now. instead of putting pressure on them you are sitting there hanging out having a good time and the ukrainians who are fighting for their lives, you are sitting there having a good time. it is about the message that it sends and i think our allies and our enemies are hearing it loud and clear. >> party on let's hope that ukraine and israel when the w w, more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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karine jean-pierre the only french i speak will surely face a lot of questions surrounding president biden's new debate challenge perform president trump. including the dates june 27th and a second on september time. kelly and i were just talking about the debate standards because they are not going to use the presidential commission for this, the debate commission, will be the host network. a candidate's name must appear in a sufficient number of seat belts to reach the 270 electoral vote threshold to win the presidency prior to the eligibility deadline. anybody think rfk jr. can make that? >> that something you are counting them out before the game begins. that would be spicy. all three of them, but it looks like that won't happen. we will cover everything, "america reports" takes it now and sandra's live in d.c. hey, john and sandra. >> donald trump lost two to base me in 2020 and he hadn't shown up now he acts like he wants to do to beat me


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