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tv   America Reports  FOX News  May 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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be when you are looking live at capitol hill where lawmakers are said to hear directly from jewish students this hour about the anti-semitism that they have experienced on campus. >> sandra: we are monitoring that hearing and we will bring you any news as it goes under way but we begin with some major news on the 2024 showdown. >> we have an empty podium right here to my right. you know what that is? that is for joe biden i am trying to get him to debate me. >> i would love to debate any time and i think it's a good time to have a debate. even though it's early. six months is pretty close. speak i am calling on crooked joe biden to debate any time, anywhere, anyplace. >> john: former president donald trump has been taunting and during his his 2024 arrival to debate and president biden has finally agreed, but on his own terms. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. since then he has not shown up for debate and now he acts like he wants to debate me again.
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make my day, pal. i will even do it twice. let's pick the dates, donald. i hear you are free on wednesdays. >> john: whose idea was it really? was it trump or biden's idea? >> sajohn roberts in washington. >> sandra: i'm happy to be with you, john. a little race we run in washington once a year we run our race and i think it's fun. >> john: i'm shocked that's the chance to bring it to d.c. is a run. we have nice people here. we have traffic worse than new york. >> sandra: i had to ask what is happening every hotel is booked, the streets are filled, d.c. is happening. >> john: i knew you were here. >> sandra: john roberts is here, glad to be with you i'm sandra smith this is "america reports." the former presidents says he is game for the debates in june and september now. they want just two candidates and a moderator but no audience. it also asks microphones will be
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cut off at the time limits. >> john: let's bring bill mcgurn fox news contributor and wall street editor for more on this. it's almost like biden's position is laughable here. he has been taunting biden to debate for months and now biden finally says if you want to go at it let's go out at let's go edit my terms, my arena, i mean what do you expect will happen come june 27th and again september 10th? >> i think this is great news for the american people. they are voting. joe biden's president, trump was former president. they have sharp differences. let them go at it. it's like the ali-frazier fights there will be nothing bigger on tv and i think it's good. i think it also speaks clearly, as you point out, john, trump was trying to go to the president into agreeing where it
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looks like he might skip out. i think not so much that loading but his low poll ratings and a lot of bad news for joe biden around that and also just a feeling that is inevitably guiding up to it, i think that led to the white house decision to accept. so it is good news for the american people. >> sandra: bill, good have you on. what is your message as far as i should say what's the message of both candidates and their teams in prepping for this, not 200 dominic west wow underestimate ? >> i think they will have to have someone -- some of the should be about revisiting what was in the last debate. joe biden told some real whoppers about his son not getting any money from china until four than and i expected trump to pick that up but it's really more debate about the future of america. what it's going to be a green new deal with high inflation or will it be
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something more like trump's first term with low inflation, good economic expansion and people at the bottom in groups that normally don't benefit benefiting from a rise in income? and that is what people want to see. >> biden i am sure will find himself on the defensive one trump asks about his claim that inflation was at 9% when biden took office rather than the 1.4% that it actually was. carolyn who was present trump's press secretary was at america's newsroom this morning. bill asked her about the debate and listen what she said. >> that is certainly an effort to protect joe biden who obviously has an issue with his soldering come with his speaking, with his cognitive ability. >> president trump was the interupt-a-thon. >> all i can tell he was the president is ready to do it. john: game this out for us we have biden who has clearly
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lost a step since 2020 and very often makes gaps and shakes hands with the air, stumbles up the short steps to air force one, but then you have former president trump who in 2020 did engage in an erupt-a-thon, interrupt-a-thon what we expect? >> ethic a lot of disregard for the rules but the visuals are important. like you mentioned joe biden has lost if they step. we have a white house that has sent people to walk out to marine one with him to hide the shuffling. he goes up the back part of air force one because he has trouble with stairs. i think the contrast with trump whether you hate trump or not he looks bigger is. you know? and i think the debates always favor the challenger because he is not on the defensive. he is no longer defending a record.
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he is attacking a record. there is a lot that goes into it. what it tells me, i think, is that joe biden realized he could not get along with away with not doing press conferences, not doing anything off-the-cuff, and not having debates with trump as bad and as dangerous as they might be, i think they realized it was untenable to try to avoid them altogether. >> you mentioned some of those whoppers we are in the last debate especially about his son and the part of biden, this is the claim of about inflation is just puzzling and we wonder how this is handled. >> i think inflation has gone slightly up. it wasn't 9% when we came in and it's now down about 3%. but the fact is i think people are just uncertain. that's why we have to be steady, stay the course, and continue to produce these incredible jobs. >> sandra: that has been repeated, build, multiple times
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"the washington post" has given it four pinocchio that was 1.4% when he took office. how is that going to be handled? >> i think the problem is joe biden thinks if he says things often enough they become true. and we are hard pressed on the question with a 9.49% inflation point, the press would be all over him every day and joe biden has been better than that by the press and actually makes him weaker because he is not used it to answering it. he has said it more than once as you point out, sandra, you can't say slip of the tongue. >> john: bill, thank you for joining us. we look forward to the 27th. >> sandra: thanks, bill. >> john: you have to wonder is biden really counting on a
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conviction in the trump trial? how would that change things? >> sandra: great question we will learn more tomorrow. now the war in gaza by demonstration will reportedly move forward with a massive weapons package to israel, all of this after pausing a shipment over concerns about the country's planned invasion of russia. gillian turner is live from the state department hello, julian. what does the state department actually want here? >> sander a week ago the state department warned that it is reasonable to assess israel is breaking international law and the idf has human rights abuse in gaza. now fast-forward to today and we are learning the biden administration is moving ahead with the massive shipment to israel at over $1 billion. so quite a difference. take a look at this the state department talking about the decision to pause a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs over concerns they would be used in rafah and
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inadvertently kill civilians, listen. >> it is fully legitimate for the united states to be concerned about the use of certain security assets of ours in an urban and then setting. policy and political concerns in mind is straddling the fence trying to appease both sides. >> the united states has sent a massive amount of military assistance to israel. to defend itself we are continuing to send military assistance. and we will ensure israel route receives the full amount provided in a supplement. speaker republican lawmakers on capitol hill including the house speaker are unleashing on this approach, listen. >> the irony is when joe biden is doing for political purposes to try to appease the pro-hamas people in his party i guess the pro-palestinian, he is doing real harm to the cause and the protection of innocent life. >> secretary blinken in ukraine recently delivered one of his strongest rebukes of israel yet
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he says the forces should get out of gaza. now the house is pushing ahead with a bill that would essentially kill the white house's not allowing them to put any more holes to like colds, the white house is obviously that they strongly oppose it, sandra? >> sandra: gillian turner live, thank you. >> john: former president trump's veepstakes and the team is looking for more than loyalty. one of the looking for? carl rhodes is next. >> the difference between me and anybody else is this. the story of pain and misery that so many americans are experiencing today. i lived through. >> this program is brought to you
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spewing former president trump's allies have been showing up, governor have been speaking on his back and they happen to be on his rumored short-list for vice president. let's ran fox news contributor and farmhouse stock former chief of staff we will get to it but i want to ask it looks like there are indeed going to be presidential debates june 27 and september 10th. >> not surprised there will be debates but i am surprised that vice president biden woke up to the fact that he was looking like he was trying to avoid debates. if there had not been debates whoever the american public held responsible for the absence of debates would suffer in the polls. he is finding his numbers bad enough already and probably decided i better stop up and look like i am eager to debate.
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and it will be wild. i think it will be one part of this will be very useful for the american people. i think bill mcgurn was absolutely right the american people want to see these two men debate. and it will be a debate that is sort of retro it's back to 1960s. we will have a studio with a moderator, may be a couple of pressed people a couple executives and the crew running the show and no audience which i think i wrote a couple of weeks ago in my "wall street journal" column i thought that would be a distinct improvement. the audience has turned these into performance and the american people lose the serious conversation they can have between a moderator and/or moderators and the two candidates when we have all of the shenanigans going on that happen when you have a gigantic audience. >> john: similarities to the 1960s nixon-jfk but i don't think either candidates will use easy shave instead of actually using a razor. >> no they will not. >> john: you have to be really old to get that reference. now i want to talk to you about
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the veepstakes and who makes the most sense? i think rubio would help him with latino voters, scott helps him with black voters, program is a temporal rental counterweight, christie was in the running until that book came out but nikki haley seems to me to make the most sense to him. recent primaries yesterday maryland and nebraska helped primaries she got 20% of the vote in maryland, 18% in nebraska. on the seven she got 22% of the vote in indiana and 68% of the vote back in april 23rd. she is still in the running but she has been out of the race since march. >> if you look at the suburbs i can maryland she got more than the third of the vote in washington, d.c. if you look in nebraska also last night in omaha and its suburbs douglas and sarpy counties in lancaster lincoln which is a college educated audience, she ran better than a quarter of the vote and she has been out of the race for going on two months. but look, let's step back for a
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minute. what is the purpose of the vice presidential candidate? maybe to unite the party, may be to appeal to a special group, maybe it is to add some patina to the presidential candidate. but i will tell you, i have been moved by a book called " do running mates matter" with every bit of data to see what really matters and they find only one things matter from a political perspective and that is what does the vice presidential candidate do to reinforce the image of the presidential candidate as being a good president? that is to say if you pick somebody who people say well, the vice presidential running mate, ronald reagan pyxis principal who has been an ambassador to china and the u.n., cia res director and respd member of congress and they say that george w. bush says things about ronald reagan. a strong, confident leader who will unite his party and then when he picks sarah palin on the
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dimensions we rate with the judgment draw. so the point of the two authors is pick the person who most americans will look out and immediately saved or that person has the ability to be the president if something bad happens. >> john: there is another aspect included in this calculation according to an anonymous trump ally who talked to fox news who said trump and his team are paying close attention to who is activating their donor networks on behalf of the former president. they are less interested in who shows up to a fence with pre-existing trump donors and more interested in seeing who is bringing new donors into the fold. by that calculus it is nikki haley. >> again, this is going to be a short-term interest in their part but the point that i am making is it will have little to no affect in the outcome of the election. may be doug burgum who has been a very successful business guy shows up with a couple million dollars more than to fill in the
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blank, marco rubio, but at the end of the day what really matters in terms of winning the election is due the american people look at the choice and say that was a presidential decision worthy of the person we want to put in the oval office? >> john: quick answer for this because we are running out of time there is a chance the running mate is going to go literally from their republican conventions into a presidential debate with kamala harris. who is best equipped to do that? >> almost anyone who is a quality pick would do well with kamala harris she is one of the worst public speakers i think i've ever seen. and you know, they will need to be prepared and given a lot of research material to absorb but the republican nominee for vice president if it is a good pick will find themselves performing well into debate she is not a great debater. >> coral road for us thank you so much appreciate it. >> you bet. >> in terms of that calculus my money would be on nikki haley who proved herself as a great
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debater or marco rubio who proved himself back in 2016 as a very astute debater as well. >> sandra: and you think of all of those as he stepped out of the trail yesterday, doug burgum was standing there, right? tim scott? loyal supporters were there. they are vying for it obviously. there are a lot of names in there we will see what happens. any moment now as you heard in our first hour jewish students are said to testify to lawmakers about the anti-semitism on their college campuses. >> plus as israeli tanks move deeper into one half of the white house is pushing back on claims in critical intelligence to israel we will talk to jared moscowitz about that and more coming up next. >> i was aghast, i was appalled. how can possibly the united states withhold information about the leaders of hamas and organization which has sworn to destroy us and is responsible for the massacre of october 7th?
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>> harvard expects to train the next leader's. of my classmates of my professional our lows next generation of leaders we are in a very, very scary point in our country because it's not just anti-semitism. their anti-american they are placed the american flag with the flag of palestine. >> john: that was a jewish harvard graduate student in the divinity school who we spoke with in our last hour. eight and a student from the university of pennsylvania sent to testify about the members of the anti-semitism they've experienced on-campus in this hour. our chief correspondent mike emanuel what can we expect? >> clearly some emotion as you heard last hour with some anger as well with those two jewish ivy league students sharing their own experiences. those are the star witnesses along with a rabbi from the national jewish advocacy center. to lawmakers chairing this hearing says what we have witnessed on college campuses undermines people's safety and
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security. >> we want to make sure there is free speech on campus but that doesn't mean you can shut down campuses and go put for these kind of animus directed at our jewish friends and jewish american citizens. that is what has been happening spewing campus protests have led to some graduation ceremonies being canceled in other cases there been disruptions with the number of jewish students saying they don't feel safe on their own campuses feeling like they have been targeted for their faith. the white house announced a number of measures to anti-semitism at the president's slow response of public comment has led to public scrutiny. >> absolutely, look. two things. first of all, there is a legitimate right to free speech and protest. there is a legitimate right to do that and they are right to do that so there is not a legitimate right to use hate speech. speak of the congressional hearing was due to get started
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earlier this hour about a half hour ago. will be monitoring it for any breaking news. john? >> john: look forward to that mike emanuel for us, thanks, sa us, thanks, sandor? >> sandra: let's bring in jared moscowitz who don't is on the foreign affairs committee thank you for joining us. we have that harvard student on last hour who just had some remarkable things to say about what the students are going through and what they continue to go through. this was a threat from a professor on his campus that he described right here. >> there was a staff member at harvard who has been there 26 years who threatened me with a machete saying he wanted to fight and bring down the zionist mafia. to this day harvard has not once acknowledged to me or told me his employment status whether he has access to campus it is inconceivable that any other minority group would be treated with such disdain and contempt. >> sandra: as shocking as that is, congressmen, there are so many stories like this happening. why is this continuing? >> thank you for having me,
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think of for focusing on this, it's disgusting. harvard, you know, from the very beginning when this started many months ago which is why the president has had to resign, saying that you pend we have seen the debacle at columbia. it's time for that president to also be gone and resign or be fired. so this is something that is unacceptable. i am happy my republican colleagues on the hill have hearings on this and keeping it in the spotlight. the jewish community appreciates that. we know there is a double standard here. we know if they were saying something about minority groups this will not have gotten past brunch on the first day. but for jews it's always free speech. do not i find interesting crush mark everyone has the right to protest in this country and we should protect that but i have not seen any of these protesters come forward and say hey, those guys over there that are saying the jews should go back to poland or kill of the zionist
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where is that one who want to fight for justice against the war whatever they want to protest but the people over there spewing anti-semitism are not with us. spate one it's all intermingled at this point paired i wanted to ask about this other pressing issue the report the biden administration has allegedly told israel it will give them sensitive intelligence on hamase whereabouts or potential whereabouts of some hamas leaders like the irs and war if israel pledges not to go into rafah. we talked to michael about it, here is when he said. >> if someone knows where the leaders are and the leaders are using hostages as human shields so they know where the hostages are. and i could not believe that anybody would use this as leverage to advance any policy. i understand the problems with these blue for operation under sent israel's need to continue that operation but using human shields hostages to me was was
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indefensible. >> john: a person had an ambiguous statement we are not withholding anything but what if the u.s. is withholding intelligence on the whereabouts of secret hamas tunnels and its leaders and trying to make a deal, a lot of them would say for votes in michigan, how it does with you? >> first, i don't believe that to be accurate. i have not heard that from any of the folks i talked to within the israeli government and through the ambassador's office. we have not heard that at all. obviously if the reporting were to be true, then obviously that doesn't sit well with me, obviously we are betraying an ally and betraying the hostage families. i don't think that information is accurate. i believe the flight administration and the israeli government are doing everything they can to get the hostages back but that was a reason i had issues with a decision last week with the biden administration pausing a particular weapon. it was in the paws of the particular weapon is that we
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must increase pressure on hamas. the reason we don't have a cease-fire and why innocent palestinians are still in harm's way is because hamas is using them as human shields and hamas will not agree to a cease-fire. and if he will not agree to a cease-fire, the leader of hamas because he wants to sacrifice every palestinians and the bite administration needs to tell that to the american people. those chanting on behalf of hamas they will hear how they are willing to let it all go and never will get back the hostages. >> sandra: congressman, as far as the politics involved that may or may not be involved sending out a tweet to that effect if all of this is indeed the case, what do you believe is the political impact on the president's reelection campaign as it continues? >> joe biden has been an absolute champion of jewish people not just as president or
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vice president but in the senate. he has fought anti-semitism his whole life. talking about some one who established the first ambassador of anti-semitism. you are talking about the person who established the first anti-semitism coalition. by the way also i would give credit to president trump establishing the abraham accords that was a big deal for the state of israel. but this administration has done a good job supporting israel and supporting the jewish people. i think the president is doing what he thinks is right and i think with the politics following wherever they may. i don't like obviously president trump going out and telling the jewish community if you vote democrat somehow you are a bad jew. we appreciate it but don't have dinner with fontes. everyone here obviously is trying to posture, there are things i differ with the biden administration on how the decisions they've made but i think the last six months the biden demonstration has stood by israel and the jewish community and we are appreciative of what
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president biden did obviously with his speech on anti-semitism on the anniversary of the holocaust. >> john: let me come back about hamas' leadership and biden and you said if the irs and war is not willing to sign on to a cease-fire which it looks like he is not at this point at least not one acceptable to israel biden needs to call that a-determiner. they have proven that iran the biggest benefactor is iran until the game changes with a nuclear weapon so why doesn't biden simply say to hamas unconditional surrender, lay down your weapons, make that message clear to the people of america? >> listen i think what jake sullivan said from the podium and the press secretary's office at the white house a couple of days ago how the reason there is no cease-fire is because of hamas and because there is no genocide that is a complete lie. the u.n. quietly lowered their numbers on the deaths of women
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and children. they tried to hide that of course. so there is absolutely no genocide going on and a terrible genocide going on in darfur, we don't talk about that because apparently there are no jews they are but at the end of the day if they have concluded that yahya sinwar will not release the hostages and they think he is winning the p.r. war because what is going on in this country then yes the biden administration should come forward until the american people these guys are the reason there is not a cease-fire and there is no genocide going on, that is an absolute lie and it's being told because all they want to do is undermine the existence of the state of israel. >> sandra: congressman jared moscow it's always appreciate your time thank you. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> john: also not a lot of votes in the united states associated with the darfur situation. that would attributive some of the silence as well. >> sandra: just that harvard student and the students that are speaking on capitol hill
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today, incredible what they have gone through. >> john: if you consider there was a staff member at harvard who threatened him with a machete. >> sandra: crazy. >> john: just the realm of insanity here well across that brown. >> sandra: the anti-american messaging the students are referencing that is happening on these campuses with the american flag coming down. >> john: s congressman moscowitz pointed out when biden came down and announced anti-semitism and anti-semitism and islamophobia he didn't say he was going to do anything about the anti-semitism or the islamophobia but he also didn't say bye the way, to everybody out there who is protesting against israel, this is because hamas' fault. need to realize it's hamas' fault. >> sandra: now this. >> how do we have a large body of people in our city and country at the same time we need
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lifeguards? >> john: mayor erica adams now doubling down on the suggestion that swimming migrants are the answer to new york city's lifeguard shortage? the statement earlier this afternoon. hilton has something to say about this and he joins us coming up next. is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa. today, at america's beverage companies,... ...our bottles might still look the same... ...but they can be remade in a whole new way. thanks to you... we're getting bottles back... and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic.
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school officials are asking state leaders for more than a billion dollars in additional funding for chicago public schools which would be an almost 50% increase in state funding. govern j.b. pritzker is already adding another half a billion dollars to proposed budget for school funding statewide and lawmakers say when chicago is asking is not realistic. >> you know, that's going to be tough to get a billion dollars during a time that we are in budget negotiations and we find ourselves short. >> chicago public schools have been fairly or more than fairly treated. so it's a little disingenuous to hear they feel they are owed a billion dollars. >> chicago school officials say does not feel we are funded according to its own formulas but critics argue the district has consistently gotten more and more funding over the years but has not produced much in terms of visuals. last year just a quarter of
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students could read at grade level. >> ctu has a terrible track record when it comes to one, asking for more money, two, you know increasing their demands wanting more and more every contract, but then three, producing worst results with every contract that they get. >> there were chicago teachers union is also in the middle of negotiations with the city over its next contract which includes more than $50 billion in demands. the district's entire budget for the school year was just over $9 billion. john? >> john: garrett with the latest from chicago, thank you. >> how do we have a large body of people that are in our city and country that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards? the only obstacle is that we won't give them the right to work to become lifeguard. that just doesn't make sense. >> sandra: that was
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new york city mayor air adams with getting backlash from those comes about migrants were critics say it is example of how out of touch he is with this crisis on several fronts. let's bring in steven hilton fox news contributor i think so many of us, steve come on we saw and heard that like what? >> it's amazing, absolutely amazing. of course we can kind of laugh at it next thing it'll be said we have no corn pops around and joe biden is to be the lifeguard but the real point is actually inadvertently he is shining a spotlight on how totally broken our immigration system is. because in other countries notably australia who pioneered this this is how they do their immigration. they say look, where do we have a shortage? maybe it's truth we have a shortage of lifeguard but you get the points you can use the legal immigration system and we
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assess we need in this country at this time you get more points and you get to the front of the line. that is a well-managed, proper, immigration system. resident trump wanted to move toward that system. our friend larry kudlow worked on that along with chad kushner to have that sensible approach to immigration. instead, what we have is a total free-for-all. people wandering across the border whenever they want, whoever they are, regardless of what they have to offer us and our economy and our society. so you end up with this laughable situation instead of a proper, well-managed immigration system now. >> if you read it on paper you may think maybe i am reading this wrong but then when you see them deliver it i mean he is serious. look no place other than nbc one of its anchors to call what we just heard they are out as incredibly racist, listen here. >> i also want to talk about just sort of painting with a very broad brush that the
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migrants of new york are all great swimmers. where would he get that from unless it had something to do with crossing the rio grande or because some may come from places like cuba or haiti or another island. regardless it is incredibly racist. >> sandra: this does not seem to be going over well anywhere, steve. >> exactly, it's unbelievably amateurish. just sort of sound off like this oh, they are great swimmers. maybe we need some taco chefs and let's get them in. it's really is exactly in the line of these insensitive remarks. and am afraid to adjust it to the disappointment with erica adams we thought maybe he would be a bit more of a sensible democrat and tough on crime et cetera. every now and again he has had some that we can all get behind with the flag at columbia the other week and now he comes
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along with this. it is such a disappointment. >> sandra: wyatt i have you here it's from a podcast it's two favorites, aoc and bernie sanders they get together and they talk about the economy and economic barbarism listen here. >> the fact that people are choosing between medicine and rent is barbarism. the fact that people are worried about whether they will be on the street every four weeks is barbarism. if we do not demand, not only demand, but win unions, health care, wages, and the endless war, we will condemn ourselves to barbarism. i refuse to submit myself to that future. speed to hold on, isn't she lamenting democrat policies and
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the impact of them? >> exactly. exactly. i was just about to say the same thing. let's just take it at face value. where are rents highest in america? blue states and blue cities. right where i am in california the highest housing cost in the country driven by the kind of environmental regulation that she and bernie sanders are obsessed with and by the unions. the unions who hold up housing developments in order to extract higher wages pushing up the cost of rent and by the way, talking about barbarism, it would be nice to hear some words from her and bernie on actual barbarism that we saw from thomas on october 7th. >> sandra: wow. steven hilton nobody says it like you, thank you so much, sir, good to see you. >> thank you, sandra. >> still trying to wrap my head around the erica adams thing. excellent swimmers. i mean if you want lifeguards, increase immigration from australia. they are all born with a bathing suit and a surfboard they are great lifeguards. >> sandra: i was talking earlier about how we have been
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covering this trump trial all week. we have gotten away from some of the daily coverage of the border and migrants coming to places far away like new york city i was talking when i went past the roosevelt hotel one of those migrant centers there was a longer line than i've ever seen of migrants coming and being processed there, john. huge problem for mayor adams in that city and it doesn't seem like he has a grasp on that. >> john: maybe he will have a plan to bring them just pulls the summer. by the way canadians are born with skates on too. critics questioning why this d.c. judge decided to release on bail what his social media reveals coming up next.
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>> outrageous after this washington dc judge released a teenagers suspected of opening fire on the busy street are national correspondent is who lives with more what was this judge thinking? >> reporter: at left a lot of people scratching their heads trying to figure that out but what we do now is take a look at this image. a chilling 1 indeed. 8 euros captured on surveillance video sprang and neighbourhood with over 2 dozen rounds a mile
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from the u.s. capitol. the supreme court judge here help the teenager -- said the teenager posed no threat and released him on bail. social media showing boasting of being woke and donated to groups with -- the u.s. attorney pretty c graves opposes the release but colleen stinson a former prosecutor in the office of dc says the real problem lies with the federal reluctance to prosecute. >> a u.s. attorney the chief prosecutor who doesn't take gun crimes are violent crimes seriously and you have others who demoralized the system and that graves is a disgrace and should resign frankly. he has been abysmal chief prosecutor. now the report between the sentencing commission shows just that. >> we can show you that report it shows graves office declined dropped or pled down 262 gun cases the past what while years.
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outranked a product -- out right declined to prosecute felonies last year. graves is defending his offices efforts to reduce violent crime. >> doing our part and keeping the community safe is our numbe. >> dc residents aren't satisfied because a recent washington post poll found 96% of residents consider crime a serious issue. >> john: and as they are right to. to the judge not see the picture of the kid holding the semiautomatic weapon on the streets? >> reporter: who knows. we reached out to the office but didn't get back to us. >> john: thank he will be right back stay with us.
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