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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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for protests at the republican convention as well. majority leader mitch mcconnell actually requested that there be more space around the republican convention as well. it doesn't seem like these protests are going away any time soon. and democrats, of course, in particular, are very concerned about how that is hurting them with young voters, more progressive voters. they don't want this to be an issue. so it will be interesting to see whether we hear from more democrats who agree with. >> bret: all right, panel, thanks. a little bit of a different show today. thanks for rolling with the punches. tomorrow on "special report" our series looking at toxic sites continues. linked to radiation exposure head to washington to call for a vote on a compensation bill. if you can't catch us live set your dvr. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight fair, balanced and unafraid. here's laura. >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. more cocaine found in a
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government building? yeah, we are going to bring you all the details in moments. but, first, biden's sos to the press, that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ all right, for months, they tried to sell you a new comeback kid story. >> biden seems to have some momentum. i mean, the race is very close. >> brand new nbc poll appears to show the race tightening and biden momentum gaining. >> the trend was all of the other national polls is that the race is tightening. >> laura: well, media reports insisted that enthusiasm was building. the biden campaign hit record fundraising numbers. in the 24 hours after biden's remarks his re-election campaign raked in $10 million. >> a record-breaking campaign fundraiser. the event pulled in a staggering $25 million. >> even before thursday's historic haul, biden had more than twice the cash on hand as trump. >> laura: of course the librescus and influencers were
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gearing up to take down trump. >> imagine if he actually did win the election, it's over. we will have such civil strife. all the things he says because everybody is now on to him where he projects what he is saying. it's what he wants. what he envisions the world to be, which is chaos and craziness, total craziness. >> don't go taxi driver on us, bobby. and when it was obvious that the polls really weren't turning around at all, joe biden criticized the pollsters. >> the polling data has been wrong all along. how many of you guys do a poll on cnn? how many folks do you have to call to get one response? >> laura: but today we learned a few new things about the truth state of the biden campaign. the fact that they decided to abandon the usual debate format that they were demanding and take up trump's call for earlier debates? that shows they need a game changer and hope they will get it with the help of two cnn anchors who we learned today who
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will be the ones moderating the first debate. one believes that electing trump would be antidemocratic. >> donald trump has demonized us. >> there just needs to be a civic -- a civic awareness where people understand the stakes when it comes to these elections. and this isn't partisan. this has everything to do with his disdain for democracy. >> laura: the other believes -- well, can you decide what she believes. >> insults invective and outright lies, that's what we heard from donald trump defending those who righted and rioted andtried to stop the peal transfer of power. people egged on by donald trump. >> laura: biden accompanied his sudden change of heart about the debates with a really intimidating rocky balboa style tough guy video. >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020. since then he hasn't shown up for a debate. now he is acting like he wants to debate me again. well, make my day, pal. i will even do it twice.
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let's pick the dates, donald, i hear you are free on wednesdays. >> laura: that video was, what, 1 seconds long and they still had to edit him. has someone warned joe that you can't edit live broadcasts? the biden team is nervous. and one of their go to house media organs slate is also sending up a signal flare warning can't rationalizing a away. because new polling shows that that is not true. and this is my favorite part of all. if the question is how bad is this really? the answer is pretty bad. there is similar warnings across the press landscape such as it is. we will get to later on some building momentum out there to swap biden out and kamala and run another ticket entirely. it's so bad for them that they
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are actually willing to put biden in the evening on a debate stage to go toe to toe with trump, which is going to be tough, considering biden has trouble going toe to toe with stairs. is it look. if we had a real press corps we would know for sure what specifically triggered the biden campaign turnabout. you can imagine big donors, dr. jill were demanding answers from campaign staff about these polls maybe picture schumer seeing the senate majority hanging by a thread. i bet pelosi and the squad are blowing gaskets. and the obamas and the clintons, they are not happy. whatever it is. there must have been some moght where biden's wilmington brain trust heard if there wasn't a major shakeup, biden was certainly going to go down in defeat. consider the evidence. just in the past few days, biden suddenly after three and a half years in office we're supposed
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to believe had a change of heart on china tariffs? well then there is the new tough border policy that they always leak to the press that never materializes then he jumps to trump's debate saying he wanted the traditional style with the later schedule. and then also today, we learned that the old clinton counselor ron klain who help prepare biden for his last debates is coming back for a short stent to do debate prep with biden again. he is now a top exec at air b and n and kayleigh mcenany is a very talented guy i know him say hi. he has a lot of political experience, but he is not god. my bet is that the best he can do for biden maybe it get him to memorize a bunch of insults to throw at trump. that will confuse. i hope they have been practicing
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ventriloquism. >> there will always be doubt tores. >> i don't want to forget, mother. i think we should show this boy just how really am. i'm just a as really am. >> no, i'm afraid we must go on with the show. >> no, i am as real as you are. >> leave him alone. listen to me, that's enough. >> i'm as real as you. [applause] >> laura: i played that because that's terrifying. in the biden team had real confidence in their candidate. they wouldn't have to worry about putting words in his mouth. they just would have scheduled the first debate later in the summer because that's what successful incumbents do. but they want to give themselves plenty of time to turn things around in case the first debate goes badly for biden, which, it will if trump plays his cards right. in 2016 and 2020, remember, there was a real debate in the nation as to who would do better on issues like jobs and the economy, foreign policy, immigration. but that debate is over.
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everyone with brain knows that trump did and will do a far better job. trump doesn't really have to spend a lot of time on how corrupt the government is, people have seen how corrupt it is or how terrible the doj is to try to put him in jail. we all see it. most voters know why they are going after trump all donald trump has to do is stay consume and stay calm during the entire debate and let biden rant and rave because scranton joe is sounding meaner by the day. trump, by comparison, he easily appears presidential, cool, confident, and, yeah, possessing a lot of common sense. just reassure everyone, even though is you sur ban moms out there that will there are happier days ahead. reassure the nation that the craziness, the wokeness, the unnecessary economic struggle, the perpetual war, that's all going to be over. maybe toss out a few zingers, joe, you have been president for almost four years and all you
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can do is promise people more abortions? while you are wearing aviators? maybe debate but don't take the bait. that's the angle. joining me now is newt gingrich. former speaker of the house and fox news political analyst, newt, what's your reaction to this clearly there was a come-to-jesus moment in that wilmington campaign office about where biden is right now and you are starting to see these changes. what's your take? >> showed a newsletter outlining what happened. first of all 80 to 100,000 people. wildwood, new jersey, for donald trump then the "new york times" itself says biden is behind in five out of six swing states and is only one point ahead in the sixth state. another poll that says he is
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only one point ahead in virginia. is he only five points ahead in new jersey before at a rally. i think frankly they panicked. there is this general sense we got to do something to show we're back in the game. and, i think the test for trump is really simple. don't accept this concept that you got to do all this in secret in some studio. let's make it the american people's debates. you know, the university of michigan is the largest football stadium in the country. holds 109,000 people. trump ought to offer i will take 55,000, you take 55,000, let's have our folks come out. you know, biden believes in democracy, trump has a great opportunity to go at him every day and say one debate a month in public with the american people present.
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>> laura: trump will never agree do that he can't have that he gets very rattled. he gets rattled when there are 20 people in a room, newt, let alone 1,000 people. which is the last time joe biden really addressed tens of thousands of people in a live setting? maybe his convention? >> i think when he stood behind obama. >> laura: yeah, that's probably the last time he did that. >> when he stood behind obama. my point simply trump is on offense now. trump is gaining momentum. and here's the problem is biden having a lot of money. i don't care how many ads you buy, people go to the grocery store and realize. >> laura: what is he selling? >> they cannot convince the american people that this is working. they can't convince young people can't afford to buy a house that this is working that can't convince people watch millions of illegals come across the border this is working. ron klein may be brilliant. >> don't agree with me, newt.
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>> i always agree with you. >> you are 100 percent right that this is all very apparent even people that don't like trump. trump doesn't have to rehash all of that in the debate. biden is going to put a lot of insults, that's why he did that thing with i hear you are free on wednesdays. it's so pathetic as a president. is he going to throw a lot of insults out and try to get trump to explode. that's the only thing i think they think they can do with biden because he can't remember anything else. >> look, my advice to trump is simple. watch the carter-reagan debate. carter had the same style as biden. he lied all the time. and he desdesperately wanted to get reagan inside the lies and they came up with a simple term there you go again. reagan would smile pleasantly, everybody in the country would know he just splently called the president of the united states a liar trump get some easy simple
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thing back out of some rant biden is in. not go in for a clinch and match him. let biden look crazy and just look like you are calm, you are upon, you did it once, you are going to do it again and in between you have had this terrible four years. >> laura: yeah, happy days truly are going to be here again. newt, thank you, great to see you as always. just go joe. that's the message from the left leaning new republic after devastating poll results that newt was referencing there. showing biden trailing trump by wide margins. they warn in the speech that democrats they are not seriously considering replacing biden because it would be a huge mistake. but team biden screeching media sycophants will hear none of that. >> the "new york times" siena poll and you know this it's given disproportionate impact. this year, this cycle, it has skewed wildly in donald trump's direction. hold on. >> hold on auto second. >> no, no. hold on what i hear is that after thiessen that polls come
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out. well, everything that joe biden has done, all this money that he has put out. all of the campaign something for not. no, it's not. no, it's not. >> laura: if anything, reminding voters of biden's policies has only made him less popular. now, one democrat strategist told the hill let's cut through the bs. one of the top three issues, inflation, immigration, war in gaza, is he in the toilet. the polls show he is not doing well with some of the key voting blocks, young voters, black voters, hispanic voters, so let me ask you this: would you want to stand side by side with him? joining me now is kathy smedlie, former rnc press secretary, vice president of coin and mollie hemingway editor and chief of the federalist. fox news contributor mollie, this has started to pick up steam mostly on the far left and more left wing websites but they clearly had a meeting somewhere that said this thing is going
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south unless we can turn this momentum around fast. >> yeah. clearly no democrat is happy about the situation that they are in right now think understand they would love to switch our joe biden for someone else. the problem is it's very difficult to do. i wonder if moving the debate up to june wasn't in part an effort to make sure that, you know, in getting out of the presidential debate commission wasn't a way to make -- it to sort of cut off r.f.k. jr. at the knees who many democrats feel is a huge threat to biden. it's not even that they are worried about everybody going and voting for trump, but people just want an alternative to biden in the democrat party. >> laura: chuck todd laid out by biden needs this debate. watch. >> this campaign, as it's going now. is losing. you have to change the trajectory. you need something different to happen. this is different. the eagerness with which trump accepted, i think the biden campaign is lucky that he
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accepted. because i think the biden campaign really needs this right now. >> laura: kathy, did trump make the right decision here? >> sure, why not. donald trump's calculation is if i just show up and let joe biden do joe biden, i win this debate. at least i hope that's his calculation. but then you have got this other calculation from democrats much has been made of james carville's recent comments they are just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hope something sticks and nothing is sticking. why not add a debate to that by any metric as anybody as you said joe biden is usually in a fight with his own feet every day coming up the steps. putting joe biden on the debate stage opposite donald trump is not a good play for joe biden but what have they got left and never under estimate democrats' determination to do whatever possible to get democrats in power. >> laura: well, i think the hype that is already beginning about biden and his performance, his debate performance is
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interesting, watch joe biden know was he is doing. feels it in his guts knows it's existential threat that guy is itching to get into the ring with donald trump that brings out the absolute best with him. i think they could debate 10 times and joe biden would win, seven, eight, or nine times. >> laura: mollie? >> i think it's interesting that joe biden said he wouldn't debate in front of the american people. he will only debate with the help of media allies jake tapper who of course ran the russia collusion scam and other scams at cnn. he needs that help from the media and he will get that help from the media. so i think republicans should be aware if joe biden stays upright for more than an hour, the media will, of course, declare him a winner. no matter how much the american penal are horrified by his policies, what he is saying, or what they actually think of the debate. >> laura: i think, kathy, the other thing mollie touched on
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earlier might be a really fascinating point putting the debate early the democrats way looking one more time he has got to be able to perform in this if he can't we might have to do something drastic and really just try a hail mary pass with somebody else. could that be part of this strategy? >> i have to tell you i'm from missouri and that's the state that allowed a dead man to remain on the ballot and he won mel carnahan and so never under estimate democrats' determination to get democrats elected so if that means swapping him out and this was some sort of test for that i wouldn't put it past them certainly as a republican i'm always thinking what is the rules and can they do this? democrats don't think that way. so i wouldn't put it past them. i also think you have to debate in june. he totally falls flat on his face. you put a ton of money on it over the summer and pepper everybody with ads and hopefully forget it by the time the ballots go out.
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>> carley: thank you both. cocaine found in another government building in d.c. we're getting the details now and bring them to you. first, bragg's case just got really kneecapped by one of jughead's former advisers. senator josh hawley reacts to game changing sound, next.
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privilege of privilege and cannot be revealed but cohen has previously waived the privilege so costello let it rip. >> the way this works is if you have truthful information about donald trump, that's clearly what they are looking for, i can have all your legal problems solved by the end of the week. his response? i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. i said michael, i want you to think carefully about this. i probably came back to this subject 10 or 20 times during the two-hour period. every time i brought it up every time he answered i swear to god, excuse me, bob, i don't have
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anything on donald trump. >> laura: costello peppered cohen with questions over the payments to stormy daniels, a key component, of course, of bragg's case against trump. >> that's why i decided to take care of this on my own. i went back to that several times. you did this on your own? on my own. did donald trump have anything to do with it? no. did you get the money from donald trump? no. from any of his organizations? no. from anybody connected to donald trump? no. he kept on bringing up the subject that he felt he was betrayed by not being brought down to washington, d.c. he wanted to do something to put himself back into the inner secialg of donald trump. that's why he took care of this. >> laura: joining us now is missouri senator josh hawley. senator, i was in court yesterday, and he was asked about this, specifically by the prosecutor, the prosecutor knowing the defense was going to bring this up. and his response was well, i was trying to protect donald trump.
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i was always trying to protect trump and i hadn't retained him yet because he wanted some big retainer fee and he didn't get a great feeling about costello so he wasn't telling him everything because he thought it wouldn't be covered by the privilege is that going to hold water? >> this geicoen has changed his story more times than my 3-year-old in trouble. ridiculous. totally unbelievable. i will say this. this whole trial. it's outrageous but it's also really getting to be a total joke. the longer it goes on, the more donald trump goes up in the polls. i mean, at this point, trump might want to send a thank you card to the democrats and joe biden clearly they thought this was the silver bullet. instead the american people are seeing they have no case and nothing to run on and his numbers just go up, up, up. it is ridiculous. it's laughable. >> laura: costello also made another comment to him about
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stormy daniels. watch. >> he said i got a call from a lawyer representing stormy daniels who represented that she was going to testify that donald trump had sex with stormy daniels. michael cohen said i didn't believe an allegation but i knew such an allegation would be terribly embarrassing. >> senator, this is the opposite of what connie would have us believe now though jury is not going to hear from costello is he not going to testify in this trial but again, goes onto this pointed of credibility of michael cohen. >> he has zero credibility. the guy purr jerried himself. he told so many different stories on every point. laura, that's the thing it's not one point or two points. it's every detail he has altered or changed or fibbed. you can't follow a thing the guy says. this is a joke. it is a total joke whole
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american public can see it and that is why trump is going up, up, up, if they keep this up and there is actually a conviction in this sham trial my gosh we may as well have the election right now trump is going to wins a he should. >> laura: all right, senator, wonderful to see you. thank you. florida sheriff has a message for blue state liberals looking to cause trouble on his turf and he joins us next. ♪
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate.
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we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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>> laura: escalation occurred 2:30 p.m. pacific time between police and pro-palestinian protesters at ucer vine. they barricaded themselves near the physical life sciences building and they kept inching forward toward the police lines and you will see some of them, if our camera shot can get it
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up. you could see them inching forward toward the police and the police would have none of it. so the police in full shields, hell mitts some of them began to scatedder but it is a very tense situation. campus officials had sent out an alert to all students and staff to shelter in place because they were so concerned about the safety of the individuals in the vicinity and also the number of people at that point that were starting to converge upon police. we were watching the scenes earlier on "the ingraham angle" during the break. and it got very scary we were going to do a local sheriff in florida about situations of crime getting out of control in
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the inner city especially in blue states where we have seen terrifying scenes of criminality, oftentimes criminals being arrested and being released into the streets in a matter of hours sometimes. we didn't expect to bring had him in to talk about this situation but, sheriff, this is sheriff carmine march sen know is joining us now from florida, he has been dealing with messages there don't think about it very different take than cities seeing in blue cities. this situation at uc irvine started spiraling out of control. at one point the police said you know something you? are not taking over this building. you are not going to lay siege to this building because classes are supposed to take place in some form or another tomorrow even though they weren't tonight or today during the afternoon. your reaction to some of these scenes we are seeing in? so the world has changed. it's unbelievable ha what you
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watch and what you see. common sense is no longer common. as a constitutional officer, we protect constitutional rights, public safety, so if someone wants to peacefully gather and peacefully assemble, that's completely different than takeovers. when you have to send out memos and messages for people's safety, it's crossing the line and i'm proud to see law enforcement standing strong and not allowing this havoc from our state of florida ron desantis and down to the constitutionals, we will not have that. >> laura: these protesters were claiming they were taking over the university not just the physical sciences building. i want to make sure i get it right. the physical sciences lecture hall, excuse me. they weren't just taking that over, they were taking over the whole university in honor of the victims of the situation in gaza. and in favor, they claim, of the university at large. well, i think that would be news to the students who are trying
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to either wrap up classes or maybe, you know, try to begin some type of summer program and other activities obviously on these massive campuses at the university of california irvine. but, when you saw the shear numbers of police and we're still seeing the film in front of us they are not going to allow this to happen. some are saying what took you so long? they had their hands tied in california there is lawlessness you have to address it firmly consistently with law and take no prisoners, meaning you push the envelope, you are not taking anything over why win, law enforcement wins. the blue states people fleeing california, my hometown new york, okay, they have like minded ideas and what they believe n politics and all of the above. the i'm the people's sheriff. everyone's safety is important
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to me no matter who they are. we don't allow this behavior ever. and then they leave their blue states, everything has failed, and they want to come down to the red states. they want to come down where we have law and order same action, same result. >> don't bring your liberal policies to florida or north dakota or south dakota or tennessee or texas you want to keep it weird keep in weird in california. austin can't mean criminality nor can it mean the same thing in florida. sheriff, thanks for free-lancing on this other topic tonight but this is very tense at uc irvine. joining us now is victor hanson, author of the new book "the end of everything," an apt title. village tour, we saw how columbia mishandled this takeover of a building where the students were getting pizzas and making all sorts of demands about the types of people they
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wanted hired and kinds of things that they demanded in investments and divestments and is it any wonder that these protesters with their dippy pop-up umbrellas were at one point inching toward the police line almost begging them to do something. >> absolutely. this is the wages of appeasement, laura, harvard president brown president, university of chicago, northwestern, they have all negotiated rather than enforce their own statutes and laws. that's empowered all of these mobs everywhere on each campus. they know school is going to be released soon. they feel this is the last gasp. they look at what joe biden has been doing giving concessions to the muslim and arab vote in michigan and tharping down. they think they are winning and they are emboldened. if they don't control it, it's going to get to places that we don't want it to go, we know what that is. if you have a lot of students from the middle east, some of them are activists, they are not students. they feel they are winning, and there is no deterrence and
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schools ending very quickly. and the mood of the country is appeasing the voters in michigan, they are going to be there is restraint unless the police get ahold of it. >> laura: they know it and we know it because people know encourage this. give everyone an update what is happening at the university of california irvine campus. we had protesters, pro-palestinian protesters edging toward police, police began to edge back toward the students, and ordered a shelter in place for everyone in the vicinity, this is after classes were held in nearby buildings to the building that these protesters were apparently trying to take over, the physical sciences lecture hall at least two other buildings encampment have been locked down and uc irvine police have requested support from other law enforcement agencies, this according to the official
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spokesperson. and apparently law enforcement from across the region are showing up there. so far 200 officers on the scene and that number is growing, we're told. and that came as the protest negotiating team were suspended by the university. so, we are negotiating with students they are terrorizing other students. in a sense they are terrorists. they are terrorizing other students that just want to have a normal college experience. but your reaction tonight to this? >> laura, they should take -- everybody knows the university of california system knows that the irvine campus, traditionally has had the most radical middle eastern students. most hostile to jewish students of all nine uc campuses. it's no surprise that this place is blowing up. they got to put a lid on it very
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quickly because these students feel they are winning and they feel they have a window that's closing and they need to get their irvine has always ban cull dumb. they have to send a message to all these campuses that you can't do that it's not fair to the students and there is strong anti-semitic flavor to irvine. there always has been victor one of the students claiming their hands were forced suspending their negotiating team. that's what it comes to in the united states of america. everyone watching this tonight, the scene at uc irvine. this is your country. this is one of the greatest states ever, which is california, and this is what has happened at a state university. okay? that should be your choice as to who to vote for in november. victor, thank you so much. we appreciate it. we are going to continue to bring you major updates on this
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situation in california as they develop. and why the masks? if they are proud? why the masks? coming up, the chief's kicker is targeted over a commencement speech, speaking of campus insanity and king charles' new portrait is a horror show? "seen and unseen" with raymond arroyo is next. ♪ ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or
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laura bush lawyer time for "seen and unseen" we reveal the stories behind the headlines, for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. aside from the heavily edited debate invite video, tough guy video. the president's public events have been kept to kind of a minimum there is a reason for that so edited. this is the president unedited from an event last night. >> acting labor secretary judy sue. julie su. stand up, kid. i like that dress. let them see your gown. they want to undo what they finally got done. and then what we finally got done and to make up for it. they want to -- they want to give power back to big pharma. >> he doesn't need a debate partner, laura, he needs a translator. what is he trying to say and to
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whom is he speaking? he doesn't even know. >> laura: well, i think he thinks you can edit live television. this is why "the view" girls are really pleased with the biden debate request. >> here's what i really appreciate. biden is saying no audience. >> good. >> and that the mics must be cut once. >> i love. this the time to answer the question has expired. >> i love joy on the side saying i love that i love that what they would really love is donald trump with his mouth taped shut and. >> laura: right. >> and r.f.k. off the scene. this is ridiculous. we should have all the candidates who qualify there i don't think there should be any moderators the candidates run the debate. >> laura: two of them in front of a live audience. voice go inflation and then have them -- immigration. >> let them argue it out. biden isn't the only world
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leader trying to recast himself in the public imagination, prince charles unveiled a bizarre official portrait. even he seems frightened by it. ♪ ♪ >> laura: oh my god. >> this thing is bloody awful, laura. it's stranger things the royal edition. i mean, for the first time, the green protesters don't have to throw mow tato soup at a painting. the artist beat them to it. but it does have a certain dark winds sore vibe about it don't you think? i'm not hyperbole man. it does have a dark windsor vibe. >> laura: reminds me of biden when he did the independence hall speech with the red lights remember the mega maga thing he did, weird. >> i have been studying this thing all day. all kinds of images. iten look like king charles went to the killing spree.
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even meghan markle's eyeball on the left side of the jacket. suspects it be's eye gal. in you zero in on it a eyeball. very odd, bizarre. >> laura: i'm sure there is some kind of really important contemporary art message coming through there. now, strangest official portrait since obama collaborated i think with shrubbery? >> yeah. yeah. but let's go to commencement catastrophes, laura or calamities, rather. credentialing should be reconsidered for duville university in buffalo. i have heard of politically correct commencement speakers. these poor kids treated to address by ai robot named sophia. >> it's a pleasure to be here in buffalo with the uville university. i was designed to interact with humans and engage in conversation conversations although i cannot eat chicken wings. this city is the best place in the world to get them.
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go villes. >> laura: that's the treiest things next to what you played joe biden. >> next year's commencement speaker. robots cannot give you lived experience. that's what kids need. this is far from it. i guess they played a vitriol la in 1911 for the classic. tech is not not a commencement speaker. >> laura: no, raymond in the angle we played that clip from the scary move about the ventventriloquist you know i dot like dolls or anything like that. thank you very much. good on the university for actually giving students an inspiring speaker. kansas city kicker harrison butker. >> our own nation led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his catholic faith but at the same time is delusional enough to make a sign of the cross during pro-abortion rally. by wife isabel would be the first to say her life started when she began living her
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vocation as wife and mother and embrace one of the most important titles of all, homemaker. >> laura, the media is now attacking butker for advising women to embrace the vocation of motherhood. they say is he attacking women. there is a petition for the chiefs to get rid of him. but actually he is calling both men and women to what about they are called to be. mothers and fathers who produce good citizens and people. what is controversial about this? >> laura: well, he is standing up for men being fathers and women being mothers. that's the most controversial thing you can say today. everybody wants to, you know, you should be friends with your children, not mothers and not fathers. just friends that's all you should be. >> birth rates at historic lows it's great that you have a sports figure like this calling young people to not only embrace their vocation but have children. this is a good thing for all of society. shame on those who are trying to write him out of the public conversation.
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>> laura: well, maybe they can get colin kaepernick to start kick kicking. >> no complaints about that. >> laura: all right, raymond, great to see you. more cocaine turning up in a key government building in d.c. we're going to tell you where, next. ♪ h? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. the terrorist attacks of october 7th were the single deadliest day for the jewish people since the holocaust. i stand here before you with an extremely burdened and heavy heart. not only for the immense cruelty and loss of life suffered here, but for the immense needs of the people of israel in the months and the years to come as we fight for our survival. it's an especially critical time right now for
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the elderly. many close family members were killed or severely injured and are no longer able to help them with their basic needs such as food. the international fellowship of christians and jews is urgently responding to help the thousands of displaced elderly jews. your gift of only $25 will help rush an emergency food box to an elderly jewish person who is at risk. zina, she used to take care of me. it was 6: 20 in the morning when we heard the first rocket. so i phoned my daughter and she said, "mommy, i'm on the bus. everything is okay." two minutes later, the terrorist shot her dead. volunteers from the fellowship deliver the food boxes and let them know that christians are helping provide them with a month's supply of healthy, ready to eat foods to strengthen them
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and encourage their faith. i can feel the love coming from this box. thank you and may the god of israel always bless you. let's extend our prayers together in support and share our resources to bring meaningful change to the lives of our brothers and sisters in israel. they need right now to feel your love and your healing touch for their souls. call the number on your screen, scan the qr code, or go online to i f c j now.
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>> cocaine at the capitol? our international correspondent is here with all the details, what can you tell us? >> evening. the capitol police say small bag of cocaine was found in the hallway of its headquarters. apparently it was discovered around 1:00 this afternoon on the second floor of the building in an area that is apparently used for storing furniture. and apparently it was found in the middle of the floor. usc p. describing the finding is a roughly 1 inch by 1 inch baggy filled with, quote khaki white packed powdery substance.
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it was field-tested and tested positive for cocaine. capitol police say this is an area that is actually frequented by various contractors and employees and is also very near prisoner processing. an officer apparently found the bag and immediately turned it over to a supervisor which is wise. the group say they have opened an investigation and will test the residue further and conduct dna testing of the baggy itself. a lot of strange stuff being found in places all around dc. >> laura: kavan, unreal. thank you so much. that is it for us tonight, remember tomorrow, michael cohen is back on the stand. at the trump trial in manhattan, we will be covering that and make sure to follow me on social media and in the meantime. and remember, it is american now and forever. i know sometimes it does not feel like it but it is. jesse watters takes it all from here, see you tomorrow night. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime".


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