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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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positive for cocaine. capitol police say this is an area that is actually frequented by various contractors and employees and is also very near prisoner processing. an officer apparently found the bag and immediately turned it over to a supervisor which is wise. the group say they have opened an investigation and will test the residue further and conduct dna testing of the baggy itself. a lot of strange stuff being found in places all around dc. >> laura: kavan, unreal. thank you so much. that is it for us tonight, remember tomorrow, michael cohen is back on the stand. at the trump trial in manhattan, we will be covering that and make sure to follow me on social media and in the meantime. and remember, it is american now and forever. i know sometimes it does not feel like it but it is. jesse watters takes it all from here, see you tomorrow night. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime".
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tonight... >> donald trump lost two debates to me in 2020 and now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. make my day, bow, i hear you're a fan of losing. >> jesse: trump, biden, the debate is on. >> any time, anywhere, any place. >> have you ever seen this much cocaine in your life? that's worth 10, 15,000? >> i blew it. >> jesse: cocaine found in the capitol. >> it's a deep burn! i can barely lift my right arm because i did so many. >> jesse: welcome to wellness wednesdays. plus... >> holy [ bleep ] is that real? [ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: ladies and gentlemen, we have a debate. suddenly, out of the blue, joe biden says he is ready to take on trump. >> trump lost two debates to me
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in 2020, since then he is not shown up. now he's acting like he wants to debate me again. make my day pal. i will even do it twice. let's push the dates, donald, i hear you are free on wednesdays. >> jesse: i hear you are free on wednesdays, wow. the day the democrats are not tying him down in court. that is some dark brandon. trump did not hesitate, saying, just tell me when and i will be there. but biden has a list of demands longer than a spending bill, ready? he says he will only do debates moderated by cnn, cbs, msnbc or rk isn't allowed on stage, cannot even be near the stage. and biden says no audience. and trump is not allowed to interrupt him. the candidates microphones will be turned off while the other candidates are talking. and i'm only doing two debates khaki says. one this summer and one in september. within two hours, trump and biden both shook on it. trump saying, it is my great
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honour to accept the cnn debate against crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of the united states and a true threat to democracy on june 27th. likewise, i accept the abc news debate against crooked joe on september 10th. tactically, this was smart for biden but strategically it shows weakness. biden needed this to change the trajectory of the race because he is getting clobbered. >> behind the scenes, the campaign realized, i'm told weeks ago, several weeks ago, they knew they had to debate. a sitting president in a strong position may try to hold off on this. but that is not where joe biden is, they realize that. >> jesse: burying the first presidential debate in late june gives biden four weeks to prep r and if he bombs, there will not be as many eyeballs. it is only on cnn on a summer thursday. but biden has a good night, it will reset the race and give him momentum. hunters gun trial will be
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wrapping up in late june as well in the best way to knock your son's felony gun conviction out of the new cycle is a one-on-one with the big guy. greg made a surprisingly good point today, me saying biden locked in the june debate before the convention so the kingmakers cannot swap them out with another nominee like michelle. plus biden is not getting any younger in the fall. june could be as fresh as he will ever get. >> i wonder whether or not he shows up. because he also challenged me to golf. i'm a very good golfer khaki cannot hit a ball 50 yards. he says i'll give him three aside but he knows he will never play. this is sort of like that, i think. but i hope not because i think he has to debate, you might as well get it over with. should probably do it early so that he can -- he is not going to get any better. >> jesse: sources tell fox that biden wanted the debate more than his advisors did. for biden, this is personal.
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he, quote, litter really trump. he resents and digs the trump's have taken at hunter and dr jill is especially resentful over it. but biden does not want hunter and jill in the room during the debate. no audience. just two men alone any tv studio. does that mean a 9:00 pm they are both already standing behind podiums and we don't get to see both men walked out, shake hands and waive? does biden want to avoid walking? or his he worried about a palestinian protester in the audience? >> is an audience a deal breaker for you? >> listen, it is donald trump who said he would do this any time, anywhere, any place so i do not think they should have any problems with what we have proposed. >> he didn't say anyway. biden those trump plays better to the audience anyway. last debate biden stared at the camera. did not even look at trump or the crowd. without an audience and with a dead mike will all the other candidates were talking, you remove those spontaneous exchanges.
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the moments that punctuate the night. that puts trump at a disadvantage. the man is quick on his feet. but it could also put biden at a disadvantage because two and a half men it's of biden uncorrupted, he could hang himself. go ahead show, finish what you were saying. what was that again? but they will be shut up with whatever they gave him for the state of the union so don't set expectations to low. the moderators for this cnn debate, jake tapper and dana bash r here they are. >> the dehumanizing rhetoric of adolf hitler is once again alive and well on a national political stage. this time, of course,, in the united states. this time given life by former president and current republican presidential front runner, donald trump. >> let's recognize this comment for what it is. a long-standing anti-semitic trope that the true allegiance for jews is to their religion, rather than their country. it was used in nazi germany to
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justify the arrest, persecution and mass killings and attempted extermination of the jewish people and trump has been pushing the stroke for years. >> jesse: both moderators say trump is hitler so the debate will be fair and balanced. will tapper cut the cameras away from trump to fact check him? we will have to see. the abc moderators would be david muir and lindsay davis. who will be taking orders from abc news chief political correspondent, george. >> the cia, dia, defence department, military and some people like to call those people the deep state. well the big thing i learned doing this book is that the deep state is packed with patriots. those bedrock tenets of our democracy are being tested in a way we have not seen since the civil war. it is a test for the candidates and for those of us in the media and for all of us as citizens. >> jesse: he prays the deep state and said trumps a threat to democracy. i'm sure they will be calling balls and strikes.
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so biden set two debates on networks that push hoaxes with liberal moderators, mic cuts and no audience. and donald trump agreed. the chief political analyst joins us now. brit, how do you think these lists of demands and they're quick acceptance went over? >> trump was in a position having challenged biden to debate and sit anytime and anywhere where he practically had to accept these challenges. whether he wants to quibble now over the terms of the debate and the moderators and the rest of it remains to be seen. but i think he is pretty much locked in. >> he is locked in so we have one june 27th on cnn, what do you think the strategy was for biden to lock in a midsummer debate on a cable news channel that, i don't know if anybody is going to see. they do not open it up like it was if it was a network. >> well if cnn does not open it up as abc has promised to others
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to carry, they will have a big audience that night. that is the history with cnn. they get something big and then they get good ratings for a night or two and then it goes back to where it was. so i think on that night they will do fine. as for weather it should be open to other networks, there will be a lot of pressure on cnn to do that and with abc having already done it, they manned up deciding that they really have to do it. >> jesse: what do you think the biden campaign strategy was? all of a sudden agree to debates, lock in a june 1 and do one more in september? >> my sense about this is that if he were a normal incumbent back particularly one ahead in the race, he would do this, biden would not do this. he may do one debate or he might not do any. this willingness to debate trump to me is a perfect sign of his obvious weakness. it is a gamble to send this
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senile man out, the man who, look, 17 seconds or whatever it was, 14 seconds of the little videotape that he put out today in which he made the challenge to trump that had to have five edits and whatever. that is not the sign of a guy confident -- or a man confident he can get through an extemporaneous debate. with any certainty. so it is a gamble. i think the realization with biden himself and with his advisers is that he needs to take a gamble, he needs to do something to change the trajectory of this race because if you look at the current polling, it really has not budged in months. trump has been ahead and to some extent, biden has lost ground, particularly among some of his core constituencies. so he had to do something so they decided to do this. >> jesse: you are right. and this something is not going to have an audience. and you will not have any crosstalk. the mics are down when the other person is speaking. what impact will that have?
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>> it is hard to say r on paper you would say, well, trump is the one who tries to buckle all the moderators and buffalo his opponent and interrupt and do all of that and he will be deprived of the ability to do that. but when he did that last time in 2020, it did not make him look very good. so he might not be up for doing much of that anyway. what trump will want to do is be fully prepared. because biden is likely to come out and say that when he came into office, inflation was 9 percent which he has said repeatedly in recent days which is completely false. and not even the white house is defending that. but he can blurt almost anything out of the debate. trump will need to be sharp and ready to act on the things that are presented to him by biden if he starts to flail and fumble which there's a high probability, not a likelihood but a high probability he will. >> jesse: and the moderators, i know republicans always complain about the biased moderators. is it even worth complaining at this point?
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or is it, as they say, the fix is in? >> i think it is probably not worth complaining and whining about the media coverage, there's a constituency for that but it will not be anybody that is not sitting on the fence. in other words, if you are trump and trying to win over people who might even vote for biden but are thinking about voting for you, i don't think bellyaching about the moderators or anything like that will move the needle in your favour with people like that. and that is who he needs to get. >> jesse: no bellyaching, no buffalo. we should have a good summer debate, thank you so much. >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: senior advisor to trump, jason miller is here now. do you think the former president gave up any leverage by agreeing to these debate demands so early? >> not at all. he had said any time, anywhere, any place, he is ready to go and especially when you look back at the last debate that president trump had with joe biden. more joe biden is talking on the
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stage, up late past his bedtime, his knees wobbly not knowing what to say, he runs into trouble. he made the comment about hunter saying my son did nothing wrong, he took no money from china. also made the comment about transitioning away from oil. the more joe biden talks after 9:00 pm, the better it will be for president trump. >> jesse: you like the mike cutting? >> i think it will be fine either way. president trump is ready for any situation that comes at him so i think he will be good. what i think is notable here is -- and i will take a bit of a different tact than what britt says, it's not so much of a strategy from the joe biden side,'s campaign, to be clear, does not want him to debate, they are terrified of this. but he went on howard stern and he said he was going to debate and you can imagine the alarm bells going off in delaware at headquarters saying oh, my god, will you do? josette he will debate. so they came up with a strategy to try to put it out the same day as this inflation number but now, they will have joe biden on the stage, that is not good for them at all. >> jesse: so this was a ruse by joe biden.
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he boxed himself in on howard stern. and then he is using this announcement as a distraction, you are saying from inflation r did you see this coming? >> not specifically today. i knew they would come up with something to try to distract people from the inflation numbers but now they are going to go back to having to talk about the inflation numbers and interest rates and immigration in israel, all in the debate stage. he is not getting away from it. but the one thing i would say is when you look at the fact that there is no audience as you sit in the opening, clearly he does not want to have any of the gaza protesters, the campus crazies that are there. but i think the biggest knock on the day probably goes to steven spielberg,'s new campaign advisor. he goes from directing his big blockbuster movies about fake dinosaurs to now directing twitter videos about political dinosaurs. >> jesse: so you were, okay,, the trump campaign with a cnn debate? >> absolutely. >> jesse: and you're okay with it in the summer? >> yes. >> jesse: you don't want debates in the fall, you're only okay with one debate in the fall and september? >> we want the debate in june
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and we want the debate in september. and president trump also said today he wants to be on october 2nd, on fox news with brett and martha. we should not just be stopping it to debates. keep in mind president trump says we should have more, let's have one in july, august. we can have them all the way up until the election. but joe biden wants to try to get away with two debates because he knows what is going to happen. the more he talks, the more trouble joe biden gets into. >> jesse: you agree to two, you want more. you want more. and you are ready? you are ready for joe biden, weather it is going to be the joe biden we sought the state of the union or the joe biden that we sometimes see getting lost after a speech. >> jesse, they don't even want him to walk up to the helicopter by himself. now if you will have to be out there by himself on the debate stage? i will take president trump any day. >> jesse: we will see how it shakes up, thank you. cocaine in the capital. swimsuit models and ben carson. ahead. [ ♪♪ ]
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[ ♪♪ ] >> jesse: democrats thought 2024 would be the year of the convict. but trump, the defendant, now extending his lead over joe. the media cannot figure that out. so when msnbc spoke to black georgia voters and discovered something. >> has this trial changed your opinion, even caused you to waiver or question that at all? >> no. it has actually caused me to support him more. i just don't believe there's a coincidence that we have a trial happening in atlanta. we have one happening in new york. so the question people are beginning to ask themselves like that is, why now? >> i talked to many people who formally identified as a democrat. they have changed their
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political persuasion to independent and are looking forward to voting for trump because now, they find something in common with the political candidate at that level. they have felt persecuted by the system of american injustice. and it is not a stretch for them to think that trump may be a victim as well. >> jesse: this jibes with what black people have been telling johnny. >> he liked to do what he liked to do. he got an attitude problem and i love it. >> donald trump, i want donald trump. >> that's right, i said it. that's right, i said it. >> what you like about all from? >> he don't bowl [ bleep ]. he don't care, i like that. donald trump speaks the truth. >> what is known trump on trial for? >> bleep leave the trial, we need them back in office. >> he is on trial for doing bleep leave that one else do. the only thing is they don't like trump so they put him on trial. >> jesse: these aren't cherry picked, this is a black movement. >> what we are seeing, this is
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really the thing we will be watching when we talk about trends, is the real erosion of support from biden among voters of colour. this is the reason that he is doing worse, biden is doing worse in places like arizona, nevada and georgia were voters of colour, especially hispanic and african-american makeup such a significant share of the vote. >> jesse: black used to be the most loyal to voting block, now they are in place. here mlk's daughter, watch. >> i think that people in the black community who are feeling like not a lot has changed. especially economically. especially black males who seem to be more attracted to donald trump and his candidacy. >> jesse: the campaign senses the black exodus so they did three interviews with black radio and tv shows yesterday. joe has never worked this hard in his life. they are desperate.
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here was his pitch to black america. >> you know the guy running against has done nothing for the african-americans. virtually nothing. except criticize you. the guy has lost his mooring. he seems like the guy who just hasn't no idea what to do anymore. >> jesse: the race card of course. but open your eyes. went from coast to harlem, it is all love. chick-fil-a, all hugs. lawrence taylor just endorsed him. what has joe biden done as president for black america beside tap his vp? he doesn't even like to have lunch with her. biden shows some black americans for his cabinet and that's great. black justice for the court. but besides patronage, what about his policies? black americans want the same things white americans want," prices, strong borders, safe streets and good schools. if biden had delivered that, that is what he would be talking about. not trump.
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dr ben carson is the former secretary and author of the perilous fight. dr karsen, you just heard president joe biden say that donald trump has done nothing for black america. is that true? >> that is patently false and i think black americans and all-americans, recognize that under the trump administration, you had the lowest black unemployment in history. you had the highest homeownership, highest wages. you saw some attempt to rectify some of the injustices that were done in the criminal justice system. you saw a lot of aid to hbc and just attention paid to the issues of average americans. black americans aren't any different than any other americans. they feel the economic stench of the biden administration, they
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feel they have to suffer the consequences. they do not like to see their issues put on the back burner and issues of people who are here illegally put on the front burners. so the other thing about donald trump is what he says is what he means. he is transparent. you never have to worry or wonder about what he is thinking. i think people enjoy that aspect of him. so it is going to be a really hard road for biden. >> jesse: it sure is. and black and white americans absolutely the same. the differences black america has been so loyal, politically, to democrats. whites go between republicans and democrats but just the loyalty factor until this year. you are just seeing a really significant movement away from the democrats. i don't know independence, are they going to trump? what you attribute that to?
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>> i think they are looking out for their own self interest. there comes a point where things have gotten so bad that you have to reassess what you normally do why are things this bad? and they are finally having a look at actual policies rather than just following ideology. and the same thing with the young people. i have been going to a lot of campuses in conjunction with charlie kirk's turning point usa. young people are thirsting for truth in for a direction that will allow them to realize the american dream. they realized that the american dream is fading away. not philosophically, but and practicality. because of the incredibly crazy policies that are going on right now. you don't have to be very bright to see that. >> jesse: they are crazy and i think donald trump just called joe biden moron joe.
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that will stick more than sleepy, more than crooked. i can feel it and my bones. dr ben carson, everyone go check out his book, thank you so much for joining "jesse watters primetime". >> thank you jesse. >> jesse: own no, cocaine found in the capital. a full report of next. [ ♪♪ ] will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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>> jesse: fox news alert. cocaine was found in the capital. capital police spotted a baggie full of white powder in a hallway on the second floor of their own headquarters. they tested it and it was cocaine. capital police opened on investigation which we hope will last longer than the white house cocaine investigation. 11 days. no suspects, no video and they destroy the evidence. primetime already has a few persons of interest. the democrat senate staffer who shot a gay porn film? also the entire california delegation. and there was some person who
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was in the a. while back, i just cannot put my finger on it. we will let you know how this one turns out. donald trump's new york trial is in recess today but there was a major bombshell dropped in washington about michael cohen. we have the details. nate? >> hello jesse. an off day in court today but there were more questions about the credibility of michael cohen before his cross-examination resumes tomorrow. on the stand yesterday, cohen admitted to lying to congress in 2017 and again to special counsel prosecutors the year after that. today on capitol hill, a lawyer that he consulted with before reaching a plea deal with federal prosecutors said cohen lied on the stand yesterday, here is the attorney on capitol hill. >> i said michael, the way this works is that if you have truthful information about donald trump, that is clearly what they are looking for, i can have all of your legal problems solved by the end of the week.
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has response? i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. >> cohen testified that he did not tell him the truth about trump because he did not trust him. he worried whatever he told him it would get to trump. cowan now claims trump directly participated in a scheme to pay an adult film star $130,000 to influence the 2016 election. but he says cohen wanted to be trump's attorney general or white house chief of staff. and he may have acted alone to gain trump's favour. >> he said i got a call from a lawyer representing stormy daniels who represented that she was going to testify that donald trump had sex with stormy daniels. he said, i did not want to embarrass his wife, that is why i decided to take care of this on my own. this guy thought, he said to me, that he should have been attorney general of the united states, or at least the chief assistants to the president. ludacris. but that's what he thought. and he was very angry about
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that. >> reporter: he is the prosecution's final witness. after he's done testifying, trump's lawyers are considering calling an expert witness to the stand and they will discuss the ground rules for that possible questioning tomorrow at 4:00. but before that, michael conlan will once again take the stand at 9:30 and you can bet he will be answering a lot of questions from trump's lawyers, including about what they said today. jesse? >> jesse: thank you nate. we are now joined, what does this mean? >> it means what we already know. that michael cohen is the most compromised, unbelievable witness in the history of the federal legal system. that is hardly news. but we saw in his cross-examination, with an evasive and rehearsed set of answers. and he will likely continue that tomorrow. but here you have his own lawyer now, saying that what he said on the stand is diametrically opposed to what he told him and
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then attorney-client confidential setting. now we already flagged parts of the testimony of cohen that did not seem to ring true. for example, "and said that he surreptitiously taped the former president for his protection to keep david packer honest. that makes no sense at all. no one can make any sense out of how taping donald trump would somehow affect him. in fact the call itself seem to indicate that trump had very little information about the deals that had been arranged by cohen. it seems clear to most of us that he was banking and insurance against trump that this was to be compromising information that he may use later. and that would be completely consistent with michael cohen. the only consistent element in his career is that he will only tell the truth if he has no
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alternative and he always asked for his own best interest. >> jesse: so does the defence call his exlawyer to the stand and it blows his will testimony up? >> that would be something, wouldn't it? you just have the president's formal council testifying against him and then have his former counsel former counsel testifying against him. at some point, it is going to get awfully strange. i don't think that they will. i think there's a strong temptation to just rest. i do not think they have presented the elements of any crime. we still do not know what this other crime was. it was concealed by trump. but they also have not put into evidence, any clear support for saying that listing these payments as legal expenses was somehow fraud or wrong. many experts are saying no, if you are paying your lawyer his fees and the cost that he put out there, most accountants will
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just list that as a legal expense because it is going to your lawyer. so they have not put into play what is necessary, in my view, to get to the jury. but they may be tempted to put an expert on just to put a nail in this coffin. i cannot understand how any honest judge would allow this to go to a jury. the judge is going to have his moment where he has to decide what he owes his commitment to. the rule of law or to something else. because if he follows the rule of law, this would never go to jury. >> jesse: we will find out soon, big day tomorrow, what a week. jonathan, the esteemed constitutional scholar. and partner of mine on the five, thank you so much. a new series, wellness wednesdays. that is up next. [ ♪♪ ]
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>> jesse: let's bring in charlie arnold. are you ready for this?
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>> let's do it. >> jesse: 64 si published the first swimsuit issue. since then, dozens of beautiful fit women graced the cover, including christy and 79. tyra banks, the first black cover model and 97. and kate upton has had a few cover spots over the years. for the magazine's 60th anniversary issue, they are choosing a 69-year-old cbs anchor, gayle king to be the cover girl. >> this is in your dad's sports illustrated. >> as a swimsuit edition evolved , a change for readers. >> definitely but we didn't care. we thought that the right reader would come along with us and the wrong ones we did not want. >> jesse: gail kang is a beautiful woman, i love gail king, i love 69-year-old women. >> 's that's why you used to buy the sports illustrated? >> not why i used to buy it when i was 12. what is going on here? >> we know what's going on, they
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want to be inclusive. that is the name of the game these days. it's on about who the actual most beautiful women in the world are, not who the men that are the prime consumer base for this magazine want to see, but he was going to check the boxes so they can say oh, yes,, we follow the algorithm these days that everybody wants us to. >> jesse: it is not even about sales or giving the audience what they want? >> you see so many of these companies ignoring their consumer base, this is exactly what sports illustrated is doing. last year they had a trans woman on the cover. so it wasn't even a woman in a bathing suit on the cover. there is also obesity being figured which is an traditionally beautiful. one thing i will say, gail king looks great for her age, i do not want to take that away from her. martha stewart also is an 80-year-old woman who looks great for her age. >> jesse: and i'm going to get the cover! >> but not we want to see in the cover of sports illustrated. >> jesse: and engagement rings? every woman's dream?
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most man's worst nightmare. most men's. we don't know what you want but we are expecting to drop thousands on an educated guess. >> this the 9 million the ring store, i cannot find the perfect ring. ugly rinkmak ugly rinkmak ugly ring. >> it is a beautiful selection. >> jesse: so what happens when a woman goes snooping in her boyfriends underwear drawer and finds an ugly ring? what happens now? she is saying that should i tell my boyfriend? don't give me this rinkmak is to ugly, or should she just accept the ugly ring? >> she just needs to accept the ugly ring because she cannot blow up his spot before he even proposes, maybe then it makes him scared, he doesn't end up popping the question. but i do feel like it would be appropriate to say, hey, baby, i love this and i'm so excited to
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marry you but this isn't really my style. and because i want to wear this every day for the rest of my life, i wanted to be something that i love as well. >> jesse: that is the perfect answer. has this happened to you? >> it hasn't but i have thought about it. this is not a response i came up with on the spot. >> jesse: don't you hate when you're new sneakers get dirty? i'm always scrubbing off scott's, it is the worst. they never look the same. one brand has a solution, they are selling shoes that already looks cuffed. for $230, someone scent me a pair of these and if you can look closely, they are scuffed up, look at that. that is a look, charlie. >> you are running to the subway in those shoes. >> jesse: do you know this is a look and you think this looks good? >> this is no different than the genes that they sell that have been ripped up for years and years. my grandfather what ways tell me i had a hole in my jeans thinking was the funniest joke ever. not only that, there are companies out there, fashion houses that are trying to see how dumb the consumers really
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are. they're selling an actual bathroom towel as a skirt, $700. a mini trash bag? a few hundred dollars. >> jesse: women will fall for that, guys are more discerning shoppers. i don't know. i may wear this. should i wear this? >> they are premium leather, better than wearing something that is man-made and i don't know, good quality she was, i guess you can wear them. be stylish and hip. >> jesse: stylish waters, i have the approval from the most stylish woman at fox. we have another brand-new segment called wellness wednesdays were every week we will pursue happiness together. because let's face it, american society is sick. a majority of us are obese, living with chronic illness, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and depression all just skyrocketing. we are sick and overmedicated. why? it is the devil's bargain. the food industry poisons us for money and the pharmaceutical
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industry sells us pills to fight the poison. but the root causes of our problems, food and lifestyle. an amazing book called good energy, the surprising connection between metabolism and limitless health gives you the tools to beat the system. we are not going to get sick so they can get rich anymore. fresh fruit and vegetables, clean meat, poultry, fish, nuts and eggs. pastor raged -- raised. americans should return to action, sitting is lethal. lift, run, swim, challenge yourself. go outside on a hike and soak up the sun. then maybe hit the ice plunge, sauna, stress your body. comfort will kill you. humans are not designed to live in temperature controlled boxes. so stop staring at the screens, breathe, meditate. breathe. stress is a triggering diseases. and get a good nights sleep for
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once! 7-8 hours consistent. if you want to pursue happiness, this book is the bible. we can change this country one person at a time. the cofounder of true mad and co-author of the book joins us now. i love this book, let's go through this process. sleep. what are we doing wrong? >> sleep has gone down 25% in the past 100 years. and it is an absolute scandal. that we treat heart disease as a deficiency, diabetes is a former deficiency. doctors should be prescribing sleep. it is absolutely foundational. and actually, leslie we get actually secretes our hunger hormone. it makes us eat more. before this, doctor should absolutely be prescribing sleep and as a scandal they are not. >> jesse: and doctors do not prescribe exercise either, why
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not? >> if we were following the science, every doctor when you come up with a metabolic condition, which is 95% of healthcare costs, nine out of 10 leading causes of death or a preventable lifestyle illness. and it is in saying that we jump straight to these drugs and antidepressants, which have gone up two times. prescriptions among teenagers in the past five years. we are getting people on a chronic disease metabolic health pharmaceutical treadmill. and it is shameful they are not prescribing exercise. nonincentive on exercise to start. >> jesse: they are not telling you to go outside, get some sunlight, may be go for a run, drink some water. they are not telling you any of that. and if you look at some of these doctors, they could use a little sun and exercise themselves. >> let's take depression. right now antidepressants are the most prescribed in the country, tony five% of adult women are on this mood altering drug and they have done study after study where they have a cohort that exercises and eats
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nonprocessed food and a study that does therapy, the study that does not do therapy, does not do drugs back she does exercises goes out and the son, eats healthy, they consistently have lower signs of depression. we can, with the $4.5 trillion of our healthcare system, incentivize these things and follow the science. i was talking to jason miller out there and trump is talking about this. why are kids getting so sick? why is everything, this year and 2024, the highest rates of cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, everything is going up all at once. doctors should not be prescribing drugs after drug, we should be steering the medical system to these basic habits. and i've a thesis that viewers on this program, that americans do not want to be set, they do not want their kids to be sick. my sister and co-author, they were trained that american patients are lazy, that we cannot do anything, that the best we can do is cut them open prescribe something. that is a lie. but it is a profitable life. this is a large and fast-growing industry in the country,
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healthcare. and the six simple reality is that industry is predicated to make you sick and loses money when you're healthy. >> jesse: we will not take it anymore, we have to fight this issue. i read the book and 48 hours i even made markings on it, that's a much i liked it. thank you so much, rate to be with you. and happy wellness wednesday.
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( ♪ ) i thought water would help with these dry spots. that's lawn disease. but scotts healthy plus will cure it! lawn disease? been going around. so like other people have it and it's not... pick up a bag of the new scotts turf builder healthy plus lawn food today. feed your lawn. feed it.
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>> jesse: for those of you who missed my commencement speech on the 5 years a little taste. remember stress kills so brave, read it, right and reflect. save it 10% of each paycheck and put it in investments account and savings accounts and have great sex so aloud your neighbours call the cops.
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[ laughter ] if you want to see the whole thing go on my socials you might learn something. jason from borden, indiana, biden is made more demands for the debate than he has for hamas doug from eagle mountain tyrus do a nice plunge will let me watch that instead. what kind of challenges that. brian from san jose, a simple solution to the ugly ring problem by the diamond place in a cheap temporary band letter pick the permanent 1 after she says yes. i couldn't follow what you just said but for all the woman basically that's the point that's all the night dvr the show, sean hannity is next in remember i am waters and this is my world.


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