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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 16, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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today. >> todd: other names we should be watching for if it's not koepka, rory. >> go check out ben-on. never won in the pga tour. number one in putting last week for the first time in his career even though rory is still the headlines. remember the name of ben ahn. i think he is a good bet this week. >> doug bell is putting his money on ben ahn for a good week. sorry, i had to do that. enjoy the tournament. everyone loves louisville and kentucky. beautiful state. doug bell will be watching it all for us. thank you very much, sir. all right. busy show. a lot to watch out for. trump court today and we got. >> carley: a little golf in the end. i love it. have a good day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> brian: trust me 6:00 a.m. in the east coast a lot earlier on
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the west coast. i wish i could do the math in my head i'm not to that point. may 16th is the date now "fox & friends." the debates are officially on but only on biden's terms as the white house is already dodging questions. [shouting questions] >> who is going to stand in during the prep for donald trump? >> do you want to do that? i can connect you with the campaign. >> steve: that would be epic. and no scaredy-cats here, a 9-year-old girl and mother come face to face with a giant cougar in their backyards. >> ainsley: you could take him bound. >> brian: i could easy. >> steve: don't worry no predators or pets were harmed. >> brian: high school students pulling that hilarious senior prank on their principal ♪ bagpipes]
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>> ainsley: guess what, they are going to get a surprise of their own, live with us on air this morning. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends. ♪ on this thursday morning begin with president trump agreeing to president biden's terms and conditions for two televised debates way ahead of the november election. >> ainsley: luke's tomlinson joins us with all the details. i was thinking about in this morning. when we started the show this was not even on the table. now here we are two are on the calendar. >> everything changes everything. that's right, ainsley. president biden and former president trump agreeing to two debates not a third on fox despite this modern day acceptance letter from donald trump which reads please let this truth serve to represent that i hereby accept debating crooked joe biden on fox news. the date will be wednesday, october 2nd. the host will be bret baier and
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martha mccallum, thank you d.j.t. if you like throwback thursday, ainsley how about this the two debates that biden and trump have agreed to will look like the first ever televised it will have no audience no. r.f.k. jr. or any other third party candidate. r.f.k. jr. can make it to the stage if he gets to 15% in four separate national polls. now, there will also be limited news outlets and candidates' mics must mute as time expires. here is r.f.k.'s reaction to this. presidents trump and biden are colluding to lock americans into a head-to-head matchup that 70% say they do not want. they are trying to exclude me from it their debate because they are afraid i would win. according to a new fox news poll the public would like it see r.f.k. jr. on that debated stage. at least 43% say it's very or extremely important that he be there. 20% say it's not at all important that biden and trump debate. many have compared this election
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to 1968, nixon won because of protests on college campuses. it's notable that nixon refused to debated hue pert humphrey because he didn't like his 1906 performance and didn't want to share debate stage third party candidate george wallace who ended up with 13% of the vote and he won five states. >> steve: he did, indeed. >> lawrence: history lesson. >> steve: r.f.k. jr. is he is steamed as lucas just says because he says the two teams are co-including against him and in fact they actually did. there were back channel chats between both of the campaigns we don't want to work with the commission so let's do something. they put it on the table. r.f.k. says i can qualify because what the rules say is it would be open to any candidate with 15% in four polls on enough ballots in enough states to win the electoral college. but, here's the problem. right now he is only on in four and apparently biden told cnn i
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will only do debates one-on-one and the trump campaign was told by a cnn producer r.f.k. will not be on the stage. >> ainsley: 43% of the voters say they would like to see him on the debate stage but, if he doesn't have a shot at winning and maybe he would if he were able to debate but the chances are slim if you look at all the polls. so do you include everybody or do you just include those top two candidates? >> lawrence: looks like the person that's mostly blocking it is joe biden. the trump campaign has said -- we had karoline leavitt on "fox & friends first." she says take it up with the networks. let the networks decide. i don't think trunk is afraid of robert kennedy. he is already on the attack on him anyway. put him on the stage and see what happens. >> ainsley: biden says he will not participate in the rules are not met. >> brian: what bothers me is cnn gets the first debate. what bothers me is jake tapper and dana bash. they are very intelligent, smart people but they despise donald
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trump. we can put together montages that could go on for hours. on sean's show tonight the negative things they said about him. jake tapper made the decision to not cover any trump press conferences. they have a president of cnn fired for simply having a town hall and okay they maneuvered set up eliminate fox which is ridiculous. these guys, it's hard enough to win a debate against is a sitting president even though you know the issues so well. to say have two moderators working against you. bad to kill the mics. you need that interaction. because, if it's answer question, answer question, answer question, we can do that any time. you got to have -- you have to have the interaction. now, the interruptions and interactions are different. but, i want the free give and take where the moderators become part of the woodwork and it becomes about the candidates. there is a lot of problems with this format. >> lawrence: i agree. >> ainsley: why would biden make
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the criteria so it excludes fox? we have a lot of independents. >> lawrence: so glad that you made that. >> ainsley: big mistake to exclude fox. >> lawrence: just imagine all the scandals that have been covered through this past administration from the border. we were the first one at the border. they shut our drone down. we just went up with the texas dps helicopter. no one was covering the border. remember the moms with the baby formula? oh, inflation is not a real issue. we were the only ones going out there to give those interviews. the stuff that's happening on the college campuses. all these pressing issues for the country, do you think any of these moderators are going to ask about that and be fair to say joe biden what is your position? >> brian: topic. >> steve: we have seen in the past where the moderators fact-check the candidates and that, you know, for candy crowley that became a very big problem because she corrected him. she was not right. >> lawrence: cnn. >> steve: better when the candidates correct each other.
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debates on on very, very early actually before any of the candidates are nominated by their parties. yesterday our white house guy was a very busy guy trying to get some answers about these debates. apparently some of the details still being worked out but peter doocy tried. watch. >> jfk for debate. [shouting] >> why not debate a third time? [shouting] let's go, guys. thank you. everyone, appreciate it. >> peter: not a debate specific system but prep that traditionally can happen here at the white house, who is going to stand in during the prep for donald trump? >> who is going to stand in? do you want to stand in for donald trump? do you want to do that? i can connect you with the campaign. that might be fun for you. >> peter: so you can say i can
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go debate joe biden behind the scenes for as long as i want? yes. >> steve: that should be televised. >> brian: ron klain is going to be brought. in i guess is he back. former chief of staff is going to be back to help him out on all these other issues. it's going to be interesting on the 27th, also. jake tapper got awards for the russia story. never apologized. he should be giving that trophy back and melting it down and doing something positive with it and maybe selling it on what is it made of copper or some type of pewter? because he -- they tocketsly made up a story. ran with it for two and a half years, tried to destroy his administration. and never apologized for it. and now they get to debate? how is that okay? >> ainsley: nancy pelosi is not for this debate. >> i wish he wouldn't do this. they need to have town halls to reporters and anchors can challenge them. peter was asking karine jean-pierre why -- why all of a sudden are you deciding to debate? is it because ever the really bad poll numbers? and she went on about his record and how good biden's record was.
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>> steve: it's because they had spent millions of dollars on advertising. the donald trump criminal trial is going on, and they have got a mountain of cash. and none of it has helped joe biden. and that's why out of nowhere yesterday, they shook everything up by saying hey, you know what? let's have a debate. >> lawrence: we can throw up the free on wednesday t-shirts fundraisers. this is ridiculous. this is the same type of stuff that the judge's daughter is doing for adam schiff and other democrats. you don't get to get involved in the political process through unlawful prosecution and then raise money off of it. i think this is why the former president is saying this is law lawfare. straight out election going one on one can't have the judiciary getting involved and they feel comfortable fundraising on it and i think that's a shame. day 18 former president trump's criminal trial set to begin in a few hours with michael connie
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cross-examination expected to take place this morning. >> brian: eric shawn live outside the white house. this could be the biggest day yet for defense. >> not the white house yet though, brian. we are at the manhattan criminal court and stunning new claim that could blow up this case. that michael cohen lied on the stand about donald trump. you know, earlier this week michael cohen, the former president's lawyer testified that he -- that trump oversaw and approved the plans to pay off stormy daniels to protect his presidential campaign. but now a well-known new york lawyer who once advised cohen robert costello told a judiciary subcommittee yesterday that in 2018 cohen told him, the former president had nothing to do with the deal. >> every time i brought it up, every time he answered, i swear to god, excuse me, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. i said, michael, whatever you have, has to be truthful.
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if you think you can go in there and tell these people lies, you're crazy. it's going to backfire on you. you can't do that. >> eric: legal experts say the trump defense could use costello's claims to try to impeach cohen's credibility and accuse michael cohen of committing perjury on the stand. cohen will be back testifying today and he will again face trump lawyer todd blanche in his cross-examination. you know, we don't know if todd blanche will call robert does tell throat stand. what he claims about cohen could be considered h hearsay and not admissible. i'm sure todd blanche will certainly confront michael cohen with what robert costello says. we may hear from the former president himself when he speaks about these stunning new claims that michael cohen said he had nothing on donald trump. back to you guys in the studio. >> steve: all right, eric shawn with an umbrella lower manhattan, lousy day in new york. >> brian: a lot against donald trump and tried to make that clear. bring in gregg jarrett fox news
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legal analyst. gregg, with this bob costello revel labor relations we knew . would would you do it? >> i think, brian, it is very tempting for the defense to call bob costello because can look into the faces of the jury and say this guy, michael cohen, he has been lying to you. he swore to me he kept trump in the dark about this stormy daniels payment, it was all his idea. he acted on his own. his client had nothing to do with it. the opposite of what cohen told the jury. and he also confessed to his then attorney that trump's only concern was protecting his wife, not the campaign. again, the opposite of cohen's testimony. it means that cohen has essentially been lying about the two pivotal legal issues in the case and prosecutors, they know it. they wanted him to lie. that is subbourning perjury.
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he will do anything by hook or crook mostly by crook, brian. >> lawrence: real quickly though, is there any risk to bringing him on the stand? us watching it and we are not lawyers, think this would be slam dunk testimony. >> yeah. but you never know. look, i learned hard way the first case i ever tried in front of a jury. and i called a witness -- i didn't really need to call, and the dam odessa things came out of her mouth that she had never told me before. and it really boomeranged other 7-eleven that if you ever winning, if prosecutors haven't proven their case sit counsel, shut up, don't call any more witnesses. >> brian: it's with the jury are you winning. >> ainsley: if you are donald trump, do you think behind the scenes is he telling his team we
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need bob costello on the stand? eric did a great job reporting on that but bob costello said some other things too, he called cohen a serial liar. trump never knew about the payments stormy daniels. is he on revenge tour because he wanted to be the a.g. and chief of staff and he was mad at donald trump because of that he told him over and over and over he doesn't have anything on donald trump and that trump did not know about that $130,000 payment wouldn't you if you are donald trump say to your lawyers i want him on the stand? >> yeah, probably but you really have to defer to the experience and wisdom of your lawyers. look, i think it's beyond foolish to make an infamous liar your final witness to hang your entire case on it they are vouching for his credibility and they knew he would be exposed as the habitual liar that he is his
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greed most of all. this guy makes a living trashing trump, trolling for dollars on tiktok, lunatic rants, yelling into the camera, trump belongs in a cage like an f'ing animal. think about this. when cohen comes to court is he all dressed nicely, he is calm and polite. that's a con job by a skilled charlatan and jurors through cross-examination are becoming acquainted with the real michael cohen nasty, vile and a loathesome person. >> steve: we have been talking about bob costello, everybody has been talking about him. he is actually going to be on "america's newsroom" that starts at 9:00 eastern time right here. gregg, before you go, so, ultimately, second day of cross-examination for michael cohen, he has done pretty much everything the prosecution wanted him to do, so it all
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comes down to does the jury believe him? >> gregg: yeah, you have to factor into the calculation, steve, you know, this is a new york jury. they are liberal. they are probably predisposed to convicted trump without any evidence at all. you got a judge who is acting as a prosecutor engineering a conviction. so, you know, it's an up hill battle here but today will be absolutely pivotal if michael cohen is utterly destroyed on cross-examination. we'll wait and see. >> brian: all right, gregg, thanks. it's going to be good because they got to sit there and go at one point they want to establish his objective. his objective is to get trump in jail. at first he denied it and then they start building it. now today i think they have to at one point just go in 2016 you said this, 2019 you said this. all the way up to 2024 usc caught lying and called by the judge who cut the deal with you
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when you said yeah, i signed that but i didn't believe it. you said a serial perjurer. jonathan turley pointed out he might have perjured himself already by saying he recorded the conversation to protect trump against david becker. no one could find out the logic behind that statement. that's illogical statement. >> lawrence: i want to know if the defense is going to show the video. i feel like the jury needs to see the contradictions going back and forth. the montage of seeing all of the stuff that he said against donald trump. because it's one thing hearing it it's another thing seeing it. >> steve: all right. so it kicks off three hours and 12 minutes from right now and we have conch live throughout the day. >> brian: what i love about the bob costello head shot it looks like is he busy. we stare straight ahead. >> steve: his ears are burning. everybody is talking about him. >> brian: i'm on the modify. i don't have time for a head shot. i like a busy guest.
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>> steve: do you know who else is busy hosting a program at 5:00 a.m. and now carley is going to come up in a minute. >> ainsley: come up and tell us interesting story about these animals. >> brian: i hope she is in a good mood. >> ainsley: she is always in a good mood. an american woman is stuck behind behind bars in turks and caicos after ammo was found in luggage at airport. fifth american this year charged under the island's strict gun laws. last month we spoke with another tourist facing similar charges. >> they extracted a small package that contained four rounds of hunting ammunition that i use commonly while deer hunting. i had zero idea that those bullets were in there. >> ainsley: check the pockets of your luggage if you are a big hunter when you go to turks and caicos. officials claim they have found two rounds of ammunition in her bag. the woman and her daughter were both arrested. though the daughter was later released. russian president vladimir putin
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and chinese president xi are meeting or they did meet earlier today in beijing. the two leaders hailing their partnership as a, quote, stabilizing force for the world. ha. putin thanking xi for efforts to end the war in ukraine. she is saying in response, quote, china hopes for the early return of europe to peace and stability and continue to play a constructive role towards. this the biden administration announcing it's cutting funding from the firm that helped pay for research at china's wuhan institute of virology. the lab that's been linked to the outbreak of covid-19. the department of health and human services saying that the firm did not properly monitor their lab and the virus experiments and lax the present responsibility to deserve federal funding. and those are some of your headlines. >> brian: all right. it's going to be interesting. meanwhile, close encounters caught on camera as people come face to face with wild animals. >> steve: and here she is, finally. that person who is very busy. here with some of the
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heart-stopping confrontation. go ahead, show us what you got. three greats. >> carley: bingo. wild video to show you guys i mean wild in every sense of the word. start in mexico where a wild bull attacks a woman several times on the beach over the weekend. watch this. [shouting] [bleep] get away! >> carley: oh my goodness before the attack that woman could be seen trying to feed the animal. despite many onlookers warning the people not to interact with it. her condition remains unclear at this time. but she does appear later in the video to walk away from the incident. but my goodness. she got tossed around like a rag doll. >> brian: this is why i all of a sudden go to the beach as a rodeo clown. >> her bathing suit wasn't red. >> lawrence: what are you doing
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feeding the animal? >> ainsley: watch the beginning of the video the bull is like walking up to her bag of food and she goes over and starts opening the bag for him. >> lawrence: wild. >> steve: one thing to feed the ducks at the duck pond but another thing to feed a thousand pound bull. [moo] >> steve: cabo san lucas very popular vacation spot. apparently there are a bunch of ranches, farms around, and so not only are bulls often out there but also donkeys. who knew? >> ainsley: everyone kept yelling at her please don't do that. we tried to f'ing tell you. she did get up and walk away. >> carley: can you imagine what was going through her mind as it was happening. another situation just like that different animal, different country now to the bahamas where a deck hand from florida was attacked by sharks, plural, after miscalculating a jump on a charter he was working on. he was only in the water for a couple of seconds when 20 sharks
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charged at him. two of those sharks bit him. one on the shoulder, the other on the leg. >> grabbed me, pulled my head under water and then let go of me. i got really lucky he didn't head shake or hold on for a while. >> yeah, remarkably, look at his condition there, expected to make a full recovery that situation, i'm sure, one he will never forget. 20 sharks charging at him all at once. >> lawrence: he walked away. was he not tasty? explain 20 sharks and decide oh, i don't want you no more. >> steve: apparently an area where the fishing boat throw all their bait at the end of the day and they just throw it overboard. he fell in and there were 20 sharks there. doctors say is he lucky to be alive. >> carley: feeding on the bait and thought he was a big piece of bait that's why they charged at him. >> carley: so fortunate to be alive a lot of sharks no. one wants to be in contact with one. so cute.
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it no one will care about the scars. >> carley: can you find sunny size of the shark attack. shocking home security video washington state catches the moment a wild cougar ran into a family's yard. took place on saturday came within feet of a young girl and puppy chasing the family's two cats. the family running away holding the dog in their arms, thankfully in this situation nobody was hurt. this one in washington state. >> steve: crazy. ran right by the playground, the thing you put in the backyard. >> something is in the water. >> steve: jungle gym. >> steve: thank you for news from the wild kingdom. >> carley: you are very welcome. >> steve: sounds like joe biden is going to try to do something about the border and we have got new details coming up. he. >> lawrence: former acting dhs secretary chad wolf is coming up next. ♪
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lawrence we're back with a tragic story out of indiana where a 10-year-old boy has committed suicide after facing relentless bullying at school. despite his parents complaining to school officials multiple times. chanley painter has the story on that. >> hey, lawrence, according to the family the fourth grader was bullied right up until the night he died by suicide. sammy was just 10 years old.
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his family says his classmates made fun of his classes, his teeth, that he was beaten up on the school bus and more. yet, even after complaining to administrators, more than 20 times, they say nothing was done. in a statement, sammy's dad says i just want him to never be forgotten, to put that little boy into words is just impossible. people that got to know him are definitely blessed to have known him. how could god take my kid from here? of course that was going through my head. god didn't take my kid, hate did. now, the school district isn't has denied the family submitted any bullying reports; however, in a statement, the school acknowledged staff having regular conversations with the family saying, quote: the death of samuel tush is tragic our staff at greenfield central has worked with the family over the last 18 months.
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contact between school bern nell and the parents was frequent. we are investigating their claims related to bullying. now, sammy's family hopes this is impetus to do more to protect children during school days. lawrence? >> lawrence: so unfortunate. looks like the school districts is playing semantics game right there. thank you so much. over to you. car carp fox news alert. the prime minister of slovakia is expected to recover after an assassination attempt was caught on camera near the country's capital city. he was greeting supporters outside a government meeting when five shots were fired at him. local officials believe the incident was politically motivated and have a suspect in custody. actress angie harmon suing the instacart driver who shot and killed her dog. harman is requesting a trial request monetary damages which she claims are over $25,000. according to the actress the driver was released by police
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after claiming self-defense. an examination of the dog allegedly showed it did not by the or attack anyone prior to his death. those are your headlines, brian, over to you. >> president biden's border crisis rages on planning to take action months before the election and the numbers reveal why. brand new cbp data revealed to fox news shows the number of got-aways surging under biden to $1.6 million. passing obama and trump years combined. over 600,000 last year alone. here with reaction the guy who used to deal with those numbers daily dhs secretary chad wolf. chad, first off, before we get to the executive order, the got-aways. last year you guys were in office, 151,000. last year 2023, 670,000. the significance? >> well, the significance is that under three years of the biden administration the got-aways have skyrocketed.
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the three years eclipse the decade before president biden came into office. so just think about that. more got aways in three years than in the previous 10 years before he came. what that tells me is that his policies are encouraging, facilitating this type of trafficking and smuggling and the fact that you don't have border patrol officers on the line trying to apprehend these individuals. instead they are getting away in numbers and in record numbers. who are the type of people got-aways, as opposed to coming through getting logged in, getting your 10-year free press until you go in front of a judge. who are those type of people? >> yeah. it's very clear. it's the individuals that don't want to come into contact with law enforcement. so those are your national security and those are your public safety threats. mainly criminals that have criminal records back in their home countries. and they know that if they are encountered by law enforcement, they are going to be sent back. >> brian: so, i want you to hear president biden. when asked about possible fixes
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from the oval office, executive orders, listen when it comes to immigration i have done all i can do. give me the power. i have asked from the very day i got in office. >> it's time for the republicans in congress to show a little courage, to show a little spine. >> the bipartisan bill would be good for america and help fix our broken immigration system. and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here. and congress needs to get it done. >> i sent congress a comprehensive plan on immigration reform. my friends on the other side have done nothing with that. over and over i have asked for resources to step up action at the border. >> i made it clear that we need congress to make changes to fix what is a broken immigration system. >> brian: chad, guess what? you don't need congress as you have been saying. is he about to offer executive action shut down the border if they get over 4,000. they will shut everything down. what do you think about the hypocrisy?
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>> it's interesting. obviously we are in election year i would ask president biden and his administration where have they been the last three and a half years. they have had the ability to stop this crisis, to use executive authority. and they have done nothing. and so now we're three and a half years or six months out from an election, and now they have decided well, maybe i should actually do something about this border and start talking about these different measures. the 4,000 that you mentioned, it's not going to be stop this crisis. we should not be allowing 4,000 illegal crossings a day. 1.5 million a year. that's not the right approach it. does nothing to stop catch and release or asylum fraud. >> brian: and you could do so much from the executive branch. and he is pretending like he can't and he absolutely can. and every time he does something, is he proving himself to be a liar. chad, it will be scary if he gets four more years to break our border because it could only get worse. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> brian: all right. let's talk about 2024. the stage is set.
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trump and biden agree to a showdown. not without biden's lengthy list of demands. so who has more to gain? >> any time, anywhere, any place, let's go, joe. let's debate. >> make my day, pal. i will even do it twice. let's pick the dates, donald, i hear you're free on wednesdays. # #
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>> janice: we are focusing in on the flood risk for our friends in texas and louisiana today. this is month-to-date rain. so close to a foot already for areas like lufkin, texas. and 3 to 5 inches on top of that. that's going to cause an extreme flooding situation. we already have the potential for severe storms today. but it's the flooding risk i am most concerned with for parts of texas through louisiana and mississippi. dallas, you are in on this. houston as well. it's not very often we see a four out of four with a flash flood risk. this area has not seen a 4 out
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of 4 since harvey for this area. so that's very concerning for these folks. you have to know where you are going to get those watches and warnings and do not travel over water you cannot see the bottom of. this is going to be a day-long event throughout the rest of the workweek and into the weekend. so, very, very concerning for this area across the south. steve doocy i know you have relatives in dallas, texas, but this is going to be central texas, southeast texas, and people need to be on alert. this is a big deal. >> steve: indeed. in fact i'm flying to dallas a little later on today. steve. >> janice: i will keep you up to date my friend. >> steve: the stage is set president biden and former president trump agreeing to two debates. it didn't come without a list of joe biden's terms including no audience, no third party candidates and limited news outlets. as the "wall street journal" argues the current president may have more to gain. joining us right now is "wall street journal" editorial board member and fox news contributor
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bill mcgurn. good morning, bill. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: what is the "wall street journal" talking about there? >> well, trump may gain because in the last go around he blustered and kind of interrupted and i don't think that helped him. i think these debates are going to help him. more to advantage. you know, just as the challenger, you have an avantage over incumbent who has to defend his record. i think that, when you add in biden's age and his feebleness, i think the contrast favors trump as well. >> steve: i think you are absolutely right. here's the thing. as we learned at the state of the union, with joe biden, the bar is so low. >> yes. he is good at lowering it. i think people will give him credit just for showing up.
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>> steve: staying awake. >> story he has a bad record like with the american people. he is under water on all the issues, the economy, the border, foreign policy, so, i think it's hard for him. he can't just attack. he also -- trump is no doubt going to bring up stuff he said in the last debates that were not -- things that were not true such as that hunter took no money from china. we now know he admitted in court that he did. >> steve: right. >> so i think joe biden has a lot to worry about. >> steve: sure. here's the thing. even though there is not going to be an audience in the studio or wherever they have this thing, people are going to be watching. we have a fox news poll that shows the importance of presidential debates and as you can see right there, 41% say it's extremely important. and then far right, you see should r.f.k. be included and you can see a pliewrttle of plif
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people think he should be but he is not going to be. apparently both sides didn't want him there that's the problem third party candidates always have. they don't really have a lot of power. and the candidates aren't forced to take them. even though people would like it. look, this is going to be like the alli frayser matches. remember the thrilla in manila. people are going to be tuning. in ordinary year people want to see what the candidates say and in response to the other guy. this is not a normal year. this is one man who was president and another president who is president. unprecedented. >> steve: it is, indeed. it is going to be earlier than ever in america's history, so it will be fun to watch. bill, thank you very much for getting up early on this thursday. >> all right. thanks, steve. have great day. >> steve: you too.
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all right. meanwhile, the high school senior prank gone viral. illinois students hired a bagpiper to follow their principal around school all day. the students behind it join us with their principal on the other side of a quick time-out. ♪ "bring rings to beach wedding"? fedex presents: tall tales of true deliveries. ( ♪ ) (gasp, crowd cheering) just another day on the job. we did this for love. see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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>> ainsley: as the school year comes to a close these seniors went viral for this prank on their principal. [bagpipes] steve the bagpiper followed their principal around the school for an hour. richwood's high school prince fall billy robinson and seniors phyllis hill and maggie moore join us now. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. thank you for having us. >> mr. robinson, you were a good sport. sos who idea was this was this yours, piers or was it yours, maggie? >> it was my idea. >> ainsley: tell us what went into this. why did you think you could prank? obviously you have a good relationship with him because most people are scared of their
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principals? >> so, originally we were going to hire a mariachi band but it was right next he to cinco de mayo so all of the prices were double-booked. all of the bands were in chicago. it made it basically impossible to hire one. i have heard had a lot of bagpipes throughout my childhood. why don't i hire one to follow him around. it's like articles it was 10 times more annoying. so loud. you either love them or hate them. >> ainsley: piers, where do you come into this? >> she told me about this and i agreed with her and our third hour class that we had together, and we ran by and we found him on a facebook group for and then she talked to him through it. i was here and supporting her hopefully we could get him to following him around and try to agitate him. >> ainsley: it's so fun.
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reminds me of my senior year. we had a similar group of friends that did things like this. mr. robinson, tell us how it all unfolded. >> so they cleared it with dr. andrews and she let me know there was something coming. wouldn't tell me what it was. but she was pretty sure because she knows me well that i would really enjoy it. she hit me up on the radio and said where are you at? i told her. and then out he walked. and he hit those bagpipes and just hilarious. shows a lot of the work that they put into it and the creativity. and, you know, kind of overwhelmed with all the positive press but we sure love it because with all the things that are going on with kids being stressed and anxious in schools today that this all the positive energy in the building allowed them to do it and walking in the halls. people were coming out clapping and smiling it. shows a lot of the amazing culture that we strive to put in place here to overcome all of those things that kids go through each and every day. we want them to want to come here and do awesome things when
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that is in place. >> ainsley: you have been the principal for two years. assistant principal for i think four years. you were also a music teacher if i'm correct. so you love music. they didn't know you loved bagpipes. i heard that the bagpiper was even asking you for requests. so, i don't know what songs you requested. but it was so loud. did it disrupt the teaching. >> oh, maybe a little bit. >> ainsley: doesn't matter last week. >> yeah, more people were coming out, clapping and cheering and kids were filming and smiling and that's just -- you know, it was an awesome, positive experience for sure. >> ainsley: pierce and maggie you all pulled this prank on your principal. he has a little prank for you. [bagpipes] ♪
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[bagpipes] ♪ >> ainsley: there is scott whitman. scott, good job, interrupting the national news television interview. that's great. scott, what was this like for you when you got this request, were you like, oh, we might get in trouble? >> oh, it was great fun. i was proud of these guys for coming up with something inventive that wasn't destructive or leave a big mess, having been a previous high school teacher, i knew what senior pranks could look like and i really wanted to support their idea of doing something like this so i wanted to make sure it happened. >> ainsley: that's awesome. if you want more information. if you want to hire scott it's thank you for being good sports. thank you so much, you are making -- or you are a big influence on these kids' lives. it's just so fun to see education being enjoyable.
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thank you. >> thank you. they make it easy. >> ainsley: good. all right, pierce, maggie, i wish all the best next year. congratulations on graduating. they play tennis for the school, too. scott, do you want to play us out? >> absolutely. ♪ [bagpipes]
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