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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  May 16, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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it is raining outside. it's a lousy day. i hope it's nice and sunny wherever you are on this may 16th, 2024. welcome to hour two of "fox & friends" well, the presidential debates are officially on but only on joe biden's terms. leaving nancy pelosi wondering if it's a good idea for them to meet at all. >> i myself would never recommend going on the stage with donald trump. but the president has decided that's what he wants to do. with just six months left until the election, biden might finally be addressing the border crisis but only after 4,000 illegal crossings per day. >> brian: right. good job. and it is hereby decreed burritos and tacos are considered sandwiches in the court of law. >> lawrence: more pressing issues? >> ainsley: glad a judge got
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involved in that. >> brian: they had to steve eve. >> lawrence: "fox & friends" begins right now. mornings are better with friends. >> ainsley: former president trump emphatically agreey to president biden's laundry list ahead of november's election mark meredith live at the white house. >> mark: good morning, friends. this year's presidential debates are not only going to be historic but going to be the first time we have seen a change of the conditions to these debates that americans have come to expect in the last 40 years. as of now, both presidents biden and trump have agreed to two different debates the first one being with cnn in late june and abc in september. the biden campaign had a set of demands for the president's participation including no audience, no other candidate, just a one-on-one matchup, limited news outlets would be considered eligible for the debate. and candidates' mics must mute after time expires. the effort to keep this a two-man debate not surprisingly has upset robert f. kennedy jr. he has posted on this.
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he said they are trying to exclude me from their debate because they're afraid i would win. keeping viable candidates off the debate stage undermines democracy. want to see debates calling it extremely or very important. trump also wants way more than two debates. is he already vying for a third. he posted on his platform, quote: please let this truth to represent i accept a on fox. the would be october. hosts would be bret baier and martha mccallum. the biden campaign has yet to agree to anything like that. politico in this one reason debates might matter this year because of the president's aides. biden's performance could either do a lot tao lay or confirm the fears. already announced the moderators for june and september. we could still see some things change especially with that later format in september. the debates would be before early voting begin. the first debate would happen
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before either have officially become their party's nominee because they will be before the convention. steve, ainsley, brian and lawrence, back to you guys. >> brian: the decision didn't come out of the but there. it looks like the "new york times" said they were back channeling about this. when the announcement was made it didn't catch everybody by surprise like we might have assumed? >> remember, the president was on howard stern what was that 3 or 4 weeks ago and he mentioned that yes, he was looking forward to debated trump there victim blinks that may have jump started some of the conversations. you are right in terms of the criteria that was selected, you know, how this was going to happen so quickly. it was a fascinating turn of events that happened within rapid fire succession. >> steve: the tv networks got involved and suddenly, you know, cnn and abc outmaneuvered everybody else. fox was not on the preferred list. allowed list. cnn is hosting it. back in the day when the presidential commission ran things, every channel ran it.
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if cnn is hosting, will there be a simulcast, abc has already said yes, we will have one. >> yeah, abc has said yes simulcast to allow others to broadcast it. the conditions cnn put out they would allow it to be on streaming platform as well as on their cable channel. whether or not that changes between now and late june, of course, is anyone's guess that could also be demand the idea would be to let the debates play out as much as possible. as you would imagine there would be so much interest in this. with no audience in the first one in cnn, you have to kind of wonder what is the format really going to look like and will it play to either candidate's strengths? >> brian: right. both can't lose. they both can't lose. thank you, mark. >> lawrence: donald trump gave joe biden everything -- thanks, mark meredith. gave him everything that he wanted. i don't understand how they could complain about anything when you get to the debate stage. i think i know why joe biden is agreeing though. there is an article in the new republic. it says that democrats have a joe biden problem. when you look at the polls
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rightly cause panic among democrats but also shows that the election is not a lost cause for the party. talking about the other candidates. the numbers for biden are specifically terrible. other democrats are performing quite well cite nevada which the candidate is up by 12. they cite arizona. and they cite pennsylvania. so, essentially, there's a call behind the scenes from move away from biden. ballot enough stated ballots and score 15%. and at least four major national popoll jfk says is he going to meet the criteria. nancy pelosi was asked if she thought that joe biden should have agreed to a debate. listen. >> i myself would never recommend going on the stage
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with donald trump, but the president has decided that's what he wants to do. i think the format he is suggesting is a good one. i think y'all should have separate town hall meetings with them and let them challenge them with questions about the future and let the public make its decision. steve the public is going to get the opportunity to see them, you know, presidential candidates, even before either of them are nominated by their party. it's going to be the earliest ever. and you got to wonder -- i you know, i heard byron york say yesterday with early voting you need early debates. and is he absolutely right. >> lawrence: i agree. >> steve: what is the plus for joe biden? well, if he stumbles, there is plenty of time behind it. and apparently what the biden camp thinks they can do is by announcing this so early and having them so early. they can jolt the american public that is not paying
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attention to the biden camp think that will force people to say okay. i don't like joe biden but i'm going to go for him j they want to remind the american public of the trump years and the biden people that's a great thing they say trump is chaos. i say this. for two and a half years you told me he was illegitimate. you put a nonstop russian investigation every time they had success, some russia allegation popped up. can you imagine if they just leveled the playing field and just called him on his policies instead of trying to prove he was illegitimate. they asked people -- fox asked people do you think the debates are important? 41 percent said extremely important, 23 percent said very important. i will add one more thing to the fray. just as i brought up. the problem i have with this format are the moderators, do they despise trump? nonstop partisan. doesn't mean they are not bright. it doesn't mean they are not good at their job.
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but they have a bias against one candidate. they should be eliminated. is there anyone there non-biased? number two is you can't kill their mics. i don't want to see two guys speaking. we get that all the time. we need the whole point of this is the interaction. and if you are -- then going to put all the pressure on the moderators. so you will have donald trump will say had the best economy. not according to the numbers. next question, those throw away lines at the end, the moderators always do when they don't like -- >> lawrence: to that point, brian, i also would like to see the questions asked. just ask the questions. the getting involved in the debate process, i think is going to leave a bad taste in american public that's how they put them thumb on the scale when they start getting involved. let the candidates duke it out. i think also a positive for donald trump is that there is not going to be a crowd there. is he an entertainer. he plays to the crowd. he likes the cheering. that's what he has done his whole life. not having people there, i think
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will calm him down. >> ainsley: critical of joe biden for that reason. because they are saying donald trump feeds off the crowd. joe biden didn't want a crowd i agree it's television. if you can't hear their responses. joe biden answers a question donald trump might say liar you want to hear that. >> steve: we put up the rules. one of them was they cut the mics only after the time is up. so there is a possibility you would imagine, that if during joe biden's time you would think that would be played. it's just after okay, everybody has got one minute, i feel sorry for the audio guy. not only does he have to figure out which volume control but a stop watch. oh, time is up, boom. >> brian: we will see what happens. donald trump i think advantage to let joe biden talk. because he talks in circles. >> ainsley: i know, mullen nels.
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>> brian: mexico is the president of egypt. >> lawrence: then he will cut himself off. maybe i shouldn't talk about that when he has nothing to say. >> ainsley: one of the topics will be the border. headline says joe's failed mary because now he is saying all right. i'm listening to you all. even my constituents are saying that these open borders aren't working. seeing crime. we are all paying for these migrants to live here. all right. so, once 4,000 migrants per day have gone over the border, then i will close the gate that's one of the executive orders he said he couldn't do. comes up to a million. get to a threshold and shut it down. they will just -- whether it's carousel, you get a certain threshold at disney, they don't let anybody else in. they shut down even the right passages of entry. there is our future lifeguards right there. they did a breakdown of the got-aways under joe biden. >> lawrence: astonishing. >> brian: bill melugin said
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freedom of information act halloween. they just gave it to him in may. the amount of got-aways, look at this. last year 670,000. the last year the trump administration, 151. prior to that was around 120, 104,000 for the year. now they are up to 670. we think the numbers are high now. the people we only see the back of their heads or see the dust as they cross, 670,000. do you think they are here to make america great again? >> lawrence: these are people you can't track. inside of the country. we don't know what he they're doing. we don't know where they come from. we'll don't noe if they had a record or not. i just don't understand from the biden administration i get why they want to get involved now because it's an election issue. do you guys really think you can fix the damage that has been done to the country in just three and a half years in just a couple of months? it's just bad strategy. >> steve: yeah. all those people that you are looking at right there are in the country now. so, last two things we were talking about both the debates suddenly out of nowhere and now
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is he going to take executive action. do you know what it is? this is all about the polling. because joe biden and joe biden's camp, their plan was to blame congress and the republicans. >> lawrence: it didn't work. >> steve: and blame donald trump. donald trump told them don't pass that senate bill and they didn't. and you are right. it's not working. so, what are they doing? they're pulling back and they are saying essentially and speaker johnson who brian talked to the other day said essentially this is a -- an acknowledgment that joe biden could do it all along. he could do it without congress. but he chose not to for political reasons. >> ainsley: i thought he couldn't do anything. >> steve: well, are you talking about the way back machine? >> steve: let's push the button. >> i've done all i can do. just give me the power. i have asked from the very day i got in office. it's time for republicans in the congress to show a little courage, to show a little spine. the bipartisan bill would be good for america and help fix our broken immigration system.
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and allow speedy access for those who deserve to be here. and congress needs to get it done. >> i sent congress a comprehensive plan on immigration reform. my friends on the other side have done nothing with that. over and over i have asked for resources to step up action at the border. >> i made it clear that we need congress to make changes to fix what is a broken immigration system. >> brian: the other thing congress did yesterday, they took a vote. do you agree that if you are an illegal alien, here illegally, waiting for your court date, and you assault a police officer you should be kicked out? this should be a lay-up, right? 148 democrats said no, i don't think so. >> steve: that's crazy. >> brian: cops and their families. >> ainsley: we already know that's how they feel. look at the guys who beat up the police officers on times square plea deal. >> lawrence: how tone deaf to the american people immigration, during the primary the number one issue. and to not be able to condemn and vote on a bill that say they just can't attack cops.
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>> steve: here is what is happening. chuck schumer is failed senate bill. >> lawrence: another go around. >> steve: think about it, it's an election year put all the republicans on the spot you will have to vote against this if donald trump wants. to say they are trying to keep the majority on the democrat side in the senate as tough as they will be on the border. it's election year and they know you want it. if he wins another four years the wall is going to come down. you think this is bad. it's going to make this look calm. >> lawrence: the problem that the democrats have is the onus is on them right now. they broke the border no voter is going to say suddenly that the republicans and donald trump were weak on the border. if they plan on casting this vote to get them on the record. >> steve: they will. >> lawrence: it's not like the voters are going to come back and say oh, those republicans
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are anti-border security. they are going to blame the democrats for what happened in the fentanyl coming across the border. attack on cops. >> brian: senator lankford had some good things negotiated in there but it wasn't the type of things they feel as though as long as this president had discretion it was still going to be a problem but he would have to cover up this legislation which worse. doesn't mean there weren't some positives in that bill. >> ainsley: there were some positives and all the republicans said that, too. they agreed with that they didn't love the bill overall and some things very important to them and their constituents they wanted in that bill that weren't. >> steve: also, don't forget, donald trump said look, this is not in the production' best interest don't pass it this year because it helps joe biden. >> ainsley: he spoke out against it. you are right. >> steve: in a moment we will find out what is a sandwich but first we have some other news. >> carley: starting with a fox news alert. right now in chicago, at depaul university where police in riot gear are clearing out a pro-palestinian encampment. this after yesterday students
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hosted a walkout after protesters and school administrators were not able to reach an agreement on the university divesting from israel ongoing protests forced them to cancel music festival over security concerns. unclear if any arrests have been made police in riot gear clearing out protesters uc irvine who stormed and barricaded a campus building yesterday. officer clearing encampments that the university says had been there for more than two weeks. the school says all classes will be held remotely today as a result of all of this this as a fox news poll shows 59% of voters oppose anti-israel protests. a third of respondents say they support them hunter biden will be facing two trials at the same time next month legal team may have a big problem. so-called sugar brother reportedly told his associates that he can no longer afford to
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fund the first son's legal defense. hunter's first case is expected to begin on june 3rd. we will be watching as that happens. new jersey senator bob menendez's corruption trial resumes today this after his lawyer claimed the senator was unaware that his wife had stashed gold bars and cash in her closet. telling jurors, quote: the gold bars were found in a locked closet. it was nadine's closet. menendez is facing charges alleging he accepted bribes of gold bars and cash in exchange for his influence and also charged with acting as a foreign agent to egypt and clearly has some trouble at home as well. wild video shows nypd officers rescuing a man fell on subway tracks in the bronx. watch this. come on, come on. come on.
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>> carley: heart pounding moments there. the man had fallen onto the tracks after reportedly having a seizure. they saved his life. >> a taco stand in mexico becoming the first in the world to receive a michelin star. cost around $5. it's been in business since 1968 and received michelin star. so proud. here is the question of the morning. are burritos and tacos considered sandwiches? one judge thinks so. in 2022 a restaurateur had plans to open a taco mexican grill in a strip mall in indiana but his application was denied. only restaurants that sold made-to-order or subway style sandwiches were allowed into the mall. well, after bringing a lawsuit, a judge sided with the restaurateur ruling that tacos and burritos are mexican style sandwiches. so email us at
4:20 am to let us know what you think about this? what do you think, guys? >> brian: does mexico think that? >> carley: mexico can vote. write us, let us know. >> ainsley: i like that the judge did that. >> ainsley: i want a taco. i didn't know there was going to be tacos. i will take a taco. soft shell taco. >> steve: we get the judge was trying to make it possible for that location to open in that mall. there is already a sandwich. this is called a tortilla. >> for the americans out there watching, we have american viewers. this is a sandwich. it comes from the ancient, the greeks. and we have adopted it. so i say the burrito is a sister sandwich of the wrap. but this is not a sandwich. that is a totally different. >> lawrence: relatives involved with this?
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>> brian: do you know, chris? >> chris: possibly. >> lawrence: invention in your bloodline. >> ainsley: this is why you like in this is seinfeld. >> brian: absolutely. we know that tuscany my grandfather made his glasses and great uncle invented camo but we had nothing to do with it. >> ainsley: we cannot find proof of it. >> steve: are you sure no kilmeade family members are working at the taco bell in times square? >> brian: thank you for bringing that up. >> carley: taco bell is my favorite restaurant of all restaurants. not just fast food,just food in general. >> steve: sour cream on everything. >> carley: got to get supreme to get sour cream. >> brian: same thing window get from a waiter, i'm pretty sure it's not a restaurant. >> carley: similar to a hot dog not being a sandwich. i'm glad the judge made the ruling i'm glad the restaurant
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on got the restaurant in the mall. >> steve: let's see if we can get either the judge or the people who own the restaurant. >> carley: yes. >> steve: on the show to talk about because it's not a sandwich. >> brian: a lot of people focused on the trump trial. we are focused on the sandwich trial. when they zig, we zag. >> lawrence: we want to hear from you, what do you think? email us at >> carley: such a weird rule. >> steve: i can tell you i'm into my 60's, i have never had a burr rift toe for breakfast. >> carley: bean burrito is good. >> brian: why i don't read on camera i can read the tease. a possible defense witness, exclamation point, question mark? cohen's exlegal adviser testifying before congress on lack of credibility admitting cohen didn't know about the payments. this is huge. and, congressman jim jordan was at that hearing. he's next. ainsley was supposed to read that, congressman. but her mouth is full.
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doc? ♪ >> lawrence: so day 18 of former president trump's new york criminal trial is set to begin in about two hours with michael cohen cross-examination and expected to pick back up this morning. eric shawn is live outside the courthouse. hey, eric. >> eric: hey, lawrence. well, a new claim could really blow up this trial. that michael cohen lied about donald trump when he testified here earlier this week. as you know, cohen, former president's fixer and lawyer, testified that it was the former president who was completely responsible for the stormy daniels arrangement. but, that is not what cohen reportedly said to his former adviser, robert costello, lawyer, in 2018. written testimony to the house judiciary subcommittee yesterday. costello said, quote: cohen decided that while he didn't believe the allegation, he thought the story would be embarrassing for trump and
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especially for melania. so he decided he would take care of this himself. when asked if trump had any knowledge of this, cohen told me, no. cohen could be confronted with this when he is back for cross-examination today. trump lawyer todd blanche tried to portray him as being obsessed with trump, out for revenge because he was not offered a top job in the trump administration when his boss moved from trump tower to the white house. blanche said, quote: do you recall saying on the phone that you really missed the boss? you said, boss, i miss you so much. i wish i was down there with you. it's really hard for me not to be there. do you remember that? cohen responded, "i don't recall that." we will see if the defense calls robert costello to the stand. it could be quite a revelation. but, what he says could be considered hearsay so it may not be admissible. but you know the former president certainly will address this when he arrives here at court about an hour and a half from now. a stunning conflict for what michael cohen told the jury here
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on the stand earlier this week. lawrence, back to you. >> lawrence: we will be watching it, thanks, eric. this morning, hear more from bob costello when he joins "america's newsroom" coming up live at 9:30 eastern time. so, costello testified yesterday in front of our next quest house judiciary committee chair jim jordan. and he joins us right now. so, chairman, this is what costello had to say on the capitol yesterday. watch. >> i said, "michael, the way this works is if you have truthful information about donald trump that's clearly what they are looking for, i can have all your legal problems solved by the end of the week." his response: "i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump." >> lawrence: i mean, this was stunning testimony. >> yeah. i don't have anything on donald trump. and at the very moment he would need something like that, his lawyer at the time robert costello said, if you got something, that's truthful, tell me now so we can get you out of
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the legal jeopardy that you are in. and he said "i have nothing." more importantly or as importantly, he took care of this thing himself. he painted himself, as was pointed out earlier. so, again, i think this all underscores just how ridiculous this trial is. never forget what alvin bragg said. alvin bragg said i cannot envision a situation where i would indict president trump and call michael cohen as the prosecution witness. but, alvin bragg did just that. only after, after president trump announced he was running for office. so that was what the whole point of the hearing was yesterday to show how political all these prosecutions are, all these trials are whether it's in miami, whether it's in d.c., whether it's in georgia, or whether it's the one going on in new york. >> lawrence: i guess the big question is, chairman, and there has been some debate about this, you're not a lawyer but you are a friend of the former president. obviously you feel like this testimony breaks and shine as lot of light on what was happening behind the scenes.
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do you think this guy should be called as a witness for this trial in new york? >> oh, i'm sure that president trump's team was -- is thinking about do we call him or not. i think it makes sense to call him. that's up to president trump and his defense team what they decide to do. he was -- i mean he was michael cohen's lawyer. michael cohen accused bob costello of doing something wrong he said it wasn't true. completely not true. he waived the attorney-client privilege. that's how bob costello was able to testify before the committee yesterday. >> lawrence: senator, you sent over a resolution -- i'm sorry, cents over some documents that said listen i need all these documents and audio to be turned over between president biden ann his interview with the special counsel. you sent over a subpoena, i'm sorry. >> right. >> lawrence: they decided not comply with that so you guys are going to hold him in contempt. >> remember what robert hur said. he said joe biden met the elements of the crime.
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he knowingly kept classified information. he knowingly disclosed classified information. robert hur pointed out the reasons he did so. he said on page 231 of the report joe biden had a number of reasons to -- motivations for ignoring classified procedures because he was writing a book. a book for which he got paid $8 million in an advance. so he had an $8 million motive. he met the elements of the crime. but special counsel hur concluded we're not going to charge him because he is a forgetful, elderly gentleman. okay. fine. but let us see all the evidence. and that includes the audiotape where you can hear voice inflections, pauses, all kinds of things that you don't just get from a transcript. and finally, i would add this. the transcript -- we already know the white house is willing to change the transcript from what was actually being said because a few weeks ago joe biden was giving a speech, reading from the teleprompter and he says the word pause. in his comments. but when the transcript was made public, the word pause wasn't in
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there they had taken it out. we want the audiotape. >> lawrence: i'm with you. i want to hear it. i think the american public needs to hear this information as well. but the doj is not going to prosecute themself. so what benefit do we have with the contempt? >> it's on merrick garland's record. we're going to vote it out of committee today. the contempt resolution. we will see if speaker johnson and if and when they want to put it on the floor and vote it out of the house. but that's on his record. we think it should be a sign to the appropriate u.s. attorney. >> and we should get that information in the end. but we'll have to see how that all shakes out. >> lawrence: i wish some of the rules could change. i mean you guys have capitol police under your jurisdiction. you should all be able to haul them out some way. there has to be a balance of power here. when the department of justice is under contempt, there has to be some enforcement there. so i would like to see that. >> the power is supposed to be the power of the purse. we're supposed to use them. that's what the founders wanted.
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the legislative body controls. the money particularly the house we are all taxing and spending legislation has to originate. we are supposed to use that power to get these agencies to actually serve the american people. >> lawrence: congressman, thanks so much. >> you bet. >> lawrence: fox news alert. putin is in china right now looking for supporting ukraine as china vows to resolute measures after biden's tariffs. the threat to america, that's next. ♪
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that is my main concern. obviously we have had flooding across the ohio river. across the plain states, here in the mid-atlantic and the northeast. but today and the next couple of days this is going to be bulls. flood warnings, flood watches for all of these big cities. and rain still to come here on top of close to a foot of rain that they have will received in the lufkin, texas area. we could see 3 to 5, 5 to 8 inches. that's going to be a big deal. river flooding the next few days. all of these flooding into major cities like the houston area, south texas, louisiana, new orleans, so this is going to be our biggest concern right now. also a severe risk as well. fox >> brian: all right. janice, thank you so much. let's talk international. vladimir putin is in china right now looking to secure more support for his war in ukraine and standing by his powerful political ally, president xi. he is set to take part in a gala
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marking 75 years since the soviet union recognized the people's republic of china as the communist giant vows resolute measures in response to joe biden's proposed tariff hikes. here to react heritage senior fellow for china strategy michael pillsbury. first off, michael, this is not unusual for them to show a sign sign of support. what is vladimir putin going to ask from china? >> several things, brian. this long interview he gave in writing. calling the ukrainian political system nazis. he wants china to support his propaganda. that their real goal in ukraine what the russians want to do is stamp out nat naziism. that's false but he got it. the second thing is chinese support of a quasi military nature. china has indicated to the biden administration they just -- they are going to help russia a little bit but not a lot that's
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false. this two-day stopover by putin is he going to submit serious military support for his role in ukraine and the cover, the third thing is he trying to do he is saying i'm open to negotiations. this is putin's statement when he got to beijing. but they are really not. the negotiating terms are ukraine give up complete sovereignty. this would never happen under trump. >> this is a big blunder by the biden people to drive russia and china together. this is one of trump's goals never to allow this to happen. >> brian: there is information that china is helping russia's military far more than we even thought. keeping the russian economy from feeling the sanctions. number one buying their oil, providing due dual use weapons. you say the heritage foundation came up with 80 separate things that joe biden could be doing to stop china from doing this or limit their effectiveness here. number one, china needs the
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european market. they need the american market. if europe speaks in one voice and they legitimately concerned about russian aggression. and we do the same thing, they know -- they cannot pay an economic price for vladimir putin's adventurism. that might be some leverage that could curtail this relationship. are we doing any of that? is europe? >> no, not really. the heritage report i'm referring to is called winning the next cold war. none of the items in there -- many of which have support in congress, have been implemented by the biden administration. doing little things like the tariffs on electric vehicles, that's a very tiny portion of chinese exports to the u.s. basically we are seeing what trump was trying to do with china when he called himself hif tariff man to get leverage over china to help us in various ways. that's not helping with biden. to push together two nuclear powers, russia and china, it's really a blunder of the highest order. 75 years of russia-china
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relations of putin celebrating, brian, they have mainly been conflict. the russians had a million army troops build-up on the chinese border for a while. so to see them come together like this, to me, is just shocking. one of the biggest blunders we will see in my lifetime, i think. >> brian: you got to gradually work to split them apart because they really have different interests, different focus, and they certainly, china has certainly got a better economy. who needs the european and the western markets. michael, it doesn't look like anything is going to change unless there is a new person in the white house. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. >> brian: all right, meanwhile, president biden struggling in swing states, so the campaign is sending vice president harris to wisconsin again. harris faulkner is here on the biden's team strategy. and county vp be effective? finally ♪ city lights ♪ everybody's dancing in the moonlight ♪ nowhere to go
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>> ainsley: today our vice president kamala harris pushing opportunity tour in milwaukee. fourth visit to the badger state as polls show biden struggling
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in key battleground states with the economy as their main issue. >> lawrence: segregate crushed. the faulkner focus anchor harris faulkner joins us now. >> harris: good morning. >> lawrence: harris, you have been touring the country it looks like when it comes to minorities right now. biden is getting hit hard. it's counsel to 72% right now. it was at 79% amongst black voters in 2020. is it a real problem for biden? >> i would think that it would be even lower than that at this point. is he acting like it is. he has got this big speech coming up at morehouse historically black college and universities. hbcu. i heard democrats say he might have wanted to scoop that off his schedule four or five months ago. this is a problem. is he going to go into a hbcu area. the only one having any protests. those kids have gone off campus to join other protests from morehouse. and that's a big deal because
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this is a wave against him now jewish hate anti-israel wave against him. so it will be interesting to see how he handles that, mostly all black. >> lawrence: men. >> harris: all black men. what's that going to be like? it is an age thing with him. it is who people trust. you know, you guys travel a lot, too. so when you talk with people, family members for us, lawrence, down in texas. because we both have family there. the issue is he doesn't get the economy. and while the color there is not brown or black. it's green is you wouldn't tell that by joe biden. what he is trying to do is shore up the black vote by cherry picking areas is he going to go. he is sending kamala harris today. vice president to wisconsin. which had 47,000 people vote in uninstructed columns. each state has its own way of saying it. he is having some real issues
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right now. blacks are among those people. you know, we were in america. but that's not his biggest problem right now. i don't think he cares that much about the black vote if he were nots losing other votes like the youth vote so on and so forth. you hit everybody if you fix the prices. i don't think he can do that. who can? you can't. this is an open economy. you can't fix the prices. what you can do ask acknowledge people's pain. can you say i'm not going to do anything else to hurt you because i know my policies haven't helped yet. he could even say yet if he wanted to. i mean, i don't really think that's the case. i think his policies don't work for this kind of economy he has created with inflation that's ticked down 1.3 to 3.4 yesterday. we are so far away from 2%. he inherited in his mind some kind of disney fantasy that it was 9% when he took office. it was 1.4 out of a pandemic that he declared over the first year of business presidency.
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-- his hits peop. men we know that after the pandemic, black men, there were fewer of them in the economy, period, with jobs. so there was a putback. they have put back a lot of those jobs. whenever you hear this president say he is creating jobs. no, if you look at the numbers, it's about the 11 million that we lost when people were locked out of jobs and businesses were crushed under the weight of a pandemic. he takes credit for everything except for what he has broken. he will not take the blame, the accountability for that that turns a host of people off he has to figure out the economy just like your beautiful tie. >> ainsley: his favorite color. harris, you traveled to vietnam. on fox nation vietnam, footsteps of my father. >> tell us about your trip. >> so my goal was to go and
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understand. >> ainsley: how handsome he was. >> harris: thank you. martha mccallum yesterday said your dad is good looking. >> harris: she saw a promo. my goal was to make that 22 to 24-hour trip and land on the other side of the world and understand what my dad and others fought for to keep a communist march that was on the move because it is a country that borders china. they have a check point up there they were getting help. much like russia and china are fueling things around the world that they want to be a part of. so that continues today. but, they were trying to walk out democracy for south vietnam, which didn't want to become communist. and i wanted to understand that. because it impacted our entire family. so, one of the places i went to was along the saigon river where he had a really close call. vietnam footsteps of my father,
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this is on fox nation. >> lawrence: i think we have a clip. >> harris: 8:00 this morning. right now, let's watch. >> your dad would have flown nonstop moving around to check on his units throughout there. i found a website of his old unit. >> harris: you found a website of my dad's old unit. >> company commands post. >> harris: his name was there he was demand commanding the unit. i didn't know he had made major. >> while in vietnam. >> lawrence: footsteps of my father now on fox nation and also watch harris on the faulkner focus 11:00 towed. outnumbered at noon. just had a 10 year anniversary. >> harris: thank you. >> ainsley: famous photo of the helicopter rescuing people. you were hiking up mountains, riding down the saigon river learning about your dad. we hear your dad's voice in this. y'all have to watch it. >> harris: thank you, ainsley. thanks, lawrence. good to see you.thin >> ainsley: more "fox & friends"
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coming up. ♪subw
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he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!


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