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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 16, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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election as we head into november. >> neil: super quickly, my friend, we crossed 40,000 for a while, look like we might end there, didn't, all averages close down a teeny bit. but we got there. what do you make of that? >> interest rates on the 10-year went from 4.7 down to 4.4. i can tell you short turn probably pull back but i think we are in pretty decent stead right now and hopefully the economy stays in good stead. if we lose the job market, you'll be hearing from me, neil, but so far, so good appeared >> neil: so far, so good. gary, always good talking to you. again, we fact-check this, this is the nerdy thing, we are really obsessed with, get the numbers right. the numbers don't lie. you have some good news you can report, but you cannot make up stuff as if it is fact. it is not. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone.
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i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, marie hart, jesse watters, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> i think it was a very interesting day, it was a fascinating day. and it shows what a scam this whole thing is. >> dana: donald trump sounding off after another breathtaking day in court. michael cohen cornered into a potential ally in the most dramatic moment of the hush money trial so far. the jury and the media left in total shock as they heard a key piece of cross-examination. from his lawyer accusing cohen of lying about a crucial phone call that is supposed to directly link donald trump to the stormy payment. blanche drawing the courts attention to text messages between michael cohen and keith schiller, donald trump's former bodyguard. and on october 24th, 2016, cohen text schiller about harassing phone calls he was getting from an alleged 14-year-old prankster
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to which schiller responded, call me. that phone call lasting just 96 seconds. cohen then sends schiller the number of the prankster. on tuesday this week, blanche until the prosecution that purpose of the call was to inform trump of how he planned to make the hush money payment to stormy daniels. todd blanche bluntly telling cohen that was a lie, you did not talk to president trump. cohen responded, i'm not certain that's accurate. so was the call about a 14-year-old prankster, or was it about a pay off? the media is struggling to spin it. >> it was like a crescendo because the drama of the moment was so clear to everybody in the room. >> do you have doubts that that conversation happened the way michael cohen testified on his direct examination? >> absolutely. i think it is devastating for michael cohen's credibility on this, this one particular topic. >> if there is a reasonable doubt it might have very well been raised tuesday and today with mr. cohen. >> it really appears like a
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peperry mason "got you" moment. >> michael cohen could have been lying, could have been forgetting, could have been forgetting about being right, being wrong. >> even though itself at this point i don't think it raises "reasonable doubt," however, you have to remember there is going to be redirect. >> dana: okay, judge jeanine, seems pretty significant if everyone from the other networks are saying the same thing. >> judge jeanine: it is very significant. my source in the courtroom said the jurors actually come up to this point, have been very kind of nonchalant about everything, they actually looked at each other. it was a huge moment. the reason it is huge is because michael cohen is the linchpin of this case. he has to be believed. in virtually everything he says, in order for there to be a conviction. don't get me wrong, there is a conviction, it will be reversed, there is so much reversible error here. but it is a call log that is
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very clear, that a call was made from michael cohen to keith schiller. now apparently they didn't have the information that the defense has or they didn't give it to michael cohen, where there were text messages. michael cohen is complaining to donald trump's bodyguard, saying, i am getting harassed by this 14-year-old kid. and social are says to him, call me, at exactly that time. so cohen calls schiller appeared as a result of that conversation, which is a minute and 36 seconds, then schiller says, text me the number. that minute and 36 seconds, cohen has already testified was when he told donald trump that the stormy daniels deal was done. it clearly is not about that because you can't change a call log and the text messages that interlace that are very clear they are talking about this 14-year-old. and also, you would have to
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believe that they talked about the 14-year-old. this is what they're going to try to do in redirect on monday. they talked about the 14-year-old and then cohen said, i need to speak to the boss, and schiller says, well, let me see if the boss is there, or is the boss here? there is not enough time, dana. and they blew it today. the absolutely blew it today. it was a key moment, and remember that up to this point, no one has put donald trump's fingerprint anywhere near the ledger of a company and the internal operations of bookkeeping, in addition to the fact that this guy is just a liar. he shouldn't even be sworn under oath. >> dana: watching that opening, marie, do you feel like the jury is being given some reasonable doubt to play with? >> marie: probably appeared and, you know, the people we display are not supporters of donald trump, right, so i think this clearly was not a great day for the prosecution. there is still some of the trial to come. there is a lot of evidence that we know, both legal and political, that donald trump knew there was going to be a
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payoff to stormy daniels, because of an affair. the question was whether it was to help with the campaign or n not. and so i think politically the question remains not a legal one of whether he will be convicted or not, but whether this will in the public signed remind people of all of the sort of salacious, nasty, chaotic details associated with trump. legally it does -- judge may know more about what is going to happen here, decide whether or not he will testify. >> dana: it feels like the star witness is imploding. to be when i heard in the courtroom, that big moment jeanine described, george conway goes, oh, my god, and put his hands to his face, and the jury reacted the same way. so they played podcasts at the beginning, and cohen was all like this. got to arrest this guy, i need my revenge, and he had this high-pitched, giddy, hysterical voice, and people in the court say the jurors were embarrassed
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for michael cohen, and michael cohen was embarrassed for himself because he sounded like a whack job. and then come at that point, donald trump was paying very close attention -- obviously because they were playing podcasts -- and then for almost the entire day, the defense counsel was just saying lie, lie, lie come over and over, catching him in lie after lie, even lying about wanting a pardon and then he was caught in another lie, actually i did ask for a pardon. his voice was breaking, cohen, he was shifting in his seat like this, looked extremely uncomfortable, and then was gotten out that he was deleting texts with his wife, and he had recorded over 100 phone calls with reporters and other people, total scam artist. and i guess, from what i am hearing, they just have to prove this. correct me if i'm wrong, judge. did not go to law school. this payment was a campaign finance violation, and
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trump had to know it was a campaign finance violation, and that donald trump willfully and intentionally conspired to falsify business records to cover it up. i have been paying attention. i haven't seen any proof that they have presented in court that he did that. >> dana: and there also was this little nugget that came out today. rosie o'donnell reportedly sent some encouraging text messages to michael cohen shortly before cohen took a stand on monday morning, rose saying this, breathe, relax, tell the truth, you've got this, i love you, you are doing great. to which cohen responded thank you, and truly, love you. rosie o'donnell. i didn't expect to see her pop up here. >> greg: yeah, i can't think of a more unappealing pair, and i have seen michael moore topless. rosie says breathe, you got this, which is what she says to the toilet before flushing. thank you. and i love this, they became
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friends, cohen reminds her of every guy she went to high school with. >> marie: anyone said the same thing about rosie. so "the new york times" is waxing poetic on this relationship. the story of their friendship involves a prison visit, barbara walters and forgiveness, but what it is really about is the fact they are simply using each other, they are damaged by the evil stepfather. someone is to bring a shrink in with a doll and asked cohen and rosie to point to the area where donald hurt them. you are seeing this induction of strange new false friends, once you turn on trump you get validation from everyone from daniel goldman to rosie o'donnell, but what is more laughable is the tools that cnn and msnbc who want to paint cohen as it's gonna now trying to redefine him as this hero. he is so low because he will take it because he is nothing else. going to cast him aside like michael avenatti once they don't need him anymore.
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as for the 14-year-old prankster, they are saying it is a devastating blow to cohen's credibility. that's like saying eating a cracker is devastating to lizzo's figure. he already had a massive credibility problem. so this is not shocking to me that he was caught lying. this case never should have been brought. it wouldn't have been brought against anybody except it was trump, and truly shameful behavior isn't just the people bringing the case, but it is the journalist cheering it on. again, for the legacy media, it is suicide by cop. they are using the law to end their own careers bid this is another corner turning for a dying media, not going to bother dealing with the facts because we don't like this guy. >> jesse: greg, what kind of guy, excuse me, if they got a prank phone call from a teenager, would get the secret service involved? that says everything you n needo know. >> greg: how old is that
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14-year-old now? >> jesse: i can't do the math. >> judge jeanine: october 24th . >> dana: eight years. >> judge jeanine: there is something i want to add, and that is this: if the text messages intertwine in terms of the call log, why didn't michael cohen have those? why wasn't he prepped on that? did the prosecution no that michael cohen, by going all in and saying this is the minute and 36 seconds that i told donald trump the deed was done, where they suborning perjury? i mean, was this information given out to everyone? that's a very touchy subject. was it exculpatory information? what does this do to the prosecution's case that is even more serious than credibility issues? >> dana: it picks up again on monday. >> judge jeanine: yes, and it's interesting that the defense did not say we have finished our cross-examination. they left it open, which was the smart thing to do. >> dana: and roy
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michael cohen's weekend. >> jesse: let him stew. >> dana: coming up, nancy pelosi seems nervous president biden is going to blow the big debate against donald trump. ♪ ♪ : blue jays, cardinals, orioles... what's missing? the andean condor? no, walnut-brain! pigeons! they'd rather name a team after socks! to be fair, we're not very athletic. - it's apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest
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if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate. we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me.
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i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: tough talking joe biden thinks debating donald trump will be a cakewalk. make my day, powell, he says. but the good, the bad, and the stumbly sure needs a lot of help. biden demanding numerous accommodations like no audiences and the ability to cut mics. is no wonder that nervous nancy pelosi isn't sounding so . >> i myself would never recommend going on the stage with donald trump.
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but the president has decided that's what he wants to do. i think the format he is suggesting is a good one. i think you all should have separate town hall meetings with them, let them challenge them with questions about the future, and let the public make its decision. >> judge jeanine: and now rfk jr. is bowing to crash the party. despite biden demanding that no third parties be allowed in the debate, the american people want three candidates on that stage. 69% think rfk jr. should be included. the candidate says he qualifies for the cnn debate, and chuck todd seems to think that it could help out joe biden. >> if you've ever spent a lot of time watching robert kennedy jr. speak, i think if you are joe biden, you are going to want him on the debate stage. i think there will be a point in the fall that they will actually see that as an asset. i am sort of in the minority on this, i think -- >> he has a vocal issue. it's an ailment. >> i think it will weirdly help
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biden look less, you know, any of his issues come across less because i think -- i don't think a lot of people realize this about robert f. kennedy jr. it will be interesting. >> judge jeanine: okay, marie. let's face it. he has vocal issues. it's an ailment. it helps our joe not look so bad. that wasn't very kind. what do you think? should he be on the stage? >> marie: well, there are rules about what you have to get in polls, and if he meets them that cnn has put forward -- go >> judge jeanine: he has. >> marie: if he meets them then he will be on the debate stage. i think the reason the biden people are excited about this is this is an opportunity for the american people -- i think they believe many people have amnesia about the trump years and if they are reminded of what it's like to have him up there, that will be helpful to the capitol. but i will say i think there is more risk for this in this for joe biden then donald trump. because i think it is really hard to get donald trump to talk about substance. joe biden wants to talk about
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how much money he has gotten for certain places because of infrastructure spending. he wants to talk about the jobs he has brought back and the record stock market prices. donald trump wants a slugfest, and he is actually really good at it. we saw him do it to a bunch of republican candidates in the 2016 primary. so if i was advising the biden team, which i'm not, they need to prepare not for a traditional debate, where it's like let's go back and forth on intricate policy issues, but to get down in the mud with trump because that's what he is going to do, and if they are not ready for it, i think that the biden campaign will be greatly hurt by it. >> judge jeanine: you know, it's interesting, dana, that marie says joe will be talking about the facts, and donald trump will just be up there slugging, when the american people say that they were better off under donald trump man joe biden, and his joe biden in a position to explain what he has done? because he said when he came in
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it was 9% inflation when we know it was 1.4. >> dana: there so much here. i'm fascinated the media and the democrats are basically saying donald trump is too dishonest to debate and they are listening to that. but have a listen to what biden has said lately? biden continues to say that inflation was 9% when he came in. that is not true. he has been fact-checked by all sorts of people, even the actual liberal media. that's not true. when biden does it it is an innocent mistake but he does it over and over again so does he not know where is he doing it on purpose? so president trump will have to prepare for that. the other thing president biden has done lately when he campaigns, what he really likes to do is talk about january 6th and maga minions and to diminish all of those people that show up at a trump rally, like in wildwood, new jersey. and that is why some of these states, like virginia, minnesota, new jersey, are in single digits. states that president biden won by like 22 points. so there is all of that. i also am curious that ron klain is the guy that trained biden ahead of these debates. he was in charge of several of the things you guys might remember, remember he said
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inflation is a high-class problem. he came up with the putin price hike, the actually everything is awesome message, total cave into the left and the squad. how about he retweeted people who compared the withdrawal of afghanistan to schindler's list. he compared biden's spending bills to fdr, so i think nancy pelosi, who is, love her or hate her, she is one of the brightest political minds and strategists that the democrats have ever had, so she sees danger for president biden in going to that. that said, i think it is good for the american people to have the two men who want to lead this country -- maybe three -- on the stage, to talk to each other and talk to america about what the vision is that they want for the next four years. the american people deserve that so i am happy that is happening but we should all understand what the stakes are. >> judge jeanine: you know, given the nancy pelosi, jesse, is a very smart political operative, do you think they will come up with some reason to not have joe do this? >> jesse: they will do the
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first one. they might knock out the second one in september. but if i were joe biden, he could've probably got away with saying listen, i'm the president of the united states, the other guy is an insurrectionist come he is a convicted felon, i shouldn't even be debating him. i've already debated him but you know what, i'll do one. i'll do one in september just to show the american people what a disgrace this guy is, and that's it. and he probably could have gotten away with it. but he couldn't because he needed to do a summer debate because he is down so badly. and he doesn't have his base. trump has his base. if i were trump i would say i will do these debates but i need a drug test. i demand the president pee in a cup because you know they are going to give him something. things are not getting better for the biden campaign. there is a june 3rd hunter biden trial that starts on guns, and then there is a june 20th trial that starts on taxes. and his lawyer doesn't have enough money to put on a good case because the sugar brother
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does not have any more sugar for hunter. joe biden just released his latest financials. he must be paying for some of hunter's lawyers, or maybe his own lawyers. and then this ukraine situation is not getting any better. if you have seen russia is now advancing all across the lines. there is not enough men to throw at this war machine. you think prices are going down in the summer? you have air conditioning, you have gasoline, things are already up 20% to 50%, they are not going down. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg, wrap it up. >> greg: i'm still trying to figure out what chuck todd meant. is he saying rfk would help joe biden because he has a vocal problem? no, it's the opposite. rfk may sound like katharine hepburn, but he makes way more sense than joe biden. that would only hurt joe biden. this guy has a vocal problem but i understand him way more than i understand dr. demento over there.
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this whole thing is kind of an insult to the anchors that biden chose cnn. he didn't choose those guys because he thought they would be fair, he chose them because he assumed they wouldn't be fair, it's like a baseball team choosing its own fans to be the umpires. that's what happened. and when somebody on the left says they like the format, that's a clue, don't like the format. but this is a perfect example -- this is a corrupt enterprise. having cnn do this, all you've got to do is look at how they did the fact-checking, right. daniel day appeared he fact-checked every single trump word. he boasted about it, they wrote stories about him, put him on a pedestal, and then once trump became president, the guy just slipped into the cubby hole at cnn and you didn't see him again. what does that tell you? the dems not worry about this debate because the hosts have got you covered and then i go back to the trial. you have the media lauding biden
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for marking trump, i hear you are free on wednesdays, that's like tom brady bragging about deflating the footballs while he is deflating them. they are bragging about subverting an election to your face. again, it's great to have power because you can subvert the power of the voters and it means that there is more going on behind the scenes than we know about. >> jesse: those footballs were already deflated, by the way. >> greg: suspended. >> jesse: doesn't mean he was guilty. >> greg: all right. >> judge jeanine: okay. coming up, the grease might be clogging his brain. gavin newsom thinks america should copy his model for homelessness. ♪ ♪ sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot!
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when can i drive? you already are! the dodge hornet r/t... the totally torqued-out crossover.
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>> at university of maryland global campus, getting a bachelor's degree doesn't have to mean starting from scratch. here you can earn up to 90 undergraduate credits for relevant experience. what will your next success be? ♪ ♪ >> jesse: lord help us if gavin newsom gets his way, and god forbid ever becomes president, you can expect a
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rampant homeless crack dens of california to set up dense in your neighborhood. governor newsom is calling callie the national model for solving homelessness. >> if there's any good news and i will close on this officially, the state of california has seen a decline in veterans homelessness. we have a national model. what proposition one did is it reinforced that model and provided more resources to advance that model and we are very excited to get those dollars to work. >> jesse: the greasy one getting mocked like crazy over that boast, with many pointing out how california is 12% of the overall u.s. population but has 28% of the homeless in america. greg, that's like joe biden saying he is the model for border security. >> greg: or the model for walking. the money spent on homelessness is out of sight, unlike the homeless. because the more money you spend on it, the more homeless there are. how does that happen?
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if a transient pass it on your street they are going to send two or 31st responders there, two or three vehicles come across thousands of dollars, that after go to the hospital and they sit in a gurney for hours and have to go in and be treated by thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars, we pay for it. gavin is committing the same economic crime the left does with debit cards for the homeless, and what republicans do with war. they will say oh, the money is going back into the economy. the illegals use the debit card at local businesses, and we make the missiles here so that creates thousands of jobs. but you don't factor in the opportunity costs that go with that. for example, if your window gets broken, gavin will say, that helps the economy because someone will make a new window, and someone will install a window. but that money could have been spent by you on clothes for your children, gas for your car, food for your family, savings for education. now multiply that by millions and that is what is happening with this bureaucracy for
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homelessness which is not working. lives and family lives, their money is now being appropriated by these bloated bureaucracy. where is this money going? there is an interesting place called sun brick ranch. i would encourage you to look at this interview with dr. ben carson. an organization in california trying to create an alternative to people living on the street and i mentioned in a long time ago but it is a very interesting project and it is getting investment. >> jesse: that's good. they need it because it is not just millions, it is billions. they lost $24 billion and no one knows where it went. >> dana: that happened in california and in new york under de blasio. paid his wife a billion dollars and when they left the administration they said we can't find $850 million of that money. no idea where it went. there is a lot of fraud and california got a ton of covid money and the american rescue plan. they didn't blow it. i mean, they didn't invest it
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well enough to deal with this because what did he have to do? remember when president xi came to california and all of a sudden gavin newsom claims up the homeless problem but said it is a problem everywhere else. the president of china leaves at all some homeless comeback. i don't think it is a model. if there is improvements on a specific area, like veterans homelessness, that's great. if it's working, let's share it around and make sure that is taken care of. but overall, it's not. >> jesse: when gavin newsom does go national, marie, how big of a drag is the homeless scandal going to be on him? >> marie: well, i hope he does go national peer i think he is a very good national politician for democrats. look, this new bill they passed in california is trying to put money towards things that prevent homelessness, things like better mental health resources. substance abuse programming. the goal is to get people into programs that prevent them actually from becoming homeless because once they are there, it is really hard to figure out what to deal with them. i hear a lot of criticism from
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republicans about how these programs don't work, but i don't hear a lot of answers about where we should put these people. >> greg: you should listen to me. i say every day. >> marie: you said one thing about one ranch at the end of a very long rant. >> greg: should watch the show, we talk about this a lot. >> marie: i do watch the show. >> greg: i don't like the idea -- this is the same old platitude, republicans don't care, but we do. >> marie: what the answer, then? one ranch. >> greg: no, you do alternative housing in a separate area. you cannot mix the homeless in with people who are running businesses. it is that simple. use simple laws that we all follow. you cannot live on the street. you cannot have tents. how simple -- our heart is that for you to understand? >> marie: if it were that simple, greg -- >> greg: don't enforce it. >> marie: there is affordable housing -- >> greg: don't say affordable housing, that doesn't work. no, because there are people coming to california. these are not californians. why is that? >> marie: a lot of them are and there is an affordable
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housing crisis in this country. >> dana: >> greg: nothing to do homelessness. >> marie: inflation in northern california because of the tech companies and they have driven, there are a lot -- >> greg: they are not homeless because of unaffordable homes. >> you are wrong. >> jesse: a lot of these people when they are asked and given a home, they don't want to go into the home, they t to be on the streets. >> dana: of course they want to be on the streets, they want to be homeless, that is the style of life that they choose. i'm not a psychologist but let me just make my point. you say that they are putting money in all kinds of things to prevent homelessness, that's a quote, i rode it down. greasy gavin, let me tell you what he is doing and why he increased homelessness by 60% in 2023. he wasted billions of dollars because he put money into making sure that they want the homeless, who are alcoholics, are in a constant state of alcoholism, so that they don't infringe on any of the emts, and so nobody has to do anything
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for the homeless. he is feeding them in the middle of their addiction. he is wasting billions of our dollars. and that is just part of the problem. they are also missing $24 billion. no one knows where it went. so now what is his answer? that homelessness is up? he has lost money, keeping alcoholic homeless people, continuing in a state of alcoholism. i now want to boost investments in housing, substance abuse programs, and booze. he is putting money into contracts to get booze for the homeless, housing for his buddies, and more money for investments. this is a scam that they have been doing for years! and he is not solving it. they just think we are deaf, dumb, and blind, but even if we could see, they would tell us we can't see because of our lying eyes. this guy five years ago had no homeless strategy, and he has been in office since 2003 as mayor of san francisco. no homeless strategy. he comes up with something after
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16 years and he says now i am a leader in homelessness, he is delusional. >> jesse: all right, glad we settled that. up next, democrats are caving to the sharia sorority, and it could get the dnc canceled. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: cowering to the mob comes with consequences as a campus caliphate tries to regroup, the dems are worried that the keffieyh will cause mayhem at the dnc in chicago this summer. dean phillips, i didn't know he was a dean, all outright calling for the thing to be canceled. >> in chicago, democratic convention, you think you can look a little like that? >> i think it can and frankly in the best interest of the democratic party forgo the convention this year and focus
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on campaigning because i don't see any way it can be to the mission of winning the next election. >> greg: the dilemma for the dnc, folks fear chicago mayor brandon johnson will defend the protesters. in a recent interview, johnson stopped short of committing to remove encampments if they appear in the run-up to the election. jesse, this feels like fun! don't you love mayor johnson? >> jesse: i love mayor johnson. i said a bunch of nasty things about him all last year. completely changed my mind. power to the people, they have a right to protest, should not be pushed to the side, the people have a right to be heard and that is the kind of leadership i think chicago needs. >> greg: wow. >> jesse: that was a fake opinion but the democrats are worried about mr. johnson because he is going to be a big problem. you need the convention for two reasons, greg: sex and money. everyone goes to these conventions, once every four years, a bunch of democrats, they get all, it's just like all
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beautiful, lascivious, and they exchange ideas and spit. and you cannot take that away from people. they call it the democrat party. it is a party. someone is going to have to get excited about joe biden. this is the time. don't take that away from them and don't take out all of the beautiful, expensive contract that chicago gets from this convention. >> greg: that's right. judge, you've got to have the convention of the protesters win. >> judge jeanine: you know what, pritzker has certainly paid his dues. it is time for them to go to illinois. look, here's the thing. i think it's very interesting, dean phillips, he says we should forgo the convention, i may be forgo it in chicago, but foregoing the convention, i don't know that makes any sense. i agree with jesse, i think it is very important for people to be able to party, but the sad part about brandon is that he will clearly bow to those people who are protesting. who knows what the protest is going to be about in august, the end of august, right? so they are assuming it is going
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to be a wild and crazy place. the problem is that chicago, the residents of chicago, can't stand brandon johnson. they revolted. they didn't want sanctuary cities. he used a parliamentary maneuver to squelch a referendum to allow chicago voters to weigh in on that. so he doesn't much care for his own citizens. he is into any kind of radical revolution. so bring it on. >> greg: marie, it is interesting how at these conventions or any kind of democrat thing, there is always protesters. doesn't really happen when republicans have conventions. is it because you guys always cave, just like you did in the homeless situation? >> marie: thank you for bringing that back up, greg, i appreciate that. the kata convention, the last one i remember was 2016 when it was inside the republican convention hall and people didn't want -- i think conventis don't matter that much. especially if you decide we're going to have a debate in june
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between these two men, the convention is not for another few months, so i think the convention will be fine. there will probably be some protest and we should all remember that the reason they are protesting is because joe biden has been so supportive of israel. and that is something he wants to run on. they announced a new one billion-dollar arms package this week. so if there are parts of this country that are on the left, far, far left, that want to protest, like joe biden, they are protesting him for something he wants to brag about. right from his support for israel. >> dana: on monday, he doesn't want to brag about it. on wednesday, he does want to brag about it. not very consistent. >> marie: he has been so consistent since october 7th. one time he held back a few bombs because the israelis were about to massacre a bunch -- >> greg: a question for you, dana: who is your favorite brandon? mayor brandon johnson or brandon walsh from "beverly hills 90 90210"? >> dana: i'm trying to think, there is a guy -- okay, nine
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90210 guy. a couple of things here. i think republicans risk lowering the bar so much for democrats that if they do have a convention, like wow, this is so great for biden, he didn't have protesters. and also, on the one hand i think the comparisons to 1968 are very overwrought. at the time, martin luther king jr. was assassinated. rfk was assassinated. vietnam was full on. and that was the debate. this is a different situation in that you do have people who feel strongly about support for israel, but the democrats can't figure out a way to deal with that problem, can't heal campus crazies, that is a concern. one issue is that you have a lot of money going into funding these protests. where is the money coming from? and also you have social media that is figuring that out. for both conventions, just remember it is not local police that handle security, it is the u.s. secret service, so i think every thing is going to be fine here it's peter all right,
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good job there, dana. >> dana: thank you pete >> greg: coming up a raging bull goes after a tourist. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪
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>> marie: welcome back. it's time for "the fastest." first up, don't be a fool and never mess with a raging bull. shocking video shows a woman on the mexican beach refusing to get away from the beast and paying the price. >> try to kill you! >> marie: despite that brutal attack, she quickly gets to her feet and walks away. judge? >> judge jeanine: well, you know when you have a car accident, people always say, oh, i'm fine, and the next day they hurt. 2,000 pounds of an aggressive bowl pushing her down, and look at that. i'm sure she's not fine. but here is the thinking at how dumb do you have to be to feed a bull under an umbrella at the beach. that's ongoing to say. to. >> marie: greg? >> greg: you know, the whole video shows that they were actually out on a date. they started arguing, and then one thing led to another. it's really a shame.
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they should have some privacy to work some things out. >> marie: dana? >> dana: i found it so hard to watch. i agree she was not being smart, and in the video you can hear people saying "we tried to warn you." >> greg: she was dying to get her backpack. >> dana: i don't like to see people get hurt like that. >> greg: i'd watch it a hundred times. >> judge jeanine: so what i. >> g>> marie: jesse? >> jesse: first i thought what is a bull going on a beach in mexico? may be about as a spanish spanish thing. who were the guys that tease the bull? >> judge jeanine: the matadors. >> jesse: maybe it is a matador thing. in the united states if you see a bull on the beach, you leave. maybe mexicans see bulls on beaches and they tried to be matadors. because culturally you kind of run towards the bull. >> greg: only one bull on the beach and that is when you used to do ""watters' world"." >> jesse: 2,000 pounds coming at you.
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>> judge jeanine: aggressive. >> marie: i think you are right that the first one should have been -- >> jesse: yes. second question was legit. legit cultural query by jesse watters. >> judge jeanine: query? >> jesse: you can say queer now. >> marie: all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed.
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." greg? >> greg: tonight on gutfeld jim breuer. kat timpf, tyrus. it's time for greg's barbecue news. do you know what today is? it's national barbecue day. this amazing spread is from morgan's brooklyn barbecue. morgan's brooklyn barbecue. if you are like a tourist, you should check it out on flat bush avenue. i get their stuff delivered to my house often. we got some pork ribs, we got some sweet and spicy wings.
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candy deed bacon. brisk. i love brisket, celebrated every day this year and tradition started by president johnson by hosting the first ever barbecue in presidential headquarters. >> jesse: texan. >> greg: i think i made all of that up. >> dana: i love it though. it can't be every day. >> greg: george washington went to a barbecue that lasted three days. >> dana: oh my gosh, is that when he did not chop down the cherry tree. >> greg: he did. >> dana: fake news. another texan, laura bush does something every year. summer best time to get lost in a book. this is a 2024 summer reading list for kids. we will put it up on the website go to bush to check it out. madeleine bridge to terabithia. and guess how much i love you, america, it's a lot. >> greg: that's such a dana omt.
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>> dana: on on brand. jesse, are you on brand toned tonight? >> jesse: i'm a giving and thoughtful person. >> dana: not on brand. >> jesse: frenchie fire cracker celebrating a birthday today. there is frenchie. for those of you who don't know who it is she sends us all of these amazing questions for fan mail friday. probably 50% of the questions on fan mail come from frenchie so happy birthday. tonight on "jesse watters primetime," anna paulina lewanna, judge jeanine pirro, kayleigh mcenany, and johnny bell saraio. >> greg: anna paulina -- >> jesse: little tongue twist to it but there you are. >> judge jeanine: by the way the food is fabulous. it's time for ♪ ♪ oh, those are my babies okay. that's enough. >> judge jeanine: get your butts in this house. >> judge jeanine: we got to get rid of that audio. anyway, it was a pawsitively tuesday night for sage the dapper poodle as she took home
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the top prize at westminster dog show. she beat out more than 3,000 pups for the title and the win marks the 11th triumph for poodles in the event's history. and those were my babies. red, tin, and stella. they asked them to be in but we didn't have time. >> dana: they should have won. robbed once again. marie? plea plea sky is the limit for one teenage girl from chicago. i love this story after earning doctorate in integrated behavioral health from arizona state at just 17 years old. dorts jean ii college classes at 10. completed most remotely and online. spent teenage years not doing what we did. earning associates, masters and bachelor's degree. ceo of leadership incident substitute supporting stem and the arts. >> dana: did you go girl. congratulations to you. that's it for everyone. have a great night. see you tomorrow


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