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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  May 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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such a singular figure and the leading ambassador for the kingdom of our life times. >> shannon: a bronze statue of the late reverend billy graham was unveiled this morning inside the u.s. capitol. graham preached in person to more than 210 million people worldwide. his personal relationships with the american presidents with it dwight eisenhower to george w. bush earned him the nickname america's pastor. graham died in 2018 at the age of 99. tomorrow on "special report," the u.s. removes cuba from its list of uncooperative countries against terrorism. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, we are always 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 on the west coast. thank you for watching "special report," i'm shannon bream here in washington. "the ingraham angle" is up next. ♪ >> laura: i'm laura ingraham this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. my angle in moments but, first: we have told you that michael
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cohen could not be trusted and this entire sham trial has been built on a foundation of sand politicized sand i might add. and today we were proven right, again. in a bombshell moment during cross-examination, defense attorney todd blanche masterfully and single-handedly destroyed what little shred of credibility michael cohen may have had left. now it started earlier this week when cohen testified about an october 24th, 2016 phone call he had with trump's body guard keith schiller. he said he called schiller to talk directly to trump. and he claims that he needed to talk to the boss after he trferredz -- i mean cohen transferred $130,000 to stormy daniels. well, the entire call lasted 1 1:36 seconds. text messages from minutes before reveal that cohen wanted to talk to shirley about something else entirely.
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prank calls from a 14-year-old. blanche says that cohen texted schiller who can i speak to about harassing calls to my cell and office. shischiller said by calling cohn and texting call me. so cohen called him. that seems like a lot of ground to cover in 90 seconds. advice on a teenager and the details of paying off a porn star? well, jughead knew he was caught. >> michael cohen was cornered in what appeared to be a lie. i think to many in the room and had to adjust suddenly his memory that he had just testified to on tuesday, having just witnessed that piece of cross-examination, do you have doubts that that conversation happened the way michael cohen testified? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> laura: wow. well, cohen tried to clean it up when blanche accused him of lying and saying he didn't speak
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to trump that night, cohen said i'm not certain that's accurate. >> there's a perry mason moment, which this maybe was. how do you come back from it? clearly the prosecution has to figure out a way to go back at this and to make it sound like a completely plausible story about which michael cohen was not lying. >> laura: joining me now, someone who was in the courtroom today, i'm so jealous, martha. i was there on tuesday. you got to be there for this cool moment. of course, host of "the story" which we love and i watch every day. martha, how does the jury believe anything michael cohen says after what transpired today? >> martha: well, as you know better than the rest of us, laura, this was a very methodical process. we saw the initial reference to this call on tuesday. this was michael cohen's way of saying, you know, after the boss told me to take care of this business, pay her off, this was
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my sort of wrap around call just a few weeks before the election to tell him that i had taken care of everything. it was all done, right? as you point out, it was a very short phone call but he laid it out on tuesday then. this morning, when i was in the courtroom, at times it felt very plotting and meandering. it was all about all these different times that michael cohen had lied, set ups situations where he didn't tell his wife about the home equity loan. did you go back and tell her later? no. what did you tell her? oath, taking oath, did you take an oath when you said that? yes, i did. did you take an oath today? yes, i did. the oath that he took the other day in a continuation of the proceedings that we saw today. so he s set it all up of all of these times of inconsistent statements times that you lied. times that you were a perjurer and then he came back around to this phone call and it was beautifully executed. and laid this down and basically said are you lying?
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it's very powerful succinct wrap around, right? and you know that all of this takes very careful execution but this is where he was coming around to. but is he not finished, laura, so there may be more to lay this down. and it's looking increasingly like they, perhaps, won't call any defense witnesses as it is the end of the cross-examination for the prosecution's case and if it continues to go this way, it may be best to leave it right here, laura, for these jurors. >> laura: so to not redirect. don't go back and try to redirect. sometimes as you will see in prosecutors try to rehabilitate their key witness on a redirect. >> yeah. >> laura: and, in this case, if you saw michael cohen's facial expressions as i did and martha did, he was getting -- he was getting nervous on tuesday. when blanche got up there he isa
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methodical lawyer. some of us want this to be quick, 10, 20 questions and mic drop. but he laid the foundation of the purge perjuring past of mil cohen and how it continued through his life. it ends up being incredibly effective even if it's not as quick as some of us like in this crazy culture we live in. >> i was watching the jurors' faces very closely. honestly from long stretches this morning is he losing them. this is too meandering. >> laura: that's i thought. >> martha: i was craving did you lie then, did you lie here. you are a perjurer, correct? he could have been tight on a lot of this. you kind of understand what he was doing. i was worried that he was losing them this morning because there was few, you know, fidgeting, shifting in the seats. a couple people who are very attentive. their attention is good. they're taking a lot of notes. other people who seem to be, you know, wondering why he was going over and over this ground. i think it became pretty clear just before lunch exactly what
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his plan was and the snare that he was laying and whether or not it's effective with the jury, of course, we won't know for several days. but it certainly appeared to sort of hammer that nail pretty well right before lunch break today, laura. >> laura: to watch some of our colleagues on the other networks who were no fans of, excuse me, donald trump, to say the least. they were shocked. so, martha, i'm so glad you were in there today. thank you so much for giving us a bird's eye view of the whole thing. we appreciate it. check out martha's new fox nation specials available now. the final journey of the greatest generation and the secret history of world war ii season 3 is fantastic. check those out. all right. if michael cohen didn't already totally destroy bragg's prosecution, there's one potential witness, martha said there might not be any other witnesses called. but there is one who could deal the final blow, perhaps. former cohen legal adviser
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unofficially bob costello. he testified yesterday on capitol hill that cohen insisted to him on multiple occasions over two hours that he had nothing on donald trump. trump didn't do anything wrong. but that's not all costello brought that information to bragg. >> why wouldn't alvin bragg talk to you? why do you think? >> you would have to ask him that but i talked to eight of his assistant d.a.s. >> what was that like. >> when i testified before the grand jury they did everything in their power not to ask me the questions that would elicit the exculpatory information. >> is this the information you took to the southern district of new york. >> it is. >> they were happy to get it? >> exactly. >> what did they decide? >> they decided they did not use michael cohen for anything. >> laura: wait, so, based on that, it looks like bragg didn't care that cohen had no credibility as long as he would help him bring the case against trump. which is stunning for a
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prosecutor to do. joining us now is bob costello. bob, great to see you. have you been given any indication that you could be a witness in this trial? >> no, that's not what wanted happened obviously they have to wait until the cross-examination of michael cohen is over. they will make a motion to try to get rid of this case. i'm also equally sure that this judge, although he should dismiss the case won't. so then the question is poised for todd blanche to decide who he is going to call as a witness. i would think in light of the testimony i gave yesterday down at the house. that i'm very likely suspect. and i'm ready to go. i'm telling the truth it's an easy story to tell and i'm not concerned at all. >> laura: when i was in the courtroom on tuesday -- >> -- can't be believed.
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>> laura: michael cohen was asked about his various conversations with you. owe at the present time the same patter going that he wasn't being completely forthcoming with you or forthcoming at all with you about trump because he hadn't retained you. you were asking for some exorbitant retainer. he hadn't retained you. he didn't quite like you and he didn't quite trust you. that's what -- i'm paraphrasing. that's basically what he said on tuesday he was trying to protect the president and to that you say? >> i read the transcript of cohen on the way down to washington. and virtually every single thing he said about me was a lie. and, remember, it wasn't just me. i had my law partner who knew michael cohen for 10 years sitting next to me. when we saw him in the regency hotel, this guy was by his own admission suicidal and he kept on saying "i'm looking for my escape route. tell me how i can avoid this."
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because two nights before he said he was on the roof of the regency ready to jump off. i didn't know whether to believe that or not but i looked at my partner who knew him for 10 years and he shook his head yes, he thought that michael cohen was telling the truth that he was suicidal. and during that entire time that we met with him, at his request by the way, he didn't say i was sketchy as he testified. that's just nonsense. he also said that rudy giuliani was on board for that first meeting. and that i was conspiring with rudy giuliani that he was afraid that anything he said to me would go right to rudy giuliani. >> laura: right. >> well, in fact, rudy giuliani didn't represent donald trump for another three or four days. so he wasn't in the picture at all. yet, michael voluntarily just lies and embellishes stories just to make himself look good. that's what he does. >> laura: he was trying to say that you were back channeling to trump. he was saying that you were back channeling through giuliani to trump and that's how this was all going down. i want to recount an exchange
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from the trial today, bob. todd blanche, representing trump, asked -- >> -- sure. >> laura: do you remember telling costello that you had nothing on president trump and could not cooperate? , cohen responded no, sir. blanche then asked: do you just not remember or are you sure that you didn't say it? cohen answered: i do not recall. that's kind of classic, right? i don't recall. pretty important moments in his life, right? >> very curable moment in his life. he was thinking about killing himself. and we made it clear to him that there was a way to solve his problem if he had truthful information about donald trump because that's clearly where the southern district was going. then, i told him if that's the case, i can get you out of your legal problems by the end of the week. and every time i brought it up, he said i swear to god, bob. this is a quote: i swear to
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god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. but i kept on coming back on this to make sure that he knew this was the way out, if he wanted it and if he had truthful information. the bottom line is he didn't have truthful information. he kept on saying during that same meeting he would pound his fist on the table, point his finger at jeff sit tron and myself and he would say guys, i want you to know i will do whatever the f i have to do. i will never spend one day in jail. well, he spent more than one day in jail and he blames donald trump for that. now, i wondered though why he would go out of his way, because he explained the $130,000 transaction was all his idea. he said donald trump had nothing to do with it. i said why would you take this burden on? he said i knew when i spoke to -- i'm sorry, somebody yelled in my ear. i knew when i spoke to stormy daniels' lawyer that she was going to say she had sex with donald trump. he said i didn't believe that
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allegation at all but i knew it would be embarrassing to melania. he said so i decided that i would take care of this. now, why would a guy decide to take care of something like that? during later conversations michael revealed that he was very annoyed at the fact that when trump got elected the entire inner circle went from new york down to washington, d.c. except for one person, our friend michael cohen. they left him behind. it was clear that he was blaming jared and ivanka because he kept on bad-mouthing them although he didn't specifically say it was their fault that i didn't go to washington. but i said to him one time i said, michael, what do you think would have happened if you went to washington? what job were you looking for? believe it or not, he said oh, i think i could have been attorney general of the united states. >> laura: ha ha ha. >> or at least. i swear to god. >> laura: that's funny. >> or at least chief of staff to the president. i mean, i looked at the guy and i thought is he delusional.
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this guy has no sense. >> laura: he was obsessed. >> or lack thereof. >> laura: is he insecure. >> he was obsessed so this was his way -- but doing this payment and taking care of this was his way of getting himself back into the good graces of donald trump because he could then go to trump afterwards and say, boss, that's what he called him, you know, you could have had a big embarrassing problem but i, michael cohen took care of it. that's what he was doing. >> laura: bob, it's so great to see you. thank you so much -- you are like an old new york story teller. you actually tell a story that people can follow -- i don't mean a story but facts you can follow. we really appreciate taking some time tenth. >> it's true. >> laura: i know it is the truth. the nfl says it's all about inclusion, that is, unless, you are christian. my angle explains it, next. ♪
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hello, i'm franklin graham. as we watch the news, it feels like the whole world is filled and engulfed with hate.
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we see it on our college campuses. we see it across the world. where did this come from? you see, hate is coming from the human heart. god made us and he created us, but sin has come into the world, and it's come into each and every heart. and the only one who can fix the heart is god. and god did that by sending his son, jesus christ from heaven to this earth to take our sins. he died in our place on a cross, shed his blood, and was buried, but on the third day he walked right out of that grave. that's right, jesus christ is alive, and my questions is have you ever invited him into your heart?" if you haven't done it, do it right now. just say, god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior, and i pray this in jesus' name. if you prayed that prayer call that number right now that's on the screen. god bless you!
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>> laura: no guts, no glory. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: all right, we hear the word courageous tossed around. a trans teen on tiktok is courageous. a young man who identifies as a woman who sues to join a college sorority, well, that's courageous. but, doing what cultural elites
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celebrate? come on, that's not courageous. because you really risk nothing. at a time though when woke secularists dominate media, corporate america, hollywood, and most universities, being a public witness to your christian faith now that takes courage. because speaking out may actually mean that you lose everything. everything you have worked for. meet harrison butker. >> as you prepare to enter into the workforce it is extremely important that you actually think about the places you are moving to. who is the bishop? what kind of parishes are there? cost of living must not be the only arbiter of your choices for a life without god is not a life at all and the cost of salvation is worth more than any career. >> laura: in miss commencement class to the catholic ben deck teen college the kick irlaid it all on the line. >> never be afraid to profess the one holy catholic apostolic
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church this is the church that jesus christ established through which we receive sanctifiesing grace. >> he is telling us do not be afraid look i'm with you. the gate keepers of our culture want us afraid. the world says we should keep our beliefs to ourselves within they go against the tier ranny any of the diversified, equity and inclusion. we fear speaking truth because unfortunately truth is now in the minority. >> laura: is he right, truth is under attack everywhere we turn. facts that we once took for granted when we were growing up, which the left wants us to believe are somehow now controversial, or even hateful. >> my beautiful wife i see belt would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. all of my success is made
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possible because a girl i met in band class back in middle sc school -- faith become my faith and embrace one of the most important titles of all, homemaker. >> laura: that really rattled all the right cages. they usually like it when men get emotional. why didn't they like that? well, notice what is he not saying there he wasn't saying women should stay at home or women should never be doctors or lawyers or whatever they want to be or own their own businesses. he said one of the most important titles of all, homemaker. well, because home matters you thought he may issued a decree women may never work again though. >> it feels like is such a huge step backwards in our culture. i keep thinking we are so past this like here we are again like
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in the 50's. >> somebody gets up and says that sort of thing to yourself or daughter it's just outrageous. it's completely outrageous. >> i think he has mother issues. i think that's the real issue with the guy. he has big mother issues. so get it a therapist. >> laura: and not just that. the nfl decided to turn on one of its own for being out of the closet as a catholic. a catholic speaking at a catholic college no less. the nfl, which has harbored fair share of rapists, abusers, users and even murderers by the way. the league told us through its chief diversity and inclusion officer that butker spoke in his personal capacity and that his views are not those of the nfl as an organization and that the nfl is steadfast in its commitment to inclusion. inclusion? they are literally signaling out a player for expressing his constitutionally protected views on family, faith, and
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parenthood. how brave of the league. now, given their weak and predictable reaction, how fitting that mr. butker also spoke about the threat to manhood. >> to the gentlemen here today, part of what plagues our society this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. as men we set the tone of the culture and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, and chaos set in. this absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation. >> laura: what could be truer than that? how many pastors have came on the angle over the last six and a half years and said the same thing? and they witness this every day. all of america from the inner city to the suburbs, to rural areas, are worse off when fathers aren't on the scene. fathers who set good examples for their sons and being the type of man that their daughters hope to marry one day. now, it would have been far
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easier, cooler, considered cooler for mr. butker to give the typical grab the world by the lapels, kids, and follow your dreams type of commencement address. we have heard a lot of those. no offense, but they are boring. he would have gotten though the customary applause. maybe pulled a few jokes and gotten laughs and everyone would have gone on to their parties and kind of forever gotten about it. but he decided to use this occasion to say something that mattered. doing what the left pretends to support, speaking his truth. now, it's easy to forget in our social media obsessed materialistic world we all fall into it, including myself, that easy to forget that heaven is really what we as christians should be striving for here on earth. and it is certainly easy to understand why his comments made certain people very uncomfortable. because they believe it's enough to glide through life with glib
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references to equity and inclusion, on a spiritual but not religious. but some of them are among the most intolerant people on the planet. and the powers that be here mean to make an example out of people like harrison butker and riley gaines, dare to challenge their twisted world view where men can be women and mothers and fathers are fungible, and they will try to denigrate you, isolate you, cancel you, and ultimately silence you completely. but be not afraid. and that's the angle. joining me now is clay travis, founder of outkick and raymond arroyo, fox news contributor. clay, let's start with you. the nfl, of course, was quick to condemn butker's comments. they are monitoring a situation happening with one of his teammates chief's wide receiver rashid rice is facing 8 felony
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charges for a hit and run after drag racing in 118 miles per hour causing a multi car crash and weeks later he was accused of assaulting a photog at nightclub. clay, so they are monitoring that but they felt the need to come out and distance themselves from harrison butker's comments. >> he would have been better off being accused of beating up a woman which has happened great deal in the nfl because people in sports media and larger society would have had a lot less of an issue with that he would have been a lot better off getting a dui. he would have been better off as you just pointed out being his teammate dealing with all sorts of criminal charges than actually being a guy who spoke truth and said what needs to be said, i think frequently too young college graduates, which is men aren't doing their best job taking care of society and
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women aren't either. most important we have got to do -- and i have got three kids, is try to instill values and growth in the next generation. and i will say one really positive thing laura while he is getting ripped on left wing angles, do you know what the number one jersey being sold right now on and i would encourage people to goodell luge it and go buy it for both men and women? his kansas city chiefs jersey. and let me tell you, that doesn't happen a lot for a kicker. >> laura: that's pretty cool. everybody out there is voicing their opinion in supporting him and they have sent that jersey to number one on all of the different jersey websites out there. i would encourage people if you support him speaking out do the same. >> all right, raimondo, your reaction to this. i know you have been champing at the bit. >> look, we have to put this in context. and i agree with everything clay
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said. but this was a catholic man, a deeply convicted one, at a catholic institution firstly he set it up as a religious expression. that's what this was. guiding catholic graduates on what awaits him in life. he basically said men are missing from home. i don't see men getting upset about that. but some women are upset because he said and women, also, should be in the home. he said we are both called, men and women, to be moms and dads. that's our greatest calling and greatest vocation. if you want to remake society for the better. do that but in a league where 41 members of butker's team, the chiefs have been arrested multiple times. i hardly think harrison butker's little speech at benedicten college is the moral crisis in the nfl. but today it seems like that, laura. i love how they are saying they are committed to inclusion. committed to inclusion unless you're a roman catholic who
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gives full voice and lives your pate in public then no inclusion for you. >> laura: clay, the gallons in the view are making a comparison today. watch. >> colin kaepernick was standing up for the rights of many and saying in a social justice moment this is a reminder that we are not there yet. whether a this man is doing is not just a devout catholic, this is someone who is practicing something called the traditional latin mass which is divergent from the majority of catholics. it's compared to being, quote like an extremist. >> laura: clay colin kaepernick defied for taking a fee and this guy gets up and speaks his mind, his truth and he might as well have been marching with torches and doing a nazi salute. >> i am glad you played that clip. a lot of people are idiots making this analogy like they did on "the view."
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colin kaepernick made a political stance in uniform at work. if i go in to mcdonald's and i want to get a cheeseburger, i don't want the waiter there taking my order to say meat is murder. i think mcdonald's would probably fire you. and i bet if harrison butker did what colin kaepernick did took a knee during the national anthem but instead of protesting something that woman agreed with, if he said take a knee during the national anthem in uniform at work and said i think, i don't know, gay marriage shouldn't be legal in the united states, she wouldn't say that it was brave of him to do so. in general, i think the nfl should be trying to appeal to everybody, republicans, democrats, independents, remember, michael jordan said back in the day republicans buy sneakers, too. if you are in the sports business in uniform at work, you should just be involved in sports. if you are out of uniform and want to share your political opinions, i think we should encourage more of this. the marketplace of ideas is a good thing.
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>> laura: raymond, close it out real quick. >> what you heard there from "the view." that's religious bigotry. to say this guy is somehow some jihad for attending a latin mass, forgive me traditional held culture up for a long time. people continue to do so and you continue to see the support coming forward for butker. makes perfect common sense when you listen to the whole speech which i encourage people to do. >> laura: finally a commencement address worth watching and listening to. clay and raymond, thank you. the white house makes a big move to stop americans from hearing just how bad biden's memory is florida congressman byron donalds weighs in next. ♪
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>> laura: they promised to be the most transparent administration in history. but now the biden administration is refusing to release the
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audiotapes of his interviews with special counsel robert hur. >> why not just release them, especially with this white house's commitment to trainers? transparency. >> the attorney general made it clear that law enforcement files like these need to be protected and so the president made his determination at the request of the attorney general. >> laura: ha! she just did a michael cohen. joining me now is florida congressman byron donalds who sits on the oversight committee which made the request for the audio. congressman, we already have the transcript of these interviews. so why are they afraid to let us hear joe biden answer the actual questions? >> laura, it's good to be with you. let's be honest. they are afraid to let the audio out. they don't want you to hear joe biden. they want to you to read it and see joe biden in overly choreographed little segments
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with a lot of us up here on capitol hill believe they give him a little bit of that special possession to get his motor running but then it wears off. they don't want us to hear him when is he having to actually answer questions and actually tell the truth to mr. hur, the special prosecutor in this situation. also, when the transcript, there were times when the white house would put down inaudible because it wasn't really clear what the president was saying. we want to be able to hear the audio recordings to then use that to go back to the transcript that was provided by the white house. [mumbling] in a letter to the oversight committee you sit on biden's white house counsel says the absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings laid bear your likely goal to chop them up, distort them and use them for partisan purposes demanding such sensitive and constitutionally protected law enforcement materials because you want to manipulate them for potential political gain is
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inappropriate. congressman, is there not a legitimate right for the public to know what their president sounds like when asked simple questions about classified documents that he had stored in random boxes in his garage? how is that not a legitimate right to know for the public? >> the public does have a right to know. we should be getting that information for the american people. especially considering the fact that joe biden had those documents from when he was vice president from the united states. a united states senator which is a violation of the statute dealing with classified information of information. that's a clear violation. he had no right to those documents. secondarily what is also clear is that had you white house employees go over to the penn biden center months before they miraculously said oh my gosh we might have found documents, too. this is another cover-up in my view by the white house counsel and frankly merrick garland for
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joe biden. that's why we need to get to the bottom of this. joe biden, if he had nothing to hide, if everything was on the up and up, if he simply just forgot about a couple of files, then why not release the audio file so we can actually hear the president go through this piece by piece. >> laura: i think he sounds probably really confused in the answers. that's my estimation of what's going on. it's more he is confused perpetuallily in this recording and i think it would sound probably terrible. otherwise, it would be like yeah, release it. congressman, thank you. now, the biden administration very tight-lipped about an attempt to infiltrate a military base. we have the details though, next. ♪ mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the
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former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. it breaks my heart to know that there are holocaust survivors who suffer to this very day. it's not only the painful memories of lost loved
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ones, but now with pensions of less than $2 per day, they live in some of the poorest conditions imaginable. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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♪ >> laura: a disturbing story that's gotten very little conch by the press. two jordanian nationals tried forcing their way onto the marine corps base at quantico and they were arrested fox national correspondent griff jenkins is here with all the details. griff? >> griff: yeah, laura, good evening. it's shocking this story hasn't gotten more attention. for context quantico is one of the nation's most sensitive bases in the nation, laura. it houses not only the combat development command academy n c.i. a and various intense intel
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agencies. jordanian nationals in a box truck attempted to breach may 3rd. the driver ignored directions to stop at the gate. barriers deployed to halt the truck. the two men were detained and turned over to ice. no weapons were found in the vehicle. the base spokesperson said the men told they were working for amazon subcontractor but amazon has not confirmed that to fox. i asked the ice director about it today. here's what he had to say. >> we currently have them in custody and they are currently going through removal proceedings. >> were they illegally in the country. >> i can tell you they are amenable for removal and they are in proceedings for that. >> griff: some reporting was that one of them had hit the terrorist screening data base. can you shed any light on that. >> yeah. i can't confirm anything like that right now. >> griff: laura when the white house and the pentagon were asked about it today they had nothing to share. nothing to offer about it. and a lot of questions are still
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out there, which is whether they were here illegally in the u.s. and whether they posed a national security risk. dhs and ice have not responded to our inquiries. laura? >> laura: griff, wild. thank you so much. all right, joining me now stephen miller, former senior adviser to president trump. founder of america first legal. stephen, now, this happened as griff said nearly two weeks ago. we are just finding out about it now. why was this kept hidden? >> i'm sure it was kept hidden because it represents a massive failure by this administration to secure our immigration system. no matter what facts ultimately emerge, laura, what we know already is more than alarming enough have you two non-citizen jordanian. amenable to removal. that means they are people with either limited or no status here at all. their fundamental citizenship status is that they are jordanian, not american, who
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managed to drive a truck into a secure facility in quantico. anybody who has worked in d.c., worked around government knows that many of our nation's most important law enforcement training, military training, officer training, counterintelligence operations are run out of quantico. in fact, the president's helicopter hmx, marine one, wear's that based? quantico. so this is an incredibly disturbing, shocking situation. and the fact that the administration cannot release two full weeks later details about when the aliens entered the country and what status, if they fell out of status why ice took no action up until this point in time. all of ever it underscores the we are living total migrant chaos, laura. >> laura: we think about the chinese nationals who are here, tens of thousands of military-aged chinese men, many of them flew into colombia, we
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understand in south america. made their way up from south america to mexico. not sure what they are doing here as well as, you know, tens of thousands from the middle east as well. jordan just one country that we can say because they official -- the officials in the biden administration had to confirm it. and this is like a ticking time bomb here all courtesy of joe biden's open border policies. >> yes, in addition to the free and unrestricted entry of foreign terrorists into the country, in other words, for everyone that is apprehended, you have an unknown number that successfully evaded apprehension entirely. we know a record number of got-aways that entered over the last three years in a massive record number. not even close to previous level. on top of that as you mention you have individuals from adversarial nations like iran entering unprecedented large numbers. many of them are no doubt spies.
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many no doubt committing espionage in the united states. all of this is inflicted by joe biden on to americans. this is joe biden lawyer pay attention, voters. >> on to america. >> laura: pay attention, voters. this is your country, at least it still is. we are hanging on by a thread here. stephen, thank you. why is biden so willing suddenly to debate? our next guest has a theory you are going to want to hear it. vivek ramaswamy, he's next. ♪
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athlete in his prime. these people have lost their minds. joining me now is the former 2024 republican presidential candidate, saw him in court on tuesday. you say this may be a set up, why? >> i believe it is a set up and here's how it is working. why did biden pull this 180 all of a sudden and why did the democrats let him do it? let's put together some facts here. on one hand, cnn is hosting in and they will prop up biden and make him look as good as possible. but also note this is the earliest ever presidential debate and recorded american history, in june. why is that? this is a hail mary attempt for biden as his numbers are tanking, this is their last chance to give him a desperate attempt to succeed and if he doesn't, as i expect will be the case, that gives them enough time to swap out someone else for the nomination. that is what is going on. set him up for the best possible look you can get him, it is not a neutral forum. do the 180 as he is tanking but if he fails, they have enough time to prop up a new puppet. that is what i think is going
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on. >> laura: so biden is his own trial balloon? he has been around for 50 years and they are still auditioning impact that's pretty funny. >> i think it will be an extraordinary way for him to go out in style. i do not think with even that moderator, i would've said pick a left of centre were network and a right of centre network to do it together but you have cnn doing at, they will try their best to make biden look good. i think it will fail miserably. and after that comes the red carpet for whoever substitutes biden after that. >> laura: all trumped needs to do is be cool. because biden is going to throw insults at him. the only thing he can do is try to bait him, bait trump, get him into a mudslinging contest where he loses it. that is what they will try to do. if trump does a reagan and just has the equivalent of there you go again, you will win it by hands down. >> having spent a lot of time with president trump, i think he is a further place than he was khaki has been the president already khaki is more than ready
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for this. the record speaks for itself. are rare opportunity to compare four years of trumped four years of biden. donald trump put them through everything, they put them through this trial and callous others, this will be a least of his concerns, i'm confident he will come out shining. but my concern is that this is in june and it is early. it is part of a broader plot for replacement they have in the works. >> laura: if what they have is gretchen witless and not having gavin newsom then good luck that, that's all i can say. i don't think that will work. it was great to see the other day and come back soon, thank you so much. we have a lot to cover tomorrow night. the trial will continue next week, tomorrow is barron's graduation, happy graduation darren but we will be back on monday and we will be covering it then. remember, it is america now and forever. "jesse watters primetime" is next. >> welcome to "jesse watters primetime". toni


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