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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  May 16, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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[ cheering and applause ] >> trace: good evening i'm trace gallagher up your 11:00 pm
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on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles and this is america's late news fox news and ip are two jordanian nationals tried to breach one of the nation's most sensitive military bases but getting information from the administration is proving very difficult we are getting startling information about the number of chinese nationals crossing the southern border even some who appeared to be well off that's on top of the exclusive numbers fox news is getting about the number of got a ways who got in under the bite administration. we begin with the senior national correspondent kevin corke. he is lie with more on the attempted breach at quantico. >> quantico as you know is one of the nation's most secure and sensitive bases and not only houses the u.s. marines combat development command but also the fbi academy, ncis and various
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defence intelligence agencies. the idea that there was this effort to try to penetrate the campus is certainly noteworthy. here's what we have confirmed so far. two jordanian nationals in a box truck attempted to breach quantico back on the 3rd of may. the driver allegedly ignored directions to stop. the vehicle denial barriers that were deployed to halt the truck, the two men inside were then detained and turned over to ice. no weapons were found in the vehicle. a spokesperson says the man told officers they were working for amazon. amazon subcontract -- subcontractor by the way. the company is not confirmed that. in a statement i said this, deportation officers and removal operation... responded and arrested both individuals without incident. both individuals wrote -- will remain in custody pending removal for seedings. here's the acting ice director
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with our very own greg jenkins. >> we have them in custody and they are currently going through removal proceedings. >> where they illegally in the country? >> i can tell you they are amenable to removal and are proceedings for that. >> reporter: some reporting that -- was at one of them had hit the base. can you shed any light on that? >> i can't confirm anything like that right now. >> trace: not a lot more detail offered at today's press briefing at the white house. they explained this is an ongoing law enforcement matter. it wasn't that long ago that the fbi director christopher raitt warned congressional lawmakers the dangers individuals have been entered -- that dangerous individuals have been entering at the southern border. we have confirmed reporting tonight that yes these individuals were here in this country illegally. it is still not known whether or not they posed a national security risk. >> trace: kevin corke life for
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us in dc. meantime we are seeing an alarming rise in the number of chinese nationals crossing the southern border. it has republican lawmakers sounding the national security alarm. team fox coverage continuing now a record-breaking number of chinese nationals have illegally crossed the border nationwide. take a look at the stats. since october just seven months ago, there has been more than 27,000 encounters of chinese nationals by border patrol. and that's an increase of nearly 8000 percent in fiscal year 2021 which only saw a total of 342 chinese border crossers which increased to nearly 2004 fiscal year 2022 and then jumped above 24,000 in fiscal year 2023. national security concerns over the incredible... >> the government has no idea
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who they are or why they are crossing the border and deliberately trying to avoid a border patrol. something tells me the motive isn't likely to be above board. >> reporter: while house republicans blamed the biden administration failure to secure the border, democrats dismissed the hearing as fear mongering. >> only a tiny fraction -- tiny fractions of border crossings are coming from china. less than 2 percent -- 2.5 percent of border crossings were chinese nationals. >> reporter: today ice addressed enforcement and removal operations and illegal immigrants from our foreign adversary in a press conference. watch this. >> we are working closely with our chinese counterparts to try and move our cooperation on removals along. >> reporter: some officials along with republicans raised concerns about potential espionage risk and smuggling of drugs like fentanyl into the country. cornets a border patrol, of the
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more than 27,000 chinese nationals crossing illegally, 8. >> trace: thank you. the fox news in a commonsense department says when it comes to the biden administration, freedom of information is under lock and key. back in october they put a freedom of information request about the record number of people on the terror watch list being arrested at the southern border. we simply wanted to know the nationalities of those on the watchlist. the request was denied to protect quote the privacy interests of those involved. so the suspected terrorist sneaking into the country for god knows what have the right to keep their nationality confidential. commonsense has a question. why? wise the public being...
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after 911 the national mantra was see something say something and americans consistently said something. under the biden administration, the new punter -- new mantra appears to be shut up less -- let us handle it. the border is wide open. the administration did give us information about known got a ways, those who snuck in without being encountered and the numbers were astronomical. we didn't ask for nationalities because no one knows. they got in and got away. commonsense things may be some of them wish they had been caught. at least their privacy would not -- would now be protected. let's bring in former special -- >> trace: christopher ray said this one month ago. listen and i will get your response. >> i would be hard-pressed to think of a time where so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated all at once. this is by no means a time to
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let up or dial back. >> trace: on one of his major facilities, nobody is commenting about these jordanian nationals trying to crash the gate. what you make of that? >> as a former fbi special agent i attended training at the fbi academy at quantico. it was extremely tight security when i was there back in 2010 and i would hope that it continues to remain such. to have two jordanian's attempt to breach that facility is alarming. that's important to our country to keep that base safe and protected. we cannot be having our critical infrastructures and areas of other interest be penetrated by those who do not know who they are. thank goodness that they were stopped and yes you should be deporting them. they need to be out of our
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country. >> trace: the headline read the following coding here biden administration refuses to reveal terror watchlist -- watchlist nationalities as immigration explodes on his watch. the terror suspects they don't get to say -- stay anonymous just because they crossed into the border now. it's one of those things that as commonsense was noting, it's just ludicrous. >> commonsense would also tell you that this request, you have the right to put in a request which i appreciate that. it wasn't asking for the names of the individuals. it's not like they were saying can i get the first and last name of every person that's come in. i believe that they are not releasing that information because it would be so alarming to americans to know who has entered our country. we don't even know a lot of the people have entered. they won't even release the nationality, it's not a good thing. >> trace: the deputy director
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of ice on the chinese nationals crossing the border, he said the following coding here watch. >> it does raise concerns whenever it is a large increase in numbers, concerned with who these individuals are and what they are doing. we are working closely with the interagency and looking into this not only with the department but also the greater interagency. >> trace: fiscal year 221342 chinese nationals crossed. so far in fiscal 24, 27,583. >> over and over you are seeing this pattern under this administration. erasing astronomical numbers and they are terrifying. the fbi director says it is grave concern. china is our number 1 adversary. they have no interest in coming here to help us. economic espionage. surveillance balloons. data breaches, hacking. and they are not here for a better life necessarily and the individuals that are coming,
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most of them are single. they are not here for the right reasons and they are our number 1 potential threat. we look at violent crime, you can see that. this threat you don't necessarily see with your plane i but it is there and dangerous for our country. >> trace: we're going to continue talking about it right now. thank you. now that texas is cracking down on illegal immigration, california is bearing the brunt of the southern border crisis period >> trace: great to have both of you on. the same numbers to you. i want to put this out again. fiscal year 22 anyone, three under 42 chinese nationals crossed the border. so far 24 so far, 27,583. it's a problem and it's mostly coming in your direction in san diego. >> it is ground zero and his crisis. we've got the number 1 illegal
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crossings happening in san diego county because we are a sanctuary states. the democrats have said come on in, we give out free welfare, free health care for all of these illegal immigrants. we give them plane tickets and get them enrolled in welfare. we've had 1200 chinese nationals according to the county of san diego this morning in the past seven days. 150,000 illegal immigrants as of this week since september 15th released onto san diego streets. last week i held a tour of the border towns. talked to the residence. we are looking at camps of illegal immigrants and all of the backcountry. sensitive environmental habitat. fire risk. racing a system that is complete the overwhelmed and the residents are telling me they are sitting on hold for 45 minutes to get the 911 response. finally who are these people twomak we found passports ripped up in the dirt of people who
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come across and now you can't find out who they are. >> trace: they don't know who they are in dc. i know you love gavin newsom stories. he thinks that california is a national model for the homeless. watch. >> state of california sea the decline in veterans homelessness. we have a national model. >> writes gavin newsom called delusional after touting california national model on fighting homelessness. it is 30 percent of the homeless population in the country is right here. >> not only... we're spending more per capita trying to get them off the street allegedly. in santa monica where i live, $2 million per homeless person they are spending on the land and construction. for... what in the world is going on?
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2 million a person at that rate. a tiny town that is basically broke will have to spend $2 billion. that one little city. they don't have that kind of money. if we expand that to all the homeless in the state, we will all be bankrupt. >> trace: california has $100 billion surplus or had $100 billion about a year ago. now seven -- $74 billion deficit. gavin newsom says here's why. >> what we did anticipate is these rain bombs in december, january, february and march. we couldn't elect our taxes until november 16th. >> trace: it was the rain that kept ups from collecting the taxes. >> it was a rain bomb. has to make it really scary. governor gavin newsom happen to our state budget. these people are addicted to spending. they cannot say no they've also chased other revenue streams because they've destroyed jobs
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and the higher income californians are moving. those could -- those that can afford to escape art leaving the state. that's why we have a budget crisis. >> saying a rain bomb is responsible for the budget deficit is like blaming gravity from any weight. this is a man who sibley cannot accept any responsibility even when he is caught red-handed. it's like the kid who set a dog ate his homework. in this cave the homework is the budget and the dog is... >> trace: thank you both. most college commencement ceremonies across the country are over but the anti- israel protests still underway on university campuses from chicago to california. live with brand-new video on this, good evening. >> reporter: the arrests from the encampment takedowns are continuing at college campuses across the country with uc irvine the latest to clear out
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protesters. some tents moments on the campus last night as police in full riot gear climbed... law enforcement from across the region were called in after reports that protesters had taken over a building. fifty people were arrested after they refused to leave. among them, students and faculty members who say they were doing nothing wrong. >> i'm only a student, look at what they are doing to us. we did nothing wrong. we just stood there and they run in with their guns and their teargas. the riot gear. are you serious? >> also in california the president of synovus state university has been placed on leave after a promised -- he promised protesters that they would like is really -- book on colleges >> the chancellor of the california state university system called the move insubordination though she
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stopped short of calling it outright anti-semitic. she wrote in part quote i want to acknowledge how deeply concerned i am about the impact statement on the community and how challenging and painful it will be for many of our students and community members to see and read the hard mission of the system is to create a welcoming place forever only serve not, not to marginalize one community over another. also after a lengthy standoff, police have moved in and cleared a condemned building at uc berkeley. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in the founder of last people forget. and the student president of... thank you all for coming on, we appreciate it. you say the protesters don't appear to be students most of them. >> what i see is there is a lot of middle-aged looking agitators just coming in who cause chaos
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at the campus, take over the physical science building and it's very chaotic right now. people are yesterday. >> trace: i'm going through talking points and it's interesting that you say you are hearing about jewish students being threatened. what are you hearing? don't say names but what you hearing about that? >> students are being told that they are good to be killed. they are afraid to go to class. we don't need to go far. we see what happened at the university where kitchen knives and on gun were found at the cabin sites and this is the problem we are dealing with and we are dealing criminals on our college campuses. >> the washington examiner at the following cactuses you don't negotiate with terrorists, universities should not be negotiating with terrorists...
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and yet they are negotiating. >> understand nothing is the key point. you are showing the imagery there from some of these universities. i was looking through before the show and i saw a lot of signs that said zionism equals terrorism or we stand against zionism because they believe that doesn't equal anti-semitism. they're missing the fact that zionism was simply the dream that jewish people might have a state where they be safe from persecution. the persecution they had faced for centuries. that dream only came to fruition after 6 million jews were slaughtered. today zionism has become terrorism apparently to the students who have no idea what it is they are speaking about and they are proving their ignorance day by day. >> trace: they do not know what they are talking about. the administration and administrators they seem to be moving so slowly. what are you feeling? >> right now the administration yesterday definitely was moving
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very slowly they let it happen for 17 whole days until it finally escalated to this point. and they finally called in the police department. >> trace: tell me the goal of your group elon. >> our goal is to make sure that we win this fight on our college campuses. we're talking talking about the future of your children and the higher education system in this country. we cannot afford to lose this fight and have our universities being hijacked by radical voices and extremists and terrorists. want to make sure that we are fighting for the future of this country for the future of our campuses and the future of our education system to make sure that students can go to class and get their education and they don't need to deal with everything. they can go to school and be the best they can be. >> trace: you can't take away some other students rights because you want to protest. elizabeth writes the following here. colleges have historically championed three -- free thought
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and dialogue. recent years have seen a decline in district -- constructive discourse and a cry -- rise and political tolerance. you talk about a year ago where conservative speakers were shouted down. college students no longer allowed to set and we are seeing it everything that they know. >> what's crazy as we are seeing it in the one place where we shouldn't be seeing it. i graduated just last year from the brink -- from the university of pennsylvania. imagining now that i could've been on campus being shouted down or attacked like some of these other students terrifies me. i can't imagine we got to this point. we are here as children of parents from a former soviet union. we knows what it means when you're scared to go on college campuses or scared to be jewish. we know what it means to fight for free speech because you don't know how it is around the world when people do not have that. to see us having to have this conversation after everything our families when through his ridiculous.
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>> trace: you are going to see this go from the college campuses as the summer goes on into the cities and we will see much more of this. thank you all for coming on. very much appreciate your opinions. brand-new fox pulling tonight. another key voting bloc those under 30 now trending toward trump. our political panel on that is next. later in the nightcap the fbi now sounding the alarm on heightened threats to the u.s. yet we are being kept in the dark on many of those details coming across the southern border. does the average american have the right to know the stuff or should this information be kept confidential? let us know. we will read your responses coming up in the nightcap.
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>> trace: our latest polling now underscoring the serious headwinds facing president biden's reelection campaign. let's bring in... along with the director of the independent women's law centre, former trump white house attorney, thank you both from coming on. president biden has this pattern of disbelief in the polls. want to play some of the sound and i will get your reaction. >> why do you think it is that you are trailing trump in all these swing states? >> because you don't read the polls. >> [ inaudible ] >> none of the polling matters much now. it's not nearly as accurate. >> trace: i think it is kind of getting to it. i think he sees the riding on the wall which is why he is jumping into these debates. what you think?
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>> he's clearly obsessed with the polls. they are not going well for him so even though the polls show that people thank the economy is not as bad as they thought it was a few months ago, they still really think it's bad. these are overwhelming numbers and the economy is what people are going to think about as they are voting because it something that affects you every single day and he's got problems no matter the demographic. young voters, rural voters, even to urban voters are starting to look at trump. >> i was watching special report as i do every night. i noticed that dean phillips sets up surprising... >> minnesota is in play just like a lot of states that my fellow democrats don't want to confess is the reality. we will see a lot of surprises unless there's a major course correction.
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>> trace: and democrat using the word whiteout is something you don't hear every day. >> you really don't but at the end of the day president trump is winning and i'm not looking at national polls today, i'm looking at state-by-state polls. six out of seven swing state president trump is winning. when you look at states like florida, ohio and even iowa, used to be swing states. biden and obama one. today they are resoundingly not swing states and they are continuing to np president trump is going to pick up these young voters that are turning away from biden's extreme policies on inflation because we are worried about pocketbook issues today. >> trace: the caveat is done necessary. when you look at some of these fox news polls it really kind of sums it up. this is for your family it feels like the economy is getting better. 30 percent say sure, getting worse 64 percent staying the
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same is 6 percent. look at this and you've got 70 percent which in any pole is a big number saying the economy is... >> i think still people are looking for a solution. that is really where republicans are having to come in. some of these things, they feel like the economy is getting worse because for example higher education is too expensive. biden is the one that's been pandering trying to say i'm going to forgive your student debt. that is still popular among young voters. people can't afford houses. what happens when they start lowering interest rates? it does seem like the democrats at least have either momentum or talking points there and republicans are really going to have to focus on making sure that they've got their answers. >> trace: the border is back as a big issue. here is biden what he said back in january. watch.
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>> give me the border control and give me the people who can stop this and make it work. >> trace: he knows it's all his policies that need to be reversed. now he suddenly thinking something's gotta be done and you watch. they are starting to look for a remedy here. >> the remedy is to enforce the law. biden refuses to do that. he has an open border crisis which is -- which has allowed hundreds of pounds of fentanyl to cross our border. that is killing americans at the highest rate. that is... 24 percent of americans today say the american dream is not attainable. this is because of the illegal immigration crisis that biden has created and continues to destroy our country. >> trace: this attempted attack on quantico, we haven't
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heard anything about it. i wondered if the killing of laken riley which really hurt his numbers, do you think that keeping information because they don't want any bad news from the border coming in before the election. >> absolutely. they should be calling for the release of all of this information but this is a white house that likes to duck and hide. >> trace: thank you both. israel now sending more troops into rafah wearing down hamas terrorists. it comes as the military finishes installing a dock of sorts in gaza to facilitate more humanitarian aid. >> reporter: after weeks of construction the american floating p. rafah coast of gaza is complete. while aid trucks are expected to pick up new deliveries of supplies in the coming days. the project is drawing backlash from some palestinian civilians. >> i strongly object to the ships and the american ships. >> reporter: despite more aid
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entering gaza, israel has expanded strikes in recent days, going after hamas on the ground across the palestinian territory. at a hospital in central gaza, injured patients wait. some for treatment, others to leave the enclave. >> we hope that you'll be able to open the rafah border crossing for humanitarian cases so they can receive treatment and be provided with medication. >> reporter: this mother pleads to israel as she tends to her injured son mohammed. israeli forces have pushed deeper into gaza's third-largest city of rafah in recent days. the move cutting the only exit for palestinians from gaza, enforcing hundreds of thousands to evacuate further north. knew that -- newly released images demonstrate a movement of civilians showing recently cleared tense and encampments. the israeli military says the evacuations are necessary as intense battles against thomas in the south of gaza ray john. the militant group is continuing
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to launch new ambushes against idf troops using their network of tunnels. >> several tunnels have been destroyed by our troops and additional tunnels will be destroyed soon. this activity will intensify. >> reporter: currently there are key disagreements in the israeli war cabinet about what the next steps should be for the war in gaza. i made those discussions, israeli officials are determining how to address an ongoing threat from the lebanese militant group hezbollah. >> trace: thank you. coming up, president trump called today's proceedings fascinating. many experts say michael cohen got decimated. we will get analysis next. 8:34 on the west coast. here's a trip across america. look at seattle washington. did you know the first sketch of the space needle was drawn on a napkin? 10:35 in green bay wisconsin. home to the green bay packers. 1135 lockey in edinburgh pennsylvania where it's illegal
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>> trace: a very good day for the defence in the case of new york versus donald trump as more friends of the former president showed up in manhattan to let -- lend him their support. star prosecution witness michael cohen got crushed during cross-examination. >> today not one but two people accused michael cohen of lying. one of them is trump so kearney -- attorney. he alerted trump that the deal was done in a phone call on keith schiller's phone. schiller is trump's bodyguard. tax messages show that cohen wanted to talk to schiller about harassing phone calls that he
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received from a 14-year-old. that led to this exchange between blanche and cohen. blanche said that was a lie you did not talk to president trump. and questioned that saying i'm not certain that's accurate. cohen now insists he spoke to both trump and schiller in that phone call that lasted under two minutes. the other person who accused cullen of lying is bob costello, the lawyer that cohen met with back in 2018. he said today he never wanted a role in president trump's white house but costello tells fox news that cohen did the stormy daniels deal by himself because he wanted to gain trump's favour and become his attorney general or white house chief of staff. >> he said specifically, and i cross-examined him on this, this was my idea. it was his idea to take care of your nda because they had been contacted by a lawyer who said that she was going to claim that donald trump had sex with her.
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>> remember trays, other witnesses like keith davidson testified earlier in this trial that after cohen didn't receive a position at trump's white house that he appeared suicidal. so cohen's testimony will continue at 9:30 on monday morning. after that trump's team plans to call an expert witness brad smith. he's an expert in campaign-finance loss to the stand. other witnesses may also be called p. or trump team still finalizing their plans on that by closing arguments could happen as soon as tuesday. >> trace: thank you. let's bring in a criminal defence and trial attorney block -- brian claypool. cohen saying i told trump about this nda and then he's on the stand today and the phone call, couldn't really find it. here's what they said on jesse watters. >> we first heard the i/o where he's screaming like a lunatic. anticipating donald trump going to jail. we are watching him in these text messages believe this 14-year-old kid.
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it turns out that phone call may not have happened which the case really hinges on that in a lot of ways. after a while you are thinking which lie with this. >> trace: it really is which lie was this. it's almost like a redheaded moment would you think? >> during testimony i thought the fire alarms were going to go off because the prosecution's case blew up... it was catastrophically devastating for the prosecution. we've been waiting three and a half weeks for the smoking gun. it's the phone call. it's 92 seconds and wait a minute, most of that is regarding a 14-year-old? wears their time to talk about the stormy daniels deal or to talk about how he's going to get repaid. this proves my point. this case has always been about ... prosecution wanted to get out salacious facts, character assassination and try to get the
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jury to rule on that, not the facts. >> there's talk about calling bob costello to the stand here. that's the former attorney also a former federal -- federal prosecutor. they said maybe they should stop right here. watch. >> he is a wildcard and i have to say as a criminal defence attorney i might be in the minority among our experts. i tend to be risk-averse. if i think i want a case i don't go any further. i don't like running a risk. >> trace: you appear to have caught cohen redheaded. do you stop all your head and move forward and say let's end it? >> i wouldn't bring bob costello. i bring keith schilling. he's on the phone call. have him say there was absolutely zero discussion of the stormy daniels deal. that seals the deal and closing arguments. there's not a shred of evidence trays as we approach closing argument of trump being involved in this. >> trace: he has let cohen and
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david packer explained that they believe that the nda violated federal law, especially given that bragg has no authority to enforce federal law and marchant has no expertise in it. shouldn't the jury here from one person who knows something about subject federal law. no federal crime, nobody has talked about and that's where they are charging. >> all they've proved is there was a payment to stormy daniels which is legal and an nda was executed and that's legal. everything you've heard today up until now is legal. cohen blewett when he admitted that trump told him to go figure it out. that's one of the most important parts of the abscess... >> the firearms were going off in the courthouse today. that's how you stick the landing right there.
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53-year-old pilot landing gear failed so he circled the newcastle airport for hours until he was able to burn enough fuel to land safely. police said it was a textbook wheels up landing. they got the nickname carmella by social media. video shows him on a rooftop after an intense flooding. he was stranded for more than a day before a team of firefighters and veterinarians rescued him. if you have a viral video to share, why not share with us at trace gallagher or fox news at night on social media. should we know more about the threats facing us? especially those coming from the southern border. is it better if we are spared the details? let us know. we will your responses coming up we will your responses coming up in the nightcap
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>> trace: breaking news coming in on the anti- israel protest watch. this is live pictures now from cal berkeley where police made about 11 arrests talking about some of these protests. they were trying to clear the encampment that was occupied to. so did that and apparently some resisted and we are just getting the information now but we are
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being told that 11 arrests have been made to. we get you back their life as the information starts coming into us. we are back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic biden's border crisis the fbi repeatedly sounding the alarm on heightened threats to the u.s. yet we are being kept in the dark on many of the details of those coming across the southern border. does the average american have the right to know or should these things be kept confidential? cabin your thoughts on this. >> the american people have a right to know. i understand security and keeping some information posed to the vest, i worked in washington naturally. i think it's every american's right to know what's going on. >> the whole thing is when you have the situation like we're talking about tonight when you have these jordanian nationals who are trying to crash through the gates of quantico, we get some information on this. >> knowledge is power. every american chef the right to
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... how can we hold those that we put into office accountable without knowing exactly what our public taxpayer dollars are going to fund here. we definitely need to know before we make these decisions. >> i 100 percent agree. we need information and we need it now more than ever it. especially after covid there's such a distrust of the american government and with this open border crisis we have to protect our families first. >> we have a right to know about the nationalities of the people on these lists that are coming in. we also have the right to know if an illegal immigrant commits a crime. we should know that as well. in the state of california it is against the law for a court officer or a police officer or anyone in law enforcement to disclose that someone who has committed a crime is also here legally. >> i'm legal immigrant. when we came into the u.s. in
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1979 my parents were questioned about absolutely everything under the sun. they knew everything about us and made a decision that it's okay for us to enter the country why shouldn't any -- every other one >> trace: do they have the right to know and the poll says yes. 98 percent and 90 percent on instagram. the average american has the right to know about threats. details should be kept confidential to prevent panic and protect security operations. greg, build a wall... keith they are afraid if we knew the full extent and it will be forced to close the borders, ashley says some considered... thank you for watching america's late news. fox news at night. i'm trace gallagher in los angeles. it cleans so well,
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