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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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it's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. >> a very interesting day. it shows what a scam this wholem thin tg is. >> donald trump sounding off after another breathtaking dayno in court.nto michael cohen cornered into aia potential lie and the most traumatic moment of the hush money trial so the jury and media left in totas shock as they heard a key piecel of cross-examination. trump's lawyer accusing cohen of cusi clying about a crucial phol that is supposed to directlynald link donald trump to the stormy they areg drawing the court'sn attention to text messages between michael cohen and... they were made on october 24th 2016. cohen texted schiller about harassing phone calls he was getting from a 14-year-old prankster who which schiller
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responded call me. p that phone call lasting just 96 seconds.r he thethn sends schiller a numb of the prankster.s we on tuesday cohen told then prosecution that purpose of then call was to inform trump of how he planned to make the hush money payment to stormy daniels. cohen responded i'm not certaine that is accuraten . so was the call about a 14-year-old prankster or was it about a payoff?pa the mediy a is struggling to spn it. >> it was like a crescendoth because the drama of the momente was so clear to everybody in thv >> do you haveat doubts that tht conversation happened the way michael cohen testified on his direct examination?in >> absolutely. it's devastating for hisl credibility on if there is reasonable doubt ity might have very well been raiser tuesday and today with mr cohen th mthe. >> it appears like a bit of a
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perry mason gotcha moment. >> michael cohen could have beeu lying, he could've been forgetting, he could have been forgetting about being right or being wrong. >> at this point i don't thinktl it raises reasonable doubt. you you have to remember thatto there's going to be redirect. >> judge, seems pretty significant if everyone from the other networks are saying the thing. is >> judge jeanine: it is very significant and. my source said theto jurorsn actually up to this point have been very nonchalant about everything. they look at each other. it was a huge moment.on the reason it's huge is becauseo michael cohehen is the linchpins this case. he has to be believed in virtually everything he says in order for there to be a conviction. if there is a conviction it will be reversed. h error here.c it is...
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that a call was made fromoh michael cohen to keep schillereh now apparently they didn't have the information that the defence has or they didn't give it to michael cohen were there were text messages. michael cohen is complaining to donald trump's bodyguards saying i'm gettin hg harassed by this 14-year-old kid., so schiller says call me exactly that time. cohen calls schillertime as a rt sf that conversation which i 1:36 then they say text me theie number. that minute and 36 seconds, s cohen has already testified was when he told donald trump thatoy the stormy daniels deal was done he clearly -- it is clearly nots about that. you can't changee the call log that are very clear they were talking about this 14-year-old. also you would have to believey
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tathat they talked about the 14-year-old. this is what ther-oly are goingo try to do on monday. they talked about the 14-year-old and then they said i need to speak to the boss. schiller says let me see if the bosses there or or if the boss is here. there's not enough time dana and they blew it today. they absolutely blew it today. it was a key moment and remember that up to this point, no ones has put donald trump's fingerprint anywhere near the ledger of a company in the internal operations of bookkeeping in addition to thebo fact that this guy is just a. liar. he shouldn't even behoul sworn a oath. >> do you feel like that the jury is being given some reasonable doubt to play with?pb >> probably. the people wde played are notrs supporters of donald i think that this clearly was not a great day for the the prosecution. there is some ofrial the child o come. there's a lot of evidence that we know both legal and political that donald trump knew there was going to be a payoff to stormyae
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daniels because of an affair. the question was whether it was to help with the campaign or not. so i think politically the question remains not a legal onc of whether he will be convicted or not but whether this will in the public's mind remind people of all of the salacious, nasty,l chaotic details associated with trump. legally it doesn't seem like it was a great day for the prosecution but there is still some trial left and i think trump's lawyers said today,ab judge maouy know about what's going to happen here. he is not decided about whether he will testify.s im >> it feels like the star witness is imploding. >> in heard george conway go al my god and put his hands to his face. the jury reacted theto h same w. they played podcasts at the the beginning and cohen was all like we have to arrest this guy and i need my revenge. he had this hysterical voice. people in the court say the jurors were embarrassed for
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michael cohen and michael cohenm was embarrassed fobar himselfcas because he sounded like a whackb job. at that point donald trump was-o paying very close attentionth because they wereye playing the podcast. then for almost thane entire day the defence counsel was saying lie, like, ally. catching them in lie after lie. even lying about wanting a abo pardon. then he was caught in another lie. actually i did ai di ask for a t in. 's voice was breaking, he wasin shifting in his seat. and then he was deleting texts with his wife and he had recorded over 100 phone calls10 with reporters and0 other peop. total scam artist. i guess from what i'm hearing, they just have to prove this. correct me if i'm wrong judge. this payment was a campaign finance violation and trump had
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to know it was a campaign violent -- finance violation and that donald trump wilfully and intentionally conspired to falsify business records to cover it up.on i been payin.g attention, i haven't seen any proof that they presented in court that he did h e that.>> >> there also was this little nugget that came out today. rosie o'donnell said somethinggg encouraging to michael cohen's -- shortly before he took the stand on monday morning. she says breve, relax, tell thei truth, you've got this. i love you, you are doing great to which cohen responded thank you and truly love you.ou rosie o'donnell, i didn't expeco to see her pop up here. yea >> i can't think of a more unappealing pair. i've seen michael more topless. she says breve you've got this a which is what she says to the toilet before flushing. they say cohen reminds her of
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every guy she went to highwith school with. cohen said the same thing about rosie. times is waxing poetic on this relationship. the story of their friendship involves a prison visit, barbarr walters and forgiveness. rea what it's really about is the fact that they are using each other. they are both emotionally damaged by the evil stepfather. someone needs to bring -- breakh in with a doll and ask them tonn point to the area where donaldtp heard them. you see the new false friends. you get validation from everyone from dan goldman to rosie o'donnell. what's more laughable is the i tools thats cnn and msnbc, who what's painted cohen as scott now are trying to redefine himti as this hero, this reborn hero. he is so low he will take ithe i because he has nothing else. they are going to cast him aside once they don't need him anymore
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appear as for the 14-year-old prankster, they are saying this is a devastating blow to cohen's credibility. that's like saying eating a cracker is devastating to live those figure. he already had a massive credibility problem so this iscd not shocking that he was caught lying. this case should havoughe never brought. the truly shameful behaviour isn't just the people bringing the case but it's the c journalists cheering it onhe.y e for the legacy media it isy co suicide by cop p. or they are using the law to end their ownrw careers. this is that another corner turning for a dying media.rner they are so willing to say we are not going to bother dealing with the facts because we don't like this guy.. >> what kind of guy -- if they got a prank phone call from a teenager would get the samed? service -- secret service involved.>> >> how old is that 14-year-old
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now? >> there's something i want to add. that is this. if the text messages intertwine in terms of the call log, whyha did michaevel cohen have those? why wasn't he prepped on that? did the prosecution know that michael cohen by going all in and saying this is a minute and 36 seconds that i told donald trump the deal was done. were they supporting perjury? was this information given out to everyone? that is a very touchy subject. was it exculpatory information? what does this due to theio prosecution's case than't is eve more serious to the credibility issues. >> fix up again on monday. >> yes, it's interesting that the defence did not say we'vefi finished our cross-examination, they left itt it open which wasa smart thing to do.
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>> ruined michael cohen's weekend. >> nancy pelosi seems nervous that the y are going to blow the big debate against donald trump. [ ♪♪ ] fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping our patients put their best smile forward. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. sup? -who are you? i'm your inner child. get in. listen, what you really need in life is some freakin' torque. what? horsepower keeps you going, but torque gets you going. what happened to my inner child craving love and acceptance? how about you love and accept this? p-p-p-p-powershot!
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sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. shop now at call leaffilter today. and never clean out clogged gutters again. leaffilter's technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. call 833.leaf.filter today, or visit
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♪ ♪ e biudge jeani >> tough talking joe bidenon thinks debating donald trump will be a cakewalk. make my day powell he says.t th the good, the bad and the, stumbling sure needs a lot of help. biden demanding numerous accommodations like no audienceo and the ability to cut mike's. it's no wonder that nervous nancy pelosi isn't sounding so confident. s >> i would never recommend going on a stage with donald trump.
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the president has decided that's what he wants to do. i think the format he isthe suggesting is a good one.go odi think you all should have separate town hall meetings with them and challenge them withns a questions about the future and let the public make its decisior >> now rfk junior is vowing to crash the despite biden demanding that no third parties be allowed in the debate, the american people want three candidates on that stage. 69 percent thank rfk junior should be included. the candidate says he qualifies for the debates and chuck todd t seems to think it could help oun joe biden. >> if you've ever spent a lot of time watching robert kennedy junior speaksp, i think if you g joe biden you want him on thatt stage. d they will seese that as an asset. i'm in the minority on this. >> he has a vocal issue, it's an
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ailment. >> i think it will really help biden look less any of his issues come across less because i don't think a lot of people realize this about robert f. itkennedy junior. >> let's face it, he has vocal issues. it's an ailment. it helps our joke not look so hl bad. that wasn't very kind and what do you think? should he be on the stage? >> there are rules about what pl you have to get in paul's and if he meets them... he wil hl be on the debate stage i think the reason the biden people are excited about this in this is an opportunity for the american people, i think they believe many people have amnesi about the trump years and they are reminded of what it's like to have him up there, that will be helpful to the biden team. t i willhi say i think there is me risk for this for joe biden the donald trump. i think it's hard to get donalda trump to talk about joe biden wants to talk about
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how much money he's gotten foror certain places because ofg. infrastructure spending. he wants tbouto talk about the s he's brought back. he wants to talk about the record stock market donald trump wants us like fastd and he's really got it. we saw him do it to a bunch of republican candidates in a 2016 primary. if i was advising the biden tea i would say they need to prepara not for a traditional debate where it's likbatee let's go bak intricate policy issues but to get down in the mud with trump because that's d, what he is going to do and if they are not ready for it iiden think the biden campaign will be greatly hurt by it.ud >> it's interesting that mariege says joe will be talking aboutl bethe facts and donald trump wil be just up there slogging withju the american peoplste saying tht they were better off under donald trump than joe biden andy his joe biden in a position to explain what he's done because he said when he came and it was 9 percent inflation what we knon it wasd one point
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>> there is soow much i'm fascinated thacht the media and democrats are basically saying donald trump is too dishonest to debate.e li they are listening to that.t have a listen to what biden hase said lately? biden continues toues say thato inflation wan s 9 percent when e came in. was not tru he's bee n fact checked by all sorts of's when biden does it it's justn like an innocent mistake. he does it over and over again so does he not know or is he i doing it on purpose? president trump will have topr prepare for the other thing president binde has done lately when hecamp campaigns, what he really likes to do is talk about january 6th and... diminish all those people that show up at a trump rally like ih new jersey. that's why som oe of these statt like virginia, minnesotaa,, new jersey are in single digits?id states thaent president biden oe by 22 points. i also am curious that... o he was in charge of several things you might remember. he said inflation is aatio
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high-class problem. he came up with the prudent price hike. the everything is awesome message. the total cavinge ot talo the l. he retweeted people who compare the withdrawal of afghanistan ts schindler's list. he compared biden spending bills to fdr. i think nancy pelosi is one ofgt the brightest political minds and strategists that the democrats have ever had. she sees danger for president biden and going to that. that said, i think that it is good for g the american people w have the two men who want tory - lead this country, maybe three on the stage to talk to each other and talk to america aboutt what the vision is that they want for the next four years. the american people deserve that on happy that's happening. we should all understand whatat the stakes are t. >> given that nancy pelosi is a very smart political operative, do you think they will come up t with some reason to not have joe do this? >> they will due the first one.t
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they might k knock out the secod one in september. if it e bi were joe biden he coo have gotten away with saying listen, i'm the president of the united states, the other guys an insurrectionist. a convicted felon. i should notfe evelo in be debag him.. i will do one.i'll i will do one in september just to show the american people what a disgrace this guy is and that's it. pro and he probably could have gotten away with that.but but he couldn't because he needed to do a summer debate because he's down so badly. he doesn't have his base. trump has his if i were trump i would say i will do these debates but i nee. a drug test.i i demand the president in a cop because you know they are goinga to give him something. things aren't getting any better for the biden campaign. if you think about it there's a june 3rd hunter biden trial that starts. then there's a june 20th trial that starts on taxes. 's lawyer doesn't have enoughon money to put on a good case because the sugar brother b
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doesn't have anyro more sugar fr hunter. joe biden himself is low on cash. he just released his latest financials. waited all his money go?r must bsoe paying for some of hunter's lawyers or paying for his this ukraine situationn is not getting any better. russia is now advancing all across the lines. there's not enough men to throw. it this war machine and you think prices are going down in the summer? you have air-conditioning, gasoline. things are up to 20 to the 50 percent. they are not going down. : >> wrap it up. i >> i'm still trying to figure out what chuck todd meant. is he saying that rfk would help joe biden because he has a vocal problem? no. it's the opposite. rfk may sound like katharinekes hepburn but he makes way more sense than joe biden. that would only hurt joe biden.n this. guy is a vocal problem but i understand him way more than i understand dr. demento over dem there.
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this is -- this whole thing as an insult of the anchors that biden chose cnn. he did not choose those guys because they thought they would be fair. he chose them because he assumed they wouldn't be fair. is like a baseball team choosing its own fans to be the umpires.. when somebody on the left sayskt they like the format, that's a clue, you don't like the format this i--s an example of a corrut air prize. having cnn do this, all you have to do is look at how they didctc the fact checking. daniel daily, he fact checked every single trump word. he boasted about it and wroteoa stories about him.sty wr put him on a pedestal that wants biden became president the guy just slipped into the cubbyholet and didn't see him again. what to that tell you? they need not worry about this debate because the host got you covered. then i go back to the trial, you have the media lauding biden for blocking trump. it being in court.u
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that's like tom brady bragginggg about flinging thein footballsft while he is deflating them. they are bragging about subverting an election to your face again, it's great to have power because yo u can subvert the power of the voters and it e means there is more going on behind the scenes then we know about.ight >> coming up the grease might bl clogging his brain. and gavin newsom america shoulda copy has model for homelessness. ♪ [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: lord help us if gavin newsom gets his way, and god forbid ever becomes president, you can expect >> you can expect the crackedra
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ends ockf california to set up their tents in your to neighbourhood. governor newsom is callingin california the national model for solving homelessness. >> if there's any good news, state of california has seen als decline in veterans homelessness. we have a national model wita nh proposition one it reinforced that model, providing more resources to advance that model. we are very excited to get those dollars to work. >> the greasy one getting... with many pointing out how california's 12 percent of the12 overall u.s. population but hass 28 percent of the homeless in america. greg that's like joe biden saying he is the model for border security. >> or the model for walking.on h the money spent on homelessness is out of sight unlike the homeless. the more money you spend on it the more homeless they are. how does that happen.
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they are going to send two oro r 31st responders there. that's two or three vehicles.sst that cost thousands of dollars. they sit in a gurney for hours and then they have to go in and be treated. thousands and thousands of dollars we pay for it. gavin is committing the same crime the left does with debit cards for the homeless and what republicans dew with war. they will say the money is goina back into the economy. via gloop -- the illegals useatl the debit card at local businesses and wthe make the missiles here so that creates thousands of jobs.y focor example if you tell -- if your window gets broken, gavin will say that helps the economy because someone will make a new window and someone will install the window. h that money could have been spenl by you on close for yourildr children, gas for your car, food for your family, savings for education. multiplyha that by millions andc
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that's what's happening with this bureaucracy for homelessness which is notnot working. lives in family lives -- theirr money is being appropriated by this bloated bureaucracies. where is this money going? there's this place called sonck break ranch. i would urge you to look at this interview with dr ben carson.if it's an organization trying toyg create an alternative to what people living on the street. i mentioned it a long time agoei but it's a very interesting project and it's getting investment. >> they need it because it's not just millions, it's billions dana. they lost $24 billion and no onn knows where it went. >> that happened i n california and new york. he gavrke his wife a billion wif dollars to help fix homelessness and when they left they said you can't find $850 million of thatt money.ha they have no idea where it wenth there's a lot of fraud andon o california got a ton of covid money in the american rescue plan. they didn't invest it well e enough to deal with this becaust
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what did he have to do? remember when... gavin newsom cleaned up the homeless problem but said its comp wicked for everyone else. the president of china leaves and all of a sudden the homeless come back. i if there'ss improvements on a specific area like veterans, homelessness, that's great. if it's workinthg let's share it around and make sure that's taking care of. overall it's not.t' >> when he does s go national, w big of a drag is the homeless scandal going to be on him?>> >> i hope he m does go national. i think he's a very goodfor national politician for democrats. this new bill that, th they pass trying to put money towards things that prevent homelessness. things like better mental health resources, substance abuse programming. the goal is to get people into t prevent them from becoming homeless.once once they are there it's reallyt hard to figure out...ican
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i hear a lot of president's --fn criticisms about how these programs work but i don't hearhl answers on where we ship at these people. [ simultaneous talking ] >> you said one thing about a w ranch at theat end of a long ra. [ simultaneous talking ] a >> what is the answer then? >> you do alternate housing in a separate area.u you cannotca mix the homeless in with people who are running it's that simple. use simple law ls thataw we all. follow. you cannot live onu ca the stre, you cannot have tents. how hard is that for you tofo understand? >> if it were that simplstane. [ simultaneous talking ]ing, [ simultaneous talking ]e >> these are not californians. >> a lot ois af them are and ths
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is an affordable housing crisis in this country. if you look at the inflation numbers in places like northerns california because of tech companies and how they've drivev up -- driven up rents.e a [ simultaneous talking ] [ simultaneous talking ] >> they want to be on the streets. >> they want to be homeless. that's the style of life that they choose. let me makmee my point. you say that they are putting money in all kinds of things toe prevent homelessnessss.e it that's a quote. i really dow gavn -- wrote it de let me tell you why he increased homelessness by 6 percent pure he wasted billions of dollars because he put money into making sure that the homeless who whera alcoholics are in a constant state of alcoholism so that they don't infringe on any of the emts so nobody has to do
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anything for the homeless. he is feeding them in the middle of their addiction.stin he is wasting billions of our i dollars. that's part of the problem. they are also missing $24 billion. no one knows where it went. now what is his answer that homelessness is up?mone he's lost money, he's keeping alcoholic homeless people continuing in a state of alcoholism?want i want to boost investments inns housing, substance abuse hou programs and booze. he's putting money into contracts to get booze for the homeless, housing for hisg fo buddies and more money for investments.r this is a scam that they've beev doing for years and he is not solving it. they just think we are deaf, dumb and blind.s they would tell us we can't see because of our lying eyes. this guy five years ago had no homeless strategy and he's beene in office since 2003en as mayorf san francisco. no homeless he comes. up with something aftr 16 years and he says now i'm a
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leader in homelessness. he is delusional. >> up next, democrats are caving to the sharia so and ite could get the dnc cancl -- sorority help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. ■ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ■ ■if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ■ ■ if you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it. ■ if you're happy and you know it, smile big and bright. ■ thousands of kids just like me, are happy every day. and it's all because of generous people like you, who support shriners hospitals for children®
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♪ ♪ >> greg: cowering to the mob comes with >> cowering to the mob columns -- comes with consequences aso the campus caliphate tries to... will cause mayhem at the dnc in chicago this summer. phillips is outright calling for the thing to be >> you think it could look a little like that?ca >> i think it can and i think would be in the best interest oc the democratic party to forgo the convention this year andse i
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focus on campaigning. out onwa see anyway it can be... >> the dilemma for the dnc. folks fear that the chicago mayor will defend the protestert in a recent interview, he stopped short of... jesse this feels like fun. do you love mayor johnson? m >> i love mayor johnson.yor i set a bunch of nasty thingsabu about him all last year. power to the people, they have a right to protest. they shoulto td not be pushed or side. i think that people have a right to be heard and that is the kind of leadership i think chicago needs. that was a fake opinion but thee democrats are worriemod about mr johnson because he is going to be a big problem.yo you need the convention for two reasons greg. sex and money. everybody goes to these conventions once every four bunch of democrats it's all beautiful and...nd
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and the exchange ideas and spit. you can't take that away frome. they call it the t democratic party. it is a someone is going to have to geti excited about joe biden. this is the time. don't take that away from them and don't take out all the beautiful expensive contracts that chicago gets from this kint >> that's true. you have tght.o have the convenn or the protesters when. >> you know what they have paidt their dues. at the time for them to go to illinois. i think it's very interesting dean phillips says we should forgo the convention. maybe forgo it in chicago but foregoing the convention, in't don't know that it makes any sense. i think it's very important for people to be able to party. the sad part about brandon is he will clearly bow to those peopln who are protesting. who knows what the protest is going to be about in august at the end of g so they are assuming it's going
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to be wild and crazy place. the problem is that chicago, the residents of chicago can't stana brendan johnson. when they revolted, they did nou want sinks raise cities, used a parliamentary manoeuvre or to squelch a referendum to allow chicago voters to weigh in on that. he doesn't much care for his own citizens, he's into any kind ofr radical revolution. .o bring it on >> it's interesting how at these conventions or any kind of democrat thing there's always protesters. doesn't really happen when , isblicans have conventions it because you guys always cavelike you did in the homeless situation? >> thank you for bringing that up i appreciate that. t the chaotihac convention, the l one i i remember was 2016 when t was inside the public -- inside the republican convention hall and there was a lot of infighting. i don't think they matter that i thinnsk that if you, especial the fact that we are going tote have a debate in june between
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these two men, the convention is not for another few months. thi i think it will be fine. that will probably be some protest and we should remember that the reason they are protesting is because joe biden has been so supportive of israel that is something he wants to o. run they announced a new one billion-dollar arms package this week. if there are parts of this country that are on the far left that once a protest, they aree protesting him forpr something e wants to brag about. 's support for israel. >> on monday he doesn't want to brag about it, on wednesday he does. not very consistent. >> he has been so consistent since october 7th.the one time he held back a few bonds because the israelis were about to massacre. [ simultaneous talkingreg: ] >> who is your favourite brandon dana? brandon johnson or brandon wals0 -- walsh fro21m beverly hills. >> the other guy.
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>> is that jason priestley? >> i don't know. a couple of things here. i think that republicans risk lowering the bar so much that if they do have a convention it's like this is so great for bidenh he didn't have protesters. also i think that theve comparisons to 196ry8 are very overwrought.jr catheter time martin luther king jr. was assassinated. rfk was assassinated. vietnam was full on and that was the debate. this is a different situation and that you do have people who feel strongly about support for israel but if the democrats can't figure out a weigh to deal with that problem, they can't deal with campus crazies, that'e a concern. one issue is that you have a lot of money going into fundingth these protests were is the money coming from and we have social media that is figuring that outu remember it's not local police that handled the security, it'sn the u.s. secrekt service so everything is good to be fine.
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>> good job dana. coming uobp a raging t bull goec after a terrorisomt. the fastest is up next.
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so, is gabby coming down? oh, she said she'll meet you at the prom.
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>> it's time for the fastest. first up, don't be a full and never mess with a raging bull up your shocking video shows a woman onth a mexican beach refusing to get away from the beast and paying the price. >> despite that brutal attack she gets to her feet and walks away. judge. >> you know when you have a care accident and people say i'm fine and then the next day they hears i'm 2000 pounds of o an aggresse bowl pushing her down and look at that.e. sure she is not fine. here's the thing. how dumb dve to you have to be o feed a bowl under an umbrella ag the beach? that's all i'm going to say. >> the whole video shows that they were actually out on a date and they started arguing and one thing led to another.
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it's a shame. they should have some privacy to work them -- some things out. >> i found it so hard to watch. she was not being smart and in a video you can hear people saying we tried to warn you. s >> she was tryinheg to get a backpack. >> i don't like to see people i get hurt'd like that. >> i watched it 100 times. >> at first i thought what is a bold doing on a beach in mexico and then i thought maybe it's a spanish thing because poor the guys that tease the bowls? bullfighters, the matadors. maybe it's ae it matador thing. in the united states if you see, a bowl on the beach you leave.ey but maybe they see it and try to be matadors. culturally you run toward thed f bull.y on >> there was only one bowl on the beach and that's when used to do waters world. >> 2000 pounds... com [ simultaneous talking ]
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>> you're right that the first question should have been how did the ball get there. >> it was a legit cultural querr by just -- jesse watters. >> one more thing is up next. >> marie: all right, "one more thing" is up next. hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things!
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9:58 pm
>> candied bacon and candied bacon. i love. risket i love brisket. it looks good. it's very good. and it's really good. do you know that the national barbecue day is celebrated every day thisdenj year? and it's a tradition started by presidenton b johnson,dentia by hosting the first ever barbecue in presidential headquartersl head. e it >> texan. i think i made all of that up. a lot of i be everyn time you know that george washington, dana went to a barbecuee washine that l that lh three days. oh, my gosh. yeah. >> dhat when he did noe dinochop down the cherry tree? >> oh, he did. no, no. fake newe newss. all right. hey, another texan, laura bush, does something really wonderfuls every year.t and for all you moms and grandmoms out there, summer is the best time to get lost in a book. and this is the 2024 summer reading list for kid will pus. we will put it up on the website. you can go to bush center .org to check it out. it's got ine brid books like madeline lov bridge to tabitha and guess how much i love you,e you, amer. >> it's a lot.>> g such a danger. omresuchg.
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well, you know what? i'm on brand. jessn branujesse, are yo on brand? >> not really. but you know, i am a very givingd jesse: and thoughtful , so. no, not on brand. >> firecracker is celebrating a birthday today. there's frenchie. fothose ofhowyou who don't kno who she is, she's the one thatsa sends us all of these amazing mails for fan mail.estion friday, probably 50% of the l come fromn fan mai frenchie. >> so happy birthday tonights nine on jesse watters, primetime, anna, paulina luna, judge jeanine pirrro,o, kayleigh mcenany, and gianni bellisario, who i had no longer that said a little tongue twist to it,he but they're all right, by the way, the foo s d is fabulous. >> oh, hey, it's time forbabies my babies. okay, that's enough.t okay. anywt your. >> all right, we got to get rid of that audio. but anyway, it was a positivelya fabulous tuesday night for sage, the dapper poodle wes
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actually took home the top prize at westminster dogtm showr she beat out more than 3000 pups for the title and. and her win marks the 11th triumph for poodles in them to event's history. and those are my babies,ould h red ten and stella. they asked them to be in, but they should have won it. they couldavrobbed o. >> at one time, the beach club was robbed once again. verya sk well. >> the sky's the limit for thi one teenage girl from chicago. g i love this story. after earning her doctorate in integrated behavioralrahavioh from arizona state at just 17 years old, dorothy jean tillman , the second started taking college classes at just ten, completed most of her classwork remotely and online, spent her teenage onteenage t doing things we did, but earning associates bachelor's and master's degrees. baelor's the founder and ceoin of a leadership institute supporting stem and the arts. wellth, you go, girl. >> i love you, dad. congratulations to you. all righ mber, itt. >> that's it for us. everyone. have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow. >> welcome to jesse waters.


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